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Abstract –  Spatial distribution of the fish community in the deep canyon-shaped Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic, was studied using overnight gillnetting fishing in 1999–2007. Effects of depth, distance from the dam to the tributary and habitat type (benthic and pelagic) on fish community structure, catch per unit of effort (CPUE), biomass per unit of effort (BPUE) and average weight were tested. Fish were recorded in all sampled depths and parts of the reservoir. Redundancy analysis revealed that effects of three environmental variables were significant and most variability was explained by depth, then by distance from the dam and habitat type. CPUE and BPUE of all species decreased with depth and responses of individual species to depth were similar for juvenile and adult fish. Number of species, CPUE and BPUE of all species except perch increased heading towards the tributary and peaked close to or at the tributary part of the reservoir. Responses of juvenile fish to distance from the dam differed from that of adult fish. Structure of fish community differed in benthic and pelagic habitats with species preferably occupying epipelagic (bleak, asp, rudd and juvenile bleak, roach and bream) or littoral waters (perch, pikeperch, ruffe, roach, bream and juvenile percids). This study showed that fish distribution in the reservoir followed distinct patterns, which were probably shaped by a combination of physiological constraints plus trade-off between food resources and competition.  相似文献   

Identification of patterns in community structure is a central theme in freshwater ecology. Our objectives were to identify temporal patterns in fish assemblages from 1980 to 2010 in the West Fork White River in east‐central Indiana using the Malthusian growth model and determine whether changes in the population growth rate parameter were related to Grinnellian niche breadth. We studied local‐scale fish assemblages in a Midwestern United States river at 16 sites for a period of 30 years. We used a hierarchical model to estimate population abundance parameters of the Malthusian growth model. Niche breadth was incorporated as a model parameter to explain variation in the population growth rate. Parameters of the model were fit using Bayesian inference. We identified notable changes in the fish assemblages; however, the patterns for temporal trends in individual species abundances were not conserved across sites. Decreasing trends were observed in longear sunfish, striped shiner, white sucker, central stoneroller, common carp and creek chub while bluegill and mimic shiner increased in abundance. Longear sunfish was the only species that exhibited the same trend in abundance for all sites. Niche breadth was inversely related to the population growth rate at sites adjacent to low‐head dam impoundments. We suggest that the presence of multiple impoundments has resulted in a fragmented series of fish assemblages.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of environmental change on the trophic cascade from fish to benthic algae, two 26-day experiments were conducted in outdoor flow-through pools. Habitat heterogeneity was manipulated by filling grooves under tiles with wood. Disturbance was simulated by removing invertebrates and benthic algae from tiles with a stainless steel brush 10 days before the end of the experiment. Benthic invertebrates and algae rapidly colonized the pools. Japanese dace Tribolodon hakonensis that had been introduced as a top predator fed predominantly on ephemeropteran nymphs, chironomid larvae, trichopteran larvae, and benthic algae. Predation and intimidation by the dace reduced the number of ephemeropteran nymphs and lowered the percentage of invertebrates on the upper surfaces and sides of the tiles. Consequently, dace increased the algal biomass through a trophic cascade. When dace were present, a disturbance did not reduce the numbers of invertebrates at the end of the experiment, probably because most invertebrates recolonized the tiles and new invertebrates rapidly colonized the pools. The manipulation of habitat heterogeneity reduced the number of trichopteran larvae, but did not affect other invertebrates that used all surfaces of the tiles. Consequently, trophic cascades were not damped by these changes of habitat heterogeneity and disturbance.  相似文献   

  • 1. Conservation biologists need tools that can utilize existing data to identify areas with the appropriate habitat for species of conservation concern. Regression models that predict suitable habitat from geospatial data are such a tool. Multiple logistic regression models developed from existing geospatial data were used to identify large‐scale stream characteristics associated with the occurrence of mountain suckers (Catostomus platyrhynchus), a species of conservation concern, in the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming, USA.
  • 2. Stream permanence, stream slope, stream order, and elevation interacted in complex ways to influence the occurrence of mountain suckers. Mountain suckers were more likely to be present in perennial streams, and in larger, higher gradient streams at higher elevations but in smaller, lower gradient streams at lower elevations.
  • 3. Applying the logistic regression model to all streams provided a way to identify streams in the Black Hills National Forest most likely to have mountain suckers present. These types of models and predictions can be used to prioritize areas that should be surveyed to locate additional populations, identify stream segments within catchments for population monitoring, aid managers in assessing whether proposed forest management will potentially have impacts on fish populations, and identify streams most suitable for stream rehabilitation and conservation or translocation efforts.
  • 4. When the effect of large brown trout (Salmo trutta) was added to the best model of abiotic factors, it had a negative effect on the occurrence of mountain suckers. Negative effects of brown trout on the mountain sucker suggest that management of recreational trout fisheries needs to be balanced with mountain sucker conservation in the Black Hills. However, more spatially explicit information on brown trout abundance would allow managers to understand where the two species interact and where recreational fisheries need to be balanced with fish conservation.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

林坤  麦广铭  王力飞  王学锋 《水产学报》2020,44(11):1841-1850
群落稳定性是研究群落结构与功能的重要内容,而生态网络稳健性是群落稳定性的重要指标。本研究依据2015—2018年珠江口海域底拖网调查的鱼类群落数据,利用鱼类的捕食与被捕食关系分别构建了4个年份的生态网络,以"快照"形式反映调查时段的群落特征,并分析了网络的拓扑性质。结果显示:①点度分布[P(k)]均服从幂律分布,各网络均属于复杂网络,表明网络应对随机扰动(如捕捞、环境突变)的能力较强,符合河口生境多变的特征;②种类数量年际波动较大,而网络密度(D)介于0.03~0.10且逐年降低,表明网络稳健性呈逐年弱化的趋势,且该趋势基本未受到种类数量变化的影响;③网络具随机网络的低平均路径长度(APL)、低聚类系数(C)的特征(APL均为1,C介于0.01~0.06),能流效率较高,种间关系分布较均匀。本研究为量化分析近岸关键水域的鱼类群落结构及其稳定性提供了参考。  相似文献   

Aquaculture is viewed as a potential mechanism to meet the growing demand for seafood around the world. The future of bivalve shellfish aquaculture in the U.S. hinges on sustainable practices on the part of industry and a more consistent regulatory regime. Bivalve shellfish aquaculture is a recent practice relative to its history in other countries, beginning in the late 1800s along the U.S. West Coast where it is now well established with farm raised product utilizing land-based hatcheries and grow-out directly in numerous estuaries. Bivalve shellfish aquaculture can be viewed as a disturbance which modifies the estuarine system in three ways: 1) changes in material processes — bivalves process food and produce wastes; 2) addition of physical structure — aquaculture introduces the cultured organisms and in some cases a physical anchoring structure; and 3) pulse disturbances like harvest and bed maintenance disturb sediments, remove species in addition to the cultured organisms themselves, and change resource or habitat availability. In U.S. West Coast estuaries, water column and sediment nutrient concentrations are relatively high and influenced by large tidal exchange and proximity to deeper nearshore ocean waters where upwelling controls production during summer months. Bivalves are unlikely to influence material processes except at local bed scales in these systems, although estuary-wide effects could appear as the fraction of cultured area rises or in poorly flushed bays. Bivalve culture clearly modifies estuarine habitat at local community and at landscape scales and effects are most often evaluated against existing structured habitat in the form of submerged aquatic vegetation. Individual activities act as pulse disturbances and the recovery of eelgrass (Zostera marina) to pre-disturbance levels is variable (< 2 to > 5 years). The extent of disturbance depends on the aquaculture practice and the distribution of eelgrass reflects a balance of space competition, pulse disturbance and recovery, and is therefore at dynamic equilibrium on aquaculture beds. Structure provided by aquaculture appears functionally similar to eelgrass for small benthic infauna and mobile epibenthic fauna while use of aquaculture as habitat by larger more mobile invertebrates and fish depends on mobility and varies with life-history stage and taxon being evaluated. Scale seems a very important management consideration and further research at estuarine landscape scales, especially for habitat use by important invertebrates and fish, may prove useful in designing and implementing best management practices. Though local and short term effects from aquaculture are clearly evident in U.S. West Coast estuaries, bivalve aquaculture does not remove area from the estuary or degrade water quality like other anthropogenic influences, and thus has not been implicated in shifts to alternate states or reduced adaptive capacity of the larger ecological system.  相似文献   

  • 1. In order to promote the establishment of the first marine protected area (MPA) in Taiwan, the conservation values of 12 reef sites in the Penghu Islands were evaluated. The results together with a 6‐year surveillance programme revealed that the Chinwan Inner Bay (CIB) possesses the best coral community in the Penghu Islands with the highest coral cover, high species diversity and habitat types, as well as a high conservation value.
  • 2. Utilization of biological resources and socio‐economic factors of CIB were investigated by intensive field surveys and a complete visit‐and‐poll survey respectively. Most of the fishing at CIB is for recreational purposes and is characterized by low investment, low harvest rates, high dependence on weather conditions, and self‐consumption.
  • 3. The socio‐economic data showed that there was basically no direct conflict of interests with local communities at two neighbouring villages, and most local residents indicated that they would support the MPA proposal.
  • 4. A blueprint for a CIB MPA based on the results of these biological and socio‐economic investigations is proposed. Environmental threats including anchor damage and the predation of Drupella snails need to be ameliorated and monitored through the implementation of appropriate management. The involvement of local communities is key to the success of this MPA and environmental education is recommended to promote public awareness.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

长江宜昌至城陵矶江段鱼类资源现状及物种多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2010—2011年分别于3月、7月和10月在宜昌、荆州和城陵矶江段对长江中游鱼类资源进行了调查,共采集到鱼类58种,隶属于7目14科,其中鲤科鱼类最多,有36种,占总种类数的62.1%。鲢(Hypophthalmich-thys molitrix)、鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)和南方鲇(Silurus meridionalis)依次占了渔获总量的前4位。但青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)、草鱼、鲢、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)等的数量比重却低于野杂鱼(Hemiculter leucisclus)。宜昌、荆州、城陵矶江段,生物多样性指数和物种丰富度指数依次下降,3个江段的物种优势度指数存在一定差异。主要鱼类生物学统计表明,城陵矶江段部分鱼类平均体长和体重,草鱼分别下降了60%和95%,鲢下降了50%和80%。长江中游鱼类资源呈现出低龄化和小型化的趋势,其中铜鱼变化最为明显,资源衰退情况非常严重。  相似文献   

  1. Large-scale movement of fishes is a challenge for conservation and management in rivers, especially when individuals can cross jurisdictional boundaries.
  2. Assessing large-scale movement is particularly difficult during early life stages, especially when endangered species are involved. After hatching, free embryos of the federally endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) drift long distances during development. Following the transition to exogenous feeding, individuals may continue to move downstream, resulting in a potential two-step migration.
  3. Tagged age-0 pallid sturgeon were stocked into the lower Missouri River, which provided an opportunity to assess pallid sturgeon dispersal as well as the hypothesized two-step migration. From July 2018 to April 2021, 79 individuals were captured, with most dispersing 200–800 km downstream from the stocking location.
  4. The observed dispersal of pallid sturgeon supports the two-step downstream migration hypothesis. This migration may lead to dispersal into the Mississippi River, which highlights the need for expanded monitoring into the Mississippi River for an effective evaluation of pallid sturgeon recovery actions. This study also reinforces the importance of inter-jurisdictional management and collaboration to better account for the large-scale movement of river fishes.

Summaries of maritime weather reports and mean seasonal satellite-sensed ocean colour distributions for the Mediterranean Sea are used to identify characteristic configurations of physical mechanisms promoting (i) nutrient enrichment, (ii) concentration of larval food distributions, and (iii) local retention of eggs and larvae. Five subbasin scale `ocean triads', hypothesized to be particularly favourable groupings, are identified in the Aegean Sea, the Gulf of Lions and nearby Catalan Coast, the Alboran Sea, the Straits of Sicily/Tunisian Coast, and the Adriatic Sea. These are examined in relation to available knowledge of anchovy spawning grounds. All areas are characterized by patterns of linked wind-driven Ekman upwelling and downwelling. All areas except the Straits of Sicily are found to have inputs of less saline surface waters offering raised nutrient concentrations, enhanced upper layer stability, and frontal density contrasts, and to have areas where the characteristic rate of turbulent mixing energy input by the wind fall below a reference intensity level. All areas, except the Sicilian Channel/Tunisian Coast, also contain abundant locally reproducing anchovy populations.  相似文献   

Imperfect detection associated with sampling gear presents challenges for wildlife inventory and monitoring efforts. We examined occupancy dynamics and habitat use of juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, in shallow lake environments over a summer and early fall season in the Knik River area of south central Alaska using models which control for and estimate sampling gear detection efficiency. In addition, we present statements for the probability that observed absences at a survey site or from a survey area (a collection of sites) are true absences given some amount of sampling effort and analysts' beliefs about site occupancy and sampling gear detection efficiency which can be used to guide inventory and monitoring efforts for juvenile salmon or other wildlife and plant species. Occupancy modelling results demonstrate that minnow traps were effective at sampling juvenile coho in shallow lake environments, with a mean probability of detection across the study period of 0.68 (i.e., probability of detecting the presence of juvenile coho given that they are present at a trap site; SE = 0.03). Juvenile coho salmon migrated into shallow water lakes in late summer and early fall, presumably to seek out overwinter habitat. N‐mixture modelling examination of habitat use demonstrated that once in shallow lake environments, juvenile coho were widely distributed across a range of microhabitats, with some evidence for preference for shallower depths and warmer water temperatures.  相似文献   

1. The River Mersey is one of the most polluted and heavily engineered watercourses in Europe. Improvements in water quality have led to the re-establishment of fish populations in parts of the catchment. Further improvements in the water quality of the Mersey Basin are planned. The Environment Agency is building on these water quality improvements by improving the physical structure of watercourses and their corridors as part of catchment-wide community-driven initiatives. 2. Two examples are given. Whittle Brook, a small lowland watercourse, was unusual in that the highly engineered and managed stream ran through an area of landscaped ‘green space’ in a modern housing development. The physical structures of the stream and its riparian zone have been restored as an integral feature of its local landscape. The River Alt is a medium-sized lowland watercourse that has been heavily ‘channelized’ in the past. As part of a community-driven catchment plan called ‘Alt 2000’, a culverted section of the river has been restored to an open river corridor designed to create a range of riparian habitats with associated planting. 3. The paper illustrates a multi-functional approach used in urban river rehabilitation and concludes that the involvement of multi-functional teams with the local community is the key to success. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The reaction of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in an ice‐ and snow‐covered pond to depletion of dissolved oxygen (DO) in winter was recorded using radio telemetry. The carp moved from the deeper parts of the pond to the shallow areas near the tributary in search of better oxygenated water. Evidence was found that feeding occurred until December but ceased with the oxygen crisis. After the carp farmer started aeration to improve the oxygen supply, carp returned towards the deeper parts of the pond. The gross activity was significantly correlated with DO (P<0.001) and was not influenced by water temperature (P>0.05). The clear documentation of the carp's reaction to oxygen depletion suggests, that radio telemetry may be useful for investigating the effects of various stress factors on fish in pond aquaculture.  相似文献   

Abstract – Factors associated with the spatial and temporal variation of the lower Guadiana basin (southern Iberia) fish community were determined using data from 20 sites sampled during the summer of 1994 (dry year following a period of low discharge, total discharge from 1992 to 1994=1.45×109 m3) and again during the summer of 1996 (wet year following a period of higher discharge, total discharge from January 1995 to August 1996=6.18×109 m3). From the 17 explanatory variables initially considered six were retained for analysis by a forward selection procedure: maximum depth, altitude, channel width, substrate coarseness, SALT (a dummy variable identifying sampling locations belonging to tributaries that discharge to the brackish Guadiana) and YEAR (a dummy variable identifying the sampling year). Further, we partitioned the total variability in the Guadiana fish community into that accounted uniquely by selected environmental variables (34.9%), uniquely by sampling year (4.1%), by both sampling year and environmental variables (0.3%), and unexplained (60.7%). NOTE  相似文献   

Fisheries Science - In the original publication the caption of Fig.&nbsp;6a and 6b is incorrectly published.  相似文献   

Today, we need to produce sufficient food and simultaneously conserve biodiversity. But, could biodiversity associated with certain food production practices also be used in marketing products? We analyse this possibility for creating a food quality label for carp raised in the Dombes territory, a cultural landscape of fish ponds in France. The biodiversity of 99 fish ponds was studied in the Dombes territory by analysing aquatic vegetation, dragonflies, amphibians, macroinvertebrates, habitats around ponds, and water quality. In addition, a survey with 200 questionnaires and interviews was conducted with consumers to investigate fish and carp consumption and knowledge about quality labels and biodiversity. Findings reveal that fish production practices conserve remarkable species diversity, particularly for aquatic vegetation, dragonflies and amphibians, and habitats around the ponds. This relatively high level of biodiversity is found in spite of having very nutrient-rich fish pond systems, systems for which normally a low level of biodiversity is expected. Nevertheless, currently this biodiversity cannot be valorised for setting up a quality label for locally produced carp. Firstly, few consumers have adequate knowledge about carp and are interested in eating it. Secondly, most of them have less knowledge about the quality label which wanted to be established for carp from the Dombes. Thirdly, only less than one-third of the consumer is familiar with the term “biodiversity”. Fourthly, the stakeholder network of the supply chain is presently not able to communicate the message of biodiversity as they themselves lack a sufficient knowledge about biodiversity of their systems.  相似文献   

This report documents an emerging trend of identification of Megalocytivirus-like inclusions in a range of ornamental fish species intercepted during quarantine detention at the Australian border. From September 2012 to February 2013, 5 species of fish that had suffered mortality levels in excess of 25% whilst in the post-entry quarantine and had Megalocytivirus-like inclusion bodies in histological sections were examined by PCR. The fish had been imported from Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Ninety-seven of 111 individual fish from affected tanks of fish tested were positive for the presence of Megalocytivirus by PCR. Sequence analysis of representative PCR products revealed an identical sequence of 621 bp in all cases which was identical to a previously characterized Megalocytivirus (Sabah/RAA1/2012 strain BMGIV48). Phylogenetic analysis of available Megalocytivirus major capsid protein (MCP) sequences confirmed the existence of 3 major clades of Megalocytivirus. The virus detected in this study was identified as a member of Genotype II. The broad host range and pathogenicity of megalocytiviruses, coupled to the documented spread of ornamental fish into the environment, render this a significant and emerging biosecurity threat to Australia.  相似文献   

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