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The foliar N content of bryophytes and Calluna vulgaris (L.) has been shown to be an indicator of atmospheric N deposition in the UK at a regional scale (1000km) and more recently on a smaller scale in the vicinity of intensive livestock farms. This work extends the geographical scale of the relationship between foliar N concentration of Calluna vulgaris and other ericaceous shrubs and N deposition with 2 measurement transects, one extending from northern Finland to southern Norway (2000 km) and the other extending from central Sweden to Stockholm, south east Sweden (330 km). Included in the second transect is a region of complex terrain in the Transtrand uplands, where the variation in N deposition with altitude and canopy cover was quantified using 210Pb inventories in organic soil. The relationship between foliar N (FN) and N deposition was shown to increase linearly with N deposition (ND) over the range 0.8% N to 1.4% N according to FN = 0.040ND + 0.793 (r2 = 0.70). The data are entirely consistent with earlier studies which together provide a valuable indicator of critical loads exceedance, the threshold value being approximately 1.5% N, which is equivalent to a N deposition of 20 kg N ha?1 y?1.  相似文献   

Critical loads of nitrogen (N) from atmospheric deposition were determined for alpine lake ecosystems in the western US using fossil diatom assemblages in lake sediment cores. Changes in diatom species over the last century were indicative of N enrichment in two areas, the eastern Sierra Nevada, starting between 1960 and 1965, and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, starting in 1980. In contrast, no changes in diatom community structure were apparent in lakes of Glacier National Park. To determine critical N loads that elicited these community changes, we modeled wet nitrogen deposition rates for the period in which diatom shifts first occurred in each area using deposition data spanning from 1980 to 2007. We determined a critical load of 1.4 kg N ha?1 year?1 wet N deposition to elicit key nutrient enrichment effects on diatom communities in both the eastern Sierra Nevada and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  相似文献   

Tao  Fulu  Feng  Zongwei 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,124(3-4):429-438
The critical loads of SO2 dry deposition in South China,which is transferred from critical level, as well the excess ofcritical loads are computed and mapped. The areas with thelowest critical load and the highest excess are, respectively,identified. The research is complementary to the previousresearches on critical loads for soils, and expected to beintegrated with them to make efficient sulfur emission abatement strategy.  相似文献   

The ForSAFE-VEG model was used to investigate the impacts of climate change and air pollution scenarios on soil chemistry and ground vegetations composition. In particular, the model involves a ground vegetation model incorporating plant changes to ambient site conditions in terms of climate and chemistry, but the model also incorporate competition between the different plant groups. The model was validated against observed values and reproduced observations of tree growth, soil chemistry, and ground vegetation compositions to satisfaction. The results show that the ground vegetation reacts strongly to changes in air pollution, in particular nitrogen as well as to climate change with major shifts in plant composition. A procedure for estimating critical loads for nitrogen, using ground vegetation biodiversity as criterion, was tested and the method seems operable. It suggests that if we want to protect the present biodiversity of the ground vegetation, this will face significant difficulties because of permanent climate change that induced changes in the ecosystem. We conclude that the reference state for ground vegetation biodiversity is rather to be sought for in the future, hopefully using models, than in the past or present.  相似文献   

Although decades of acid deposition have apparently not resulted in surface water acidification in China, some surface waters may have the potential trend of being acidified, especially those in southern China. In this paper, a dynamic acidification model–MAGIC was applied to 100 surface waters in southern and northeastern China to evaluate the impact of acid deposition to surface waters and to determine their critical loads of S deposition, both regions having distinguishing soil, geological and acid deposition characteristics. Results indicate that most surface waters included in this paper are not sensitive to acid deposition, with critical loads of S for these waters comparatively high. On the other hand, surface waters in southern China, especially those in Fujian, Jiangxi and Guangdong provinces, are more susceptible to acidification than those in northeastern China, which coincides with their different patterns of soil, geological and acid deposition conditions. Among all the waters, a few small ponds, such as those on top of the Jinyun mountain and Emei mountain, are the most sensitive to acid deposition with critical loads of 1.84 and 3.70 keq·ha?1·yr?1, respectively. For the considerable ANC remaining in most 100 surface waters, it is not likely that acidification will occur in the near future for these waters.  相似文献   

Critical load values are calculated to determine ecosystem responses to deposition in a given area; these values may act as a tool to identify sensitive ecosystems in further need of protection. This overview provides an introduction to nitrogen critical loads for policy makers and parties involved in managing nitrogen deposition including electric utility generators, transportation managers and automobile manufacturers, and large-scale agricultural operators in the United States. It examines the use of the critical loads concept in European nations for establishing policy guidelines, current research on nitrogen critical loads in the U.S., and the development of nitrogen critical loads modeling and mapping.  相似文献   

A critical load data base was developed for Europe and Northern Asia using the latest data bases on soils, vegetation, climate and forest growth. Critical loads for acidity and nutrient nitrogen for terrestrial ecosystems were computed with the Simple Mass Balance model. The resulting critical loads are in accordance with critical loads from previous global empirical studies, but have a much higher spatial resolution. Critical loads of acidity are sensitive to both the chemical criterion and the critical limit chosen. Therefore a sensitivity analysis of critical loads was performed by employing different chemical criteria. A critical limit based on an acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) of zero resulted in critical loads that protect ecosystems against toxic concentrations of aluminium and unfavourable Al/Bc ratios, suggesting that ANC could be an alternative to the commonly used Al/Bc ratio. Critical loads of nutrient nitrogen are sensitive to the specified critical nitrate concentration, especially in areas with a high precipitation surplus. If limits of 3–6 mg N l?1 are used for Western Europe instead of the widely used 0.2 mg N l?1, critical loads double on average. In low precipitation areas, the increase is less than 50%. The strong dependence on precipitation surplus is a consequence of the simple modelling approach. Future models should explore other nitrogen parameters (such as nitrogen availability) instead of leaching as the factor influencing vegetation changes in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper reports an uncertainty analysis of critical loads for acid deposition for a site in southern England, using the Steady State Mass Balance Model. The uncertainty bounds, distribution type and correlation structure for each of the 18 input parameters was considered explicitly, and overall uncertainty estimated by Monte Carlo methods. Estimates of deposition uncertainty were made from measured data and an atmospheric dispersion model, and hence the uncertainty in exceedance could also be calculated. The uncertainties of the calculated critical loads were generally much lower than those of the input parameters due to a “compensation of errors” mechanism – coefficients of variation ranged from 13% for CLmaxN to 37% for CL(A). With 1990 deposition, the probability that the critical load was exceeded was > 0.99; to reduce this probability to 0.50, a 63% reduction in deposition is required; to 0.05, an 82% reduction. With 1997 deposition, which was lower than that in 1990, exceedance probabilities declined and uncertainties in exceedance narrowed as deposition uncertainty had less effect. The parameters contributing most to the uncertainty in critical loads were weathering rates, base cation uptake rates, and choice of critical chemical value, indicating possible research priorities. However, the different critical load parameters were to some extent sensitive to different input parameters. The application of such probabilistic results to environmental regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN??primarily nitrate) from terrestrial ecosystems has been considered an important contributor to acidification of linked aquatic systems. The basis of this concern is the nitrogen (N) saturation hypothesis, positing that additions of N to terrestrial ecosystems in excess of biological requirements will result in DIN leaching. There is a consensus (implicit hypothesis) in the literature that atmospheric deposition of DIN in excess of a threshold of approximately 10?kg?ha?1?year?1 leads to significant flux. Diverse data from USA indicate that DIN flux is highly variable both in space and time; the spatial uncertainty as measured by the pooled coefficient of variation is about 0.95, and the temporal (inter-year) uncertainty is about 0.75. The relationship between atmospheric deposition of DIN and annual flux is near-linear within the range of current deposition for US sites (??8?kg?ha?1?year?1 wet deposition). If wet and dry depositions are approximately equal, over 85 % of total DIN deposition is retained. This is nearly equal to the retention reported by the US Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment Program, which considered all nonpoint sources of N as inputs and both DIN and organic N as fluxes. Although input?Coutput data have high uncertainty, the 85 % retention of atmospheric DIN by terrestrial watersheds casts doubt on its importance as a contributor to aquatic acidification. There is no obvious threshold of deposition leading to DIN leaching. The nitrogen saturation hypothesis may not fully explain N behavior in terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The NO2, nitrate and ammonia sampling in aerosols and rainfall was carried out at five stations located along the Cuban Island from 1986 to 1991. The sampling and chemical analysis were made mainly on the basis of methodologies recommended by WMO for above mentioned compounds at regional level. The total deposition of these compounds varies from 0.706 to 3.317 g m-2 yr-1. The wet deposition is about of 60%, so that the dry one is 40%. The amount of both depositions depends on our tropical rainy climate features. For some of these compounds the trend is increasing.  相似文献   

In a network of permanent observation plots in Switzerland,the storm ‘Lothar’ uprooted 18.7% of Fagussylvaticaand 14.8% of Picea abies. The percentage of uprootingwas significantly inversely correlated with actual soil basesaturation (NH4Cl-extract). At a base saturation of≤40% (calculated as an average over 0–40cm depth) uprootingwas increased by a factor of 4.8 in beech and by a factor of3.6 in Norway spruce compared to less acidic soils. In beech,the percentage of uprooted trees was also significantlycorrelated with nitrogen concentration in the leaves(positively) and with coarse pore volume in the soil(negatively). There was neither a relation with seasonalozone dose nor a relation with crown transparency, stemdiameter, crown size, slenderness, social position andposition within the stand. The results suggest thatanthropogenic stress factors play an important role in theextent of the ‘Lothar’ damages in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Over the last 20 years wet deposition chemistry in the Lake Maggiore watershed has been studied at 13 sites distributed at different altitudes throughout the...  相似文献   

Major ion chemistry (2000–2009) from 208 lakes (342 sample dates and 600 samples) in class I and II wilderness areas of the Sierra Nevada was used in the Steady-State Water Chemistry (SSWC) model to estimate critical loads for acid deposition and investigate the current vulnerability of high elevation lakes to acid deposition. The majority of the lakes were dilute (mean specific conductance?=?8.0 μS cm?1) and characterized by low acid neutralizing capacity (ANC; mean?=?56.8 μeq L?1). Two variants of the SSWC model were employed: (1) one model used the F-factor and (2) the alternate model used empirical estimates of atmospheric deposition and mineral weathering rates. A comparison between the results from both model variants resulted in a nearly 1:1 slope and an R 2 value of 0.98, suggesting that the deposition and mineral weathering rates used were appropriate. Using an ANClimit of 10 μeq L?1, both models predicted a median critical load value of 149 eq ha?1 year?1 of H+ for granitic catchments. Median exceedances for the empirical approach and F-factor approach were ?81 and ?77 eq ha?1 year?1, respectively. Based on the F-factor and empirical models, 36 (17 %) and 34 (16 %) lakes exceeded their critical loads for acid deposition. Our analyses suggest that high elevation lakes in the Sierra Nevada have not fully recovered from the effects of acid deposition despite substantial improvement in air quality since the 1970s.  相似文献   

Acid deposition has been monitored in the natural vegetation of the western part of Tokyo, especially in the Okutama Mountains and surrounding areas. However, it is difficult to grasp the condition of acid deposition and the possible impacts on the vegetation in the whole area. Therefore, we attempted to make gridded acidic deposition maps and critical load maps. The grid size was 30 seconds latitude and 45 seconds longitude. Monthly wet deposition in the fiscal year of 1997 was calculated by multiplying concentration of wet deposition and precipitation. Concentration of wet deposition was estimated by averaging the data monitored at the nearest three stations with the inverse of distance as the weight. Precipitation was estimated by step-wise multiple regression with geographical factors as explanatory variables. Critical loads were estimated using the steady-state mass balance model with some modifications. As result, it was found that sulfur deposition had exceeded in most of the western part of Tokyo.  相似文献   

In many countries there has been much concern over maintaining biodiversity in natural ecosystems in the face of pressures such as changing land use and pollution. The 1992 UN Convention on Biodiversity calls upon signatories to develop national strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. In the UK, the potential impacts of sulphur and nitrogen deposition at the national level are being assessed using national critical loads and modelled deposition maps, together with available information on the occurrence of habitats and plant species. This simple approach gives an indication of the areas where atmospheric deposition may have impacts on biodiversity. The results of the analyses are presented and the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used are discussed. This first approach to considering the effects on biodiversity shows the importance of including the effects of atmospheric deposition in any biodiversity action plan. It also highlights those areas where more or improved information is required for the national strategy. With the modelled deposition data available, it would seem that reduced impacts are to be expected by 2010. However, higher resolution deposition data, better estimates of ammonium deposition, consideration of temporal aspects and the dynamics of change, and the use of higher resolution biological data sets are likely to suggest greater impacts than current predictions.  相似文献   

青岛大气氮湿沉降动态变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用雨量器定点采集雨样的方法,研究青岛市城阳区2007-2010年间降水中不同形态氮浓度、氮沉降量的月、季动态变化。结果表明:降水中NH4+-N、NO3--N、DON月均浓度差异较大。DIN浓度在12月-翌年1月份较高,在7-8月份较低,DON浓度表现为11月份最低;NH4+-N、NO3--N、DON月平均浓度分别为1.26,1.11,1.37mg/L,且均存在冬、春季>夏、秋季的特点。NH4+-N和NO3--N沉降量与降水量呈乘幂型正相关,相关系数(r)平均为0.607,DON沉降量与降水量呈线性正相关(r=0.674),且均达到显著水平(P<0.05)。监测期内各形态氮沉降量月份间变化幅度较大,7-8月份的NH4+-N、NO3--N和DON沉降量分别为4.17,3.00,3.26kg/hm2,约占全年相应形态氮沉降量的44.2%,35.6%,48.6%,且各形态氮沉降量均表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季。该区域NH4+-N、NO3--N、DON年沉降量依次为10.14,8.72,6.33kg/hm2,分别占DTN沉降量的40.3%,34.7%,25.0%。  相似文献   

High nitrogen, especially ammonium, input has been observed in Schichinohe, Aomori Prefecture, northeastern Japan. A monitoring study on precipitation, throughfall, and stream water has been carried out to estimate the stage of nitrogen saturation since 1996. Fifty-two to 70% of nitrogen input in throughfall was retained in forest ecosystems. Nitrate concentration in stream water tended to decrease throughout the study. There was no symptom of nitrogen saturation at Japanese cedar stands in Shichinohe, although high nitrogen input in open bulk has been observed. Ammonium (NH4 +) was retained in the canopy. The ratio of NH4 + input in throughfall to that by open bulk was 0.40 – 0.47. Total inorganic nitrogen input under the canopy amounted 0.68 – 0.72 kmolc ha?1 yr?1 (9.6 – 10.0 kg N ha?1 yr?1). Our results suggests that atmospheric nitrogen input has benefitted the three growth.  相似文献   

Critical loads of acidity were calculated using the PROFILE model to assess the forest ecosystem sensitivity to acid deposition in the Asian part of Russia — Siberia. The main input parameters and the output were mapped. At present atmospheric inputs of acid forming pollutants to the study territory are mainly related to transregional and transboundary pollution from Europe. It was shown that the most sensitive to acid loading are ecosystems of the Tundra zone and of the East Sayan mountains' coniferous forests with dystric cambisols and gleysoils, critical loads of actual acidity (CL(Ac)) = 0–0.3 keq/ha/yr. The most tolerant ecosystems are ecosystems of deciduous forests with podsoluvisols, luvisols and humic luvisols of South Taiga zone in West Siberia, CL(Ac) = 3.5–7.0 keq/ha/yr. Generally the values of critical loads are increasing from the North to the South and from the East to the West following the bioproductivity, annual soil temperature and alkalinity of deposition increases.  相似文献   

Critical load of trace metals in soils is a function of biological uptake, leaching by percolating water, input of the trace metals due to bedrock weathering, and the norms set to protect soils from metal pollution. The exceedance of the critical load is a difference between the calculated load and the measured input of the metals by atmospheric deposition and by application of agrochemicals. A critical time is the time when the concentration of a trace metal in soil, which is the result of all inputs and outputs of the metal in the soil, reaches the value of the norm. Data on biologically important trace metals in a small agricultural catchment in the Czech Republic indicate that the soil concentrations of As, Cd and Pb will reach the norms set for the soils after 4.5, 61, and 980 years, respectively. The present mass balances of Cu and Zn in the soils indicate that their steady-state concentrations will be below the norms so that the atmospheric and agricultural inputs will never overshoot the calculated critical load.  相似文献   

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