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In a chronological study of sera collected from eight adult cattle vaccinated with 3 X 10(-10) cfu of Brucella abortus S19, antibody of each of the four major isotypes was measured by indirect enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and by direct and modified complement fixation tests (CFT). Six of the cattle gave antibody responses to the vaccine strain that commenced between days 5 and 8 for all the isotypes in the ELISA, peaked by 1 to 4 months and then declined to low levels by 10 months. Direct CFT and modified CFT titers were measurable by 7 or 8 days post-vaccination, and peaked by 1 month; direct CFT titers disappeared by 5 months while the modified CFT titers lingered for 10 months. Two animals gave cyclical direct CFT and modified CFT antibody responses, a cyclical IgG1 response, a low IgG2 and an elevated IgA response. The amplitude of the cycles was uniform over three cycles while the wavelength increased with time. A year post-vaccination, B. abortus S19 was isolated twice from milk from one of the animals (no attempt was made to culture B. abortus from the other). Sera from B. abortus naturally infected cattle were analysed for comparison.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty eight rams were allocated to four experimental groups. An inactivated Br. ovis vaccine was administered either once by the intraperitoneal route (1 i/p), twice by the intraperitoneal route (2 i/p), or twice by the subcutaneous route (2 s/c), and the last group was left unvaccinated. They were then challenged by the intravenous inoculation of between 123 and 1.23 x 108 live Br. ovis bacteria. The number of rams that succumbed to infection within the four groups was 4135 (11%) for the 2 s/c, 7133 (21%) for the 2 i/p, 9135 (26%) for the 1 i/p and 18135 (51%) for the unvaccinated rams. Vaccination reduced the number of rams that succumbed to experimental challenge and although there were differences between the vaccinated groups, these were not statistically significant. Following challenge, unvaccinated rams were the first to excrete Br. ovis in their semen three weeks following inoculation. Next, those vaccinated by either one or two doses by the intraperitoneal technique began to excrete the organism (five weeks) and then finally those rams vaccinated twice by the subcutaneous route (seven weeks).  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty eight rams were allocated to four experimental groups. An inactivated Br. ovis vaccine was administered either once by the intraperitoneal route (1 i/p), twice by the intraperitoneal route (2 i/p), or twice by the subcutaneous route (2 s/c), and the last group was left unvaccinated. They were then challenged by the intravenous inoculation of between 123 and 1.23 × 108 live Br. ovis bacteria. The number of rams that succumbed to infection within the four groups was 4/35 (11%) for the 2 s/c, 7/33 (21%) for the 2 i/p, 9/35 (26%) for the 1 i/p and 18/35 (51%) for the unvaccinated rams. Vaccination reduced the number of rams that succumbed to experimental challenge and although there were differences between the vaccinated groups, these were not statistically significant.

Following challenge, unvaccinated rams were the first to excrete Br. ovis in their semen; three weeks following inoculation. Next, those vaccinated by either one or two doses by the intraperitoneal technique began to excrete the organism (five weeks) and then finally those rams vaccinated twice by the subcutaneous route (seven weeks).  相似文献   

Histopathologic findings in Brucella abortus-infected, pregnant goats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-eight pregnant goats in midgestation were exposed to a bovine pathogenic strain of Brucella abortus to determine the histologic changes associated with infection. Does were necropsied 0 to 7 days or 4 to 6 weeks after delivery of aborted, stillborn, or live, full-term fetuses. Aborted and stillborn fetuses were necropsied within 16 hours of delivery. Selected, paired tissue specimens were collected for histologic and bacteriologic examination. An avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex immunostaining procedure was used to detect Brucella antigen in tissue section. Histologic changes were evident in specimens from infected does and aborted fetuses. Postpartum does had endometritis, lymphoid hyperplasia in lymph nodes and spleen, and lymphocytic mastitis. The most prominent finding in aborted fetuses was an interstitial pneumonia. Lesions in does and fetuses were similar to those described in Brucella-infected cows and fetuses; however, lesions were less consistently observed in goat fetuses than has been observed in bovine fetuses. Brucella antigen was detected by immunoperoxidase staining within the cytoplasm of placental chorioallantoic trophoblastic cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and uterine epithelial cells. Also, stained brucellae were free in placental and fetal vascular lumens and in the interstitium of autolyzed fetal tissues.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine bovine fetuses naturally and experimentally infected with Brucella abortus were studied. Lymphoid hyperplasia in multiple lymph nodes, lymphoid depletion in the thymic cortex, adrenal cortical hyperplasia, and disseminated inflammatory foci composed mainly of large mononuclear leukocytes were present in infected fetuses. Histopathologic changes in naturally infected fetuses were indistinguishable from those infected fetuses inoculated in utero. Fetuses inoculated with 1.0 X 10(3) to 1.0 X 10(5) colony-forming units of strain 2308 B abortus were aborted on postinoculation day (PID) 7 to 19. Fetuses obtained by PID 9 and 10 had increased immunoglobulin concentrations and antibody. Increased cortisol values were present in fetuses obtained as early as PID 6. The initial fetal inflammatory response was composed of large mononuclear leukocytes. In fetuses obtained by PID 9 to 10, moderate numbers of neutrophils mixed with mononuclear leukocytes were present in the inflammatory foci. This shift in the initial inflammatory reaction coincided with the appearance of agglutinating antibody.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immune responses in cattle naturally infected with strains of Brucella abortus and in cattle vaccinated with B abortus strain 19 during calfhood were studied by an in vitro lymphocyte-stimulation procedure. Lymphocytes were prepared from peripheral bovine blood by the Ficoll-diatrizoate technique, suspended in RPMI-1640 medium (1.5 X 10(6) lymphocytes/ml), cultured with B abortus-soluble antigen or phytohemagglutinin, and incubated for 6 days. Sixteen hours prior to termination of incubation, cultures were labeled with 1 muCi of [3H]thymidine (3HdT) and, after harvesting, assayed for 3HdT incorporation into DNA by liquid scintillation spectrometry. Lymphocytes from cattle with bacteriologically confirmed isolation of B abortus underwent a significantly higher lymphocyte stimulation with B abortus-soluble antigen than did cattle vaccinated with B abortus strain 19 during calfhood (P less than 0.005). Standard seroagglutination tests were conducted simultaneously with lymphocyte-stimulation tests, but there was no apparent correlation between levels of humoral antibodies and the cell-mediated immune responses as measured by in vitro specific lymphocyte stimulation.  相似文献   

The antibody responses of cattle, sheep and goats to the Brucella melitensis H38 adjuvant vaccine were monitored by serum (tube) agglutination, complement fixation and Rose Bengal plate tests. High and persisting antibody titres were induced by a single dose of this vaccine in all three species. It would be difficult to classify reactors by commonly used diagnostic tests in a control or an eradication programme using the H38 adjuvant vaccine.  相似文献   

Purified O chain of Brucella abortus was passively attached to polystyrene to differentiate antibody responses of cattle vaccinated with B abortus strain 19 from those of naturally infected cattle. In the indirect assay, using O polysaccharide as antigen, a single serum dilution was used and mouse monoclonal antibody to bovine L chain conjugated with horseradish peroxidase was the detection reagent. Measurable antibody was not found in sera of vaccinated cattle, except for 3 sera from cattle that were persistently infected with strain 19. Sera from 25 cattle infected with pathogenic strains contained antibody on the basis of results of indirect enzyme immunoassay, using smooth lipopolysaccharide or O chain as antigens, or results of competitive enzyme immunoassay, using the O-chain antigen. Results in sera from calves with experimentally induced Yersinia enterocolitica serotype 0:9 infection or inoculated with a low dose of B abortus strain 2308 were comparable with those in sera of cattle that were vaccinated with strain 19. The data correlated with those from competitive enzyme immunoassay, using one serum dilution and horseradish peroxidase-conjugated mouse monoclonal antibody to smooth lipopolysaccharide. On the basis of results of the indirect enzyme immunoassay, all sera (except those samples obtained before inoculation) contained antibody to smooth lipopolysaccharide.  相似文献   

The IgG2 anti-Brucella antibody response of cattle to Brucella vaccination and infection was measured. Three groups of animals were studied; Group 1 contained 11 non-vaccinated cows, Group 2, 17 cows vaccinated with a low dose of Strain 19 vaccine and Group 3, 17 cows vaccinated with a high dose of Strain 19 vaccine. All animals were challenged at Week 33 with an infectious isolate of B. abortus (Strain 2308). Studies of the IgG2 antibodies response indicated an absolute correlation between anti-Brucella IgG2 levels and infection of the animal. All animals showing reciprocal titers of greater than or equal to 3000 (16 of 45 tested) were found to be positive for the challenge organism at slaughter. Animals with reciprocal IgG2 titers less than or equal to 1000 (29 of 45 tested) were found to be negative for the challenge organism at the time of slaughter. The predictive value of IgG2 antibody levels for infection held for animals in all three groups and consequently this suggests that monitoring of specific IgG2 anti-Brucella antibody levels may be of value in detection of Brucella-infected cattle.  相似文献   

Nonvaccinated pregnant cows were segregated retrospectively into 2 groups following inoculation with Brucella abortus strain 2308. One group resisted infection (resistant cows) and the other group developed active infections (susceptible cows) and subsequently aborted. Mammary gland macrophages collected from the 2 groups of cows were compared, using in vitro functional assays. In a chemiluminescence assay, mammary gland macrophages from resistant cows produced significantly (P = 0.014) higher oxidative burst activity than did macrophages from susceptible cows. Macrophages from resistant cows had significantly (P = 0.038) greater bacteriostatic activity against B abortus than did macrophages from susceptible cows. Differences in lysosomal enzymatic activity or Fc receptor expression were not observed for macrophages from the 2 groups of cows. Differences in macrophage function may be one factor responsible for natural resistance to Brucella infection in cattle.  相似文献   

An O-polysaccharide (O-chain) and a hot-water extracted polysaccharide (PS), both obtained from Brucella abortus 1119-3, and a B. melitensis 16M native hapten (NH) were evaluated by indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on three groups of cattle sera. The sera tested were: (a) 75 sera from cows naturally infected with B. abortus; (b) 130 sera from non-infected and non-vaccinated cattle; and (c) 61 sera from non-infected heifers recently vaccinated with B. abortus Strain 19 (S19). Sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp) and the capability to discriminate vaccinated cattle (ADV) were determined. Using PS antigen, Se was 100% and the Sp was 97.7%, while the highest Sp was obtained by using the O-chain (99.2% ). For the NH antigen, Se was 94.7% and the Sp was 90.0%. The ADV of the three antigens was approximately 85%. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between O-chain/PS and O-chain/NH antigens. The agreement among antigens determined by kappa coefficient was 0.899 for O-chain/PS, 0.845 for O-chain/NH and 0.795 for PS/NH.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from cattle were tested in a blastogenesis test with outer membrane proteins isolated from smooth strain 2308 and rough strain 45/20 of Brucella abortus. The titration assay developed for measuring blastogenesis to microbial antigens (Baldwin, Antczak and Winter, this issue, pp. 319-333) was used to assess the response to both group 2 (porins) (Douglas et al., 1984) and group 3 proteins (Verstreate et al., 1982). Blastogenesis was evaluated for distinguishing cattle infected with virulent B. abortus strain 2308 from unimmunized cattle, cattle vaccinated with attenuated strain 19, or inoculated with Escherichia coli 0116:H31, known to cause serological cross-reactions with B. abortus (Nielsen et al., 1980). Strain 45/20 porin was the most effective for this purpose and data analyses utilizing the titration assay were better than those relying on a single point assay. When compared with BASA, an antigen preparation used in other studies (Kaneene et al., 1978a), responses to porin provided a more specific index of infection with B. abortus. Reactions to 45/20 porin occurred, however, in some heifers vaccinated as adults with strain 19 or inoculated with E. coli 0116:H31. Furthermore, nonpregnant heifers had negligible or only transient blastogenesis responses to the porin during the first 14 weeks after infection even though they developed strong 0 antibody responses. We do not recommend the blastogenesis test in its present form as a useful adjunct to serological tests, and could allow measurement of cell mediated immune responses relevant to protective immunity.  相似文献   

Persistence of antibodies in calves vaccinated with 2 types of inactivated infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus and parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) virus vaccines were determined. Calves seronegative for IBR and PI-3 viruses were inoculated with 2 doses of inactivated IBR virus-PI-3 virus vaccines administered 2 weeks apart. Blood samples were obtained from the calves for serum at 2 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year after vaccination. The serums were tested by serum-neutralization tests. Antibody response to the vaccines persisted on a declining scale for 1 year. The anamnestic responses to the vaccines were determined by inoculating the same calves with a booster dose of vaccine 1 year after the original 2 doses were given. Blood samples were obtained from the calves for serum 2 weeks later. The serums were tested by serum-neutralization tests. The single booster dose of vaccine elicited an anamnestic response to both IBR and PI-3 viruses.  相似文献   

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