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山西省主要粮食作物节肥增产潜力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统总结了2004—2013年山西省10年间主要粮食作物(春玉米、夏玉米、冬小麦)的播种面积、产量、肥料用量、养分效率的变化趋势,并分析了作物的节肥潜力。结果显示:2013年比2004年粮食作物播种面积增加了11.9%,总产量增加了23.6%,肥料用量同步增长了29.5%。粮食总产的增加主要源于玉米面积和产量的贡献,十年间玉米面积增加了48.4%,总产量增加了51.2%,而粮食单产却徘徊不前。对目前山西省粮食生产肥料偏生产力、节肥潜力等指标分析得出,在稳定钾肥施用前提下,玉米小麦生产能够节肥17万t,节肥潜力达22%;在节肥20%前提下,应用高产高效技术,山西能够同时实现粮食增产20%和氮肥偏生产力提高10%以上的目标,使山西省粮食生产达到节肥绿色增产的效果。  相似文献   

北京市冬小麦节水节肥节药轻简栽培技术体系研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对北京市小麦生产中存在的耗水量偏大、用肥量偏多、农机作业环节多、成本高等问题,引进筛选出适合北京地区使用的圆形(指针式)喷灌机等节水灌溉设备,研究提出喷灌条件下限量灌溉高效用水量为1 650m 3/hm 2,研发出用于大田水肥一体化的施肥系统,筛选出高巧和酷拉斯等4种复合拌种药剂和施用配方,引进了河南豪丰2BMSF-16/8带状免耕旋耕播种机并根据京郊播种要求进行了改造,提高了水、肥、药利用效率和农机作业效率,形成了北京市小麦节水节肥轻简栽培技术体系,包括选用抗旱品种、采用圆形喷灌机等节水灌溉,采用水肥一体化或缓释复合肥一次底施(或缓释尿素返青期一次施用)技术以减少肥料用量。该技术体系已在京郊得到大面积应用。  相似文献   

玉米作为主要的粮食作物,对保障国家粮食安全做出了重要贡献。由于大水大肥的生产方式导致的地下水缺乏、面源污染等问题受到国家层面的高度重视。水肥一体化滴灌技术是实现"资源节约和环境友好"两型农业的关键技术。它是基于作物生长特性和环境状况等条件,借助新型滴灌系统,在灌溉的同时将肥料配兑成肥液一起输送到作物根部土壤,确保水分养分均匀、准确、定时定量地供应,达到节水节肥,提高水肥利用效率,增产增收等效果。滴灌施肥技术方法是影响作物水肥利用率的关键因素之一,但其当前主要应用于经济作物,对于华北平原夏玉米滴灌技术刚刚起步,还缺乏相应的滴灌施肥技术参数。因此,本研究提出了山东滴灌夏玉米水肥一体化技术规程,规定了夏玉米滴灌水肥一体化技术要求、滴灌设备、水分管理、养分管理、设备维护等管理技术要点,适用于山东省夏玉米滴灌栽培,以期为推进区域农业持续发展,促进夏玉米高效滴灌施肥推广提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

不同肥料运筹对夏玉米的生产效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【研究目的】以高产夏玉米新品种鲁单9006为试验材料,研究了不同肥料运筹对夏玉米产量、籽粒品质和土壤性状的影响。【方法】大田试验结合室内分析试验比较分析了不同肥料运筹的生产效应。【结果】与施用普通化肥相比,施用包膜化学肥料特别是控释肥料在玉米增产、肥料利用效率与经济效益提高等方面的效果明显要好,并可部分地改善玉米籽粒品质和耕层土壤性状;不同肥料运筹的玉米生产效益分析结果表明:施用等养分量控释肥的经济效益显著高于普通化肥,减量控释肥施用的经济效益要优于全量控释肥,普通化肥一次施用优于分次施用。【结论】施用包膜化学肥料特别是控释肥料对夏玉米的生产效应明显好于施用普通化肥;在提高玉米产量的同时,减少肥料成本投入也是提高玉米生产效益的有效措施。  相似文献   

在保证周年较高产量的同时,进一步提高水分利用效率是促进华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟种植体系可持续发展的关键。从20世纪中晚期开始国内学者便从节水灌溉技术创新、灌溉制度优化、替代节水种植制度构建和节水抗旱新品种选育等方面开展了以冬小麦-夏玉米两熟种植体系为核心的周年水分高效利用途径的探索,取得了重要进展,显著提高了作物水分利用效率(WUE)。本文综述了华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米种植体系水分高效利用的研究进展,并提出了通过耕作或播/收期调控冬小麦-夏玉米周年降水与地下水平衡利用,促进周年水分(灌溉水和降水)高效利用的技术途径,以充分挖掘华北平原水分生产潜力,为该区冬小麦-夏玉米种植体系节水高产栽培及节水种植制度建立提供思路和依据。  相似文献   

玉米膜下滴灌节水保产增产技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玉米膜下滴灌技术是大庆市近来和将来要重点推广的节水保产增产新技术。此技术具有增温、增产、增效;省工、省时、省劳;节水、节肥、节药;高产、优质、高效:抗灾保产和旱涝保收等优点。2008年大庆市推广玉米膜下滴灌面积1.55万hm2.2009年预计推广玉米膜下滴灌面积累计至4.67万hm2.力争在2012年推广到20万hm2,膜下滴灌玉米产量将达30亿kg。  相似文献   

李帅 《种业导刊》2016,(8):17-18
以河南周科农业科技有限公司生产的40%周科肥、45%周科肥,贵州黔磷化工有限公司生产的45%黔磷复肥,澳大利亚埃尔夫液体化肥有限公司生产的霍博士玉米拌种肥为材料进行玉米肥效试验,探索不同玉米专用肥配方对玉米的增产作用,为大面积推广应用提供科学依据。结果表明:45%周科肥肥效最高,其次为45%黔磷复肥,第三为40%周科肥;三种肥料结合霍博士玉米拌种肥拌种,增产效果更显著。  相似文献   

滴灌技术是世界上最先进的节水灌溉技术之一,它能将作物生长所需的水分和各种养分适时适量地输送到作物根部附近的土壤,具有显著的节水、增产效果。棉花膜下滴灌技术是滴灌技术与覆膜植棉技术有机结合(优势叠加)的产物,能充分发挥节水、节肥(药)、节机力、节人工、提高土地利用率和增产、增效作用,为干旱地区发展高效节水灌溉技术开辟了一条新路。  相似文献   

随着控释肥料的不断发展,控释尿素在生产上的应用愈来愈广,为了探索控释尿素与普通尿素的增产和节肥效果,我们在夏玉米上实施了控释尿素与普通尿素混施对比试验,为大田应用提供技术依据。现将试验设计及结果报告如下,供农民朋友在推广使用控释肥料时参考。  相似文献   

黑龙港属华北缺水低平原区,水资源不足是限制该区农业生产发展的主要因素。该区主要种植模式为冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟制,小麦、玉米高产主要靠超采地下水来维持。近年来,随着小麦节水技术的推广应用,粮田产量和水分效率在逐步提高,但节水高产潜力仍然巨大。特别是从周年水资源高效利用出发,建立区域特色的两熟一体化节水高效技术模式,十分必要。运用熵权综合评价法对“黑龙港及鲁北平原区小麦玉米减蒸降耗农艺节水技术集成与示范”项目形成的小麦玉米农艺节水技术集成模式进行评价,筛选出最佳的节水技术模式。得到的结论是:最少水肥投入模式最优,节水省肥模式次优,传统高水肥模式最差。节水省肥是未来发展现代农业的方向。应该进一步提高农户农业节水意识,利用多种手段,促进农户采用小麦玉米节水技术优化模式。  相似文献   

In the process of air conditioning, not only the thermal comfort but also energy saving should be considered. A method, which combines a least enthalpy difference(LED) and mixing air ratio based on the theory of enthalpy, can help to approach to comfortable zone for the air before coming into air handling unit (AHU). Then several mathematic equations of mixing process were derived based on laws of conservation of mass and energy. Eventually, the models of HVAC were established under SIMULINK environment. And the control strategies are validated in the aspects of improving comfortable effect and saving energy. It is found that LED based PID controller can achieve the requirements of better thermal comfort and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

A coking plant extended many times, and its capacity of the cooling water system is not match with it, the consumption of new water is much more than that used by others in the same industry. The water system renovation is addressed for an extended coking plant. The installation of two 600 m3/h cooling towers and restoration the existing two cooling towers are to promote the cooling capacity so that the amount of discharge and feed could be reduced. At the same time, the pipe net for waste water reutilisation is installed, by which part of the waste water is reused as supplement water for quenching hot coke and the other was piped to ironworks for reuse. With the field test, the water consumption per ton of coke production is cut down from 9.03 m3 to 3.21 m3. And the annual water saving is more than 6×106 m3. Furthermore, the electric consumption is reduced by 2×106 kWh and about 3×106 yuan of annual running cost is saved.  相似文献   

以同一青花菜一代杂交父母本为试材进行了不同播种期的制种试验,研究了各处理青花菜的生长期、种子产量和质量的差异等特性。结果表明,母本8月20日播种、父本8月30日播种,青花菜种子的产量和质量最好。播种期对青花菜种子的产量和质量有密切关系。  相似文献   

The arrival time of data received by a mobile station in IEEE 802.16e is stochastic. When the arrival rate is low, the shorter initial sleep time (Tmin) and the maximal sleep time (Tmax) will lead to the mobile station being awakened frequently, which increases the average listening times and consumes more energy. On the other hand, when the arrival rate is high, longer Tmin and Tmax lead to longer response times. To address these problems, a novel adaptive energy saving mechanism is proposed. Firstly, Tmin and its corresponding Tmax are initialized. The mumber of Tmax which the mobile station lasted in a sleep mode is denoted as J. The real time Tmin is defined as R(Tmin) when the mobile station is in a sleep mode. R(Tmin) is determined by J which representd the Tmax of the former sleep mode. As a result, Tmin is adjusted adaptively, and the average listening times are reduced. A Markov chain is adopted to analyze the above adaptive energy saving mechanism. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed energy saving mechanism.  相似文献   

农业节水灌溉经济效益的分析和计算   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
干旱缺水是制约农业生产发展的主要因素之一,而农业节水灌溉就是用尽可能少的水投入,取得尽可能多农作物产品的一种农业高效用水模式;对农业节水灌溉经济效益的分析和计算从理论上进行了系统的阐述,供相关人员参考。新疆生产建设兵团各垦区是荒漠、半荒漠人工垦荒绿洲灌溉农业区,缺水问题尤显突出。要使垦区农业经济健康持续稳定的发展,必须发展节水农业,提高灌溉水的利用率,提高单方水的生产效率,节水扩灌,改善农业生产技术措施,提高粮、棉、果、牧的产量和品质;只有通过农业节水才能满足“生态维护用水”的需求,防止生态脆弱区生存环境的进一步恶化,降低各种自然灾害(大风、沙尘暴、浮尘等)发生的频率,减少农田沙化的进度。  相似文献   

Racism, sexism and gendered violence disadvantage Indigenous Papuan women, yet government responses often focus on individual interventions like ‘raising awareness’ or training. In this article, we build on efforts to challenge these narratives about women's vulnerabilities. We draw on life history interviews with older Papuan women in Jayapura to rethink vulnerabilities and everyday struggles in the context of structural inequalities. We interpret their stories as forms of ‘survivance’ and argue that contrary to dominant perspectives, Papuan women are not economic novices or passive victims. Rather, opportunities have narrowed over time, and women's long history of activity, strategy, persistence and resistance has largely been forgotten. Women's life histories shed light on urban colonialism and Indigenous survivance in Jayapura since the 1940s, when Jayapura was still a Dutch colonial capital and not yet an Indonesian frontier. In a time dominated by concerns about Papuan demise, their experiences are provocative for rethinking vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

沧州地区小麦节水高产高效栽培技术总结   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沧州是小麦生产大市,每年小麦播种面积在36.7万hm2左右.沧州水资源特别是地下水资源匮乏直接影响了小麦的产量和效益.本文就选用适宜品种、深耕细整土地、调整播期、足墒播种、科学管理等节水栽培措施进行了综合论述.  相似文献   

大葱、油菜种子干燥、超干燥异地节能保存研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将大葱、油菜种子干燥、超干燥至不同的含水量后,密寺包装于铝箔代中,未干燥种子各做一个纸代包装和铝箔代包装对象,分别送往北京、哈尔滨、西宁、乌鲁木齐、南昌、三亚于常温下保存,2a后测定结果表明,经干燥、超干燥密封包装的种子在各气候区仍保持89%-99%的发芽率,未干燥纸袋包装开放保存和铝箔袋包装密封保存的种子,其发芽率在乌鲁木齐、西宁为82%-96%,在北京、哈尔滨其发芽率已降至88%-38%,在南昌、三亚则大部分种子已死亡。  相似文献   

To analyze the influence of the platform screen doors (PSD) on energy consumption of subway environmental control systems in northern cities and to make good use of piston wind, EnergyPlus, an energy analysis and thermal load simulation program, is used to evaluate such systems in northern cities. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation is made to model the velocity and temperature field of a subway station and to predict the effect on PSD reconstruction using Airpak. Compared to a system with automatic platform gates, a PSD system has 2% lower energy consumption. Thus, PSDs are inefficient for saving energy in northern cities. Because electricity consumption by ventilation equipment increases notably when PSDs are used, particularly by under platform exhaust fans, little difference exists in the overall energy consumption with or without PSD. More thoroughly using piston wind in transition seasons and the winter is the key to solving the high energy consumption problem. The energy analysis and CFD simulation results show that the adjustable vents in PSD can use the piston process to introduce outside air, thereby reducing ventilation energy consumption notably. Because the vents can be closed, PSDs also can save energy in the summer. Using these recommendations can reduced annual energy consumption 30%.  相似文献   

Water‐saving rice production systems are inevitable in the wake of severe water shortage in rice‐growing regions of the world. Mulches can improve water productivity, yield and quality of rice through increase in water retention. Studies were conducted for two consecutive years to assess the potential role of mulches (plastic and straw) in improving the performance of water‐saving rice production systems in comparison with no mulch used and conventionally irrigated transplanted rice. Water‐saving rice production systems in this study comprise aerobic rice and transplanted rice with intermittent irrigation. These systems saved water (18–27 %) with improved water productivity more than the conventional system. However, these systems caused a yield penalty of 22–37 %; nevertheless, these yield losses were compensated with the application of mulches under water‐saving rice production systems. Both plastic and straw mulches were helpful in improving moisture retention and water productivity (0.18–0.25 kg grain m?3 water) relative to non‐mulch treatments (0.19–0.29 kg grain m?3 water). Mulch application was also helpful in reducing the number of non‐productive tillers and sterile spikelets, and improving the productive tillers, kernel number and size, and kernel quality. Plastic mulch was more effective than straw mulch in improving water retention, water productivity and reducing spikelet sterility. In conclusion, the mulching improved the soil moisture retention, and thus enhanced the rice water productivity, spikelet fertility, paddy yield and quality of rice. This signifies the importance of mulching in water‐saving rice production systems.  相似文献   

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