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热带和亚热带高原种质的研究与利用   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
本文阐述了种植在低纬度、高海拔地区的热带和亚热带高原玉米种质的特点及利用价值,并对如何利用这类资源来改良温带玉米的抗病性,拓宽遗传基础进行了经验性讨论。  相似文献   

基因型与不同激素配比对马铃薯茎尖组织培养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对10种马铃薯基因型进行茎尖诱导,研究基因型类型和不同激素配比对茎尖培养成苗率的影响,结果表明:基因型间茎尖苗诱导率差异明显,诱导率最高的达到了50%,最低的仅有4.2%,研究还发现,不同基因型对培养基的激素配比要求也不相同。  相似文献   

利用实生种子在营养钵中培育出实生小薯,再用实生小薯进行无性一代培育及选种,因减少了移栽环节,既提高了成活率,又使各组合能按正常生育期成熟,利于选种。无性一代的培育在网棚内种植,免受外界不良环境条件的影响,防止优良品系在低代被淘汰,使优势基因继续保留下来,确保无性世代有丰富的选种材料。  相似文献   

The ability to minimize potato yield and quality losses due to drought can be greatly improved by understanding the relative responses of different cultivars to seasonal variations in water supply. To address this need, we initiated a 2 year field experiment to determine the responses of the six potato cultivars to different seasonal drought patterns, including 1) full season irrigation at 100 % ET, 2) irrigation at 100 % ET terminated during late bulking , 3) full season irrigation at 70 % ET , 4) irrigation at 70 % ET terminated during late bulking , and 5) a gradual reduction in irrigation from 100 % ET during tuber initiation through early bulking, to 70 % ET during mid-bulking, and 50 % ET through late bulking. GemStar Russet and Ranger Russet, two medium-late maturing cultivars, generally produced the highest yields across the range of drought treatments, but both were fairly sensitive to changes in drought severity. Alturas, a late maturing cultivar, produced relatively high yields with full irrigation, but exhibited the greatest sensitivity to increasing drought severity, particularly when severe late-season water deficits were imposed. Yields for the early maturing cultivar Russet Norkotah were relatively low overall, but it was the least sensitive to changes in drought severity, particularly when late season drought was imposed. Russet Burbank produced comparatively high total yields across the range of drought treatments, but U.S. No. 1 yields were substantially reduced by each seasonal drought pattern. However, it was less sensitive to changes in drought severity than GemStar Russet, Ranger Russet and Alturas. Total and U.S. No. 1 yields for Summit Russet were low for each drought treatment and it exhibited intermediate sensitivity to changes in drought severity. GemStar Russet had the highest water use efficiency based on U.S. No. 1 yield.  相似文献   

高寒半干旱区农田施肥效应及对降水生产潜力开发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有机无机肥配施表明 ,土壤酶活性增强 ,土壤有机碳、易氧化碳、重组碳增加 ,土壤腐殖质品质和活性改善 ,原土复合量、阳离子交换量 ( CEC)、速效养分增加 ,结构改良 ,且具有显著的增产效果 ,坡梁栗钙土莜麦产量比对照提高 2 2 3 .6%~ 3 90 .3 % ,降水利用效率和作物水分利用效率分别提高 4 .4 1~ 8.2 3和 3 .50~6.66kg· mm- 1 · hm- 2 ;旱滩草甸栗钙土春小麦较对照增产 71 .5%~ 98.5% ,降水利用效率和作物水分利用效率分别提高 3 .67~ 5.0 5和 2 .71~ 3 .73 kg· mm- 1· hm- 2。本区由于热量不足 ,麦类作物光合潜力降低1 4 .9%~ 4 5.0 % ,降水不足使光温潜力降低 4 .3 %~ 56.0 %。有机无机肥配施使莜麦降水潜力开发度提高 2 4 .6~ 3 9.5个百分点 ,使春小麦降水潜力开发度提高 1 7.4~ 3 5.6个百分点  相似文献   

为加强木薯现有选育材料和引进种质的研究利用,准确评价各种质产量相关性状的稳定性和适应性,以木薯主栽品种华南8号(SC8)和华南205号(SC205)为对照,选用138份选育材料和8份瑞士引进新种质,应用AMMI模型对连续3年的干物质率、收获指数的遗传方差、环境方差和遗传与环境(G×E)互作进行探讨。结果表明:(1)比对照SC8的干物质率和收获指数更高且更加稳定的种质分别有4份和6份,比对照SC205的干物质率和收获指数更高且更加稳定的种质分别有61份和12份;(2)对干物质率的分析中有67份种质比SC8和有132份种质比SC205对不同年度环境的适应性更好,对收获指数的分析中有48份种质比SC8和有28份种质比SC205对不同年度环境适应性更好。AMMI模型很好地解释了木薯干物质率和收获指数的基因型G效应、环境E效应和G×E互作效应。该结果对木薯种质的环境敏感度和种植范围评估提供了依据。  相似文献   

遗传和环境因素对不同冬小麦品种品质性状的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了明确遗传和环境因素对小麦品质的影响,选用6个有代表性的冬小麦品种(豫麦34、藁麦8901、豫麦49、豫麦70、洛阳8716和豫麦50)在河南省五个纬度点(32°N~36°N)种植,研究了品种遗传因素、环境因素与冬小麦品质性状的关系。结果表明,遗传因素对硬度、出粉率、耐揉指数、断裂时间的影响较大,而环境因素对灰分、沉淀值、容重有显著影响。由南向北随着纬度的升高,灰分、沉淀值呈减少趋势,容重呈增加趋势。小麦不同品质性状受气候因子的影响程度不同,其中硬度、灰分、沉淀值、容重均与小麦生育后期5月份的主要气象因子呈显著相关。因此,小麦生育后期的田间管理应充分考虑气象因素,以改善小麦品质。  相似文献   

基因型和环境对小麦种子活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确环境、基因型及其互作对小麦种子活力的影响,以湖北省小麦区域试验三个试点的16个小麦新品种(系)为材料,对收获后的种子进行发芽率、幼苗干重及简易活力指数的计算并进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)发芽率、幼苗干重及其简易活力指数在地点间、品种(系)间差异均达到了极显著水平,且品种(系)间的差异均比地点间的差异大,发芽率和简易活力指数的地点×品种(系)互作(GEI)间差异也达到了极显著水平。(2)发芽率和简易活力指数以武汉最高,且与其他地点的差异达极显著水平;而幼苗干重则以荆州最高,与武汉差异不显著。(3)鄂麦27和楚0805的发芽率较高,襄麦27和河科大9612的幼苗干重最高,而鄂麦27的简易活力指数最高。(4)简易活力指数与发芽率呈极显著正相关,与幼苗干重呈不显著的正相关,而发芽率与幼苗干重呈不显著的负相关。  相似文献   

Potatoes require high nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates because of their poor N efficiency. Better understanding of N dynamic in potato crops could improve N efficiency and thus enhance crop profitability and reduce N losses. A similar field experiment was conducted in Switzerland in 3 years, from 2009 to 2011, to investigate the yield and quality response to N fertilization of two commercial potato cultivars with different tuber qualities, Bintje and Laura. Five doses of ammonium nitrate were tested: 0, 80, 120, 160 and 200 kg N ha?1. Aboveground and belowground biomass evolution, total yield, starch concentration and tuber sizes were measured annually. In 2011, the total N uptake and the soil mineral N content were also measured during the growing season and at harvest.The study showed that N fertilization had a positive effect on yield and the percentage of large tubers (>?70 mm) and a negative effect on starch concentration. Both cultivars presented the same potential yield, although cv. Laura’s yield was more affected by N fertilization deficiency and more responsive to the late N fertilizer application. At harvest, both cultivars had a similar N uptake efficiency and N utilization efficiency. However, they differed with respect to N uptake dynamics. Nitrogen uptake was slower for cv. Laura than for cv. Bintje due to a longer period required for the development of the belowground biomass. The results provide useful recommendations for improvement of N fertilization practices (e.g. rate and time of application) of these two cultivars in Swiss conditions.  相似文献   

无机磷是马铃薯生长和块茎发育必需的大量营养元素,广泛参与了遗传物质和生物膜的构成、能量转化以及代谢调控等过程,对马铃薯茎叶生长和块茎发育起着重要的作用.土壤的磷含量会明显影响马铃薯的发育,且在不同遗传特性的马铃薯品种间存在磷效率差异.为了保证马铃薯的正常生长和产量的稳定,磷肥在马铃薯种植业中被大量使用.然而,磷肥的过量...  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted in 2008 and 2009 in Aberdeen, ID, Ontario, OR, and Paterson, WA to determine the effect of simulated glyphosate drift on ‘Ranger Russet’ potato during the application year and the crop growing the next year from the daughter tubers. Glyphosate was applied at 8.5, 54, 107, 215, and 423 g ae ha?1 which corresponds to 1/00, 1/16, 1/8, ¼, and 1/2 of the lowest recommended single-application rate for glyphosate-resistant corn and sugar beet of 846 g ha–1. Glyphosate was applied when potato plants were at 10 to 15 cm tall (Early), or at stolon hooking (H), tuber initiation (TI), or during mid-bulking (MB). In general, the MB applications caused less visual foliar injury to the mother crop than earlier applications at ID or OR, and H applications at WA. Mother crop injury increased as glyphosate rate increased regardless of location, application timing, and rating date. U.S. No.1 and total tuber yields were usually related to the injury level resulting from glyphosate application timings and rates. Although injury to the mother crop from glyphosate applied at MB usually was the lowest compared to injury from other application timings, when daughter tubers from that timing were planted the following year, emergence, plant vigor, and yield was most detrimentally impacted compared with that of daughter tubers from other timing treatments. MB daughter tuber emergence was less than 30 % of the nontreated control tuber emergence while emergence of daughter tubers from the other treatments was 60 to 95 %. As rate of glyphosate applied to the mother crop increased, daughter tuber emergence decreased. When MB daughter tubers did emerge, plants were chlorotic and stunted as if the plants had been directly sprayed with glyphosate. Regardless of whether the daughter tubers had defects or not, results the following year were the same. Implications are that if a mother seed crop encounters glyphosate during bulking, injury may not even be noticeable on the foliage or the tubers, however, emergence, vigor, and yield of the crop growing the following year from the daughter tubers could be greatly impacted.  相似文献   


During a period of a presumed world food crisis, the importance of climate and weather, and the rising level of atmospheric carbon dioxide are highlighted as important changes in the global environment. There is a dual and simultaneous effect of the rising level of atmospheric carbon dioxide on first, global warming and second, on the enhancement of crop productivity as reflected by an increased photosynthetic capacity, greater water use efficiency and alleviation of other crop stresses. Climate variability has a greater impact on agricultural productivity than does climate change. The rising level of atmospheric carbon dioxide is a universally free subsidy, gaining in magnitude with time, on which all can reckon when it comes to crop productivity.  相似文献   

大麦籽粒生育酚含量的基因型和环境变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨基因型和环境变异对大麦籽粒生育酚含量的影响,本文采用超声提取和高效液相色谱法测定了种植在3个生态条件差异很大的环境条件下的7个二棱大麦品种籽粒的生育酚含量。结果表明:各生育酚含量在基因型间、环境间及基因型和环境互作间差异均达到极显著水平;α-生育酚、γ-生育酚、δ-生育酚和总-生育酚含量的环境效应大于基因型效应,β-生育酚含量的基因型效应大于环境效应。  相似文献   

Field studies involving the effects of growing sweet corn (Zea mays var. Jubilee sweet corn and var. Jubilee super-sweet corn) as a green manure for 2 or 3 seasons demonstrated both suppression of verticillium wilt by 60–70% (Verticillium dahliae Kleb.) and increased potato yields. Although these treatments showed no direct effect on V. dahliae soil populations, the colonization of V. dahliae on potato feeder-roots and in potato tissue of stem apices were reduced. Feeder-root colonization by V. dahliae was positively correlated with verticillium wilt incidence (P?≤?0.05 to P?≤?0.01) and negatively correlated with yield (P?≤?0.05). Corn green manures additionally increased populations of several soilborne fungi which included Ulocladium, and Fusarium equiseti. Specific nutritional and microbial effects were secondary to the effects of cropping practices. When compared with the fallow treatments for 1994, 1995, and 1997, the percentage yield increases for 1994 were: +34% for total yield, +57% for U.S. #1’s, and +127% for tubers >280 g; for 1995 (a year of reduced degree-days and decreased verticillium incidence): +14% for total yields, +15% for U.S. #1 yields, and +21% for tubers >280 g; for 1997: +24% for yield totals, +74% for U.S. #1’s and +179% for tubers >280 g. For establishing these yield benefits, stalks with and without ears of corn were used as green manures. Corn varieties differed for effectiveness as a green manure, which could be accounted for by differences of biomass. When compared with the super-sweet corn, the sweet corn produced an increase (>2-fold) of biomass with less than half of the resulting wilt incidence. When potato was grown consecutively for 2 years, the benefits from green manures became mostly eliminated. However, following 2 consecutive years of potato, a single green manure of sweet corn was sufficient to return the potato crop to the original benefits of verticillium suppression and increased yields. This occurred even though soilborne V. dahliae inoculum levels had increased by >4-fold from 45 to 182 cfu g?1 of soil. Results of this study demonstrate the importance of green manures and soil-ecology to the management of the Russet Burbank potato.  相似文献   

一个优良作物品种应具备高产、优质和稳定性强。对产量和品质的测定较为容易,而稳定性是个统计学概念,必须通过区域试验,在不同区域条件下测定作物品种的基因型与环境互作,以得到有关信息,利用这些信息可以对每个品种的丰产性、稳定性和适应性做出准确评价。同时还能对参试环境  相似文献   

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