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对德国牧羊犬与罗威纳犬两个品种的760头二月龄内仔犬的累计生长、绝对生长、相对生长的分析,发现仔犬在15-25日龄,35日龄和55日龄左右出现了生长发育低谷,罗威纳犬的生长发育趋势要比德国牧羊犬推迟5-10天左右。在此研究的基础上,结合日常饲养管理工作的分析,归纳出仔犬的生长发育规律。  相似文献   

母犬一般能自然生产,无需人为助产。但由于各方面因素的影响,有些母犬往往不能完全独立的完成分娩,这就需要人为地帮助母犬进行分娩。发生分娩异常时,应及早助产,可避免母犬和仔犬受到危  相似文献   

一、采取寄养措施的前提1.母犬产后死亡。2.母犬产后乳汁分泌过少,哺育较多的仔犬有困难。3.母犬产仔过多,超过其有效哺乳头数。4.不同品种仔犬的经济价值不同,利用奶水较好的母犬来哺育经济价值高的仔犬。二、寄养方法主要有直接寄养和交叉寄养两种方法。1.直接寄养是指直接把  相似文献   

仔犬的发育过程是犬整个生长过程中的重要阶段。其特点是 :生长发育快 ,对营养物质的要求相对较高 ;消化器官不发达 ,消化腺功能不完善 ;缺乏免疫力 ,容易感染疾病 ;体温调节机能不完善 ,对环境适应能力差等。本文根据笔者所在警犬基地饲养管理情况及饲养实践 ,得出一些仔犬的饲养管理心得 ,以飨读者。1 重视婴儿期的饲养管理犬从出生到 2周龄这段时间称为仔犬的婴儿期。这一时间仔犬的嗅觉和触角感官在初步起作用 ,但这一时期眼瞎耳聋、行动不便、怕冷、抵抗力差及易得病等原因 ,容易造成较高的死亡率。仔犬婴儿期的饲养管理要点如下。1 1…  相似文献   

杜伯文犬原产于德国的阿波尔达,早期多用于保护人身安全。它混和了德国牧羊犬、罗威纳犬、黑色牧羊犬、棕黄色牧羊犬、德国品捷犬、波赛隆牧羊犬和灵提等品种的血缘。该品种犬活泼、勇敢、警惕、精力充沛,常用于击退凶猛的野兽。1910年建立了它的品种特征。笔者对某地12头二月龄内的杜伯文仔犬特性进行了认真细致的观察和总结,由于样本少,未作深层的研究分析,归纳的以下特性仅供参考。  相似文献   

要提高初生仔犬的成活率,首先得了解仔犬的生理特点和习性以及常见病,并掌握相应的疾病防治技术.  相似文献   

1新生仔犬的护理新生仔犬又称初生仔犬,是指从出生到脐带断端干燥、脱落这段时间的仔犬,大约3d左右。1.1加强观察新生仔犬活动能力很差,而且眼睛和耳朵都完全闭着,随时有被母犬压死、踩伤的可能,也有爬不到母犬身边因冻伤、吃不到初乳而挨饿等现象,这些都需要有人随时发现并  相似文献   

好了,现在仔犬降临了!我们怎样照顾它们?我们在什么情况下应该通知兽医? (1)在仔犬产出前,如果你看到褐色、黑色或绿色液体从母犬阴部流出,应通知兽医。一旦第一头仔犬产出,你就可忽略排出物,你经常可看到这些黑色液体在产仔后或产仔间排出。  相似文献   

2006年8月31日,本基地一头母犬(2003年9月6目生),顺利产下一窝小犬,共13头(10公3母),其中2头小犬产下已经死亡,其他小犬状况良好,母乳颜色等较好,小犬正常喝母乳。但24小时后1头小犬突然死亡,几小时后又出现1头小犬死亡。饲养员发现2头小犬生前吃奶正常,但体重下降,精神状态不好,运动无力,死前出现抽搐,四肢挣扎后突然死亡。经过检查发现大多小犬可视粘膜黄染、皮肤口角发黄,  相似文献   

The composition of surfactant from the lungs of neonatal puppies dying from 'fadding puppy complex' differs from that of neonates dying from other causes. Surfactant from 'fading puppies' contained significantly less phosphatidylcholine than did the surfactant from other puppies, and therefore abnormal surfactant may be implicated in fading puppy complex. Abnormal surfactant has been implicated in the pathogenesis of sudden infant death syndrome in human infants.  相似文献   

"Wasting" or "fading" syndromes are common causes of puppy and kitten mortality. Numerous infectious and toxic, metabolic, or nutritional factors could potentially be responsible for wasting and death in young animals. Evidence has been presented that infectious canine hepatitis virus infection, beta-hemolytic streptococcus infection, and feline infectious peritonitis virus infection are responsible for a significant number of deaths due to wasting syndrome. However, many cases of wasting syndrome cannot be attributed to infectious agents or other specific etiologies. The thymus gland warrants special attention when one is evaluating an animal with a wasting syndrome because it is known that, in some species, neonatal thymectomy results in wasting and death. Unfortunately, most reports describing fading syndromes in puppies and kittens do not mention the gross or histologic appearance of the thymus gland at postmortem examination. When examining the thymus gland, one must keep in mind that the thymus may be hypoplastic owing to a congenital or genetic defect in its structure and function or it may be atrophic secondary to whatever is causing the fading syndrome. If a thorough history, clinical examination, and/or postmortem examination do not reveal a cause for the fading syndrome, then defective thymus function should be considered as a possible causative or contributing factor to the fading syndrome. In these cases, therapy designed to replace or improve the defective thymus function should be considered. At least one form of wasting syndrome in puppies (immunodeficient dwarfism) has been found to respond to short-term therapy with a thymus hormone (thymosin fraction 5) or with bovine growth hormone (which is thymotropic) in limited clinical trials. It is possible that other forms of wasting or fading syndromes would also respond to therapy with thymus hormone or growth hormone. Certain thymus hormones (thymopoietin pentapeptide, thymosin alpha 1, facteur thymique serique, and rabbit thymus acetone powder) and bovine growth hormone are commercially available. Before initiating therapy, one should consider that if the cause of the wasting syndrome is genetic, then successful treatment may perpetuate a genetic defect. More research (both basic and clinical) is needed to determine the role of thymus gland dysfunction in fading syndromes of puppies and kittens and if therapy with one or several of the thymus hormones or with growth hormone could reverse the symptoms of wasting.  相似文献   

本观察从仔犬初生时期开始,对0~2月龄的12头德国牧羊犬幼犬行为发育状况进行了观测和分析,从视、嗅、听、环境适应能力、衔取能力、运动能力、等级意识等方面入手,对不同年龄段的幼犬表现行为进行了观察和测试。  相似文献   

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