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由于革胡子鲶上市相对比较集中,在一定程度上影响了经济效益的提高和养殖规模的扩大,近几年我们成功地进行了革胡子鲶的秋季人工繁殖,培育出了大规格的越冬鱼种,走出了一条缩短养殖周期、增加养殖茬口,提高鱼池利用率和经济效益的养殖新路子,现将具体情况报道如下。一、试验条件1.亲鱼的强化培育。春季繁殖以后,亲鱼的能量消耗很大,因此必须抓住夏季高温,鱼类摄食旺盛的有利时机,加强亲鱼的培育,为秋繁的成功打好基础。首先要投饲充足,一般日投喂量可达鱼体重的8%~10%,日投喂3~4次,饲料以新鲜蚕蛹、猪下脚或专用配合饲料…  相似文献   

<正> 革胡子鲶(C.lazera)是最近几年从国外引进的几种优良养殖鱼类品种之一。它是栖息于淡水的底层、以动物性饲料为主的杂食性鱼类,具有食性广、生长快、个体大、适应能力强、养殖周期短和产量高等特点,而且具有较高的营养价值和经济价值。  相似文献   

姜洪 《水产科学》1994,13(1):33-34
革胡子鲶在北方的人工繁殖姜洪(辽宁省凤城县鱼种场ll8l15)关键词:革胡子鲶,人工繁殖,越冬池革胡子鲶(Clariasleather)俗称埃及塘虱。是埃及淡水养殖主要食用鱼类之一。生长速度快,饲养一年可达1.5~2kg,最大个体有10多kg。198...  相似文献   

一、国内外情况据有关资料介绍。胡子鲶属(Clerias)1中国有三种,菲律滨有五种,泰国有五种,印度有一种,非洲有30多种。仅尼罗河流域就有七种;  相似文献   

胡子鲶以其适应性强,生产性能好,营养价值高而著称。在我国南方养殖广泛,是家庭和工厂化养鱼的优良种类。胡子鲶人工繁殖曾有过一些报导,但如何形成适合养殖户育苗实用技术,提高产卵、受精、出苗率的报导较少。笔者于1996年对上述问题进行研究。一、材料与方法1.亲鱼来源与选择一是来自龙海海澄鱼种场,春季投喂螺、鱼肉强化培育;另一种是在繁殖季节购自当地的野生胡子鲶。选择的雌鱼下腹部膨大、柔软、有弹性,轻压有卵粒流出;雄鱼肥满无伤病。亲鱼体重在100g以上。2.催产催产时间、药物、剂量见表l。采用胸腔一次注射或二次注射…  相似文献   

倪啸 《水产科学》1986,5(3):4-7
革胡子鲶(Clarias leather),俗名埃及圹虱鱼,在鱼类分类学上隶属于鲶形目鲶形科。原产非洲尼罗河流域,是一种无鳞热带鱼类。1981年11月由广东省淡水养殖良种场从埃及开罗引进,经广东省几年来的试养获得成功。目前已推广到长江以南诸省,是一种较有价值的淡水鱼类。  相似文献   

王卫东 《现代渔业信息》2011,26(5):27-27,32
在高寒地区利用电厂温排水进行人工繁殖革胡子鲶试验,一次获得革胡子鲶夏花鱼种10万尾。  相似文献   

埃及胡子鲶的人工繁殖试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 埃及胡子鲶(Clarias leather),又称革胡子鲶,原产非洲尼罗河流域,1981年从埃及引进,经广东省若干单位的试养和人工繁殖获得成功,成为南方极受欢迎的新养殖对象。埃及胡子鲶体型大、生长快,体长3厘米左右的鱼苗经3个月的饲养体重普遍  相似文献   

革胡子鲶(Clarias leather)是埃及食用鱼类之一,它的优点是生长快,个体大,产量高,杂食性。1983年自广东引进广西,经饲养证明,在一般饲养条件下,当年鱼体重可达到1.5~2.0kg。其生长速度相当于普通胡子鲶(C.fuscus)的5~6倍,和蟾胡子鲶(C.batrachus)的2~3倍。  相似文献   

革胡子鲶属热带、亚热带性鱼类,耐低温能力差,当水温降到8℃以下时就会引起死亡.对温度的敏感决定了革胡子鲶不能在我国的北方地区自然越冬且养殖时间短,然而人们喜食大规格的成鱼,由于上市集中且价格很低,每年9月~10月大量革胡子鲶短时间内难以销售完,造成相互压价、高产而无经济效益的现象;另一方面,一年内除了9月~10月的其余时间几乎没有革胡子鲶的鲜鱼上市,价格比10月有时超出1倍多,造成在一年之中革胡子鲶的价格变化很大,这些都限制了革胡子鲶在我国北方地区的大面积推广.如能做到革胡子鲶均衡上市,无疑经济效益将会大幅度提高,为了解决这一问题,我们进行了革胡子鲶成鱼冬季囤养研究,并在一定区域进行了推广,取得了较好的效果,现将这一技术介绍如下.  相似文献   


Lipid and protein oxidation in catfish (Clarias lazera) surimi during processing and storage were assessed. Catfish surimi were washed in deionized water: M0 (no washing step), M1 (one washing step), and M2 (two washing steps). Lipid, protein, water, and iron contents were determined. M0, M1, and M2 were stored for 0, 1, 4, 7, or 10 days at 4 ± 1°C; at each time point, samples were removed for analyses. Lipid oxidation was assessed by measuring malondialdehyde content. Protein oxidation was assessed by measuring protein solubility and protein sulfhydryl and carbonyl group contents. Based on the results, lipid content, L* and a* (color parameters), and fatty acid content in M1 and M2 were significantly reduced. Lipid oxidation development was faster in M1, and the ranking was as follows: M1 > M2 > M0, with M0 being significantly less oxidized than M1. Increasing the number of washes increased protein oxidation, and the ranking was follows: M2 > M1 > M0. Altogether, lipid and protein oxidation and physicochemical changes occurred simultaneously to different degrees in surimi during various processing and storage conditions.  相似文献   

革胡子鲶池塘精养高产技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
革胡子鲶又名埃及塘虱、埃及胡子鲶。原产于非洲尼罗河流域,为热带、亚热带鱼类。该鱼属底层鱼类,性情温和。白天饱食后喜聚集于池底、洞穴和阴暗处,夜间四处活动和觅食。  相似文献   

黄飞鹤  陈琴 《淡水渔业》2002,32(2):12-13
三角鲤 (Cyprinusmultitaeniata)俗称江鲫、黄鲫 ,分类学上属鲤形目、鲤科、三角鲤属 ,主要分布于广西境内的天然水域。三角鲤因其肉质细嫩 ,肌间刺少 ,营养丰富 ,味道鲜美而深受消费者青睐 ,体重 0 7kg以上的三角鲤收购价达 80~ 10 0元 /kg ,具有较高的经济价值。另外 ,三角鲤喜群集 ,易起捕 ,是今后养殖发展的新对象。由于三角鲤的利用多依赖从江河捕捞 ,导致江河野生资源日趋枯竭。目前 ,有关三角鲤的资料甚少 ,只在《广西淡水鱼类志》中对其生物学特性有些描述。为了保护增殖这一名贵的自然资源 ,我们进行了…  相似文献   

鳜鱼全人工繁育试验报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 鳜鱼是肉食性凶猛鱼类,其食性特殊,终生以活鱼虾为食,生长快,个体大,且具有肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、营养丰富的特点,经济价值高,为我国名贵淡水鱼。但多年来由于人为和自然因素的影响,野生鳜鱼资源锐减。为合理保护和开发利用鳜鱼资源,适应规模化人工养殖鳜鱼的需要,我们开展了鳜鱼全人工繁殖及大规格夏花培育技术的开发研究,并取得成功,现将有关情况报告如下。  相似文献   

To optimize the artificial reproduction of C. lazera for aquaculture, experiments were carried out on short-term sperm conservation as well as hypophysation and stripping of the females.When the sperms were stored at 5°C for 24 h, their fertilizing capability was reduced by 4% compared with freshly obtained sperm. However, dilution in a 0.9% naCl solution (up to 10?3) gave an average 9% increase of hatching success. This finding enables the use of one competent male to fertilize the eggs of many females. An alternative application of the finding enables homoplastic hypophysation, using the fresh pituitary of the male to induce ripening of the female, while the sperms are stored for later use.Correct timing of stripping of the females in relation to hypophysation proved to be critical for obtaining good hatching results. This was increasingly so when temperatures were high. The best results in these experiments were obtained when stripping took place 21, 11 or 7 h after hypophysation at 20, 25 and 30°C, respectively.At this time the eggs were flat, with the cytoplasm concentrated at the animal pole as a reddish-brown spherical cap. The incubation period of the eggs decreased with increasing temperature. In all instances a large proportion of deformed fry occurred wiich was inversely related to the hatching percentage. Incubation without a regular water exchange gave 4% more hatching, 6% less deformation and a shorter incubation period than incubation with water exchange.Hypophysation was repeated four times with 1-, 2- or 3-week intervals and resulted in successful stripping, fertilization and hatching of the eggs after each hypophysation.  相似文献   

The suitability of some common, natural and artificial feedstuffs for the rearing of fry of Clarias lazera (C. & V.) was investigated in 2 experiments.It was found that a dry trout starter, an experimental dry feed and dried inactive yeast were not suitable feeds for rearing C. lazera fry. Neither could ground Clarias fingerlings or frozen zooplankton be used. By contrast, frozen Artemia and especially live Artemia and live zooplankton gave good results. After 4 weeks the fish thus fed had attained an average weight of 0.3 to 1 g and survival ranged from 50 to 96%.Feeding in excess of satiation and feeding 24 h/day gave the fastest growth, although the differences in comparison with feeding Artemia or live zooplankton to satiation 4 times per day were not significant. The specific growth rate (% body weight) of these fish decreased from 68% at the start of the experiment to 9% after 28 days.  相似文献   

为了探讨大口鲶在北方池塘的生活生长情况、配套养殖技术及大面积推广的可行性,1998年,我站与郊区渔场合作,开展了大口鲶的引种与当年养成食用鱼的试验,取得初步成果。1材料与方法11鱼池:5口,常规成鱼塘,单口面积6670m2。深井水源,水质良好。2~...  相似文献   

云斑(鱼回)[Ictalurus ncbulosus (Lesucur)]又称褐首鲶、隶属鲶形目、(鱼回)科,原产于美洲,是美国主要淡水养殖鱼类,八十年代初移入我国.  相似文献   

盐度对胡子鲇、革胡子鲇及其杂交子一代胚胎发育的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡子鲇、革胡子鲇及其杂交子一代珠胡子鲶胚胎发育各期的存活率和孵化率均随着盐度的升高而降低,该类鱼胚胎发育的环境盐度以不超过5为宜;发育至孵化期胚胎所能耐受的最高盐度革胡子鲇是10,胡子鲇和珠胡子鲇是11。盐度对3种胡子鲇胚胎发育速度影响不大,总的趋势是随着盐度的升高而变慢。  相似文献   

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