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小型台式精圆锯机(157125)大海林林业局于成军近几年来,随着林产工业的深度开发,小规模的木材加工业得到了普遍发展,因而台式圆锯作为木材加工比较常用的一种设备,在一些乡镇,尤其是在木材资源比较丰富的林区,越来越受到广大用户的青睐。但老式圆锯的锯路较宽,既...  相似文献   

树种和含水率对纵截圆锯锯切指标影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王述洋  谭文英 《林业科学》1992,28(2):188-191
为研究树种和含水率对纵截圆锯切削力、锯切功率和锯切比功等锯切指标的影响关系,笔者选择我国东北小兴安岭地区常见的9种树种,在恒定切削速度和进给速度的条件下进行了对比试验。一、试材试材选择小兴安岭产鱼鳞松  相似文献   

新型原木加工高效双轴圆锯为满足现代木材加工对高效率和灵活性的要求,一种将原木锯解加工成规格锯材和标准方材的新型双轴圆锯被成功开发,并被广泛用于原木锯解生产。新型双轴圆锯生产线的采用微机采集原木数据,配合锯切方案数据库以及变频和伺服控制,大大提高了加工效率和精度,使得高速、大量生产成为可能。与传统使用的开料排锯相比,双轴圆锯机的优势主要表现在:1)无需原木径级预分类。双轴圆锯机的上下共有4根轴,轴间距可调整;每轴装有6套位置可调的圆锯片。在接收到计算机发出的指令后,通过液压伺服机构,立刻调整锯片锯轴位置,完全避免…  相似文献   

屑片厚度、锯切宽度对纵截圆锯锯切指标影响的试验研究尚不多见。本文在切削速度不变的条件下进行了变屑片厚度、变锯切宽度试验,得出了切削力P、锯木功率N、锯木生产率S以及锯切比功K分别随以上二因素变化的试验曲线和回归公式,为纵截圆锯锯切理论的研究,提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

1 横截圆锯、吊截锯、纵切圆锯和再锯圆锯机安全要求1.1圆锯机工作台下面和后面的防护装置在工作台下面应设置防护罩罩住锯片,以防止锯片与传动机构的运动件接触或与其它部件意外接触.锯架、电机(包括单独基础的电机)吸尘罩及工作台下的封闭壳均可以认为是防护部件.  相似文献   

何云波 《林业科技》2000,25(3):48-49
多年来,由于制材出材率低而造成的原木消耗量大、经济效益低的问题始终困扰着木材加工企业。本文将柴河林业局等3个制材厂总结出的几项提高制材出材率的工艺措施介绍给同行,以期共同探讨,并取得更大进步。1 小头进锯法 (1)小头向前,跑车带锯机的招车、摇尺工可以准确地看清小头断面,易于辨别其径级、形状、缺陷等情况,便于设计锯口,有利于看材下料和按料下锯。 (2)实行小头进锯,跑车带锯机所剖制的半制品、大板皮都是小头向前地运给下一道工序,使所有的再剖带锯机、辅助带锯机、纵割圆锯、双圆锯裁边机、截锯都能得到小头…  相似文献   

高效多片锯床;卧式劈木机;曲线锯锯切方向的光学标示装置;折叠便携式多功能木工电刨;木、纸制品转角槽加工机;木工圆锯机双履带传动机构;竹片双向冲条机。[编者按]  相似文献   

在带锯机和圆锯机的设计过程中,设计人员通常根据已知的工作条件选择相应的电机来满足木材锯切的需要。在选择电机时,首先要根据实际的工作条件,在考虑到各种影响锯切因素的前题下,准确地计算出进行切削时所需的功率。否则,将直接影响到电机功率的选择。影响切削功率的因素很多,在计算过程中能否把这些因素考虑准确,将直接影响功率计算结果的准确性。  相似文献   

解金娣  刁稼祥 《林业科技》1998,23(6):43-44,46
新型多片圆锯机适用于制材、地板块及家具生产线,其板材锯割精度高、出材产品。经国家科委级技术鉴定,其主要技术性能指标达到90年代同类产品的国际先进水平。本文对该锯机的电气控制系统部分做一介绍。  相似文献   

跑车木工带锯机主要是把弯曲度较小的原木(直径:200~1500mm、长度:4~6m),锯割成基准面、一定规格的板材、方材或枕木。其精度、安全和自动化程度已远远超过了普通圆锯机,目前广泛用于林区和大  相似文献   

杨素华 《林业研究》1995,6(4):58-60
Whenthepwticlebortswerecutbyuseoftllllgstencarbidetippedcircularsaw(Fig.l),th9whcientcuttingspeedfortheminimumcostandmaximumproductionwasdiscussedforafewyears.Ingeneral,thehigherthecuttingspeed,thehigherthecuttingheatproducedandtheshorterthelifeofthetoolresulted.Althoughthehighercuttingspeedcouldmalletheproductivityhigher,theamountofwearoftoothwasincreasedandthenthetimesofchangingsawswereincreased.There-foretherewasanoptimumrangeofcuttingspeedswhentheparticleboardswerecutbycircularsawbasedonan…  相似文献   

According to ZBJ65015-89 standard about noise level testing method of woodworking toot, the noise testing for MJg0# and MJCl125 precision panel saws was conducted by using model ND2 precision soundqevel apparatus and double frequency wave filter. The testing results showed that the unloaded running noise source of precision panel saw was mainly from main saw blade and its aeromechanic noise was the largest. The rotating speed was determined as an important factor to impact dynamic characters of precision panel saw as the unloaded running noise increased along with speed increasing. For reducing noise of precision panel saw, the first important way is to reduce the aeromechanic noise produced by main saw blade rotating at high speed; based on assuring the processing precision, choosing tow speed is a better way to drop dawn noise; from the view of design, the diameter of clamping lid is better of half of outer diameter of main saw blade.  相似文献   

徐鹤忠  俞明 《森林工程》1999,15(1):29-29,2
手提式电锯广泛使用于贮木场移植式造材作业中。本文对手提式电锯进行了客观的分析,并阐述了其发展前景。  相似文献   

油锯采伐与手锯采伐经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对油锯采伐与手锯采伐方式的经济效益对比分析得出 ,不论是人工林 ,还是天然林 ,油锯采伐方式的经济效益均高于手锯采伐方式。  相似文献   

王世名  周士杰 《森林工程》2002,18(2):32-32,28
本文介绍了日本共立CS-80型油锯的常见故障并给出了排除办法。  相似文献   

本文对带锯机杠杆压砣式张紧系统压砣及锯条横向振动进行了测试,并运用DASP6.53振动分析软件对测试结果进行了分析,得到了带锯机杠杆压砣式张紧系统振动的特性、产生振动的频率范围及频率特性,为今后带锯机的动态设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The sound pressure level of differently designed circular saw blades were investigated during idling. Nine blade samples were used: three differently designed blade bodies (without slots, with four radial slots, and with four slots with copper cork), each with three diameters (260,280, and 300 mm). The sound pressure level was measured at different rotational frequencies ranging from 25 to 65 rps in increments of 1 rps. Rubber damping rings 80mm in diameter and 0.3 mm thick were placed between the saw blade and the collars, and the emitted noise was measured. Because of the whistling sound the blades without slots emitted high sound pressure levels. There were no significant changes when rubber damping rings were used. The use of rubber damping rings on the samples with radial slots eliminates the whistling noise. The saws with copper corks did not emit a whistling noise at all, and their aerodynamic noise was 2–3 dB (A) lower than the aerodynamic noise of the saws with radial slots. The relation between sound pressure emitted by the damped idling saw and peripheral velocity can be described by the power function with the exponent value between 4.8 and 5.2.Part of this report was presented at the 14th International Wood Machining Seminar, Epinal, France, September 1999  相似文献   

本文采用先进的计算机噪声测量分析系统,对MJ256型圆锯机的噪声进行了测试和分析,找出了主振源,并重新设计制造了一个排屑器门,使锯机最大声强值降低两个多分贝。  相似文献   

鲁艳玲  李云峰 《森林工程》2002,18(3):28-28,30
本文通过对木工跑车带锯机列摇尺制动和摇尺操纵的电器改造,实现了摇尺自控和跑车摇控。提高了木材出材率,改善了工人的劳动条件。  相似文献   

Operation safety during sawing operations as well as dimensional accuracy and surface roughness depend on circular saw dynamic features among other factors such as circular saw blade accuracy and static/dynamic properties of the machine tool. Manufacturers of saw blades have an obligation to mark tools with a value stating the maximum allowed rotational speed for each saw. However, in some cases the value indicated on the saw corresponds to the critical rotational speed or is dangerously close to this critical value. Saw operation at the critical rotational speed is inadvisable and may result in serious injury or depreciation of product quality. This report outlines a simple methodology for evaluation of circular saw critical rotational speed. The assessment was conducted with a camera vision technique on the basis of an impulse test. Results are compared with theoretically calculated critical rotational speeds and the marks on saw blades.  相似文献   

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