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1. The first recorded effects of human activity on the aquatic flora of Llangorse Lake, South Wales, were the result of introductions of Elodea canadensis in the early 1900s and of Nymphoides peltata in 1936, altering the species balance of both submerged and floating plant communities. 2. The most significant impact on the lake in recent times has been effluent from the sewage treatment works, which discharged into the lake between the early 1950s and 1982, and the impact of a concurrent intensification of agriculture within the catchment, both leading to accelerated eutrophication. 3. The eutrophication of the lake resulted in a significant change in the submerged flora, which declined in diversity and extent to only a few stands of two species in 1982. 4. Following the diversion of the sewage effluent, the submerged flora recovered to a situation similar to that existing before the effects of accelerated eutrophication. 5. The emergent and floating plant communities did not reflect the eutrophication in the same way as the submerged flora, although Equisetum fluviatile has declined noticeably. 6. The floating and emergent communities, notably Phragmites australis reed swamp, have been significantly damaged in the immediate vicinity of mooring developments, but elsewhere the introduction of water‐based recreation cannot be demonstrated to have had a widespread detrimental effect. 7. The recovery of the submerged plant community is considered to be in part due to residual populations of the various species ‘lost’ from the main body of the lake existing in refugia in and around the lake. 8. The history of the lake is notable in terms of the recovery of the submerged flora and in the absence of dominants new to the system invading during the period of accelerated eutrophication. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Eastern little tuna (ELT, Euthynnus affinis) is expected to see use as a novel aquaculture species due to its rapid growth and high economic value. In this study, closing of the complete life cycle of ELT in land‐based tanks was successfully carried out. Seed production of a first generation (F1) derived from wild‐caught ELT broodstock was conducted in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Survival percentages of F1 ELT at 365 days post hatching for the 2010, 2011 and 2012 year classes were 0.9%, 0.4% and 6.3% respectively. On average, F1 ELT were approximately 40 cm in total length and weighed 1500 g by the time they reached 1 year of age. Successful artificial induction of spawning was achieved in 1‐year‐old F1 ELT using a gonadotropin‐releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa). Induction of spawning was successful at the first administration of GnRHa in the 2010, 2011 and 2012 year classes. First spawning was observed at 4 or 5 days post implantation, which indicated that oogenesis and spermatogenesis progressed within 1 year of rearing in land‐based tanks. During spawning periods, the average number of fertilized eggs and the average number of hatched larvae per spawning event in the 2010, 2011 and 2012 year classes were 20,480 eggs day?1 and 177 larvae day?1, 39,423 eggs day?1 and 9347 larvae day?1, and 819,555 eggs day?1 and 674,445 larvae day?1 respectively. Therefore, it was concluded that both male and female ELT reared in land‐based tanks were capable of reproduction at 1 year of age.  相似文献   

  • 1. The Yangtze floodplain is globally unique for its extensive ephemeral wetlands, recharged by summer monsoon precipitation. The annual cycle of inundation and water table recession favours submerged macrophytes, including Vallisneria that overwinters in desiccated substrates as tubers, which provide high‐energy winter food for tuber‐feeding waterbirds that were formerly abundant in the region.
  • 2. Large declines among the tuber‐feeding waterbirds swan goose Anser cygnoides (L.), tundra swan Cygnus columbianus (Ord) and hooded crane Grus monacha Temminck between 2004/2005 and 2009/2010 at Shengjin Lake, Anhui Province, suggest that major changes in food availability have occurred there.
  • 3. Based on observations of feeding behaviour and energy budgets of these species, it was calculated that at least 5.0 and 8.9 km2 of Vallisneria beds in 2004 and 2005, respectively, would be needed to support observed numbers of these species, compared with less than 1.5 km2 found in 2009 and 2010.
  • 4. An incomplete macrophyte survey in summer 2000 located at least 7.7 km2 of Vallisneria beds in the Upper Lake, where none was present during resurveys in 2008 and 2009. Declines in tuber‐feeding waterbirds at Shengjin Lake coincide with the disappearance of their submerged macrophyte food plants, possibly as a result of eutrophication since the mid‐2000s.
  • 5. Widespread declines and concentration of tuber‐eating wintering waterbirds at other sites elsewhere in the Yangtze floodplain may also reflect the local collapse of submerged macrophytes and of ecosystem services that these wetlands provide to the human communities. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. The decline of salmonid populations in the Pacific Northwest has been well‐documented. It is unclear, however, which threats to salmonid persistence are the most serious, and how best to prioritize recovery efforts intended to ameliorate these threats.
  • 2. It has been argued previously that one possible cause of salmon endangerment is degradation of spawning grounds. In order to explore this hypothesis, this study examines the relationships between chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) productivity and landscape‐level characteristics of spawning grounds in the interior Columbia River Basin.
  • 3. Population productivity is expressed as the mean and maximum recruitment rates for different stocks, measured from 1980 to 1990; habitat conditions are calculated using sub‐watershed scale data on land cover, land use, water quality and watershed hydrology.
  • 4. Significant linear regression results were obtained for three environmental variables: percentage of land classified as urban, proportion of stream length failing to meet water quality standards, and an index of the ability of streams to recover from sediment flow events. A multiple regression with all three variables accounts for over 60% of the variation in mean salmon recruitment.
  • 5. It further appears that these landscape attributes may limit the maximum recruitment rates of salmon, with a magnitude of difference in productivity large enough to be relevant to recovery planners. Additional study will be necessary to identify cause‐and‐effect linkages between habitat quality and salmon recruitment success, and to determine the ultimate impact of changes in recruitment rates on short‐ and long‐term salmon population trajectories.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mapping of lacustrine aquaculture and socio‐economic assessment of cage farmers operations can be employed as decision support tools in an integrated fashion for fisheries management. We simultaneously mapped and reported the location of cages and characterized socio‐economic and indicators of cage farming in Lake Victoria, Kenya. Structured questionnaires and interviews from cage farmers generated socio‐economic data and management information. Vital water quality parameters were analyzed in selected sampling sites. Cage culture was found to be a male‐dominated activity with the majority of owners aged <45 years (n = 23; 59%). Siaya County had the highest cage establishments (n = 20) and number (n = 1,343). Proximity to Dominion Farm, pioneers of cage culture, as well as decreased presence of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) coverage may have contributed to high cage numbers in Siaya County. The only species cultured was Oreochromis niloticus. Most cage establishments (n = 30; 76%) were located within 200 m from the shoreline. Total operational costs for a cycle (8 months) amounted to USD 465,250 worth a total production value of USD 8,827,000, farmers often realizing a mark‐up of >100%, indicative of its robust viability within “The Blue Economy” concept. With the increasing number of cages in the lake, there is the need for policy and regulations to guide its investment, both to protect local economies through improved business practices and to ensure sustainability for the lake ecosystem due to the likelihood of exacerbation in water quality deterioration in cage culture sites.  相似文献   

Abstract Fish‐aggregating devices are floating objects used worldwide to improve pelagic fishery yield. Fish‐aggregating devices use the natural attraction exerted by floating objects on juveniles and adults of both pelagic and demersal fish. In this study, it was hypothesised that fish change their degree and type of interaction with moored floating objects depending on size. This is because fishes in early life stage remain close to floating objects, using them as a shelter, but as they grow they move further away from floating objects spending their time swimming to seek food. To test this hypothesis, the spatial distribution and habitat use of five Mediterranean fish species were quantified. The results enabled the hypothesis to be accepted for all species, except Balistes carolinensis Gmelin. For this species, a shelter from predator model was applicable, but for the other species, the generalised meeting point model was more adaptable.  相似文献   

  • 1. The Ter Vell (NE Iberian Peninsula) is a eutrophic coastal lagoon that has been mostly flooded by excessive irrigation water during recent decades. During 2001 and 2002 the lagoon was subject to several water management actions, the main consequence of which was a change in the hydrological regime due to drastically reduced irrigation water inputs to the lagoon.
  • 2. In order to comply with the Water Framework Directive, all the management actions in an ecosystem should be focused on protecting and, where necessary, improving its ecological status.
  • 3. The aims of this study were (1) to analyse whether the hydrological change caused by management actions have affected the ecological status of the lagoon, and (2) to discuss the suitability of several physicochemical and biological indicators for the assessment of the ecological status in this kind of coastal ecosystem.
  • 4. After the change in the hydrological regime, a general improvement of the ecological status was observed mainly as a result of the significant decrease in the nitrogen Trophic State Index and in the abundance of rotifer indicative of eutrophy, and in turn by the significant increase in the water quality index QAELS, based on crustaceans and insect assemblages.
  • 5. Contradictory results emerged with regard to some of the indicators used. After the hydrological change, the increase in the phosphorus Trophic State Index was related with the fact that Mediterranean confined coastal ecosystems are typically P‐enriched. In contrast with general assumptions, low diversity and richness of the zooplankton and the dominance of a few species have been related with an improvement of the ecological status after the hydrological change, when freshwater inputs were reduced and the lagoon became more confined.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Haliotis tuberculata coccinea has been identified as a target species for European aquaculture development, in order to fulfil the rising demand for abalone. The effects of different stocking densities on the growth performance, feed utilization and survival of two different initial size groups (30 and 40 mm) of abalones, during the final grow‐out to cocktail/market size (45–60 mm), were determined over a 6‐month period. Trials were performed in abalone cages installed in a commercial open‐sea cages fish farm. Animals were fed the red algae Gracilaria cornea and the green one Ulva rigida, both obtained from a land‐based integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture system. Survival rates were very high (94–98%) regardless the density employed. Sustained high linear growth was recorded both in shell and weight. However, a 17–19% reduction in weight gain was obtained by doubling the initial stocking density, suggesting a higher competition for space or food. Nevertheless, the high growth performance (70–94   μm day?1; 250–372% weight gain) and survival attained, even at high densities, denoted the suitability of the offshore mariculture system as well as the biofilter produced macroalgae for grow‐out culture of H. tuberculata coccinea that overall could reach cocktail/commercial size in only 18–22 months.  相似文献   

Highly productive surface waters and hypoxic (dissolved oxygen, DO ≤ 2.0 mg L?1) bottom waters develop seasonally on the northwestern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf due to nutrient and freshwater inputs from the Mississippi‐Atchafalaya River system. We investigated the spatial distribution of the cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus), a highly mobile, bentho‐pelagic species that is a seasonal resident of the shelf, in relation to surface chlorophyll, bottom‐water hypoxia, and other environmental variables (salinity, temperature, depth). We used synoptic trawl and aerial surveys to investigate ray distributions at both shelfwide (100–1000s km) and local (5–50 km) spatial scales. Shelfwide sampling indicated that rays were associated with regions of high surface chlorophyll and low bottom salinity and DO, conditions characterizing the Mississippi‐Atchafalaya plume region. Local sampling in and around the hypoxic zone indicated that rays preferred habitats where bottom waters were hypoxic but they primarily occupied normoxic (DO > 2.0 mg L?1) waters above the bottom hypoxic layer. Stomach fullness and diet composition were similar between rays sampled in habitats with hypoxic versus normoxic bottom waters. These results indicate that cownose rays are strongly associated with riverine‐influenced regions of the shelf and preferentially use habitats with hypoxic bottom waters, perhaps for benthic foraging. Collectively, our results highlight the importance of considering the responses of mobile species to enhanced productivity and to hypoxia‐induced habitat degradation, which are both the products of coastal eutrophication.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Fishing is a potent ecological force. In Lake Victoria, East Africa, Nile perch , Lates niloticus contributes to a multi-million dollar fishing industry but is threatened by over-exploitation. We quantified spatial and temporal trends in the distribution, diet and size of Nile perch in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, a satellite of Lake Victoria. From 1995 to 2007, we detected a decline in catch per unit effort of Nile perch, a shift in their distribution and diet, and a decrease in their body size. A greater proportion of Nile perch were found near wetland ecotones than in the 1990s. This may reflect intensive size-selective fishing in open waters, and encroachment of Vossia cuspidata , an emergent macrophyte that has expanded across the lakeshore. Results highlight the strength of fishing in inducing phenotypic changes in target stocks as well as large-scale changes to the aquatic community and are of value in understanding changes in Lake Victoria.  相似文献   

  • 1. Top predators such as crocodiles often reflect ecosystem degradation. The recent spate of close to 200 Nile crocodile deaths may reflect the ecosystem state of the Olifants–Letaba River system in the Kruger National Park. This paper investigates whether the crocodile deaths were indeed the consequence of a rare and perhaps acute event given the variability in annual population growth rates of crocodilians.
  • 2. Spotlight‐ and helicopter‐based surveys designed to correct for availability and detectability bias were used to estimate population sizes of crocodiles from 2008 to 2010 in and around the Olifants River Gorge, the focal area of crocodile deaths.
  • 3. Correction factors derived from individually observed crocodiles for both spotlight‐ and helicopter‐based counts were lower than those typically used for Nile crocodiles as well as other crocodile species. Even so, corrected spotlight‐ and helicopter‐based estimates were comparable and the number of crocodiles in the focal study area declined significantly from 780 (95% CI: 637–1222) to between 460 (spotlight estimate, 95% CI 375–665) and 505 (aerial estimate, 95% CI: 559–1746) during the period of crocodile deaths. The average annual decline of 35% was at the lower end of the distribution of annual population growth rates across the rivers of Kruger National Park.
  • 4. The crocodile deaths reflect a possible rare event that suggests a degraded crocodile population, possibly the consequences of broad‐scale cascades of environmental deterioration of the Olifants–Letaba River system.
  • 5. Even so, the potential risk of local demise of the population in the focal study area in the short term may be diminished through evolutionary, demographic and spatial resilience inherent within crocodiles that can accommodate the as yet unknown disease dynamics of pansteatitis. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Spinner dolphins, Stenella longirostris, are the primary target for marine mammal tourism in Egypt. The present study investigated the short‐term effects of tourist presence on the behaviour of spinner dolphins at Sha'ab Samadai (Samadai Reef), in the southern Egyptian Red Sea.
  2. The reef has a large central lagoon where a population of spinner dolphin regularly rest from mid‐morning to mid‐afternoon; visitors are permitted to snorkel in the southern part of the lagoon, but not in the northern closed zone that the dolphins mainly use.
  3. Dolphin behaviour was monitored both on days when tourist boats were present and on days when they were absent. In the presence of tourists the proportion of time that the dolphins spent resting was reduced by two‐thirds, whereas the times spent milling, travelling, and showing avoidance behaviour all increased.
  4. Furthermore, upon using Markov chain modelling to investigate the effect of tourist presence on the transition probabilities between dolphin activity states, significant changes were found in 10 of the 25 possible behavioural transitions, including increased probabilities of transitioning from resting to milling or travelling, from milling to travelling or avoiding, and from travelling to avoiding.
  5. These findings raise concerns that despite the management measures in place, tourist activities affect the dolphins’ behaviour to a greater extent than was previously apparent, with potential long‐term negative effects on their energy budget. The study led to proposals for amending the zoning of the site and for strengthening the regulations for tourist vessels.

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