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The aim of this study was to establish whether thoracic ultrasonography is a viable screening method for detecting respiratory disorders in newborn calves. Thoracic ultrasonography was performed on 66 newborn calves. There were 10 normal control animals with healthy lungs and 56 newborn calves suffering from respiratory disorders such as lung atelectasis, aspiration of amniotic fluid, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, and lung abscesses. Ultrasonography of the lung enabled rapid classification of the severity, extent and type of pulmonary lesion found, thus supplementing the clinical examination. Processes deep to the pleura were not amenable to thoracic diagnosis by ultrasonography. This is due to the inability of sound waves to penetrate normally ventilated lung. Despite this problem, ultrasonography of the lung is suitable for assessment of clinically unclear respiratory disorders in calves.  相似文献   

The clinical, pathological and virological findings in puppies affected with myocarditis are reported. A parvo-like virus was isolated from pooled heart specimens, which is similar to the virus isolated from gastroenteritis cases.  相似文献   



Information pertaining to clinical presentation and outcome of neonatal New World camelids (NWC) is limited when compared to calves and foals.


Values of variables at admission and subsequent treatment would predict survival in sick neonatal NWC.


Fifty‐six client‐owned sick neonatal NWC presented over a 10‐year period to the Purdue University Veterinary Teaching Hospital.


A retrospective study was performed. Inclusion criteria were NWC less than 30 days of age with complete medical records that presented between 2000 and 2010.


The median age at presentation was 1 day (range 1–20). The most common diagnoses were systemic inflammatory response syndrome (50%), congenital defects (41%), ophthalmic lesions (21%), sepsis (16%), and gastrointestinal diseases (16%). Sixty‐six percent of NWC survived to discharge. Clinicopathologic findings on admission were variable and not specific for disorders. Factors associated with survival were absence of choanal atresia (= .001, OR: 55.9 [2.5–1,232]), administration of llama plasma (= .013, OR: 4.9 [1.4–17.7]), and antimicrobial treatment with trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole (TMS) (= .016, OR: 6.5 [1.3–32.2]).

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

The use of antibiotics, particularly TMS, and llama plasma are recommended in sick neonatal NWC. Results from this study could contribute toward defining a NWC‐specific sepsis scoring system.  相似文献   

Background: Lymphosarcoma in adult cattle has multiple manifestations. Objective: To describe the signalment, clinical complaints, and tumor location, and to evaluate utility of diagnostic tests in cattle with lymphosarcoma. Animals: Adult cattle admitted to Cornell University between January 1980 and December 2008 with a definitive diagnosis of lymphosarcoma. Methods: Retrospective case study was conducted with a search of all medical records at Cornell University for cattle diagnosed with lymphosarcoma. Categorical data were analyzed with a Wilcoxon rank‐sum tests. Sensitivities of diagnostic tests were calculated. Results: There were 106 cows and 6 bulls (median age 5 years) examined for anorexia (34%), weight loss (16%), and fever (14%). The sensitivities of antemortem diagnostic tests performed were peripheral lymph node (PLN) wedge biopsy, 100%; surgical exploration and biopsy, 100%; pleurocentesis, 80%; pericardiocentesis, 67%; PLN fine‐needle aspirate, 41%; abdominocentesis, 33%; and cerebral spinal fluid tap, 19%. Median peripheral blood lymphocyte count was 4,900 cells/μL, 10% of cattle were leukemic and 25% had lymphocytosis according to the Bendixen Key. The most frequently identified tumor locations (% of cattle) were the heart (66%), abomasum (61%), uterus (38%), kidney (32%), and epidural space (26%). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Predilection sites were similar to previously reports but we found a higher incidence of renal tumors and lower incidence of retrobulbar tumors. Knowledge of common clinical presentations, organ involvement, and sensitivities of diagnostic tests will aid informed decisions on the most appropriate tests and interpretation of their results in clinical cases of bovine lymphosarcoma.  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)是一种传染性极强的病毒。该病毒主要源于牛群中BVDV携带者。许多携带者处于免疫耐受状态。在妊娠第4个月感染了BVDV的孕牛,产下的犊牛埘BVDV有免疫耐受性。控制和防制BVDV的关键在于榆疫、淘汰牛群中BVDV携带者。用一种准确、便捷的方法对出生后不久的犊牛进行诊断,它将能有效防制该病毒扩散。检疫携带者的手段很多,主要包括VI、ELISA、PCR等方法对血样进行检测。然而,检测携带BVDV的初生犊牛很困难,因为初乳中存在母源抗体,它可以中和血清中的病毒,而且可以一直维持4个月。鉴于此,Ⅵ或ELISA检测血清的方法是不可靠的。  相似文献   

安徽淮北地区黄牛隐孢子虫病流行病学调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
调查了安徽淮北地区黄牛的隐孢子虫感染情况。在124头黄牛的粪样中检出了隐孢子虫卵囊,感染率为60.19%(124/206)。经鉴定,所获虫体为小隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidiumparvum)。调查数据处理结果表明,黄牛的隐孢子虫感染存在年龄和地区性差异,但与性别无关。  相似文献   

Calves were sensitized to horse serum in Freund's complete adjuvant and were subjected to acute systemic anaphylactic shock. Increased packed cell volume and potassium ion concentration together with severe neutropenia were observed to accompany the systemic hypotension. The hemoconcentration and hyperkalemia were not inhibited by antihistaminic or antiserotonin drugs, but were strongly inhibited by pretreatment of the calves with sodium meclofenamate and by disodium cromoglycate (DSCG) given simultaneously with diethylcarbamazine (DECC). In contrast there was no measurable diminution of the leukopenia by any inhibitor drug tested.

Pulmonary edema and congestion of the liver, intestine, spleen, and kidney accompanied anaphylaxis. Atelectasis and edema with thickening of alveolar septa, together with polymorphonuclear cell infiltration were recorded histologically in the lungs of calves subjected to anaphylaxis. Calves premedicated with sodium meclofenamate sustained slight pulmonary edema only, with no other obvious pathological changes. Pretreatment with DSGG and DECC reduced the edema, congestion, and histopathological damage, but offered less protection than sodium meclofenamate. Antihistaminic or antiserotonin drugs were ineffective in protecting against anaphylactic changes in calves.


Hematological values of peripheral blood were determined for bovine fetuses and calves of various ages. Erythrocyte values increased through gestation. Fetuses 100 days or older had total values within the ranges of those reported for normal adult cattle. Mature erythrocytes were not observed in embryos and only a few were observed in fetuses 40 days of age. Fetuses 250 days or older had only a few rubricytes (<10/100 WBC). Leukocytes were first identified in the peripheral blood of a 45-day old fetus. Absolute leukocyte values increased through gestation and reached maximum values shortly before parturition. Granulocytes were first observed at 130 days of gestation and reached maximum values near parturition.

Total serum protein and gamma-globulin concentrations of colostrum-deprived calves were similar to serum protein and gammaglobulin concentrations of fetuses older than 265 days and were lower than values for the colostrum-fed calves. The immunoelectrophoretic pattern of 59-day old fetuses, the earliest age at which serum samples were obtained, demonstrated albumin, an α1 globulin and a β globulin, possibly transferrin. Additional α and β globulins appeared in the older fetuses and by 175 days of gestation serum electophoretic patterns of the fetuses were similar to patterns normally found with adult bovine serum except for the absence of the gammaglobulins in fetal serum. Immunoglobulin M was detected in 39 of 95 fetal serum samples by radial diffusion and in 13 of 95 samples by immunoelectrophoresis. Immunoglobulin G was detected in ten of 95 fetal serum samples by radial diffusion and in six of 95 samples by immunoelectrophoresis.


The concentration of serum proteins and plasma fibrinogen were determined in 151 normal and 49 diarrheic calves at intervals from birth to ten days of age. There were significant differences in the concentrations of the various serum proteins in normal calves when the results were analysed at six age intervals. There was no significant relationship between the concentration of the various proteins and the season of the year.

Of the diarrheic calves, those that died had significantly lower gamma globulin concentrations than the other calves. Severely diarrheic and dehydrated calves had significantly increased serum albumin and alpha glabulin concentrations and decreased gamma globulin concentrations. No significant variation occurred in total serum protein concentration. Plasma fibrinogen concentrations were similar in normal and diarrheic calves.


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