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犊牛代乳料饲喂试验报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴国梁  张家琮 《饲料工业》1989,(10):26-27,31
<正> 为了发展养牛业,我们研制成功了犊牛代乳料。现将饲喂试验情况介绍如下:小试代乳料饲养犊牛小型试验于1987年1月~1988年4月(包括9个月观察期)分别在宝山县罗店牧场、葑塘牧场、彭浦牧场进行。1.材科和方法1.1 供试牛的选择和分组选择初生体重在35公斤以上的健康犊牛50头(12♂,38♀)按出生日期随机分组:试验1组10头  相似文献   

大豆蛋白在犊牛代乳料中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大豆蛋白作为优质的蛋白原料在犊牛代乳料中的应用越来越受到人们的关注。本文根据犊牛消化系统的营养需要特点,从影响代乳料的营养因素等方面论述了大豆粉、大豆分离蛋白、大豆浓缩蛋白3种不同加工处理的大豆蛋白制品在犊牛代乳料中的应用现状,为大豆蛋白在犊牛代乳料中的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在美国,肉用犊牛饲料的生产专业化程度很高,绝大部分肉用犊牛饲料产于东北部和中西部各州。1991年Halone公司和Moore公司对肉用犊牛业进行了全面调查,他们估计全美向用犊牛饲料年产量约为25万吨。近年来,乳犊牛的屠宰数量急剧减少,导致这一现象的主要原因是奶牛存栏数下降和肉用乳牛生产上升。犊牛宰杀总数由1977年570万头降至1989年220万头。同时,行业资料表明,1977年向用犊牛宰杀数量为120万头、1990年降到85万头。专家们认为肉用犊牛的屠宰数量将维持在1990年的水平上。  相似文献   

应用犊牛代乳料能降低饲养成本,代乳料能够促进犊牛前胃和消化道的发育增强机体对营养物质的吸收,有利于犊牛后期生长发育。犊代乳料的使用可减少犊牛在消化道方面疾病的发生率,并能根据不同的生产目的和用途,供给犊牛不同的营养水平的代乳料以获得最佳的经济效益  相似文献   

犊牛代乳料的现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乳用后备犊牛和肉用犊牛的现代化、集约化生产常用更经济实用的代乳料来代替母乳。传统的代乳料———包括脱脂奶、乳蛋白浓缩物、脱乳糖乳清粉和乳清粉。但现在由于许多国家减少了奶品生产补贴 ,造成乳制品价格持续上涨 ,所以 ,在代乳料中使用价格低廉的大豆产品越来越多。尽管现在大豆产品品种繁多 ,但还没有一种能彻解决犊牛优质代乳料的原料问题。代乳料供应商MilkSpeciaities公司的研究主任TrevorTomkins指出 ,许多因素仍限制大豆蛋白产品的使用。诸如“抗营养因子”、物理形状和氨基酸水平等 ,试验一直证…  相似文献   

犊牛代乳料的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
代乳品是指用非乳蛋白源代替部分或全部乳蛋白配制而成的人工乳(milk substues ormilk replacers),在人工乳的成分及性状上,以天然乳作为参照标准,但不含天然乳,它可以代替母乳来哺育犊牛。现代科技已揭示了牛奶的营养成分,各组分的含量及结合方式。采用现代技术,人工合成人工乳用于犊牛的培育早已成为了现实。早在六十年代,欧美的一些国家,由于脱脂奶粉价格较低而在代乳品中几乎全部使用脱脂奶粉作蛋白源,但到80年代  相似文献   

对11头中国西门塔尔牛杂交改良公犊开展了犊牛代乳料饲喂试验。试验结果表明:经60d饲喂,试验I组平均体质量95.58kg,试验II组平均体质量87.33kg,试验I组体质量与试验II组体质量无差异;试验I组全期消耗代乳料226.8kg,试验II组全期消耗代乳料268.3kg;试验I组全期总成本3090.15元,饲养成本890.15元,试验II组全期总成本3411.89元,饲养成本1211.89元。  相似文献   

试验证明,将代乳料中的粗蛋白(CP)含量从16%提高到26%,以每日进食率为体重的1.5%(干物质基础)饲喂奶牛公犊,可提高犊牛ADG、G/F和瘦肉组织沉积率。然而,日粮CP对上述指标的影响可能在不同程度上依赖于代谢能的摄入。因此,美国伊利诺伊大学的Bartlett等利用1周龄内的荷斯坦奶牛公犊进行试验,测定不同进食率和能量相同但CP含量不同的乳清蛋白代乳料对其生长性能和机体组分的影响。  相似文献   

乳用犊牛代乳料应用效果研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

蜂花粉及其多糖对犊牛生长性能及血液生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究对14~70日龄犊牛代乳品中添加蜂花粉及其多糖进行饲喂对比试验。试验选用25头新生荷斯坦犊牛,随机分成5组,每组5头牛,分别饲喂蜂花粉0g(C组)、10g(10BP组)、25g(25BP组)、50g(50BP组)和蜂花粉多糖5g(5PS组),试验期56d。结果表明:蜂花粉及其多糖对犊牛的平均日增重、饲料转化率均有提高作用,25BP组和5PS组作用显著(P0.05);体尺变化方面,犊牛70日龄时10BP和25BP组体高和胸围显著高于对照组(P0.05),各个试验组的体斜长和管围均略高于对照组;蜂花粉及其多糖可显著降低血液中甘油三酯水平(P0.05),对胆固醇和尿素氮有降低趋势,可增加血液中的总蛋白和白蛋白含量。综上所述,在犊牛日粮中添加蜂花粉和多糖可提高犊牛的生长性能,能够显著降低血液中甘油三酯水平,蜂花粉的添加量以25g/d为宜。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白在犊牛代乳料中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着人们生活水平的不断提高 ,乳制品加工业的不断兴起 ,对牛奶的需求量越来越大。如果能用营养全面、犊牛能消化吸收、成本又低的代乳料代替部分或全部牛奶 ,就能大大减少犊牛用奶 ,为乳制品加工提供更多的奶源。因此 ,研制成本低又能满足犊牛营养需要的与牛奶近似的饲用代乳料 ,已成为研究者们关注的课题。大豆蛋白以其价廉及蛋白质含量高而成为犊牛代乳料研究的主要蛋白来源。1 代乳料的发展2 0世纪 60年代 ,欧美一些国家开始使用代乳料 ,由于当时脱脂乳蛋白过剩 ,价格较低 ,因而在代乳料中几乎全部使用脱脂乳蛋白作蛋白源。到 80年代 ,…  相似文献   

为了对比水牛奶与代乳粉对水牛生长发育及营养物质代谢的影响,试验选取初生犊牛16头,根据犊牛出生顺序依次分为对照组(8头)和试验组(8头),以克服出生时对各组产生的差异。对照组饲喂水牛奶,试验组饲喂能量水平实测值为20.35 MJ/kg的代乳粉。饲养试验从水牛犊牛7日龄之后计起,持续90 d,饲养试验期间水牛犊牛自由采食精料及饲草。饲养试验结束时,即从水牛犊牛的90日龄起从饲养试验的水牛犊牛中每组选出4头开始为期8天的消化代谢试验,消化代谢的前5天为适应期,后3天为粪尿样采集期。试验结果表明,在试验期间,两组犊牛的平均日增重分别为0.51 kg/d、0.34 kg/d,水牛奶组与代乳粉组间差异极显著(P0.01),水牛奶组的总能和总氮摄入也显著高于代乳粉组(P0.05);水牛奶组和代乳粉组犊牛对饲料能量的利用效率差异均不显著(P0.05);水牛奶组对氮的利用效率高于代乳粉组;水牛奶组的90日龄体重、胸围、腹围、胸宽和胸深显著高于代乳粉组(P0.05)。由此可知,提高饲粮的能量水平有利于水牛犊牛的能量代谢、氮代谢和生长发育。  相似文献   

选用40头健康、体质量及出生日期相近的荷斯坦奶公犊,按体质量随机分为4组(每组10头),进行为期120d的生长育肥试验。不同处理组代乳料的营养水平为:Ⅰ组(22.00%CP,16.00 MJ/kg DE),Ⅱ组(20.00%CP,16.00 MJ/kg DE),Ⅲ组(22.00%CP,15.00 MJ/kg DE),Ⅳ组(20.00%CP,15.00 MJ/kg DE)。结果表明,Ⅰ组犊牛的日增重显著高于其他3组,比Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组分别提高了11.63%(P0.01),6.67%(P0.01)和5.49%(P0.01)。代乳料的蛋白水平对犊牛试验末体质量和日增重影响显著,蛋白质水平为22.00%的代乳料组试验牛的试验末体质量和日增重比20.00%代乳料组分别提高了3.29%(P0.05)和5.62%(P0.01)。代乳料的消化能(DE)水平显著影响犊牛的干物质采食量(DMI),随DE水平的提高而显著降低,与15 MJ/kg DE水平代乳料组相比,16 MJ/kg DE水平代乳料组犊牛的DMI降低了2.90%(P0.01);代乳料的蛋白水平对奶公犊60d和120d粗蛋白质和粗脂肪的消化率影响显著(P0.05),蛋白质水平为22.00%的代乳料组犊牛60d和120d粗蛋白质的消化率比20.00%代乳料组分别提高了3.49%(P0.05)和4.57%(P0.05),粗脂肪的消化率分别提高了6.67%(P0.05)和3.80%(P0.05);蛋白质水平为22.00%的代乳料组试验牛120d血清中BUN、TP和T3的含量比20.00%代乳料组分别提高了21.61%(P0.05),4.36%(P0.05)和5.79%(P0.05)。综上所述,在本试验条件下,Ⅰ组犊牛的日增重、试验末体质量和营养物质消化率最高,建议0~4月龄奶公犊日粮适宜的DE为16.00 MJ/kg,CP为22.00%。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the effects of ad libitum and restricted computer-controlled milk replacer (MR) feeding strategies on performance of group-reared dairy calves during preweaning (from 0.5 to 2.0 months of age), weaning (2.0 to 2.5) and postweaning (2.5 to 6.0) periods. Two feeding trials comprised a total of 34 Finnish Ayrshire and 6 Holstein–Friesian bull calves. The calves were randomly (balanced for breed) allotted to pens (5 calves/pen) which were thereafter randomly allotted to two experimental treatments: 1) ad libitum MR feeding (F) with ad libitum access to MR and 2) restricted MR feeding (R) where the calves were given 6.0 L of MR daily. All the calves had free access to water, commercial starter and grass silage before weaning. The weaned calves had free access to water and silage and were given 3 kg/day (air-dry basis) of a concentrate mixture. Due to increased metabolizable energy intake (16.4 vs. 12.7 MJ/day; P < 0.05), the daily gain of the F calves was higher (690 vs. 543 g/day; P < 0.05) than that of the R calves during the preweaning period. Due to the more rapid increase in concentrate intake of the R calves during the weaning period the R calves grew better than the F calves (482 vs. 1038 g/day; P < 0.01) and the differences in live weight evened out during the weaning period. During the postweaning period there were no treatment differences in feed intake or gain. The average gain during the whole study was not affected by either of the treatments. Ad libitum feeding increased the variation in the MR intake and gain compared to restricted feeding.  相似文献   

饲喂代乳粉对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究饲喂代乳粉和母羊哺乳对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响。选取18只日龄和体重相近、健康的杂交F1羔羊,随机分成试验组和对照组,每组9只。试验组饲喂代乳粉,对照组随母羊哺乳,饲养时间为90d。称取20、90日龄空腹体重,并于90日龄时每组随机选取4只屠宰,称量胴体、各胃室、小肠各段、内脏器官鲜重。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组羔羊平均日增重提高18.61%(P0.05);宰前活体重、胴体重分别提高22.28%、32.44%(P0.05),屠宰率提高6.67%(P0.05);复胃总重增加13.25%(P0.05),其中瘤胃鲜重增加25.92%(P0.05),皱胃鲜重提高6.74%(P0.05),网胃和瓣胃鲜重则有降低的趋势;回肠鲜重和长度分别增长75.28%(P0.05)和35.50%(P0.05);肺、肾脏、肝脏和脾脏鲜重提高22.29%、30.10%、28.86%和38.22%(P0.05)。结论:饲喂代乳粉后可提高羔羊生长性能,但对屠宰率无显著影响,可促进其瘤胃的发育,并影响部分内脏器官发育。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究代乳品中添加不同含量的赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸对犊牛生长性能和血清生化指标的影响。选取18头新生荷斯坦犊牛进行8周饲养试验,按照体重和出生时间相近原则分为3组,分别饲喂低、中、高3种不同赖、蛋、苏氨酸水平的代乳品(A、B、C组)。结果表明:(1)代乳品中高赖、蛋、苏含量可以显著降低犊牛饲料转化率(P<0.05),但对全期代乳粉、开食料、羊草的总采食量以及体重和体尺指标均无显著差异(P>0.05)。(2)不同处理组犊牛的血清白蛋白含量为C组最高,A组最低(P<0.05),且白蛋白含量随着日粮中赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸含量的增加呈现显著上升(P=0.0747)。(3)除白蛋白外,本试验中其他各项血清代谢指标均不受日粮赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸含量的影响(P>0.05),但受周龄的影响显著。结果提示:高氨基酸含量组更有利于犊牛的生长发育。  相似文献   

饲喂代乳粉对羔羊生长性能和血清生化指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验旨在研究代乳粉对早期断奶羔羊生长性能及血清生化指标的影响。将18只新生陶赛特(♂)×小尾寒羊(♀)杂交F1羔羊随机分为试验组和对照组,每组9只羔羊,试验组饲喂代乳粉,对照组随母羊哺乳。在羔羊20、40、60、80、90日龄测定体重及体尺,并在50、90日龄采集血液样品分析血清生化指标。结果表明:饲喂代乳粉组羔羊体增重显著高于母羊哺乳组(P<0.05),试验组羔羊增重比母羊哺乳组高26.47%;体高、体长及胸围差异不显著(P>0.05);50日龄时,饲喂代乳粉组羔羊白蛋白和白/球蛋白比显著低于母羊哺乳组(P<0.05),而50和90日龄时,饲喂代乳粉组碱性磷酸酶活性显著高于母羊哺乳组(P<0.05)。结论:饲喂代乳粉可提高早期断奶羔羊的生长性能,促进其生长发育。  相似文献   

In two factorial feeding experiments with 90 and 102 rearing calves the effect of addition of extra lysine to the milk replacer in combination with a low and high lysine content of the calf starter on dry matter intake and weight gain was studied. Once or twice daily milk feeding was also compared. The calves received milk replacer up to the age of 8 weeks and calf starter and hay ad libitum from the 3rd week on. The experiments lasted to the age of 12 respectively 10 weeks. In the first experiment increasing the lysine content of the milk replacer from 14.5 g/kg to 18.5 g/kg had no effect on dry matter intake and weight gain. In the second experiment increasing the content of lysine to 17 g/kg resulted in higher intake of dry matter and higher weight gain, but only in combination with a calf starter with a low lysine content (6 g/kg). In the first experiment twice daily milk feeding resulted in higher intake of concentrate and higher weight gain as compared to once daily. In the second experiment this was only so if the starter had the lower lysine content. Increasing the lysine content of calf starter from 7 to 8.5 g/kg had no effect on dry matter intake and weight gain in the preweaning period in the first experiment. In the second experiment increasing the lysine content from 6 to 8.5 g/kg led to higher intake of concentrate and higher weight gain. This effect was only seen if the milk replacer had no extra lysine added. In the postweaning period there was no effect of increasing the lysine content from 7 to 8.5 g/kg (Exp. I). Increasing the lysine content from 6 to 8.5 g/kg led to higher dry matter intake and higher weight gain (Exp. II). These results are discussed in the light of the partial degradability of the concentrate protein in the rumen and the effect of duodenally available lysine on feed intake and weight gain.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine growth, morbidity, and mortality rates in dairy calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer and compare economics of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer in dairy calves. DESIGN: Clinical trial. ANIMALS: 438 dairy calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were assigned at 1 to 2 days of age to be fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk or a commercial milk replacer until weaned. Body weight was measured at the time of study enrollment and at the time of weaning, and any medical treatments administered and deaths that occurred prior to weaning were recorded. A partial budget model was developed to examine the economics of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk versus commercial milk replacer. RESULTS: Calves fed conventional milk replacer had significantly lower rates of gain (-0.12 kg/d [-0.26 lb/d]), lower weaning weights (-5.6 kg [-12.3 lb]), higher risk for treatment during the summer and winter months (odds ratio [OR], 3.99), and higher risk of death during the winter months (OR, 29.81) than did calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk. The estimated savings of feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk, compared with milk replacer, was dollars 0.69/calf per day. The estimated number of calves needed to economically justify the nonsaleable milk pasteurization system was 23 calves/d. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that dairy calves fed pasteurized nonsaleable milk have a higher growth rate and lower morbidity and mortality rates than do calves fed conventional milk replacer. Feeding pasteurized nonsaleable milk could be an economically viable strategy for dairy calf producers.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of feeding high volumes of milk replacer on growth and reproductive performances in Japanese black heifers. Fifty-one heifers were fed milk replacer at 9 L/day for 60 days (9 L × 60 days; n = 18) or 41 days (9 L × 41 days; n = 15), or at 7 L/day for 40 days (7 L × 40 days; n = 18). Artificial insemination (AI) was performed on heifers with ≥270 kg body weight and ≥116 cm body height at 300 days of age. The age at the first AI was 0.35 month later for 7 L × 40 days than the other groups (p < .01). However, age at calving did not differ among treatments (22.1 months). The interval from the first AI to pregnancy tended to be ~2 months longer for the 9 L × 60 days than the other groups (p = .07). Our results showed that feeding high volumes of milk replacer may reduce the age at calving via an improved rate of growth. In addition, we propose that feeding a maximum of 7 L milk replacer for 40 days may be the most appropriate rearing regime because the success of pregnancy per AI may be reduced in calves fed a maximum of 9 L for 41 and 60 days.  相似文献   

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