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Data from a 16-year field experiment conducted in Shanxi, on the Chinese Loess Plateau, were used to compare the long-term effects of no-tillage with straw cover (NTSC) and traditional tillage with straw removal (TTSR) in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) monoculture. Long-term no-tillage with straw cover increased SOM by 21.7% and TN by 51.0% at 0–10 cm depth and available P by 97.3% at 0–5 cm depth compared to traditional tillage. Soil microbial biomass C and N increased by 135.3% and 104.4% with NTSC compared to TTSR for 0–10 cm depth, respectively. Under NTSC, the metabolic quotient (CO2 evolved per unit of MBC) decreased by 45.1% on average in the top 10 cm soil layer, which suggests that TTSR produced a microbial pool that was more metabolically active than under NTSC. Consequently, winter wheat yield was about 15.5% higher under NTSC than under TTSR. The data collected from our 16-year experiment show that NTSC is a more sustainable farming system which can improve soil chemical properties, microbial biomass and activity, and thus increase crop yield in the rainfed dryland farming areas of northern China. The soil processes responsible for the improved yields and soil quality, in particular soil organic matter, require further research.  相似文献   

Many studies across the central and southern Maya Lowlands of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico have produced records of land degradation, mostly sedimentation and soil erosion, during the ancient Maya period from before 1000 BC to the Maya Collapse of c. AD 900. This paper provides new data from two sites (Blue Creek and Cancuén), synthesizes more than a decade of the authors' research in Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico, and synthesizes other findings from this region. These research projects analyzed more than 100 excavations in upland and depression sites, cored lakes and wetland sediments, and studied sediments in the field and laboratory using radiocarbon dating, a battery of soil chemistry tests, stratigraphic analysis, magnetic susceptibility, elemental analyses, and artifact identification. Our objective was to date when sedimentation and soil erosion occurred, identify stable surfaces, and correlate them with the state of knowledge about past land use. These findings indicate three general epochs of accelerated soil erosion and identified two major paleosols. The three waves of soil erosion occurred in the Preclassic period (c. 1000 BC to AD 250), the Late Classic (AD 550 to 900), and in the last several decades. The major paleosol (‘Eklu'um’) in these sites is a well-developed Mollisol or Vertisol that started forming in the early Holocene and was buried in either the Preclassic or Classic periods (AD 250 to 900). At some sites the Eklu'um paleosol lies beneath sediments with a fainter paleosol, which in turn lies buried below Classic period and later sediments. This picture shows higher than expected soil erosion linked to the region's first pioneer farmers in the Preclassic and less than expected soil erosion in the Late Classic when population peaked and land use was the most intensive. In other regions like Cancuén, Guatemala, however, most soil erosion occurred during the Maya Late Classic (AD 550–830). Erosion here was intense but short-lived: depressions record 1–3 m of aggradation in two centuries. A third epoch of accelerated soil loss and aggradation arose with the rapid land use changes brought by new pioneers during the last several decades.  相似文献   

Ninety per cent of the sediment load of the Yellow River, the world's muddiest river, comes from the loess plateau region in the middle course of the river. Control of this sediment supply is essential to avoid the danger of flooding in the lower reaches on the South China Plain. Since 1971, sediment loads entering the lower reaches have decreased, by 20 per cent as a result of lower precipitation, and by 27 per cent through soil conservation works and reservoir construction. Reductions in erosion can be obtained by restraining the formation of overland flow through promotion of an effective vegetation cover and elimination of the soil surface cover to encourage infiltration. Reservoir operation is a key to control of sediment movement through tributaries and along the main river. Water demands often conflict with sediment control, and, as a consequence, reservoir operation systems have changed several times in the past decade. The possibility of a further reduction in the sediment load of the Yellow River exists, but much depends on how rapidly control of grazing and deforestation leads to the establishment of plant cover on the loess plateau.  相似文献   

Soil compaction has been recognised as the greatest problem in terms of damage to Australia’s soil resource. Compaction by tractor and harvester tyres, related to trafficking of wet soil, is one source of the problem. In this paper an array of soil properties was measured before and immediately after the application of a known compaction force to a wet Vertisol. A local grain harvester was used on soil that was just trafficable; a common scenario at harvest. The primary aim was to determine the changes in various soil properties in order to provide a “benchmark” against which the effectiveness of future remedial treatments could be evaluated. A secondary aim was a comparison of the measurements’ efficiency to assess a soil’s structural degradation status. Also assessed was the subsequent effect of the applied compaction on wheat growth and yield in the following cropping season. Nine of the soil properties measured gave statistically significant differences as a result of the soil compaction. Differences were mostly restricted to the top 0.2 m of the soil. The greatest measured depth of effect was decreased soil porosity to 0.4 m measured from intact soil clods. There was 72% emergence of the wheat crop planted into the compact soil and 93% in the uncompact soil. Wheat yield, however, was not affected by the compaction. This may demonstrate that wheat, growing on a full profile of stored soil water as did the current crop, may be little affected by compaction. Also, wheat may have potential to facilitate rapid repair of the damage in a Vertisol such as the current soil by drying the topsoil between rainfall events so increasing shrinking and swelling cycles. If this is true, then sowing a suitable crop species in a Vertisol may be a better option than tillage for repairing compaction damage by agricultural traffic.  相似文献   

 Changes in soil management practices influence the amount, quality and turnover of soil organic matter (SOM). Our objective was to study the effects of deforestation followed by pasture establishment on SOM quantity, quality and turnover in mountain soils of the Sui Checti valley in the Alay Range, Kyrgyzia. This objective was approached by analysis of total organic C (TOC), N, lignin-derived phenols, and neutral sugars in soil samples and primary particle-size soil fractions. Pasture installation led to a loss of about 30% TOC compared with the native Juniperus turkestanica forests. The pasture soils accumulated about 20% N, due to inputs via animal excrement. A change in land use from forest to pasture mainly affected the SOM bound to the silt fraction; there was more microbial decomposition in the pasture than in the forest silt fraction, as indicated by lower yields of lignin and carbohydrates, and also by a more advanced oxidative lignin side-chain oxidation and higher values of plant : microbial sugar ratios. The ratio of arabinose : xylose was indicative of the removal of carbohydrates when the original forest was replaced by pasture, and we conclude that this can be used as an indicator of deforestation. The accumulation of lignin and its low humification within the forest floor could be due to the extremely cold winter and dry summer climate. Received: 10 March 1999  相似文献   

This review of soil erosion (SE) studies in Russia focuses on two main tasks: (i) ensuring the completeness and reliability of SE data in Russia, a large country (17.1 million km2) with a variety of natural and socio-economic causes of land degradation, (ii) assessing the possibility of including a SE indicator among the indicators of land degradation neutrality (LDN). A wide range of statistical, remote sensing, mathematical modeling data, the results of scientific and field studies obtained at different levels were analyzed. It is asserted that in Russia the total area of eroded lands and those under erosion risk occupy more than 50% of all agricultural lands, whereas soil fertility of croplands decreased in Soviet time (from 1950s to 1980s) by 30–60% only due to water erosion. However, recent scientific studies indicate a decrease in erosion rate and in the area of eroded land during the last 30–40 years as a result of abandonment of arable land and subsequent overgrown with natural vegetation. The climate change resulting in decrease of the depth of soil freezing, flow of spring runoff also adds to the decrease of soil erosion. The SE indicator was suggested as an important complement to three global LDN indicators. At national and subnational level, it can be interpreted through such indices as “Rate of soil loss” (ton ha-1 yr-1) and “Total soil loss” (1000 tons, in certain area during selected time period). At local level the set of indices can be wider and site-specific, including those obtained through remote sensing data by using the classifier of thematic applications of remote sensing technologies; the example was tested at the local site.  相似文献   

Soil structure is important to root development and crop yield. The objective of this study was to test the Cropping Profile Method in Brazilian soils, in order to evaluate the soil structure in the field. Grouped different structures determined by the Cropping Profile Method were compared to laboratory determinations for soil bulk density, total porosity and mercury porosity. The study was conducted in clayey Oxisols submitted to different uses and management including annual crops, orchards and natural forests in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. Homogeneous morphological units (HMUs) were determined in trenches using the Cropping Profile Method, and the different structures were grouped as: (a) non-compacted; (b) compacted; (c) in-process-of-compacting. Results of field evaluation were compatible with those obtained in the laboratory. More compacted and in-process-of-compacting structures corresponded to soil bulk density values of 1.42 and 1.33 Mg m−3, which were significantly higher than the 1.18 Mg m−3 value obtained for soil bulk density in non-compacted HMU. The total porosity of compacted HMU and in-process-of-compacting HMU was 0.49 and 0.52 m3 m−3, respectively. These were significantly lower than the value obtained for the non-compacted HMU (0.60 m3 m−3). The Cropping Profile Method is useful mainly in field research works when it is important to verify the effect of management practices on soil structure.  相似文献   

Although soil biochemical properties are considered to be good indicators of changes in soil quality, few studies have been made of the changes in biochemical properties brought about by anthropogenic disturbance of grassland ecosystems. In the present study, several biochemical properties were analysed in 31 grassland soils subjected to a high level of management, and the values obtained were compared with known values corresponding to native grasslands from the same region (Galicia, NW Spain). The 31 managed grasslands were divided into two groups (re-sown grasslands and improved grasslands) according to their management and past land use. The biochemical properties studied were: labile carbon, microbial biomass carbon, microbial respiration, metabolic quotient, net nitrogen mineralisation and the activities of dehydrogenase, catalase, phosphodiesterase, phosphomonoesterase, casein hydrolysing proteases, benzoyl arginamide (BAA)-hydrolysing proteases, urease, cellulase, ß-glucosidase, invertase and arylsulphatase. Managed grasslands exhibited lower values of soil biochemical properties than native grasslands. Three biochemical equilibrium equations were used to compare soil quality in managed and native grasslands. One of the equations did not show any significant difference between the groups of grassland soils considered. In contrast, two of the equations showed similar soil quality for improved and native grasslands, while re-sown grasslands exhibited a loss of soil quality when compared to native grassland soils.  相似文献   

Land degradation in the middle and upper Yangtze has caused loss of cultivable land, sediment deposition in reservoirs and changes in the runoff: sediment yield relationships of major tributaries. The Jialin River and the Dukou-Pingshan sector of the Jingsha River together contribute over 75 per cent of all the sediment carried by the Yangtze at Yichang. As the Jialin catchment has the highest rates of erosion per unit area, high sediment discharges from that river exert a major influence on peak summer sediment discharges on the Yangtze. Even though land degradation is increasing in severity, there is no clear overall pattern or trend in variations in sediment yield since 1950. Some tributaries are affected by major reservoir construction and soil conservation works, others are not.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of culturable fungi in Taylor Valley, Antarctica was assessed in terms of soil habitat. Soil transects throughout the valley revealed differential habitat utilization between filamentous and non-filamentous (yeast and yeast-like) fungi. In addition, there were significant differences in species distribution patterns with respect to soil pH, moisture, distance from marine coastline, carbon, chlorophyll a, salinity, elevation and solar inputs. Filamentous fungal abundance is most closely associated with habitats having higher pH, and soil moistures. These close associations were not found with yeast and yeast-like fungi demonstrating that yeast and yeast-like fungi utilize a broader range of habitat. An intensive survey of the Victoria Land is necessary to gain a better understanding of their role in soil functioning and nutrient cycling processes.  相似文献   

Soils are the third biggest sink of carbon on the earth. Hence, suitable land uses for a climatic condition are expected to sequester optimum atmospheric carbon in soils. But, information on how climatic conditions and land uses influence carbon accumulation in the soils on the Himalayan Mountains is not known. This study reports the impact of four climatic conditions (sub-tropical, altitude: 500–1200 m; temperate 1200–2000 m; lower alpine 2000–3000 m; upper alpine, 3000–3500 m) and four land uses (forest, grassland, horticulture, agriculture) on the concentrations and stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC) in upper (0–30 cm) and deeper (30–100 cm) soil depths on the western Himalayan Mountains of India. The study also explored the drivers which influenced the SOC stock build up on the mountains. Rainfall and soil moisture showed quadratic relations, whereas temperature declined linearly with the altitude. SOC stock as well as concentration was the highest (101.8 Mg ha− 1 in 0–30 cm, 227.97 Mg ha− 1 in 0–100 cm) in temperate and the lowest in sub-tropical climate (37 Mg ha− 1 in 0–30 cm, 107.04 Mg ha− 1 in 0–100 cm). Pattern of SOC stock build up across the altitude was: temperate > lower alpine > upper alpine > sub-tropical. SOC stocks in all land uses across the climatic conditions, except agriculture in lower alpine, was higher (0.7 to 41.6%) in the deeper than upper soil depth. SOC stocks in both the depths showed quadratic relations with soil temperature and soil moisture. Other factors like fine soil particles, land-use factor and altitude influenced positively whereas slope and pH, negatively to the SOC stocks. In all climatic conditions, other than temperate, SOC stocks were greater in natural ecosystems like forests and pastures (112.5 to 247.5 Mg ha− 1) than agriculture (63 to 120.4 Mg ha− 1). In temperate climate, SOC stock in agriculture (253.6 Mg ha− 1) on well formed terraces was a little higher than forest (231.3 Mg ha− 1) on natural slope. These observations, suggest that land uses on temperate climate may be treated as potential sinks for sequestration of the atmospheric carbon. However, agriculture in subtropical climate need to be pursued with due SOC protection measures like the temperate climate for greater sequestration of the atmospheric carbon.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of an analysis into the role of soil surface conditions in the regulation of soil hydrology and erosive processes at one hillslope under dry Mediterranean climatic conditions. The methodology was based on the analysis of hillslope surface components and their hydrological and erosive function on a patch to scale by means of rainfall simulation and experimental plots. The results showed the existence of a complex eco-geomorphological system composed of a multitude of vegetation patches distributed at random on the hillslope, and where the presence of different surface conditions on the soil can have a sizeable influence on hydrological and erosive behavior. From the hydrological point of view, the runoff generation mechanisms follow a seasonal pattern depending on the moisture of the soil with a different spatial condition, with frequent hydrological disconnections between parts of the hillslope, as in other Mediterranean mountainous regions. Soil surface rock fragments, the layout of tussocks intra-hillslope and previous soil moisture as dynamic control factors in the hydrological and erosive processes are all important.  相似文献   

The study aims to examine the origin and development of land degradation with particular emphasis on badland and gully systems in the Sneeuberg uplands of the Great Karoo. This is an area of semiarid extensive stock farming where land degradation in the form of rill and gully erosion has accompanied the replacement of grassland by shrub vegetation. Species diversity has declined and ground cover has been reduced, leading to a positive feedback loop which exacerbates the degradation. Many foot slopes developed in shales, clays and colluvium have extensive, incipient badland development with closely spaced gullying up to 1.5 m deep. In valley-bottom and valley-side depression locations gullies up to 8 m deep have developed, usually cut to bedrock through valley fills of mainly Holocene colluvium. Both badlands and gullies appear to have developed since European settlement and to be part of the same hydrological system with extensive areas of bare ground (badlands) feeding water to incising gullies. Experiments using simulated rainfall throw some light on current processes. Badland areas are active under high-frequency, low-magnitude rainfall events. Major gullies are likely to be the result of occasional, high-magnitude events, but these have not been observed. Overgrazing in the past is the most likely cause of the degradation.  相似文献   

Soil properties and surface characteristics affecting wind erosion can be manipulated through tillage and crop residue management. Little information exists, however, that describes the impact of long term tillage and residue management on soil properties in the subarctic region of the United States. This study examines the impact of 20 years of tillage and residue management on a broad range of physical properties that govern wind erosion processes on a silt loam in interior Alaska. A strip plot experimental design was established in 1983 and included intensive tillage (autumn and spring disk), spring disk, autumn chisel plow, and no tillage with straw either retained on or removed from the soil surface. Soil and residue properties measured after sowing barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in May 2004 included penetration resistance, soil water content, shear stress, bulk density, random roughness, aggregate size distribution, and residue cover and biomass. No tillage was characterized by larger aggregates, greater soil strength (penetration resistance and shear stress), wetter soil, and greater residue cover compared to all other tillage treatments. Despite crop failures the previous 2 years, crop residue management influenced residue biomass and cover, but not soil properties. Autumn chisel and spring disk appeared to be viable minimum tillage options to intensive tillage in controlling erosion. Autumn chisel and spring disk promoted greater roughness, aggregation, and residue cover as compared with intensive tillage. Although no tillage appeared to be the most effective management strategy for mitigating wind erosion, no tillage was not a sustainable practice due to lack of weed control. No tillage also resulted in the formation of an organic layer on the soil surface over the past 20 years, which has important ramifications for long term crop production in the subarctic where the mean annual temperature is <0 °C.  相似文献   

Calcareous soils are common in the humid tropics of Mexico, but little is known about their productivity and resistance to changes in land use. The influence of land use and duration of fallow on physical and chemical properties were investigated in (a) a loamy Rendzina (at Site A) rich in organic matter and limited in depth by calcareous gravel, and (b) a deeper Calcaric Phaeozem (at Site B) with a more clayey texture throughout. Plots at different successional stages within farmers' shifting cultivation systems were selected on both soils: cropland/young fallow (zero years fallow length), shrub-fallow and tree-fallow at Site A, and cropland/young fallow and forest at Site B. Changes in soil properties suggested a process of recovery with fallow length, in which organic matter, total N and CEC increased with time. The increase in organic matter was remarkably large, on average 0.5–0.6% per year. The Rendzina contained more organic matter than the Calcaric Phaeozem, probably because of its greater carbonate content, which is presumed to protect organic matter against decomposition. The differences in soil properties were mostly greater over time than between treatments.  相似文献   

Human land use of the Tigray landscape (north Ethiopia) can be traced back for at least 3000 years and is recognizably very complex, but in the past half-century there have been multiple narratives on environmental change in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands in which statements such as “the forest and soil resources in Tigray are dwindling at unprecedented rates” are common. In an attempt to provide an objective assessment, we made a semi-quantitative analysis of observed changes in the environment of the central Tigray plateau, between 1975 and 2006, and its impact on soil erosion. The first part of this period saw strong degradation, caused by a combination of drought, impoverishment, poor land husbandry and war; but over the whole period intense rehabilitation activities have been high on the agenda. To study these changes, two sets of 51 landscape photographs have been used. The older photo-set was taken in 1975 by R.N. Munro during the Tigrai Rural Development Study; locations were revisited in 2006 by J. Nyssen and colleagues, when a new set of photographs was made at the same locations and with the same aspect. Based on longstanding experience in soil erosion and landscape analysis worldwide and in Ethiopia, the time-lapsed photographs were rated for visible erosion, land cover and protective measures. We present a quantitative evaluation of the change of soil loss by sheet and rill erosion, involving the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and particularly the changes in the C (cover) and the P (management) factors. This allowed assessing soil loss in 2006 as a percentage of the 1975 situation. Both the landscape and land unit analysis show that the situation for natural resources has improved (and locally strongly improved) since 1974. The rehabilitation is due both to improved vegetation cover and to physical conservation structures. The USLE application indicates that in terms of a whole landscape the current average soil loss would be at around 68% of its 1975 rate. Exceptionally, degradation is still ongoing around Desa'a forest and some other remnant forests, and conservation should be strongly implemented too in these forests. On average, gullies have expanded slightly since 1975, but these incisions appear to have originated in the drought years of the 1980s. This photo-monitoring analysis invalidates hypotheses on (a) irreversibility of land degradation in Tigray; and (b) futility of Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) programmes. The study demonstrates that (a) land management has become an inherent part of the farming system in Tigray, and (b) that the authorities and NGOs are on the right track when promoting SWC.  相似文献   

The accumulation of pollutants in soils, sediments and groundwaters due to natural causes or as a consequence of human activities is a serious problem in the Danube region. the sudden release of the (temporarily) immobilized pollutants as a consequence of various soil degradation processes (acidification, salinization or alkalinization, The destruction of the soil structure and clay minerals, a decrease in the organic matter content and the buffering capacity) is even more harmful. This chemical time bomb phenomena significantly influences the present and future land and water use in the whole Danube catchment area and therefore has great practical significance. the aim of this project, as the first phase of an integrated environmental master plan, is to identify the problems, to delineate problem areas, to analyse the natural system (present status, vulnerability, future risks) and to develop the scientific tools and infrastructure for long-term environmental risk assessment, which will be the scientific basis for the plan of action to prevent, eliminate or, at least, reduce the harmful side-effects and the unfavourable ecological and economic consequences of the chemical time bomb in the Danube catchment area.  相似文献   

Micronutrient deficiencies are common in many parts of China's Loess Plateau. The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of long-term cropping and fertilization practices on soil properties and micronutrient availability in this region. The field plot experiment began in 1984. It included five cropping systems and four fertilizer treatments. In September 2002, soil samples were collected and soil pH, organic matter content, available P, and CaCO3 were measured. Total and available Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe were also determined. The relationship between soil properties and available micronutrients was determined by correlation and path analysis. After 18 years, soil pH and CaCO3 levels were lower in the cropped and fertilized treatments compared to the fallow treatment. In contrast, soil organic matter and available P levels were higher in cropped compared to fallow treatments. A comparison of unfertilized treatments indicated that available Zn and Cu levels in cropped treatments were lower compared to the fallow treatment, probably due to the removal of these micronutrients from the system through crop uptake and harvest. In contrast, available Mn and Fe levels were higher in cropped treatments compared to the fallow treatment. The impacts of fertilization on available micronutrients varied with cropping systems. Generally, available Zn and Fe were higher in fertilized compared to unfertilized treatments, but available Cu was not significantly influenced by fertilization. Fertilization tended to increase available Mn in continuous wheat and maize, but reduced available Mn in continuous clover and the crop–legume rotation. The total (plant available + unavailable) micronutrient contents were lower in the four cropped-treatments compared to the fallow treatment. The addition of manure or P fertilizer increased total Zn, Fe, and Mn, but had no significant effect on total Cu. The results of correlation analysis and path analysis indicated that soil organic matter exerts a significant and direct effect on the availability of Zn, Mn, and Fe, but has little influence on available Cu. The effects of available P, CaCO3, and pH on micronutrient availability were indirect, passing through soil organic matter. The results of this study suggest that long-term cropping and fertilization altered several important soil properties and increased the plant available micronutrient content of this loess-derived soil.  相似文献   

Organic carbon (C) was measured in the silt + clay fraction of 78 soils from agricultural areas in Tasmania, and the relationship between C in the silt + clay fraction and the percentage by weight of particles in this fraction was compared with similar data for soils from other regions and climates. Most of the cropping soils from Tasmania followed a previously published linear relationship, which is considered an indication of the capacity of soils to store C. The soils which fell the greatest distance below this relationship were sandy soils, consistent with previous evidence that these soils in Tasmania have been degraded. Soils which showed a major positive departure from the relationship were clay loams with >60% silt + clay. Most were also pasture soils. Tasmania's cool‐temperate climate would promote plant growth and C inputs and slow C breakdown, while the high clay content would help protect C. The results for the clay loam soils are consistent with earlier observations that these soils are generally in good health.  相似文献   

Large tracts of land, officially described as ‘reclaimed’ from former mineral workings, are in poor condition. Problems include gullying, soil erosion, soil compaction, accelerated run-off and poor vegetation cover. Some of these problems are caused by low quality and inappropriate engineering. Some are due to poor land husbandry. There is a need for a national system of quality control inspection for land reclamation sites and provision for training in the special problems of managing reclaimed lands. However, many further problems result from natural soil-forming processes, notably the accelerated breakdown of newly exposed minestones. This chokes the soils with fine particles, decreasing permeability and increasing bulk density. Current research directed to correcting this problem uses trees to build new self-sustaining soils from the ground up and to promote the development of a large and active community of soil organisms. It is hoped that the polysaccharide secretions of these organisms will bind the newly created clays into stable soil aggregates.  相似文献   

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