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The Mediterranean region covers about 854 million ha, but only 118 million (or 14 per cent) are suitable for agricultural production. In North Africa and the Middle East (MENA), agricultural land covers about 5 per cent; in Egypt and Algeria, it occupies less than 4 per cent and, in Libya, less than 2 per cent of the total national land area. Across the Mediterranean region land use divides between natural pastures/rangelands (ca. 15 per cent), forests and woodlands (ca. 8 per cent), with the ca. 63 per cent remaining desert sands, shallow, rocky, saline, sodic soils and areas effectively sealed by urbanisation. Land degradation is a severe problem in most Mediterranean countries. Estimates for the period 1961 to 2020 show that although the Mediterranean population is likely to more than double, ca. 8.3 million ha of agricultural land (7 per cent) may be lost as a result of continued urbanisation and land degradation. If these estimates are correct, agricultural land per capita would more than halve from ca. 0.48 ha (1961) to ca. 0.21 ha in 2020. Food security is likely to become increasingly problematic, especially in the MENA countries, which require a major reassessment of their agricultural development policy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Maize production in marginal tropical regions is at great risk due to rainfall variability and climate change. Climate change is set to increase the variability and uncertainty of inter-annual rainfall. Farmers who depend on rainfed maize production for their livelihoods would therefore benefit from improved climate based forecasting of production likelihood. In this study we developed a simple maize production decision support tool for Masvingo by using seasonal climate forecasts and a crop model to forecast maize yields likelihood prior to the season. We follow up on earlier studies carried out in Zimbabwe which show that the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) can be used to forecast rainfall and maize yields in Zimbabwe. An ENSO based seasonal climate analysis tool (RAINMAN) was used to produce probabilistic monthly climate forecasts for Masvingo corresponding to the phases of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). The climate forecasts were used to run a crop model (AquaCrop) for a variety of scenarios relevant to maize production (monthly rainfall, cultivar selection, planting date, and fertility level). The results of the simulations were similar to those observed by Phillips et al. (1997) and formed the basis for the development of an operational decision support tool. Simulated maize yields varied from 1.2 t/ha to 5.8 t/ha. The simulated yields were higher than expected average yields in a marginal region like Masvingo especially under small holder farming. The work suggested that optimal use of forecasts may lead to improved maize production in Masvingo. The study set a platform for the development of operational climate based maize production decision support tools in Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

本文首先说明在全国960万平方公里领域中,农田面积占1.2亿公顷仅占总土地面积10%,由于耕种集约,农业产量不断上升.林地面积占1.22亿公顷,草地面积占2.7亿公顷,荒地面积占1.2亿公顷.漠地,高山,陆地水面及零星岛屿占3.28亿公顷.集约耕作是中国的传统习惯.长期以来,中国虽然在集约耕作上积累了不少经验,但也存在不少问题.今后应特别注意对现有农耕地进行综合治理,并不断提高复种指数及单位面积产量,同时合理进行宜农荒地的开垦,以充分发挥中国农耕地的经济效益与生态效益.为了进一步说明中国农业土壤集约耕作的特点,本文将中国1.2亿公顷农田分成8个土区,并扼要阐述了各个土区的生物气候条件,土壤性质,作物复种指数及土壤利用情况等.这八个土区是:1.砖红壤、赤红壤区;2.红壤、黄壤区;3.黄棕壤区;4.潮土、黄绵土、褐土、棕壤区;5.暗棕壤、白浆土、黑土区;6.栗钙土、棕钙土区;7.灰漠土、棕漠土区;8.高山土区(高山草甸土及高山草原土).最后文章对中国农业土壤集约耕作的发展前景进行了初步展望.  相似文献   

Furrows are widely used in rainfed areas of semi-arid India for soil and water conservation. The orientation of furrows, either down or across slope, and their spacing influence the effectiveness of furrows as soil and water conservation measures. We evaluated treatments with furrows aligned down and across 3% sloping land at spacings of 90, 60 and 30 cm under simulated rainfall intensities of 80 and 100 mm/h on a shallow Alfisol. A bare plot without any furrows was considered as a control. A large (24 m × 3 m) rainfall simulator developed at the Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad, was used for this controlled study. Run-off was measured by a calibrated tipping bucket run-off recorder. The effects of the treatments on peak flow rate (L/s), sediment loss with run-off water (kg/ha/mm), peak sediment concentration (g/L), run-off (per cent rainfall) and time to peak (min) were investigated. When compared with the control (no furrows), across slope furrowing with 60- and 30-cm spacing reduced sediment yields by 19.9 and 21.3 kg/ha/mm of run-off, respectively, under a rainfall intensity of 80 mm/h and 24 and 25.3 kg/ha/mm of run-off, respectively, under a rainfall intensity of 100 mm/h. For the control, sediment loss was 50.72 kg/ha/mm run-off and 56.68 kg/ha/mm run-off for rainfall intensities of 80 and 100 mm/h, respectively. Similar trends were recorded from observations of peak flow, time to peak and peak sediment concentration. Run-off hydrographs demonstrated the conservation value of across slope furrowing by delaying run-off initiation, reducing run-off and slowly releasing the run-off after the cessation of rainfall. The results show that furrow orientation has major effects on reducing run-off, whereas furrow spacing has insignificant effects.  相似文献   

Hydrological and water-quality measurements were made on a 44·3 ha watershed under forest cover and following deforestation and conversion to an agricultural land-use. Under secondary tropical rainforest, water yield ranged from 2·2 per cent to 3·1 per cent of annual rainfall. Deforestation of 7 per cent of the watershed area increased water yield to 7·0 per cent of annual rainfall. Baseflow increased with deforestation, and increased progressively with time after deforestation. It was 5·1 per cent of annual rainfall in 1979, 15·1 per cent in 1980, 16·4 per cent in 1981 and 17·9 per cent in 1982. In comparison, surface flow was 4·5 per cent in 1979 and 6·2 per cent in 1980, but decreased to 2·3 per cent in 1981 and 2·4 per cent in 1982. Total water yield following deforestation and conversion to agricultural land-use ranged from 9·6 per cent to 21·3 per cent of the annual rainfall received. The dry season flow decreased with time as the dry season progressed, but increased over the years following deforestation. Surface runoff during the rainy season depended on ground cover and soil quality. The extent and severity of soil degradation affected the dynamics of surface flow. Because of actively growing crops, plant nutrient concentrations in surface runoff were low. Forested lysimeters had higher seepage losses than cropped lysimeters, and the water-use efficiency was 1·9–3·6 kg ha−1 mm−1 for cowpeas compared with 6·1–11·0 kg ha−1 mm−1 for maize. The delivery ratio was high immediately after deforestation and decreased to a steady value of about 3·2 per cent within 7 years. The data show five distinct phases of soil degradation in relation to generation of surface runoff. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为进一步优化全膜双垄沟播玉米生产技术,2020 — 2022年在甘肃省中部半干旱雨养农业区研究了玉米减穴增株高产高效栽培技术。试验采用全膜双垄沟播技术,设每穴留苗1株(对照)、留苗2 株、留苗3 株、留苗4株4个处理,观察各处理下玉米经济性状、生育期和产量。结果表明,在密度相同的情况下,全膜双垄沟播玉米每穴留苗3株、4株主要性状明显优于每穴留苗1株。每穴苗4株玉米折合产量为7 723.48 kg/hm2,较每穴留苗1株增产723.48 kg/hm2,增产率10.34%;每穴留苗3株为7 549.24 kg/hm2,较每穴留苗1株增产549.24 kg/hm2,增产率7.85%,增产效果明显。该种植模式适宜在海拔2 000 m以下、年降水量350~500 mm的半干旱雨养农业区应用。  相似文献   

Since 1990, agriculture in the five new federal states of Germany has experienced a fundamental structural change. As much as 10 per cent of the 6·2 million ha of previously intensively farmed agricultural land were set-aside abruptly. In the spring of 1991, a lysimeter trial (filled with soils common in the catchment area of the Elbe River), was set up to investigate the impact of set-aside on the water and solute balance. The studies proved that restricting agricultural use in areas previously farmed intensively by converting them into permanent or rotation fallow will result in measurable changes in deep percolation (ground-water recharge) and water quality in less than one year. The results of the lysimeter studies were extrapolated to calculate the effects of set-aside in a catchment area (about 2 500 ha) with similar meteorological and soil conditions. The calculations showed that increasing the area under rotation fallow from 8 to 15 per cent increases the nitrogen load of the stream draining the catchment by about 5 per cent. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A high proportion of the soils in the central zone of Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia, are chemically and physically degraded, with low organic matter and N contents, compacted subsoil layers and a propensity to crusting, hardsetting and wind erosion. The aim of the experiment discussed in this paper was to identify suitable cover crops to be used in combination with subsoiling for the rehabilitation of degraded soils and the improvement of crop yields in eastern Bolivia. Fertilizers were not used because of their high cost. An experiment with a split complete block design, with subsoiling and no-subsoiling as the main treatments, 14 cover crops and a continuously cultivated soybean/wheat control as the subtreatments, and four replications, was established on a degraded site comprising a mosaic of two compacted siliceous isohyperthermic soils (a coarse loamy Typic Ustropept and a fine loamy Typic Haplustalf). After a two-year fallow period, the cover crops were incorporated and test crops were sown for five seasons to evaluate the effects of the treatments on subsequent crop yields. Soil samples were taken to measure changes in chemical fertility. The only significant cover crop effect on soil nutrients was an increase in exchangeable K from 0.47 to 0.56 cmolc kg−1 by Lablab; subsoiling had no effect on chemical fertility. For all treatments there was an average 24 per cent increase in soil organic matter from 13.1 g kg−1 at 3 months after cover crop incorporation to 16.3 g kg−1 at 19 months after incorporation. No significant differences in total N were found during this period. Test crop yields were not influenced by subsoiling, but were significantly increased by some of the cover crops as compared to the soybean/wheat control during the first three seasons only. Evidence from foliar analysis suggests that the effects of the cover crops on soybean yields were not nutritional and so presumably were physical in nature, whereas the benefits on wheat yields were possibly related to increased N availability. Panicum maximum var. Centenario and P. maximum var. Tobiatá gave the highest total yield increases over the first three cropping seasons (101 and 85 per cent, respectively), but these yield increases would not compensate the farmer for the loss of four crop harvests whilst the land was in fallow. These results highlight the difficulties of rehabilitating soil fertility and increasing crop yields through the use of subsoiling and cover crop fallows on compacted, low organic matter soils in eastern Bolivia.  相似文献   

A large area in Wafra, south of Kuwait, was developed for crop production both in open fields and agriculture units. For more than a decade, farmers had been using groundwater and desalinated water for irrigating crops under both conditions. The study area occupied about 125 000 ha lying within the northwestern sandbelt. Land-use pattern, soil characteristics and vegetation attributes were studied to assess the extent of land degradation in the area. Land-use classes in the developed area showed a total area of about 9371 ha. About 35 per cent of this area was uncultivated due to sand encroachment and soil salinity build-up problems. Soil chemical and physical properties were described and determined at various depths in representative profiles. The soil belonged to the three categories: Typic Torripsamments, Typic Haplocalcids and Typic Aquisalids. The total vegetative cover was poor, covering about 18 per cent of the marginal areas and about 33 per cent of arable lands. Plant community type was altered from Rhanterium epapposum to Cyperus conglomeratus and Stipagrostis plumosa. Annual forbs dominated species composition. Results of the study indicated that land degradation occurred both in marginal and arable areas. To expand in the Wafra agricultural area and to increase productivity potential of the existing farms, implementation of irrigation and drainage systems as well as projects to combat sand encroachment are recommended. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sisal production in Tanzania has declined sharply in the past two decades because of a decrease in the area grown and a decrease in yields. As sisal is cultivated without manuring, depletion of soil fertility is considered one of the main causes of the declining yields. This paper presents a balance of the macronutrients N, P, K, Ca and Mg for sisal grown in a plantation in NE Tanzania on deep, red clay soils (Ferralsols). Annual fibre yields declined from 2.5 t/ha in the 1960s to about 1 t/ha in the 1980s. Hybrid sisal is a demanding crop and in ten years, with a total fibre yield of 11 t/ha, about 260 kg of N, 40 kg of P, 385 kg of K, 890 kg of Ca and 330 kg of Mg are removed in the harvested leaves. A comparison of soils after two and three 10-yr cycles of sisal production showed that in the third cycle the pH decreased by 0.5 units and that exchangeable bases were decreased by fifty per cent or more. The amounts of K, Ca and Mg removed from the soil were similar to those in leaves. However, soil analyses could not detect changes in total N and available P, possibly because of the large amount of total N in the soil and the lack of precision in the N and P analyses. In the Ferralsols, potassium is likely to become deficient first, followed by magnesium and calcium. The soil has little available P, and an increase in soil acidity may decrease it further and also create aluminium and manganese toxicities. In order to maintain sisal production, fertilization with P, K, Ca and Mg is necessary, and to improve yields N must also be applied.  相似文献   

This paper highlights some interventions which might alleviate agricultural pressures on steep slopes and reduce land degradation in parts of the Ethiopian Highlands. The Ethiopian Highlands are losing alarming amounts of soils (estimated at more than one billion, 1000 million, tonnes) annually. This loss, which is associated with nutrient losses, is manifest in declining agricultural production and biodiversity. About 80 per cent of the annual soil loss occurs from croplands during the rainy season. The nutrient imbalance is further accentuated by forest clearing, removal of crop residue from cultivated lands, and little use of chemical fertilizers or organic manure. Even where livestock are part of the production system, dung is preferentially used as a cooking fuel. Chemical fertilizers are costly, and therefore and alternative land-management scheme is suggested. This is based on a new land-shaping device for drainage which is called the BBM (broad-bed maker), and growing forage legumes to improve soil nutrients, which should allow intensive cultivation of Vertisols in the Ethiopian Highlands. Adoption of the broad bed and furrow land-management system would facilitate early planting and increase the yield of both grain and straw from the major crops relative to the yield from traditional cultivation in flat beds. While not decreasing the yield of grain, mixed cropping of grain and forage crops has been shown to give significantly greater total crop residue yields. The yield is even greater when fertilizers are applied. Supplementary irrigation can help in utilizing Vertisols on bottom lands, and this can be expedited by constructing water reservoirs.  相似文献   

The present study examines the long-term productivity growth and sustainability of Greek irrigated agriculture. A log linear trend model was used to measure long-term productivity growth, and the total factor productivity (TFP) approach measures the sustainability of the irrigated production system. A time series database of inputs and outputs data were used for the production period of 1961?–?2001 (41 years) which revealed that there is an increasing trend in the irrigated area of the country. The annual growth rate of the irrigated area is 2.6% during this time period. The long-term trends in yields of crops grown in irrigated agriculture are positive. Fertilizer use rate per ha sharply increases during this period. The productivity of irrigated Greek agriculture also increases over the time period as a result of the introduction of High Yielding Variety (HYV), seed, fertilizer and water technology. The measurement of TFP indices indicates that the long-term trend in productivity growth of irrigated Greek agricultural system is positive. The result implies that the irrigated Greek agricultural production system has long-term sustainability. The result also indicates that fertilizer, fixed capital, rainfall and temperature are positively contributing to the mean production of Greek irrigated agriculture. On the other hand, pesticide, labour and fixed capital reduces variability of irrigated agriculture. To this end, long-term agricultural sustainability depends on patterns of input use.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nepal is facing a serious problem of being unable to maintain soil fertility in agriculture and forestry. Land use practices initiated over the past 10–15 years have resulted in insufficient nutrient inputs, while biomass use and production have increased. Changes in forest soil fertility have resulted from intensive use of forest biomass for animal feed and collection of forest litter for use in agriculture. The agricultural fertility changes have resulted from intensifying annual crop rotations from 1.5 to 2.5 crops and insufficient inputs. The removal of biomass from the forest has curtailed the natural organic cycle by virtually eliminating nutrient inputs.
The soils are very acidic and have little C, N, P and exchangeable bases, but have large amounts of active iron. Basic nutrients are not sustained in agriculture and differences in inputs and management between irrigated and rainfed agricultural systems are becoming visible. Irrigated fields show the largest cation content because of input from irrigation water. Rainfed agricultural sites, which receive the most nutrients (fertilizers and manure), have the highest pH values and C and N contents. All soil fertility conditions are marginal and put into question the long-term sustainability of current levels of production. Alterations in the cropping intensity are needed and the introduction of nitrogen fixing trees and crops seems to be the most viable option towards sustainability.  相似文献   

In irrigated agriculture of arid and semiarid regions waterlogging coupled with salinity is a serious problem. Experimental evidence at several locations has led to the realization that subsurface drainage is an essential intervention to reverse the processes of land degradation responsible for the formation of waterlogged saline lands. This paper presents the results of a study conducted from 1995 to 2000 to evaluate the impacts of subsurface drainage on soil properties, groundwater‐table behaviour and crop productivity in a waterlogged saline area of 2200 ha. A subsurface drainage system was installed at 1·6 m depth with 60 m drain spacing covering an area of 1200 ha (23 blocks) during 1997–99 and compared with an undrained block of 1000 ha. Subsurface drainage facilitated the reclamation of waterlogged saline lands and a decrease in the soil salinity (ECe, dS m−1) that ranged from 16·0 to 66·3 per cent in different blocks. On average, 35·7 per cent decrease in salt content was observed when compared with the initial value. Provision of subsurface drainage controlled the water‐table below the root zone during the monsoon season and helped in bringing the soil to optimum moisture content for the sowing of winter crops. In the drained area, the increase in yields of different crops ranged from 18·8 to 27·6 per cent. However, in the undrained area the yield of different crops decreased due to the increased waterlogging and soil salinity problems. Overall the results indicated that investment in subsurface drainage is a viable option for reversing the land degradation of waterlogged saline lands in a monsoon climate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

花后小麦叶面积指数与光合和产量关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以大穗型品种泰农18(T18)和中穗型品种山农15(S15)为材料,采用裂区设计,主区设置180 kg/hm2和240 kg/hm2 两个氮肥水平(纯氮),裂区设置75104株/hm2,150104株/hm2和225104株/hm2三个种植密度,研究了叶面积指数与冬小麦光合和产量的关系。结果表明:冬小麦下部叶片叶面积指数(LLAI,倒4叶和倒5叶之和)与群体净光合速率(CAP)和产量呈极显著的正相关关系;从开花到花后14 d 之前,上部叶片叶面积指数(TLAI,旗叶、倒2叶和倒3叶之和)和全部叶面积指数(WLAI,下部叶片和上部叶片之和)与群体净光合速率(CAP)和产量并不呈必然的显著正相关关系(T18 显著正相关,S15相关不显著),但花后14d 至成熟期,两个品种的 TLAI和 WLAI 均与群体净光合速率(CAP)和产量呈显著的正相关关系。氮肥水平和种植密度对产量存在显著的互作效应,无论是大穗型品种T18还是中穗型品种S15都可以通过适当增加密度(T18以225104//hm2为宜,S15以150104//hm2为宜),降低氮肥用量(180 kg/hm2)实现高产。  相似文献   

Rainfed agriculture in the dry regions is affected by water shortages. Our earlier research showed that the deficiencies not only of major nutrients but also those of sulfur (S) and micronutrients are holding back the potential of agricultural production systems. The objectives of this article are to discuss the efficacy of soil testing to diagnose nutrient deficiencies using 28,270 diverse soil samples collected from farmers' fields in the semi-arid tropical (SAT) regions of India and to confirm the efficacy of the soil test-based balanced nutrient management in enhancing productivity of a range of crops in on-farm farmer participatory trials under rainfed conditions. Results of a large numbers of on-farm trials demonstrated that soil testing is indeed an effective tool for on-farm fertility management, a prerequisite for sustainably enhancing the productivity in rainfed areas in the SAT regions of India. The need to strengthen the soil-testing infrastructure in the country is emphasized.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial changes in land use, vegetation cover, deforestation and reforestation in the Zambian Copperbelt were studied using a combination of aerial photograph analysis, literature review and inquiries among relevant government institutions. The study showed that between 1937 and 1984 loss of natural woodlands in the Copperbelt of Zambia (total area of Copperbelt: 9,615 km2) amounted to 41 per cent woodland area (8,419 km2). The major causes of this deforestation are woodfuel collection (for firewood and charcoal), cultivation and replacement of natural woodland with forest plantations. These accounted for 38 per cent, 37 per cent and 15 per cent of the total deforestation, respectively. Before 1962 the copper mining industry used large quantities of firewood to generate electricity and this resulted in the loss of 150,413 ha of woodland between 1937 and 1961. When the mining industry switched to hydroelectricity, urban households became the major users of woodfuel. The urban population in the Copperbelt increased from 0.412 million in 1960 to 1.400 million in 1984 and its consumption of woodfuel led to the deforestation of at least 89,436 ha between 1962 and 1984. Deforested areas are left to regenerate naturally. However, due to poor management about 34 per cent of the area deforested before 1962 has failed to regenerate. Although 50,200 ha have been reforested with exotic trees, only 5,020 ha of this is on land previously deforested. Thus only about 10 per cent of reforestation efforts have contributed to the rehabilitation of damaged land. Ninety per cent of the reforestation has actually replaced standing indigenous woodland. Uncontrolled bushfires have destroyed forest plantations and have also caused the failure of woodland regeneration in deforested areas. These observations indicate that if forest resources in the Copperbelt of Zambia are to be properly managed it will be necessary:
  • 1 to effectively regulate land use changes and;
  • 2 to control bushfires.

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the major crop in southwestern Australia where 75% of the 18 million hectares comprise sandy duplex and deep sandy soils, including uniform yellow sandplain soils. Some of the sandplain soils in the lower rainfall (< 350 mm annual average) eastern region are naturally very acidic (soil pH, as measured in 1:5 soil:0.01 M calcium chloride, 3.7–4.5) in soil horizons explored by wheat roots so molybdenum (Mo) deficiency and aluminium (Al) toxicity adversely affects grain production of wheat. Liming is not an economic option to ameliorate Mo deficiency and Al toxicity in these soils because uneconomical large amounts are required. However, despite Al toxicity, applying Mo fertilizer produces profitable grain yield. The fertilizer also increases Mo concentration in grain, and if this grain was used to sow the next crop, it may reduce the amount of Mo fertilizer required by the subsequent crop. To test this hypothesis we grew wheat in an experiment on naturally acidic sandplain soil (pH 4.5) when either 0 or 160 g/ha fertilizer Mo was applied. The grain harvested at the end of the growing season had Mo concentrations of 0.07 mg/kg when no Mo was applied (low Mo seed) and 0.27 mg/kg when Mo was applied (high Mo seed). In two further field experiments on naturally acidic sandplain soil (pH 4.3 and 4.4) we sowed low and high Mo seed of the same size (36.4 ± 0.2 mg per seed) when 4 rates of Mo fertilizer (0, 35, 70, and 140 g/ha Mo) was applied to soil. Grain yield responses to the Mo fertilizer were 59% for low Mo seed and 55 g/ha fertilizer Mo was required to produce 90% of the maximum grain yield. Corresponding values for high Mo seed were 15% response and 15 g/ha fertilizer Mo. Rather than sowing wheat seed harvested from acidic soils to sow wheat crops on the acidic sandplain soils, we instead recommend seed harvested from alkaline soils with larger concentrations of Mo in the seed be used reducing the rate of fertilizer Mo required for that crop.

The concentration of Mo in the youngest emerged leaf blades (YEB) that was related to 90% of the maximum grain yield (critical prognostic tissue test value for grain production) was about 0.08–0.09 mg/kg at tillering (Gs24) and at emergence of wheat heads (Gs59).  相似文献   

为探索陇东旱塬冬小麦高产高效绿色栽培新模式,以冬小麦品种陇鉴111为指示品种,采用裂区设计,以宽幅沟播和平作条播为主区,优化施肥和不施氮肥为副区,研究了宽幅沟播对陇东旱塬冬小麦产量、氮肥及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,宽幅沟播显著影响旱地冬小麦籽粒穗粒数、千粒重、穗粒重等产量构成因子,较传统平作条播平均增产10.3%~24.3%,且以推荐优化施肥(N 150 kg/hm2、P2O5 180 kg/hm2)增产效果明显。与传统平作条播相比,可促进冬小麦植株氮素养分吸收,氮肥偏生产力和氮肥农学效率分别显著增加6.81、4.30 kg/kg,氮肥利用率明显提高了9.6百分点,水分利用效率提高了9.5%~19.6宜种植模式,以推荐优化施肥N 150 kg/hm2、P2O5 180 kg/hm2效果明显。  相似文献   

广西北流市从1990年起,调整和优化农业产业结构,仅用几年时间,就使全市的大农业初步形成“三区、八带、九大基地”与种养加、农工商、农科教、内外贸相结合的多产业配套综合经营发展的“双高一优”农业新格局。从1990年到1993年全市农村经济总收入由8.3亿元增长到36.26亿元,增长了3.4倍。农村经济第一产业与第二、第三产业的比重由73.2:26.8调整为55.2:44.8;农产品商品率由49.7%提高到60.5%。1993年粮食年平均公顷产量达到15154.5kg,成为广西第一个“吨粮县(市)”,人均有粮达到420多公斤;农民人均纯收入1210.92元。1992年、1993年均被评为农村经济实力十强县(市)。  相似文献   

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