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Ten populations of Penaeus kerathurus (Forskäl), a prawn of high commercial value, were sampled from the eastern and western Mediterranean coastal waters of Tunisia and screened electrophoretically for genetic variation at 13 allozyme loci. Four among the six polymorphic loci were out of Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (H–WE) in at least one population. In the same way, the multilocus test showed deviation from H–WE in six populations. These populations showed heterozygote deficiency whereas the average heterozygosity for the four remaining ones is quite similar to the expected levels. Genetic variability was low. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1.2 to 1.5 (average=1.3), and the observed heterozygosity varied between 0.010 and 0.048 (average=0.021). Significant population differentiation ( FST=0.076, P<0.05) in the total data set reflected the differentiation of the two populations, which were at the margins of the range sampled, from all the others (Pairwise FST values ranged from 0.035 to 0.208). Although there was no significant differentiation among the other populations (pairwise FST values ranged from ?0.006 to 0.201, P>0.05). Our data suggest a population structure consistent with separation by Mediterranean Sea basins that might reflect different local biogeographical zones. 相似文献
Ten enzymatic systems were analyzed to determine allozyme genetic differentiation among three hatchery strains (A, B and C) of white shrimp, Penaeus ( Litopenaeus) vannamei, commonly used in shrimp farming in northwest Mexico. A wild population from northern Sinaloa was used as a reference. Fifteen loci were detected, nine of which were polymorphic ( ACP-1*, ACP-2*, AKP-2*, EST-2*, EST-3*, EST-4*, EST-5*, LAP*, and LDH*). Polymorphism of A, B and C were 53, 53, and 40%. The mean observed heterozygosity per locus was 0.071, 0.093, and 0.050 without any significant difference among them or with respect to the wild population (0.056). In all samples observed heteroxygosity was smaller than expected. The mean number of alleles per locus was 1.8 in A and 1.87 in both B and C. Strain A was the only sample without rare alleles. Only EST-3* and LAP* of strain A were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; the other loci were in disequilibrium in all samples. High inbreeding values and heterozygote deficiencies were detected in all samples. Distribution of allelic frequencies was heterogeneous among the samples ( G-test), involving all polymorphic loci and suggesting a genetic differentiation. According to Fst, a moderate genetic differentiation (7.4%) was detected among the samples. Greater differences were between strains A and C. Based on genetic distance, the samples were grouped into two pairs, B-C and A-wild. Strain A is a young strain related to the wild sample, whereas strains B and C have a different geographic origin than the wild sample. 相似文献
The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of oral administration of probiotics ( Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis) in combination with prebiotic isomaltooligosaccharide (IMO) on the intestinal microflora and immunological parameters of Penaeus japonicus and its resistence against Vibrio alginolyticus. A basal diet was supplemented with 0% probiotics and prebiotic (control), 10 8 colony forming unit (CFU) g ?1B. licheniformis and 0.2% IMO (T1), 10 8 CFU g ?1B. subtilis and 0.2% IMO (T2), 10 8 CFU g ?1B. licheniformis in combination with 10 8 CFU g ?1B. subtilis and 0.2% IMO (T3). The results showed that the total bacterial counts significantly increased ( P<0.05) and Vibrio counts significantly decreased ( P<0.05) in the intestine of shrimp with supplementation of dietary synbiotics. Shrimp fed the diet with both Bacillus probiotics and IMO (T3) produced significantly higher immune parameters (phenoloxidase activity, lysozyme activity and nitric oxide synthase activity and superoxide dismutase activity) than the control group ( P<0.05). Significant lower cumulative mortality after challenge with V. alginolyticus was also observed in shrimp fed diet with both Bacillus probiotics and IMO (T3) than that in the control group ( P<0.05). The results indicated that the oral administration of probiotics ( B. licheniformis and B. subtilis) and prebiotic IMO has positive effects on bacterial flora in P. japonicus gut, and can activate non‐specific immunity of shrimp. 相似文献
The tropical calanoid copepod Acartia sinjiensis has good potential for mass culture as live feed for reef fish larvae. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of photoperiod on various parameters related to A. sinjiensis productivity in culture .Five photoperiods of Light:Dark = 0:24; 6:18; 12:12; 18:6 and 24:0h were setup. Daily egg production of individual females under each photoperiod was monitored for 8 consecutive days. The females were randomly selected daily from stock cultures kept under respective photoperiods and discarded after experiment. The results showed a clear trend of increasing egg production with longer illumination period. Under constant darkness, acclimatization was evident as egg output increased steadily over the 8 day period. Statistics showed that photoperiod significantly ( p < 0.005) affected mean daily egg production, with the highest egg output recorded at 18L:6D and 24L:0D (17.6 ± 1.7 and 17.6 ± 1.8 eggs/female/day respectively), which were significantly higher than all other treatments. Photoperiod also significantly affected 48 h egg hatching success ( p < 0.005), a trend of increased hatching success with longer light phase was demonstrated. The highest hatching rate (87.2 ± 1.4%) was recorded at 24L:0D, which was significantly higher than the 0L:24D and 6L:18D treatments but not significantly different from the second highest (85.3 ± 2.6%) hatching rate of 18L:6D treatment.Photoperiod was further confirmed to significantly ( p < 0.005) affected naupliar and copepodite development with accelerated development observed with increased illumination period of photoperiods. Mean development time from egg to adult was the shortest at 6.00 ± 0.33 days under constant light (24L:0D), followed by 6.24 ± 0.24 days at 18L:6D, both were significantly shorter than that of 0L:24D and 6L:18D treatments although no significantly difference was detected between themselves. Adult life expectancy was also found significantly ( p < 0.005) affected by photoperiod with the shortest adult life span recorded under constant light (24L:0D) (9.4 ± 0.4 days), which was significantly shorter than all other photoperiods tested. Adult sex ratio was the only parameter tested that was not significantly affected by photoperiod, a skewed sex ratio in favor of female was found across all photoperiod treatments.Based on results of current study, it is recommended that a photoperiod of 18L:6D being adopted for A. sinjiensis culture to maximize its productivity for aquaculture hatcheries. 相似文献
The European conger eel, Conger conger, is a fish widely distributed in the north-eastern Atlantic, being an important commercial and recreational fish species. A total of 85 juvenile congers eels were used in this study. Seventy-three congers were captured mainly by hook and pots in inshore waters (10–15 m depth) of the Iberian Peninsula (North Portugal and Vigo), monthly from March 1998 to March 2000. Another twelve specimens have been captured during a research cruise (R.V. “Capricórnio”) in summer 1999 by trawl at depths about 400 m in south Portugal. The length and weight of the congers eels ranged from 38 to 173 cm and 125 to 14,553 g, respectively. The observation of burnt otoliths under UV light proved to be a useful method for ageing conger eels. Marginal increment analysis was used to validate the annual pattern in the deposition of bright zones in the otoliths. Age for the congers ranged from 2 to 12 years. The VBF population growth curve estimates from the otoliths of the females gave results of L∞ = 265 cm, k = 0.07 and t0 = −1.20. Sex determination and gonadal development were obtained from histological analysis. All the specimens collected in the coastal shallow waters were females, either immature or in a developing stage. The ovaries contained oocytes in two main stages of development: a pre-vitellogenic stage and an early vitellogenic stage. The few males ( n = 4) observed have been captured in the trawl fishery at deeper waters. The males possessed small cells spermatogonias and spermatocytes clustered in crypts in the testis scattered in a matrix of adipose tissue. The sexual steroids, 17β-oestradiol and testosterone, were measured in blood plasma samples by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. Both sexual steroids presented a high correlation with the sexual development stage in terms of maximum oocyte diameter and gonadosomatic index. This work presents for the first time, data on age, reproductive biology and endocrinology of conger eels captured in the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula. 相似文献
The population structure of Aphanius fasciatus in the Mesolongi and Etolikon lagoonal system was studied, using 5794 fish. Significant differences were observed in the number of individuals of each sex, the age and size composition and survival. The overall males to females sex ratio was 1:2.44, although there was seasonal variation. During the reproductive period the percentage of males in the population decreased significantly, while after reproduction and during recruitment they increased. The females in each age class were larger than the males (40.33 mm and 36.72 mean total length for females and males, respectively). The survival rate of females was greater than males (0.73 for females and 0.60 for males). The strategy of this species is to invest in female individuals. 相似文献
Quantitative surveys of the edible sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, were conducted in four fishing zones of Sardinia (Southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea), in Autumn 2007. A total of 120 stations were geo-located along a bathymetric gradient ranging from 0 to 10 m. A geostatistical method was used to evaluate spatial patterns in density and to estimate harvestable stocks. Variographic analyses showed that the isotropic Gaussian and spherical models successfully explained the spatial structure of sea urchin assemblages in these areas. Density maps obtained by punctual kriging showed that sea urchin populations tend to be patchy rather than uniform in their density distribution. A combination of mapping and size categories was used to generate diverse scenarios of harvestable stocks (specimens ≥50 mm in diameter) before the start of the current fishing season. We conclude that the geostatistical approach, which takes into consideration the spatial autocorrelation structure of the populations in small areas, seems to be a good estimator of P. lividus density and biomass and for the assessment of its harvestable stocks, and thus provides an initial step towards a scientific approach to the management of local sea urchin fisheries. 相似文献
Juvenile green abalone Haliotis rufescens were grown under laboratory conditions at 21±1 °C and fed formulated diets consisting of different protein:energy ratios (mg protein/kcal), 62, 74, 85, 100, 108, for 60 days. The level of crude protein ranged from approximately 26% to 44% while the energy content remained constant at about 4.1 kcal g −1. Growth ranged from 3.63 to 12.33 mg day −1. The growth of abalone fed the 100 and 108 diets was significantly greater than that of each of the other diets. Protein efficiency ratio increased as the dietary protein content increased except for the T108 diet (44% crude protein). Abalone apparently consume food to satisfy an energy requirement. Caloric expenditure due to metabolism was estimated for abalone fed diets with protein ratios of 62, 85, 100. Energy loss due to respiration did not vary appreciably among abalone fed the different diets. The proportional distribution of dietary energy into fecal, digestible, growth, and metabolic energy was estimated for abalone fed these diets. Apparent dry matter digestibility was among the lowest for abalone fed the 100 P:E diet, but growth of abalone fed this diet was significantly higher than that of each of the other treatments except the 108 diet. Unexplained energy loss to achieve balance ranged from 7% to 28.5%, some of which is probably due to differential mucus and ammonia production. Results suggest a potential for the reduction of both dietary protein and lipid without causing any adverse effects on the growth response. 相似文献
This study examines puberty in female yellowtail flounder, correlating macroscopic, histological and endocrine parameters at the gonadal level. Short-term ovarian tissue incubations were used to study estradiol-17β production in relation to oogenic stage. Examining 2 year classes of young flounder demonstrated that cultured females retain phenotypic plasticity in reproductive age with pubertal onset occurring in one-year, two-year and three-year-olds. Immature ovaries were steroidogenic and capable of responding to gonadotropic stimulation. Endocrine puberty in females was detected by a peak in estradiol-17β production during the cortical alveolar oocyte stage prior to any ovarian evidence of vitellogenesis. Puberty, once initiated, proceeded to ovulation within 8 to 12 months; vitellogenic oocyte development followed the group synchronous pattern. Estradiol-17β was clearly the dominant of the two measured plasma hormones during pubertal onset and throughout vitellogenesis. Plasma testosterone was consistently detectable at low levels by mid-to late-vitellogenesis. Ovaries showed the highest sensitivity to gonadotropic stimulation in vitro during late-vitellogenesis. Variable plasma levels in both estradiol-17β and testosterone occurred in preovulatory and ovulating females during the captive spawning period. Together the results show that yellowtail flounder can mature at a young age and small size when culture conditions permit. In addition, the early sensitivity to gonadotropin by the immature ovaries may be an important physiological determinant for the timing of puberty in this species. 相似文献
The spider crab Maja brachydactyla is overexploited on the NW coast of Spain. Aquaculture of this species can be the solution to the problem, and consequently, several attempts of intensive larval rearing have been conducted. However, most of the studies already published do not provide enough zoo technical data, especially in terms of larval and prey densities or the nutritional quality of diets used for rearing.Three experiments were carried out to evaluate the conditions for intensive larval rearing of M. brachydactyla. Larval stocking density (10, 50 and 100 larvae L − 1), prey:larva ratio (15, 30 and 60 enriched Artemia larva − 1) and diet (enriched Artemia, non-enriched Artemia and polychaete supplement) effects on growth and survival of this species were studied. For larval culture nine, 35 L, 150 μm mesh-bottomed PVC cylinders (triplicates for each treatment and larval stage) connected to a recirculation unit, were used. Temperature and salinity were kept constant at 18 °C and 36‰ respectively. A 12 to 18 day trial was conducted for each experiment and samples of larvae were collected at each larval stage (zoea I, zoea II, megalopa) in the inter-molt phase and at first juvenile. Survival, carapace length and width, dry weight (DW), and proximate biochemical content (protein, carbohydrates and total lipid) as well as lipid class composition were determined.Stocking densities of 100 larvae L − 1 resulted in higher growth in DW and higher content in lipids and protein for zoea I (ZI) and zoea II (ZII) than 10 larvae L − 1. However, survival decreased with increasing stocking density.The use of 60 preys larva − 1 produced larvae with significantly higher DW and protein content, especially at ZII stage, than lower prey densities. Survival rate obtained feeding 60 preys larva − 1 up to the megalopa stage was almost two-fold (42.2%) the rate obtained using 15 preys larva − 1 (24.8%).Larvae fed on enriched Artemia (EA) showed an increase in weight up to megalopa (518.9 ± 26.5 μg) in contrast to larvae fed on non-enriched prey (A) (467.9 ± 6.9 μg). Variation in DW correlated with the total lipid content (L) of the larvae (L EA = 70.1 ± 37.5 μg ind − 1; L A = 28.9 ± 3.2 μg ind − 1) especially in terms of neutral lipids. The use of an initial density of at least 50 larvae L − 1 and 60 enriched Artemia larva − 1 can be considered the most adequate rearing parameters in order to obtain good results in growth and survival of M. brachydactyla. 相似文献
In selectivity experiments with shrimp trawls, very high numbers of animals in the catches of single hauls are a common feature and therefore, sub-sampling is inevitable. In order to find an acceptable balance between work-load and accuracy in the estimation of the selection parameters, it is important to have a sensible idea on the minimum numbers of shrimps to be measured in each catch fraction (cover, discards and landings). The present theoretical study tries to answer this question by means of computer simulations of different sampling strategies and sample sizes applied to catches with known size compositions. The results of the simulations are discussed in relation to population structure, shape of the cod-end selection curve, sampling strategy (as the relative amounts measured from the different catch fractions) and sample size, and the method used to calculate the selection parameters. Samples of 750 animals provide an acceptable compromise between work-load and reliability of the estimated selection parameters, provided that sufficient numbers of length classes are available. Population structure, selection curve and sample size (in that order) largely determine the reliability of the estimates, whereas the sampling strategy, on the other hand, only has a minor effect. 相似文献
Two trials were designed to quantify the effect of feeding ratio and fish size on the cohabitation transmission of Loma salmonae, the causative agent of microsporidial gill disease (MGD) in salmonids, Oncorhynchus spp. To evaluate the effect of feeding ratio on disease onset, groups of 45 rainbow trout, O. mykiss (Walbaum) (RBT), were fed daily at 1% (low), 2% (medium) or 4% (high) of the fish biomass in the tank. There were three tanks at each feeding level: two tanks were exposed to the pathogen and one was a control. For the second objective, 300 RBT were separated into seven tanks so that the weight classifications were small (17-23 g), medium (32-38 g) and large (57-63 g). Each size class was done in duplicate with one control tank containing medium-sized fish. Separately for each trial, on day 0 post-exposure (PE) five highly infectious RBT were added to each tank (not including the control tanks) to begin the cohabitation exposure period. Beginning on day 21 PE and continuing biweekly until days 70 and 77 PE for the feeding and fish size trials, respectively, each fish was evaluated for visible branchial xenomas to determine disease onset time. Using survival analysis, the survival curves for the low, medium and high feedings were not significantly different from each other. However, there were significant differences amongst the small, medium and large weight classes in the size trial. The median numbers of days to the development of branchial xenomas was 31, 38 and 42 for small, medium and large size fish, respectively. On any given day, a medium or large sized fish had a hazard ratio for developing branchial xenomas of 0.66 and 0.63, respectively, compared with a small fish. In addition to host species and host strain differences, fish size is now considered a host risk factor for the development of MGD. 相似文献
Triploidy was induced in the turbot ( Scophthalmus maximus, L.) by applying cold shocks shortly after fertilization. The combined effects of the timing of cold shock commencement after fertilization, cold shock duration and cold shock temperature were investigated. Ploidy was assessed by counting the number of nucleoli per nucleus (NOR) in larvae and also by measuring erythrocyte size in juveniles. A clear peak in triploidy induction was obtained when shocks were started between 6 and 7 min after fertilization at a pre-shock temperature of 13–14°C. With this timing, shocks of 20-min duration at 0°C gave >90% triploidy, with survival about 80% of the untreated controls. In order to ensure both high triploidy rates and high survival, it was necessary to carefully maintain the water temperature just below 0°C. Experiments with small and large volumes of eggs were performed in order to determine how changes in the relative volumes of eggs and chilled water could affect survival and triploidy induction. The best combination to induce triploidy in the turbot was as follows: shock commencement 6.5 min after fertilization, shock duration 25 min, and shock temperature between 0 and −1°C. With this combination, 100% triploidy could consistently be induced with survival 60% of the untreated control. This was successfully applied to a large volume of eggs (300 ml; 1 ml 800 eggs) in order to mass-produce triploid turbot. Triploids had lower survival rate than diploids at hatching but similar thereafter, with the ability to complete the different stages of larval rearing, indicating the viability to produce triploid turbot under farming conditions. 相似文献
In this study, we conducted experiments on wild-caught juvenile gag Mycteroperca microlepis from the eastern Gulf of Mexico to evaluate the effect of food availability on somatic growth and otolith growth. Juveniles were fed at two different food levels until all fish attained similar sizes. We found that food availability significantly affected growth rates. However, we also found that this manifested itself in differential otolith size. That is, slower-growing gag had larger, heavier otoliths than equal-sized faster-growing gag; an experimental result that has been observed previously among various fish species. We wanted to apply these experimental results to field-caught gag because our initial observations indicated that gag from more southern latitudes along Florida’s west coast were larger than gag from more northern latitudes, at least during the early juvenile period. Applying these relationships to regional field populations, we found that juvenile gag from the more northern latitudes appeared to grow faster than those from southern latitudes, using an otolith–fish size proxy for growth. However, examination of fish length–age relationships revealed that juvenile gag growth rates were not significantly different between regions. These results are contrary to the expectation that larger-sized gag from southern latitudes are growing faster, and suggests that other factors, such as spawning time and habitat quality may explain regional size differences. 相似文献
To evaluate the effect of anthropogenic pollution on fish reproduction in Bizerta lagoon, one of the largest Tunisian lagoons subjected to various anthropogenic and industrial pressures, the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonad histology of mature black goby ( Gobius niger) were studied. Fish were collected during the breeding seasons from six stations differently impacted and in one reference station located at the seaward entrance of Ghar el Melh (GH) lagoon. In both sexes, we detected the presence of an overall weaker GSI in Bizerta lagoon than in control fish. These GSI alterations were accompanied by histopathological changes. In females, no significant differences in oocyte size were found across all the sample sites. However, a higher incidence of oocyte lesions (atretic oocytes, cytoplasmic retraction and karyoplasmic cluping) was found in stations located near agricultural activity zones. Histological observation of the testes revealed, as well, abnormalities in Bizerta lagoon fish: germ cells syncytium, vacuolated germ cells, melano-macrophage center and increase of gaps in the interstitium between lobules were detected with a high prevalence in stations influenced by industrial and/or urban activities. In addition, association between gonad fish histopathology and the presence of organic pollutants (DTT, PAHs and organotins) in sediment was noted. These results suggest that the chemical pollution in this lagoon may have adversely affected the gonad development of fish. In conclusion, this study is the first histological evidence of reproduction disturbance related to pollution pressure in a fish species inhabiting Bizerta lagoon. The high levels of gonad histopathology recorded raise concerns about the long-term health of fish populations in this lagoon. 相似文献
Effects of oral administration of l-thyroxine (T 4) on growth performance, body composition, and some aspects of nutritional physiology were investigated in two slow-growing
air-breathing fish ( Channa punctatus and Heteropneustes fossilis) under laboratory conditions (LD 12:12 at 25°C). The results indicate that irrespective of the species, fish fed diets containing
lower doses of T 4 (up to 50 mg kg −1 of diet in C. punctatus and up to 100 mg kg −1 of diet in H. fossilis) showed significantly ( P < 0.05) higher growth (in terms of live weight and length gain, specific growth rate, percentage gain in body weight and
condition factor), low feed conversion ratio, high nutrient retention, high apparent protein digestibility, and high digestive
enzyme activity. Viscero-somatic (VSI) and hepato-somatic (HSI) values were also high in fish fed on low dietary T 4 levels. Liver glycogen levels decreased with the increase in the dietary T 4 levels, indicating its utilization during growth. Muscle glycogen levels in H. fossilis coincided with high growth at 100 mg of T 4. Observation of the postprandial excretion of metabolites (N–NH 4
+ and o-PO 4
−) indicated significantly ( P < 0.05) low levels in aquaria water where the fish were fed diets with low T 4 levels. These studies further revealed that feeding fishes on higher T 4 levels (above 50 mg in C. punctatus and above 100 mg in H. fossilis) not only repressed growth performance and nutrient retention, but also affected carcass composition by lowering protein
accumulation (muscle and carcass protein) and energy assimilation. These studies revealed a biphasic action of thyroxine,
i.e., the hormone at lower doses is anabolic, while at higher doses it acts as a catabolic agent, indicating that feeding
fishes on higher doses can be detrimental to their growth and metabolism. In summary, the results of the present study show
that feeding H. fossilis and C. punctatus on low doses of T 4 enhances growth, decreases excretion of metabolites, and increases nitrogen retention. These observations suggest that T 4 supplementation of the diet may have practical utility in the culture of slow-growing fish species. 相似文献
The individual growth being regulated by population structure was studied in cultured populations of Senegalese sole ( Solea senegalensis Kaup) juveniles. Soles constituting an initial population were individually tagged and their specific growth rates (SGR) registered after two months of growth. Fish were then graded in order to achieve four new subpopulations based in their previous growths and cultured for other additional 60 days. Three subpopulations consisted of individuals that had previously shown an average SGR (% day −1) of 1.04 ± 0.3, 0.66 ± 0.1 and 0.18 ± 0.1, respectively. A fourth sole subpopulation was established from randomly selected juveniles to constitute the ungraded control group. Growth of the three subpopulations originally graded according to high (1.04% day −1), medium (0.66% day −1) and low (0.18% day −1) SGR soles, was always similar ( P > 0.05) at any time (close to 0.60% day −1). SGR distributions along time revealed a tendency of the three subpopulations to achieve similar growth rate dispersals to that of the ungraded group after 60 days of culture.The individual growth of sole juveniles was also determined in populations that were subject to increased stocking density and food restriction. Soles stocked at high density ( N = 110 fish tank −1; 30.97 ± 0.8 kg m −2) showed an increased growth standard deviation when compared with individuals kept at low density ( N = 20 fish tank −1; 6.20 ± 0.2 kg m −2). In contrast, it was found that population growth dispersal was unaffected in soles fed at a daily ration of either 0.25% or 1.0% of their biomass. Minimum consequences on overall size dispersal in terms of ΔCV were found when high stocking and restricted food ration conditions were compared to control groups. Overall results from this work indicate that individual growth of captive juvenile soles was mainly regulated at a population level, existing a strong tendency to achieve a social arrangement in terms of growth. High stocking density and low feeding ration assay suggests that potentially competitive rearing conditions do not contribute to increase population size dispersal during intensive production of S. senegalensis. 相似文献
Fish meal (FM), vitamin C (VC) and fish oil (FO) play important roles in the growth and reproduction in aquatic animals. To determine the optimum dietary combinations of FM:SM (soybean meal) ratio, VC and FO supplementations for the growth and reproduction of female crayfish Procambarus clarkii, we used the L9 (3 3) orthogonal array, which arranged three factors varied at three levels (FM:SM at 1:3, 1:2 and 1:1.5; VC supplementation at 0.02%, 0.04% and 0.06%; FO inclusion at 1.90%, 2.85% and 3.80%). Range analysis showed that the highest weight gain (WG) of the crayfish occurred at FM:SM of 1:1.5, VC supplementation of 0.04% and FO inclusion of 1.90%, and the maximum gonadosomatic index (GSI), egg laying amount (ELA) and spawning rate (SR) were obtained at FM:SM 1:1.5, VC supplementation 0.06% and FO inclusion 3.80%. Analysis of variance indicated that all the three factors had no significant effects on WG. Fish oil supplementation significantly affected GSI, ELA and SR ( P<0.05), while FM:SM did not significantly influence any of these indicators. Taking the cost into consideration, we suggest that a dietary FM:SM of 1:3, VC supplementation 0.06% and FO inclusion 3.80% might be the optimal combinations for the reproduction of P. clarkii. 相似文献
To assess the potential for hatchery production of the venerid clam, Tapes dorsatus, diploid and triploid clams were produced and ongrown until the spat reached 5–8 mm in size. Triploidy percentages at metamorphosis that ranged from 56 to 85% were induced using a 15-min exposure to 1 mg/l cytochalasin B. No differences were observed in the growth rate of sibling diploid and triploid T. dorsatus larvae. Survival of diploid clams to pediveliger stage was however higher. Post-metamorphic growth and survival of diploid and triploid clams remained the same until the clams were removed from the hatchery to outdoor nurseries. Throughout the larval and early spat phases of production, T. dorsatus growth was similar to that reported for the Manila clam, Tapes philippinarum. Based upon its ease of culture, rapid growth and marketability, T. dorsatus are thought to have considerable aquaculture potential. 相似文献