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Genetic markers are a much faster and more practical alternative to classical methods for the identification of genes for scab resistance present in different apple cultivars. In our study, 28 scab-resistant cultivars, four wild sources of the resistance genes and 10 susceptible cultivars were screened for the presence of the RAPD fragments OPM18/900, OPD20/600 and OPA15/900, which are reported to be linked to the Vf gene. All three marker fragments were successfully amplified with different protocols in Vf-resistant cultivars including ‘M. floribunda 821’. No marker fragments were amplified in susceptible cultivars, three out of four Va-resistant cultivars, three out of four Vm-resistant cultivars, two Vr-resistant cultivars, ‘Antonovka PI 172612’ and ‘M. pumila R 12740-7A’. All three markers were found in the cv. ‘Nova Easygro’, reported to possess the Vr gene, and the cv. ‘Reglindis’, reported to be Va-resistant. M. atrosanguinea of unknown origin showed the presence of OPD20/600 and OPA 15/900 marker bands. The cvs. ‘Nova Easygro’, ‘Reglindis’ and M. atrosanguinea are probably carriers of the VF gene.  相似文献   

Igor G. Loskutov 《Euphytica》2001,117(2):125-131
This paper presents the results of a six year field study of wild Avenaspecies and their response to vernalization and photoperiod. The accessions of twenty one wild and weedy species were tested under 12-hr and 18-hr daylength and cold temperatures (for 40 days at +2 °C) treatments and without it (as a control). The results demonstrate that for the majority of species evaluated, cold temperature requirements had a greater influence on heading date and the duration of the vegetative period than daylength. Genotypes with neutral, weak and strong reactions to all treatments were found and spring and winter types were selected. The results further demonstrated that daylength-insensitive forms occurred in the south Mediterranean region and adjacent southern territories.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to anthracnose at fruiting and seedling stages was studied in two F2 populations from a cross between Capsicum annuum cv. ‘Bangchang’ and Capsicum chinense‘PBC932’. The first F2 was used to study anthracnose resistance at fruiting stage on mature green and ripe red fruit, and the second F2 was used to study the resistance at both seedling and fruiting stages. Fruit inoculation was performed on detached fruit using a microinjector. Disease severity was assessed on a 0–9 scale at 7 days after inoculation. Seedling inoculation was performed using a drop method on detached leaves of 4‐week‐old seedlings. Disease severity was assessed on a 1–9 scale at 3 days after inoculation. The distribution of the disease scores of green and red fruit, and seedlings in both F2 populations suggested a single gene model for each trait. Three different recessive genes were responsible for the three resistances from this cross. Linkage analysis suggested that the resistances at green and red fruit were linked (recombination frequency 0.25), and that the seedling resistance was not linked to the fruit resistances.  相似文献   

Nicotiana glauca, a wild relative of Nicotiana tabacum, is an attractive potential source of black root rot (Thielaviopsis basicola)‐resistant germplasm. Moreover, it shows a resistance or tolerance to PVY, TEV, anthracnose and powdery mildew. In this study its potential as a source of resistance to black root rot caused by Th. basicola was investigated. Nicotiana glauca GG (2n = 2x = 24) was crossed as male with two N. tabacum TT (2n = 4x = 48) flue‐cured cultivars: ‘BY103’ and ‘K 326’, both of which are susceptible to black root rot. Amphihaploid F1 TG (2n = 3x = 36), amphidiploid TTGG (2n = 6x = 72) and sesquidiploid TTG (2n = 5x = 60) hybrids were obtained. The resultant sesquidiploid hybrids were used as maternal components in backcrossing to N. tabacum and a segregating post‐sesquidiploid TTg (2n = 5x = 52–54) offspring was obtained. Amphihaploids exhibited a level of resistance to black root rot characteristic of N. glauca. The expression of resistance varied in the sesquidiploid generation, possibly reflecting cytological instabilities in that progeny. A wide variation in response to black root rot was found for post‐sesquidiploids a clear reflection of extensive chromosome segregation in that hybrid generation.  相似文献   

Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) collected in six localities in the Leningrad region of North West Russia were identified as Globodera rostochiensis pathotype Ro1 and were used for subsequent resistance tests. Seventy‐nine accessions of cultivated and closely related wild potato species from the VIR collection in Russia were screened on resistance to G. rostochiensis pathotype Ro1 and on the presence of molecular markers for H1 and Gro1‐4 resistance genes. No associations were detected between the resistance level of diploid and tetraploid Andean and tetraploid Chilean potato landraces (indigenous cultivars) and their related wild species and their geographical distribution or presence of PCR‐based markers that are associated with the H1 and Gro1‐4 genes. At the same time, all susceptible genotypes lacked such markers. New sources of resistance were found and could be used in breeding.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen grain germination inside anthers has so far been known in only eleven chasmogamous angiospermous species. The discovery of this phenomenon in some varieties of Prunus amygdalus (almond) and Malus pumila (apple) is therefore significant. The anomaly appears to be genetically controlled, the gene expression occurring under specific environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A set of 520 chickpea germplasm lines was screened under laboratory conditions using blotter paper technique for reaction to dry root rot caused by Rhizoctonia bataticola (Taub.) Butler. The lines PG06102, BG2094 and IC552137 were identified as resistant for dry root rot. Phenotyping the mapping population consisting of 129 F2:3 progeny derived from the cross L550 × PG06102 during 2013 winter indicated monogenic inheritance of dry root rot resistance. Fifty‐two of 381 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers polymorphic between the two parents were used to genotype F2 resistant and susceptible bulks prepared on the basis of reaction of F2:3 progeny. Four markers differentiated the resistant and susceptible bulks. All the four polymorphic markers were then assayed on the entire F2 population. Linkage analysis using 129 F2 plants revealed that two markers ICCM0299 and ICCM0120b were co‐segregating with resistance to dry root rot. These two markers appeared to have additive effects on resistance and could be potentially utilized in dry root resistance breeding programme.  相似文献   

S. Nibouche    T. Brévault    C. Klassou    D. Dessauw    B. Hau 《Plant Breeding》2008,127(4):376-382
We carried out an assessment of the resistance of 71 accessions of cotton ( Gossypium spp. L.) to the aphid Aphis gossypii and to leafhoppers under natural infestation. Our objectives were (i) to improve the methods for screening cotton germplasm for resistance to both pests, and (ii) to test the existence of genetic correlation between resistances to both insects. For both insects, the percentage of colonized leaves exhibited high genotypic correlation with the number of insects per leaf, had similar or higher heritabilities, and appeared as the better measure of insect populations. The one-plant-per-plot experimental design used allowed an assessment of resistance with high heritability value, and proved to be suitable for the screening of cotton germplasm. G. arboreum was more resistant to both insects than G. barbadense and G. hirsutum . While hairiness had a significant negative effect on resistance to aphids, no significant effect was observed on resistance to leafhoppers, excepted in G. arboreum . The lack of genotypic correlation between resistance to aphids and to leafhoppers demonstrated that a simultaneous improvement of the resistance is possible.  相似文献   

F. Marthe    P. Scholze    R. Kramer    E. Proll  K. Hammer  G. Wricke 《Plant Breeding》2003,122(3):248-255
Resistance tests of 127 parsley accessions (Petroselinum crispum) were carried out during 2 years of field investigations involving natural infection for black leaf spot (Alternaria radicina), mildew (Erysiphe heraclei), leaf chlorosis (Fusarium oxysporum) and viruses, particularly celery mosaic virus (CeMV). In this first extensive evaluation of parsley for all tested pathogens accessions were found to be free of symptoms. Varieties of vars. crispum and tuberosum contained more accessions weakly infected or immune to black leaf spot than vars. vulgare and neapolitanicum. In a separate test five var. crispum accessions showed significantly reduced disease ratings, indicating their potential as sources of resistance. Mildew attacked almost the same number of accessions in both years: 29 accessions of var. crispum showed no symptoms, but 16 of the var. tuberosum accessions were highly susceptible. Whereas in the var. vulgare one half of the introductions were moderately or strongly infected by viruses, mainly CeMV, a high number of plants remained uninfected in the vars. crispum, neapolitanicum and tuberosum. In the case of F. oxysporum, the greatest amount of infection was in the var. crispum during both years. The sources of resistance described including multiple resistance would be of interest in future breeding programmes for resistance to the parsley pathogens discussed.  相似文献   

P. G. Kavitha  G. Thomas 《Euphytica》2008,160(1):89-100
Zingiber zerumbet (L) Smith, a wild clonal species related to the cultivated ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), is a potential resistance donor for soft rot disease in ginger caused by Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitzp. In this study we evaluated the genetic diversity and P. aphanidermatum resistance of 74 Z. zerumbet accessions belonging to 15 populations from eight districts in Kerala state, India. The disease index (DI) of the accessions varied from 0% to 72.24% and the accessions could be separated into six frequency classes according to their DI values. More than 65% of the accessions had a DI < 20%. Eight accessions were found to be immune to the infection. The relative frequency of resistant accessions was higher in the central and northern regions of Kerala. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of Z. zerumbet accessions using five primer combinations yielded 215 bands in total, of which 175 (81.4%) were polymorphic. Nei’s genetic diversity (h) of 0.2738 and Shannon information index (I) of 0.4012 revealed a high genetic diversity in Z. zerumbet unexpected for a clonal species. In the UPGMA dendrogram, accessions were clustered mostly according to their geographical origin and no clear correspondence was observed between the clustering pattern of accessions and their responses to Pythium aphanidermatum. The study revealed high genetic diversity and variability for pathogen resistance among Z. zerumbet accessions and confirmed the value of Z. zerumbet as a potential donor for soft rot resistance for the genetic improvement of ginger.  相似文献   

Cassava root rot disease is an increasing problem in Africa where yield losses of about 80% have been recorded. We evaluated 290 African landraces and 306 improved genotypes from the germplasm collections of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), for sources of resistance using root slice laboratory assay. Disease severity was assessed quantitatively by direct percentage estimation (PS) and by use of a rating scale (RS). Both methods of assessment were compared for identification of variability in the germplasm, and genotypes were classified into response groups using an enlarged rank-sum method that combined the PS and RS assessments. The two scoring methods revealed continuous variation (P < 0.001) for resistance in the sets of germplasm. Disease assessments based on PS and RS were highly correlated in both the improved germplasm (r = 0.75) and the landraces (r = 0.72). Based on PS assessment, 50 improved genotypes (16.3%) and 53 landraces (18.3%) showed significantly lower disease scores than the resistant control. The rank-sum method separated each set of collections into highly resistant, resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible, susceptible and highly susceptible groups. Fifty-nine improved genotypes (16.4%) and 61 African landraces (16.9%) were identified as either highly resistant or resistant. Generally, these genotypes exhibited resistance by limiting the growth of the pathogen (reduced amount of invaded surface area). This type of rate-reducing resistance is highly heritable and a quantitative trait which can be harnessed in breeding. Genotypes subsets were identified for further studies into the genetic basis of resistance to root rot disease.  相似文献   

The common cutworm (CCW, Spodoptera litura Fabricius) is one of the most serious pests of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). Previously, two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for antibiosis resistance to CCW, CCW-1 and CCW-2, were detected in the resistant cultivar Himeshirazu. In this study, we conducted an anti-xenosis bioassay using a recombinant inbred population derived from a cross between a susceptible cultivar Fukuyutaka and Himeshirazu to perform QTL analysis. Two QTLs for antixenosis resistance, qRslx1 and qRslx2, were identified on Chrs 7 and 12, and the resistant alleles of qRslx1 and qRslx2 were derived from Himeshirazu and Fukuyutaka, respectively. The position of qRslx1 is similar to that of CCW-1. We also analyzed pubescence characteristics because they have been reported to be associated with soybean insect resistance. Two QTLs for pubescence length (on Chrs 7 and 12) and two QTLs for pubescence density (on Chrs 1 and 12) were identified. The pubescence QTLs on Chrs 7 and 12 were located near qRslx1 and qRslx2, respectively. These results suggest that the antixenosis resistance could be controlled genetically by the identified QTLs and that the pubescence characteristics might contribute to the soybean antixenosis resistance to CCW.  相似文献   

Two sets of intervarietal chromosome substitution lines in the recipient,susceptible cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ were screened to identify the wheat chromosomes involved with antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance resistance to greenbug and Russian wheat aphid. The amphiploid ‘Synthetic’ and the cultivar ‘Hope’ were the donor parents. Antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance were evaluated with conventional tests in controlled environmental conditions using a clone of greenbug biotype C and a clone of RWA collected on wheat. Antixenosis against greenbug was accounted for by several chromosomes in both sets of substitution lines with chromosome 2B contributing the highest level of this type of resistance. The highest levels of antixenosis against RWA were associated with the group of chromosomes 7 of the substitutions CS/Syn set and the chromosome substitutions 2B, 6A and 7D of the CS/Hope set. Antibiosis against both aphids species was accounted for by several different chromosomes. The highest levels of antibiosis for most of RWA resistance traits were recorded from the 1B substitution line of the CS/Hope set. More than one gene appears to determine antibiosis. Tolerance to both greenbug and the RWA was significantly associated with chromosomes 1A,1D, and 6D in the CS/Syn set of substitutions. These lines showed enhanced plant growth under aphid infestation. The highest levels of antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance against the two aphid species occurred mostly in different substitution lines. Consequently, the different types of resistance for both pests seem to be partially independent. Since different genes seem to be involved in at least several traits of the resistance categories against the two aphid species, such genes could be combined in new cultivars of wheat to broaden their genetic base of resistance against the greenbug and the RWA. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) pod borer (Leguminivora glycinivorella (Mats.) Obraztsov) (SPB) results in severe loss in soybean yield and quality in certain regions of the world, especially in Northeastern China, Japan and Russia. The aim here was to evaluate the inheritance of pod borer resistance and to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying SPB resistance for the acceleration of the control of this pest. Used were the 129 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of the F5:6 derived population from ‘Dong Nong 1068’ × ‘Dong Nong 8004’ and 131 SSR markers. Correlations between the percentage of damaged seeds (PDS) by pod borer and plant, pod and seed traits that were potentially related to SPB resistance were analyzed. The results showed highly significant correlations between PDS by pod borer and plant height (PH), maturity date (MA), pod color (PC), pubescence density (PB), 100-seed weight (SW) and protein content existed. Soybeans with dwarf stem, light color of pod coat, small seeds, lower density of pubescence, early maturity and low content of protein seemed to have higher resistance to SPB. The correlated traits had potential to inhibit egg deposition and thereby to decrease the damage by SPB. Three QTL directly associated with the resistance to SPB judged by PDS at harvest were identified. qRspb-1 (Satt541–Satt253) and qRspb-2 (Satt253–Satt314) were both on linkage group (LG) H and qRspb-3 (Satt288–Satt199) on LG G. The three QTL explained 10.96, 9.73 and 11.59% of the phenotypic variation for PDS, respectively. In addition, 12 QTL that underlay 10 of 13 traits potentially related with SPB resistance were found. These QTL detected jointly provide potential for marker assisted selection to improve cultivar resistance to SPB. Guiyun Zhao, Jian Wang, and Yingpeng Han have equal contribution to the paper.  相似文献   

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