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Measurements of air and precipitation quality have been carried out within the EMEP programme under the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) since 1978. Approximately 100 rural sites are currently in operation. The Meteorological Synthesising Centre-West (MSC-W) operates two EMEP models estimating transboundary fluxes of air pollutants, a two-dimensional Lagrangian model and a three-dimensional Eulerian model. Traditionally kriging has been used to produce gridded concentration fields from observed data for comparison with modelled data. This paper describes a method for producing optimal fields based on both point measurements and. The difference between modelled and measured values in each measurement point is interpolated to give a smooth two-dimensional expression for the discrepancy between the two data sets. A combined map is derived by adjusting the modelled values with the interpolated difference weighted by the distance to the nearest measurement point. The method has been applied to sulphur and nitrogen measurements in air and precipitation from the EMEP network and modelled results in a 150×150 km grid from the EMEP Lagrangian model. The combined maps give improved regional concentration fields combining characteristics from both the measured and modelled data sets depending on the distance to the measurement points. Comparison with results from the higher resolution Eulerian model shows good agreement.  相似文献   

Critical Loads of Acid Deposition on Soil in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Critical loads of acid deposition havebeen mapped for Chinese soils using a modifiedsemi-quantitative method, which is based on theminerals controlling weathering and soil development,and corrected by introducing an Arrhenius relationshipto describe the effect of temperature and a weightedaveraging approach to evaluate the effect of soiltexture, land use and precipitation. As a consequenceof these modifications, the method has been quantifiedand can be more widely used. Results from this studyshow that the lowest critical loads of acid depositionin China, i.e., those areas most sensitive to aciddeposition, occur in the Podzolic soils in theNortheast, followed by Latosol, Dark brown forest soiland Black soil areas. The Ferralsol areas in SouthChina are intermediate, tolerating about 0.8–1.6 g m-2 yr-1 sulfur deposition. The highestcritical loads of acid deposition are mainly locatedin the Alpine soil areas on the Plateau of Tibet andareas of Xerosol and Podocal soil in Northwest China.The reason for lower critical loads in the Northeastrelative to South China can be attributed to thedifference of temperature, soil moisture and soiltexture. Comparison of critical loads with the sulfurdeposition in 1995 identifies almost one fourth of theland area in southeast China to be subject to risk of acidification.  相似文献   

酸沉降对土壤团聚体及土壤可蚀性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从土壤团聚体的角度探讨了酸沉降对土壤可蚀性的影响。根据已有的资料分析表明 ,酸沉降主要通过改变土壤的酸碱条件、土壤胶体的稳定性以及土壤胶结物质的数量和性质来影响土粒团聚和有机无机复合 ;其结果是团聚作用降低而黏粒含量增加 ,最终导致土壤的可蚀性加大。由此可见 ,长期的酸沉降在土壤侵蚀退化中具有重要作用 ,进行深入而广泛的有关酸沉降对土壤结构体的影响研究 ,可为从土壤结构管理的角度防治土壤侵蚀退化提供理论依据  相似文献   

Urushi (Japanese lacquer) plates were exposed to indoor air in 7 cities in East Asia from summer 1995 through winter 1997. The plates, collected every 3 months, were optically observed by using a gloss meter, a digital microscope and a microscopic infrared spectrophotometer for evaluation of a seasonal impact by acidic air pollutants. The gloss losses were high on the urushi surface in autumn, when fog frequently appeared. Numerous fine spots were observed in 0.2–0.3 mm in diameter on the surfaces of the plates exposed at Chongqing, China, Taejon, Korea and Nara, Japan, where dense fog occurred. The spots were dark and opaque at Chongqing, where heavy air pollution was observed. A dark and opaque core was observed in each semitransparent spot at Taejon and Nara, while no spots were observed at Kyoto and Ishikawa, where fog often appeared but air pollution was at a low level. Carbonyl group, identified by microscopic infrared spectrometry, was found in the spots on the urushi surfaces. The carbonyl group may be formed by oxidation of a side-chain in urushiol (a major component of urushi sap, alkyl phenol). Urushi lacquer may be damaged by high concentration of sulfate anion, included in acid fog.  相似文献   

The extensive use of coal as an energy carrier in China has led to high deposition of sulfur in a large part of the country. In the southern part of China large areas receive acid deposition, while in the northern part of the country the acidity of the emissions is neutralized by alkaline dust from the desert areas. In this paper we demonstrate the importance of knowing the sources and deposition patterns of base cations when assessing the effects of changes in sulfur emissions. Regional-scale data of both sulfur and calcium deposition from modeling and monitoring are combined in order to demonstrate how the acidity of deposition in China has changed historically and may change in the future. The importance of base cation deposition is also demonstrated using the dynamic acidification model MAGIC with input data from an intensive monitoring site outside Guiyang. It is not known what fraction of the deposited base cations is of natural origin and anthropogenic origin, respectively. The relative source strength varies greatly between regions. Future effects of emission changes are highly dependent on the relative reduction in sulfur and base cation emissions.  相似文献   

Soil Vulnerability and Sensitivity to Acid Deposition in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tao  Fulu  Hayashi  Yousay  Lin  Erda 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2002,140(1-4):247-260
Sensitivity, in this context, refers to `the degree to which a system will respond to acid deposition', while vulnerability is `the extent to which acid deposition may damage or harm system'.Thus, sensitivity stresses the risk of an increase in the rateof change of the soil chemistry (the acidification rate), and vulnerability stresses the risk of damage to an organism or system (the acidification state). With regard to acid depositioneffects, both vulnerable and sensitive ecosystems are of concern;however, they are usually not well distinguished. The identification of ecosystems vulnerable (at risk for damage) or sensitive (high degree of response) to acid deposition is very important if policy makers are to derive cost-effective pollutioncontrol strategies. In this paper, the relative vulnerability andsensitivity of soils in China are assessed on the basis of soil base saturation and cation exchange capacity. Vulnerable and sensitive soils, as well as the risks associated with acid deposition, are identified. The characteristics of these two types of soils and their responses to acid deposition are discussed. Finally, results obtained by using different approaches are compared. The results show that the most vulnerable areas are located mainly in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, and Sichuan provinces andin the southern part of Yunnan province. On the other hand, themost sensitive areas are located mainly in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, and Fujian provinces and in the northern part of Yunnanprovince. Combining the distribution of vulnerability and sensitivity with the sulfur deposition shows that the areas around Chongqing City and central Guizhou province are at highrisk for damage by acid deposition; central Zhejiang province andthe boundary region between Hunan and Jiangxi provinces would be at high risk for a high rate of acidification if acid depositionwere to increase.  相似文献   

[目的]系统地探究近10a中国大气氮沉降研究态势,为今后的相关研究提供科学借鉴。[方法]基于科学计量学与信息可视化分析方法,借助Citespace软件,从文献中分析近10a中国大气氮沉降研究热点及趋势。[结果]近10a来,在氮沉降背景下,森林生态系统中凋落物分解与土壤微生物特征一直是研究热点;近5a草地生态系统的研究地区更加广泛,但较少涉及林下草地;碳氮循环相关研究多集中于温带及亚热带森林区,研究内容更加丰富,研究方法向大数据分析及模型建立方向发展;大气氮沉降通量观测以水域生态系统为主,近5a来较多地结合了非点源污染及示踪技术。[结论]近10a来,中国氮沉降领域各学科交叉性和系统性增强,研究内容和尺度不断扩大,研究方法和技术趋于多样化;草地生态系统及微生物群落特征、氮沉降与全球变化及人类活动耦合关系研究成为近年来关注的热点。  相似文献   

Modelling and Mapping Ozone Deposition in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new dry deposition module has been developed for European-scale mapping and modelling of ozone deposition fluxes (Emberson et al., 2000a,b). The module is being implemented in the photochemical long-range transport model of EMEP that is currently used to estimate exceedance of the existing critical levels for ozone within the UN ECE LRTAP programme. The deposition model evaluates the atmospheric, boundary layer and surface resistances to ozone transfer with the calculation of the dry deposition velocity performed according to a standard resistance formulation. The approach differs from other existing methods through the use of a detailed stomatal uptake model that describes stomatal conductance as a function of plant species, phenology and four environmental variables (air temperature, solar radiation, water vapour pressure deficit and soil moisture deficit). Comparison of preliminary model outputs for selected land-cover types indicate that the model is capable of predicting the seasonal and diurnal range in deposition velocities that have been reported previously in the literature. The application of this deposition scheme enables calculations of ambient ozone concentrations to be made using a biologically based method that can distinguish stomatal and non-stomatal components of total ozone deposition. The ability to estimate stomatal ozone fluxes (according to vegetation type, phenology and spatial location) that are consistent with evaluations of atmospheric ozone concentrations will be helpful in future assessments of ozone impacts to vegetation.  相似文献   

In addition to strong natural stresses forest ecosystems in the Kola Subarctic, Russia, receive high loads of sulphur and heavy metals from the nickel smelter. To estimate soil response to acid deposition we compared the soil field data along a pollution gradient and simulated time effects. Multivariate technique was applied to investigate spatial distribution of soil field data. Time response of soils to acid deposition was evaluated with the SMART model. According to field observations there is no evidence for strong soil acidification effects close to the smelter. Concentrations of exchangeable Ca and base saturation increase, while acidity decrease in lower soil mineral horizons towards the pollution source. However, some features seem to reflect the early stages of the started acidification. Most soil profiles have low pH values. Despite increasing of exchangeable Ca and Mg towards the smelter in lower mineral horizons due to geological inheritance, they do not reveal the same trends in the upper ones. Concentration of exchangeable K in organic horizons decreases towards the smelter, thus confirming the starting acidification. As result, exchangeable base cations are depleted in the considerable part of shallow soil profiles. According to model simulation the present acid load does not effect considerably on forest soils in background areas, however, dramatic shift in soil chemistry near the smelter is expected within several decades. Due to low pool of exchangeable base cations and low weathering rate continued acid deposition can lead to increased soil acidification and nutrient imbalance.  相似文献   

Critical loads of nutrient and acidifying nitrogen, as well as of sulphur and acidity, were derived for various ecosystems in China using the steady state mass balance (SSMB) equations. The weathering rates of major soils necessary for applying SSMB were calculated through the PROFILE model on the basis of mineralogical data from experimental analysis. The growth uptakes of nitrogen and base cations were also derived by multiplying the annual increases in biomass with the element contents of the vegetation. Using a geographical information system (GIS), 1°(latitude)×1°(longitude) critical load maps of China with different percentiles were compiled. Results indicate that low critical loads of S (< 0.5 keq·ha?1·a?1) occurred predominately in southwest and northeast China, and the critical loads of southeast China were intermediate and in the range of 0.5~1.0 keq·ha?1·a?1. In addition, the critical loads of N were very low for desert ecosystems in northwest China and high for agricultural ecosystems in east China. Among the ecosystems with intermediate critical load of N, coniferous forests may be more sensitive to N deposition than broad-leaf forests and temperate steppes.  相似文献   

Deposition of non-seasalt base cations (Ca2+ + Mg2++ K+) in South Korea was mapped for 1994 to 1997 on a 11 × 14 km grid using the so-called inferential modeling technique. It is found that the annual mean wet deposition of non-seasalt base cations is about 290 eq ha-1 yr-1 with a maximum of 470 eq ha-1 yr-1 and a minimum of 120 eq ha-1 yr-1 while the annual mean dry deposition is about 130 eq ha-1 yr-1 with a maximum of 240 eq ha-1 yr-1 and a minimum 70 eq ha-1 yr-1. Theannual mean total deposition of non-seasalt Ca2+ + Mg2+ + K+ is found to be about 420 eq ha-1 yr-1 with the predominant range of 400 eq ha-1 yr-1 to 550 eq ha-1 yr-1 thatoccupies more than 45% of total deposition of non-seasalt base cations and dry deposition constitutes on average30% of the total base cation deposition. About 30% of the annualtotal deposition of sulfur is found counteracted by depositionof non-seasalt base cations over South Korea.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate acid depositions and to understand their effect. Wet precipitation has been collected at twenty-four sites in Korea for one year of 1999. The ion concentrations such as H+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, NH4 +, Ca2+, Cl?, NO3 ? and SO4 2? were chemically analyzed and determined. Precipitation had wide range of pH(3.5~8.5), and volume-weighted average was 5.2. The contribution amounts of Cl?, SO4 2? and NO3 ? in anion were shown to be 54%, 32%, and 14%, respectively and those of Na+ and NH4 + in cation were 32% and 25%. The ratios of Cl? and Mg2+ to Na+ in precipitation were similar to those of seawater, which imply that great amount of Cl? and Mg2+ in precipitation could be originated from seawater. The concentration of H+ is little related with SO4 2?, NO3 ? and Cl? ions, whereas nss?SO4 2? and NO3 ? are highly correlated with NH4 +, which could suggest that great amount of SO4 2? and NO3 ? exist in the form of ammonium associated salt. The annual wet deposition amounts (g m?2year?1) of SO4 2?, NO3 ?, Cl?, H+, NH4 +, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were estimated as 0.88~4.89, 0.49~4.37, 0.30~9.80, 0.001~0.031, 0.06~2.15, 0.27~4.27, 0.10~3.81, 0.23~1.59 and 0.03~0.63.  相似文献   

Atmospheric pollution is known to induce corrosion effects on various materials. For Greece, stone deterioration could emerge severe costs in the case of damaging cultural monuments. This work aims to investigate the corrosion process on materials of archaeological importance (marble, limestone, and sandstone) in the Greater Athens Area (GAA) by using sophisticated geoanalytical methods together with dose?Cresponse functions for selected materials, in order to derive corrosion maps for GAA in the period 2000?C2009. Also, a corrosion trend analysis is performed, which can be a very helpful tool for the prediction of potential risks to monuments of cultural heritage due to atmospheric pollution. The corrosion effects on the selected materials are generally weak. Nevertheless, increasing corrosion trends are found in the eastern regions of GAA for all sheltered materials and in the northern parts of GAA for unsheltered marble. The technique is finally applied to 12 locations in GAA, which include some of the most important archaeological monuments of Athens, and provides comprehensive results for the estimation of the impact of atmospheric corrosion on the structural materials of these archaeological sites.  相似文献   

LAPAN has measured rain acidity in Bandung, the location is Cipedes since 1985, with average pH in 1985 was 6.25. The pH condition 1985–1999 as follow: The monthly average of pH in period 1985–1992 was >5.6: in the middle of 1996–1997 it had big variation and than decrease until now. The monthly average of pH in 1997 until now was <5.6. The pH has decreasing trend, the reason was increasing fuel combustion for transportation and household because the area around the observation was change from rural to be transportation and settlement area. The rain acidity comparison in Cipedes (rural site), Cicahuem (busy site), and Tanjungsari (remote site) hold in 1986–1987, the result was Tanjungsari the remote site had the lowest pH. It's suggested the reason was sulphur compound from Kamojang crater and air pollution from industrial area in south-east of Bandung were blown by the wind through this place. The influence of air pollution to acid rain was studied by measurement NO3 ? and SO4 2? in 5 places around Bandung, the results were: North of Bandung had the lowest NO3 ? concentration because the traffics were low: but had the highest SO4 2? concentration; it's caused by emission of sulphur compounds from Tangkuban Perahu Montain. South of Bandung had the highest NO3 ? concentration because the traffics were crowded and a lot of industries around it. In general Bandung had SO4 2? concentration higher than NO3 ? concentration, it's suggested due to the influence of sulphur compound from Tangkuban Perahu Montain. The observation rain acidity in Ciater at Tangkuban Perahu Montain started in 1996, the result in period 1996–1998 as follow: The pH had decreasing trend, it's due to the traffic near this observation increase, so the air pollution around this area increase, it will influence the rain acidity. The maximum monthly average of ph was 6.78 and minimum was 4.63, the pH monthly average generally < 6. In El NINO year 1997, the monthly average of pH in April and December were > 6.5.  相似文献   

In a laboratory incubation experiment, nitrification potential, methane oxidation, N2O and CO2 release were studied in the organic soil layer (0–10 cm) of field lysimeters containing re-established soil profiles from a 100-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest of Norway. The experiment was designed as a full factorial (3 factors; N fertilisation rates, soil acidification, and plants), with three replicates. The more acidic irrigation (pH 3) significantly reduced nitrification potential and N2O fluxes, methane oxidation and CO2 release. We concluded that the reduction in soil N2O release by severe acid deposition is partly due to reduction in nitrification potential. The highest N2O fluxes were observed in the combination of fertilised planted and less acidic pH treatment. N fertilisation (90 kg N ha?1 y?1 with NH4NO3) increased soil N2O release by a factor of 8 and decreased CH4 oxidation by 60–80%. Plant effects on soil nitrification potential and methane oxidation rates are discussed.  相似文献   

Reiss  D.  Rihm  B.  Thöni  C.  Faller  M. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2004,159(1):101-113
Copper and zinc are the most abundant facade and roofing materials sensitive for corrosion in Switzerland. For calculating potential material losses of copper and zinc by corrosion-induced runoff, i.e. washed or blown away material, dose-response functions (DRFs) are derived from the results of a Swiss outdoor corrosion exposure programme (Leuenberger-Minger et al., 2002b, Mater. Corros. 53, 157–164). The DRFs are also compared with other DRFs available from literature.Based on these DRFs, calculated runoff rates of Cu and Zn are mapped for Switzerland on a 250 × 250 m raster. The required input maps (climate and pollution levels) are produced by spatial interpolation of monitoring data from over 60 stations. The stock at risk of zinc and copper which are exposed in open atmosphere is calculated by two methods: (1) The bottom-up method uses data which were evaluated in a representative region in Switzerland by estimating the installed metallic roof and facade materials in the field. These data are projected to the total area of Switzerland on the basis of a land-use map. (2) The top-down method uses statistical data of imported zinc and copper material. The amount and surface of material that is used under outdoor conditions are calculated by use of different assumptions.The maps of runoff rates and stock at risk are then overlaid for calculating the annual flux of released metals. While the economic aspect of corrosion is presumably less important, the ecological risk of the runoff of metals should be considered in future research and mapping activities.  相似文献   

Acid deposition has been monitored in the natural vegetation of the western part of Tokyo, especially in the Okutama Mountains and surrounding areas. However, it is difficult to grasp the condition of acid deposition and the possible impacts on the vegetation in the whole area. Therefore, we attempted to make gridded acidic deposition maps and critical load maps. The grid size was 30 seconds latitude and 45 seconds longitude. Monthly wet deposition in the fiscal year of 1997 was calculated by multiplying concentration of wet deposition and precipitation. Concentration of wet deposition was estimated by averaging the data monitored at the nearest three stations with the inverse of distance as the weight. Precipitation was estimated by step-wise multiple regression with geographical factors as explanatory variables. Critical loads were estimated using the steady-state mass balance model with some modifications. As result, it was found that sulfur deposition had exceeded in most of the western part of Tokyo.  相似文献   

Chongqing is among the heaviest polluted cities in China. Combustion of coal with relatively high sulfur content causes high sulfur emission and deposition in the area. Effects on soils and waters of the acid deposition in the Chongqing area have been studied in the field at a forested site outside the city. Deposition chemistry and fluxes, soil and soil water chemistry as well as surface water chemistry are presented for the period 1996–1998. There are some stress symptoms at the forest in the area and severe forest damage has been reported at Nanshan, closer to Chongqing center. Monitoring of the acidification situation in the area must be followed closely as impacts may be expected if the deposition is not reduced in the future. The deposition of sulfur, H+ as well as calcium at the site is high. Wet deposition of sulfur is estimated to 4.7 – 5.7 g S m?2 yr?1 during the three years sampled; dry deposition is probably of similar size. Annual volume-weighted pH in bulk deposition was 4.0 – 4.2 and the calcium wet deposition flux was 2.6 – 3.6 g Ca2+ m?2. There are considerable seasonal variations in the concentrations, related to the seasonal variations in precipitation amount (dry winter, wet summer). The soils at the site are acid with median base saturation of 12% and 8% in the topsoil and subsoil, respectively. In soil water, aluminum concentrations are typically in the range 3–8 mg L?1. However, due to the high base cation deposition, the Al/(Ca2++Mg2+) molar ratio is below unity in most samples, indicating little damage of forest due to aluminum in soil water.  相似文献   

Soil acid phosphomonoesterase activity(APA)plays a vital role in controlling phosphorus(P)cycling and reflecting the current degree of P limitation.Responses of soil APA to elevating nitrogen(N)deposition are important because of their potential applications in addressing the relationship between N and P in forest ecosystems.A study of responses of soil APA to simulated N deposition was conducted in three succession forests of subtropical China.The three forests include a Masson pine(Pinus massoniana)forest (MPF)-pioneer community,a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest(MF)-transition community and a monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest(MEBF)-climax community.Four N treatments were designed for MEBF:control(without N added),low-N(50 kg N ha-1 year-1),and medium-N(100 kg N ha-1 year-1)and high-N(150 kg N ha-1 year-1),and only three N treatments(i.e.,control, low-N,medium-N)were established for MPF and MF.Results showed that soil APA was highest in MEBF,followed by MPF and MF.Soil APAs in both MPF and MF were not influenced by low-N treatments but depressed in medium-N treatments.However,soil APA in MEBF exhibited negative responses to high N additions,indicating that the environment of enhanced N depositions would reduce P supply for the mature forest ecosystem.Soil APA and its responses to N additions in subtropical forests were closely related to the succession stages in the forests.  相似文献   

Critical loads of acid deposition for ecosystems in South China are derived by synthesizing the critical loads of acid deposition for soils, the critical loads of SO2 dry deposition for ecosystems, as well their exceedance. The results show in the southeast of Sichuan province around Chongqing municipality, the central and north of Guizhou province around Guiyang municipality, and the most areas of Jiangsu province, both the critical loads for soils and critical loads of SO2 dry deposition are exceeded. In Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and some areas among Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces, the critical loads of SO2 dry deposition is the only restricting factor. There is no area where the critical load for soil is the only restricting factor in South China, so only the critical load for soil is not enough to be the basis to make sulfur abatement scheme.  相似文献   

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