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《Crop Protection》1988,7(1):62-65
Three green peach aphid (GPA) strains, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) obtained from New York, Puerto Rico and Minnesota, were reared on resistant potato hybrid D888-4 and a susceptible cv. Red Pontiac. No significant differences in GPA mortality were observed when aphids were reared on either the resistant or susceptible potato cultivars and later exposed to methamidophos 4EC, pirimicarb 50 WP, azinphos-methyl 2EC or permethrin 2EC. The interaction between the four insecticides × three GPA strains was significant. Of the three aphid strains, those from Minnesota had the lowest susceptibility to permethrin, pirimicarb and azinophos-methyl. No mortality was observed in this GPA strain when tested with azinphosmethyl.  相似文献   

An SDS polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoretic study of the soluble hemolymph proteins from twoMyzus persicae (Sulzer) biotypes was conducted to determine if these biotypes could be distinguished from each other by their banding patterns. This study revealed that there were no differences between the two biotypes in terms of number and location of protein bands. Noticeable differences did occur between the biotypes in the intensity of specific bands. These differences could not be explained by proposed differences in the concentration of active enzymes regulating developmental rate in the biotypes.  相似文献   

Summary Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) was usually better transmitted byMyzus persicae from source plants kept during the pre-acquisition period at 12°C than from those kept at 26°C. Significantly more plants became infected when PLRV was acquired or inoculated at 26°C than at 12°C. The effect of temperature during the acquisition feeding period was found to be greater than that of temperature during the inoculation feeding period. PLRV was most frequently transmitted when it was both acquired and inoculated at 26°C.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss der Temperatur auf die übertragung des Kartoffel-Blattrollvirus (PLRV) durchMyzus persicae wurde in drei Perioden vor der Infektion der Pflanzen mit diesem Virus ermittelt: Vegetationsperiode vor Aufnahme durch die Virusquellen, Periode w?hrend der Virusaufnahme und der Inokulationsperiode. Die Untersuchungen wurden in temperaturkonstanten Kammern und im Gew?chshaus mit Pflanzen der Kartoffelsorte Osa als Quelle mit ausgew?hlten PLRV-Isolaten durchgeführt. Das Virus wurde aufPhysalis floridana und Kartoffelsorten unterschiedlicher Anf?lligkeit übertragen. Die H?ufigkeit der PLRV-übertragung durchM. persicae sank mit ansteigender Temperatur, zu welcher die Quellenpflanzen in der Periode vor der Virusaufnahme aufwuchsen (Abb. 2 und 3), obwohl dieser Effekt ausgeschaltet werden konnte, wenn das Virus durch die Blattl?use bei h?herer Temperatur aufgenommen wurde (Abb. 2). Die H?ufigkeit der PLRV-übertragung durch Blattl?use war nach einer Aufnahmeperiode bei 26°C signifikant gr?sser als bei 12°C (Abb. 2 bis 4). Der Einfluss h?herer Temperatur k?nnte stark genug sein, die Unterschiede in der PLRV-übertragung durch den Einfluss auf die Quellenpflanzen in der Vor-Aufnahmezeit zu eliminieren oder zu vermindern (Abb. 2). ?hnliches zeigte sich bei zunehmendem Alter der Quellenpflanzen (Abb. 1). Eindeutig mehr Pflanzen wurden infiziert, wenn PLRV bei 26°C anstatt 12°C inokuliert wurde (Abb. 3 und 4). Der Einfluss der Temperatur war in der Aufnahmeperiode gr?sser als in der Inokulationsperiode. Eine signifikant gr?ssere Population vonP. floridana und/oder Kartoffelpflanzen wurden infiziert, wenn PLRV durchM. persicae bei 26°C aufgenommen und inokuliert wurde (Abb. 3 und 4). Darüberhinaus war der Einfluss h?herer Temperatur, w?hrend beider Aufnahmeperioden angewendet, günstiger für visuelle und serologische (ELISA) Differenzierung der resistenten und anf?lligen Kartoffeln, gemessen an der H?ufigkeit infizierter Pflanzen (Abb. 4).

Résumé L'influence de la température sur la transmission du virus de l'Enroulement de la pomme de terre (VEPT) parMyzus persicae a été déterminée à trois périodes précédant l'infection des plantes par ce virus: période de végétation des plantes sources de virus avant acquisition (pré-acquisition), période d'acquisition, période d'inoculation. Les recherches ont été réalisées dans des salles à température contr?lée et en serre: des pommes de terre du cultivar Osa, infectées par des isolats sélectionnés de VEPT ont été utilisées comme plantes sources. Le virus a été transmis àPhysalis floridana et à des cultivars de pomme de terre de différentes sensibilités à l'infection par le VEPT. La fréquence de transmission du VEPT parM. persicae décro?t avec l'augmentation de la température à laquelle les plantes sources de virus ont été cultivées lors de la période de pré-acquisition (Figs 2 et 3), bien que cet effet ait pu être éliminé quand le virus a été prélevé par les pucerons à température plus élevée (Fig. 2). La fréquence de transmission du VEPT par les pucerons a été significativement plus grande après une période d'acquisition à 26° qu'à 12°C (Figs 2–4). L'effet de la température la plus élevée a pu être suffisamment fort pour supprimer ou réduire les différences de transmission du VEPT causées par l'effet de la température sur les plantes sources lors de la période de pré-acquisition (Fig. 2) ou par l'augmentation de l'age des plantes sources (Fig. 1). Un nombre significativement plus grand de plantes a été infecté quand le VEPT était inoculé à 26°C qu'à 12°C (Figs 3 et 4). L'effet de la température s'est avéré avoir une importance plus grande pendant la période d'acquisition que pendant la période d'inoculation. Une proportion significativement plus élevée deP. floridana et/ou de plants de pomme de terre a été infectée quand le VEPT était à la fois acquis et inoculé parM. persicae à 26°C (Figs 3 et 4). De plus, une température plus élevée appliquée pendant les deux périodes d'alimentation des pucerons s'est montrée plus favorable pour différencier visuellement et sérologiquement (ELISA) les pommes de terre résistantes, modérément résistantes et sensibles, lorsqu'on se base sur la fréquence des plantes infectées (Fig. 4).

Michal Kostiw 《Potato Research》2003,46(3-4):129-136
Summary The relationship between the feeding time and potato virus S (PVS) transmission byMyzus persicae andAphis nasturtii was studied. The optimal acquisition feeding time forM. persicae was at 30 sec to 2 min (2.9% infected plants). For transmission byA. nasturtii the highest level of infection was after acquisition feeding at 15 sec (11%), 30 sec and 2 min (9.6% each) and there was a significant linear decrease of plant infection as feeding time extended from 7 sec to 64 min. A different relationship has been obtained for inoculation feeding. In PVS transmission byM. persicae the plant infection increased from 0% at 7 sec feeding to 2.9% at 8 and 32 min. In virus transmission byA. nasturtii the infection was 4% after 7 sec feeding and increased significantly to 12.2% at 64 min feeding time.  相似文献   

Peach trees in a 500-mile2 (1295 sq. K) area were sprayed during April and May each year from 1966 to 1969 to control the wingless fundatrix form ofMyzus persicae (Sulzer) after the overwintering eggs had hatched and before subsequent generations of the aphids had developed wings and migrated to summer host plants. The results were monitored from 1966 to 1971 by using about 60 yellow water trap pans each year to collect winged aphids in the control area. Also, aphids were counted weekly in about 30 potato fields each year. Samples of potato tubers collected from the 30 fields (and from 34 other fields in 1965) were indexed for net necrosis and then planted and indexed for chronic leaf roll. The early spraying reduced the populations of winged aphids collected in traps in May and early June 1966–1969 by about 60% compared with the post-spray years (1970–1971). The amount of net necrosis found in potato tubers from the control area was reduced from 11 % in 1965 to slightly more than 3% from 1967 through 1969 and the chronic leaf roll in plants was reduced from 43% in 1965 to about 10% for the same years. Only after two years of spraying was there evidence of a significant reduction in the spread of the virus; similarly, not until 2 years (1970 and 1971) following the end of the spray program did the virus increase significantly.  相似文献   

Summary Young potato plants were a better source of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) for aphids,Myzus persicae (Sulz.), than old ones. For plants 6, 7.5 and 9 weeks old, the best sources of PLRV were the lower, middle and upper leaves, respectively. The frequency of PLRV transmission from upper leaves did not change much with increasing age of plants nor did it change with different leaflets from the same leaf.  相似文献   

Based on 10 years of trapping with yellow pan traps it was determined that on the average inflights of green peach aphids,Myzus persicae (Sulzer), start July 26 and cumulative catches of more than five aphids August 8. The lack of significant differences in the timing of first and cumulative catches of aphids between the northern and the southern section of the potato production area is additional evidence thatM. persicae does not usually overwinter in New Brunswick. Important yearly variations in the timing of the first cumulative catch of more than 5 aphids can be simulated by the thermal summation of 1188 DD and forecasted by regression on the timing of first inflights. The use of these results to improve the extension program is discussed.  相似文献   

During 1980 and 1981 potato cultivars and breeding selections, including cultivated species and their hybrid derivatives, were evaluated for resistance to the green peach aphid (GPA),Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and to potato leafroll virus (PLRV). Criteria used were the number of aphids which colonized the clones in free choice field experiments and the number of plants derived from these experiments which showed symptoms of PLRV infection. Generally, greater resistance to GPA was found inSolarium tuberosum gp.andigena selections and hybrids than in gp.tuberosum cultivars. There were approximately fourfold differences in season-mean GPA levels among the clones tested each year. Forty-two families, representing a cross-section of the USDA breeding populations at the University of Idaho Research and Extension Center, Aberdeen, showed a similar range in colonization levels. Resistance to GPA colonization appeared to be more prevalent in gp.andigena, gp.phureja, and gp.stenotonum derivatives. There was a weak positive correlation (r2 = .34, P = .01) between foliar total glycoalkaloids and season-mean GPA colonization levels for six clones representing the range of observed resistance to GPA. Resistance to GPA colonization was apparently not directly related to resistance to PLRV infection. Katahdin, for example, was relatively susceptible to GPA colonization but very resistant to PLRV infection whereas selection A69657-4 (gp.andigena) was among the most resistant to GPA colonization but among the more susceptible to PLRV infection. Breeding for resistance to GPA colonization therefore may not be as promising for PLRV control as developing PLRV resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

Six insecticides were evaluated in a replicated field experiment at Gonzales, California, for control of the potato tuberworm,Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), and the green peach aphid,Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Azodrin®, methomyl, Stauffer N 4543 (O-isobutyl ethylphosphonodithioate S-ester with N-(mercaptomethyl) phthalimide) and azinphosmethyl were applied as foliage sprays by ground sprayer at 2-week intervals. The systemic insecticides, aldicarb (Temik®) and carbofuran (Furadan®) formulated as 10% granules, were applied to the soil as side dress treatments on the same day that the spray treatments were begun. Aldicarb granules were also applied topically so that the granules fell on the young plants and on the soil surface. Azinphosmethyl, Stauffer N 4543, Azodrin® and methomyl effectively controlled the tuberworm larvae in the foliage but effective control of tuberworms in the harvested tubers occurred only where azinphosmethyl, methomyl and Stauffer N 4543 were used. The granule applications of carbofuran and aldicarb were totally ineffective in controlling the potato tuberworm. Effective green peach aphid control was obtained with Azodrin® spray and the two granular aldicarb treatments. The side dressed application of aldicarb appeared to provide better green peach aphid control than did the soil surface application.  相似文献   

Vermicomposts are produced through interactions between earthworms and microorganisms in the breakdown of organic wastes. Aqueous extracts were prepared in commercial brewing equipment (Growing Solutions Inc.) from vermicomposts processed from pre-consumer food waste. The ratio of vermicompost to water was 1 to 5 v:v to produce a 20% aqueous solution. The effects of soil drenches at dilutions of 20%, 10%, and 5% vermicompost extracts, were compared with those of deionized water, in the suppression of green peach aphids, mealybugs, and two spotted spider mites attacking tomatoes and cucumbers, in greenhouse cage experiments.  相似文献   

Fifteen accessions ofSolarium berthaultii Hawkes andS. berthaultii xS. tarijense Hawkes were assessed for resistance to field infestations of the green peach aphid,Myzus persicae (Sulzer), potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris), and potato fleabeetle,Epitrix cucumeris (Harris). Accessions bearing both Type A and Type B glandular trichomes were much more resistant to the green peach aphid and potato leafhopper than accessions bearing Type A hairs alone. All accessions had significantly smaller populations of these 3 pests than S.tuberosum cultivars. Total glycoalkaloid (TGA) content of foliage and tubers was not correlated with insect populations. Foliar TGA levels of field-grown plants varied among accessions, ranging from < 2–240 mg/100 g fresh wt. Solasonine and solamargine were the major foliar glycoalkaloids while solamarines predominated in tubers.  相似文献   

Polyphenoloxidase (PPO) activity in the glandular trichomes of 32Solanum tuberosum ×S. berthaultii F3 hybrid clones differentially resistant to the green peach aphid,Myzus persicae (Sulzer) was determined. Within this population of segregating clones, aphid infestation levels varied 8-fold, while a 5-fold difference in glandular trichome PPO activity was observed. PPO activity and aphid resistance at three sample dates were correlated as follows: r = 0.38 (P = 0.05), r = 0.31 (P = 0.10), and r = 0.55 (P = 0.01), respectively. The total browning potential test (TBP), a modification of the PPO assay, was developed for use in screening for aphid resistance. The TBP procedure is rapid, inexpensive, and highly effective in identifying aphid resistant clones.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of green peach aphids (GPA) on potato plants was studied to estimate its impact on a model simulating the effects of a predator on GPA populations. This model is based on laboratory studies of a ladybird beetle feeding on GPA that was placed exclusively on the bottom leaf of a three leaf stem section. The model predicts the impact ofColeomegilla maculata (DeGeer) adults and third instar larvae on GPA populations over a range of temperatures and GPA densities. The vertical distribution of GPA in a potato field and the effects of different levels of aldicarb on this distribution were determined by counting all GPA on the upper, middle, and lower thirds of a stem in situ. A one leaf sub-sample was taken from each stem section as a comparison. The vertical distribution of GPA changed with aldicarb dose. Most GPA were found on the lower third of stems from plots treated with the lowest aldicarb doses. However, most GPA occurred on the upper third of the stems from plots treated with the highest aldicarb doses. This distribution changed midway through the season until most GPA occurred on the bottom third of the stems. C. maculata adults and third instar larvae preferentially search the upper and lower thirds of potato plants. This suggests thatC. maculata would be an effective early season predator, and that our model should over-predict the effect ofC. maculata on GPA populations late in the season.  相似文献   

Hairy nightshade, Solanum sarrachoides (Sendtner) is an annual solanaceous weed prevalent in potato farmlands of the Pacific Northwest. S. sarrachoides is also a reservoir for Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and its most important vector, the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Green peach aphids prefer S. sarrachoides than potato, Solanum tuberosum (L.), and produce more nymphs on S. sarrachoides than on potato. Increased green peach aphid preference for S. sarrachoides and greater fecundity on this plant could lead to overcrowding and movement toward neighboring potato plants. To test our hypothesis, field trials were conducted at Kimberly, Idaho during the summers of 2003 and 2004. A row of S. sarrachoides seedlings was planted in the middle of potato plots and naturally occurring green peach aphid populations were monitored weekly on potato plots with and without S. sarrachoides. More aphids were consistently found on S sarrachoides plants than on potato plants. More aphids were found on potato plants in plots with S. sarrachoides plants than without S. sarrachoides. Targeted insecticide applications on S. sarrachoides rows alone reduced the number of aphids on potato plants in those plots, suggesting that insecticide sprays prevented aphid movement from S. sarrachoides to potato. Testing of potato tuber sprouts 90 days after harvest by double antibody sandwich ELISA indicated a greater PLRV infection rate on plots with S. sarrachoides than plots without S. sarrachoides. Therefore, the presence of S. sarrachoides in potato plots will likely increase aphid populations and PLRV incidence on neighboring potato plants.  相似文献   

莰酮对蚜虫生物活性的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
进行了樟树(CinnamomumcamphoraL.)中的莰酮(CamphorC10H160)对蚜虫的触杀、熏蒸毒力和拒食活性研究。结果表明,处理后24h莰酮对菜缢管蚜、桃蚜和棉蚜触杀作用的LD50分别为3.12×10-3,2.04×10-3,0.68×10-3 ng/头,熏蒸作用的LC50分别为3.44,2.56,1.06mg/L,拒食作用的AFC50分别为3.34,2.98,1.32mg/L。经回归和相关分析,处理浓度与作用效果相关性均达到极显著或显著水平。莰酮在田间防治菜缢管蚜的效果显著。  相似文献   

烟蚜与烟草黄瓜花叶病田间消长动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立烟草黄瓜花叶病(CMV)的预测预报系统,对烟蚜、烟草黄瓜花叶病的田间消长动态进行调查.调查结果表明:烟蚜在田间洧长规律呈单峰型,有翅蚜峰日早于无翅蚜峰日10天,僵蚜峰日落后无翅蚜峰日5天;烟草黄瓜花叶病的发生与有趣蚜的迁入消长紧密相关.  相似文献   

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