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Chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta eggs from the Chitose and Shiriuchi rivers in Hokkaido, northern Japan, were incubated under identical conditions with the aim of comparing vertebral number (V N) to that reported archived data from the 1950s. The comparison revealed that mean V N of salmon from the Shiriuchi River has remained unchanged for 50 years and is higher than that from the Chitose River. The V N in the Chitose River salmon was found to be significantly higher than that recorded in the archival data. The variation in the mean V N of chum salmon fry collected during different seasons and years in the Chitose River falls within a range that has remained constant, suggesting that the difference between the values obtained in our study and the archival data may be due to differences in the timing of egg collection. These results indicate that the mean V N of chum salmon has been stable for a long period. Incubation experiments under identical conditions are a useful tool for examining changes in genetic structure and detecting the essential properties of populations.  相似文献   

Ichthyobodosis caused by the ectoparasitic flagellate Ichthyobodo salmonis is a significant cause of mortality in juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta reared in hatcheries of northern Japan. The present study established a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay (qPCR) of I. salmonis ribosomal DNA (rDNA) using SYBR Green. This assay allows monitoring of parasite infections for the epidemiological study and control of ichthyobodosis in hatcheries. qPCR showed high reproducibility for measurements between 1.0 and 1.0 × 108 rDNA copy/μl. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of parasites and the amount of I. salmonis rDNA. A survey using the qPCR assay indicated that infection by I. salmonis was present in 23 of 87 hatcheries; parasite loads were estimated to be between 50 and 750 parasites/g juvenile body weight. These results demonstrate that our qPCR assay enables the surveying of juvenile chum salmon reared in hatcheries for infection by I. salmonis.  相似文献   

Hereditary causes of variation in the vertebral number of chum salmon were analyzed to estimate heritability for populations in the Chitose and Shikiu Rivers, Hokkaido Island, northern Japan. A total of 70 families were produced by diallel cross mating and then heritability was estimated using two statistical tests: a two-way ANOVA and a parent-offspring regression. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.26 to 1.91 and showed a strong correlation between the values from the two different tests. Estimates from female components were substantially higher than those from male components, which can be attributed to the maternal effect. Heritability in the Shikiu River population was shown to be higher than that in the Chitose River population. These results indicate that the heritability of vertebral number in chum salmon is generally high, and also that vertebral number is controlled by hereditary causes.  相似文献   

Wild stocks of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta are supplemented by hatchery fry enhancement programs in northern Honshu, Japan. To maintain these programs, there is a need to reduce expenses and labor. Eyed egg planting is more cost effective than hatchery production of fry. Therefore, we evaluated the effect of environmental conditions on survival of chum salmon eyed eggs planted using Whitlock–Vibert boxes. We measured the percent cumulative weight of fine sediments, Fredle index (FI) as a measure of permeability, vertical hydraulic gradient, water depth (WD), and flow velocity at planting locations. Egg-to-fry survival averaged 92.7% (range: 57.2–100%) in 2013 (N = 19) and 71.5% (range: 6.4–100%) in 2014 (N = 23). Survival was significantly positively correlated with FI and flow velocity, negatively associated with percent cumulative weight of fine sediments and WD. Vertical hydraulic gradient had no effect on survival. Our results suggest that a higher FI (i.e., low amount of fine material and larger particle size), higher flow velocity, and shallower WD reduce the mortality of planted chum salmon eyed eggs. This is likely a result of increased permeability in the substrate and restriction of fine sediment intrusion into the incubation zone.  相似文献   

Interannual variations in abundance, timing of outmigration from rivers, growth rate and condition of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were studied in the Nemuro Strait (eastern Hokkaido, Japan) during 1999–2002 to establish a possible relationship to zooplankton abundance. The otolith microstructure of juveniles was examined each year in late June to determine their time and size at sea entry (i.e., outmigration), and to estimate the early marine growth rates. Salmon outmigration peaked in mid- or late May, which coincided, in three of the four study years, with the peak release of juveniles into rivers within the study area. Abundance, growth rate and condition of fish were higher in 2001, when—compared to other years—smaller fish experienced higher growth rates, coinciding with greater zooplankton abundance for that year. Our results suggest that high zooplankton abundance positively influenced juvenile chum salmon growth and the condition of the fish during their early marine life despite their small size at sea entry.  相似文献   

Juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta originating from rivers along the Pacific coast of Japan migrate northwards to the Sea of Okhotsk, typically passing off Konbumori, near the easternmost part of Hokkaido Island. We used daily-increment analysis of otoliths to back-calculate the growth rates [mean daily growth rate in fork length (FL)] of 369 juveniles (56–146 mm FL) originating from various rivers southwest of Konbumori, and sampled at Konbumori between 2005 and 2014. We examined differences in growth rate in terms of differences in distance from the source of juveniles, their river or region of origin, to Konbumori, and FL at time of collection. The results show that juvenile chum salmon originating from distant sources tended to grow faster than those from more proximal sources, likely contributing to larger FLs in the former. Growth rates of larger fish (≥ 90 mm FL) differed little (medians: 0.64–0.68 mm/day) among regions of origin, whereas those of smaller fish tended to be low among fish originating from more proximal regions (20–126 km from Konbumori). These results suggest that fish migrating from more distant rivers were better able to survive and to reach Konbumori by achieving or exceeding a certain growth rate.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations and reaction norms for vertebral number (V N) in response to incubation water temperature were estimated in adult and juvenile naturally spawning chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta. The mean V N of adults varied according to spawning time; the early-spawning population had higher V N values than the late-spawning population. Moreover, the mean V N values in the early-spawning population decreased with seasonal changes, whereas V N values in the late-spawning population remained stable. Chum salmon embryos in three full-sib families were incubated at five different temperatures until hatching, and the V N values of the resulting juveniles were analyzed. The V N reaction norm to incubation water temperature showed a V-shaped curve that was lowest at an intermediate temperature. The mean V N at the same incubation temperature varied among the three families. These results suggest that V N values in chum salmon are influenced by genetic components and incubation water temperatures. V N may be a useful parameter for estimating the environmental conditions during ontogenesis and the genetic background by detecting population changes.  相似文献   

Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) based on scale patterns was used to develop a methodology of estimating regional origins of chum salmon. Age-4 fish were sampled in 2004–2006 from 12 river stocks of the Okhotsk and Sea of Japan (SJ) regions from Hokkaido to Honshu. The scale radius at the first annulus of each fish was separated into i intervals and the radius of each interval was divided by the number of scale circuli within the interval to quantify scale patterns. The i variables and five other morphometric measurements were used in a stepwise LDA to classify the following regional groups: Hokkaido and Honshu (I), Okhotsk and SJ (II), Okhotsk, Hokkaido SJ and Honshu SJ (III). Percentages of correctly classified fish (hit rates) improved with increased i but tended to be close to asymptotic values in all cases. Hit rates for each river stock in case (I) ranged from 74.3% to 100% (mean 97.2%), estimated by direct maximum likelihood methods using predictor variable sets from the best models for LDAs. Hit rates were lower in cases (II) and (III). This study demonstrated that scale patterns are useful for classifying the origins of chum salmon, at least between Hokkaido and Honshu.  相似文献   

Brown trout Salmo trutta were first introduced into Japan in 1892, and they currently naturally reproduce in several rivers in Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan. Although negative impacts of brown trout introductions on native salmonid fishes have been documented in some Hokkaido rivers, studies of ecological interactions between brown trout and native salmonid fishes on Honshu are limited. In this study, we describe the longitudinal distribution patterns of introduced brown trout, white-spotted charr Salvelinus leucomaenis and masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in a 4 km stretch of a stream in central Honshu. Underwater observations were conducted in all pools within upstream, middle and downstream sections (190–400 m in length) of this stretch in order to estimate the densities of these species. Only white-spotted charr was observed in the upstream section, while brown trout and masu salmon were observed in the middle and downstream sections. Masu salmon densities, however, were much lower than brown trout densities. In the downstream section, white-spotted charr was absent. These results are consistent with results from previous studies of Hokkaido rivers, where it was found that white-spotted charr in low-gradient areas tend to be displaced by brown trout.  相似文献   

In aquaculture, antibiotics are the traditional treatment used against bacterial infections. However, their use has increasingly come into question given their effects on fish and, possibly, on human health. Consequently, there is interest in developing alternative treatments aimed at stimulating the innate immune response of fish, which is the first line of defense against pathogens. In relation to this, the Toll-like receptors (TLR) aid in the selective identification of pathogens. The present study evaluated immunostimulatory activity of prolactin (PRL) hormone on expression levels of TLR1, 9, and 22, MyD88, and IL-1β during in vitro infection with the fish pathogen Piscirickettsia salmonis, in primary cultures of Oncorhynchus mykiss head kidney cells. Results indicated that PRL increased expression of TLRs and MyD88 during the first hours of bacterial infection, while a constant increase in expression was found for IL-1β. These findings suggest that PRL indirectly modulates expression of TLRs by activating expression of suppressors of cytokine signaling, thereby regulating immune response over long periods of time during bacterial infection.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of replacing non-fermented wheat grains with wheat grains fermented by fungal mycelia in the diet of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). We assessed growth performance, feeding parameters, and body composition in three experimental groups (0.33?±?0.01 g, in triplicates of 50 individuals each). The diets for all the groups contained ca. 43% protein and 19% lipids. Experimental diets were made by replacing the 100 g kg?1 of wheat grains present in the basal diet (CTRL) with the same proportion of wheat grains fermented by Pleurotus ostreatus (PWD) or Lentinus edodes (LWD) mycelium. Fish were fed to apparent satiation twice a day for 56 days. Both, PWD and LWD, significantly increased fish body weight from day 28 onwards. Final body weight was 2.37?±?0.04 g (CTRL), 4.29?±?0.02 g (PWD), and 3.50?±?0.05 g (LWD), and feeding efficiency (%) was increased from 64.5?±?0.7 (CTRL) to 92.5?±?0.5 (PWD) and 84.8?±?1.5 (LWD). The experimental diets also improved nutrient retention efficiency (%): 30.0?±?0.5 (PWD), 27.7?±?1.1 (LWD), and 21.0?±?0.1 (CTRL), for crude protein; 40.3?±?0.6 (PWD), 31.0?±?1.8 (LWD), and 16.1?±?0.7 (CTRL), for ether extract; and 16.1?±?0.1 (PWD), 14.0?±?0.3 (LWD), and 11.6?±?0.6 (CTRL), for phosphorus. Body lipid content was highest for PWD followed by LWD and CTRL (81.4?±?1.4, 63.2?±?2.5, 42.3?±?2.6 g kg?1, respectively), while viscerosomatic index was lowest for PWD (p?<?0.05). Liver glycogen in LWD and PWD fish (0.62?±?0.10 and 0.21?±?0.08% liver weight) was significantly higher than in CTRL fish (0.05?±?0.01% liver weight). Wheat-mycelium meals appear to be suitable dietary ingredients for improving juvenile rainbow trout growth and nutritional performance. These benefits vary according to the mushroom species used.  相似文献   

Triploid hybrids between female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) and male brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) were tested for farming performances, with reference to parental species. The main drawback of hybrids lay in embryonic and larval mortalities, amounting to 60% on average, and displaying a large variability between spawns. Further survival was inferior to that of diploid, but similar to that of triploid rainbow trout. Hybrid body weight was intermediate between weights of rainbow and brown trout of the same age, mainly as a consequence of differences in precocious growth. Analysis of relative growth rates from 6 to 18 months showed that hybrids were surpassed by rainbow controls in common rearing, but not in separate rearing. Hybrid behaviour was similar to that of rainbow trout. These results are discussed in the scope of providing fisheries managers with original and sterile game fishes. An erratum to this article can be found at .  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of turmeric (Curcuma longa) as additive in the diet for Astyanax aff. bimaculatus. Fish (0.83 ± 0.04 g) were fed, for 60 days, with six diets containing 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, and 100.0 g turmeric kg?1 feed. There was an increasing linear effect of turmeric on the thickness of the muscular layer, and height and width of the folds of the intestine. In the liver, a quadratic effect was observed of turmeric on the percentage of hepatocyte cytoplasm and a decreasing linear effect on the percentage of sinusoid capillaries. A quadratic effect was also observed of turmeric on the liver glycogen. There was no effect of turmeric on the antioxidant activity in the liver, carcass composition or productive performance of the fish. Thus, we concluded that Curcuma longa has trophic effects on the epithelium and the muscular layer of the intestine of A. aff. bimaculatus. Additionally, low levels of Curcuma longa cause increased deposition of liver glycogen and high levels cause reduction.  相似文献   

Information on the status of natural spawning is needed on the Japan Sea side of northern Honshu, Japan for ecosystem-based sustainable management of chum salmon resources. We conducted on-site visual surveys in October–December of 2015 and 2016 that targeted spawning chum salmon redds in all rivers?>?5 km long (total 94 rivers) in Akita, Yamagata, Niigata (including Sado Island), and Toyama prefectures. The ratio of rivers found to host natural reproduction to the total number of surveyed rivers was 93.6% (44/47) in stocked rivers and 74.5% (35/47) in non-stocked rivers. These results show that there is a wide occurrence of natural reproduction of chum salmon in these rivers, regardless of the history of hatchery stocking. The density of spawning redds (number of redds/1000 m2) as an indicator of chum salmon escapements did not differ (P?=?0.54) between stocked rivers (mean 3.5, N ?=?49) and non-stocked rivers (mean 2.4, N? =?36),when rivers where no redds were observed were excluded from the analysis. These results suggest that chum salmon escapements into non-stocked rivers may not be negligible. Conservation measures for wild fish are needed in stocked and non-stocked rivers to promote enhancement programs based on natural reproduction.  相似文献   

The immediate-early gene (egr-1) expression was used to examine the neuron’s response in telencephalon of goldfish during spatial learning in small space. Fishes were pre-exposed in the experimental apparatus and trained to pick food from the tray in a rectangular-shaped arena. The apparatus was divided into identical compartments comprising three gates to provide different spatial tasks. After the fish learned to pass through the gate one, two more gates were introduced one by one. Fish made more number of attempts and took longer time (P < 0.05) to pass through the first gate than the gate two or three. This active learning induces the expression of egr-1 in telencephalon as established by western blot analysis. Subsequently, the fish learn quickly to cross the similar type of second and third gate and make fewer errors with a corresponding decline in the level of egr-1 expression. As the fish learned to pass through all the three gates, third gate was replaced by modified gate three. Interestingly, the level of egr-1 expression increased again, when the fish exhibit a high exploratory behavior to cross the modified gate three. The present study shows that egr-1 expression is induced in the telencephalon of goldfish while intensively acquiring geometric spatial information to pass through the gates.  相似文献   

Lipases were purified from delipidated pyloric ceca powder of two New Zealand-sourced fish, Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae), by fractional precipitation with polyethylene glycol 1000, followed by affinity chromatography using cholate-Affi-Gel 102, and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-300 HR. For the first time, in-polyacrylamide gel activity of purified fish lipases against 4-methylumbelliferyl butyrate has been demonstrated. Calcium ions and sodium cholate were absolutely necessary both for lipase stability in the gel and for optimum activity against caprate and palmitate esters of p-nitrophenol. A single protein band was present in native polyacrylamide gels for both salmon and hoki final enzyme preparations. Under denaturing conditions, electrophoretic analysis revealed two bands of 79.6 and 54.9 kDa for salmon lipase. It is proposed that these bands correspond to an uncleaved and a final form of the enzyme. One band of 44.6 kDa was seen for hoki lipase. pI values of 5.8 ± 0.1 and 5.7 ± 0.1 were obtained for the two salmon lipase forms. The hoki lipase had a pI of 5.8 ± 0.1. Both lipases had the highest activity at 35°C, were thermally labile, had a pH optimum of 8–8.5, and were more acid stable compared to other fish lipases studied to date. Both enzymes were inhibited by the organophosphate paraoxon. Chinook salmon and hoki lipases showed good stability in several water-immiscible solvents. The enzymes had very similar amino acid composition to mammalian carboxyl ester lipases and one other fish digestive lipase. The salmon enzyme was an overall better catalyst based on its higher turnover number (3.7 ± 0.3 vs. 0.71 ± 0.05 s−1 for the hoki enzyme) and lower activation energy (2.0 ± 0.4 vs. 7.6 ± 0.8 kcal/mol for the hoki enzyme) for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl caprate. The salmon and hoki enzymes are homologous with mammalian carboxyl ester lipases.  相似文献   

Stress in response to anesthesia with benzocaine, MS-222, metomidate and isoeugenol was studied in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus), and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) with no concomitant stress from handling or confinement in association with anesthesia or sampling. All of the anesthetics tested induced a stress response in all species, displayed by a release of cortisol to the water. MS-222 anesthesia elicited the highest cortisol release rates, reaching maximum levels 0.5 h post-exposure and returning to basal levels after 3–4 h. Benzocaine anesthesia caused a bimodal response where the initial peak in cortisol release rate was followed by a second increase lasting towards the end of the trial (6 h). This bimodality was more profound in Atlantic salmon than in Atlantic halibut and Atlantic cod. Metomidate anesthesia induced the lowest release of cortisol of the agents tested in both Atlantic halibut and Atlantic cod, but resulted in a bimodal response in Atlantic salmon where the initial increase in cortisol release was followed by a larger increase peaking at 2–2.5 h post exposure before returning to basal levels after 5 h. The stress induced in Atlantic salmon by isoeugenol anesthesia resembled that of MS-222, but did not reach the same elevated level. Overall, the cortisol release was most profound in Atlantic salmon followed by Atlantic halibut and Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis are resident salt marsh fishes that overlap in distribution over a narrow range in northeastern Florida. The objective of the present study was to examine whether the limits of the species’ ranges could be explained by differences in thermal tolerance. Two populations of each species were collected and then spawned in the laboratory, and 9-day-old larvae were used for critical thermal maxima trials. Mean LOE temperatures of larvae ranged from 43.04 to 43.65°C and showed little difference between species. Therefore, differences in high temperatures experienced cannot account for the differences of the distributions of the two species. Condition-specific competition may play a greater role in determining the observed range of the two species.  相似文献   

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