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Individual records from 49,788 Large White piglets were used to evaluate preweaning mortality and its relationship with birth weight (BW). Preweaning mortality included farrowing mortality (TM) was also divided into stillbirth (SB), early (EM), late (LM) and total (ELM) preweaning mortality. Farrowing mortality was also studied as a sow's trait as number of piglets born dead (NBD). Threshold-linear models were used via MCMC. Traits included (1) TM-BW, (2) SB-ELM-BW, (3) SB-EM-LM and (4) NBD-ELM-BW. Model for BW included parity number, litter size, sex, contemporary group (farm-farrowing year-month), litter, and direct and maternal additive genetic effects. For mortality traits, litter effect was of the nursing litter for cross-fostered piglets (4.9%). Models for SB (2, 3) and NBD (4) excluded the effect of sex. In Model 3, BW was fitted as covariable for EM and LM. Estimates of direct and maternal heritability for BW were 0.03–0.06 and 0.14–0.19; and for mortality traits 0.03–0.12 and 0.08–0.12. Direct-maternal correlations were negative for all traits. Genetic correlations between all mortality traits were positive. Results confirmed the importance of BW for the genetic evaluation of piglet mortality. Early mortality is a good candidate for improvement of TM because of larger heritability and high genetic correlations with other mortality traits. It is most efficient to treat SB at sow level and preweaning mortality at the piglet level.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the risk associated with proportion Brahman inheritance, cow age, dystocia, and birth date weather conditions on calf vigor at birth (n = 3,253) and preweaning mortality (n = 3,631), and to estimate heritabilities for these traits. Calves that had poor vigor at birth and calves that died before weaning were coded 1, and those that had adequate birth vigor or survived to weaning were coded 0. Traits were analyzed using GLM. Year (1951 to 2002), cow age, calfgender, minimum temperature on date of birth (two levels: < 5.6 degrees C; or > 5.6 degrees C), and occurrence of dystocia were main effects in models. The proportion of Brahman inheritance in calves was modeled as a covariate. Males had greater odds of poor birth vigor (odds ratio = 1.44, 95% confidence interval = 1.14 to 1.82). The odds of death before weaning for steers relative to heifers approached significance (P = 0.07; odds ratio 1.41, 95% confidence interval 0.97 to 2.04). Calves born to young (3-yr-old) or very old (13 yr or older) cows had greater (P < 0.05) odds of poor vigor and death before weaning than calves of 5-yr-old cows. Calves with difficult births had 2.59 times greater odds of poor birth vigor (95% confidence interval 1.40 to 4.79) and 12.9 times greater odds of death before weaning (95% confidence interval 8.14 to 20.39) than calves born with no dystocia. Calves born on days with minimum temperatures of 5.6 degrees C or less had greater odds of poor vigor (odds ratio 1.97, 95% confidence interval 1.50 to 2.59) and of death before weaning (odds ratio 1.64, 95% confidence interval 1.27 to 2.13) than did calves born on days with higher minimums. The occurrence of rainfall on date of birth did not influence calf vigor at birth or preweaning mortality (P > 0.85). Purebred Brahman calves had 24.7 times greater odds (95% confidence interval 8.23 to 73.97) of poor vigor than 2/3 Brahman calves. The regression coefficient estimate for fraction of Brahman inheritance approached significance (P = 0.07) for preweaning mortality. Estimates of direct and maternal heritability were 0.09 +/- 0.05 and 0.10 +/- 0.04 for birth vigor, and 0.06 +/- 0.05 and 0.09 +/- 0.04, respectively, for preweaning mortality. Some exploitable genetic variation exists for these traits, but management of other factors may yield more immediate improvement than selection.  相似文献   

The validity of producer-recorded preweaning mortality causes was evaluated in 31 Danish sow herds. For 1206 piglets producer-recorded preweaning mortality cause was compared with post-mortem diagnosis. The predominant preweaning mortality causes at post-mortem were injury (trauma, lain on, and savaged), miscellaneous (unknown, starvation, illthrift, euthanasia, and low viability), and diarrhoea, with 391, 219, and 119 recordings, respectively. The sensitivity of producer-recorded preweaning mortality causes was generally low, and further analyses showed that the probability of being born alive and the probability of being given ‘a producer diagnosis other than unknown’ were associated with the herd and that a correct producer-recorded mortality cause relative to the post-mortem diagnosis depended on the mortality cause. Rare mortality causes with primarily internal signs tended to be misclassified. The producers often gave ‘a diagnosis other than unknown’ to pigs with a weight at death under 0.75kg and it was often correct. To pigs with a weight at death over 1.75kg, they rarely gave ‘a diagnosis other than unknown’, but when they did it was often correct.  相似文献   

Approximately 4,400 crossbred lambs from Southdown sires and Romney ewes were slaughtered at approximately 18, 23, and 28 wk of age over a 16-yr period. Live weights, carcass measurements, and chemical percentages were analyzed to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters. Heritabilities of postweaning weights and gains were about .20. Heritabilities of fat and water percentages were about .35 adjusted for age. Heritability of kidney fat percentage was .53. Heritabilities of fat depth and muscle measurements ranged from .21 to .37. Crutch depth (h2 = .73) and cannon bone length (h2 = .74) were the most highly heritable carcass measurements. The genetic correlation between carcass fat and fat-free weight was .47 when lambs were slaughtered at a constant age. Fat-free weight was nearly uncorrelated with percentages of fat, water, and protein when lambs were slaughtered at the same age. Carcass measurements increased accuracy of selection for fat-free weight at a constant age very little compared with using only carcass weight. However, this does not mean that additional measurements are useless. The addition of carcass measurements to the selection criteria would result in correlated responses in chemical composition that more closely resembled direct selection for fat-free weight. Carcass weight would be of little value when used by itself to reduce fat weight adjusted for carcass weight. Direct measurement of carcass composition resulted in 1.6 to 2.6 times more predicted response for reduced fat weight than any combination of carcass weight and one fat depth measurement.  相似文献   

Perinatal lamb mortality is one of the major factors in impairment of productivity on sheep raising enterprises around the world. In this study, perinatal mortality on one of the largest sheep raising enterprises in Peru was measured over a 10-year period. Between 1971 and 1980, a total of 603 694 lamb births was recorded. Mortality during the first 3 days of life was 36.94/1000 births and for the period from 4 to 30 days mortality was 5.87/1000.

Non-infectious conditions predominated as causes of mortality. The weak lamb syndrome, accidents, injuries and starvation were the leading causes of mortality. Diseases of infectious etiology were second in importance, but may have been under-reported. Variation in mortality between years, did not appear to affect the patterns of mortality by cause.

Approximately 86% of mortality occurred in the first 3 days of life. During this period, nutritional, environmental and management factors resulting in weak lambs and starvation accounted for approximately a third of total mortality. Infections (22%), accidents (22%), and stillbirths (16%) followed in order of importance. During the remainder of the first month of life, deaths from infections predominated, accounting for 60% of mortality from 4 to 30 days.  相似文献   

Data from 67 pig farms with a variety of farrowing systems were used to identify factors associated with preweaning mortality in British pig herds. The median mortality reported by the farmers was 10.7 per cent (interquartile range 8.5 to 14 per cent). There was a significantly higher mortality when the pigs were weaned when they were older. A multivariable Poisson model was developed into which the types of farrowing system on each farm and the age at weaning were forced. Factors associated with a lower preweaning mortality rate were insulating the farrowing building, providing extra heat at farrowing, giving the piglets iron injections, dipping their navels, using fan ventilation and using artificial lighting systems. Factors associated with a higher mortality rate were a later weaning age, the use of infra-red lamps rather than other forms of supplementary heat, and the use of a creep without any bedding.  相似文献   

The transfer of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) from ewe to lamb was quantitated to determine the occurrence of failure in passive transfer. Concentrations of IgG and IgM in ewe serum did not correlate with those in the colostrum. Colostrum from all ewes contained abundant amounts of immunoglobulins when compared with serum values, with IgG being selectively concentrated over IgM. Absorption through the intestinal tract of the lamb appeared to be a nonselective process, lacking predilection for IgG and IgM. All lambs tested 24 hours after birth absorbed colostral immunoglobulins to some extent; however, 13 (14%) of 91 clinically normal lambs demonstrated some failure of passive transfer. In contrast, failure of passive transfer was found in 27 (46%) of 59 lambs dying of natural causes between 24 hours and 5 weeks of age. Evidence presented emphasizes the importance of absorption of adequate amounts of immunoglobulins to enable the newborn lamb to survive the first few weeks of life.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for birth weight and weaning weight from records collected on 1,894 Santa Gertrudis calves (939 bulls, 955 heifers) during the 8-yr period, 1978 through 1985. Variance and covariance components were estimated separately by sex and combined across sexes utilizing mixed-model, least-squares procedures (Henderson's Method 3). The mathematical model assumed for estimating variance and covariance components by sex included effects of year, sire-within-year and age of dam. Also, calf weaning age was included as covariate for birth weight and weaning weight. Estimates were obtained across sexes utilizing the same model, with the addition of effects of sex of calf and the sex-of-calf X age-of-dam interaction. Heritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated using paternal half-sib techniques. The heritability estimate for birth weight for bulls was 1.6 times larger than that for heifers (.38 +/- .12 vs .24 +/- .10). Conversely, the heritability estimate for weaning weight for heifers was 1.5 times larger than that for bulls (.45 +/- .12 vs .30 +/- .11). However, based upon their approximate standard errors, neither of these differences was significant. Heritability estimates calculated across sexes were .32 +/- .07 and .42 +/- .08 for birth weight and weaning weight, respectively. Estimates of genetic and phenotypic correlations of birth weight and weaning weight by sex were .43 +/- .21 and .31, respectively, for bulls and .33 +/- .22 and .27, respectively, for heifers. Calculated across sexes, the genetic correlation was .40 +/- .14 and the phenotypic correlation was .29.  相似文献   

The r?le of corynebacteria in perinatal lamb mortality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Mature pregnant crossbred ewes (n = 90) were used in a randomized complete block design and assigned to 1 of 3 winter-feeding systems differing in primary feed source: haylage (HL), limit-fed corn (CN), or limit-fed dried distillers grains (DDGS). Effects of these winter-feeding strategies on ewe and lamb performance were determined. Diets were formulated to meet or exceed NRC (1985) nutrient requirements during gestation and were fed from about d 60 of gestation until parturition. All ewes were fed a common diet postpartum. Every 2 wk during gestation, BW and BCS were collected and diets were adjusted to maintain similar BW gain for ewes fed CN and DDGS vs. HL. At 80 and 122 d of gestation, jugular blood samples were collected at 0, 3, 6, and 9 h postfeeding to measure plasma glucose, insulin, NEFA, and blood urea nitrogen concentrations. At birth, 6 lambs per treatment were killed to measure body composition. At 28 ± 2 d postpartum, milk yield was measured. Lambs were weaned at 61 ± 4 d of age. During mid gestation (d 60 to 115), BW gain of ewes was similar among treatments; however, at d 115 of gestation ewes fed HL had a smaller (P = 0.04) BCS than ewes fed DDGS or CN. Plasma glucose concentrations were greater (P ≤ 0.004) in ewes fed CN than in those fed HL or DDGS just before feeding on d 80 and 122 of gestation, whereas ewes fed DDGS vs. CN or HL had greater (P ≤ 0.04) plasma insulin concentrations at 3 h postfeeding. At parturition, ewe BW was greatest for DDGS, least for HL, and intermediate for CN (P ≤ 0.003). Ewes fed CN and DDGS had greater BCS at parturition than those fed HL, but by weaning, ewes fed DDGS had greater BCS (P ≤ 0.05) than those fed CN or HL. Birth BW tended (P = 0.09) to be heavier for lambs from ewes fed CN and DDGS than from those fed HL prepartum, but there was no difference (P = 0.19) due to ewe gestation diet on lamb BW at weaning. At birth, lamb muscle, bone, organ, and fat measures were not affected (P > 0.13) by treatment. Ewe milk production and lamb preweaning ADG were also similar (P > 0.44) among treatments. Prepartum dam winter feed source did not have detrimental effects on pre- or postpartum ewe performance, but altered prepartum maternal nutrient supply during gestation, which affected birth weight but not preweaning growth or mortality.  相似文献   

Data collected from 1957 through 1985 from a Hereford herd located in the Southwest were analyzed separately for each sex to evaluate the heritabilities of and genetic correlations among preweaning growth traits within groups of environmentally similar years. Data were grouped into years with poor, moderate and good environments based on contemporary group means for male calves' weaning weight. A total of 7,690 records were analyzed for birth weight, weaning weight and preweaning daily gain with a model that included year of birth, sire within year of birth, age of dam and a covariate of day of birth for birth weight or age at weaning for the weaning traits. Year of birth was a significant source of variation in all environments for all traits, accounting for more of the variation in the good and poor years than in moderate years. Heritability estimates for all traits were greater in good and moderate years than in poor years for bull calves. For heifers, however, estimates for weaning weight and preweaning daily gain were greater in the poor environment. Genetic correlations among birth weight and preweaning gain increased from the good environment to the poor environment (-.49 +/- .26 to .82 +/- .56 for male calves and -.09 +/- 2.6 to .46 +/- .25 for female calves) but phenotypic correlations were near zero in all environments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Survival analysis of lamb mortality in a terminal sire composite population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Records of mortality during the first year of life of 8,642 lambs from a composite population at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center were studied using survival and logistic analyses. The traditional logistic approach analyzes the binary response of whether or not a lamb survived until a particular time point, thus disregarding information on the actual age at death. Survival analysis offers an alternative way to study mortality, wherein the response variable studied is the precise age at death while accounting for possible record censoring. Lamb mortality was studied across five periods based on management practices: birth to weaning, birth to 120 d of age, birth to 365 d of age, weaning to 365 d of age, and 120 to 365 d of age. Explanatory variables included in the models were sex, type of birth, age of dam, and whether or not a lamb was raised in a nursery. The survival analysis was implemented using Weibull and Cox proportional hazards models with sire as random effect. The logistic approach evaluated sire, animal, and maternal effects models. Lambs culled during any period were treated as censored in the survival analyses and were assumed alive in the logistic analyses. Similar estimates of the explanatory variables were obtained from the survival and logistic analyses, but the survival analyses had lower standard errors than the logistic analyses, suggesting a slight superiority of the former approach. Heritability estimates were generally consistent across all periods ranging from 0.15 to 0.21 in the Weibull model, 0.12 to 0.20 in the Cox model, 0.08 to 0.11 in the logistic sire model, 0.04 to 0.05 in the logistic animal model, and 0.03 to 0.07 in the maternal effects logistic model. Maternal effects were important in the early stages of lamb life, but the maternal heritability was less than 0.07 in all the stages studied with a negative correlation (-0.86 to -0.61) between direct and maternal effects. The estimates of additive genetic variance indicate that the use of survival analysis estimates in breeding schemes could allow for effective selection against mortality, thereby improving sheep productivity, welfare, and profitability.  相似文献   

A prospective longitudinal study was carried out on 39 outdoor breeding pig farms in England in 2003 and 2004 to investigate the risks associated with mortality in liveborn preweaning piglets. Researchers visited each farm and completed a questionnaire with the farmer and made observations of the paddocks, huts and pigs. The farmer recorded the number of piglets born alive and stillborn, fostered on and off and the number of piglets that died before weaning for 20 litters born after the visit. Data were analysed from a cohort of 9424 liveborn piglets from 855 litters. Overall 1274 liveborn piglets (13.5%) died before weaning. A mixed effect binomial model was used to investigate the associations between preweaning mortality and farm and litter level factors, controlling for litter size and number of piglets stillborn and fostered. Increased risk of mortality was associated with fostering piglets over 24 h of age, organic certification or membership of an assurance scheme with higher welfare standards, farmer's perception that there was a problem with pest birds, use of medication to treat coccidiosis and presence of lame sows on the farm. Reduced mortality was associated with insulated farrowing huts and door flaps, women working on the farm and the farmer reporting a problem with foxes.  相似文献   

Mortality records from birth to weaning of 8,301 lambs from a composite population at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center were analyzed using a competing risks model. The advantage of the competing risks model over traditional survival analyses is that different hazards of mortality can be assigned to different causes, such as disease, dystocia, and starvation. In this study, specific causes of mortality were grouped into dam-related (DAMR; e.g., dystocia and starvation), pneumonia (PNEU), disease (DIS; excluding pneumonia), and other (OTHER) categories. The hazard of mortality was analyzed using a competing risk approach, where each mortality category was assumed to be independent. Continuous- and discrete-time survival analyses were implemented using sire, animal, and maternal effects mixed models. The continuous-time survival analysis used the Weibull model to describe the hazard of mortality for each category of mortality. Under the discrete-time survival analysis, a complementary log-log link function was used to analyze animal-time data sets using weekly intervals for each category of mortality. Explanatory variables were sex, type of birth, contemporary group, and age of dam. The significant influences of type of birth and age of dam effects were consistent across category of mortality, and the sex effect was significant for all categories except the OTHER category. Estimates of variance components indicated strong maternal effects for all categories except for PNEU. Estimates of additive genetic heritabilities from the discrete maternal effects models were 0.08+/-0.04, 0.09+/-0.18, 0.16+/-0.12, 0.19+/-0.09, and 0.14+/-0.10 for OVERALL (all causes combined), DIS, DAMR, PNEU, and OTHER categories, respectively. Ignoring the cause of the defining event in mortality and longevity studies may hide important genetic differences. Therefore, the effectiveness of breeding programs relying on models that ignore multiple causes of an event in time-to-event data, such as mortality and longevity, could be affected.  相似文献   

Two factors that contribute to preweaning mortality in piglets are the initiation of lactation by sows and their ability to nurse their piglets. The objective of this study was to determine if the quantification of the transfer of immunoglobulins (Igs) from sow to piglet could act as a measure of these sow factors in terms of their influence on preweaning mortality. To measure passive transfer, a simple, rapid Ig immunocrit method was developed. For validation, the smallest piglets from 204 gilts were sacrificed on day 1 after birth and blood was collected.Piglet serum Ig concentrations were measured three ways: (1) by protein A sepharose precipitation, SDS–PAGE, and densitometry of the IgG heavy chain; (2) by precipitation of Ig with (NH4)2SO4 followed by spectrophotometric measurement; and (3) by precipitation of Ig with (NH4)2SO4 and measurement of the ratio of precipitate to sample volume using a hematocrit microcapillary (the Ig immunocrit method). Results from the (NH4)2SO4 methods correlated (r = 0.86) with those obtained using SDS–PAGE. Day 1 weights and immunocrit ratios and preweaning survival data were then collected from every piglet from first (n = 90), and second (n = 145) parity sows. Bodyweight and immunocrit ratios accounted for 4.8% and 16.7% (P < 0.01) of the variation in preweaning mortality, respectively. Litter average immunocrit ratios were not correlated with preweaning mortality. In conclusion, the Ig immunocrit method is a simple, rapid measure of passive transfer from sow to piglet, and is useful in assessing the initiation of colostrum and the nursing ability of sows, and the effect of these events on preweaning piglet mortality.  相似文献   

AIMS: To substantiate a previous report of improved fertility and perinatal lamb mortality rate following iodine supplementation in a Manawatu Romney ewe flock. To contribute data which might be used to predict a response to iodine supplementation. METHODS: A controlled iodine supplementation trial was performed over 2 successive years. The possible confounding factor of different lambing paddocks on perinatal lamb mortality was removed by the reversal of the paddocks used by the supplemented and control ewes during the second year. RESULTS: During 2 successive years, iodine supplementation resulted in improved reproductive performance in a Manawatu Romney flock with 21% and 14% more lambs born to supplemented than to control mixed-age ewes in 1996 and 1997 respectively. Supplementation also resulted in improved perinatal lamb survival, although this effect was greater during the wetter 1996 Lambing season. Despite the production response during both years, a difference in lamb thyroid:bodyweight ratio was only noted following the drier 1997 winter. Ewe thyroid hormone concentrations before mating and during mid-pregnancy were poor indices of deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Iodine deficiency should be included in the list of differential diagnoses for poor reproductive performance in ewes and in the investigation of high perinatal lamb mortality rates. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The annual cost associated with iodine deficiency in this Manawatu Romney flock is conservatively estimated at dollar 6.00 per ewe. This economic loss is considerably greater than the annual cost of iodine supplementation using iodised oil.  相似文献   

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