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本研究旨在开发稳定可靠的洋葱育性位点分子标记,并将其应用于育种实践,筛选育种系,从而缩短育种周期,节省育种成本,加速洋葱杂交种的培育进程。以洋葱育性恢复Ms座位的AFLP序列为基础,采用序列比对分析、PCR检测和表型分析等方法,开发、鉴定、应用了WH-SSR-1分子标记。结果表明:WH-SSR-1标记与Ms位点紧密连锁,Ms位点基因型为纯合显性MsMs时,有1条102 bp的扩增带;纯合隐性msms时,有1条99 bp的扩增带;杂合Msms时,有102 bp和99 bp两条扩增带。32份洋葱材料的验证结果证实了Ms座位的标记类型与基因型完全相符。随后从4个OP群体中直接获得了2个配套的不育系与保持系,‘吊玉’和‘天正红玉’因未检测到保持株或不育株,无法简单实现配套。WH-SSR-1标记与Ms位点紧密连锁,能够将其用于育种系筛选的育种实践,从OP群体中直接选择保持株和不育株,同时实现两系配套。  相似文献   

A. Kofoet    C. Kik    W. A. Wietsma  J. N. de  Vries 《Plant Breeding》1990,105(2):144-149
Allium roylei Stearn and both reciprocals of the interspecific hybrid between Allium cepa L. and A. roylei displayed no symptoms of Peronospora destructor (Berk.) Casp. after artificial or natural inoculations, whereas A. cepa was susceptible. In the offspring from the backcross A. cepa× (A. roylei ×A. cepa) resistant and susceptible plants segregated after artificial inoculations, fitting a 1: 1-ratio. This suggests that resistance is controlled by a single, dominantly-inherited locus (designated Pd1) from the nuclear genome of A. roylei. During a severe epidemic in the field, plants from the same backcross segregated resistant and susceptible individuals in a 3: 1-ratio. Escapes may explain the deviation from the 1: 1-segregation, but the presence of a second resistance locus segregating independently from Pd1 cannot be excluded, implicating possible differences in virulence between populations of P. destructor. The occurrence in the backcross offspring of plants having a morphology similar to A. cepa without showing symptoms of downy mildew opens perspectives for breeding P. destructor-resistant onion varieties.  相似文献   

Onion is one of the major vegetable crops in terms of production as well as consumption. In the current research, available onion genetic stock was evaluated to identify male-sterile lines and produce high-yielding F1 hybrids for future breeding programmes. A mitochondrial DNA-based marker was mapped and correlated with phenotypic traits to isolate male-sterile plants. Based on the floral and pollen structure, nine putative male-sterile lines were identified. On the other hand, for nuclear marker identification at Ms locus, two sets of primers were used, one for Ms dominant allele and another for sterile and maintainer plants. Results revealed that 70% of open pollinated varieties (OPVs) possess plants with sterile cytoplasm coupled with genetic sterility at Ms locus, called sterile “A” line. Approximately 20% of plants in some genotypes were identified with normal (N) cytoplasm having recessive fertility gene at Ms locus, called maintainer “B” line. Based on the present findings, “A”, “B” and “R” (restorer line), future F1 hybrid seed production systems in onion is discussed.  相似文献   

The induction of haploid plants from F1 hybrids between CMS shallot with Allium galanthum cytoplasm and common onion was examined. Starting with 535 unpollinated flowers cultured in B5 medium 25 seedlings from part henogenetic embryos were obtained of which 13 seedlings survived. Eleven seedlings were determined as haploid plants (2n = x = 8) and 2 seedlings were doubled haploid plants (2n = 2x = 16). All haploid and doubled haploid plants preserved chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from A. galanthum. Segregation in different characters was observed among the haploid plants. The haploid and doubled haploid plants exhibited the different combinations of genes from shallot and common onion. Crossing of the doubled haploid plants with other shallot strains, common onion cultivars or related species may produce excellent F1 hybrids for bulb production. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to validate PCR markers for determining cytoplasm and genotypes at the Ms locus in short‐day onion. Three cytoplasmic (OSN, MKFR and accD) and four nuclear (OPT, jnurf13, AcSKP1 and AcPMS1) markers were employed. Sel. 121‐1 had 100% S cytoplasm, whereas Sel. 121‐2, ‘Pusa Red’ and ‘Pusa Madhavi’ had 88%, 33% and 17% S cytoplasm, respectively. ‘Early Grano’ and ‘Pusa Riddhi’ did not possess S cytoplasm. Observations in 33 commercial varieties revealed two with sterile (S) cytoplasm. Nuclear markers were not found in linkage disequilibrium with the Ms locus, and the constitution of Ms alleles by OPT was different from other three markers, which were in conformity with each other. The other three markers predicted that most of the plants should be homozygous recessive. Anther colour also did not confirm the sterility status. It can be concluded that accD may be used for cytoplasm determination based on the ease of its use. For the Ms locus tagging, more markers are needed to be evaluated to isolate maintainer lines from open‐pollinated populations.  相似文献   

T. Nothnagell    P. Straka  B. Linke 《Plant Breeding》2000,119(2):145-152
A collection of Daucus species and subspecies, as well as alloplasmic carrot lines were evaluated for expression of male sterility. More than 100 male‐sterile plants were identified and their phenotypes and partial genetic background were characterized. Three potentially new cytoplasmic male‐sterile systems based on the cytoplasm of Daucus carota (D. c.) gummifer, D. c. maritimus and D. c. gadecaei were selected. Genetic analyses suggested that a nuclear‐cytoplasmic interaction determined the male sterility of the three sources. A clear differentiation between the new sources and carrot cultivars was possible based on the phenotypic and molecular genetic relationships.  相似文献   

S. Prakash    I. Ahuja    H. C. Upreti    V. Dinesh  Kumar  S. R. Bhat    P. B. Kirti  V. L. Chopra   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(6):479-482
An alloplasmic mustard, Brassica juncea, has been synthesized by placing its nucleus into the cytoplasm of the related wild species Erucastrum canariense to express cytoplasmic male sterility. To achieve this, the sexual hybrid E. canariense (2n=18, EcEc) ×Brassica campestris (2n= 20, AA) was repeatedly backcrossed to B. juncea (2n= 36, AABB). Cytoplasmic male‐sterile (CMS) plants were recovered in the BC4 generation. These plants are a normal green and the flowers have slender, non‐dehiscing anthers that contain sterile pollen. Nectaries are well developed and female fertility is > 90%. The fertility restoration gene was introgressed to CMS B. juncea from the cytoplasmic donor E. canariense through pairing between chromosomes belonging to B. juncea with those of the E. canariense genome. The restorer plants have normal flowers, with well‐developed anthers containing fertile pollen. Meiosis proceeds normally. Pollen and seed fertility averaged 90% and 82%, respectively. F1 hybrids between CMS and the restorer are fully pollen fertile and show normal seed set. Preliminary results indicate that restoration is achieved by a single dominant gene. The constitution of the organelle genomes of the CMS, restorer and fertility restored plants is identical, as revealed by Southern analysis using mitochondrial and chloroplast probes atp A and psb D, respectively.  相似文献   

为揭示洋葱细胞质雄性不育系小孢子的败育时期,利用石蜡切片技术对洋葱细胞质雄性不育系8A及其保持系8B的小孢子发育过程进行观察和比较。结果表明:石蜡切片洋葱细胞质雄性不育系8A和保持系8B造孢组织时期小孢子的生长发育没有明显的差异;洋葱不育系8A花药绒毡层在花粉母细胞时期就与中层完全分离,并逐渐膨大挤压花粉母细胞,最后逐渐降解。其降解后的残余物侵入药室,与小孢子混合粘连在一起,占据药室的一部分空间,并且不能供给小孢子生长发育所需要的营养物质,最终小孢子降解,花药败育。试验明确了洋葱细胞质雄性不育系8A的小孢子败育时期为花粉母细胞时期。因此,在洋葱雄性不育系8A的不育机理研究中,应重点在花粉母细胞时期进行深入研究。  相似文献   

Intergeneric hybridization was performed between Moricandia arvensis and four inbred lines of Brassica rapa following embryo rescue. Three F1 hybrid plants were developed from three cross combinations of M. arvensis × B. rapa, and amphidiploids were synthesized by colchicine treatment. Six BC1 plants were generated from a single cross combination of amphidipolid × B. rapa ‘Ko1-303’ through embryo rescue. One BC2 and three BC3 plants were obtained from successive backcrossing with B. rapa ‘Ko1-303’ employing embryo rescue. Alloplasmic and monosomic addition lines of B. rapa (Allo-MALs, 2n = 21) were obtained from backcrossed progeny of three BC3 plants (2n = 21, 22 and 23) without embryo rescue. An alloplasmic line of B. rapa (2n = 20) degenerated before floliation on 1/2 MS medium due to severe chlorosis. Allo-MALs of B. rapa (2n = 21) showed stable male sterility without any abnormal traits in vegetative growth and female fertility. Molecular analyses revealed that the same chromosome and cytoplasm of M. arvensis had been added to each Allo-MAL of B. rapa. This Allo-MAL of B. rapa may be useful material for producing cytoplasmic male sterile lines of B. rapa.  相似文献   

Summary Male meiosis of the interspecific hybrid between Allium roylei and A. cepa is undisturbed relative to its parents. Based on meiotic data, A. roylei is concluded to be a closer relative of A. cepa than A. fistulosum. Segregation ratios for downy mildew resistance among BC1 and F2 progenies from the F1 between A. roylei and A. cepa indicate the presence of two dominantly inherited, weakly linked nuclear resistance genes, Pd 1 and Pd 2, in A. roylei (recombination frequency 0.32±0.03). Presumably Pd 1 and Pd 2are the first genes described in Allium residing in one linkage group. The prospects of exploiting A. roylei in onion breeding seem very promising.  相似文献   

To select superior seed parents for vegetable hybrid seed production, we conducted interspecific crosses between male sterile Brassica juncea (2n = 36, AABB) and eight inbred lines of Brassica rapa (2n = 20, AA). Alloplasmic lines of B. rapa with the cytoplasm of B. juncea were developed from B. juncea × B. rapa hybrids by repeated backcrossing using B. rapa as the recurrent male parent until the BC3 generation. Seed fertility, male sterility and chlorophyll content were investigated in these plants cultivated under four different temperature conditions (5, 10, 12 and 20°C). At 10°C, the alloplasmic lines of B. rapa with the cytoplasm of B. juncea were male sterile with partly chlorotic leaves. The alloplasmic B. rapa had lower chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid contents than those of the original B. rapa. The leaves recovered from chlorosis when the plants were cultivated at 20°C. An alloplasmic line of B. rapa (A6) is available as a seed parent for vegetable hybrid seed production and contributes seed fertility, slight chlorosis and stable male sterility.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we developed male sterile lines of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) possessing the cytoplasm of a wild species, A. galanthum Kar. et Kir., by backcrossing. To evaluate seed productivity of the male sterile lines in practise, they were crossed with the male fertile line, cultivar 'Kujyo', using honeybees as pollinators under field conditions. The number of florets and seeds per inflorescence, seed set and seed germination of the material were investigated. Although variation was observed among the male sterile lines, there were several lines having seed productivity equal to cultivar 'Kujyo'. Our data demonstrate that the male sterile lines of A. fistulosum possessing the cytoplasm of A. galanthum are useful as seed parents for the commercial F seed production of A. fistulosum.  相似文献   

N. S. Arifin  H. Okudo 《Euphytica》1996,91(3):305-313
Summary Shallot and wakegi were collected in the main islands of Indonesia, and in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and Bangladesh. Five isozyme resolutions, phosphoglucomutase (PGM), glutamate oxaloacetate (GOT), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), esterase (EST) and peroxidase (POX) were employed for demonstrating inter-and intraspecific differences. A dendrogram separated 189 collected accessions into 25 types of wakegi onion and 18 types of shallot. All accessions of Japan, Korea and Taiwan were determined to be wakegi onion, whereas those of Bangladesh, Malaysia and Thailand were shallot. Twenty-six out of 165 Indonesian accessions indicated wakegi onion distribution in Sumatra, West Java province and in Sulawesi Island. This confirmed that there is mixed-cultivation of the two Allium species with no distinction made between them. Japan and Indonesia had respectively 12 and eight unique types of wakegi onion, while Korea had only one type. West Java showed the most various type of wakegi onion, whereas East Java had many types of shallot. Shallots collected from Bangladesh were distinetly different from those of South East Asian types.  相似文献   

用白花突变体和白花不育突变体分别选育白花品系G95150和白花胞质不育系7600 A。遗传研究表明,白花对黄花由一对不完全显性基因控制。7600A在农艺性状上与其保持系G95150完全一致:叶色浓绿,植株较矮(163.5 cm)、生育期较长(243天)、抗寒能力较差(冻害率100%,冻害指数33.8)。7600A花色纯白、花瓣皱缩、花药小、低温存在微量花粉。G95150和7600 A的芥酸含量为0.8854 %,硫甙含量70.5461μmol/g。  相似文献   

In Brassica oleracea, production of F1 hybrid seeds mainly makes use of the improved Ogura cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line. However, reliance on one particular line is a risk, and it would be advantageous to develop other CMS lines. In this study, we transferred Diplotaxis erucoides cytoplasm to B. oleracea cultivars using an alloplasmic B. rapaCMS line as a bridge plant to avoid incompatibility between donor and recipient plants. The new B. oleraceaCMS lines, which were derived by four generations of backcrossing, had small rudimentary anthers with no pollen grain and showed complete male sterility. There was no functional defect in other floral organs, and the ability to receive normal pollen did not appear to be impaired. Moreover, the B. oleraceaCMS lines carrying D. erucoides cytoplasm had larger leaf areas and a normal plastochron. As a consequence, the B. oleraceaCMS lines carrying D. erucoides cytoplasm have the potential to be valuable alternatives for use in commercial B. oleracea hybrid seed production.  相似文献   

Summary The cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile line, Krishna-A with Kalinga-I cytoplasm was developed in rice through repeated backcrossing the completely pollen sterile F1 of the cross Kalinga-I/Krishna with the recurrent male parent cv. Krishna. The germination percentage and root-shoot length in Krishna-A at 12°C and 9°C indicated a higher degree of tolerance to low temperature than the cold tolerant female parent Kalinga-I. The high yielding cold tolerant variety Kalinga-I was developed from a cross involving the cold tolerant variety Dunghansali and the high yielding variety IR 8. It is inferred that tolerance to low temperature during germination in Krishna-A was inherited from the cytoplasm of cv. Dunghansali through Kalinga-I besides male sterility. The cytoplasmic control of cold tolerance is reported here for the first time in rice literature. The male sterile line Krishna-A because of its tolerance to low temperature would be suitable for the development of hybrid rice especially for areas where low temperature is a problem during germination.  相似文献   

Bulb color in onions (Allium cepa) is an important trait, and homogenous red coloration is desirable in red onion cultivars. The gene encoding anthocyanin synthase (ANS) is required for anthocyanin biosynthesis in onions. We have previously described three different alleles of the ANS gene. Here we report identification of the fourth allele of ANS, ANS-h1, found in a dark red doubled haploid line. ANS-h1 is similar to a non-functional allele found in Brazilian yellow cultivars except that it has several point mutations and indels throughout the promoter and coding regions, none of which are predicted to inactivate enzymatic activity. F2 and backcross populations originating from the crosses between wild-type (ANS-L) allele-containing red and pink (ANS-p) allele-containing white or yellow parents show a discrete segregation ratio of 3 red to 1 light pink, indicating that the wild-type allele is completely dominant over the pink allele. In contrast, segregating populations derived from the crosses between ANS-h1 allele-containing red and the same white or yellow parents show a gradient of red intensity from light pink to dark red, suggesting that other genetic factors may affect expression of ANS-h1. A newly developed PCR-based marker and two previously developed markers for allelic selection of the ANS gene were used to examine allele composition in fifty-six breeding lines and commercial cultivars. Most lines are heterogeneous for the ANS gene with two or three alleles detected. The frequency of the pink allele is low in red breeding lines, but it is predominant in white and yellow lines.  相似文献   

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