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小麦秸秆覆盖对玉米产量及土壤理化性质的影响 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
为探索小麦桔秆覆盖的效果,三镇开展了小麦秸秆覆盖玉米的试验。1 耕作与方法1.1 供试土壤及品种土壤为酸性黄壤,肥力中等,前作为小麦分带种植,麦带宽66.7cm,预留带宽100cm。玉米品种为安单136,4月12日播种,4月30日移栽于预留行内,按(100 66.7)cm×26cm的宽窄地形式种植,种植3000株/667m2。1.2 处理设计设4处理:(1)小麦秸秆直接覆盖还土(250kg/667m2) 常规施肥;(2)小麦秸秆覆盖后接种酵素菌还土(250kg/667m2) 常规施肥;(3)小麦秸秆接种酵素菌堆腐10d后覆盖还土(250kg/667m2) 常规施肥;(4)小麦秸秆未覆盖 常规施肥(c… 相似文献
稻田土壤养分特性对不同耕作方式的生态响应 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
为深入了解耕作措施对稻田耕层土壤的作用效果,笔者在前人研究结果的基础上综述了免耕、翻耕等不同耕作方式对稻田土壤物理性质包括容重、孔隙度、团聚体、水分、温度,土壤化学性质如氮、磷、钾、有机质和微量元素含量以及土壤生物学特性包括微生物、酶活性的影响,分析了不同稻作措施的优缺点。最后对稻田耕层的合理调控提出因地制宜,依据当地的气候、土壤条件、栽培模式选择合理的耕作方式;合理轮耕,免耕、翻耕和旋耕交替运作;配施绿肥和有机肥;推行节水稻作模式等建议。 相似文献
本研究将选择的草原研究地区划分成围封区、放牧区、旅游区,基于对不同区域草原植被、土壤理化性质、土壤养分和酶活性等特性,研究旅游开发对草原生态的影响。结果表明,开发对草原地上生物量影响较大,随着开发强度增大会降低丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数,对草原植被均匀度指数无显著影响;同时,随着开发强度的增加,土壤的含水量、电导率降低,土壤容重增加,对土壤的pH影响较小。土壤中的有机碳、全氮、微生物量碳随旅游强度增加而降低,钾含量随着旅游强度增加而升高,全磷含量不受影响。脲酶活性、蔗糖酶活性、磷酸酶活性随着旅游开发程度的增加均降低,围封处理有利于植被恢复和植物生长。 相似文献
覆盖生态木屑对城市公园土壤温湿度的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
为实现绿化垃圾的循环利用,量化评估覆盖生态木屑对土壤表层温湿度的影响。利用土壤温湿度计定期测定土壤表层温湿度持续1年。结果表明,冬季铺设生态木屑具有良好的保温保湿效果,不铺设木屑土壤含水率迅速下降到10%以下,铺设生态木屑15~20 cm后整个冬季土壤含水率都保持在16%以上,后者土壤温度比前者土壤温度高2℃以上。夏季铺设生态木屑5~10 cm的样树,含水率低于不铺生态木屑的对照组和其他试验组,但对温度的影响并不明显。冬季覆盖生态木屑对土壤表层具有明显的保温保湿效果,且覆盖生态木屑越厚保温保湿效果越显著;而夏季覆盖生态木屑的最佳厚度为5~10 cm,覆盖此厚度的生态木屑既可以起到海绵体吸收多余水分的作用,又不会因为覆盖生态木屑后树冠与根系间的温差增大导致的植物生理性缺水。因此,建议城市公园铺设生态木屑的厚度为5~10 cm。 相似文献
秸秆还田及施肥对土壤养分的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
秸秆还田是当今世界普遍重视的一项培肥地力的增产措施,对维持农田肥力,减少化肥使用,提高陆地土壤碳汇能力具有积极作用。合理施肥,能为作物生长创造养分贮量丰富、有效性高、贮供协调的土壤生态环境,同时能提高土壤肥力,增加作物产量,改善农产品质量。介绍了秸秆还田对土壤有机质等养分含量的影响和施肥对土壤养分的影响。 相似文献
Effects of cover crops on soil mineral nitrogen and on the yield and nitrogen content of maize 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Branko Kramberger Anastazija Gselman Marjan Janzekovic Mitja Kaligaric Brigita Bracko 《European Journal of Agronomy》2009,31(2):103-109
Current agricultural practice favours winter cover crops, which can not only optimize N management in field crop rotation; but also affect subsequent crops. Three field experiments were carried out in Eastern Slovenia to examine the effects of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.), winter rape (Brassica napus ssp.oleifera (Metzg.) Sinsk), subclover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), and crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) as winter cover crops on the mineral N (Nmin) content of soil and on the yield and N content of subsequent maize (Zea mays L.), fertilized with 120 kg N ha−1. Italian ryegrass and winter rape decreased soil Nmin contents before winter and in spring more than both clovers. In contrast, clovers accumulated significantly higher amounts of N in organic matter and had lower C/N ratios than winter rape and especially Italian ryegrass. In comparison to the control (bare fallow without cover crop), clovers increased the whole above ground maize dry matter yield, maize grain yield and N contents in whole above ground plants and in grain. The yields and N contents of maize following winter rape were on the same level as the control, while yields and N contents of maize following Italian ryegrass were, in two of the experiments, at the same level as the control. The effects of Italian ryegrass on the maize as subsequent crop in the third experiment were markedly negative. Maize in the control treatment exploited N much more efficiently than in treatments with cover crops. Therefore, cover crop N management should be improved, especially with a view to optimizing the timing of net N mineralization in accordance with the N demands of the subsequent crop. 相似文献
干扰对毕棚沟生态旅游区土壤物理性质的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对四川毕棚沟生态旅游区的游径、景区公路沿线和火烧迹地等3种干扰类型的土壤物理性质进行典型抽样调查及分析,样地土壤剖面特征表现为: 3类干扰均导致样地土壤含水率呈现不同程度的下降,且表层土壤含水量远高于中下层;表层土壤较为疏松,板结程度小于中下层,踩踏更易导致表层土壤的板结;表层土壤孔隙度大于中下层,踩踏会严重降低土壤表层孔隙度,使土壤逐渐板结;土壤中下层石砾含量明显高于上层。 相似文献
Over the last decade high-quality timber plantations have increased in Europe because of the constant high market price of timber and economical incentives from the EU. These latter are mainly due to timber plantations’ role in CO2 capture. Noble wood plantations have also been established in Mediterranean areas, but many of them suffer from low growth rates due to deficient plantation management and/or non-optimal environmental conditions. Furthermore, little information exists about soil and water management in these plantations and how different soil characteristics may affect management results. In this study, a trial was established in a pure wild cherry plantation under Mediterranean conditions. The trial evaluated the effects that soil type (low soil quality versus good performance for woody crops), soil management (soil tillage versus no tillage), irrigation regime (drip irrigation versus no irrigation) and their interactions may have on wood production. Soil water content and the spontaneous vegetation that appeared in the alleys of the no-tillage treatments were also measured.The results showed that sandy-clay-loam soil with a water-holding capacity of 101.5 ± 5.2 mm had 65% more wood volume increase during the study period than sandy-loam soil with a water-holding capacity of 37.9 ± 8.0 mm. Conventional tillage or zero tillage with the presence of spontaneous vegetation did not differ significantly in wood volume increment, regardless of the type of soil. Although soil water content was significantly increased by tillage in sandy-loam soil, this effect was not enough to increase tree wood volume. On the other hand, the application of drip irrigation did increase wood production by up to 50%. Therefore, 10 years less on the plantation's rotation length can be anticipated when applying irrigation: from 40 to 30 years (sandy–clay–loam soil) and from 56 to 46 years (sandy-loam soil).In conclusion, deep soil characterization of the site is essential before deciding whether to develop a plantation of this type in areas under soil water content limitations caused by deficient soil structure and texture. In addition, our results show important savings can be made by reducing soil tillage, as less tillage leads to greater ground cover and biodiversity. Further investigations are required to examine how long-lasting the effects are and what other benefits can be expected when this type of plantation is managed in a more sustainable way. 相似文献
控制土壤含水量对蔬菜产量及露地菜田水分渗漏量的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
【目的】通过揭示不同土壤含水量对蔬菜产量及蔬菜地土壤水分渗漏量的影响,为蔬菜生产中合理灌溉提供指导。【方法】通过3年田间试验,利用TDR连续监测土壤含水量,运用田间定位通量法计算土体水分渗漏量,分析不同水分处理下蔬菜产量和土体水分渗漏量之间的差异。【结果】传统水分处理下蔬菜地水分累积渗漏量为982 mm,其中蔬菜生长期内累积渗漏量为748 mm,占蔬菜生长期内供水量的36%;优化水分处理和充分水分处理下蔬菜地水分累积渗漏量230 mm和468 mm,其中蔬菜生长期内水分累积渗漏量分别144 mm和293 mm,占各处理下供水量的9%和17%。除2002年优化和充分水分处理下花椰菜产量高于传统水分处理下花椰菜产量并达到显著水平外,其余年份蔬菜产量并无显著差异。【结论】保持土壤含水量在蔬菜生长有效土壤含水量50%~80%的优化水分处理在蔬菜生产中有很大的推广价值。 相似文献
内生真菌(Epichloe)常与早熟禾亚科(Pooideae)冷季型禾草形成一类较为特殊的禾草-内生真菌互惠共生体。近年来,国内外学者对Epichloe内生真菌提高宿主的抗逆机理及其对生态系统功能的影响做了一系列研究。大量研究证实内生真菌可以促进禾草宿主的生长并提高其抗逆性。本研究回顾了Epichloe内生真菌提高宿主对非生物胁迫和生物胁迫抗性的生物学功能、Epichloe内生真菌影响植物群落、土壤养分和土壤微生物多样性的生态学功能及利用内生真菌进行禾草育种的潜力,最后对Epichloe内生真菌的功能进行了展望,以期为研究和利用内生真菌改善禾草的生长及种质创新提供理论依据。 相似文献
Dryland wheat is the major contributor to wheat production in the world, where water deficiency and poor soil fertility are key factors limiting wheat grain yields and nutrient concentrations. A field experiment was carried out from June 2008 to June 2011 at Shilipu (latitude 35.12°N, longitude 107.45°E and altitude 1200 m above sea level) on the Loess Plateau (a typical dryland) in China, to investigate the effects of rotation with soybean (Glycine max) green manure (GM) on grain yield, total N and total Zn concentrations in subsequent wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and on nitrate-N and available Zn in the soil. The benefits of crop rotation with soybean GM on wheat grain yields became more evident with time. In the second and third years, the grain yields of wheat rotated with soybean GM reached 4871 and 5089 kg ha−1 at the 108 kg N ha−1 rate. These yields were 21% and 12% higher than the highest yields of wheat under a fallow-winter wheat (FW) rotation. Rotation with soybean GM reduced the amount of N fertilizer required to obtain wheat grain yields and biomass levels similar to wheat grown in the FW rotation by 20–33%. In the first 2 years, average grain N concentrations over all N rates increased by 6% and 12%, and those of Zn increased by 26% and 14% under the soybean GM-winter wheat (SW) rotation, compared with the FW rotation. The increased grain N and Zn concentrations were found to be related to the increased concentrations of nitrate-N and available Zn in the soil, particularly at the sowing of winter wheat. However, grain N and Zn concentrations were not improved by rotation with soybean GM in the third year. This was attributed to the dilution effect caused by the more grain yield increase than its nutrient export. In conclusion, planting soybean for GM in fallow fields reduced the need for N fertilizer to enhance wheat yields in this dryland region. Change in wheat grain N and Zn concentrations was related to soil nutrient concentrations, and to the balance between increased grain yield and its nutrient export. 相似文献