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Summary Aluminium tolerance of Macedonian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. conv. durum (Desf.) MacKey) germplasm was evaluated in nutrient solutions containing 0, 74 or 148 M of total Al. Relative root length (148 M Al/0 Al) of various genotypes ranged from 41 to 72% (from moderately sensitive to moderately tolerant to Al). No genotype with Al tolerance close to that of very tolerant T. aestivum cultivar Atlas-66 was found. Seed Ca concentration was positively (r=0.64, P0.05) and seed Fe concentration negatively (r=–0.71, P0.05) related to the relative root growth. Such a significant correlation was not obtained for seed concentrations of other nutrients or seed protein content.Abbreviations HSD Tukey's Honestly Significant Difference - RRL-2 relative root length, in % (74 M total Al/0 M Al) - RRL-4 relative root length, in % (148 M total Al0 M Al)  相似文献   

Summary The determinate Phaseolus vulgaris L. cvs Dark Red Kidney Charlevoix, and near-isogenic Great Northern Nebraska 1 were grown in blends with the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 in white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) disease field nurseries. A critical difference between Charlevoix and indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 is that the latter has a greater leaf area closer to the soil surface, and this is associated with increased numbers of apothecia beneath the canopy and higher disease severity. White mold infection and apothecia number/m2 beneath the canopy of the blends containing Charlevoix were significantly reduced in comparison with the severely infected, homogeneous, indeterminate GN Nebraska 1. A reduction of white mold infection for the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 was not observed in blends grown under severe or moderate white mold incidence, but did occur under slight incidence in blends containing 65% and 75% Charlevoix.No significant difference for seed yield occurred between the blends and homogeneous cultivars planted in four experiments under severe, moderate, slight and zero white mold incidence, respectively, except in Experiment 1 under moderate white mold incidence, the blend of 50% indeterminate GN Nebraska 1 and 50% Charlevoix exceeded the yield of the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1. Mean weight of white (GN Nebraska 1) and red seed (Charlevoix) increased and decreased, respectively, in some blends due to the more vigorous growth of the indeterminate GN Nebraska 1.Published as Paper No. 5341, Journal Series, Nebraska Agric. Exp.t Station. Research was conducted un under Project 20–3.  相似文献   

Yoshio Yoshida 《Euphytica》1962,11(1):95-111
Radiation breeding for the introduction of additional desirable characters into improved varieties in autogamous plants, especially in cereals, would be much more feasible if more efficient screening methods could be found. Such methods are proposed in this report. From the standpoint of the theory of probability, it is intended to establish effective screening methods by which a desirable X2 mutant can be detected in a minimum total of X2-plants, and/or X1- and X2-plants in the aggregate.The relative efficiencies of four new methods and the standard method are compared, the improved ear-to-row method (method B), the one-plant-one-grain method (method C), the one-plant-two-grain method (method D) and one-plant-three-grain method (method E) all of which are more effective than the conventional ear-to-row method (method A). In method B, the total number of X2-plants required to recover at least one desirable X2-plant is obtained when the probability of detecting at least one X2-line with one or more desirable mutants among X2-lines is equal to the probability of detecting at least one desirable mutant among plants in that X2-line. In methods C, D and E, one, two or three grains respectively, taken from each of the X1-plants of the number required to detect at least one desirable X2-plant, are sown to obtain corresponding X2-plants.The number of X1-plants, total X2-plants, and X1- and X2-plants in the aggregate required to obtain at least one desirable mutant (m, mn and m+mn respectively) shows the following relations: method C>D>A>E>B for m, ABED>D>C for mn and ABC>D>E (the last two being very close to each other) for m+mn.Each of the new methods B, C, D and E will be applicable in radiation breeding. When the discrimination of a mutant is difficult method B will be useful. On the contrary, when a mutant is easily distinguishable, method C, with dense planting in X1, will frequently be much better. In some cases methods D and E, especially D, will be more useful in the practice of radiation breeding than method C. Method A should not be used in any case.  相似文献   

The inheritance of the powdery mildew resistance of eleven primitive barley varieties was investigated. crosses with varieties with identified resistance genes revealed that at least three different genes are present in a group of six genotypes from Greece (Hor736, Hor847, Hor878, Hor1159, Hor1379 and Hor1873) and one from Turkey (Hor1188). One dominant gene is common to these seve genotypes and in the Greek accessions a second gene is present. The expression of this second gene was respectively dominant in the crosses with Hor736 and Hor1159, recessive in the crosses with Hor878 and Hor1873, and depended on the employed powdery mildew isolate in the crosses with Hor847 and Hor1379. The detected genes differ from the resistance genes of the crossing partners, viz. Ml-al2, Ml-(Ab), Ml-(CP) and Ml-(1402). The accessions from China (Hor824 and Hor4021) each possess two resistance genes which differ from Ml-a12, Ml-(La) and Ml-(CP). The major gene is common to both accessions and is either identical, allelic or closely linked to a gene in the variety Nigrate. The Columbian accession Hor1894 possesses one resistance gene linked to a resistance gene in Nigrate but this gene differs from the Ml-a locus. The variety Palestine (Hor3997) possesses two resistance genes of which one is allelic or closely linked to Ml-(at).  相似文献   

Summary A greenbug [Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)] resistant strain of rye (Secale cereale L.) Insave F.A. from Argentina was crossed with Chinese Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and also with Elbon and Balbo cultivars of common rye. Juvenile plants of the primary wheat X rye hybrid were treated with colchicine. Partially fertile amphidiploids were obtained that are resistant to greenbug Biotypes B and C. F1 and F2 populations of seedling plants derived from crosses of Insave F.A. with Elbon and Balbo rye were tested for reaction to the greenbug to determine the genetic basis of inheritance. The results confirmed previous reports that resistance in Insave F.A. is conditioned by a single dominant gene.Deceased  相似文献   

Summary F1 hybrids between short-day photoperiod- sensitive maiwa bulrush millet, Pennisetum americanum (2n=14), and elephant grass, P. purpureum (2n=28), are triploid (2n=21), sterile, and can only be propagated vegetatively. Fertile amphidiploids, (2n=42, with 21 bivalents) were produced by colchicine treatment. Good seed set was obtained upon selfing the amphidiploids and the progeny exhibited variable pollen fertility and bivalent univalent and multivalent formation.Reciprocal crosses between elephant grass and the colchicine-induced amphidiploid failed to produce seeds. The maiwa millet x amphidiploid cross resulted in poor seed set and the reciprocal failed. Maiwa x amphidiploid hybrids were pollen sterile with 2n=21, rather than the expected 2n=28, indicating chromosome elimination.Morphologically, the amphidiploids and maiwa x amphidiploid hybrids closely resembled elephant grass and the F1 hybrid. The amphidiploids showed no superiority over the F1 hybrid and elephant grass in either forage yield or quality but one maiwa x amphidiploid genotype surpassed a promising local elephant grass selection in forage dry matter yield and flowered for a relatively short period.  相似文献   

F. P. Ferwerda 《Euphytica》1962,11(3):221-228
A sufficiently variable rye population was subjected to one cycle of recurrent selection for combining ability in order to ascertain whether this complex property can be repatterned.Some hundreds of clones derived from this population were toperossed to an other unrelated variety used as tester. Through visual selection, more than half of these clones were rejected. The topcross progenies of the remaining clones were subjected to a comparative test whereby, as was to be expected, a considerable degree of variability was demonstrated. From the best 10% and the poorest 10% that is from those which surpassed the general average by at least 1.5 standard deviation units or remained below that average by at least 1.5 , narrowed populations were built up. This was done with the aid of reserve seed which in the year in which the top cross was made had been obtained from these clones, either through compulsory selfpollination or by allowing the clones to fertilize each other in isolation. The two subpopulations obtained through selection in opposite directions further indicated as high and low were crossed en masse with the same tester variety as the first time. In addition a large number of randomly taken individuals from the high synthetic were cloned and toperossed to this common tester. On testing the top crosses carried out en masse, the high synthetics clearly yielded more than the low ones. In one trial it was even found that the high synthetic surpassed our standard variety Petkus by approximately 20%. It is possible, therefore, to segregate a population into two fractions of different combining ability.The optimistie pieture to be derived from the foregoing trials unfortunately is shaded by the results of the individual test crosses pointing to a shift of the frequency distribution in a negative sense in regard to the original population. The influence of the year may be mentioned as a possible cause of this contrast and also the fact that in the original population a close visual selection had been practised while those obtained from the synthetic resulting after one cycle were derived from individuals which had been taken entirely at random.
Samenvatting Een voldoende variabele roggepopulatic werd onderworpen aan één ronde van cyclisch herhaalde selectic op combinatie-geschiktheid ten einde na te gaan of deze complexe eigenschap kan worden vervormd.Enige honderden klonen voortgekomen uit deze populatie werden onderworpen aan een top-cross door een als tester gebruikt ander, onverwant, ras. Op grond van visuele selectie werd meer dan de helft van deze klonen afgekeurd. De proefkruisings-nakomelingschappen van de overblijvende klonen werden aan een vergelijkende toets onderworpen waarbij zoals viel te verwachten een aanzienlijke variabiliteit in opbrengstvermogen aan het licht trad. Uit de beste 10% en de slechtste 10%, d.w.z. die welke het algemeen gemiddelde met minstens 1,5 overschreden resp. daar minstens 1,5 beneden bleven, werden vernauwde populaties opgebouwd. Dit geschiedde met behulp van reservezaad dat in het jaar waarin de top-cross werd verricht van deze klonen was gewonnen, hetzij door gedwongen zelfbestuiving, hetzij door de klonen in isolatie aan onderlinge bestuiving over te laten. De op deze wijze verkregen twee in tegenovergestelde richting geselecteerde sub-populaties-aangeduid als high en low-werden en masse gekruist met hetzelfde tester ras als de eerste keer. Bovendien werd een groot aantal willekeurig uit het high syntheticum genomen individuen tot klonen gemaakt en onderworpen aan een top-cross door het zoëven genoemde tester ras. Bij de toetsing van en masse uitgevoerde proefkruisingen bleek de combinatie high x tester duidelijk meer op te brengen dan low tester. In een proef werd zelfs gevonden dat high x tester ons standaardras Petkus met ongeveer 20% overtrof. Het blijkt dus mogelijk een populatie te splitsen in 2 fracties van uiteenlopende combinatie-geschiktheid.Het optimistische beeld dat men uit de zo juist vermelde proeven krijgt wordt helaas verduisterd door de resultaten van de individuele proefkruisingen welke wijzen op een verschuiving van de frequentieverdeling in negatieve zin ten opzichte van de oorspronkelijke populatie. Als mogelijke oorzaken van deze tegenstelling kunnen worden aangewezen jaarinvloeden en tevens het feit dat onder de klonen uit de oorspronkelijke populatie een scherpe selectie op het oog werd toegepast terwijl die uit het na één cyclus verkregen syntheticum werden afgeleid van volkomen willekeurig genomen individuen.

H. W. Howard 《Euphytica》1961,10(1):95-100
The colchicine-grafting method of doubling the chromosome number of potato cuttings was used successfully for producing hexaploids from the triploid species, Solanum x juzepczukii. All the plants with hexaploid flowers were triploid/hexaploid sectorial chimeras. Seeds were obtained from crosses of the hexaploid parts with both an andigena-tuberosum hybrid and a tuberosum variety.  相似文献   

Summary Germination trials of pollen grains of the tea hybrid rose cultivars: Ferry Porche, Bronze Masterpiece, Queen Elizabeth, John F. Kennedy and Lady X, were carried outin vitro, to determine whether these cultivars are suitable as pollen donors in a breeding programme.Pollen grains of all five cultivars germinated poorly in a medium containing sucrose only. Addition of boric acid in the medium improved the germination percentages. The highest germinability was observed in Ferry Porche and Lady X on 15% sucrose+50 ppm boric acid, and 20% sucrose+100 ppm boric acid, respectively. Addition of calcium nitrate in the medium reduced germination percentages in all cultivars.The effect of pH of the medium on pollen grain germinability depended on the cultivar and the composition of the medium. On a medium free of boric acid, the pH values between 5.5 and 7.0 caused a significant increase in the germination percentages of pollen grains of Lady X and Queen Elizabeth. The addition of boric acid decreased the responsiveness of the pollen of all cultivars to the pH changes of the medium.The germination capacity of pollen grains of Lady X and Ferry Porche was not affected by incubation temperatures ranging between 20°C and 30°C.On the basis of the above results Lady X and Ferry Porche are considered the most suitable for pollen donors.  相似文献   

E. C. Thörn 《Euphytica》1992,59(2-3):109-118
Summary Seed and embryo development was studied in crosses between H. bulbosum and the barley genotypes VK 16032, Vada and Vogelsanger Gold and subsequently the F1 and F2 progenies from VK 16032 x Vada and VK 16032 x Vogelsanger Gold. Both seed and embryo development are strongly influenced by the barley genotype. Favourable environmental conditions can promote seed and embryo development in genotypes with existing good characters. Dominant inheritance for good seed development and incomplete dominance for large embryos is evident. Linkage between small embryo size and winter habit exists in Vogelsanger Gold.  相似文献   

Ten snap beans (Barrier, Brio, Carson, Cornell 502, CT 70, HB 1880, Hystyle, Labrador, Opus and Venture) were selected for differential temperature tolerance and used as parents in a complete diallel mating design. The 45 F1 hybrid lines (with reciprocals) and parents were screened at 32 C day/28 C night, and in a separate experiment, 16 C day/10 C night, during reproductive development in replicated controlled environments. Variation for yield under temperature treatments was observed among parents and hybrids, with certain hybrids exceeding parental performance. Significant (P 0.0001) general combining ability (GCA), and significant (P 0.05) specific combining ability (SCA) were observed for yield components including pod number, seed number, and seeds per pod. There was evidence that pod number and seeds per pod under temperature stress are under separate genetic control. Reciprocal effects and heterosis were not significant. GCA could not be predicted from parental performance. The breeding line Cornell 502 had the highest GCA under high temperature, and the cultivar Brio had the highest GCA under low temperature. The cross Brio × Venture was high yielding in both temperature treatments. Heat tolerance and chilling tolerance were associated in certain parents and hybrids. However, performance under high and low temperature treatments was not generally correlated in the parents and hybrids, indicating that these traits should be selected separately.  相似文献   

Shoot-tip explants of evergreen azalea cv. Fuchsia grown on Anderson's medium and containing different cytokinins produced the highest proliferation rate on a medium containing thidiazuron (TDZ). TDZ concentrations ranging from 0.23 to 2.3 M resulted in both good bud-break rate (4 to 5) and shoot quality (> 0.5 cm in length). Adding 2.3 M zeatin to Anderson's medium containing 0.23 or 2.3 M TDZ increased the number of axillary shoots/explant. However, increasing the zeatin concentration to 4.6 M resulted in a reduced shoot proliferation rate. A medium containing 1.15 M TDZ and 2.3 M zeatin resulted in an 18-fold increase for 'Fuchsia' and a 9-fold increase for 'Hino Crimson' after 6 weeks of culture. It was found that explants grown on a half-strength Anderson's medium with 87.6 mM sucrose generally had better shoot proliferation rate and shoot quality than at higher ionic strength.  相似文献   

Summary Four inbred cabbage lines have been derived from a single parental plant through several generations of selfing. Two inbreds have been found homozygous for an S 1 allele while the other two are each homozygous for S 2. Each inbred is self-incompatible, cross-incompatible with the inbred carrying the same S allele, and fully cross-compatible with inbreds carrying the other S allele. The S 1 and S 2 pairs of inbreds were each found to consist of one inbred with very high self-incompatibility (mean seed set of 0.15–0.25 seeds per pod) and one inbred with less intense self-incompatibility (mean seed set of 1.25–1.70 seeds per pod). For the S 1 pair, flower to flower and plant to plant variation in seed set per pod was much larger for the less incompatible inbred that for the highly incompatible inbred. Further, incompatibility expression of the less incompatible inbred was influenced by temperature variation while that of the highly incompatible inbred was stable under different temperature regimes. The F1 between the two inbreds of high and low incompatibility with the common S 1 allele behaved like the less incompatible parent. F2 plants showed intermediate intensities of selfincompatibility as well as variation for both lesser and greater intensities than those exhibited by the parents. The variations of self-compatibility and the sensitivity to environmental differences are considered to be conditioned by genes which modify incompatibility expression of the S alleles.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of the seed coat colours violet, spotted, brown, green, red, black and beige was investigated in a 10×10 diallel cross between broad bean (Vicia faba L. major) lines. Spotted seed colour was dominant over any uniform seed coat colouring. Brown was dominant over black, green and normal (beige colour). Black and red seed parents behaved as recessive in all F1 progenies. A 3 (coloured): 1 (normal) segregation ratio was observed in the F2 of crosses of violet, brown, black, red and spotted seed coat parents to nornal seed coloured parents. Green x beige gave a segregation ratio of 9:7 in F2. When two parents with different seed coat colour were involved in a cross, the F2 showed a typical digenic segregation ratio thus demonstrating two unlinked and sometimes epistatic loci.Segregation of a multiallelic series at two loci explains all segregation ratios observed for seed coat colour in broad bean.  相似文献   

Summary No antagonistic or synergistic interaction was found between isolates of Uromyces appendiculatus var. appendiculatus and Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli when inoculated to the same plant. A single dominant gene was suggested to control resistance to three isolates of rust in the crosses Pompadour Checa × Chichara and Pompadour Checa × NE W-4. A two-gene model was confirmed for the reaction to the three rust isolates for the crosses Pompadour Checa × GN Tara and Pompadour Checa × San Cristobal; a dominant (Ur p) gene determined resistance and was epistastic to a dominant gene (Ur t) for susceptibility. (Ur t) was expressed only in the presence of recessive (ur p) alleles. The reaction to common bacterial blight was quantitatively inherited and an association was detected with plant habit but not with rust reaction and leaf variegation. Plants with leaf variegation and crippled growth, were detected in the progeny of the cross Pompadour Checa × GN Tara and were controlled by duplicate recessive genes (mutatorunstable genes) and three genes, acting additively, respectively. The developmental expression of the latter trait varied considerably. Linkage was detected between genes controlling the variegated and the crippling traits.Published as Paper No. 7839, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station. Research was conducted under project No. 20-036.  相似文献   

By using two tomato genotypes, 227/1 (Fe chlorosis susceptible) and Roza (Fe chlorosis tolerant), and their reciprocal F1, F2 and BC1 generations, the inheritance of tolerance to leaf Fe deficiency chlorosis of Roza was studied. Plants were grown in a nutrient solution and subjected to 2.0 × 10–6 M Fe EDDHA and 10 mM NaHCO3 to induce Fe deficiency stress by stabilization of pH to 7.8–8.2. A rating scale of 1–3 for chlorophyll was used and both monogenic and polygenic inheritance hypotheses were tested. Better responses to Fe deficiency, as measured by SPAD meter values, were obtained from the cross Roza × 227/1 than from the reciprocal cross. Data from F2 and BC1 suggest Fe chlorosis tolerance of Roza is to be controlled by polygenic loci with a relatively high additive effect.  相似文献   

K. Szteyn 《Euphytica》1962,11(2):149-156
The agene of the corky root disease of Dutch glasshouse tomatoes is a non-sporulating fungus of the group Mycelia sterilia. The breeding programme for corky root resistance is based on the resistance derived from Lycopersicum glandulosum. To test the best way of backcrossing we made backcrosses in all possible combinations between tomato, triploid F 1 hybrid (tomato × Lycopersicum glandulosum) and Lycopersicum glandulosum. Our experiments showed that the shortest way from the wild resistant Lycopersicum back to the commercial type of the tomato possessing the desired resistance was backcrossing the F 1 triploid hybrid to Lycopersicum glandulosum.  相似文献   

Summary Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) garden cultivars Vulcan, with deep red ray florest, and Superior, with orange ray petals, were crossed as female with 16 inbred clones and the progeny assessed visually for flower color in 3 environments. Intensity of vacuole pigmentation in ray florets appeared to vary continuously. Evaluation was facilitated by placing plants in 7 color classes ranging from red, the most intense, through orange, an intermediate intensity, to yellow, the apparent lack of vacuole pigmentation. A simple hexaploid model with additive gene action, suggested by the 7 color classes, was inappropriate, as more than 50% of the plants in Vulcan families were red and more than 60% of the plants in Superior families were orange. Comparing evaluations of parental clones in 2 glasshouse and 2 field environments and considering data from an experiment, in which progeny first classified in the glasshouse were reevaluated in the field, revealed substantial shifts in classification. In the glasshouse, more individuals appeared in the red and orange classes, while field evaluation placed more individuals in classes adjacent to red and orange. However, the predominance of progeny in the color class of the common parent, that is, red for the Vulcan and orange for the Superior families, occurred in both glasshouse and field. Plants scored as other than red appeared in crosses between Vulcan and 3 red inbreds, suggesting that red ray petals are not conditioned by a homozygous genotype. The orange of Superior and orange progeny may be due to a single dominant gene causing mosaic-like distribution of red vacuole pigmentation over yellow plastid pigmentation. Because cloned genotypes were classified differently in diverse environments, critical genetic analysis of vacuole pigmentation will require cloned progeny and multiple-environment evaluation.  相似文献   

Hermsen  J. G. Th. 《Euphytica》1959,8(1):37-46
In this article two models are discussed to explain those necrosis symptoms in wheat which cannot or insufficiently be interpreted with the aid of three genotype classes mentioned in the literature.Each of the models is supported by a necrosis spectrum, through which the genotype of progressive necrosis of an unknown wheat variety can be determined.One model is based on 4 genes of progressive necrosis and on the hypothesis that of these genes both the combinations AB and BCD produce this type of necrosis.The other model is based on the hypothesis that all symptoms of progressive necrosis in wheat are due to three complementary genes, also in the crosses in which a 9:7 segregation in the F2 (or 1:1 in the B1) was found. In the latter case both parents have one dominant factor of progressive necrosis in common. The possibility is considered that each of the necrosis genes is localized in a different genome of Triticum aestivum.The necrosis types mentioned in the literature are reduced to two main types, viz. progressive necrosis, whereby the necrosis starts at the leaf tips of the oldest leaf and gradually reaches the later tissue; and firing, whereby the uppermost leaves are the first to wither as a whole and later the oldest leaves.In the discussion the possible genetical relation between the two main types are mentioned and finally the second model is assumed as the most likely and at any rate the more workable scheme.  相似文献   

T. Yabuya  H. Kikugawa  T. Adachi 《Euphytica》1989,42(1-2):117-125
Summary Karyotypes, chromosome association and pollen fertility of aneuploid varieties (2n=25), Ochibagoromo, Matsusakatsukasa and Isehomare in Iris ensata were analysed and compared with those of eu-diploid varieties (2n=24), Shishinden, Kachô and Asahimaru. The somatic chromosome complement of the aneuploid varieties consisted of 11 pairs and 3 singles of chromosomes and that of the eu-diploid varieties 12 pairs of chromosomes. The singles of chromosomes in the aneuploid varieties had similarity with one another and with a pair of chromosomes in the eu-diploid varieties. The high frequency of normal association was present in the eu-diploid varieties, and this indicated that 12 pairs of chromosomes had full homology between each other. In contrast, the mean chromosome association per cell in an aneuploid variety Ochibagoromo was 4.615I+10.067II+0.077III+0.005IV, indicating that the chromosome complement of this variety consisted of 11 pairs and 3 singles and that these singles had partial homology among them. The eu-diploid varieties exhibited high pollen fertility due to their regularity of chromosome association; the aneuploid varieties considerably lower fertility, i.e. 28.2% for Ochibagoromo, 31.8% for Isehomare and 43.8% for Matsusakatsukasa. The primary cause for the low fertility of these varieties seemes to be the partial homology among 3 single chromosomes. Finally, the origin and the development of the aneuploid varieties were discussed.  相似文献   

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