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Lacunarity analysis of spatial pattern: A comparison 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Lacunarity analysis has been proposed as a general method for the analysis of spatial pattern, in particular for patterns of the dispersion of points. The method is clearly an improvement over the variance:mean ratio approach based on quadrat counts, because it examines dispersion at a range of spatial scales. This paper examines the properties of lacunarity analysis and compares it with other methods of pattern analysis. Lacunarity analysis gives different results for complementary patterns, which may be an advantage depending on circumstances. The method, however, is not precise in determining the scale or the patch size in pattern with known properties. A modification that improves the interpretability of the results of the analysis is introduced but a weakness of this approach is that it does provide clear indications of the characteristics of cases that exhibit more than one scale of pattern. Because different methods react to different features in data, it is recommended that data be analysed by more than one method and the results compared for greater insight into their characteristics. 相似文献
We developed a spatially-explicit, quantitative Nitrogen Leaching Index to assess the potential for non-point source subsurface nitrogen pollution to wetlands. The index was based on the leaching potential of the watershed soils, the amount of nitrogen available for leaching, and the spatial position of nitrogen sources in the watershed. A raster or cell-based geographic information system (GIS) was used to estimate the necessary data inputs for calculating the index, such as soil hydrologic group, land use/soil type combination, groundwater residence time, and location of septic systems. The Total and Average Watershed Nitrogen Leaching Index (TWNLI and AWNLI) were calculated by summing and averaging, respectively, individual cell contributions over a watershed.Analysis of nine wetland watersheds in central New York state, USA, with mixed forest and agricultural land uses illustrated the use of the index for identifying and ranking wetlands with potential nitrogen pollution. Results showed that the spatial characteristics of a watershed potentially can effect subsurface nitrogen delivery to groundwater-dominated wetlands. The use of an index based on watershed soils, topography, and land use may be useful for assessing potential nitrogen pollution to wetlands at a regional scale. 相似文献
Parameters of fire regimes, including fire frequency, spatial extent of burned areas, fire severity, and season of fire occurrence, influence vegetation patterns over multiple scales. In this study, centuries-long patterns of fire events in a montane ponderosa pine – Douglas-fir forest landscape surrounding Cheesman Lake in central Colorado were reconstructed from fire-scarred trees and inferences from forest stand ages. We crossdated 153 fire-scarred trees from an approximately 4000 ha study area that recorded 77 total fire years from 1197 to the present. Spatial extent of burned areas during fire years varied from the scale of single trees or small clusters of trees to fires that burned across the entire landscape. Intervals between fire years varied from 1 to 29 years across the entire landscape to 3 to 58 years in one stand, to over 100 years in other stands. Large portions of the landscape did not record any fire for a 128 year-long period from 1723 to 1851. Fire severity varied from low-intensity surface fires to large-scale, stand-destroying fires, especially during the 1851 fire year but also possibly during other years. Fires occurred throughout tree growing seasons and both before and after growing seasons. These results suggest that the fire regime has varied considerably across the study area during the past several centuries. Since fires influence plant establishment and mortality on the landscape, these results further suggest that vegetation patterns changed at multiple scales during this period. The fire history from Cheesman Lake documents a greater range in fire behavior in ponderosa pine forests than generally has been found in previous studies. 相似文献
Landscape dynamics in crown fire ecosystems 总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18
Crown fires create broad-scale patterns in vegetation by producing a patch mosaic of stand age classes, but the spread and behavior of crown fires also may be constrained by spatial patterns in terrain and fuels across the landscape. In this review, we address the implications of landscape heterogeneity for crown fire behavior and the ecological effects of crown fires over large areas. We suggest that fine-scale mechanisms of fire spread can be extrapolated to make broad-scale predictions of landscape pattern by coupling the knowledge obtained from mechanistic and empirical fire behavior models with spatially-explicit probabilistic models of fire spread. Climatic conditions exert a dominant control over crown fire behavior and spread, but topographic and physiographic features in the landscape and the spatial arrangement and types of fuels have a strong influence on fire spread, especially when burning conditions (e.g., fuel moisture and wind) are not extreme. General trends in crown fire regimes and stand age class distributions can be observed across continental, latitudinal, and elevational gradients. Crown fires are more frequent in regions having more frequent and/or severe droughts, and younger stands tend to dominate these landscapes. Landscapes dominated by crown fires appear to be nonequilibrium systems. This nonequilibrium condition presents a significant challenge to land managers, particularly when the implications of potential changes in the global climate are considered. Potential changes in the global climate may alter not only the frequency of crown fires but also their severity. Crown fires rarely consume the entire forest, and the spatial heterogeneity of burn severity patterns creates a wide range of local effects and is likely to influence plant reestablishment as well as many other ecological processes. Increased knowledge of ecological processes at regional scales and the effects of landscape pattern on fire dynamics should provide insight into our understanding of the behavior and consequences of crown fires. 相似文献
以生长势不同的酿酒葡萄品种赤霞珠和梅鹿辄为试材, 采用基于地物光谱特性的遥感技术获得地块内不同生长势(包括新梢长度、新梢日生长速度、单株叶面积、N-Tester指数) 小区的归一化植被指数(NDVI) 间存在显著差异, 并且NDVI与葡萄新梢长度、新梢日生长速度、植株叶面积以及N-Tester指数间具有显著或极显著的相关性。因此, 采用NDVI评价地块内葡萄长势差异性具有应用前景。 相似文献
We explored relationships between plant productivity and annual fluxes of nitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in a tallgrass prairie landscape in central Kansas. Our objective was to develop predictive relationships between these variables that could be used in conjunction with remote sensing information on plant productivity to produce large-area estimates of N gas fluxes. Our hypothesis was that there are inherent relationships between plant productivity and N gas fluxes in tallgrass prairie because both are controlled by water and N availability. The research was carried out as part of a multi-investigator project, the First ISLSCP Field Experiment (FIFE, ISLSCP = International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Program), directed toward the use of remote sensing to characterize land-atmosphere interactions. Fluxes of N2 (denitrification) and N2O were measured using soil core techniques. Estimates of annual flux were produced by temporal extrapolation of measured rates. Annual aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) was estimated from measurements of the maximum standing crop of plant biomass. There were strong relationships between ANPP and N gas fluxes, and between a satellite remote sensing-based index of plant productivity (normalized difference vegetation index, NDVI) and gas fluxes. We used these relationships to convert images of NDVI into images of N gas fluxes for one 83 ha watershed and for the entire 15 by 15 km FIFE site. These images were used to compute mean landscape gas fluxes (0.62 g N m-2 y-1 for N2, 0.66 g N m-2 y-1 for N2O) and total N gas production for the two areas. Our flux and production values are useful for comparison with values produced by simulation models and site-specific studies, and for assessing the significance of N gas production to ecosystem and landscape scale processes related to nutrient cycling, water quality and atmospheric chemistry. 相似文献
试验对40株杂交枇杷实生树的果实进行调查,并对果实的各项基本指标做了相关性研究。结果表明:杂交枇杷果实种子数和果实横径与可溶性固形物相关。种子数与可溶性固形物、果实横径二元回归显著,建立模型z=-2.7515 0.4839x-51.780 7y-0.001x2-2.224 7xy 456.075 7y2(R2=0.381 67)。同时通过主成分分析发现,霞钟作为杂交亲本的母本,其后代少核概率比较大。 相似文献
To effectively manage urban environmental systems, interventions on private lands may sometimes be necessary. This is illustrated in many water districts where water agencies run programs that provide incentives to landholders to change their landscaping to meet the water agency’s management goals. It is difficult to monitor, track, and evaluate landscape change programs on private land, however. To most efficiently do so, very high-resolution, time-series measurements of urban landcover would be useful, but such data is often unavailable. This study evaluates how private urban landscape change is represented in the highest resolution, publicly available, multispectral data product distributed in the United States. The study focuses on residential parcels that participated in a lawn replacement rebate program run by the East Bay Municipal Utility District, a water agency in California. Each parcel has a known quantity of turfgrass converted to drought-tolerant landscaping. The study asks if Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) values derived from National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) data can be used to detect participation in a lawn replacement program at the parcel-level. While the NAIP data product has substantial error in a time-series and urban context, this study finds that approaching change detection using a fixed effect panel data model accommodates error, making it possible to identify NDVI change. With control groups defined by matching and weighing with Covariate Balancing Propensity Scores, results indicate that observed browning at the parcel-level can be causally attributed to participating in the lawn replacement program. This ability to detect small, causal changes in a heterogenous environment opens possibilities for monitoring and evaluating programs acting on private urban landscapes, contributing to more effective and efficient design, pricing and implementation. 相似文献
Response of an aridland ecosystem to interannual climate variability and prolonged drought 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Water is a key driver of ecosystem processes in aridland ecosystems. Thus, changes in climate could have significant impacts on ecosystem structure and function. In the southwestern US, interactions among regional climate drivers (e.g., El Niño Southern Oscillation) and topographically controlled convective storms create a spatially and temporally variable precipitation regime that governs the rate and magnitude of ecosystem processes. We quantified the spatial and temporal distribution of reduced grassland greenness in response to seasonal and annual variation in precipitation at two scales at the Sevilleta Long Term Ecological Research site in central New Mexico, using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values from bi-weekly AVHRR data and seasonal ETM data from 1989 to 2005. We used spatially explicit NDVI Z-scores to identify times and places of significantly reduced greenness and related those to interactions between plant functional type, seasonal climate variation, and topography. Seasonal greenness was bimodal with a small peak in spring and a stronger peak following the summer monsoon. Greenness was generally spatially homogeneous in spring and more spatially variable in summer. From 2001 through spring 2002, drought effects were evidenced by a 4-fold increase in the number of pixels showing significantly low greenness. Spatial distribution of low greenness was initially modulated by topographic position, but as the drought intensified spread throughout the study area. Vegetation green up occurred rapidly when drought conditions ceased. We conclude that drought effects vary spatially over time, pervasive drought reduces broad-scale spatial heterogeneity, and greenness patterns recover rapidly when drought conditions end. 相似文献
长期以来氮肥的施用在马铃薯生产中起到了重要作用。但是,随着氮肥施用量的增加,氮肥利用效率势必会降低并造成一定的环境问题。因此,根据马铃薯的需肥规律进行氮肥的施用,提高氮肥利用率已成为业界共识。然而,传统的氮肥推荐方法如土壤测试的方法费时费力、实时性差。随着遥感测试技术的发展,一些传感器应运而生,使基于光谱的植株氮营养快速检测成为可能。本文介绍了主动作物冠层传感器GreenSeeker对作物营养诊断的原理及其在玉米、小麦等作物上应用的国内外研究进展,并讨论其在马铃薯氮素营养诊断和精确施肥的重要性、可行性及应用前景。 相似文献
Urban forest conditions are driven by a range of biophysical and social factors, including urban form, socioeconomic conditions, and municipal policy. However, relatively little attention has been paid to policies, particularly those aimed at private property. The purpose of this study was to identify the types of urban tree policies that exist in the Greater Toronto Area, begin to understand why those variations may occur, and determine if such variations lead to on-the-ground differences. To address these objectives, we conducted a survey to identify policies covering the planting and removal of privately owned trees, as well as publicly owned trees along roadways in 29 municipalities. The results of the survey were then compared to census and vegetation abundance data to determine the relationship between municipal characteristics, level of policy adoption, and on-the-ground differences. We found substantial variation in the type of policies in place, with regulations addressing tree protection on private property occurring only in larger municipalities. The existence of on-the-ground differences was less clear, possibly because of the relatively recent adoption of most policies. These results highlight the need to assist smaller municipalities in developing urban forestry policies and to monitor these policies’ influence over the long term to better understand their role in shaping the urban forest. 相似文献
The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is often used as a marker of surrounding greenness in epidemiological studies aiming to evaluate the health effects of green space in urban settings. However, it is not clear the relationship between built environment characteristics, including green space, and NDVI. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between built environment characteristics, based on land-use and land-cover maps, and NDVI as a marker of surrounding greenness in the city of Barcelona. We used data from an already existing cohort of pregnant women in Barcelona (N = 8402). NDVI was derived and averaged within buffers of 100 m and 300 m for each participant, and categories of the built environment (m2) were derived from land-use and land-cover maps of Barcelona. We conducted ANOVA models to calculate the contribution (R2) of each land-use (or land-cover) category. The variability in NDVI in Barcelona was mainly explained by urban green (R2 between 0.32 and 0.53) and natural green areas (R2 between 0.19 and 0.52), although for the latter less than 4% of the participants were exposed to this. Both land-use and land-cover maps explained NDVI at 300 m better (full models explaining 76% and 78%, respectively) than at 100 m buffers (full models explaining 55% and 54%, respectively). Results of the present study indicate that NDVI can be a useful greenness metric depending on the hypothesis and area of study. However, for certain sizes of study areas (buffers smaller than 100 m), NDVI might have a lower predictive value. Results of the present study should be replicated in studies from other cities with different urban characteristics and climate conditions. 相似文献
Trees on leased land provide an important contribution to Canberra's urban forest and consequently the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Government introduced legislation to protect urban trees on leased land from unwarranted removal under the Tree Protection (Interim Scheme) Act 2001. This tree protection legislation applies to significant trees, classified using size-based criteria, on leased land for urban and other non-rural purposes. Responsibility resides with the ACT Government to preserve and protect significant trees on leased land in Canberra, until such time as removal is warranted and prudent. On Saturday 18 January 2003, 2 years after the introduction of the tree protection legislation, Canberra experienced a state of emergency when major bushfires swept through the bush–urban interface and penetrated into the western urban area subsequently destroying or damaging over 500 houses. There was a substantial increase in requests lodged under the Act immediately after the fires, but by February 2004 the number of requests returned to February 2002 levels which suggests leaseholder response to the fire declines relatively quickly. The percentage of requests approved (88%) remained relatively constant which indicates that the increased number of applications were for reasons that were considered valid under the Act although it is unlikely that these concerns only became valid during the month proceeding the fire. Dominant genera removed each February from 2002 to 2004 were similar; however, Eucalyptus species have shown a small but significant relative increase although there are insufficient data to conclude this increase indicates an increased aversion to this genus. Future management needs to consider the community perception of trees and temporal reaction to major events. 相似文献
I.P. Senanayake W.D.D.P. Welivitiya P.M. Nadeeka 《Urban Forestry & Urban Greening》2013,12(3):307-314
Upon conclusion of the 30 years of civil conflict, Sri Lanka has entered into a new era of development. The beautification project of Colombo, Sri Lanka's commercial capital, can be considered as one of the most important projects among urban planning and restoration endeavours implemented throughout the island. In such urban development endeavour, green spaces planning play a crucial role in improving the environmental quality and standard of living of the residents. The objective of this study is to analyse the environmental quality in Colombo city based on green spaces and to provide appropriate recommendations to raise the environmental quality to international standards.In this study, green space areas were extracted from Thailand Earth Observation System (THEOS) satellite imagery using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Extracted green space areas were further analysed quantitatively with air quality indicators and population density utilizing deductive indexing method at Grama Niladhari (GN) administrative division level to identify correlations of these factors. An environmental criticality map based on population density and percentage green spaces has been constructed to identify the areas with high criticality. The study revealed that 24% of the entire Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) area consists of green spaces. This study also revealed that 34 GN divisions out of 55 lack the minimum per capita green space recommended by World Health Organization for healthy living. Recommendations are presented regarding regions where new green spaces should be established to enhance the environmental standard of living up to international standards. 相似文献
以两年生红富士/平邑甜茶为试材,采用田间小区试验及15N同位素标记示踪法,研究了低氮(50 kg ? hm-2)和中氮(100 kg ? hm-2)条件下分别种植3种牧草(白三叶、黑麦草和鼠茅草)对苹果幼树生长及15N–尿素吸收、利用的影响。结果表明,春梢停长期,与单作苹果相比,种植牧草后苹果植株生物量、吸氮量及15N肥料利用率显著降低,这在低氮处理下尤为明显;而到秋梢停长期,与单作苹果相比,种植牧草后苹果植株生物量、吸氮量、15N肥料利用率及根系活力显著提高。至秋梢停长期,0 ~ 20 cm土层15N丰度及总氮含量为种植白三叶 > 种植鼠茅草 > 种植黑麦草 > 单作苹果,而在20 ~ 40 cm及40 ~ 60 cm土层15N丰度及总氮含量为单作苹果 > 种植黑麦草 > 种植鼠茅草 > 种植白三叶,表明种植白三叶、黑麦草和鼠茅草降低了氮素的淋溶损失,有利于氮肥的保持,从而提高氮肥利用率,促进苹果幼树的生长。 相似文献
We applied drone remote sensing to identify relationships between key forest health indicators collected in the field and four Vegetative Indices (VI) to improve conservation management of urban forests. Key indicators of urban forest health revealed several areas of conservation concern including a majority of overstory trees in moderate to severe decline, canopy gaps, anthropogenic dumping, vines overtaking the forest canopy, and invasion by non-native plant species. We found plot-level vegetation index (VI) values of NDVI, NDRE, GNDVI, and GRVI calculated from drone imagery are significantly related to the impact of several of these ecological concerns as well as metrics of forest composition and equitability. Despite the small number of plots, too few to provide a general predictive framework, these findings indicate a substantial potential for drone remote sensing as a low-cost, efficient tool for urban forest management. We discuss how our findings can advance urban forest management and discuss challenges and opportunities for future drone VI research in urban natural areas. 相似文献
Green spaces play a vital role in the social, economic, and physical well-being of people. To further research on this topic, in this paper, we estimated the association of greenness and academic performance at the school-level in Brazil. We analyzed this association using mixed-effects regression models, adjusted for air pollution, SES, and spatiotemporal terms. We used the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as the exposure variable. Data from the high school national exam in Brazil (at the school level, measured with a score varying from 0 to 1000) was used to represent the academic performance. The primary analysis results indicate that green areas surrounding schools are positively associated with school-level academic performance in math, with an estimated coefficient of 17.18 (95%CI: 10.46; 23.90). The results were statistically insignificant for science, with a coefficient of − 2.39 (95%CI: −7.49; 2.71). Our findings are relevant for policymakers and urban planners to improve the environment surrounding schools to promote public health by making schools healthier. 相似文献
Studies at the global scale show that urban greenness is not equally distributed across and within cities. Yet, quantification of urban greening trends in drylands is still lacking. We have modeled urban greenness dynamics and its determinants, using Landsat-based time-series analyses of NDVI and census data, of 23 localities along a dryland climatic gradient in southern Israel, between 1997 and 2019. NDVI trends and their associated temporal changes in local average wages, age of locality, and average annual rainfall were analyzed by exploiting a panel structure and model parameters estimation with fixed effects to control for unobserved differences between localities, and to strengthen causal interpretation. Results show positive NDVI trends in all localities—indicating that urban construction increases greenness in drylands. However, the localities varied greatly in the slopes of their respective linear NDVI trends (0.05 <α < 0.161). Specifically, we found that, ceteris paribus, the differences in average wages between localities is the most important factor in explaining spatio-temporal differences between the respective NDVI of localities. Given the well-known high correlation between individuals’ wages and other characteristic such as education and income (all important determinants of the Socio-Economic classification of local authorities), this leads us to conclude that residents’ economic characteristics are an important predictor of the level of greenness. Harlin’s Granger causality test for wages and NDVI panel data indicate that wage is a Granger cause of urban greenness (p < 0.001)—however, greenness was not found to be the driving force of wage. 相似文献
Estuarine ecosystem dynamics have evolved around and respond to landscape-level influences that are dynamic in space and time. The estuarine water column is effectively the physical and biologial integrator of these landscape inputs. In this paper, we present a floating window Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) technique to statistically compare and contrast aquatic transect data that were taken at different times and under different tidal conditions, yet were geographically parallel and spatially articulate. The floating window ANCOVA compared two transects by testing whether the means of the dependent variable were significantly different while also testing whether the slopes of patterns in the dependent variable were significantly different. By varying the size of the floating window where the ANCOVA was run, we were able to examine how scale affected the magnitude and spatial pattern of that variable. The percentages of total models run, at a given window size, that generated significantly different magnitudes (means) and patterns (slopes) in the dependent variable were referred to as the degree of dissimilarity. Plots of window size versus degree of dissimilarity elucidated temporal and spatial variability in water column parameters at a range of scales. The advantages of this new statistical method in relation to traditional spatial statistics are discussed.We demonstrated the efficacy of the floating window ANCOVA method by comparing chlorophyll and salinity transect data taken at the North Inlet, SC estuary during flooding and ebbing tides in Winter, Spring, and Summer 1991. Chlorophyll concentrations represented the biological characteristics of the estuarine water column and salinity represented the physical processes affecting that water column. We found total dissimilarity in the magnitude of salinity data from one season to the next at all scales, but inter-seasonal similarity in spatial patterns over both short (hourly) and long (monthly) time scales. We also found a large seasonal dissimilarity in the magnitude of chlorophyll levels, as expected. Spatial patterns in phytoplankton biomass (as chlorophyll concentrations) appeared to be largely controlled by the physical processes represented with the salinity data. Often, we observed greater dissimilarity in biological and physical parameters from one tide to the next [on a given day] than from one season to the next. In these cases, the greatest flood-ebb differences were associated with landscape-level influences - from rivers and the coastal ocean - that varied greatly with direction of tidal flow. We are currently using spatially articulate aquatic transect data and the floating window ANCOVA technique to validate spatial simulation models at different scales. By using this variable-scale statistical technique to determine coherence between the actual transect data and model output from simulations run at different scales, we will test hypotheses about the scale-dependent relationships between data resolution and model predictability in landscape analysis. 相似文献