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Enzyme producing bacterial flora isolated from fish digestive tracts   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Isolationand enumeration of aerobic bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract of nineculturable freshwater teleosts, namely catla, rohu, mrigal, silver carp, grasscarp, common carp, tilapia, walking catfish and murrel have been carried out.Amylolytic, cellulolytic, lipolytic and proteolytic microflora were identifiedfrom the culture plate using selective media. The isolates were qualitativelyscreened on the basis of their extracellular enzyme producing ability. Theselected strains were further quantitatively assayed for amylase, cellulase,lipase and protease activities. Protease activity was exhibited by almost allthe bacterial isolates, while strains isolated from tilapia, grass carp andcommon carp showed considerable amylolytic and cellulolytic activities. Maximumactivity of lipase was exhibited by a strain isolated from silver carp. Thestudy indicates that there is a distinct microbial source of the digestiveenzymes – amylase, cellulase, lipase and protease, apart from endogenoussources in fish gut. The information generated from the present investigationmight contribute towards better feed formulations for carp at low cost,incorporating the enzyme producing bacterial isolates as probiotics.  相似文献   

随着市场形势的不断变化,金鱼养殖正在成为渔业结构调整的一支生力军。池塘养金鱼因其管理简便、鱼体生长快、生产规模大、经济效益高等特点正在被广大农民朋友采用。但因技术普及不到位,各地养殖水平参差不齐、养殖效益普遍偏低。现就池塘养殖金鱼实用技术介绍如下。  相似文献   

The magnitude of nitrogen fixation in an inorganic fertilized and cereal fed system (fish pond) was measured by an in situ application of the acetylene reduction method. The effects of inorganic fertilization were intensively examined. In comparison with natural lakes, the fish ponds exhibited a relatively low fixation rate. The midday nitrogen fixation rate was usually less than 30 μg at N·m?2·h?1. The total income was equal to 5.7 kg N·ha?1 or 0.575 g N·m?2 for the growing season. Fish-induced bioperturbation and nitrogen fertilization, in the form of inorganic and organic fertilizers and foods, are considered to be the major regulatory factors in nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

2004年11月~2005年11月,在茅莲湖的2个池塘(1.78 hm2)进行了养殖和垂钓结合试验.2004年底从附近鱼塘干塘时直接收购鱼种,一次性放足.冬季密度约为2.5万kg/hm2,夏季减小到1.5万kg/hm2.灵活投喂饲料,抓好水质调节、鱼病防治等日常工作.垂钓集中在春秋季的周末和"黄金周".纯利润166 996元/hm2,投入产出比为1:1.68.  相似文献   

Some data are presented about the gain in weight of rabbit fishes (Siganus vermiculatus) grown at different densities in dirt ponds.  相似文献   

池塘养殖中华绒螯蟹细菌性疾病病原的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从安徽省当涂县和芜湖县池塘养殖患病中华绒螯蟹的肝脏和肌肉组织中分离到35株细菌,经人工感染试验证实DT9和WH21菌株为病原菌。细菌形态特征检查2菌株均为革兰氏阴性杆菌。细菌16S rRNA基因序列分析结果:2条扩增的基因序列长度均为1443bp,DT9菌株与维氏气单胞菌(Aeromonas veronii,FJ490063)的亲缘关系最近,同源性为99.2%。WH21菌株与嗜水气单胞菌(A.hydrophila,AB680307)的亲缘关系最近,同源性为99.9%。  相似文献   

Hydrology of inland brackishwater shrimp ponds in Chachoengsao, Thailand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on a new trend in shrimp aquaculture, the development of brackishwater ponds for Penaeus monodon culture in inland freshwater areas of Thailand’s Central Plain. Water balances were calculated for ponds and reservoirs at an inland shrimp farm in Chachoengsao, Thailand, between May and July 1999. Regulated inflow and outflow were the largest water fluxes, averaging 0.94 and 0.70 cm/day. Other daily average water gains were rainfall (0.52 cm/day) and runoff (1.7 cm/day), and other water losses were evaporation (0.31 cm/day) and seepage (0.52 cm/day). Over an entire crop cycle, of average length 109 days, average water inputs were: initial pond filling (84 cm); regulated inflow (103 cm); rainfall (57 cm); and runoff (3 cm). Average outputs were: regulated outflow (76 cm); seepage (57 cm); evaporation (34 cm); and draining at harvest (87 cm). The main feature of note in the water balance is the large volume of regulated outflow. All regulated outflow and most (82%) of the pondwater drained at harvest went directly to the irrigation canal system. Such large volumes of discharge could have serious environmental implications because small inland waterways have low assimilative capacity and pond effluent is saline. Consumptive water use for 14 inland shrimp ponds and reservoirs averaged 0.83±0.14 cm/day. Consumptive water use was also measured for 11 nearby rice fields, the main land use in the regions where inland shrimp farming is proliferating. Rice paddy water use averaged 0.91±0.17 cm/day. There was no significant difference in the daily consumptive water use of shrimp ponds and rice fields, suggesting that conversion from rice farming to shrimp farming would have little net impact on water availability for irrigation.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study investigated interactions between zooplanktivores (roach and perch) and piscivorcs (pike and large perch) in experimental ponds (16 m2) with open water habitat and three densities of natural macrophytes. Fish habitat selection was determined both day and night and was supported by daytime observations to study anti-predator behavioural patterns. Diel migration out from among macrophytes was seen in the absence of predators, particularly for roach, which changed from 13% of individuals being in open water during the day to 90% at night. The risk of predation from piscivores influenced the habitat selection of the zooplanktivores. Roach seemed to be the most vulnerable to predation from pike and selected the open water (90-92%) during daylight hours, but kept a 1-m distance from the macrophytes edge. The presence of pike thus reduced the use of macrophytes by roach, which in turn may improve macrophytes and the edge area as a refuge for zooplankton. Pike appeared to have less impact on the gross habitat selection of O+ perch, which were associated with the macrophytes (58–89%), though they were still vulnerable to predation. Adult perch, which was a generally less effective predator than pike, showed subdued behavior, concealing them selves in the macrophytes most of the time. No effect of the simultaneous presence of two predator species was found.  相似文献   

Abstract. In continuation of an experiment carried out in 1983, the effect of polyculture of bottom-feeding fish (common carp. Cyprinus carpio L.; tilapia hybrids, Oreochromis nilolicus (L.) × O. aureus (Steindadner); and grey mullet, Mugil cephalus (L.) and a filter-feeding fish (silver carp. Hypopluhalmichtys molitrix (Valenciennes)) on the nannoplankton and netplanklon has been studied. This effect was analysed through principal component analysis. The results confirmed the linding of 1983 that the presence of silver carp in a pond, either alone or with bottom-feeding fish, results in a decrease in netplankton (phylo- and zooplankton) and an increase in nannoplankton which passes through the tiller apparatus of the fish. The effect of the silver carp seems to be related more to its numerical density than to its individual weight, since the effect diminished with the decrease in density during 1983–1985. It became least pronounced when the density was 400/ha. Bottom-feeding fish enhance the development of the larger nannoplankton by bringing up nutrients from the bottom, but reduce the number of the netplankton (mainly zooplankton) as compared to the control pond without lish. This effect was more apparent at a higher density of tilapia. but was masked when silver carp was present.  相似文献   

Bottom soil samples were collected from 35 ponds in the vicinity of Samutprakarn, Thailand. Ponds ranged in age from 3 to 39 years and had been used continuously for production of tilapia. Liming materials had been applied in large amounts, and bottom soils of all ponds had pH above 7, low exchange acidity, and free carbonate. Pond soils often contained between 1% and 2% total sulphur, suggesting that they were potential acid–sulphate soils. However, acidity from sulphide oxidation was not expressed because carbonate in the soil neutralized it. Concentrations of total carbon seldom exceeded 4% and the average for organic carbon was 1.90%. The correlations between pond age and both total carbon and organic carbon concentration were weak (r=0.34 and 0.36 respectively). Concentrations of nitrogen in bottom soils did not differ with pond age and ranged from 0.1% to 0.3% with an average of 0.19%. The average ratio of concentrations of carbon and nitrogen was 11. Acid‐extractable phosphorus concentrations averaged 217 mg kg?1, but the phosphorus adsorption capacity averaged 768 mg kg?1 suggesting that soils still have considerable reserve capacity to adsorb phosphorus. Ponds can be used annually for semi‐intensive production of tilapia, and presumably other species, for many years without serious deterioration of bottom soil quality.  相似文献   

Streptococcus spp. are major pathogenic bacteria associated with massive mortality in tilapia. This study investigated the phenotypic and genotypic characterization of Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) and Streptococcus iniae (S. iniae) isolated from tilapia in river-based floating cage and earthen pond farms in northern Thailand. Isolates were identified by biochemical and molecular analyses. Capsular typing, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus polymerase chain reaction and multilocus sequence typing were performed to investigate the genetic relatedness. Six and one isolates were confirmed as GBS and S. iniae, respectively. All Streptococcus spp. isolates were obtained from 4 river-based cage farms (4/33), while samples collected from earthen pond farms (N = 28) were negative for streptococcosis. All GBS with serotype Ⅲ and sequence type (ST) 283 was observed. The β-haemolytic GBS isolates were resistant to five antimicrobials, while the S. iniae was susceptible to all antimicrobials. This study indicates both GBS and S. iniae are the major bacterial pathogens responsible for streptococcosis infection in farmed tilapia of northern Thailand with GBS as dominant species. This survey highlights that the river-based cage farms seriously impact on the healthy development of the tilapia industry.  相似文献   

Mycobacteriosis in fish can result in ulcers, emaciation, and in some cases death. Mycobacteria have been previously isolated from a variety of Chesapeake Bay fish species, and the current study was designed to identify potential host specificity and location fidelity of mycobacterial isolates. Mycobacteria were isolated from wild fish of the Chesapeake Bay collected from the Upper Bay, the Choptank River, Herring Bay, the Chicamacomico River, the Pocomoke River and the Potomac River in 2003–2006. Mycobacterial isolates were recovered from striped bass, Morone saxatilis , Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus , white perch, Morone americana , summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus , spot, Leiostomus xanthurus , largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides , channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus , common carp, Cyprinus carpio carpio , spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus , killifish, Fundulus sp., blueback herring, Alosa aestivalis , American gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum and American silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura . Twenty-nine well-defined mycobacterial groups resulted from gas chromatography dendrogram clustering of isolates. The majority of groups included more than one host species and more than one site of collection. However, four groups contained only striped bass isolates, three of which were similar to M. shottsii . Therefore, multiple Chesapeake Bay fish species are colonized with multiple mycobacterial isolates, of which few appear to be host or location specific.  相似文献   

A nutrient budget of some intensive marine shrimp ponds in Thailand   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract. A mass balance was constructed for nutrient flow through intensive marine shrimp ponds in which budgets for nitrogen and phosphorus were determined for a series of ponds in southern Thailand over two or three culture cycles. Ninety-five per cent of the nitrogen and 71% of the phosphorus applied to the ponds was in the form of feed and fertilizers. Of the feed input (at a food conversion ratio of 2) only 24% of the nitrogen and 13% of the phosphorus was incorporated into the shrimp harvested, whilst the remainder was retained in the pond and ultimately exported to the surrounding environment. The effluent water contained 35% of the nitrogen and 10% of the phosphorus discharged. Of the N and P exported in this effluent, 63–67% occurred during routine water exchange and the remainder during drainage on harvest. A major portion of the nitrogen (31%) and most of the phosphorus (84%) was retained in the sediments, emphasizing the importance of the correct removal and disposal of sediments between crops. Pond age (between two and six production cycles) did not markedly affect nutrient flows, whilst increasing stocking density increased the quantity of nutrients, but not their relative proportions.
The results derived from the nutrient budget provide data which may help define effective management techniques for reducing potentially harmful nutrient levels within intensive shrimp ponds, and for reducing the discharge of nutrients to the local environment. The data may also assist in determining the carrying capacity of an area for shrimp farming, and the potential impact of its development on the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. An antigenic comparison of five rotaviruses isolated from fish in Spain, the USA and Canada was carried out using neutralization, immunodot and ELISA tests. The Spanish isolate (turbot rotavirus) was serologically different from the other four rotaviruses, by neutralization and immunodot. By these two techniques, among the four American strains the two isolates from Canada (smelt rolavirus and Atlantic salmon rotavirus) were closely related antigenically, and the two strains from USA (striped bass rotavirus and the Hetrick & Baya rotavirus, isolated from salmon) seemed to be the same scrotype. These results were supported by those obtained in the comparison of the RNA patterns of the five viruses. However, the antigenie relationships among these rotaviruses were very different when employing the ELISA technique.  相似文献   

Water budgets were calculated for embankment fish ponds located in the dry tropics. Two 5-month studies were conducted at Comayagua, Honduras. Daily pond evaporation averaged 0·55 ± 0·22 and 0·64 ± 0·17 cm during studies 1 and 2, respectively. Pond evaporation was 14·5% greater during study 2. Significantly greater pond evaporation was measured during the 3 driest months compared to the 3 rainiest months. Mean daily seepage ranged from 0·11 to 0·43 cm and from 0·06 to 0·60 cm during studies 1 and 2, respectively. Total rainfall during study 1 exceeded that during study 2 by 43%. Regulated inflow water was required every month to replace water losses to pond evaporation and seepage. Pond evaporation accounted for 70% of total water loss during both studies, while seepage accounted for the remaining water loss. Rain accounted for 45·5 and 21·8% of gains during studies 1 and 2, respectively. Regulated inflow water accounted for 52·8 and 77·9% of the respective gains.  相似文献   

自1993年中国对虾白斑病毒(WSSV)爆发以来,对虾养殖陷入低谷,如何进行池塘养殖,多年来一直是水产科研工作者不断摸索试验的问题。2008年至2009年,我们进行了池塘多品种立体健康混养模式,平均亩效益达到5000元以上,现将养殖情况报告如下:  相似文献   

山塘高产高效生态养鱼技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高南平市山塘养鱼产量、经济效益和产品质量,降低生产成本,笔者根据当地渔业生产情况和山塘特点,结合多年的生产实际及相关理论,总结一套“多规格与多品种生态混养”、“一次放足与多次捕捞”、“主攻年头、年尾与有效管理年中”的养殖新技术,在南平市各地示范推广取得较好的效果,现将这一养殖模式介绍如下,供同行业者参考。  相似文献   

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