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Environmental factors, such as global solar radiation, wind speed, air temperature, humidity, and CO2 concentration, were measured above and within the canopy of a tropical rainforest in Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Few data concerning the environment of this forest have been reported. Intensive observations were carried out in 1998, 1999, and 2000 with the following results: (1) The fraction of global solar radiation reaching the upper layer of the canopy varied with global solar radiation above the canopy. Even though the global solar radiation above the canopy fluctuated, the fraction of that reaching the lower canopy and the ground was constantly approximately 5%. (2) The fraction of wind speed reaching each layer of the canopy increased with wind speed above the canopy. Little wind was usually present at the lower canopy. (3) The daytime air temperature at the canopy top was higher than that near the ground. The maximum difference between the air temperature at the canopy top and that at the ground was about 5°C, and the diurnal temperature ranges at the canopy top and those at the ground were about 8°C and about 5°C, respectively. The highest daytime water vapor pressure occurred within the canopy and particularly near the ground. Vertical gradients of water vapor pressure during the day were steep, probably because of high transpiration. (4) In the 1998 observation the minimum and the maximum CO2 concentrations were 360 ppm in the day and 450 ppm at night, while in the 2000 observation the minimum and the maximum CO2 concentrations were 350 ppm in the day and 540 ppm at night. The higher CO2 concentration in the daytime and the lower concentration at night observed during the 1998 observation period were probably due to reduced photosynthesis and soil respiration caused by exceptional dry conditions during the observation period.  相似文献   

We apply a recently developed conservation prioritization method (Zonation algorithm) to a national-scale conservation planning task. The Finnish Forest and Park Service (Metsähallitus) was given the mandate to expand the current protected areas in southern Finland by 10 000 ha. The question is which areas should be selected out of the total area of 1 760 000 ha. The data available include a nation-wide GIS data set describing general features of forests at the resolution of 25 m × 25 m for entire Finland and another data set about biodiversity features within the current state-managed conservation areas. Ecologically, the key information includes forest age and the volume of growing stock for 20 forest types representing different productivity classes and dominant tree species. Our analysis employs four different connectivity components to identify forest areas that are (i) locally of high quality and internally well connected, (ii) well connected to surrounding high-quality forests, (iii) well connected to existing conservation areas, and (iv) large enough to allow efficient implementation. Expert evaluation of the results suggested that the present quantitative analysis was helpful in identifying areas with high conservation value systematically across southern Finland. Our analysis also showed that the highest forest conservation potential in Finland is located on privately owned land. The present techniques can be applied to many large-scale planning and management projects.  相似文献   

2001-2002年间,利用卫星遥感和GIS技术研究印度切蒂斯格尔邦的赖布尔地区干旱热带森林的土地利用、生物量和碳贮量情况。主要森林类型为:柚木森林、混合林、衰退森林和婆罗双树混交林。在这些不同森林类型中,立地的坡度和坡面影响森林植被类型、生物量和碳贮量。不同森林类型中,木材积蓄积量、生物量和碳贮量的变化范围分别为:35.59~64.31 m3·hm-2、45.94~78.31Mg·hm-2和22.97~33.27Mg·hm-2。混合林中每公顷的木材蓄积量、生物量和碳贮量最大,衰退森林中的最低。混合林、柚木森林、衰退森林和婆罗双树混交林的总碳量分别为8170.72 Mg、81656.91 Mg、7833.23 Mg和7470.45 Mg。蒂斯格尔邦地区干旱热带森林处于不成熟的生长阶段,且具有很强的碳回收潜力。图6表7参49。  相似文献   

孟加拉国Bhanugach西部保育林用地类型变化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用遥感和地理信息系统调查了孟加拉国Sylhet林业分局所辖的Bhanugach西部保育林从1988年到2006年间用地类型的变化。应用了监督和非监督两种方法,用全球定位系统搜集了地面控制点。地理信息系统软件制成地图。结果表明,植被覆盖从1988年的1826hm2大幅地降低到1996年的1714.85hm2,随着协同管理措施的实施,植被覆盖自1996年后逐年增长到2006年的1847.83hm2。在没有其他类型的用地转变成裸地的情况下,裸地变化与植被覆盖间成反比。18年间水体面积从1988年的307.67hm2增加到1996年379.53hm2,96-97年间略有下降,1997年以后直到2006年基本保持不变。本文还提出了将遥感技术和地理信息系统应用于用地类型变化及地理信息系统数据库创建的一些建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了通化县在森林资源培育和保护中的一些经验和做法。  相似文献   


The process of protection (e.g. reserves, agreements) on the lands of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners sometimes leads to conflicts (conflict: a perceived threat to needs, interests or concerns; in this study, “threat” was important). To investigate predictive factors for such conflicts in southern Sweden, a questionnaire was sent to 132 NIPF owners with woodland key habitat (WKH; identified biodiversity values). The response rate was 77% and conflict was reported by 22.5% of respondents, while 14% reported good relations with authorities. The respondents reported conflict due to rules for cutting, protection and compensation. Compared with other owners, those reporting conflict were younger (mean 54 versus 62 years old), had more negative opinion about the personal contact with the authority, had twice as large an area of WKH and had more negative opinion about the WKH. Logistic regression revealed four variables that predicted conflict: area of WKH on property, opinion about WKH, opinion about personal contact and, especially, age of respondent. Younger forest owners may be more dependent upon income from harvesting than older owners. Conflicts were frequent and the factors identified here should be taken into account in forest conservation work.  相似文献   

Non-industrial private forest owners in Sweden are encouraged to mitigate environmental damages from forestry on their properties under a principle of “freedom with responsibility,” although the level of mitigation is generally left to the owners’ discretion. One voluntary measure private forest owners are encouraged to take is setting aside a part of their productive forests for conservation. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how non-industrial private forest owner beliefs concerning both their own and the Swedish state’s responsibility for nature protection differ among owners of certified forests, who automatically leave a set-aside, and those who have stayed out of forest certification but have decided to leave a set-aside. Results of a Heckman selection bivariate probit model show that the more a respondent believes the state is responsible for fulfilling environmental goals compared to private forest owners, the less likely it is that an owner of a non-certified forest will leave a set-aside for conservation. Beliefs about responsibility do not, however, differ among owners of certified and non-certified forests. From a policy perspective, Swedish government agencies may have difficulty steering specific measures taken by private forest owners who are interested in conservation but have stayed out of forest certification regimes.  相似文献   

泉阳林业局森林资源现状与林地保护利用措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了吉林省泉阳林业局的森林资源现状及存在问题,并针对这些问题,提出了增加森林面积、提高森林质量以及科学实施林地保护利用的措施。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, a bark beetle (Ips typographus [L.]) infection caused the decay of spruce forest (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) in the central part of the Šumava Mountains, the Czech Republic, bordering the Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany, where the bark beetle infection started in the late 1980s. Some areas were left without human intervention and, consequently, the trees around these areas were removed to stop further bark beetle outbreak. The objective of our study was the assessment of surface temperature (ST) change in spruce forest decayed under bark beetle and following clear-cutting. The change detection of ST is based on the comparison of modelled values and thermal satellite data. For this purpose, Landsat scenes from July 11th, 1987 and July 28th, 2002 were used. The models describe the dependence of ST of living spruce forest on topography. The topography effect is based on the Altitude and Hillshade index, which expresses the influence of Aspect and Slope on the relief illumination. Then the modelled ST values were extrapolated for decayed spruce forest and clear-cut areas. In order to increase model accuracy, the forest edge zones (90 m wide) were removed because of their different energy balance; then explained variability value (R 2) increased from 0.37 to 0.55. The results of comparing modelled values with satellite ST in the decayed spruce forest and clear-cut areas show an average increase of ST by 5.2 and 3.5°C, respectively. The thermal satellite data from 1987 were used for model validation. This showed that the accuracy of ST modelling using topography was sufficient, because the difference between the modelled ST with and without decayed spruce forest and clear-cut areas was at most only 0.4°C.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the land use, vegetation structure, and diversity in the Barnowpara Sanctuary, Raipur district, Chhattisgarh, India through the use of satellite remote sensing and GIS. Land cover and vegetation were spatially analyzed by digitally classifying IRS 1D LISS III satellite data using a maximum likelihood algorithm. Later, the variations in structure and diversity in different forest types and classes were quantified by adopting quadratic sampling procedures. Nine land-cover types were delineated: teak forest, dense mixed forest, degraded mixed forest, Sal mixed forest, open mixed forest, young teak plantation, grasslands, agriculture, habitation, and water bodies. The classification accuracy for different land-use classes ranged from 71.23% to 100%. The highest accuracy was observed in water bodies and grassland, followed by habitation and agriculture, teak forest, degraded mixed forest, and dense mixed forest. The accuracy was lower in open mixed forest, and sal mixed forest. Results revealed that density of different forest types varied from 324 to 733 trees ha-1, basal area from 8.13 to 28.87 m2·ha-1 and number of species from 20 to 40. Similarly, the diversity ranged from 1.36 to 2.98, concentration of dominance from 0.06 to 0.49, species richness from 3.88 to 6.86, and beta diversity from 1.29 to 2.21. The sal mixed forest type recorded the highest basal area, diversity was highest in the dense mixed forest, and the teak forest recorded maximum density, which was poor in degraded mixed forests. The study also showed that Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) was strongly correlated to with the Shannon Index and species richness.  相似文献   

3S技术在江苏市级森林覆盖率监测中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌 《江苏林业科技》2011,38(2):10-14,27
针对"绿色江苏"建设和全面建设小康社会对市级森林覆盖率指标考核的实际需要,提出以省辖市为单位,按照4 km×1 km网进行固定样地加密调查,并采用GPS对地面样地进行定位、导航,利用GIS提取样地数据、精确布点和制图,辅助运用RS进行遥感卫片判读,使用数据库功能对全省调查数据进行逻辑检查、数据处理与统计汇总,综合集成应...  相似文献   

Ecotourism is a sustainable use of forest resources, as compared to traditional uses such as logging or mining. However, whether turning forests into tourist sites can generate incomes comparable to the lucrative traditional activities is less clear. We estimated the recreational values of the Belum-Temengor Rainforest Complex (BTRC) in Perak, Malaysia, and compared it with the alternative of one-time consumptive revenues from logging. Based on data from an on-site survey of 367 visitors to BTRC, direct non-consumptive use values were computed using the individual travel cost approach and the truncated Poisson count data model. The annual direct non-consumptive use value was RM14.66 million based on the estimated number of nights spent and willingness-to-pay per trip. The future cash flows of recreation demand were RM614 million, RM970 million, and RM1.86 billion for the next 30, 50, and 100 years, respectively. Own-price, cross-price, and income elasticities of recreation demand were also computed. Visitors’ on-site travel cost, alternative-site travel cost, income, ethnicity (Malay), and marital status (Single) were associated with recreation demand. Our main conclusion is that the direct non-consumptive use values from recreation demand and other indirect use and non-use values from forest conservation exceed the one-time consumptive revenues from logging.  相似文献   


The quantification of major biophysical features of forest and urban areas is important for assessing ecological service from land use change and is necessary for sustainable regional planning. This study compares biophysical indicators related to local climate, air quality, and hydrology using remote sensing and derived data at a representative forest area to a nearby urban area located in Huntsville, Alabama. Results indicate that (a) there was a higher albedo, a lower average air temperature, and 10% more annual precipitation in the forest area; the assumed air conditioner working time was about 7 days more per year in the urban area; (b) there was better air quality in the forest area based on lower levels of PM2.5, PM10, and SO2; and (c) there was a higher latent heat, more runoff per year (both aboveground and belowground runoff), and a greater soil water content at the forest area. Although Huntsville is a small city, there were some profound biophysical differences in this urban area compared to the nearby forest. These results are useful for analyzing sustainability, planning regional resources (e.g., energy, air, and water), and estimating ecological services from forests.  相似文献   

Vegetation plots originally sampled in Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), Arizona, USA in 1935 are the earliest-known, sample-intensive, quantitative documentation of forest vegetation over a Southwest USA landscape. These historical plots were located as accurately as possible and resampled in 2004 to document multi-decadal changes in never-harvested Southwestern forests. Findings for ponderosa pine forest (PPF) differed among three forest subtypes (dry, mesic, and moist PPF), indicating that understanding the ecology of PPF subtypes is essential for development of ecologically based management practices. Dry PPF, which is transitional with pinyon-juniper vegetation at low elevation, exhibited no changes from 1935 to 2004. Mesic PPF, the core subtype of PPF, had increased densities of total trees, ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), and white fir (Abies concolor) in the 10-29.9 cm diameter class from 1935 to 2004 that may have induced decreased densities of larger ponderosa pines and total tree and ponderosa pine basal areas. Moist PPF, which is transitional with mixed conifer forest at high elevation, was the most dynamic PPF subtype with decreases from 1935 to 2004 in total density and total basal area that are largely attributable to decreases in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides). Graphical synthesis of datasets with historical and modern values for density and basal area indicates that overall PPF (all subtypes combined) increased in sapling density of all species combined and conifers with canopy potential and decreased in density of quaking aspen trees since the late 19th century. PPF of GCNP has passed through an accretion phase of forest development with increases in density and, depending on PPF subtype and variable being examined, is at or past the point of inflection to recession of density and basal area. Increases in small diameter ponderosa pine and white fir from 1935 to 2004 portend potential additional accretion, but decreases in total basal area, density and basal area of quaking aspen, basal area of ponderosa pine, and density of larger diameter ponderosa pine indicate PPF has passed the inflection point from accretion to recession. Uncertainties about 19th-century PPF structure and composition and about future ecological and societal environments lead to the conclusion that resource managers of GCNP and other natural areas should consider a change in focus from the objective of achieving desired future conditions to an objective of avoiding undesired future conditions.  相似文献   

We mapped the forest cover of Khadimnagar National Park (KNP) of Sylhet Forest Division and estimated forest change over a period of 22 years (1988-2010) using Landsat TM images and other GIS data. Supervised classification and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) image classification approaches were applied to the images to produce three cover classes, viz. dense forest, medium dense forest, and bare land. The change map was produced by differencing classified imageries of 1988 and 2010 as before image and after image, respectively, in ERDAS IMAGINE. Error matrix and kappa statistics were used to assess the accuracy of the produced maps. Overall map accuracies resulting from supervised classification of 1988 and 2010 imageries were 84.6% (Kappa 0.75) and 87.5% (Kappa 0.80), respec- tively. Forest cover statistics resulting from supervised classification showed that dense forest and bare land declined from 526 ha (67%) to 417 ha (59%) and 105 ha (13%) to 8 ha (1%), respectively, whereas medium dense forest increased from 155 ha (20%) to 317 ha (40%). Forest cover change statistics derived from NDVI classification showed that dense forest declined from 525 ha (67%) to 421 ha (54%) while medium dense forest increased from 253 ha (32%) to 356 ha (45%). Both supervised and NDVI classification approaches showed similar trends of forest change, i.e. decrease of dense forest and increase of medium dense forest, which indicates dense forest has been converted to medium dense forest. Area of bare land was unchanged. Illicit felling, encroachment, and settlement near forests caused the dense forest decline while short and long rotation plantations raised in various years caused the increase in area of medium dense forest. Protective measures should be undertaken to check further degradation of forest at KNP.  相似文献   

Field observations were conducted at Bukit Tarek Experimental Watershed in Peninsular Malaysia to investigate the relationship between rainfall-runoff responses and variation in soil moisture in a tropical rain forest. Stormflow depended strongly on the antecedent wetness as represented by the initial runoff rate. Though heavy rains fell in almost every month, the soil moisture decreased when fair weather was sustained. The soil moisture depleted and became dry at 160 cm depth during occasional dry spells. During dry conditions, streamflow responded quickly to rain events but declined rapidly after the rain stopped, and the soil moisture of surface soil (≤20 cm) increased but remained dry at lower depths (≽80 cm). This suggests that the rain water was mostly retained in the soil and only small proportions appeared as stormflow. As soil moisture conditions became wetter, the recession limb of the storm hydrograph was more gradual. Stormflow volume increased with increasing soil moisture. During wet conditions, the soil profile was moist at all parts of the slope. The hydraulic gradient was around 1.0 and there was downward soil water flux, which followed the pressure gradient. This suggests that subsurface flow from the upper part of the slope might also be important for stream-flow production. Positive pressures were observed at 10 cm and 160 cm depths during large storms. The behavior of the subsurface flow might be an important determinant of stormflow.  相似文献   

Deforestation and forest degradation are associated and progressive processes resulting in the conversion of forest area into a mosaic of mature forest fragments, pasture, and degraded habitat. Monitoring of forest landscape spatial structures has been recommended to detect degenerative trends in forest conditions. GIS and remote sensing play an important role in the generation of such data to identify degraded and deforested areas as well as potential areas for conservation. In this study we analyzed forest degradation and deforestation trends in Chitwan district in Nepal, which contains key habitat elements for wildlife in the region. An artificial neural network was used to predict forest canopy density in five classes using Landsat images of the year 2001. Forest canopy density was predicted with 82% overall accuracy. Except riverine forest, forest area of all other forest types was reduced. Terai Shorea robusta forest, which has high commercial value, showed a loss of 23% between 1976 and 1989 and an overall loss of 15% forest covers between the year 1976 and 2001. Deforestation and forest degradation disproportionately reduced the sizes of the different forest types, a finding that has important management implications. The maps presented in this article could be useful to prioritize limited resources for conservation.  相似文献   

The Afromontane forests of Ethiopia have been under a serious degradation threat. Assessment of floristic diversity and species composition in Biteyu forest of Gurage mountain chain in the central Ethiopia was conducted to examine the pattern of forest structure. Thirty plots of 30 m×30 m were used to record the vegetation and environmental data using systematic sampling technique. The local name, plant scientific names, DBH, height,species abundance and percentage canopy cover of plant species were recorded. Shannon diversity index and Sorensen's coefficients was used for comparison among communities and similar forests in the country. Threats to the forest biodiversity in Biteyu were determined by counting cattle interference and wood stumps as disturbance indicators. Relative Euclidean Distance measures by using Ward's method(linkage) was applied for cluster analysis. Environmental variables were also recorded in each plot. Woody species population structure, basal area and importance value index were analyzed using spreadsheet programs. Data on species distribution and environmental variables in the forest were analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis. A total of 190 species in 154 genera under 73 families were identified. Twenty species were found to be endemic taxa to the Flora Area. Only three plant community types were identified from the cluster analysis due to the high human influence. The Sorensen's coefficient showed the resemblance of the Biteyu forest with other Dry Evergreen Afromontane forests in the country. Moreover, altitude and slope strongly affect the species composition and structure of Biteyu forest. Given the high anthropogenic influence, high endemism, high dependence of the local community on the forest resources, forest conservation and restoration measures should be done by stakeholders.  相似文献   

A major challenge of forest management is to maintain the biodiversity and integrity of the forests while at the same time satisfying human needs through productive activities. While selective extraction of natural resources has less severe consequences on biodiversity and ecosystem function than complete removal of vegetation, such consequences need to be evaluated in detail. “Varas” or stems cut from small trees of tropical dry forests (TDF) in the Pacific Coast of Mexico have been used as plant support stakes in horticultural fields (mainly tomato crops) since the middle of the last century. In this study, we evaluated the effects of selective cutting of plant support stakes on the diversity of woody vegetation of a TDF in northwestern Mexico. Stakes were cut by local harvesters before our assessment of cutting effects. In each of three cutting treatments (T0 = uncut, T1 = one cut event, and T2 = two cut events), we established three sampling plots each consisting of ten 50 m × 2 m parallel transects. All woody plants (stems ≥1.0 cm diameter at 1.3 m height, DBH) were identified and measured on each transect. Species richness (S) decreased as the number of cuts increased (T0 = 65 species, T1 = 50 species, and T2 = 38 species). The Simpson (C) and the Shannon (H′) diversity indices, as well as the rarefaction curves and non-parametric estimates of diversity (Chao1 and ACE) confirmed this tendency of change. Comparison of dominance–diversity curves showed that the woody plant community loses equitability with every additional stake cutting event. The total number of stake providing species did not vary notably across treatments (T0 = 8 species, T1 = 9 species, and T2 = 7 species), but four species reduced their dominance considerably in T2, while Croton septemnervius, the most used species, increased its abundance and relative basal area with each additional stake harvest, reaching a representation of more than 59% of total number of stems in T2. The reduction in species diversity, changes in patterns of dominance, and the proliferation of species associated to disturbed sites suggest that current practices of selective cutting require adjustments to make this forest management application more consistent with local conservation of woody plant species diversity and community structure.  相似文献   

Traditionally Land Use Cover Change (LUCC) studies have focused on processes of negative land-cover change, primarily deforestation, partially because examples of positive land-cover change were not common. During the last two decades an outstanding tropical dry forest restoration process had taken place in the province of Guanacaste, Costa Rica, which has given us a unique opportunity to study how and why tropical dry forest regrowth occurs. The purpose of this paper is to undertake a retrospective analysis of the social dynamics of forest deforestation and restoration in Guanacaste from 1960 to 2005. Hence we investigate how structural drivers shape patterns of forest-cover change and examine how the role that Costa Rica's conservation policies had played in promoting forest restoration. Our study combined analyses of socioeconomic data and satellite images of forest cover. We showed that forest regrowth observed in Guanacaste after the 1980s was the result of multiple socioeconomic factors. Our results indicate that the degree of incentive provided by conservation policies such as Payment for Environmental Services are not enough to ensure that Guanacaste's forest will be protected against the potentially negative impacts of future socioeconomic changes. The findings from our analysis can assist decision-makers and managers in other regions to understand how social, economic and political dynamics impact the effectiveness of forest conservation efforts.  相似文献   

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