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We examined the effects of tetrodotoxin (TTX) administration on artificially raised tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes juvenile survival after release into a mesocosm with predators to clarify the ecological significance of TTX. Pellets containing three different concentrations of TTX [0 as the control, 7 and 14 mouse units (MU)/g diet] were fed to non-toxic artificially raised T. rubripes juveniles for 10 days. TTX accumulation in the various tissues of fish was detected except for in the control diet group. TTX administration did not affect survival or growth of the fish. One hundred fish from each diet group were released together after TTX administration into a salt pond mesocosm (2650 m2) with predators (Lateolabrax sp.) for 5 days. Survival after release was significantly higher in both the fish fed with the 7 MU TTX/g diet (62%) and the 14 MU TTX/g diet (74%) than in the control fish (32%).  相似文献   

Effects of dietary fatty acid composition on the growth of the tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes were examined. Eight experimental diets were formulated with fish meal and casein as the major ingredients, providing 45.0–48.2% crude protein. Pollack and squid liver oils were used for the control diet while experimental diets contained three levels of EPA-DHA concentrated (C-HUFA) oils, soybean oil, linseed oil, and combinations of them, providing 0.5–5.5% n-3 HUFA and 5.0–11.1% crude lipid. Triplicate groups of fish with a mean body weight of 18.7 g per dietary treatment were fed the diets twice daily to apparent satiation, 6 days per week for 8 weeks. The final body weight and weight gain of the fish fed the soybean oil diet without C-HUFA oils were significantly lower than those fed the control diet. Both parameters were not statistically different among the other dietary groups, although the values obtained for the linseed oil diet without C-HUFA oils were lower. Similar trends were seen for SGR and feed efficiency. However, significantly lower PER values compared to the control were observed for the lower C-HUFA and the vegetable oil without C-HUFA oil groups. These results indicate that tiger puffer can be produced successfully with diets containing more than 1.5% n-3 HUFA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   To study the adaptability of juvenile fugu Takifugu rubripes to low-salinity environments, fish were transferred from full-strength seawater (100% SW) to freshwater (FW) and 25, 50, 75 and 100% SW, and checked for mortality over 3 days. No mortality was observed in 25–100% SW, whereas all fish died in FW. In fish transferred to 25–100% SW, blood osmolality was maintained within a physiological range. To further explore the lower limit of salinity that fugu could tolerate, fish were transferred from 100% SW to FW and 1, 5, 10, 15 and 25% SW. All fish survived in 5–25% SW, but fish died in FW and 1% SW. In fish surviving transfer to FW and 1 and 5% SW, blood osmolality was decreased to a near sublethal level of approximately 300 mOsm/kg·H2O. Therefore, the lower limit of salinity tolerance is estimated to lie between 5 and 10% SW. Preacclimation in 25% SW for 7 days did not essentially affect the survival salinity range. Although survival rates and blood osmolality were slightly improved by preacclimation in 25% SW, blood osmolality was markedly decreased in salinities less than 10% SW, as was seen in the direct transfer. Neither chloride cell morphology nor sodium-potassium adenosinetriphosphatase activity in the gills showed a significant change following transfer to low salinities. These findings indicate that fugu can be adapted to hypoosmotic environments to some extent, exerting hyperosmoregulatory ability, although chloride cells are less likely to absorb ions in hypoosmotic environments.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Sequence analyses of mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear genes were performed for genetic comparison between two Takifugu pufferfish species: torafugu T. rubripes and karasu T.  chinensis . With a sequence coverage of 20% in mtDNA, 640, 308, 344, 522 and 697 bp encoding mt 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), adenosine triphosphatase 6 ( ATPase 6 ), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND4 ), ND5 and cytochrome b (cyt b ), respectively, among 24 wild torafugu, 24 wild karasu and six hybrid-like samples, 15% of the torafugu identified by external color patterns showed nucleotide sequences consistent with karasu. Meanwhile, sequences of 60% karasu were consistent with those registered for torafugu (AJ421455). As for the hybrid-like samples, two possessed karasu-specific sequences in some base positions while torafugu-specific sequences in others. The remaining hybrid-like samples possessed torafugu-specific sequences. On the other hand, the mt control region did not show such type of consistency. Analysis of nuclear melanocortin receptor genes ( MC1R , MC4R ) among 54 samples showed 99–100% inter- and intraspecific sequence identity. Partial nuclear 18S  rRNA, complete internal transcribed spacer 1 ( ITS1 ), partial 5.8S  rRNA and ITS2 genes showed similar levels of identity, indicating a very low level of variation in their respective gene fragments between the two Takifugu species.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial and nuclear genes of Takifugu pufferfish torafugu T. rubripes and karasu T. chinensis show 99–100% sequence identity, indicating a very close relationship between the two species. To further investigate this genetic relationship, we compared genetic variation at four microsatellite loci and at the mitochondrial control region (CR) (561 bp) between groups of T. rubripes caught at two locations [TrG, caught in the Genkai Sea off Tsushima Island in 2003 (n = 50); TrS, caught in the Suwo Sea off Kita-Kyushu in 2008 (n = 50)] and T. chinensis caught at one location (TcK, caught off the east coast of Korea in 2004; n = 50). Analyses using microsatellite loci showed that genetic diversity index values of the TrG, TrS and TcK groups were 0.9505, 0.9350 and 0.9335, respectively, while values of genetic distance and genetic differentiation between TrG and TcK (0.0543 and 0.0189, respectively) were smaller than those between TrG and TrS (0.0857 and 0.0194, respectively). Analyses using CR for the same specimens showed that genetic distances were consistent with those obtained using microsatellite loci. These results, together with our previous observations, suggest that T. rubripes and T. chinensis are very closely related and possibly can be regarded as the same species.  相似文献   

Partial substitutions of fish meal by 5, 15, or 25 % of Gracilaria cornea or Ulva rigida in experimental diets were evaluated to study their effects on biodiversity of intestinal microbiota composition in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles. The diets were offered to duplicate groups of 15 juvenile fish (14.0 ± 0.5 g) for 70 days, and at the end of the experiment the intestinal microbiota from four specimens of each treatment was analysed by denaturing gel gradient electrophoresis. Results showed that the substitution of fish meal by algae meal induced important modifications in the intestinal microbiota community, as a big reduction of the biodiversity when the highest percentage (25 %) of U. rigida was included. On the contrary, an increase on the number of species was detected when a 15 % of algae was included. Various Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies were selectively stimulated when G. cornea was included in the feed, and other bacterial species, such as those included in the Vibrio genus, were reduced.  相似文献   

This study presents an economic analysis of tiger and humpback grouper at different production scales in Indonesia. The results highlight the non-viability of small-scale tiger grouper farming, with a 5-year projected negative cumulative cash flow of −IDR 18,102,650.00 and a negative net present value (NPV) of −IDR 22,059,576.28. An increased production scale of tiger grouper highlights a marginal viability for medium-scale farms (with a 5-year projected cumulative cash flow of IDR 198,320,673.00, a positive NPV of IDR 105,578,440.42; a benefit cost ratio of 1.25; an internal rate of return (IRR) of 88% and a payback period of 0.99 years), and an economically viable large-scale cage culture (with a 5-year projected cumulative cash of IDR 707,746,923.00; a NPV of IDR 406,801,749.07; a benefit cost ratio of 1.33; an internal rate of return of 157%; and a payback period of 0.57 years). The economic analysis of humpback grouper at different production scales highlighted a positive cumulative cash and NPV, a benefit cost ratio over 2, an internal rate of return over 300% and a payback period <1 year. A sensitivity analysis revealed that increased survival rate up to 80% would increase cumulative cash and NPV of small-scale tiger grouper cage culture. Additionally, improved profitability performance was associated with decreasing major production costs, increasing production and price of the product.  相似文献   

The immediate-early gene (egr-1) expression was used to examine the neuron’s response in telencephalon of goldfish during spatial learning in small space. Fishes were pre-exposed in the experimental apparatus and trained to pick food from the tray in a rectangular-shaped arena. The apparatus was divided into identical compartments comprising three gates to provide different spatial tasks. After the fish learned to pass through the gate one, two more gates were introduced one by one. Fish made more number of attempts and took longer time (P < 0.05) to pass through the first gate than the gate two or three. This active learning induces the expression of egr-1 in telencephalon as established by western blot analysis. Subsequently, the fish learn quickly to cross the similar type of second and third gate and make fewer errors with a corresponding decline in the level of egr-1 expression. As the fish learned to pass through all the three gates, third gate was replaced by modified gate three. Interestingly, the level of egr-1 expression increased again, when the fish exhibit a high exploratory behavior to cross the modified gate three. The present study shows that egr-1 expression is induced in the telencephalon of goldfish while intensively acquiring geometric spatial information to pass through the gates.  相似文献   

To clarify the maturation-associated accumulation profile of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in the female pufferfish Takifugu pardalis, specimens collected from Omura Bay, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan, from November through December, 2014, were separated based on the histology of ovarian sections into four groups: yolk vesicle stage (Yv), yolk globule stage (Yg)-1, Yg-2, and Yg-3. TTX quantification in each tissue in each group by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry revealed that the TTX concentration [mouse unit (MU)/g] in the ovary increased from Yv to Yg-1, and the TTX amount (MU/individual) in the ovary increased from Yg-1 through Yg-3. In Yv, TTX in the skin accounted for 86% of the total TTX in the body, whereas from Yg-1 through Yg-3, ovarian TTX accounted for 53–76% of the total. In female specimens collected from the same bay from February to May 2015, the TTX amount in the ovary markedly decreased after spawning, and the TTX amount in the liver increased. Immunohistochemical observation of the ovarian sections indicated that TTX localized mainly in the nucleus of immature oocytes, but then distributes to the yolk vesicles and yolk globules as maturation advances, and is partly transferred to the egg membrane as spawning approaches.  相似文献   

Reproduction allows organisms to produce offspring. Animals shift from immature juveniles into mature adults and become capable of sexual reproduction during puberty, which culminates in the first spermiation and sperm hydration or ovulation. Reproduction is closely related to the precise control of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis. Kisspeptin peptides are considered as the important regulator of HPG axis in mammalian. However, the current understanding of kisspeptin in flatfish is not comprehensive. In this study, we cloned and analyzed the kiss2 and kissr2 genes in Cynoglossus semilaevis. Interesting alternative splicing in the 5′-untranslated regions (UTR) of the Cskissr2 gene was found. The expression profiles of Cskiss2 and Cskissr2 showed relative high messenger RNA (mRNA) levels at the late gastrula stage during embryonic development, at total length = 40 mm during early gonadal differentiation, and in the brains and gonads of all investigated tissues. These results suggested that the kisspeptin system participated in embryogenesis and in the regulation of gonadal differentiation and development. Considering that the control and regulatory mechanisms of kisspeptin in the central reproductive axis are still unclear, we documented that the intramuscular injection of kisspeptin caused different sGnRH and cGnRH mRNA levels in a dose- and tissue-dependent manner. The mRNA expressions of FSH and LH were stimulated in the ovary and were inhibited in the testis under the kisspeptin treatments. These results provided foundations for understanding the roles of kisspeptin in the neuroendocrine system in fish. The manipulation of the kisspeptin system may provide new opportunities to control the gonadal development and even reproduction in fish.  相似文献   

Francisella noatunensis orientalis is a bacterium that causes emerging bacteriosis in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in many parts of the world, including Brazil. It is a non-motile, Gram-negative, strictly aerobic, facultative intracellular coccobacillus. This species of bacteria is responsible for low to high mortality in fish farms, causing economic losses for fish farmers. This study aimed to detect the presence of F. noatunensis orientalis using qPCR (real-time polymerase chain reaction) and to describe lesions caused by the bacterium in O. niloticus in Brazilian aquaculture. For this purpose, 360 fish from six fish farms (30 per farm) were sampled at two time points (n = 180 per sampling). Necropsies and histopathology were performed for lesion observation, in addition to qPCR and sequencing for detection and identification of Francisella species. Environmental data were collected using a multiparameter sonde YSI EXO2. All measured limnological variables were within the optimum range for cultivation of Nile tilapia. The major lesions present were melanization of the skin, splenomegaly, granulomas, and inflammatory cell responses. The prevalence of francisellosis varied from 0 to 86.66% between time periods and fish farms analyzed, and an outbreak was observed during the second sampling period. This study describes the prevalence of francisellosis in O. niloticus and reports that the lesions found are not exclusively associated with this bacterial disease.  相似文献   

The free-living nematode, Panagrellus redivivus, was tested as live food for grouper Epinephelus coioides larvae during the first feeding stage. A series of experiments were conducted to determine the acceptability of the free-living nematodes in grouper larvae at first feeding, the optimum nematode density and the response of the larvae to nutritionally enriched nematode. All experiments were conducted in 200-L conical tanks filled with 150-L filtered seawater and stocked at 15 larvae L−1. Duration of feeding experiments was up to day 21 (experiment 1) and 14 days (experiment 2 and 3). Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia (experiment 1) and Brachionus plicatilis alone (experiment 2 & 3) was used as the control treatment. Observations indicated that the grouper larvae readily fed on free-living nematodes as early as 3 days posthatching, the start of exogenous feeding. Optimum feeding density for the larvae was 75 nematodes ml−1. The enrichment of cod liver oil or sunflower oil influenced the total lipids and n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids of P. redivivus, which in turn influenced those of the grouper larvae, however, growth and survival of the larvae were not affected (P > 0.05). The results from this investigation showed that the nematode, P. redivivus, can be used as first live food for grouper larvae from the onset of exogenous feeding until they could feed on Artemia nauplii.  相似文献   

We analysed the genetic diversity of Melicertus kerathurus (Penaeidae), a commercially valuable penaeid shrimp that is distributed in the Mediterranean Sea and eastern Atlantic Ocean. We examined the polymorphism of a 494 bp DNA segment of the mitochondrial COI region in 173 individuals, sampled in nine Mediterranean and two Atlantic samples, covering the whole range of the species from the tropical waters of the Gulf of Guinea to the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. The mean nucleotide and haplotype diversities were π = 0.00275 and h = 0.718, respectively, for the global data set, with the highest values occurring in the African samples and the lowest in the Adriatic Sea. A clear sample differentiation was found (F st = 0.194), but this did not reflect a geographical pattern and there were only faint traces of an Atlantic–Mediterranean subdivision. Mismatch analysis and a high significant negative value of Tajima’s D suggested that M. kerathurus is not at mutation drift-equilibrium, but underwent a recent expansion after a period of low effective sample size. A postglacial recolonisation of the Mediterranean from an Atlantic refuge could be hypothesised based on these data.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Random sequencing of the genomic DNA of Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida was conducted. The sequences were assembled into 930 contigs. The total length of these contigs accounts for 37.5% of the genome of P. damselae subsp. piscicida. The contigs contain 2055 open reading frames (ORFs) that have homology with genes in the GenBank database. Furthermore, some of the ORFs have homology with reported virulence related genes, and are classified as encoding colonization factors, exotoxin, and lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Thirty-seven ORFs have homology with colonization factors. In those colonization factors, 27, three, and four ORFs have homology with polar flagellar-related genes, capsule-related genes, and others (accessory colonization factors, superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn), MshA biogenesis protein, and heme receptor genes), respectively. Five ORFs have homology with exotoxin-related genes (2 hemolysin, phospholipase, hyaluronidase, lysophospholipase L2 genes). Further, six ORFs have homology with LPS-related genes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A continuous culture of rotifer was conducted to investigate the effect of combination feeding of both a high density of Nannochloropsis oculata (N) and condensed freshwater Chlorella (FC) on the fatty acid composition of L-type rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in a continuous culture system. The algal feeding of the rotifers was carried out in three successive steps: N-feeding → N+FC-feeding → FC-feeding. The culture was conducted at 24°C and 25–27 psu in a 2000 mL bottle with 50% of water exchanged daily. The combination N+FC-feeding was effective in increasing rotifer density. The rotifers fed on N+FC (N+FC-R) had more non-polar lipids than polar ones, similar to those on N (N-R), opposite to the rotifers fed on FC (FC-R). N+FC-R contained higher levels of 16:2, 18:2n-6 (linoleic acid [LA]) and 20:2n-6, but lower levels of 18:1, 20:4n-6 (arachidonic acid), 20:5n-3 (eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA]) and 22:5n-3 (docosapentaenoic acid [DPA]) compared with N-R. Whereas N+FC-R contained higher levels of 16:1n-7, EPA and DPA, but lower levels of 16:2 and LA compared with FC-R. N+FC-R had more DPA in polar lipids than in non-polar ones. The Σn-6/Σn-3 ratio in N+FC-R was 0.9–1.0, significantly different from those in N-R (0.4) and FC-R (6.6–8.4). Therefore, it is inferred that the fatty acid profile of the N+FC-R cultured in a continuous culture system was affected by both N and FC. Also, the combination N+FC-feeding may be effective in manipulating the Σn-6/Σn-3 ratio in continuously cultured rotifers.  相似文献   

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