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Low feed consumption has been suggested as a major impediment for the development of effective formulated diets for spiny lobsters. To seek an explanation for the low feed consumption, this study compared the feed consumption, appetite revival, foregut evacuation and fecal production of different sizes of spiny lobster Jasus edwardsii juveniles fed a fresh natural diet (i.e. mussel flesh) and a dry formulated diet. In addition, the effect of feeding frequency was determined by feeding juvenile lobsters the same ration of formulated diet at different time intervals. i.e., same ration delivered 3 week− 1, 1 day− 1, 2 day− 1, 5 day− 1 and 5 night− 1. Lobster (10–15 g) growth and feed consumption (1.15% BW day− 1) was maximized when receiving a single ration daily of the formulated diet. A slow appetite revival (AR > 18 h) on the formulated diet was consistent with the negative effect of increasing feeding frequency on growth and consumption. In addition, there appeared to be no major advantage in dry matter intake by providing the nutrient dense dry formulated diet to Jasus edwardsii. Lobsters fed fresh mussel flesh (79.8% moisture) consumed similar levels of dry matter as those lobsters fed the dry formulated feed (7.3% moisture). This appears to be due to high moisture gain and expansion of the dry feed in the lobster foregut. Foregut evacuation lasted 10 h for the two diets but a delay in initial foregut evacuation and processing of the formulated diet was evident, and may have negatively affected feed consumption, appetite revival and dry matter digestibility (61.2%) of the dry formulated diet compared to the mussel flesh diet (89.2%). Appetite revival on mussel flesh was almost complete by 12 h after a satiation ration and was governed primarily by the rate of foregut evacuation. Differences in the timing of foregut evacuation and fecal production between the two diets suggested that a greater proportion of the formulated diet entered the midgut directly.The results indicate that J. edwardsii cannot achieve high levels of feed consumption on formulated diets because gut throughput is reduced due to a small foregut capacity, expansion of the feed post-ingestion, lengthy foregut filling time (1–2 h) and clearance time (10 h), combined with slow gut throughput time (34–42 h) and appetite revival (> 18 h). A slow appetite revival and difficulties in processing and digestion of formulated diets appear as major issues to be resolved to improve the performance of formulated diets required for the commercial aquaculture of J. edwardsii and possibly other spiny lobsters.  相似文献   


为确定吉富罗非鱼(GIFT Oreochromis niloticus)成鱼饲料中适宜的碳水化合物与脂肪比例(C/L),实验设计了6组等氮等能的半纯化饲料,饲料C/L比例分别为1.53、2.36、3.55、5.58、9.85、21.82。投喂初始质量为(218.33±11.03) g的吉富罗非鱼成鱼56 d。结果显示,增重率和特定生长率在C/L比例为3.55时最高,显著高于C/L比例1.53、9.85和21.82组 (P<0.05);饲料效率和蛋白质效率在C/L比例介于2.36~5.58时无显著差异,显著高于1.53和21.82组(P<0.05)。随着饲料C/L比例的升高,肝体比和脏体比呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05),成活率各组无显著差异(P>0.05)。全鱼和肝脏的粗脂肪含量随饲料C/L比例的增加显著降低(P<0.05)。血清甘油三酯(TG)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)含量随C/L比例升高而下降,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和血糖(GLU)含量则呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05)。分别利用二次多项式回归分析增重率、蛋白质效率和饲料效率与碳水化合物水平及脂肪水平的相关性,得到饲料中适宜的C/L比例分别是4.19、4.15和4.11。研究表明吉富罗非鱼成鱼饲料中适宜的C/L比例为4.11~4.19。


Carbohydrates are a key ingredient in crustacean formulated diets because of their potential to greatly improve production efficiency. For the culture of spiny lobsters where daily food intake is limited, carbohydrates have the potential for delivering a low cost source of energy that could spare protein for growth. Therefore, the digestibility of different carbohydrate sources including refined sugars, mussel glycogen, algal polysaccharides, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and starches (i.e., native, dextrinised, gelatinised) were assessed in juvenile spiny lobster (30–60 g). This was done by measuring the rate of carbohydrate hydrolysis in vitro using enzyme homogenates and postprandial haemolymph glucose concentrations following ingestion of semi-purified diets containing different carbohydrate levels and sources. Fresh mussel gonads and a practical formulated diet were also included for comparison. Storage polysaccharides (i.e., gelatinised starches, dextrin, mussel glycogen) and the structural polysaccharide CMC were the best digested carbohydrate sources in vitro. CMC was more digestible than the algal polysaccharides, agar and alginate, and therefore may have potential as a binding agent in formulated diets for J. edwardsii. The poor hydrolysis of sucrose and trehalose suggests that their use as an energy source might be limited in J. edwardsii. Native wheat starch was the best digested among the various plant starches tested. Gelatinisation of starches markedly improved their digestibility suggesting that pre-treatment of the dietary starch source would have a beneficial influence on the digestibility of diets for J. edwardsii. Consumption of the semi-purified diets (i.e., 1% BW) containing the digestible starch sources (i.e., 27% dry weight), as well as the practical diet, resulted in high haemolymph glucose concentrations (> 5 mmol l− 1) and a prolonged hyperglycaemic response (> 24 h) suggesting that these carbohydrate sources are well digested and absorbed, but possibly poorly utilised. In contrast, the fresh mussel gonad diet (i.e., 27% glycogen by dry weight) appeared to be better utilised (reduced glycaemia after 12 h). A lower inclusion level (i.e., 7%) of gelatinised maize starch reduced the peak (1.87 mmol l− 1) and extent (12 h) of the glycaemic response. Using lower inclusion levels (< 27%) of the rapidly digested starches (i.e., gelatinised, dextrinised) identified in this study, or incorporating digestible carbohydrate sources resulting in slower appearance of haemolymph glucose (i.e., native wheat starch, CMC), in formulated diets may have the potential to improve their utilisation for growth of juvenile spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

The availability of formulated diets is considered economically imperative if rock lobster aquaculture, based on the collection and ongrowing of puerulus, is to progress. Central to the development of diets is an understanding of the nutritional requirements of the species. This study determined the effect of different dietary carbohydrate/lipid ratios (17:1, 5:1, 2:1, 0.8:1) on the growth and nutritional condition of juvenile southern rock lobsters, Jasus edwardsii, by measuring standard growth parameters, proximate composition of the whole body and digestive gland, and from a histological investigation of the digestive gland. Four replicate groups of eight lobsters (initial weight 5.08±0.98 g (mean±S.D.)) per diet treatment were held in 50 l tanks, in a recirculating system at 18 °C for 84 days. Maximum growth and the highest levels of lipid and dry matter in digestive glands and whole bodies was found in lobsters fed a diet containing 27% carbohydrate and 13.5% lipid (2:1 ratio) suggesting that of the four experimental diets, this diet provided the best balance of lipid and carbohydrate. Digestive gland histology supported this conclusion and lobsters fed low carbohydrate, high lipid diets were in the best nutritional condition, with high lipid accumulation, and structurally sound epithelial cells. Digestive gland epithelial cells of lobsters fed the high carbohydrate, low lipid diets were compressed, of inconsistent shape and size, with low lipid accumulation. Histology is therefore seen as a feasible method, in addition to growth and proximate composition data, to further examine the effect of diets in nutritional studies of crustaceans.  相似文献   

The commercial aquaculture of spiny lobsters is impeded by the development of effective practical diets, which is partly due to a lack of knowledge of the digestive capabilities and nutritional needs of these species. Carbohydrates have the potential to provide a low cost energy source in practical diets for spiny lobsters. This research investigated the effect of algal carbohydrates, on the growth of juvenile rock lobsters. Juvenile lobsters, Jasus edwardsii, (10-12 mm carapace length) were provided with one of five diets; blue mussel, squid (Nototodarus gouldii), or a mussel diet partially substituted with algal carbohydrates, either agar, carrageenan or alginate over 80 days in culture. In all treatments, diet consumption and lobster growth were maintained or increased over time. Growth was highest for the mussel diet followed by the agar diet. Similar lobster growth occurred on the carrageenan and alginate diets, with the least on the squid diet. After 80 d there were significant differences in the percent lipid and glycogen stored in the mid-gut gland with highest levels of glycogen in lobsters fed the mussel only diet. Percent protein in the tail muscle was greatest for mussel fed lobsters. The mid-gut index (mid-gut weight/whole wet weight) was highest for the mussel only diet and this was similar to control lobsters at the start of the experiment. The results indicate that glycogen from mussels and agar could be used as carbohydrate source in the future development of a practical diet for spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

The successful culture of the east coast rock lobster Panulirus homarus rubellus is reliant, among other factors, on the provision of optimal water quality for growth and survival. This study investigated the effect of temperature over a range of 9.7 °C (18.9 ± 0.7 °C to 28.6 ± 1.5 °C) on the growth and survival of juvenile (40.4 ± 9 mm CL; 63.64 ± 12.05 g) P. h. rubellus fed a diet of fresh mussel flesh. Specific growth rate (SGR) was significantly different between temperatures (p = 0.01), with the highest values recorded for the 24 and 28 °C treatments. There was no significant difference in moult increment (MI) between temperatures in terms of both an increase in weight (p = 0.83) and carapace length (p = 0.54). Intermoult period (IMP) differed significantly between temperatures (p = 0.0015) with mean IMP lowest at 24 °C, although not significantly different from the means of the 26 and 28 °C treatments. IMP was highest at 19 and 21 °C. Apparent feed intake was significantly different between treatments (p < 0.0001) and exhibited a strong positive correlation with increasing temperature (y = − 1.67 + 0.16x ; r2 = 0.81). Food conversion ratio (FCR) differed significantly between temperatures (p = 0.02) with 24 °C exhibiting the most efficient FCR. Results indicate that efficient growout of juvenile P. h. rubellus, in terms of both growth and food conversion efficiency, is obtainable at 24 °C.  相似文献   

Aquaculture of the rock lobster Jasus lalandii has been considered, but is hindered by a paucity of knowledge about conditions that promote yields. This study investigated the influences of temperature and diet on the growth of aquarium-held postpueruli of J. lalandii. First, postpueruli (11.5±0.2 mm CL) were exposed to temperatures spanning 12–24 °C for a total time period of 77 days, while being given a constant diet of mussel flesh. Under these conditions, intermoult period (IMP) was longest at 12 °C (50.6±1.2 days) and at 24 °C (>57 days), and shortest at 18 °C (35.5±1.1 days). Growth increments (GI) were large at 12–18 °C, smaller at 21 °C and negative at 24 °C. Survival was 100% at 12–16 °C, above which mortalities rose to 70% at 24 °C. Food consumption, body mass and condition all peaked at 18 °C. Thus, growth was optimal at 18 °C, but survival greatest at 12–16 °C.

Second, diet-controlled experiments examined the effects of three different diets (blue mussel, commercial shrimpfeed or an alternation of the two) on survival, growth (IMP and GI) and food uptake of postpueruli (11.0±0.3 mm CL) held at 18 °C for a total time period of 77 days. Feeding rate, average growth, body mass and condition were all highest on the mussel diet, and lowest on the shrimpfeed, and the postpueruli consumed more mussel flesh than shrimpfeed. There was little difference in survival of postpueruli subjected to the three diet treatments.

A diet of exclusively blue mussel yielded higher growth, body mass, condition and food uptake than a diet of either shrimpfeed alone or an alternation of mussel and shrimpfeed. The postpueruli acclimated well to culture conditions and survived on a diet of artificial pellets, thus showing good potential for mariculture. On the present evidence, greatest returns are likely at 16–18 °C and with a diet of mussel flesh.  相似文献   

Newly hatched phyllosoma larvae of Jasus edwardsii were on‐grown to stage V. Using triacylglycerol‐rich marine oil nutrient sources and microalgae, Artemia were enriched with the major polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) to ratios similar to that of wild‐caught phyllosomata. Artemia enriched by different methods were fed to cultured phyllosomata. At each stage animals were counted, measured and sampled for lipid analyses. Survival was highest from stages II to III (62–86%), with mean total survival at 3–12%. From stages I to V larvae increased in mass (0.2–2.2 mg) and total length (2.1–5.8 mm), and decreased in total lipid. The major lipid class in all phyllosomata was polar lipid, followed by sterol, with no triacylglycerol detected. The main fatty acids were 18:1(n‐9)c, 18:2(n‐6), 16:0, 18:0, eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA; 20:5(n‐3)], 18:1(n‐7)c, arachidonic acid [AA; 20:4(n‐6)] and docosahexaenoic acid [DHA; 22:6(n‐3)]. On‐grown phyllosomata had levels of AA and EPA similar to that of wild phyllosomata, but contained markedly lower levels of DHA. Strategies for enhancement of DHA levels will be needed for culture of rock lobster phyllosomata.  相似文献   

The consequences of photothermal manipulation of reproduction in Jasus edwardsii broodstock on the morphology of newly hatched larvae and their biochemical characteristics were examined. The treatment of compressed temperature and photoperiod delayed the time of moult, mating and egg extrusion, but reduced the period until larval hatch, and reduced the hatching duration in individual females compared to the ambient treatment of simulated natural photoperiod and water temperature. Thus, the availability of phyllosoma for hatchery rearing was extended. However, the broodstock in the compressed treatment produced smaller phyllosoma and more larvae failed to develop beyond the naupliosoma stage than animals from the ambient cycle. Phyllosoma from the compressed treatment contained a higher proportion of polar and triacylglycerol lipid classes, lower wax esters, elevated levels of the essential fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid, a higher ratio of n-3/n-6 fatty acids, and lower levels of ascorbic acid. The changes in larvae from the compressed treatment may adversely affect their viability, and are probably due to the higher water temperatures experienced during late embryonic development.  相似文献   

Phyllosoma larvae of the southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, were cultured from egg to juvenile. For larvae reared from hatch to Stage III, survival was highest and bacterial contamination was lowest in seawater ozonated at low and moderate levels (400 and 500 mV oxidation-reduction potential, ORP). By contrast, at high ozonation (600 mV), all larvae suffered deformities at the moult to Stage II and terminally starved, while in unozonated water (about 300 mV), all larvae died at Stage III probably as a consequence of Vibrio bacteria proliferation. In a second experiment between Stages VI to VIII, larval survival was highest in ozonated water that had been filtered through activated charcoal and coral sand, compared to ozonated water with no filtration or filtered only through activated charcoal. Ozonated water with the combined filtration was used subsequently but there were ongoing deformities, so the level was progressively reduced from 400 mV at Stage VIII to 330 mV at Stage X, at which time ozonation was discontinued. Larvae were then cultured in unozonated water to metamorphosis of eight pueruli at 377 to 437 days after hatch, of which two survived to juvenile. Ozonation was thus effective up to Stage IX in improving culture water to minimise bacterial disease without problems of larval deformities.  相似文献   

Performance of phyllosoma of thesouthern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)was examined after feeding Artemia-baseddiets. Survival and growth of newly-hatchedlarvae cultured to Stage III were lower(p < 0.05) when fed 0.8 mm Artemia than1.5 mm or 2.5 mm Artemia alone or 1.5 mmArtemia in combination with pieces ofmussel (Mytilus edulis planulatus) gonad.This could not be attributed to deficiencies inthe composition of fatty acids but appeared tobe due to the inability of larvae to capturesufficient appropriate-sized, enrichedArtemia for their nutritional requirements.There was an indication that survival andgrowth were higher between Stages III and Vwhen fed 2.5 mm Artemia than 1.5 mmArtemia alone or in combination with musselpieces. However, Stage VI larvae grew to asimilar size at Stage VIII when fed 1.5 mm or2.5 mm Artemia. Unexpectedly, larvae fedthe combination of 1.5 mm Artemia plusmussel supplement had lower survival than foundpreviously, and generally lower than when fed 1.5 mm Artemia alone. This was despitean apparent nutritional profile (lipid contentand fatty acid composition) of mussel more akinto that of newly-hatched phyllosoma thanenriched Artemia. On the other hand,survival and growth to Stage VIII were higherwhen larvae were fed alginate pelletscontaining Artemia than when fed 1.5 mmor 2.5 mm Artemia alone.  相似文献   

A decrease in somatic growth rate, and hence productivity, of the South African west coast rock lobster population which occurred in the late 1980s has had important ramifications for subsequent TACs set for this resource. These are critically dependent on monitoring growth rates and determining whether an increase back towards earlier higher levels is underway. The available data are not well balanced by season and location, and a GLMM approach is used to take account of season–location interactions by treating these as random effects. This results in much less precise estimates of annual somatic growth rate than had been suggested by an earlier fixed effects GLM approach, and has necessitated a change in the philosophy underlying management of the resource.  相似文献   

The total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excretion of spiny lobsters Jasus edwardsii and Panulirus cygnus, was determined in relation to temperature, body weight, emersion, daily rhythm and feeding. Temperature and body weight had large influences on the rate of TAN excretion. Exponential relationships were found between temperature (T) and TAN excretion of both species. These were described by the following equations: J. edwardsii Log10 TAN=0.041T−3.57 (r2=0.979, F=143.2, P=0.001), P. cygnus Log10 TAN=0.057T−3.90 (r2=0.987, F=302.2, P<0.001). TAN excretions of both species were positively correlated to body weight (W), and the relationships were described by the following equations: J. edwardsii Log10 TAN=0.473 log10 W−1.704 (r2=0.42, F=14.05, P=0.001), P. cygnus Log10 TAN=0.499 log10 W−1.346 (r2=0.69, F=44.18, P<0.001). TAN excretion increased significantly when lobsters were re-immersed after a 30 min period of emersion. However, it returned to pre-emersion levels by the second hour of re-immersion. Daily rhythm resulted in a significantly higher nocturnal TAN excretion rate for J. edwardsii; no daily rhythm was observed for P. cygnus. Feeding had the largest influence on TAN excretion, with maximum increases of 6.28 (J. edwardsii) and 5.60 (P. cygnus) times the pre-feeding level. TAN excretion rates remained significantly higher than the pre-feeding levels for an extended period (26 h, J. edwardsii; 30 h, P. cygnus). Implications for the use of purging tanks in lobster holding facilities and for the design of biofiltration systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Replacement of fish oil with sustainable alternatives, such as vegetable oil, in aquaculture diets has to be achieved without compromising the nutritional quality, in terms of n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) content, of the product. This may be possible if the level of replacement is not too high and oil blends are chosen carefully but, if high levels of fish oil are substituted, a fish oil finishing diet prior to harvest would be required to restore n-3HUFA. However, a decontaminated fish oil would be required to avoid increasing undesirable contaminants. Here we test the hypotheses that blending of rapeseed and soybean oils with southern hemisphere fish oil will have a low impact upon tissue n-3HUFA levels, and that decontamination of fish oil will have no major effect on the nutritional quality of fish oil as a feed ingredient for Atlantic salmon. Salmon (initial weight ~ 0.8 kg) were fed for 10 weeks with diets in which 60% of fish oil was replaced with blends of soybean, rapeseed and southern hemisphere fish oil (SVO) or 100% decontaminated northern fish oil (DFO) in comparison with a standard northern fish oil diet (FO). Decontamination of the oil was a two-step procedure that included treatment with activated carbon followed by thin film deodorisation. Growth performance and feed efficiency were unaffected by either the SVO or DFO diets despite these having lower gross nutrient and fatty acid digestibilities than the FO diet. There were also no effects on the gross composition of the fish. Liver and, to a lesser extent flesh, lipid levels were lower in fish fed the SVO blends, due to lower proportions of neutral lipids, specifically triacylglycerol. Tissue lipid levels were not affected in fish fed the DFO diet. Reflecting the diet, flesh eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and total n-3 fatty acids were higher, and 18:1n-9 lower, in fish fed DFO than FO, whereas there were no differences in liver fatty acid compositions. Flesh EPA levels were only slightly reduced from about 6% to 5% although docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was reduced more severely from around 13% to about 7% in fish fed the SVO diets. In contrast, the liver fatty acid compositions showed higher levels of n-3 HUFA, with DHA only reduced from 21% to about 18% and EPA increased from under 8% to 9–10% in fish fed the SVO diets. The evidence suggested that increased liver EPA (and arachidonic acid) was not simply retention, but also conversion of dietary 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6. Increased HUFA synthesis was supported by increased hepatic expression of fatty acyl desaturases in fish fed the SVO diets. Flesh n-3HUFA levels and desaturase expression was significantly higher in fish fed soybean oil than in fish fed rapeseed oil. In conclusion, partial replacement of fish oil with blends of vegetable oils and southern hemisphere fish oil had minimal impact on HUFA levels in liver, but a greater effect on flesh HUFA levels. Despite lower apparent digestibility, decontamination of fish oil did not significantly impact its nutritional quality for salmon.  相似文献   

为探讨胆汁酸对齐口裂腹鱼幼鱼生长、脂肪沉积、脂肪代谢及相关基因表达的影响;实验以360尾初始体质量为(12.74±0.14) g的健康齐口裂腹鱼幼鱼为对象,随机分为4组,每组设3个重复组,每个重复组放养30尾,分别投喂胆汁酸含量为0、75、150和300mg/kg的4种饲料,养殖时间为70 d。结果显示,随着胆汁酸含量的升高,齐口裂腹鱼的增重率(WGR)呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,且在胆汁酸含量为150 mg/kg时达到最大,为226.63%;其肠脂肪酶(LPS)、肝酯酶(HL)、脂蛋白脂酶(LPL)和总脂酶(TL)活性均呈先升高后趋于稳定的变化趋势;而脂肪酸合成酶(FAS)活性则呈相反的变化趋势;齐口裂腹鱼肝脏LPL mRNA表达量呈先上调后趋于稳定的变化趋势,FAS mRNA表达量呈先下调后趋于稳定的变化趋势;肝脏、肌肉及全鱼中粗脂肪含量均随胆汁酸含量的升高呈先降低后趋于稳定的变化趋势,胆汁酸含量对实验鱼的成活率及脂肪沉积效率无显著性影响。研究表明,本实验条件下,添加适量的胆汁酸可有效上调齐口裂腹鱼LPL mRNA的表达量,下调FAS mRNA的表达量,增强脂肪代谢酶活性,促进对饲料...  相似文献   

Natural zooplankton is a potential food resource for juvenile fish in fish farms as it is a good source of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. However, it is also a potential source of parasites and pathogens. The present study was conducted (1) to estimate the risk of parasite transfer by live copepod food under intensive farming conditions using the parasites Triaenophorus crassus and Triaenophorus nodulosus as example and (2) to look for strategies to avoid parasite infestation of juvenile fish.An easy and routinely applicable aniline blue staining method was developed to check the infestation levels of copepods with procercoids during the on-growing season of juvenile fish. From the copepod species occurring in zooplankton Cyclops spp. was infested frequently (9.4 ± 12.0%, maximum 38.7%), Diaptomus spp. infrequently (1.5 ± 1.6%, maximum 3.2%), Daphnia spp. never. Juvenile grayling, Thymallus thymallus, and corgonids, Coregonus sp., which had been fed with natural zooplankton revealed infestations rates with T. crassus of circa 5%, with T. nodulosus of circa 10%. As the occurrence of procercoids in the zooplankton was temporary limited, Triaenophorus infestation can be avoided by using artificial food instead of live copepods during the risky season.To prevent parasite infestation of juvenile fish methods were investigated to eradicate procercoids from copepods by chemical treatment (sodium chloride, hydrogen peroxide, citric acid treatment) and by freeze-thawing methods. Chemical methods failed to remove procercoids. In fish, which had been fed with frozen thawed zooplankton, no Triaenophorus spp. infestation was observed. Their survival rates were similar as in the control fed with live zooplankton, however the weight of the fish was significantly lower.  相似文献   

陆游  金敏  袁野  熊家  马红娜  周歧存 《水产学报》2018,42(7):1094-1110
为研究不同脂肪源对黄颡鱼幼鱼生长性能、体成分、血清生化指标、体组织脂肪酸组成及抗氧化能力的影响,进行为期8周的养殖实验。实验配制了4种分别添加有椰子油(CO)、苏子油(PO)、葵花籽油(SO)、鱼油与葵花籽油1∶1混合油(FO/SO)的等氮等脂的饲料,喂养平均初始体质量为(1.52±0.00)g的黄颡鱼幼鱼。实验结果显示:不同脂肪源对黄颡鱼终末体质量(FBW)、增重率(WGR)、特定生长率(SGR)和成活率(SR)均无显著影响,对饲料系数(FCR)影响显著,各组SR均在95%以上。各组间的肝体比(HSI)、肥满度(CF)均有显著性差异,而脏体比(VSI)和肠脂比(IPR)无显著性差异。HSI和CF均以鱼油与葵花籽油1∶1混合油(FO/SO)组最高,葵花籽油(SO)组最低。黄颡鱼的鱼体水分、粗蛋白和灰分不受饲料脂肪源的影响,而椰子油(CO)组的粗脂肪含量显著高于其他3组,为10.51%,剩余3组间无显著性差异。饲料中脂肪源对黄颡鱼肌肉、肝脏组织脂肪酸组成和含量影响显著,并且肌肉和肝脏中脂肪酸含量变化与饲料中相应脂肪酸含量变化基本一致,椰子油(CO)组组织中饱和脂肪酸(SFA)含量最高,苏子油(PO)组组织中亚麻酸(ALA)和n-3 PUFA含量最高,葵花籽油(SO)组组织中亚油酸(LA)和n-6 PUFA含量最高,而鱼油与葵花籽油1∶1混合油(FO/SO)组组织中脂肪酸较为均衡。黄颡鱼血清中的总蛋白(TP)、白蛋白(ALB)、球蛋白(GLOB)、白蛋白/球蛋白(A/G)、谷草转氨酶(AST)、总胆固醇(CHOL)、甘油三酯(TG)、血糖(GLU)、肌酸激酶(CK)含量不受饲料脂肪源的影响。各组黄颡鱼肝脏中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)、谷胱甘肽S转移酶(GST)活性有显著差异。椰子油(CO)组的SOD和GST活性最高,而MDA含量最低。研究表明,在添加豆油的基础上,椰子油、苏子油、葵花籽油和鱼油与葵花籽油1∶1混合油都可以用作黄颡鱼饲料的脂肪源;证实了鱼体组织中脂肪酸组成基本可以反映饲料脂肪酸组成,并且说明了黄颡鱼具有延长和去饱和ALA和LA的能力。  相似文献   

Adequate nutrition is a principal factor in controlling survival and growth in crustacean larval culture. The present study examined the effects of starvation before or after feeding on survival, total intermoult period and postmoult size of phyllosoma of the western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus. Individually held instar 1 larvae were reared at 25 °C and submitted to initial periods of starvation to determine the 50% level of the point-of-no-return (PNR50), and initial periods of feeding to determine the 50% level of the point-of-reserve-saturation (PRS50). As the initial starvation periods before feeding increased, the total intermoult period for instar 1 larvae that survived increased. The PNR50 was 4.6 days. The different initial feeding periods before starvation resulted in a difference in postmoult size of larvae after moulting to instar 2, but had little effect on the total intermoult period. Larvae fed for the shortest periods were significantly smaller than those fed longer. The PRS50 was 3.6 days. For both treatments, limited effects of the starvation or feeding regimes were apparent for larvae that moulted to instar 2 and continued development to instar 3. When larvae were fed before PNR50, there were no delayed effects of the initial starvation period. Initial feeding periods longer than 5–6 days did not significantly affect larval survival or growth. This information will be useful in the design of feeding regimes in phyllosoma culture.  相似文献   

为确定三疣梭子蟹幼蟹对大豆卵磷脂(SL)最适需要量,进行了为期8周的生长实验。实验以鱼油和豆油为脂肪源,红鱼粉和豆粕为蛋白源,添加不同含量的SL(0、10、20、40、60、80 g/kg),配制成6种等氮等脂饲料。每个处理60只蟹,设3个重复,每个重复放养平均体质量为(3.68±0.02)g的三疣梭子蟹20只,养殖于长方形塑料筐中。结果发现,当SL添加量为0~40 g/kg时,增重率(WGR)、蜕壳率(MR)、蛋白质效率(PER)、特定生长率(SGR)和成活率(SR)显著升高,而WGR、FCR显著而降低;当饲料中SL添加水平为40~80g/kg时,三疣梭子蟹的WR、MR和SGR无显著性变化,而FCR显著升高,PER显著减低。饲料中适宜水平的SL可以提高三疣梭子蟹幼蟹的生长性能和饲料利用率。血清中总蛋白(TP)、甘油三酯(TG)和高密度脂蛋白(HDL)不受SL添加量的影响;当SL添加量为0~40g/kg时,血清中胆固醇(CHO)、葡萄糖(GLU)的含量显著升高,而随着SL添加量继续增加时,血清中CHO、GLU的含量无显著性变化;SL添加量为0~20 g/kg时,低密度脂蛋白(LDL)含量显著性升高,但随着SL添加量的增加,LDL含量显著性降低。饲料中添加不同含量的SL对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹中肝胰腺的总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、丙二醛(MDA)及溶菌酶活性无显著性影响,但当SL添加量为0~60 g/kg时,肝胰腺中过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性显著升高;当SL添加水平为0~40 g/kg时,谷胱甘肽过氧化物(GPX)的含量显著性上升。饲料中添加不同的SL对三疣梭子蟹幼蟹肌肉中C20:5(EPA),C22:6(DHA),n-3PUFA和C18:2脂肪酸含量无显著性影响。但当SL添加量为0~40 g/kg时,肝胰腺中C18:2的含量极显著降低,DHA和EPA含量显著上升,而肝胰腺中n-3PUFA的含量虽然无显著性差异,但当SL的含量为40 g/kg时,n-3PUFA的含量高于其他组;随着SL添加量的继续增加,C18:2显著性升高,而n-3PUFA极显著性降低,DHA和EPA含量显著降低。研究表明,当大豆卵磷脂添加量在一定范围内可以提高三疣梭子蟹肝胰腺中不饱和脂肪酸的含量,特别是n-3PUFA、DHA和EPA。以SGR为指标,通过折线模型得出三疣梭子蟹幼蟹饲料中大豆卵磷脂的适宜需要量为41.96 g/kg。  相似文献   

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