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Woodpeckers (family Picidae) show promise as indicators of avian diversity in forests because their populations can be reliably monitored, and their foraging and nesting activities can positively influence the abundance and richness of other forest birds. A correlation between woodpecker richness and richness of forest birds is known to exist at the landscape scale, but uncertainty remains whether this correlation occurs at the smaller stand-level spatial scales where forest management activities take place. We used data collected under a diverse range of forest types, harvest treatments, and forest health conditions during a long-term study of bird communities in interior British Columbia, Canada, to examine two basic questions: (1) at the level of individual forest stands, is woodpecker richness correlated with bird richness (measured as richness of all other bird species)? and (2) do woodpecker richness and bird richness have similar habitat correlates? Bird richness was positively correlated with woodpecker richness (β = 0.59, SE = 0.22, 95% CI = [0.14 1.03]). Richness of both woodpeckers and all other birds were positively correlated with tree species richness and negatively correlated with density of pines, and the effect for forest harvest type was similar for both measures of avian richness (uncut < partial harvest < clearcut with reserves). The effect of density of lodgepole pines killed by mountain pine beetles differed between the two richness measures, being positive for woodpecker richness and negative for forest bird richness. We conclude that the richness of woodpeckers is indeed correlated with the richness of other birds at the stand-level, and can serve as a reliable indicator of overall bird richness in most forest stands and conditions, except during insect outbreaks when differential responses by woodpeckers and the rest of the avian community may decouple the relationship between bird richness and woodpecker richness.  相似文献   

Our goal was to evaluate how avian assemblages varied along a gradient of urbanization in the highly fragmented landscape of coastal southern California. We measured species richness and abundance of birds within continuous blocks of habitat, within urban habitat fragments that varied in landscape and local habitat variables, and within the urban matrix at different distances from the wildland interface. These comparisons allowed us to characterize patterns of avifaunal response to a gradient of urban fragmentation. At the fragment scale, we found that fragment area was a strong, positive predictor of the total number of breeding species detected per fragment; total bird abundance per point count also increased with fragment size. Tree cover was higher in small fragments, as was the abundance of birds that typically occupy wooded habitats. Comparisons between core, fragment, and urban transects revealed differing patterns of response of individual bird species to urbanization. In unfragmented habitat, we recorded a relatively high diversity of urbanization-sensitive birds. In urban transects, these species were rare, and a relatively few species of non-native and anthropophilic birds were common. These urbanization-enhanced birds were also recorded in previous urban gradient studies in northern California and Ohio. Bird communities along the urban gradient reached their highest richness and abundance in fragments. The marked difference in vegetation structure between urban and natural landscapes in this arid shrubland system likely contributed to this pattern; the presence of native shrubs and exotic trees in fragments enabled both shrub and arboreal nesters to co-occur. As is characteristic of biotic homogenization, urban fragmentation in coastal southern California may increase local diversity but decrease overall regional avifaunal diversity.  相似文献   

Birds play vital roles as seed dispersers helping to maintain and restore plant communities. With restoration increasingly key to global conservation, it is important to understand the landscape attributes and bird community characteristics that most influence avian seed dispersal in human-altered landscapes. We examined bird community structure and seed-dispersal patterns in agricultural countryside in Costa Rica that is typical of much of the Neotropics. Contrary to expectations, bird abundance, not richness, best predicted the richness of bird-dispersed seeds. Neither forest patch size or proximity, nor total tree cover, influenced seed dispersal. The richness and abundance of dispersed seeds, however, was strongly correlated with “wetness,” a remotely-sensed metric of vegetation, at several scales. These results suggest that in this human-dominated tropical region: (1) bird abundance, not species richness or size, may drive seed dispersal, and (2) remote-sensing combined with field verification can detect landscape elements that are helpful for maintaining the option of bird-mediated reforestation.  相似文献   

A major challenge in conservation biology is to understand species’ responses to habitat loss. In Fennoscandia, the ongoing decline in aspen in forests is of particular concern, since aspen is the boreal forest tree species that supports the most host-specific species of cryptogams and invertebrates. In order to predict the potential effects of aspen decline we compared the occurrence of three epiphytic cyanolichens in old-growth stands of the same habitat quality, in four aspen-rich and four aspen-poor landscapes. Collemacurtisporum and Collemafurfuraceum were, on average, five and six times more frequent, respectively, in the aspen-rich than in the aspen-poor landscapes. Leptogiumsaturninum was not affected by the abundance of aspen stands at the landscape level. Our data suggests that lichen species with poor dispersal abilities may be more sensitive to habitat loss than more easily dispersed species and that species with broader habitat amplitude may be less sensitive to habitat loss than more specialized species, even if they have inferior dispersal ability. We conclude that (i) predictions of species occurrences at the stand level have to take account of the amount of suitable habitat at the landscape level, and (ii) predicting the responses of individual species based on life-history traits can be crucial, but cannot be based on single traits. Thus our study shows that biological value cannot be assessed on the basis of habitat quality alone and that a landscape perspective is needed for the sustainable management of specialist species.  相似文献   

In the boreal forest landscape, aspen has been effectively selected against in favour of conifers. The decrease in aspen is of particular concern since it has more host-specific species associated with it than any other boreal tree species. Recently forest management systems have begun to include green-tree retention in order to maintain structural diversity. We initiated this study in order to investigate whether retained aspen trees provide suitable habitats for epiphytic lichens and, if so, whether this varies according to species characteristics, such as morphology and photobiont. We chose to investigate the abundance and vitality of five species: three foliose cyanobacterial lichens (Collema curtisporum, Collema furfuraceum and Leptogium saturninum) and two crustose green-algal lichens (Biatora epixanthoides and Mycobilimbia carneoalbida). These lichens were examined on aspen within forest stands and on remnant aspen in clear-cuts at eight localities, in northern Sweden. Our results show that the response to exposure following clear-felling differs between species according to their morphology. The two crustose lichens were more abundant in the forest stands compared to the clear-cuts. In the clear-cuts, they mainly occurred on the northern sides of the trunks. Even 24 years after cutting, the three cyanolichens were equally or even more abundant on trees in the clear-cuts than in the forest stands. However, they were mainly found on the northern sides of the remnant aspen. We suggest that remnant aspen trees may function as suitable substrate and as stepping stones for colonisation of new stands, at least for the cyanolichens studied here.  相似文献   

Tree girdling has been experimentally used to stop the allocation of carbohydrates from the canopy to tree roots and their associated ectomycorrhizal (EM) mycelia. We used three already established girdling experiments in northern Sweden, one in a Pinus sylvestris stand and two in Picea abies stands, to determine the effect of tree girdling on soil-living oribatid mites. These mites often feed on fungal hyphae, but it is not known to what extent they feed on EM or saprotrophic fungi. We hypothesised that a presumed decline in EM fungi after girdling would strongly reduce EM-feeding specialists and, correspondingly, reduce total abundance and species richness of oribatids in girdled plots. Tree girdling resulted in a significant decline in total abundance of oribatid mites in the two spruce stands, which was assumed to be linked to the decline in EM fungi, but not in the pine stand. Species richness decreased in girdled plots in one of the spruce forests. The decline in total abundance in girdled spruce stands was primarily dependent on a significant and consistent population decrease in Oppiella nova, which was the most abundant oribatid mite in the ungirdled spruce plots. Its abundance after girdling was only 8–18% of that in ungirdled spruce plots. In the pine stand, O. nova had much lower abundance than in the spruce stands, and despite a tendency to decline in number after girdling also in the pine stand, it had a minor effect on total abundance. These results suggest that O. nova may be dependent on EM fungi in spruce forest soils, whereas the dependence on EM fungi in pine forest soils is less evident.  相似文献   

Can enhancement of garden habitat for native birds have conservation benefits, or are garden bird assemblages determined by landscape and environmental characteristics? The relative roles of vegetation structure, floristics and other garden attributes, and environmental and landscape controls, on the abundance and richness of bird species in 214 back or front gardens in 10 suburbs of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, are addressed to answer this question. Birds were counted in each garden and the resources they utilized noted. Vascular plant species and other attributes of the garden were noted, along with rainfall, altitude, distance from natural vegetation, distance from the city and garden size. Garden floristics and bird assemblages were ordinated, and garden groups characterized by particular assemblages of birds identified. General linear modelling was used to determine the combinations of independent variables that best predicted the richness of birds and the abundance of individual bird species and groups of species. The models for bird richness, bird species and groups of bird species were highly individualistic. Although native birds showed a preference for native plants, they also utilized many exotic plants. Exotic birds largely utilized exotic plants. Variation in garden characteristics does substantially affect the nature of garden bird assemblages in Hobart, with weaker environmental and landscape influences. The fact that gardens can be designed and managed to favour particular species and species assemblages gives gardeners a potentially substantial role in the conservation of urban native avifauna.  相似文献   

Maintaining biodiversity in urbanizing landscapes has become a top conservation priority. We examined variation in bird communities across a diverse array of urban and suburban neighborhoods in the Chicago, Illinois, metropolitan region. Rather than taking the usual approach of focusing solely on natural features of the urban landscape, we investigated how urban bird communities were related to neighborhood age and income, as well as environmental characteristics. We found that median housing age was strongly related to avian species richness, with newer neighborhoods supporting more species. Housing age was an important correlate of abundance for several species as well as abundance of exotic, migratory, and non-migratory species groups. Per capita income was inversely related to richness of native bird species and positively related to exotic richness. Total richness was higher in urban sites with undeveloped patches and heterogeneous land cover types; moreover, richness decreased with increasing distance from natural areas greater than 1 km2. Our findings suggest that bird richness is enhanced both by small patches of natural land within the urban matrix and by close proximity to large natural preserves. Furthermore, these results suggest that investigating a combination of abiotic and environmental features of the built landscape, rather than focusing solely on environmental features, may provide a more complete understanding of the factors influencing avian diversity in human-dominated landscapes.  相似文献   

In highly-modified agricultural landscapes, regrowth (secondary) forest on abandoned farmland offers the potential for passive landscape restoration for biodiversity conservation. While numerous studies have investigated the ecological values of regrowth for fauna recovery at the local-level (1-10 ha), there is a dearth of studies quantifying the contribution of regrowth forest at the landscape-level (100-1000s ha). To address this critical knowledge gap we question how the age and amount of regrowth forest in the landscape influence species richness and abundance of mature forest dependent species? Using woodland dependent birds in fragmented sub-tropical brigalow landscapes in southern Queensland, Australia, we applied model averaging and hierarchical partitioning analyses to test and rank the relative importance of the amount of regrowth forest in the landscape in three age classes (<15, 15-30, and >30 years) compared to local (grazing disturbance, abundance of aggressive miners, mistletoe abundance and patch age) and landscape measures of habitat (amount of mature forest and number of mature forest patches). Response variables included the species richness of woodland dependent birds and sub-groupings of foraging guilds, and the abundance of selected individual species. The importance of explanatory variables differed considerably among response groups. Local attributes, such as patch age and the abundance of mistletoe plants, had the strongest influences on woodland dependent birds. However, we found that the amount of regrowth forest, particularly >30 years, also had a strong influence on both species richness and abundance. This study confirms that regrowth, especially older regrowth, can make an important contribution to landscape restoration in highly-modified agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic global review of differences between timber plantations and pasture lands in terms of animal and plant species richness and abundance, and assessed the results using meta-analysis techniques. Our principal aim was to test the hypothesis that plantations contain higher species richness or abundance than pasture. Of the 1967 studies of potential relevance, 66 provided biological monitoring information and 36 met the requirements for meta-analyses. Sufficient data were available for meta-analyses to be conducted comparing the species richness and abundance of plantations and pasture lands for five taxonomic groups: plants, invertebrates, reptiles/amphibians, mammals, and birds. Within each taxon there was considerable variation in the difference between species richness and abundance between plantations and pasture lands. Birds and reptile/amphibians exhibited significantly higher species richness, and mammals exhibited significantly higher abundance, in plantations than in pasture lands which lacked remnant vegetation. Reptile/amphibian species richness was significantly higher in plantations in general. No significant differences in species richness were found for mammals, plants, or invertebrates, and no significant differences in abundance were found for birds, reptiles/amphibians, invertebrates, or plants. It is only within the presence of taxonomic caveats (i.e. reptiles/amphibians), or specific landscape features (i.e. absence of remnant vegetation within pasture), that it can be concluded that plantations support higher species richness or abundance than pasture land. We emphasize that caution is warranted when making general statements about the inherent biodiversity value of diverse and broadly-defined land-uses.  相似文献   

Tree height selection and use of the available foliage by birds were examined in two mixed-coniferous forests in the White Mountains, Arizona, USA, during 1973 and 1974. A comparison of avian habitat use between a natural forest and one which had recently undergone a moderately heavy overstory removal form of timber harvesting, revealed that in both areas tall and moderately tall trees were preferred. Comparisons were made for the composite avian community and, in particular, for the yellow-bellied sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius, mountain chickadee Parus gambeli, ruby-crowned kinglet Regulus calendula, yellow-rumped warbler Dendroica coronata, and dark-eyed (= grey-headed) junco Junco hyemalis caniceps. Taller trees provided substantially more foliage and substrate for nesting and foraging than did shorter ones.Foliage use by birds in the unharvested plot suggested that foliage was being used in approximately the proportion in which it was available. This was not true in the modified plot where quaking aspen Populus tremuloides—the only tree species not logged—comprised 53·1% of the total available foliage volume. The biggest discrepancy between bird use and foliage volume occurred between 9 and 21 m from the ground. Within this height interval aspen represented 63·8% of the total volume. The subsequently derived bird use curve reflected the reduced desirability of aspen for most avian species.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes with spatial and temporal variations interact with each other to affect the existing biodiversity. Though rice fields provide important habitats for birds all over the world, studies so far have rarely explored the effects of landscape heterogeneity on bird species in rice paddy areas. This study investigated the effects of habitat cover and landscape variables on the species richness and the abundance of birds in rice paddy areas in Japan. Data on bird occurrence and the environment were collected at 32 grid squares (1 × 1 km) in the Tone River basin. The richness and the abundance of agricultural wetland species were particularly high in landscapes with large areas of rice fields in summer, when rice fields were irrigated, but in those with large areas of open water in winter, when rice fields were drained. It is important to maintain a combination of rice fields and open water to satisfy multiple habitat requirements by agricultural wetland species throughout the year. Grassland species were positively associated with a rich diversity of land cover including fallow fields and open water, indicating the importance of a simultaneous existence of multiple landscape elements. Forest cover in landscapes positively affected edge species and woodland species. Since forest cover had a relatively strong correlation with edge density, the responses of bird species to changes in forest cover and edge density need to be explored further. This study illustrates the importance of spatial and temporal landscape complementation for bird species in rice paddy areas.  相似文献   

We examined whether the decomposition rate of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) leaf litter differed when decomposed for one year in litter bags placed within adjacent monotypic stands of trembling aspen, Engelmann spruce, and lodgepole pine trees in four replicate blocks in the San Juan mountains of Colorado, and whether they were metabolized into different metabolic byproducts. Mass loss was 6-8% lower in pine stands than in spruce or aspen stands, but this trend was not significant (p = 0.27). Water-soluble leaf litter metabolites were characterized using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrapole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS). Aspen leaf litter metabolomes were highly chemically complex; thousands of unique molecular features were identified in each sample. Although many of the molecular features were common to litter decomposed in all three forest types, we identified a subset of features that differed in abundance among the forest types. Our results suggest that the decomposer communities associated with each forest type not only affected the overall decomposition rate, but also produced many compounds in the diverse suite of metabolic byproducts at different rates, which could be an important control on the long-term sequestration of C in soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Traditionally, nature reserves have been centered mainly around areas that are important for vertebrate diversity. This practice has not gone unchallenged and may be a suboptimal choice for overall conservation planning. To investigate this problem, we sampled butterfly species richness in a nature reserve in north eastern Greece that was originally established for the protection of birds of prey. Patterns of butterfly species richness and abundance were investigated by means of transect walks across a range of the seven predominant habitat types (wet and dry meadow, pine, oak and mixed forest, grazed, and agricultural land). Data analysis, including ANOVA and DCA (detrended correspondence analysis), revealed that the main gradients in butterfly species richness (low to high) were from sites dominated by the pine forest matrix of the core areas of the reserve, to peripheral sites in landscapes of mixed or oak forest, and from sites with little human impact to more disturbed areas with high grazing pressure. Species of conservation interest were concentrated at sites of low human impact. Ten of them are endemic to Europe and/or threatened in Europe. In this respect, the most important species are Lycaena ottomanus, Thymelicus acteon, and Pseudophilotes vicrama which are declining all over Europe. Our results suggest that (1) traditional agricultural practices in areas surrounded by forest can be considered as important management tools in butterfly conservation, (2) highest butterfly species richness is found in the periphery of the reserve rather than in the core areas, and (3) for butterfly conservation the zones surrounding the strictly protected areas are equally important as the core areas.  相似文献   

Aspen has a high conservation value and has been targeted as a priority species in sustainable forest management. However, sustained and intense browsing pressure by ungulates has raised concerns about the recruitment of aspen to mature growth stages. Here we investigate the influence of ungulate browsing on the demographic structure of European aspen populations in two managed boreal forest areas in Sweden with contrasting amounts of aspen and high densities of ungulates. The contrast in size distribution of ramets in the two areas was striking. The aspen-poor environment contained a much lower density of small-sized ramets than the aspen-rich environment. Ramet abundance was strongly associated with the abundance of ramets in the smaller size classes in both areas, reflecting demographic inertia in these populations. Ungulate use was most strongly associated with abundance of medium-sized aspen saplings growing in forest interiors. Otherwise, use of ungulates was only weakly correlated with aspen population parameters. The strong demographic momentum exhibited by these populations suggests that aspen conservation and management should pay more attention to additional factors than browsing to promote ramet establishment. Large variation in abundance of ramets in the smallest size-class shows that some aspen stands have a disproportionate effect on aspen recruitment, particularly in areas where aspen is less abundant. Identifying aspen stands with a large capacity for self regeneration may be the key to meet aspen conservation goals.  相似文献   

Throughout North America, bird population declines may be attributable to loss of habitat on the breeding grounds. Human land uses such as residential development, greatly impact landscapes and biota, particularly breeding birds. Riparian areas, which are essential to breeding birds, are particularly vulnerable to development pressures. In North America, most studies have focused on eastern birds and it is unclear how western bird assemblages respond to the effects of residential development. We sampled bird community parameters and habitat variables at three spatial scales (microhabitat, macrohabitat, and landscape) along a residential development gradient within the Snake River riparian corridor in Jackson Hole, WY, USA. Principal component analysis and multiple linear regression statistical tests were used to determine the effects of housing densities on avian community parameters, guilds, individual species distributions, and environmental variables. Landscape-level features were most affected by residential development and trends associated with increasing housing densities, such as anthropogenic habitat fragmentation primarily structured local bird communities. Overall species richness and diversity declined with increasing residential development. Neotropical migrant species were most negatively impacted and consistently declined in proportional representation on forested plots as residential development densities increased. Food generalists, ground gleaners, and avian nest predators all increased with increasing residential development. Brood parasites, on the other hand, did not increase with increasing housing densities and their distribution may reflect the availability of nest host species. These results suggest that residential development within riparian habitats may be exerting a strong negative influence on western bird communities and at high densities may lead to a depauperate avian biota. The results of our study indicate that preserving forest structure may benefit certain species but will not likely conserve as diverse and rich an avian assemblage as minimizing fragmentation associated with residential development.  相似文献   

Afforestation often causes direct habitat losses for farmland birds of conservation concern, but it is uncertain whether negative effects also extend significantly into adjacent open land. Information is thus required on how these species react to wooded edges, and how their responses are affected by edge and landscape characteristics. These issues were examined in Mediterranean arable farmland, using bird counts at 0, 100, 200, 300 and >300 m from oak, pine and eucalyptus edges, embedded in landscapes with variable amounts and spatial configurations of forest plantations. Bird diversity declined away from edges, including that of woodland, farmland and ground-nesting birds. Positive edge responses were also found for overall and woodland bird abundances, and for five of the nine most widespread and abundant species (Galerida larks, stonechat, linnet, goldfinch and corn bunting). Strong negative edge effects were only recorded for steppe birds, with reduced abundances near edges of calandra larks and short-toed larks, but not of little bustards and tawny pipits. Edge contrast affected the magnitude of edge effects, with a tendency for stronger responses to old and tall eucalyptus plantations (hard edges) than to young and short oak plantations (soft edges). There were also species-specific interactions between edge and fragmentation effects, with positive edge responses tending to be strongest in less fragmented landscapes, whereas steppe birds tended to increase faster away from edges and to reach the highest species richness and abundances in large arable patches. Results suggest that forest plantations may increase overall bird diversity and abundance in adjacent farmland, at the expenses of steppe birds of conservation concern. Clustering forest plantations in a few large patches and thus reducing the density of wooded edges at the landscape-scale might reduce such negative impacts.  相似文献   

The ability of soil microbial communities to withstand punctual disturbance or chronic stress is important for the stability of ecosystem processes. Factors controlling microbial community composition or soil resource availability should be regarded as potential determinants of this stability. Here, we explored the effects of three stand types (jack pine, aspen and mixed-wood) and two geologic parent materials (clay and till), on the stability of the microbial biomass in the forest floor. We hypothesised that microbial communities in mixed-wood stands or on the clay soil would show greater resistance to, and resilience from, a dry-wet disturbance, and a higher tolerance to incremental additions of HCl or Cu, than microbial communities in mono-specific stands or on the till soil. We also surveyed the understory vegetation, and measured chemical properties and microbial phospholipid fatty acid profiles in the forest floor, so as to gain insights into the factors regulating microbial stability. Microbial resistance to disturbance was found to be higher in mixed-wood than in mono-specific stands. Microbial communities from mixed-wood stands also showed a high tolerance to HCl and Cu stress over both geologic parent materials, as opposed to those in mono-specific stands that showed a high tolerance to stress on only one type of parent material. Some forest floor properties in mixed-wood stands (e.g. Ca on clay, mineralisable N and C/N ratio on till) were more similar to the more productive aspen, than to jack pine stands. Other properties (understory plant communities, pH, actinomycete and arbuscular mycorrhizae) of mixed-wood stands were transitional between those in aspen and jack pine stands, suggesting that both tree species contribute in structuring the forest floor microbial pool in mixed-wood stands. We put forward that this may provide a more diverse capability to resist disturbance and tolerate stress than in mono-specific stands. We found no effect of stand type on microbial resilience to disturbance, but resilience was higher on clay than on till plots. This could be due to a higher fungal/bacterial ratio on till plots, as slower fungal growth rates may hinder resilience, or to lower carbon and nutrient availability limiting the growth rate of resistant microbial cells. We conclude that plant diversity and site productivity are important drivers of forest floor microbial stability in the southern boreal forest of eastern Canada.  相似文献   

This study examines bird occurrence on 20 green lanes (farmland tracks with un-sealed surfaces, bordered on each side by hedgerows) and on 20 paired single hedgerows during the 2002 breeding season in Cheshire, UK. Measures of bird abundance, territories and species richness were all found to be significantly greater on green lanes than on single hedgerows. Significantly more birds were also found to occur on the inside rather than on the outside of green lanes in terms of abundance and species richness. All measures of bird occurrence on green lanes were influenced by hedge width and surrounding land use. Bird abundance on single hedgerows was influenced by the number of trees and amount of hawthorn in the hedge. Seventeen of the 18 most abundant bird species recorded in this study were found to occur in greater numbers on green lanes rather than in single hedgerows; for half of these species the difference was significant. The importance of green lanes for birds, and other wildlife is discussed, as well as their possible future within the UK landscape.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization of the relief, parent materials, soils, woody vegetation, and the links between them is given for a small part of the southern taiga zone in the center of the East European Plain. A methodology for determining the vegetation succession patterns on different soils with the use of the selectivity coefficient K is suggested. This coefficient is defined as the ratio between the frequency of occurrence of the given tree species on a given soil and its average frequency of occurrence within the entire analyzed area (in the area of the reserve). The values of K change from 0.2 to 3.6 and indicate positive (K > 1) and negative (K < 1) feedback relationships between the soils and vegetation. Changes in the frequencies of occurrence of different tree species on different soils that took place over 19 years have also been studied. It is shown that spruce has a tendency for settling on podzols, mixed spruce-oak-lime forests tend to develop on podzolized podburs, and lime and oak trees tend to develop on soddy podburs. Birch stands are most often replaced by spruce and pine stands; aspen stands and a part of the birch stands are replaced by lime and oak stands. The ecological plasticity of pine trees and the long age of this tree species ensure the existence of a long transitional succession stage with the predominance of pine. These regularities are important for predicting the further development of forest vegetation.  相似文献   

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