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Ornamental fish farming is globally a key sector of aquaculture. The purpose of this study was to report on the parasitic fauna of ornamental fish from seven farms in the East Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran. Between November 2020 and February 2021, a total of 600 freshwater ornamental fish of six species, including goldfish (Carassius auratus), angel (Pterophyllum scalare), guppy (Poecilia reticulata), dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia), swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri), and cichlid (Cichlasoma sp.) were collected for parasitological analysis. Six ciliate protozoan species (Trichodina mutabilis, Trichodina nobilis, Trichodina spp., Heteropolaria lwoffi, Ichthyophthrius multifiliis, and Chilodonella spp.), three species of monogenean trematodes (Dactylogyrus dulkeiti, Dactylogyrus spp. and Gyrodactylus spp.), two species of crustacean arthropods (Lernaea cyprinacea and Argulus japonicus), and a nematode (Capillaria spp.) were identified among the examined fish. Parasites were detected in the fish from 5 of 7 farms, with an overall parasitic prevalence in 26.33% (158/600) of the fish. Fish infection rates with protozoans, monogenean trematodes, crustacean arthropods, and nematodes were 16.83, 13.17, 4, and 0.33% respectively. The highest prevalence was found in X. helleri infected with Gyrodactylus spp. and P. scalare infested with Trichodina spp. Moreover, 9/100 and 10/100 of goldfish were infected with A. japonicus and L. cyprinacea, compared to 2/500 and 3/500, respectively, for all other species in combination, which is a statistically significant result (p?<?0.01). Assessment of farmed fish parasitic fauna is important to inhibit the spread of infections, ensure fish production and improve fish health.


Mycobacteriosis in fish is a chronic progressive ubiquitous disease caused by Mycobacterium marinum, M. gordonae and M. fortuitum in most cases. The aim of this study was to describe the morphology and distribution of lesions in 322 freshwater ornamental fish across 36 species. Granulomatous inflammation was diagnosed by gross examination and histopathology testing in 188 fish (58.4%); acid‐fast rods (AFR) were determined in only 96 (51.1%) fish from 19 species after Ziehl–Neelsen staining. The most often affected organs with AFR were the kidney (81.2%), digestive tract (54.1%), liver (48.2%), spleen (45.9%) and skin (21.2%); sporadically, AFR were found in the branchiae (9.4%) and gonads (4.7%). In 14 randomly selected fish originating from four different fish tanks, the distribution of mycobacterial infection was studied by culture examination of the skin, gills, muscle tissue, digestive tract, liver, spleen and kidney. In 12 fish, the species M. marinum, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. triviale, and M. avium subsp. hominissuis (serotypes 6 and 8 and genotype IS901? and IS1245+) were detected; mixed infection caused by different mycobacterial species was documented in five of them.  相似文献   

  • 1. Crucian carp Carassius carassius, which is native to south‐east England, has received little previous study in Britain but is threatened by introductions of goldfish Carassius auratus through hybridization and by frequent mis‐identification of brown goldfish as crucian carp. The present study provides the first data on back‐calculated growth, morphology and age‐at‐maturity of crucian carp in Britain.
  • 2. The youngest mature crucian were female (age 2+), the smallest mature crucian were male (age 3+), with almost all fish mature at age 3+. Sex dimorphism in back‐calculated standard length at age was not observed except at age 2+ (juveniles longest). Shifts in morphological characters often associated with maturation (dorsal and ventral fin length, dorsal and anal fin depth, pre‐dorsal distance, body width) were observed between ages 4+ and 7+, which (in contrast to the relatively abrupt shift in maturity) suggests that age and size at maturation may not reflect the size and age of active (i.e. real) spawning.
  • 3. Back‐calculated standard lengths at age for crucian carp were intermediate relative to other European populations, indicating that environmental conditions in England appear to be well suited to the species despite being at the westernmost extent of the species' native European range. The management of ornamental ponds specifically for crucian carp is discussed.
© Crown copyright 2007. Reproduced with the permission of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过检索BOLD SYSTEMS数据库和Gen Bank中锦鲤、金鱼、慈鲷、神仙鱼、七彩神仙鱼、血鹦鹉、花罗汉、龙鱼、孔雀鱼、鼠鱼、魟鱼等主要观赏鱼的DNA条形码和基因序列,应用MEGA软件计算种间遗传距离,在BOLD SYSTEMS数据库中检索相似序列,以分析DNA条形码在主要观赏鱼物种鉴定中的应用效果。结果表明该技术可以有效鉴别大多数种以上阶元的观赏鱼类,但对亲缘关系较近、种类繁多的多种慈鲷、孔雀鱼等观赏鱼物种难以获得准确的鉴定结果,对金龙、红龙等亚洲龙鱼的亚种以及人工繁育的不同品系的锦鲤、金鱼、神仙鱼、七彩神仙鱼、血鹦鹉、花罗汉等鱼类,无法通过COI基因条形码进行鉴别,需要研究其他分子生物学方法。  相似文献   

The Brazilian freshwater fish diversity is the richest in the world. Only 0.7% of all Brazilian species have had any aspect of their sperm biology addressed up to this date. The majority of the fish species described in this review migrate during the spawning season (a phenomenon known as piracema). Urbanization, pollution, hydroelectric dams and deforestation are some of the causes of stock depletion or even local extinction of some of these species. The knowledge concerning sperm quality and minimum sperm:egg ratio is important to maximize the use of males without reducing hatching rates. Furthermore, sperm cryopreservation and gene banking can guarantee the conservation of genetic diversity and development of adequate breeding programs of native fish species. In this review, we present and evaluate the existing information on Brazilian fish species that have been subject to sperm quality and cryopreservation studies. The following parameters were evaluated: volume of extractable sperm, sperm motility, sperm concentration, freezing media, freezing methods, and post-thaw sperm quality. Although the existing protocols yield relatively high post-thaw motility and fertilization rates, the use of cryopreserved sperm in routine hatchery production is still limited in Brazil.  相似文献   

鱼类目标强度(target strength)的测量是渔业声学技术研究和应用的核心内容之一。2015年6―10月,在小型水槽内使用Bio Sonics DT-X(199kHz)科学探鱼仪发射水平声波,测量了4种共29尾不同鳔室结构的淡水养殖鱼类体侧向及背腹向(180°范围)的目标强度,并拍摄X光影像以了解鱼体鳔室结构及特征。其中瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)7尾、鳜鱼(Siniperca chuatsi)9尾、鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)6尾、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)7尾。结果显示,单体鱼目标强度与声波入射角度具有cos三次方函数关系,体侧向与背腹向上最大目标强度均出现于鱼体主轴垂直于入射声波时,最小目标强度出现于头尾方向朝向声波时,与最大目标强度相差10dB。不同种鱼类体侧向平均目标强度略大于背腹向0.5~5dB。单室鳔鱼类目标强度比相近体长的两室鳔鱼类小。对4种鱼类的目标强度与鱼体相关生物学指标进行主成分分析,体侧向与背腹向目标强度主要受体长、鳔长和鳔长/鳔高值的影响较大。通过目标强度与实验鱼全长、体长、体重的线性回归,获得体侧和背腹入射方向目标强度与3个生物学参数的关系式。本研究通过分析不同鳔室形态鱼种的回波特征差异,辅助判别长江内常见鱼类(如瓦氏黄颡鱼、鱖鱼、鲫鱼等)的声学信号,结果对于淡水水域水平原位监测时分析评估资源量相关参数具有参考意义。  相似文献   

Fish introductions, particularly in areas of high biological diversity and endemism, represent a major threat for biodiversity. In the Balkan Peninsula, 60 fish species have been introduced to date, of which 36 have become naturalized in inland waters. Since the Balkans are one of the world's 35 biodiversity hot spots, this large presence of alien fish species poses a serious threat for the stability of freshwater ecosystems and the survival of the native ichthyofauna and of aquatic biodiversity in general. The motivation for the introductions, and the historical timeline, varies among the Balkan states. Despite recent attempts to implement and align legislation aimed at preventing the introduction of potentially invasive species, and the implementation of rigorous controls of introductions and increased protection of open waters, the majority of current introductions remain intentional, primarily via aquaculture. This review article provides a historical overview of freshwater fish introductions, the motivation behind them and the current distribution of alien freshwater fishes in the Balkans. The ecological implications and future perspectives concerning alien fish species in the region are also discussed.  相似文献   

In 1972 a hybridization experiment with salmonids was initiated at the Fish Breeding Experimental Station, Sunndalsøra. The purpose of this experiment was to study the viability, performance traits and the fertility of hybrids. Hybrids were produced from the following members of the salmon family: Salmon (Salmo salar), sea trout (Salmo trutta), brown trout (Salmo trutta), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) and arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). All crosses attempted, except those involving the rainbow trout, were relatively successful. Considerable differences in the hatching rates of the different hybrids were observed. All crosses with the arctic char were heavier than the better pure bred specimens at 11 months. In all other crosses the hybrids were lighter than the purebred specimens. The experiment is continuing, it is evident that more research is necessary before the potential value of these hybrids for fish farming can be properly assessed.  相似文献   

The aquatic orthomyxovirus infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) causes a severe disease in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Although some ISA outbreaks are caused by horizontal transmission of virus between farms, the source and reservoir of the virus is largely unknown and a wild host has been hypothesized. Atlantic salmon are farmed in open net‐pens, allowing transmission of pathogens from wild fish and the surrounding environment to the farmed fish. In this study, a large number of fish species were investigated for ISAV host potential. For orthomyxoviruses, a specific receptor binding is the first requirement for infection; thus, the fish species were investigated for the presence of the ISAV receptor. The receptor was found to be widely distributed across the fish species. All salmonids expressed the receptor. However, only some of the cod‐like and perch‐like fish did, and all flat fish were negative. In the majority of the positive species, the receptor was found on endothelial cells and/or on red blood cells. The study forms a basis for further investigations and opens up the possibility for screening species to determine whether a wild host of ISAV exists.  相似文献   

王石  许庆林  覃钦博  陶敏  张纯  周毅  罗凯坤  胡方舟  王余德  刘庆峰  赵如榕  吴昌  刘少军 《水产学报》2023,18(11):119602-1-119602-25



  1. Climate change is causing shifts in the distribution patterns of freshwater fish at various spatio-temporal scales. Tropical freshwater fish are vulnerable, especially in areas where a high impact of climate change is predicted; thus, there is an increasing need to predict these shifts to determine conservation and adaptation strategies.
  2. Ecological niche models offer a reliable way to predict the effects of climate change on species distribution. Potential shifts in the distribution of tropical fish were tested under two scenarios (4.5 – moderate and 8.5 – extreme) with three general circulation models for years 2050 and 2070 using maximum entropy software using as models two predatory species – the tropical gar Atractosteus tropicus and the giant cichlid Petenia splendida.
  3. The potential distribution of both species was associated with warm and humid–sub-humid conditions. Future projections showed a higher availability of suitable areas for both species resulting from the expansion of warmer conditions in the middle and upper basins of the Central American mountain range and centre of the Yucatan Peninsula.
  4. Ecological niche models of keystone or umbrella species such as A. tropicus and P. splendida could be useful to support conservation plans of protected areas. The potential distribution of both species covers areas of high suitability including six important biosphere reserves in Mexico, three protected areas in Guatemala and part of the Mesoamerican biological corridor.
  5. Despite the potential expansion of the present distribution range suggested by the models, it is important to consider the biological and ecological requirements of the species and the ecological implications of these potential shifts in distribution. Both scenarios could have several implications at genetic, population, and ecosystem levels.

Abstract –  Migrating fish species with different swimming capacities and energy use show different capacities for passing obstacles between habitats, such as culverts and fish ladders. Here, we present an integrated study on swimming capacity and energetic use in seven European freshwater fish species with different ranges of migration (brown trout Salmo trutta L., European perch Perca fluviatilis L., roach Rutilus rutilus L., common carp Cyprinus carpio L., gudgeon Gobio gobio L., bullhead Cottus gobio L. and stone loach Barbatula barbatula L.). Critical ( U crit), optimal ( U opt) and maximum ( U max) swimming speed and oxygen consumption ( M O2) were analysed and showed values correlated to migration capacity with highest swimming capacities in trout and roach and lowest in stone loach and bullhead. The resulting data can be used to make estimates of maximum passable water speeds in culverts. In conclusion, long-distance migrators show higher swimming capacities and can potentially clear obstacles easier than short distance migrators with lower swimming capacities. Even small obstacles (<25 cm) could be a barrier for genetic exchange between populations in short-distance migrators.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate proximate and fatty acid composition of important freshwater fish species in the Czech Republic. Sampled fish include seven species from intensive farming: African catfish, rainbow trout, Wels catfish, Nile tilapia, brook trout, northern whitefish, and pikeperch; eight species from semi-intensive culture systems: common carp, northern pike, pikeperch, grass carp, European perch, tench, silver carp, and catfish; and three species from extensive culture systems: rainbow trout, tench, and common carp. The fat content and fatty acid composition were highly influenced by the culture systems. Simultaneously, we observed a significant dependence of fatty acid composition on the fat content. The content of saturated fatty acids was below 34% in all analyzed fish. Northern pike, pikeperch, and European perch contained with over 50% the highest proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Intensively cultured fish reached the highest content of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic fatty acid. Nutritional quality was determined by atherogenic and thrombogenic indexes which ranged from 0.27 to 0.63 and 0.20 to 0.61 and by ratios n-3/n-6 (0.54–3.45) and polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids (0.67–2.01). Results demonstrated that the flesh of all studied species are of high nutritional quality.  相似文献   

为调查鱼源气单胞菌毒力基因与其致病力的相关性,以2009--2018年从不同患病鱼分离的173株气单胞菌为研究对象,通过检测毒力相关基因、测定溶血活性、腹腔注射感染异育银鲫等方法开展评价.通过管家基因gyrB分子鉴定结果显示,173株气单胞菌中维氏气单胞菌(119/173,68.9%)和嗜水气单胞菌(50/173,28...  相似文献   

1. The objective of this paper is to review the status of all freshwater fishes in the British Isles and to identify theatened species, races and communities which are in need of conservation. 2. Using objective criteria to assess the degree of threat, two of the 55 freshwater species known in the British Isles are thought to be extinct here and eight are believed to be under significant threat. 3. The biology of these ten species is reviewed. They are: Sturgeon Acipenser sturio, Allis Shad Alosa alosa, Twaite Shad Alosa fallax, Arctic Charr Salvelinus alpinus, Houting Coregonus oxyrinchus (extinct), Powan Coregonus lavaretus, Pollan Coregonus autumnalis, Vendace Coregonus albula, Smelt Osmerus eperlanus and Burbot Lota lota (extinct). 4. In addition, there are several races of commoner species which are believed to be worthy of special conservation measures. These fish include the purely freshwater race of River Lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis in Loch Lomond, dwarf Brook Lampreys Lampetra planeri in the Inner Hebrides, spineless Three-spined Sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus in the Outer Hebrides and a number of important races of Brown Trout Salmo trutta in various waters in Ireland and Scotland. 5. There is also a range of fish communities in individual rivers and lakes which merit conservation attention. These are important for a variety of reasons, including high (and very low) diversity, unique assemblages, pristine stocks and highly characteristic communities. 6. The major threats to these species and communities include industrial and domestic pollution, acidification, land use changes, river barriers, drainage, fish farming, fishery management and the introduction of new species. 7. The identification of these threatened fishes and important freshwater sites provides a foundation for a review of existing protection in the British Isles and a major fish conservation management programme. These will be described in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

吉红  田晶晶 《水产学报》2014,38(9):1650-1665
鱼粉、鱼油资源的短缺促使全球水产养殖业积极寻找其替代原料,而探究鱼粉、鱼油与其替代物之间的差异尤为重要,其中最主要的差异就是高不饱和脂肪酸(highly unsaturated fatty acids,HUFAs)是否存在及其含量多少。HUFAs是一类碳原子数目≥20、双键数≥3的脂肪酸,具有为动物提供能量、构成细胞膜组分、形成高生物活性物质、调控脂质代谢和免疫功能等重要作用,主要存在于鱼油和某些类别的微藻中。淡水鱼类具备自身合成HUFAs的能力,因此,一般认为HUFAs不是淡水鱼类的必需脂肪酸,无需通过饲料提供。但已有研究指出,饲料中添加一定量的HUFAs能够对淡水鱼类产生积极的营养作用,表明淡水鱼类的脂肪酸营养理论尚需进一步完善。本文综述了HUFAs在淡水鱼类生长、脂质代谢、健康免疫、繁殖特性等方面发挥作用的相关研究结果,明确提出淡水鱼类需要摄取一定水平的外源性HUFAs,指出在当前淡水鱼饲料中普遍使用HUFAs相对缺乏的蛋白源和油脂源的背景之下,HUFAs对淡水鱼类的作用应受到关注。最后,本文对今后淡水鱼类HUFAs营养的研究方向,以及新的HUFAs油脂源的开发前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Egg disinfection is considered the most important routine work in hatcheries to avoid fungal and/or bacterial infection of fish eggs. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of three disinfectants: formalin, iodine and sodium chloride on the hatching success of yellow perch eggs. The disinfectants were tested in triplicate at different concentrations for 15 and 30 min bath treatments. Two experiments were conducted; formalin at five concentrations (25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg L?1) and 25 mg L?1 iodine were tested in the first experiment. The second experiment involved formalin at three concentrations (250, 500 and 1000 mg L?1), iodine at three concentrations (50, 100 and 250 mg L?1) and sodium chloride at three concentrations (500, 1000 and 3000 mg L?1) were used. Iodine and sodium chloride‐treated eggs hatched earlier than formalin‐treated eggs. The highest mean percentage of eyed stage, hatching rate and survival to first feeding fry was observed at 200 mg L?1 formalin for 30 min, 50 mg L?1 iodine for 15 min and 500 mg L?1 sodium chloride for 30 min. High concentrations of formalin (1000 mg L?1), iodine (250 mg L?1) and sodium chloride (1000 and 3000 mg L?1) showed toxicity to yellow perch eggs, resulting in low hatching rate and survival to first feeding fry. We recommended formalin at a concentration of 150–200 mg L?1 for 30 min as an effective, easily available and low‐cost disinfectant for routine use to improve yellow perch hatchability.  相似文献   

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