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Three different stock sizes of containerized black spruce (Picea mariana [Mill.] B.S.P.) seedlings were planted in an abandoned agricultural field. The small planting stock was of a conventional type produced in 110 cm3 containers. The experimental medium and large stock types were produced in 340 and 700 cm3 containers, respectively. Gas exchange, xylem water potential and dry masses were measured six times during each of the first two growing seasons in field plots with and without vegetation control. During the first growing season, the effect of planting shock masked most physiological and growth differences among seedling types. During the second growing season, in plots with vegetation control, small and medium seedlings had similar values of physiological variables and of growth as measured by relative growth rates (RGR), but the large seedlings showed lower values of both net photosynthesis and of RGR, a difference attributed to low initial quality of the root system in the larger seedlings. In plots without vegetation control, the trend was identical, but differences were not significant; the greater height of the larger seedlings, and the resulting greater access to light, compensated for their lower initial quality. The similarity in response between the medium and the small seedlings shows that a fourfold increase in shoot size (1.68–6.82 g) in the initial size and a doubling of the shoot : root ratio (2.17–4.54) of the planting stock did not result in increased planting shock or reduced growth in these containerized conifer stock types. The results also show the importance of the interaction between stock height and the vertical light profile created by the competing vegetation in the final assessment of stock performance.  相似文献   

As part of a study of forest resilience to gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) defoliation, small mammals were sampled with live (box) and pitfall traps for 16 years at three elevations on a mountain in west-central Vermont, USA. The more mesic, lower-slope location had the most diverse small-mammal community. White-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) were the most commonly captured small mammal at all locations, but less so at the lowest elevation. Southern red-backed voles (Clethrionomys gapperi), eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), and northern short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) were also regularly captured over the 16 years. Captures of all species showed considerable year-to-year variation. During the study, white-footed mouse density ranged from 3.7/ha (lower-slope June 1984) to 93.4/ha (mid-slope, July 1985). Over the 16 years, median density estimates across locations ranged from 12 to 19/ha in June and from 25 to 32/ha in July. Annual fluctuations in mouse abundance were synchronous across elevations, probably in response to regional-scale fluctuations in acorn production. In addition to those for white-footed mice, standardized capture rates are presented for the three other common species, and time to first capture is presented for 11 infrequently encountered species. The study demonstrates the importance of long-term surveys to properly characterize a small mammal community.  相似文献   

Gonipterus scutellatus is a significant insect pest of eucalypts in most countries where that genus has been introduced, but is usually only of minor significance in its native Australia. Because of this, much of the research on its biology and host preferences has been done outside Australia. This fact has the potential to produce misleading results as the insect may be forced to choose less preferred hosts, if normally preferred species are unavailable. In part of its native range, in Tasmania, oviposition of G. scutellatus was recorded on seven naturally co-occurring Eucalyptus species that were planted in even aged, replicated plots. Among the seven species were the economically important species, E. globulus and E. viminalis, which have been previously reported as highly preferred hosts. Within plots, oviposition occurred most commonly on three peppermint species (E. pulchella, E. tenuiramis and E. amygdalina) and was rare or absent on the other species (E. globulus, E. viminalis, E. ovata and E. obliqua). Of the peppermints, E. pulchella was the most preferred species for oviposition at this site. A low percentage of peppermints in mixed forest (containing these seven species) immediately adjacent to plots was always matched by low numbers of G. scutellatus eggs within plots; but high percentages of peppermints outside plots could either be matched by high or low numbers of eggs within plots. In the discussion, we suggest that previous studies of G. scutellatus host range may have been limited because the insect was not exposed to hosts it naturally encounters.  相似文献   

Cottonwoods occur in riparian areas where water table depth generally varies with the elevation of the adjacent river. Plant adaptation to the riparian zone requires the coordination of root elongation to maintain contact with the water table during the summer decline. We investigated the effects of rate of water decline on growth allocation and concentrations of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) in black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray ex Hook.) saplings. Rhizopods were used to achieve water decline rates of 0, 2 and 4 cm day(-1). Root elongation approximately doubled in response to the 2 cm day(-1) treatment, whereas leaf area was reduced. A water decline rate of 4 cm day(-1) led to water stress, as evidenced by reduced growth, increased leaf diffusive resistance, decreased water potential, and leaf senescence and abscission. Endogenous GAs were extracted, purified and analyzed by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring with internal [(2)H(2)]GA standards. Across the sampled plant organs, GAs were generally highest in shoot tips and sequentially lower in basal stems, root tips, leaves and upper roots; GAs were thus abundant in rapidly growing tissues. Of the GAs measured, GA(1) tended to predominate, followed sequentially by GA(3), GA(8), GA(19), GA(20), GA(29) and GA(4). There was little relationship between GA concentration and growth allocation across the water table decline treatments, although GA(8) was consistently reduced in plants experiencing water table decline. Because GA(8) is the final gibberellin in the metabolic sequence, it might be useful for assessing historic patterns of GAs and growth rate. This study demonstrated changes in growth allocation in response to water table decline, but provided little evidence that endogenous GAs play a primary role in the regulation of root elongation in response to water table decline.  相似文献   

Riparian buffer strips are used in forestry to protect streams from possible adverse effects of forest harvesting or other land uses. For any given stream reach, a buffer loading can be defined as the contributing watershed area per unit area of buffer. The study used a large (66 km2) mountain watershed as a prototype. To allow accurate computation this was divided into facets by forming a flow net to the maximum accuracy of the 1 : 25 000 contour coverage. With fixed width buffers, the buffer loading was both highly variable and also independent of the Strahler order of the stream. Thus, the rationale of having larger buffers on larger streams does not seem justified. The study considered a buffer-strip design in which each element of stream buffer had exactly the same ratio of upslope-to-buffer area, giving a constant buffer loading. Computation of the buffer for each facet used an iterative procedure to achieve a satisfactory shape and position of the buffer boundary within each facet. The method gave a much more substantial protection to (convergent) channel sources and less protection to divergent areas than a fixed-width buffer design. The buffers defined also were highly asymmetric and discontinuous. The buffers defined reflected the topography, and were strongly influenced by small facets close to the stream. In cases where flow lines run close to and approximately parallel to the streams, the buffers defined were also non-intuitive. The method is predicated on the subsurface hydrology flow paths being close to those given by surface flow lines and this is not always true. Of importance is the finding that, relative to the mean protection offered, fixed-width buffers tend to underprotect slope convergences at the heads of streams, and overprotect divergent areas found along streams of increasing order.  相似文献   

Aspect exerts a major influence on the structure and floristics of forests at upslope positions on steep ridges near the escarpment of north-eastern New South Wales. The vegetation of northwest facing sites differed from that of the southeast aspect in species richness and diversity, canopy cover, and canopy height, whilst differences between northeast and southwest aspects were significant for fewer attributes. The gross effect of aspect was in segregating eucalypt and rainforest communities. Aspect-induced differences in light, heat, moisture and edaphic conditions produced a sort of potential canopy species during recruitment. In the absence of substantial disturbance, the divergence of the structural character of developing forest canopies between aspects tends to enhance the floristic divergence in the subcanopy space. Although the study area is representative of a large region of forested steeplands in the hinterland of north-eastern New South Wales, the upper slope segments and four aspects studied can be expected to represent the extreme manipulation. In any event, it is unlikely that the extent of site divergence represented in these old-growth forests would be maintained under managed re-growth strategies.  相似文献   

A fire-risk model was developed using a stand-structure approach for the forests of the eastern slopes of the Washington Cascade Range, USA. The model was used to evaluate effects of seven landscape-scale silvicultural regimes on fire risk at two spatial scales: (1) the risk to the entire landscape; and (2) the risk to three reserve stands with stand structures associated with high conservation priorities (layered canopy, large trees, multiple species). A 1000 ha landscape was projected five decades for each management regime using an individual tree, distance-independent growth model. Results suggest that a variety of silvicultural approaches will reduce landscape fire risk; however, reserve stand fire risk is minimally decreased by thinning treatments to neighboring stands. Intensive fuel reduction through prescribed burning and selection of reserve stands in favorable topographic positions provide substantial fire risk reductions.  相似文献   

This study examined the possibilities of using computerized digital aerial photograph interpretation in determining the spatial distribution of trees. The material of the study included eight mapped stands in the municipality of Hyytiälä (61°50′N and 24°18′E), in southern Finland. The aerial photographs used were taken in June 1995 at a scale of 1:5000. Two approaches for determining the spatial pattern of trees were used. Firstly, in the point-process based approach used in this study, the individual trees in the digital aerial photograph were segmented by a robust segmentation method, based on recognition of the pattern of tree crowns with sub-pixel accuracy. Secondly, the crown coverage was determined by region growing segmentation combined with active surface representation. The significance of the differences in the means of image coverage pattern indices between the various spatial distribution categories was tested with one-way variance analysis. Because the process misclassified clustered spatial patterns as regular patterns, and regular patterns as random patterns, the usability of digital aerial photographs seems to be limited for the point-process based determination of the spatial pattern of trees if the scale is 1:5000 or less. When image coverage pattern indices were applied, the differences in the means of the spatial distribution categories proved not to be clearly statistically significant due to the great variation within classes. However, interpretation of crown coverage could have applications in practical forestry due to the low resolution requirements for the images used.  相似文献   

Deciduous fodder trees and shrubs are important feed resources for the critical summer period in semi-arid and sub-humid Mediterranean environments. Eleven such species were established in central Macedonia, Greece as 1-year old seedlings in 1987 and studied through 1994. Height and biomass were statistically different among species and tended to increase with the age of plants. Common Robinia pseudoacacia was the tallest and the most productive species, reaching more than 3 m height and 4 kg DM/plant 8 years since planting; it was followed by Ostrya carpinifolia, the variety monophylla of Robinia, Colutea arborescens and Amorpha fruticosa. Grazeable proportion of total biomass was about 50% and decreased as the age of plants increased. Repeated annual cutting resulted in significant reduction of both height and total biomass by 51% and 88%, respectively as compared with uncut plants at the end of the eighth year while frequent cutting tended to increase the grazeable proportion of biomass after the fourth year. To attain an optimum combination of quantity and quality of biomass in deciduous fodder tree and shrub plantations cutting or grazing should not start earlier than the third year since establishment.  相似文献   

The impacts of different methods of mechanical site preparation (MSP) on performance and foliar nutrition of planted white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) seedlings were examined at two mixed-wood boreal forest sites (Judy Creek, Fox Creek) in Alberta, Canada. The treatments included three types of MSP: disc trench, ripper plough, and bladed, the latter including thin and thick microsites (based on depth of remaining organic matter); as well as a harvested-control (no MSP). Seedlings were planted in June 1991, four months after MSP, and foliar N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Mn, Fe, and Al were assessed in the second and third growing seasons (13, 25, and 28 months later). Nutrient concentration and relative (among treatments) foliar nutrient content scaled up to the level of the whole seedling were examined. Following analysis of variance, significant responses were interpreted using vector analysis. MSP did not significantly affect seedling survival, height or unit needle weight. There was a non-significant trend of higher foliar biomass for seedlings in MSP areas than for control seedlings. Overall, the impact of MSP on foliar nutrient status on these sites was minimal. The only consistent positive effect of MSP on seedling nutrition was increased foliar Mg concentrations in blade-thin sites at Fox Creek. Indications of possible negative impacts of MSP include: increased Fe and Al concentrations in MSP areas at both sites; reduced P and K concentrations at both sites; and reduced Mn concentration and content at one site. The ripper treatment had the greatest positive effect on foliar nutrient status (P, K, Mn concentration). Blading (particularly blade-thin) resulted in the lowest concentrations of foliar P, K and Mn and the greatest increases in foliar Fe and Al.  相似文献   

We compared breeding avian communities among 11 habitat types in north-central Michoacán, Mexico, to determine patterns of forest use by endemic and nonendemic resident species. Point counts of birds and vegetation measurements were conducted at 124 sampling localities from May through July, in 1994 and 1995. Six native forest types sampled were pine, pine–oak, oak–pine, oak, fir, and cloud forests; three habitat types were plantations of Eucalyptus, pine, and mixed species; and the remaining two habitats were shrublands and pastures. Pastures had lower bird-species richness and abundance than pine, oak–pine, and mixed-species plantations. Pine forests had greater bird abundance and species richness than oak forests and shrublands. Species richness and abundance of endemics were greatest in fir forests, followed by cloud forests. Bird abundance and richness significantly increased with greater tree-layer complexity, although sites with intermediate tree complexity also supported high abundances. When detrended correspondence-analysis scores were plotted for each site, bird species composition did not differ substantially among the four native oak-and-pine forest types, but cloud and fir forests, Eucalyptus plantations, and mixed-species plantations formed relatively distinct groups. Plantations supported a mixture of species found in native forests, shrublands, and pastures. Pastures and shrublands shared many species in common, varied greatly among sites in bird-species composition, and contained more species specific to these habitats than did forest types.  相似文献   

The spatial structure of tropical forest stands under different management conditions was modeled as a series of different spatial point processes. Spatial patterns were first assessed by K-function analyses to help choose a point process appropriate for observed patterns. The homogenous Neyman–Scott process accurately described live tree distribution in clear cut areas, where tree patterns tended to be aggregated. Parameters were estimated by minimizing Diggle's modified least squares criterion, and goodness-of-fit was assessed by comparison to confidence envelopes constructed by Monte Carlo simulation. Parameter estimates can be interpreted to help understand the ecological processes influencing re-colonization of disturbed areas. The inhomogeneous Poisson process was investigated for simulating the spatial pattern of ingrowth trees in lower canopy strata. The intensity function of this process was inversely proportional to variables representing canopy density. As assessed by Monte Carlo generation of confidence envelopes, the inhomogeneous Poisson process successfully portrayed the influence of canopy structure on understory plant distribution in most stands. Tree mortality was modeled as a thinning process in which the probability of individual tree mortality was conditional on subject tree attributes and competitive environment. The thinning function took the form of a generalized linear model with a binomial error distribution and logit link function. In most stands, tree neighborhood variables were powerful predictors of mortality, but they were not important predictors in all plots. This suggests that the surrounding forest structure of a subject tree has considerable influence on its morality, but competition is not the sole cause of tree morality in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Early results from three test plantings of Casuarina equisetifolia spp. equisetifolia are reported: a clonal test of 40 locally selected clones, a progeny test of 16 wind-pollinated families of local origin, and a family-in-provenance test of 100 wind-pollinated families which is part of an international provenance trial. All tests were planted in 1996 at the Regional Forest Research Centre, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. Height, stem straightness and axis persistence were measured in the family tests at 6 and 12 months of age. The height of the clonal test was measured at 12 months of age. Heritability estimates obtained were ca. 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1 for height, stem straightness and axis persistence, respectively. Heritability estimates for height were reasonably consistent across the three tests; however, estimates for stem straightness and axis persistence were generally higher in the small test of locally selected families. Height and the other two traits are most probably either weakly correlated or uncorrelated, while stem straightness and axis persistence are positively correlated. Provenances spread across the range of natural- and land-race populations tested demonstrated good growth potential at Rajahmundry. However, natural provenances from Malaysia and Thailand generally showed superior growth, while the land-race populations often demonstrated superior stem straightness. Based on these results some aspects of a breeding strategy are outlined: (a) the establishment of three unrelated sublines; (b) an initial clonal test of all parents; and (c) wind-pollinated mating within clonal breeding orchards.  相似文献   

The process-based growth model, BIOMASS, was modified to incorporate low-temperature effects on photosynthetic production in Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands growing in northern Sweden. The low-temperature features incorporated in BIOMASS made it possible to simulate and estimate the reduction in photosynthetic rates caused by boreal conditions. The following four simulation-scenarios were used: (i) ‘potential' photosynthesis without boreal restrictions; (ii) reduction caused by a frozen soil; (iii) reduction caused by incomplete recovery of photosynthetic capacity during spring as a result of damage caused by low winter temperatures; and (iv) reduction as an effect of frost-induced autumn decline. Annual photosynthetic production (or gross primary production (GPP)) was simulated for three calendar years, 1990–1992, for stands with low (control) and high (irrigated and fertilized) nutrient availability. The reduction of ‘potential' GPP, caused by the low-temperature effects, ranged from 35–44% for control (C) and from 34–42% for irrigated-fertilised (IL) stands, respectively. The most pronounced loss of ‘potential' GPP originated from reduced photosynthetic capacity, in spring and early summer, which led to losses of 21–28% for C and 19–26% for IL stands. The variation between years differed mainly as an effect of differences in spring temperatures, which resulted in different rates of recovery of photosynthetic capacity. Reductions caused by frozen soil and low photosynthetic capacity during winter were similar in C and IL stands (12–13%), as were the losses resulting from severe autumn frosts (3–4%). It is concluded that, unless the effects of frozen soils and reduced photosynthetic capacity during spring and early summer are considered, large errors (ca. 40%) will be introduced into estimates of the annual photosynthetic production of boreal conifer forests.  相似文献   

Fine litterfall and nutrient return patterns were studied in three subtropical humid forest stands (7-, 13- and 16-year old), regrowing after selective tree cutting in north-eastern India. The seasonality of fine litterfall was unimodal, with a peak during spring and a trough during rainy season in the forest regrowths of three different ages. The rate of fine litterfall increased with increasing basal area of the woody vegetation during forest regrowth. Leaf litter accounted for 83% of the total litterfall. N concentration was maximum during autumn and minimum during rainy season; nutrient concentrations were highest in the leaf litter. Seasonal variation in P concentration was small. Maximum and minimum input of N and P to the forest floor through fine litter coincided with the respective periods of litter production.  相似文献   

Data from the Swedish Forest Inventory was used to calculate mass balances for base cations Ca, Mg and K for Swedish forests. Using lysimeter and forest survey soil analyses to estimate present base cation leaching from the root zone reveals that weathering plus base cation deposition is not sufficient to support both, the present base cation leaching rate and the present rate of uptake caused by stem growth. Calculations suggest that 96% of the productive forested area may have higher rates of removal than supply for one or more base cation. Under a best-case scenario, assuming less pollution, the present growth rate and 100% efficiency in uptake of available nutrients, the area with more removal than supply would still be at least 30% of the total area. Forest soils are being depleted at a rate where the exchangeable reservoirs have high risk of being severely depleted in the next few decades in central and southern Sweden. During 1983–1985 the depletion rate is calculated to be, on the average, 0.33 keq ha−1 year−1. The weathering rate and present base cation deposition can sustain growth at a level where (80–85)×106m3 stemwood year−1 can be harvested. Any harvested growth beyond this volume must be sustained by artificial means.

For whole-tree harvesting without base cation return, the calculations indicate that it would significantly increase the base saturation depletion rate to an average of 0.62 keq ha−1 year−1, and risk depletion of the soil in less than one-to-two rotation periods almost anywhere in Sweden.

The calculations stress the importance that sustainable forest management must include the management of nutrient fluxes and reservoirs.  相似文献   

In 1996, plant and carabid beetle communities were examined in a semi-natural oak woodland (Derryclare Wood) and compared with communities of a nearby mature conifer plantation and a plantation clearfelled in 1994. At each site, 10 quadrats (2 m×2 m) and 10 pitfall traps were used to sample the ground vegetation and carabid beetle communities, respectively. Forty-one plant species were recorded in the oak woodland while 38 species were found in the clearfelled site and 19 species in the conifer plantation. The median plant-species richness per quadrat was significantly greater (p<0.01) in the oak woodland (16.5) than in the other two sites and the clearfelled site (11) was significantly more species-rich (p<0.02) than the conifer plantation (6.5). A total of 21 carabid species (895 individuals) were captured, with 74.5, 13.9 and 11.6% of individuals being caught at the oak woodland, clearfelled site and conifer plantation, respectively. The median number of carabid species per pitfall trap was significantly greater (p<0.01) in the oak woodland (6) than in the clearfelled site (3.5) and conifer plantation (2). In addition, median species richness per pitfall trap was significantly higher in the clearfelled site than in the conifer plantation at p<0.02. Median diversity per pitfall trap was also significantly less in the conifer plantation (1.19) than in the oak woodland (2.43, p<0.01) and clearfelled site (1.55, p<0.05). While the Sorenson similarity index for both vegetation and carabids shows that the conifer plantation and the clearfelled site were most similar in species composition; nevertheless, the clearfelled site has demonstrated signs of increasing species richness only 2 years after clearfelling. It is concluded that while semi-natural woodlands support a greater range of species than conifer plantations, clearfelled areas which are not replanted can enhance species richness within commercial conifer plantations.  相似文献   

Slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) is planted extensively on flatwood and coastal savanna soils of the southeastern USA. Pine roots growing in these soils encounter shallow water tables. Although the fine-root system of pine trees growing in the surface 20–26 cm of those soils will not be continuously submerged, they will encounter short-term reduced soil conditions, with a severely reduced O2 supply which might affect their ability for ion uptake from the soil solution. The objectives were: (i) to compare P and K depletion by lateral root systems of slash pine roots subjected to a short-term hypoxic treatment, and (ii) to document K and P depletion patterns by lateral root systems of slash pine roots following the removal of the hypoxic treatment. Our purpose was to evaluate the uptake ability of these roots of changing aeration. For the experiment, 17 intact lateral roots from twelve-year-old slash pine trees were inserted into nutrient-uptake root chambers. The chambers were filled with a nutrient solution containing 6.25 μM P (phosphate), and 25.66 μM K. P and K depletion rates were monitored in six consecutive treatments, each lasting five days. Treatments of aerobic and hypoxic conditions were sequentially applied in the following order: aerobic–hypoxic–aerobic. This sequence was repeated twice. Uptake of P and K by slash pine roots was affected by oxygen availability, but the degree of response differed. Under hypoxic nutrient solution conditions, K depletion from solution by pine roots was totally inhibited, resulting in net efflux of K. In contrast, P depletion was not inhibited under hypoxic nutrient solution conditions. Results suggest that pine roots grown in aerobic soil conditions of surface horizons are capable of P depletion when reduced soil conditions are present.  相似文献   

Milicia excelsa and M. regia are important timber species in moist tropical areas of Africa. They have not been successfully grown largely because of attacks by gall-forming psyllids in the genus Phytolyma. Our objectives were to evaluate the growth of planted Milicia seedlings and incidence of psyllid attack in small (4.2 m2), medium (18.5 m2) and large (>500 m2) artificial gaps in the Bobiri Forest Reserve in the Moist Semi-Deciduous Forest of Ghana. After 13 months, height and diameter growth of Milicia seedlings were significantly greater in the medium and large gaps than in the small gaps. Insect attacks occurred first and most severely in the large gaps, but spread to gaps of all sizes between the 11th and 13th months after planting. While gap size significantly affected the susceptibility of seedlings to psyllid attack, it is not the only factor important in determining susceptibility of Milicia excelsa under field conditions. We conclude that gap sizes in the range of 10–50 m2, where irradiances are from 30–60% of full sunlight, in forests similar to those at the study site, seem to be most suitable for regeneration of Milicia.  相似文献   

Litterfall was collected over a 12-month period with littertraps in hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations aged 10, 14 and 62 years in southeast Queensland, Australia. The bulk of litterfall occurred during spring, mainly as hoop pine foliage with the annual litterfall ranging between 6.0 and 10.9 t ha−1, respectively, for the younger stands (10 and 14 years) and the mature 62-year old stand. The amount of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) recycled annually through litterfall was lower in the younger stands (28–37 kg N ha−1 and 4.4–5.3 kg P ha−1) compared with that of the mature stand (85 N ha−1 and 6.2 kg P ha−1). The N and P retranslocated during senescence varied across the three stands studied with a trend for N and P retranslocation to increase as availability of soil mineral-N decreased.

Decomposition of the hoop pine foliage component of litter was also studied in the same stands using a litterbag technique and mass-balance analysis. The estimated half-life of hoop pine foliage mass ranged between 1.5 and 1.8 years. Litter-mass loss was strongly correlated with litter substrate quality indicators of N, C, P, C/N ratio, lignin, lignin/N ratio and polyphenols. During the course of the study, there was no difference in litter-mass loss between the stands of different ages. During the 15-month period, the order of element release from the hoop pine litter was K>Na>C>Mg>P, with N, Ca and Mn generally demonstrating varying degrees of net accumulation. During the course of the study, the lignin/C ratio of the hoop pine litter increased from 0.61 to 0.96. This suggested that the litter-C was predominantly in a recalcitrant form and, therefore, the associated N was unlikely to be rapidly released in the hoop pine litter layer.  相似文献   

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