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Polyorchidism is a rare congenital anomaly defined as the presence of more than two histologically proven testes. We report a case of a 9‐month‐old European cat with four intra‐abdominal testes. The diagnosis was performed by means of ultrasonography, intra‐operative examination and histological confirmation. The case reported here presents an extremely rare anomaly, as no previous studies in veterinary medicine have reported the presence of four testes. This case suggests that supernumerary testes should be included as differential diagnoses for intra‐abdominal masses.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A case of hyperostosis in a cat is reported. Evidence indicated that the condition was caused by excessive vitamin A intake, in a predominantly liver diet, over a period of 18 months. The diagnosis, made on the case history and physical findings at examination was confirmed by radiological findings and clinical chemistry. It was further substantiated by autopsy findings. To re-affirm the clinical findings, photographs of macerated hyperostotic bones are presented. The case is discussed and its features are compared with feline oesteodystrophia fibrosa (osteogenesis irnperfecta, juvenile osteoporosis). Résumé— —On rapporte un cas d'hyperostose chez le chat. Les faits montrent que la maladie est provoqute par une absorption excessive de vitamine A au cours d'un régime dans lequel prédomine le foie pendant une période de 18 mois. Le diagnostic établi d'après les commémoratifs et les observations cliniques est confirmé par les observations radiologiques et les analyses biochimiques. Il est aussi renforcé par la suite au cours de l'examen nécropsique. Pour illustrer les constatations cliniques des photographies d'os hypero-stotiques sont présentées. Le cas est discuté et les faits sont comparés avec l'ostéodystrophie fibreuse du chat (ostéogénèse imparfaite, ostéoporose juvénile). Zusammenfassung— —Es wird über einen Fall von Hyperostose bei einer Katze berichtet. Der Befund liess darauf schliessen, dass der Zustand durch übermässige Vitamin-A-Aufnahme mit einem übenviegend aus Leber bestehenden Futter während eines Zeitraums von 18 Monaten verursacht worden war. Die Diagnose auf Grund der Krankengeschichte und der körperlichen. Untersuchungsergebnisse wurde durch radiologische und klinisch-chemische Untersuchung bestätigt. Weiter wurde sie durch den Sektionsbefund verifiziert. Als Belege werden die klinischen Befunde und Photographien der mazerierten hyperostotischen Knochen wiedergegeben. Der Fall wird besprochen und seine Besonderheiten werden mit Osteodystrophia fibrosa der Katze (Osteo-genesis imperfecta, juvenile Osteoporose) verglichen.  相似文献   

A TWO-YEAR-OLD male Persian cat was presented to the University of Georgia for anorexia, lethargy, and fever of 48 hours duration. Dehydration, depression, and fever (105.5°) were found on physical examination. A circumscribed mass which felt gritty and emphysematous, was palpated in the caudal abdomen adjacent to the bladder. A complete blood count (CBC), chemistry profile, and abdominal radiographs were obtained. Antibiotic (ampicillin, 10 mg/lb, TID) and fluid replacement therapy (200 ml lactated Ringer's solution, SC) were instituted for the fever and dehydration. The CBC revealed a degenerative left shift with immaturity. The significant radiographic finding was an emphysematous soft tissue mass in the caudal abdomen (Fig. 1 & 2).  相似文献   

将不同直径牛卵泡内卵母细胞体外成熟培养22h后,对其体外受精后的卵裂率,胚胎发育速度和胚胎染色体异常发生率进行了研究。结果表明,体外受精后48h,直径3-6mm卵泡内卵母细胞外受精后的卵裂率明显高于直径1-2mm和7-10mm卵泡内卵母细胞体外受精后的卵裂率(P<0.05)。体外受精后48h,直径3-6mm包泡内卵母细胞体外受精后的胚胎的发育速度明显快于直径1-2mm和7-10mm卵泡组胚胎(P<0.05)。通过对不同卵裂期胚胎的染色体标本分析表明,直径1-2mm卵泡内卵母细胞体外受精后的胚胎染色体异常发生率明显高于直径3-6mm卵泡组(P<0.05),但与直径7-10mm卵泡组之间无显著性差异。  相似文献   

以凉山半细毛羊、山谷型藏绵羊为研究对象,以微量全血培养法制备染色体,经对大量分裂相的分析结果表明:凉山半细毛羊、山谷型藏绵羊二倍体细胞核型均为公羊2n=54,XY,母羊2n=54,XX;两品种羊染色体数目变异频率分别为33.00%,32.25%;结构变异频率分别为12.00%,17.60%,染色体结构变异主要表现为染色体断裂、染色单体臂断裂及着丝粒处变异等;将染色体或染色单体断裂位点与Ag-NORs特殊位点作比较发现部分位点间存在一一对应情况;同源染色体不等长现象在两品种羊中均有发现,且凉山半细毛羊较山谷型藏绵羊明显。  相似文献   

一只2岁布偶猫,体重4.3 kg,怀孕61 d,精神不好,血常规检查严重贫血,腹部彩超检查死胎、子宫扭转、子宫破裂、血腹,诊断为子宫扭转破裂。母猫交叉配血后输血60 mL,呼吸麻醉,行卵巢子宫切除术,术后消炎止血,1周拆线恢复。  相似文献   

猫股骨骨折多因直接外力、患病动物自身骨质等问题而发生。介绍了1例狸花猫股骨骨折的诊断、治疗及术后护理过程,以期对临床实践有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

文章介绍了对1例猫真菌性皮肤病的诊疗情况,通过基础检查及实验室检查综合诊断为小孢子菌及马拉色菌混合感染,采用抗真菌和补充营养相关药物治疗后痊愈,后期复查未检测到相应菌体.  相似文献   

Abstract— —A sparganum is an intermediate stage of certain pseudophyllidean tapeworms and is normally found in various species of fish and small vertebrates. This paper presents an unusual case of sparganosis in a cat, normally considered a definitive host of several genera of Pseudophyllidea. The animal was anorectic and lethargic, and a palpable mass was present in the abdomen. The mass was in the fundic portion of the stomach and protruded into the lumen. The overlying gastric mucosa had ulcerated areas. Histologically, the mass represented a fibrous connective tissue reaction with formation of septa. Sections of a parasite, a sparganum,? were within the compartments formed by the septa. Résurné—Le sparganum, forme larvaire de certains ténias pseudophyllidiens, se rencontre d'habitude chez diverses espèces de poissons et de petits vertérés. L'auteur décrit un cas, excetoinnel, dep sparganose chez le chat, animal normalement considéré comme hôte définitif de plusieurs genres de pseudophyllidiens L'animal atteint, dont l'état etait accompagné d'anorexie et de Iéthargie, prásentait une tumeur abdominale perceptible à la palpation. La tumeur, située dam la région du fundus, s'avançait dam la cavite gastrique. La muqueuse gastrique présentait des zones ulcéreuses. L'examen histologique a permis de constater que la tumeur représentait une réaction du tissu conjonctif fibreux, avec formation de septa. Les alvéoles constituées par ces septa renfermaient des sections d'un parasite, identifié comme sparganum. Zusammenfassung— —Ein Spaaganum ist ein Zwischenstadium bestimmter pseudophyllider Bandwurmer und wird normalerweise in verschiedenen Spezies von Fischen und kleinen Wirbeltieren gefunden. Diese Abhandlung beschreibt einen ungewohnlichee Fall von Sparganosis einer Katze, die normalerweise als Wirtstier verschiedener Genera von Pseudophylliden angesehen wird. Das Tier war anorektisch und lethargisch, und im Abdomen war eine fuhlbare Masse vorhanden. Diese Masse befand sich im Fundus des Magens und ragte in das Lumen hinein. Die daruberliegnde Magenschleimhaut hatte ulcerierte Gebiete. Histologisch stellte die Masse eine fasrige Bindegewebsreaktion mit Bildung von Septa dar. Teile eines Parasiten, eines Sparganum, befanden sich in den von den Septa gebildeten Raumen.  相似文献   

牛体外受精时老化卵对受精率与染色体异常发生的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过延长体外培养时间得到牛老化卵,对其体外受精率与染色体的异常发生进行了研究,体外受精48h后的受精率,46h培养组与22h和34h培养组之间差异显著(P<0.05),随着老化时间的延长,受精率及胚胎发育速度明显降低。染色体分析结果表明,46h组的受精卵的染色体异常发生率为61.6%,22h组44.6%,2组之间差异显著(P<0.05),单倍体(n=31)的发生率也随着老化时间的延长而增加,这些单倍体的性染色体的构成表明,含有X-性染色体的胚的出现率显著高于含有Y-染色体的胚的出现率(P<0.05)。单倍体的发生是由卵的老化而引起单一配子的孤雌发生,体外培养时间的延长对正常的2倍体的性别无明显影响。  相似文献   

A 12-year-old, neutered male, domestic long-hair cat was evaluated for a 6-month history of inspiratory stertor and epiphora. In computed tomography of the skull and pelvis, and radiographs of the thorax, right femur and stifle there was generalized osteosclerosis, with obliteration of the nasal turbinates and nasolacrimal duct obstruction. The cat also had a large fibrosarcoma involving the right pelvic limb. Osteosclerosis is a rare disorder that is poorly understood but has been described in several species. Various manifestations, potential causes, and radiologic findings of osteosclerosis are discussed.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia in a cat was made by fulfilling the five applicable criteria set forth by the Polycythemia Vera Study Group for use in humans. The criteria were 1) a platelet count persistently above 600,000/microL, 2) a normal initial hematocrit that did not rise in response to iron therapy, 3) normal serum iron concentration, 4) absence of collagen fibrosis of the bone marrow, and 5) no cause for reactive thrombocytosis. In addition, normal thrombopoietin concentrations and splenic hypofunction were demonstrated. Melphalan was not effective in decreasing the platelet count and the cat died of sepsis.  相似文献   

A 7‐month‐old domestic medium hair cat presented with facial asymmetry affecting the bony and soft tissue structures of the right side of the head including the maxilla, nose, eye and pinna of the ear. Additionally, neurological dysfunction of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves on the affected side was present. A congenital malformation affecting the first and second embryologic pharyngeal arches was suspected. This is the first case of hemifacial microsomia of likely congenital origin reported in a cat.  相似文献   

Nocardial Pleuritis in a Cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A seven year old himalayan x siamese cat was presented to the Ontario Veterinary College Teaching Hospital with severe peracute respiratory signs. A diagnosis of nocardial pleuritis was made on the basis of clinical findings, radiology and bacteriology examination of the thoracic exudate. Combined surgical and chemotherapeutic measures for three weeks and further chemotherapy at home for two weeks proved to be a successful treatment regime.  相似文献   

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