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Agricultural intensification is likely to have been a major factor leading to serious declines in bumblebee abundance and diversity in the UK and elsewhere over recent decades. Opportunities to restore habitat for bumblebees on uncropped arable field margins are now available, although the methods by which this restoration can be achieved have not been fully investigated. We present the results of a three year study undertaken to investigate the response of foraging bumblebees to five different arable field margin treatments (sown and unsown), as part of a replicated field experiment on arable farmland in northern England (UK). Bumblebee abundance was closely linked to successional changes in availability of suitable forage plant species. Field margin treatments sown with a `grass and wildflower' mixture had the highest bumblebee abundance, and provided a consistent supply of forage species, with different components of the seed mixture flowering in each year. The unsown natural regeneration treatment attracted foraging bumblebees in only the second year due to the local abundance of thistles, so we consider this option to be both inconsistent in terms of forage provision and agronomically unacceptable. Our results are discussed in terms of developing suitable measures to achieve the restoration of habitats for bumblebees on arable farmland.  相似文献   

Declines in the natural populations of several bumblebee species across Britain and Europe are an increasing cause for concern. In this study the habitat use of bumblebees was investigated on Salisbury Plain Training Area, the largest remaining area of unimproved chalk grassland in north-west Europe. Habitat characteristics influencing the overall abundance, species richness and foraging activity of bumblebees included the diversity and abundance of flowering plant species (particularly of favoured forage plants such as Trifolium pratense), vegetation structure and height. It is suggested that different Bombus species respond to these habitat characteristics depending on their specific foraging and nesting requirements, the case of Bombus humilis being especially relevant. The effects of several grassland management practices were considered in terms of their suitability for the conservation of bumblebee habitats. Cattle grazing was shown to be preferable to both sheep grazing and the absence of any management, although the timing and intensity of such grazing was important. Small-scale disturbances caused by vehicle activity were also of value in producing locally abundant forage resources in less intensively managed grasslands.  相似文献   

The decline of insectivorous farmland passerines has been attributed mostly to global decrease in arthropod availability, as a result of intensification of agricultural practices. The diminution of the Alpine Whinchat, once a widespread insectivorous passerine, has been ascribed to nest losses due to earlier and more frequent mowings. However, potential conjugated effects of deteriorated arthropod food availability had yet to be investigated. We compared food supply and nestling diet in intensively vs. traditionally managed grassland. Abundance and diversity of arthropods were much lower in intensive areas, where small-sized invertebrates, which do not enter nestling diet, were also predominant. Parents breeding in intensive habitats fed less biomass to nestlings than adults from traditional habitats. Nestling diet was less diverse and dominated by less profitable prey items in intensive than in traditional habitats. Feeding rate did not differ between the two habitats, but foraging distances from nest tended to be greater in intensive farmland. There were no significant differences in clutch sizes and hatching success with respect to management intensity, but fledging success was higher in traditional habitats. The recent intensification of farming practices has led to a decrease in the availability of grassland invertebrates, and of important Whinchat nestling food in particular, affecting parents’ foraging efficiency and reproductive success. Conservation actions must not only reduce nest losses by postponing mowing, but should also promote grassland farming that is less detrimental to invertebrates. Dominant at the study site, organic grassland farming does seemingly not provide sufficient conditions for Alpine Whinchats.  相似文献   

The northwest of Scotland is a stronghold for two of the UK’s rarest bumblebee species, Bombus distinguendus and Bombus muscorum. The predominant form of agricultural land management in this region is crofting, a system specific to Scotland in which small agricultural units (crofts) operate rotational cropping and grazing regimes. Crofting is considered to be beneficial to a wide range of flora and fauna. However, currently there is a lack of quantitative evidence to support this view with regard to bumblebee populations. In this study we assessed the effect of land management on the abundance of foraging bumblebees and the availability of bumblebee forage plants across crofts in northwest Scotland. The results of our study show that current crofting practices do not support high densities of foraging bumblebees. Traditional crofting practice was to move livestock to uplands in the summer, but this has been largely abandoned. Summer sheep grazing of lowland pasture had a strong negative impact on bumblebee abundance and forage plant availability throughout the survey period. The use of specific ‘bird and bee’ conservation seed mixes appears to improve forage availability within the crofted landscape, although the number of bees observed remained low. Of the forage plants available, the three most frequently visited species were from the Fabaceae. We therefore conclude that the creation of agri-environment schemes which promote the use of Fabaceae-rich seed mixes and encourage the removal of sheep grazing on lowland areas throughout the summer are essential in order to conserve bumblebee populations within crofted areas.  相似文献   

Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) have undergone a documented Europe-wide decline in recent years, mostly attributable to destruction of forage and nest sites caused by agricultural intensification. This study was set up to quantify species-specific nest-site preferences of observed UK species for various types of field and forest boundary habitat. In total, 1287 observations were made of seven common bumblebee species; nest-searching behaviour was taken as being indicative of nest site preference. There was interspecific variation in preferred habitat, with some species found to be much more specific in their choice of nest site than others. A strong association was found between those species that are known to prefer subterraneous nesting and those habitats that contained banks (Bombus terrestris, B. lapidarius and B. lucorum); other species were strongly associated with tussock-type vegetation (B. pascuorum, B. hortorum and B. ruderarius). In order to safeguard the continued existence of bumblebee species it is clear that a variety of field and forest boundary types need to be conserved; this has positive implications for the conservation of other species of flora and fauna associated with agroecosystems.  相似文献   

We examine habitat use by hunting hen harriers Circus cyaneus at three study sites in Scotland to evaluate whether foraging patterns differ between sexes, sites, and stages of the breeding period. We modelled time spent hunting in focal plots as a function of habitat and nest proximity. Male hunting intensity (time spent hunting per hour of observation and km2) varied between sites and breeding periods, being lower during the nestling than the incubation period. Habitat use patterns were mostly consistent among study sites, which is important for developing species management recommendations applicable over the species’ range. Males avoided improved grassland, and selected areas of mixed heather and rough grass (with an optimum at ca. 50% heather cover). The effect of nest proximity was small. In contrast, females hunted mainly within 300-500 m of the nest, with a small additive effect of vegetation cover, areas of fragmented heather being preferred. Habitat management to benefit foraging harriers will involve creating (or maintaining) mosaics of heather/grassland around nest areas. Additionally, it might be possible to manipulate habitat to reduce conflict in areas where harrier predation on red grouse is important by segregating areas holding highest grouse densities (with high heather cover) from those favoured for harrier foraging (heather-grass mosaics). However, it would be necessary to test whether these manipulations might also influence harrier nest distribution, an effect which could negate any benefits from this strategy.  相似文献   

Recent declines in North American honeybee populations have highlighted the importance of native bee conservation, and the need for research on the ecological requirements of native bees in farmland. In this study, we investigated the value of hedgerows as foraging habitat for native bees in mosaics of small-scale agriculture and natural vegetation in two riparian landscapes in southeast Arizona, USA. In the summers of 2002 and 2003, we surveyed bees and flowers in four habitats: hedgerows, agricultural fields, woodlots, and native woodland. We asked: (1) How do hedgerows compare to other available habitats in bee abundance and species richness? (2) How does bee species composition in hedgerows compare to species composition in agricultural fields and woodland? (3) How do flower resources in hedgerows compare to those in fields and woodland?We found that hedgerows were attractive foraging habitat for native bees, especially in early summer, when hedgerows tended to have higher species richness than other agricultural or natural habitats. Cumulative species richness was highest in agricultural fields, although cumulative species richness did not significantly differ among fields, hedgerows, and woodland. While bee faunas overlapped among habitats, bee assemblages in hedgerows were more similar to those in woodland than to those in fields. The hedgerow herbaceous flora was roughly intermediate to that of fields and woodland; hedgerows also supported high densities of woodland-characteristic shrubs. These flowering shrubs were important in attracting bees that were otherwise uncommon in the landscape, including some species that are potentially valuable pollinators of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Intensive farming has contributed to the serious declines in abundance and geographic range suffered by several bumblebee species in Europe and North America. Recent UK agri-environmental policy aims to conserve and restore bumblebee populations by providing foraging habitats on arable field margins. We examined the effectiveness of strategies to achieve this, including sowing seed mixtures of (1) tussocky grass species, (2) wildflowers and (3) pollen- and nectar-rich plants. These were compared to conventionally managed cereal crops. Sampling was undertaken in 32 10 × 10 km squares throughout England, each containing a sample of the different field margin types. Bumblebee abundance in July and August was significantly higher on pollen and nectar margins (86 ± 14 bees per 100 m) compared with wildflower margins (43 ± 14), mature grass margins (6 ± 14) and recently sown grass margins (8 ± 4). Bees were virtually absent from the cereal crop (0.2 ± 0.1). Bumblebee species richness was significantly higher on margins sown with either wildflowers or the pollen and nectar mix. There was evidence that richness of the bumblebee assemblage at the 10 × 10 km square scale was positively correlated with land use heterogeneity, the proportion of grassland, and the abundance and richness of dicotyledon flowers. The abundance of long-tongued bees per margin was explained by the number of pollen and nectar agreements per 10 × 10 km square, together with flower abundance. Future research is required to determine the quantity and location of foraging habitat required to sustain bumblebee populations at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

In common with other farmland species, hares (Lepus spp.) are in widespread decline in agricultural landscapes due to agricultural intensification and habitat loss. We examined the importance of habitat heterogeneity to the Irish hare (Lepus timidus hibernicus) in a pastoral landscape. We used radio-tracking during nocturnal active and diurnal inactive periods throughout one year. In autumn, winter and spring, hares occupied a heterogeneous combination of improved grassland, providing food, and Juncus-dominated rough pasture, providing refuge. In summer, hares significantly increased their use of improved grassland. This homogeneous habitat can fulfil the discrete and varied resource requirements of hares for feeding and shelter at certain times of year. However, improved grassland may be a risky habitat for hares as silage harvesting occurs during their peak birthing period of late spring and early summer. We therefore posit the existence of a putative ecological trap inherent to a homogeneous habitat of perceived high value that satisfies the hares’ habitat requirements but which presents risks at a critical time of year. To test this hypothesis in relation to hare populations, work is required to provide data on differential leveret mortality between habitat types.  相似文献   

The recent decline of the European starling in northern Europe has been associated with changes in agricultural land-use. We investigated how agricultural land-use affected starling habitat use and home-range size in a heterogeneous landscape in southern Sweden. Breeding starlings primarily foraged in pastures, a habitat with a high availability of potential food for nestlings. When the availability of pasture close to the nest was low, starlings increased their use of other permanently grass-covered habitats such as field margins and ditches. They also spent a larger proportion of their daytime flying because they visited more distant foraging areas. The further from the nest parents foraged, the higher was the probability that they foraged on a pasture. Feeding frequency of nestlings was negatively related to the distance from the nest parents foraged, but no consequences on nestling survival or growth were found. A lower breeding density at low local availability of pasture may compensate for lack of good foraging habitat. It is suggested that recent changes in the agricultural landscape may have increased the mismatch between the availability of good foraging areas and nest-sites. This might have contributed to the recent population decline of the starling in northern Europe by affecting both foraging habitat quality and flight costs paid by parents during breeding.  相似文献   

The dehesa (oak woodland) is an extensive agro-pastoral ecosystem characteristic of the Western Mediterranean countries which is suffering a great transformation process since 1950. Although its distribution largely overlaps with several endangered species, there is scarce information on how they use this human-transformed habitat. We studied the foraging habitat selection of one of them, the cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus. We radio-tracked 14 cinereous vultures in one of the largest European colonies from 1998 to 2000. Used and available habitats were compared at two scales using compositional analysis. Moreover, we developed a distance-based GLMM for assessing habitat selection in this central-place forager species, by taking into account the spatial distribution of habitat patches in relation to the location of the colony. Home ranges overlapped over a total surface of 592,527 ha around the colony, and both individual home ranges and travel foraging distances (mean 27.86 km, maximum 86 km) were larger during the breeding season. All cinereous vultures avoided agricultural lands within their home ranges throughout the year. Habitat use in relation to the distance to the colony pointed out that dehesas were positively selected in spite of being on average far away from the colony than other habitats, a result that was consistent among individuals and seasons. The cinereous vulture thus depends for its conservation not only on the protection of breeding areas, as has been so far considered, but also on the maintenance of well-conserved dehesas close to the colonies. Preserving the cinereous vultures could contribute to the economic sustainability of dehesas by attracting PAC funds for their traditional low-intensity exploitation. Although other species may also benefit from this study since cinereous vulture could be a “flagship” for the large-scale conservation of Mediterranean oak woodlands and associated biodiversity, more fine local management guidelines should be performed on the basis of studies on more sensitive species.  相似文献   

The attributes of roadside vegetation, an important bird habitat in grassland ecosystems, have been shown to affect bird abundance, distribution composition, and diversity, yet there are relatively few works on reproductive success of birds nesting along roadsides. Because roadsides are linear habitats, management at the landscape scale can affect nest success in roadsides through bottom-up and top-down effects. In northeastern Oklahoma tallgrass prairie is subjected annually to prescribed spring fires. In the short term fires can alter both arthropod abundance and predator access to nests. We explored effects of burning on bird nest success with a five-year study along roads that traversed tallgrass prairie habitat. Using data from ∼1400 nests of 23 species, we generated nest survival curves for groups of altricial species defined by nest substrate (ground, shrub, tree, or culvert). We then determined if these curves were affected by management practice (spring burning), food abundance (arthropod biomass), and habitat attributes (tree density and height). Nest substrate had a large effect on nest success: despite their shorter nest exposure period, ground nests were least successful and culvert nests were most successful. An increase in arthropod biomass following burning was possibly the cause for the increased nest success in burned plots, regardless of substrate, suggesting bottom-up control. Tree height and nest height were correlated positively with nest success, whereas tree density had no effect. Conversely, nest predation rates were correlated negatively with nest success, with ground nests experiencing the highest predation, culvert nests the lowest. Our results suggest that burning may increase nest success through bottom-up processes, but some species may not benefit from the increase in food abundance as a result of a concomitant increase in predation.  相似文献   

The switch from spring-sown to autumn-sown cereals and the loss of habitat heterogeneity are often suggested to be key drivers of breeding bird decline on arable farmland. Yet, both factors are interlinked and it remains uncertain whether autumn-sown cereals reduce breeding bird numbers also in the structurally complex arable farmland of northern Europe. We tested whether autumn-sowing of cereals at both local and landscape scales affected the breeding bird community in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape of south-central Sweden. Rotation between sowing types was used as a semi-experiment based on 34 spring- vs. 41 autumn-sown cereal plots centred on infield non-crop islands of similar structure, size and surroundings. Species richness and territory abundance of ground-foraging species were significantly lower in autumn- than in spring-sown cereal plots both in the crop fields and the infield non-crop islands during the breeding season. No such effect was observed among foliage gleaning birds. Species richness in spring-sown cereal plots was less the more autumn-sown crops in the surrounding landscape within a 500 m radius. Average skylark densities did not differ between autumn- and spring-sown cereal plots because habitat preferences changed; densities declined in autumn-sown cereals during the growing season whereas they increased on spring-sown fields which had shorter swards throughout the breeding season. Our results indicate that negative effects of autumn-sown crops on breeding bird numbers spill over into both neighbouring non-crop and crop habitats. We conclude that agri-environmental schemes should place more emphasis on facilitating the value of the cropped area of fields as a foraging and nesting habitat. The retention of various non-crop habitats alone may not provide sufficient food close to nest sites for farmland birds that rely on crop fields for foraging.  相似文献   

Nests of the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus typically contain higher concentrations of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus than surrounding soils. The difference between nest soils and surrounding soils is due, at least in part, to ant foraging behavior. Ants retrieve seeds from the environment and concentrate seed nutrients in the vicinity of the nest. But elevated nutrient concentrations in nests may also reflect initial conditions, if nest-founding queens are more likely to choose or survive in soils with high organic matter and nutrient content. By measuring the soil nutrient content and surface area of P. barbatus nests ranging from 1 to 20 years of age over two sampling periods, we (a) investigated the relationship between nest soil characteristics and colony age, and (b) tested the hypothesis that nest soils differ from background soils when nests are established. Nest surface area increased with colony age until age 5-10 years and leveled off thereafter. Relative to surrounding soils, concentrations of total nitrogen and orthophosphate increased, and pH decreased, with increasing colony age. The difference between nest soils and surrounding soils in total nitrogen, nitrate, and ammonium concentrations also increased over a 9-month interval between sampling bouts. Extrapolations from regressions of soil chemical variables against colony age provided no evidence that nest founding and early colony survival is more likely to occur in high-nutrient soils.  相似文献   

In managed landscapes, habitat structure is frequently manipulated through the creation of features such as tracks, hedges, and waterways. If predator and prey activity are concentrated around these features, levels of predation may be elevated in these landscapes. This issue is of particular importance when habitat structures are used to attract species of conservation concern. For example, the installation of linear waterways in wet grasslands is a common form of habitat management to benefit breeding waders and wader nests and foraging chicks tend to be aggregated around wet features. If predator activity is also focused around these features, and if their linearity increases the probability of prey being located, then the conservation benefits of this management technique may be eliminated. We explore predator movement in relation to the structure and complexity of linear wet features within a lowland wet grassland landscape. We examine patterns of nest and chick predation in lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) at the whole-site, between-field and within-field scales. Mammalian predators were responsible for the majority of nest predation. However, we found no evidence that mammalian predators used linear wet features disproportionately within the landscape, or that wet feature distribution influenced the probability of nest or chick predation. At the whole-site scale, nest predation rates were significantly higher in areas with greater predator presence and lowest where the number of breeding neighbours was high. Thus, predation levels were influenced by large-scale patterns of predator presence and lapwing density but not by the use of linear wet features as a habitat management tool. Managing predator impacts is therefore likely to require empirical assessments of local predator distribution and abundance in order to target measures effectively.  相似文献   

European lowland heaths have declined by up to 80% due to land use change and lack of management. There has been considerable research into the restoration of this threatened habitat. However, long-term outcomes of restoration are poorly understood, especially in situations where past agricultural land use imposes severe constraints on community re-assembly. In 1989 a large-scale experiment was established to examine the effectiveness of five treatments to restore heathland on formerly productive grassland: (i) natural regeneration; (ii) herbicide application to facilitate regeneration; (iii) cultivation and application of seed-rich heathland vegetation; (iv) soil removal and incorporation of heathland topsoil; and (v) heathland translocation. After 17 years the pH of the unamended agricultural soil remained significantly higher than that of the adjacent heathland. All treatments showed different trajectories of vegetation change in the long-term. Natural colonisation by heathland species was slow due to seed limitation, resulting in formation of an acid grassland community. Heathland community assembly was not facilitated by destruction of the initial grassland with herbicide. Incorporation of topsoil had an intermediate effect on pH reduction. This may explain the subsequent failure of the plant community to assemble in the anticipated proportions, and the dominance of leguminous scrub species (Ulex spp.). Turf translocation was effective in reducing pH to the required range and restoring the heathland community in the long-term. However, this technique should only be considered as a means of ‘rescue’ when habitat destruction is otherwise unavoidable. The only practical and sustainable means of increasing heathland extent on former farmland is the application of seed-bearing vegetation cut as part of routine management. However, this technique needs refining in order to establish the full range of characteristic heathland species.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds are amongst the most severely threatened taxa worldwide. Whilst the specific threats vary among species, problems such as introduced predators, loss of suitable nesting habitat and inter- and intra-specific competition for nest sites are common to many situations. This paper reports on an experiment to increase the availability of secure nest sites at a colony of Madeiran storm petrels breeding on an islet (free from introduced predators) in the Azores islands where there is evidence of inter-specific competition. The provision of nest boxes that were designed to exclude larger species led to around a 12% increase in the size of the breeding population in the first year and a 28% increase over the original colony size in the second year. Over three seasons, the breeding success of storm petrels nesting in boxes averaged 2.9 times greater than that of birds at natural sites, despite their likely reproductive inexperience. The techniques presented here should serve as a model for conservation management of other burrowing procellariiform species in situations where colony size or breeding performance is believed to be constrained by nest site quality.  相似文献   

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