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T型细胞质雄性不育小麦T763A的败育特点及育性恢复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确T型细胞质雄性不育小麦T763A败育的形态特征和细胞学特点及对T763A恢复系的选用提供依据,以不育系T763A,保持系763B,恢复系Tm3315B、Tm504B和TP731B为供试材料,进行外部形态特征观察和花粉粒制片(醋酸洋红、I2-KI和DAPI);并以中国春和黑麦为对照试材,对所有供试材料进行核型鉴定。结果表明:T763A败育类型为典败和圆败,成熟花粉粒皱缩无规则,内含物少,花粉败育,败育主要发生在单核晚期到二核期;所有供试材料均为非1B/1R类型;3个恢复系(Tm3315B、Tm504B和TP731B)恢复能力均较强,其中以Tm504B对T763A的恢复能力相对最好,这可能与T763A的胞质类型及与恢复系所含的恢复基因数量有关。  相似文献   

Twenty one F1 hybrids involving three Triticum durum cultivars and eleven forms of T. timopheevi were backcrossed to their respective durum parents. Backcross fertility (BC1 grain set) of these sterile hybrids improved with the rise in temperature at the time of pollination. A mean temperature of less than 20 °C results in poor seed set while higher mean temperatures around 24 °C result in increased seed set. It is suggested that a large number of backcross seeds can be produced by pollinating these hybrids late in the season, i.e., after 20th of March in northern India.  相似文献   

棉花胞质雄性不育恢复系选育技术探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 以成功培育出胞质雄性不育恢复系所积累的资料为依据,提出了以与胞质雄性不育系具相同遗传背景的可育种质为原始材料,利用遗传过滤技术培育胞质雄性不育恢复系的选育方法。论述了遗传过滤技术及其应用原则,可作为棉花杂种优势利用研究中胞质雄性不育恢复系培育的参考。  相似文献   

粗厚山羊草细胞质普通小麦雄性育性光温反应的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对粗厚山羊(Ae.crassa)细胞质普通小麦异质系进行2a人工控光试验及分期播种试验.结果表明,粗厚山羊草细胞质普通小麦异质系具有光敏雄性不育特性,温度对育性亦有一定效应;不同异质系的光周期敏感性与核供体品种的光周期敏感性相关;六倍体的粗厚山羊草细胞质异质系与四倍体异质系育性的光周期反应有差异,前者对光周期较为敏感由于异质系育性的光周期反应是核质素作的结果,同时又受到了温度的影响,因此,有可能选育适应不同生态条件的光温敏不育材料.  相似文献   

黏类小麦细胞质雄性不育线粒体atp6基因转录本编辑位点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黏类小麦细胞质雄性不育系ms(Kots)-90-110(A)及其近等可育基因系BC5F2为材料,采用克隆测序与PCR产物直接测序方法,对黏类小麦线粒体atp6基因在花药发育各阶段的RNA编辑进行了分析。结果表明,小麦atp6基因保守区DNA序列在供试材料不育系及其近等可育基因系中完全一致,且与普通小麦和提莫菲维小麦atp6基因序列同源性为99%。两种方法测序分析atp6基因转录本保守区RNA编辑的结果规律相似。atp6基因共有15个编辑位点,其中13个发生在密码子的第一和第二位点上,这些位点的编辑都使氨基酸种类发生了变化;有2个发生在密码子的第三位点上,不引起氨基酸种类的变化;其中第6和第7位点是共转录的。随着花药发育时期的推移,各位点的编辑频率逐渐增高。不育系与其近等可育基因系相比,在引入核恢复基因后,各位点的编辑频率明显提高。编辑不充分的转录产物可能会影响线粒体功能的正常发挥,表明黏类小麦细胞质雄性不育与线粒体atp6基因转录本保守区的编辑有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

Twelve primary hexaploid triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), synthesized from, three lines of tetraploid wheat (Triticum durum L., T. turgidum L.) and four inbred lines of rye (Secale cereale L.), were used to produce 18 crosses with homozygous wheat and heterozygous rye genome and 12 crosses with heterozygous wheat and homozygous rye genome. Parents and crosses of triticale, wheat, and rye were tested for two years (rye for one year only) in two-replicate block designs with 1 m2-plots. Data were assessed for plant height, grain yield and for yield-related traits. Performance of triticale crosses was considerably lower than that of the wheat and rye crosses. The amount of heterosis varied greatly between years. Positive and mainly significant heterosis was revealed in triticale generations F1 and F2. The average values were closer to those in wheat than to those in rye. For most characters a high level of heterosis was retained in tnucalt1 generation F2. Heterozygosity of the wheat and rye genome both contributed to heterosis in triticale. However, gene action of the rye genome strongly depended on the homozygous wheat background: one wheat line almost completely suppressed and another greatly stimulated the heterotic effect of the rye genome. In the later case, the amount of heterosis was related to that in rye per se. Information from hybrid rye breeding may therefore be used when establishing gene pools for hybrid breeding in triticale.  相似文献   

棉花细胞质雄性不育系统在实现棉花杂交种子大规模生产和培育高产、优质、抗逆等棉花新品种中具有重要的应用价值,而恢复系的好坏对细胞质雄性不育系杂交种的选育的利用起着举足轻重的作用。因此,培育优良恢复系至关重要。主要介绍了棉花细胞质雄性不育系、恢复系的类型,综述了棉花细胞质雄性不育育性恢复基因的遗传方式和遗传定位研究进展,讨论了恢复基因的精细定位和分子标记鉴定在分子标记辅助育种中的意义和应用前景,并针对目前存在的问题提出相应对策。  相似文献   

R. Horn  W. Friedt 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(4):317-322
The development of commercial sunflower hybrids based on new CMS sources is of special interest for reducing the potential risk of vulnerability to pathogens and for increasing genetic diversity. From 263 test crosses involving nine new CMS sources, i.e. ANL1, ANL2, MAX1, PEF1, PET2, ANN1, ANN2, ANNS and ANN4, five lines were selected as potential restorers for PEF1, PET2 and ANN4. In test crosses between all nine CMS sources and these five restorer lines evaluated in 2 years, seven fully restored hybrids could be identified. These hybrids, based on ANL1, ANL2, MAX1, PEF1, PET2, and ANN4, showed good agronomic performance for plant height, days to flowering, maturity and oil content. Segregation analyses of the F2 populations indicate that a single dominant restorer gene was sufficient to restore pollen production of hybrids based on ANL2, PEF1 and PET2. For restoration of ANN4, two dominant complementary genes are required. In restoration of fertility in the crosses of ANL1 and MAX1 investigated, two dominant genes are involved each of which on its own allows the production of fertile plants.  相似文献   

此文综述了水稻细胞质雄性不育恢复基因的分子定位研究成果,回顾了前人关于存在于第10染色体上的恢复基因之间相互关系的研究与探讨,并结合水稻细胞质雄性不育特点及分子机理论述了恢复基因的关系,以期为深入研究水稻细胞质雄性不育机理和应用水稻杂种优势提供参考。  相似文献   

K. murai 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(6):592-594
Triticum aestivum cv. Norin 26 with the Aegilops crassa cytoplasm becomes almost completely male sterile when grown under a long-day condition (15 h of light or longer), but is highly male fertile under a short-day condition (14.5h or less). This type of male sterility is called photoperiod-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterility (PCMS). Genetic analyses were made of the fertility-restoring (Rf) genes effective against PCMS that are present in T. aestivum cv. Norin 61. Conventional and monosomic studies indicated that restoration of fertility is controlled by multiple Rf genes located on at least four chromosomes: 4 A, 1D, 3D and 5D. The genetic mechanism of fertility restoration by the genes of‘Norin 61’differs from the mechanisms reported for‘Chinese Spring’and a‘Norin 26’mutant line.  相似文献   

The fertile pure line R3‐37 of common wheat with cytoplasm of Triticum timopheevii Zhuk. is an R‐line (restorer) that can restore the male fertility of A‐lines (male sterile lines) with T. timopheevii cytoplasm. In breeding hybrid wheat, the hybrid of the cross R3‐37/ Baimian3 was found to be completely male sterile, indicating that Baimian3 has some genes that are epistatic to the Rf genes in R3‐37. In order to elucidate the essence of this phenomenon, the male fertilities of the hybrids of 27 crosses including R3‐37 and/or Baimian3 were studied. The results show that inheritance of male fertility of the hybrid R3‐37/Baimian3 involves interactions among Rf alleles, male fertility‐inhibiting genes and genetic background. Although more than 70 different kinds of male sterile cytoplasm to common wheat have been discovered, the systems of hybrid wheat production based on male sterile cytoplasm are all the A‐line/R‐line type and all have similar problems of hybrid fertility restoration. This study confirmed that there is a new model (A‐line/R*‐line//R‐line) for producing hybrid wheat with high fertility restoration. In the new model, the completely male sterile hybrids of A‐line/R*‐line can act as common A‐line.  相似文献   

A Dominant Gene for Male Sterility in Wheat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
L. Bing-Hua  D. Jing-Yang   《Plant Breeding》1986,97(3):204-209
A dominant gene inducing male sterility in wheat is described. It is located on the short arm of chromosme 4D with a recombination percentage of 31.16 with the centromere. The potential use of this allele in breeding and cytogenetic studies in both tetraploid and hexaploid with is discussed.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic male‐sterility (CMS)/fertility‐restoration system is important for hybrid sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seed production. The objective of this study was to characterize two novel alloplasmic CMSs, designated CMS GRO1 and CMS MAX3, with defective anthers, narrow disc florets with no swollen corolla, and short, narrow ray flowers derived from two tetraploid amphiploids (AMPs). Among 26 tested lines, only AMP Helianthus cusickii/P 21 and HA 410 failed to restore male‐fertility. Segregation of CMS, male‐fertile plants and plants with reduced male‐fertility was observed both in the testcross progeny of a six line half‐diallel cross of F1s with CMS MAX3 and in an F2 population of CMS GRO1 × RHA 274. Male‐fertility restoration was controlled by at least two dominant genes. Detailed analysis of the mitochondrial genes may provide insight into the differences between these CMSs and other CMS lines. The new CMSs will facilitate the studies of the incompatibility between cytoplasmic and nuclear genes, especially for the alloplasmic CMS involving perennial species, and also provide unique ornamental flower types and CMS sources for hybrid sunflower breeding.  相似文献   

K. K. Nkongolo    K. C. Armstrong    A. Comeau    C. A. St.  Pierre 《Plant Breeding》1992,109(2):123-129
Common wheat × hexaploid triticale hybrids were produced and evaluated for tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus disease (BYD). The BYD tolerance expression varied with wheat × triticale combination. The selection for BYD tolerance increased the recovery of tolerant genotypes in the next generations. Homozygous tolerant and susceptible lines were obtained in advanced generations. The rye chromosomes 1R, 2R, and 4R with 7R were transmitted as disomic or monosomic, disomic, and double disomic substitution to the late generations of ‘Musala’ (common wheat) בMuskox 658’ (triticale), ‘Encruzilhada’ (common wheat) בNord Kivu’ (triticale) and ‘Encruzilhada’× 12th. International Triticale Screening Nursery 267 (12ITSN267) (triticale), respectively. A clear association was established between the 1R chromosome of the ‘Muskox 658’ triticale line and the tolerance to BYDV. Results suggest that the 2R chromosome may be involved in BYD tolerance of ‘Nord Kivu’ triticale line.  相似文献   

D2型细胞质光敏雄性不育小麦的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过春季在田间分期播种,冬季在温室中不补光种植,研究了具有D2型细胞质(胞质供体为粗厚山羊草Ae.crassa)的Norin 26异质系在呼和浩特自然光生长条件下的育性表现.结果表明:(1)不同播期的Norin 26异质系在田间的不育株率均达到了100%;不育性在形态上表现为雄蕊心皮化.(2)三个播期的自交结实率分别为:3月28日播种的为40.85%(半不育),4月7日播种的为18.72%(高不育),4月17日播种的为0(全不育).(3)冬季不补光种植在温室中的Norin 26异质系的育性及自交结实均表现正常.  相似文献   

小麦K型雄性不育系易恢性的差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在两种环境条件下对16个K型不育系与12个恢复系组配的192个杂交组合的恢复度进行了鉴定,研究了不同不育系易恢性的差异以及恢复系的恢复力表现.结果表明,在16个不育系中,豫麦3号、豫农93019、豫农93151和漯珍1号的平均恢复度都在70%以上,为易恢性好的类型;豫教1号、豫农93221、S33、豫农92369、豫农92368和豫农92382的平均恢复度在60%~70%,为易恢性中等的类型;MS43、S34、豫麦21号、S43、矮82056和豫农212M2的平均恢复度在60%以下,为易恢性差的类型.在12个恢复系中,携带2对恢复基因的豫麦2号不仅平均恢复度高,而且在不同不育系间恢复力最稳定;豫麦54号和豫麦66号的恢复力最差,二者均没有携带Rfv1基因.不育系与恢复系间存在一定的互作效应.  相似文献   

大豆质核互作雄性不育研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用雄性不育进行杂种优势育种是提高大豆产量的有效措施之一。目前发现的大豆雄性不育类型主要包括细胞核雄性不育、光温敏雄性不育和质核互作(细胞质)雄性不育。而对大豆杂种优势利用具有实际应用价值的是质核互作雄性不育。简要回顾了大豆质核互作雄性不育的发现过程,总结了通过三系配套技术实现的大豆杂交育种的现状与关键生产技术等,并从细胞学、分子生物学和蛋白质组学等方面综述了大豆质核互作雄性不育形成机理方面的研究进展。最后提出不同研究单位之间应该加强协作,通过合理的研究材料交流来加快大豆质核互作雄性不育机理的研究,以使其能够被更好地应用于大豆杂种优势育种中。  相似文献   

A Brassica juncea line carrying an introgression from Moricandia arvensis restored male fertility to two cytoplasmic male‐sterile (CMS) B. juncea lines carrying either M. arvensis or Diplotaxis catholica cytoplasm. Genetics of fertility restoration was studied in the F1, F2, F3 and backcross generations of the cross between CMS and fertility‐restorer lines. No male‐sterile plants were found in F1‐F3 generations of the cross between CMS [M. arvensis] B. juncea and the restorer. However, a 1: 1 segregation for male sterility and fertility was observed when the F1 was pollinated with non‐restorer pollen from a euplasmic line. These results clearly show that restoration is mono‐genic and gametophytic. In CMS lines carrying D. catholica cytoplasm, the restorer conferred male fertility to the F1 and showed 3: 1 and 1: 1 segregations for male fertility and sterility in F2 and BC1 generations, respectively, indicating a monogenic, sporophytic mode of fertility restoration. The results were also supported by pollen stainability in the F1 which was about 65% in M. arvensis‐based CMS and >90% in D. catholica‐based CMS. The above results are discussed in the light of previous molecular studies which showed association between CMS and atpA in both systems.  相似文献   

Male fertility of F1 interspecific hybrid plants derived from crosses between cytoplasmic male-sterile Brassica campestris in Diplotaxis muralis cytoplasm and 147 B. napus cultivars was Investigated. F1, plants obtained, from crosses with the B. napus cultivars‘Mangum’and‘Hinchu’were male-sterile while F1 plants derived from all other crosses were male-fertile. This indicated that these two cultivars carried maintainer genes far the male-sterility-inducing cytoplasm of D. muralis. Sterility was stable In plants derived from backcrosses of male-sterile F; plants with‘Mangun and‘Hinchu’but the seed set of backcross plants was low. With restorer genes readily available in B. napus, these findings could lead to the development of a new cytoplasmic male sterility system for the breeding of B. napus hybrid cultivars.  相似文献   

细胞质雄性不育(cytoplasmic male sterility,CMS)及育性恢复(restorer of fertility,Rf)是作物杂种优势利用的有效途径之一,由线粒体不育基因和核恢复基因互作产生。本文综述了水稻CMS和Rf基因的来源及其分子遗传机理,并展望了水稻CMS和Rf系统在水稻育种方面的应用。  相似文献   

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