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The analysis of 4 commonly available amaranth varieties (Amaranthus K343, RRC1011, K433, K432) revealed the presence of all three major phytosterols (beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmas-terol) with a total sterol content being several fold higher than those found in other studied plants. Substantial differences in total phytosterol content and beta-sitosterol content were found between the amaranth varieties. The most commonly cultivated amaranth variety in the United States, i.e., Amaranthus K343 was found to possess the highest levels of phytosterols of the varieties tested. The possibility of screening for superior amaranth varieties with various health properties is outlined.  相似文献   

Fucoidan is a heterogeneous group of sulfated polysaccharide with a high content of l-fucose, which can be extracted from brown algae and marine invertebrates. It has many beneficial biological activities that make fucoidan an interesting candidate for therapeutic application in a variety of diseases. Age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy are major causes for vision loss and blindness in the industrialized countries and increasingly in the developing world. Some of the characteristics found in certain fucoidans, such as its anti-oxidant activity, complement inhibition or interaction with the Vascular Endothelial Growth factor, which would be of high interest for a potential application of fucoidan in age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. However, the possible usage of fucoidan in ophthalmological diseases has received little attention so far. In this review, biological activities of fucoidan that could be of interest regarding these diseases will be discussed.  相似文献   

Neem seeds contain many substances with insecticidal properties, the main insecticidal ingredient being azadirachtin A. In developing countries such as Mali, a neem seed water extract is prepared by soaking ground seeds in water for three or seven days. The aim of this study was to check the effectiveness of this extract in terms of azadirachtin A extraction yield and insecticidal activity. The yield of extraction was 0.19 g azadirachtin A/100 g seeds. The concentration of azadirachtin A in the seed extract was approximately 200 mg l−1, eight times higher than the recommended concentration of commercial products (25 mg l−1). A comparison of the extractive capacity of different solvents indicated that the best solvents were water and methanol. The azadirachtin A concentration declined in extracts stored for more than 3 days at a temperatures higher than 30 °C. Bioassays were performed on target insects (the leafhopper Macrosteles quadripunctulatus, the moth Spodoptera littoralis and the tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci) in order to compare the insecticidal activity of the neem extract with that of the commercial product Neemazal T/S and of a solution of pure azadirachtin A. The bioassays conducted on the leafhopper and the moth demonstrated that the neem extract at the recommended concentration (25 mg l−1 active ingredient) was as effective as the azadirachtin-based commercial product at the same concentration, while for the control of the whitefly B. tabaci a higher concentration of the water extract was needed.  相似文献   

Male albino rats (Charles Foster, n = 40) were fed a synthetic diet deficient in vitamin A for 4 weeks. Six rats died during the depletion period. Of the 34 surviving, 5 rats were continued on the vitamin A deficient diet for 4 more weeks and 24 were repleted with vitamin A (4000 IU/kg diet) in the form of vitamin A acetate (group A, n = 8), fresh drumstick leaves (group B, n = 8) or dehydrated drumstick leaves (group C, n = 8) for 4 weeks. The remaining 10 rats were continued on the vitamin A adequate diet for 4 (n = 5) and 8 weeks, respectively (n = 5). A marked reduction in food intake, body weight, accompanied by clinical signs of vitamin A deficiency and a decline in serum vitamin A (29.2 to 19.1 g/dL) and liver vitamin A (3.7 to 2.0 g/dL) were seen at the end of 4 weeks of feeding a vitamin A deficient diet. On repletion significant improvements in clinical signs, food intake and body weights were noted in the three groups compared to the baseline (n = 5) and at the end of 4 weeks of depletion. The gain in body weight was highest for the group repleted with dehydrated drumstick leaves. Among the repleted groups, the serum vitamin A was highest for group A (34.7 g/dL) given synthetic vitamin A, compared to group B (25.8 g/dL) and group C (28.2 g/dL) given drumstick leaves. All these were significantly higher than the serum vitamin A values seen at the end of 4 weeks of depletion (19.1 g/dL). A significant improvement was also observed in the liver retinol levels on repletion for 4 weeks in the three groups, compared to the vitamin A depleted rats. These results imply that -carotene from drumstick leaves was effective in overcoming vitamin A deficiency although serum vitamin A levels remained somewhat lower compared to the group repleted with vitamin A acetate. In terms of growth parameters, the fresh and dehydrated drumstick leaves were better than the synthetic vitamin A. It is therefore concluded that in the developing countries like India, sources of vitamin A such as drumstick leaves are valuable in overcoming the problem of vitamin A deficiency.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of barleyalpha-amylases, as revealed by isoelectric-focusing (IEF), was studied in a population of 126 doubled-haploids from a cross between the cultivars Morex and Steptoe. In particular, the pattern was determined for an additional low pI alpha-amylase isozyme detected in cultivar Steptoe. No significant effect of this isozyme onalpha-amylase activity was observed, but a significant effect on β-glucanase activity was detected for two out of four trial locations. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) foralpha-amylase and β-glucanase activities were also investigated. The results suggest a potential location for the β-glucanase locusGlb2, on chromosome 1 close to theAmy2locus foralpha-amylase genes.  相似文献   

Plant Foods for Human Nutrition - Oats represent a promising alternative to small-grain cereals from Triticeae group (wheat, barley, rye) for persons suffering from any form of gluten intolerance,...  相似文献   

Nowadays, consumers demand dietary fibre-enriched products of appropriate taste, texture, smell and appearance. Unfortunately, addition of the dietary fibre supplements to bread significantly reduces its quality which is connected with changes in the structure of gluten proteins. Structural changes as well as changes in the water state of gluten matrix induced by eight dietary fibres were observed by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. To facilitate this the difference spectra were calculated by subtraction of the control (gluten only) infrared spectrum from the spectra of gluten-fibre mixtures. The presence of positive bands at ca. 1597 and 1235 cm−1 indicated aggregation of gluten proteins into hydrogen bonded β-sheets. These β-sheets can be formed by other β-sheets, antiparallel-β-sheets, β-turns and/or α-helices. The aggregation is probably induced by partial dehydration of gluten matrix due to competition for water molecules between gluten proteins and fibre polysaccharides. This assumption is confirmed by the presence of the negative band at 3237 cm−1 and decrease in the intensity of the band at 3051 cm−1. These bands are assigned to the weak and strong H-bonds in the gluten matrix, respectively. The results indicated that both weak and strong H-bonds are necessary to dough formation of adequate rheological properties.  相似文献   

Sulfated polysaccharides (SP) from algae are of great interest due to their manifold biological activities. Obstacles to commercial (especially medical) application include considerable variability and complex chemical composition making the analysis and the quality control challenging. The aim of this study was to evaluate a simple microplate assay for screening the quality of SP. It is based on the fluorescence intensity (FI) increase of the sensor molecule Polymer-H by SP and was originally developed for direct quantification of SP. Exemplarily, 65 SP batches isolated from the red alga Delesseria sanguinea (D.s.-SP) and several other algae polysaccharides were investigated. Their FI increase in the Polymer-H assay was compared with other analytical parameters. By testing just one concentration of a D.s.-SP sample, quality deviations from the reference D.s.-SP and thus both batch-to-batch variability and stability can be detected. Further, structurally distinct SP showed to differ in their concentration-dependent FI profiles. By using corresponding reference compounds, the Polymer-H assay is therefore applicable as identification assay with high negative predictability. In conclusion, the Polymer-H assay showed to represent not only a simple method for quantification, but also for characterization identification and differentiation of SP of marine origin.  相似文献   

Oat malt is a nutritionally rich ingredient mainly used in a small number of speciality products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of oat malt in wheat baking. The effect of oat malt on bread and dough properties at levels ranging from 0.5% to 5% was studied and compared with barley and wheat malts. The addition of all malts increased loaf specific volumes. Barley and wheat malts at levels above 2.5% led to a sticky and coarse crumb, but the effect of oat malt on the crumb grain was negligible. Rheological characterisation could not explain the superior baking performance of oat malt, as it increased extensibility and decreased resistance extensively indicating weakening of the extensional properties of the gluten network. The high lipolytic activity may have compensated for the loss of dough strength by improving the surface properties of gas cells. The results show that oat malt can be used in wheat baking to improve the loaf volume and nutritional quality without the detrimental effects associated with the excess amylolytic activity of barley and wheat malts.  相似文献   

Oat malt is a nutritionally rich ingredient mainly used in a small number of speciality products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of oat malt in wheat baking. The effect of oat malt on bread and dough properties at levels ranging from 0.5% to 5% was studied and compared with barley and wheat malts. The addition of all malts increased loaf specific volumes. Barley and wheat malts at levels above 2.5% led to a sticky and coarse crumb, but the effect of oat malt on the crumb grain was negligible. Rheological characterisation could not explain the superior baking performance of oat malt, as it increased extensibility and decreased resistance extensively indicating weakening of the extensional properties of the gluten network. The high lipolytic activity may have compensated for the loss of dough strength by improving the surface properties of gas cells. The results show that oat malt can be used in wheat baking to improve the loaf volume and nutritional quality without the detrimental effects associated with the excess amylolytic activity of barley and wheat malts.  相似文献   

The growing interest in β-glucans and the dietary recommendations of an exact daily intake will require rapid and accurate quantification methods of β-glucans that can be used routinely by the food industry. The objective of the present study was to adapt the standard enzymatic procedure (Megazyme method) to quantify (1-3)(1-4)-β-D-glucans to micro-plate format and further application to analyze cereal based samples with a wide range of (1-3)(1-4)-β-D-glucan content (from 0.27–75%). The samples used in this study included two breads (wheat and barley/wheat), barley flours (4% and 8% β-glucans) and two samples of oat bran (28% and 75% β-glucans). Results showed that there was no significant differences in the quantification of β-(1,3)(1,4)-D-glucans in different samples by using the Megazyme method or the micro-method. The methodology developed was also compared in terms of sensitivity and reproducibility with the results obtained by the Megazyme kit method and no differences were observed. In conclusion, the developed method allows the β-glucan quantification (specifically for mixed-linkage [(1-3)(1-4)]-β-D-glucan) to be conducted rapidly and by an efficient and sensitive micro-method in a wide range of concentrations.  相似文献   


This paper reports the results on safflower crops grown in a nine-year study, conducted on a 8 ha site, to determine the feasibility of using drainage water for irrigation in a 2-year cotton/1-year safflow-er rotation system. The cotton crops were irrigated with waters of 400, 1,500, 3,000, 4,500, 6,000, and 9,000 ppm total dissolved salts, and safflower was grown only with a preplant irrigation with nonsaline water. The use of drainage water for crop irrigation may be a means of decreasing its volume. Even though safflower was never irrigated with saline drainage water directly, the residual effect of using saline water for cotton irrigation adversely impacted safflower growth and development. Safflower seed yields were reduced in plots previously irrigated with waters of 4,500 ppm or higher salinity and even more severe effects on crop growth were seen as the numbers of years of irrigation with the saline water increased. After irrigating six cotton crops, the safflower seed yield in plots irrigated with 9,000 ppm waters was reduced to only 14% of the control. The safflower oil content and quality were not affected. Impacts on plant density, shoot height, shoot biomass, and leaf ionic content also are discussed.  相似文献   


Use of saline drainage water for crop irrigation was evaluated as a means of decreasing its volume. Results of a nine-year crop rotation (cotton-cotton-safflower, × 3) in which only the cotton was irrigated with drainage water of 400, 1,500, 3,000, 4,500, 6,000, and 9,000 ppm total dissolved salts are presented. The different salinity levels of irrigation waters were achieved by mixing nonsaline canal water (400 ppm) and saline drainage water. Cotton lint yields were not affected by increased salinity level of the irrigation water for the first two years. Detrimental effects became evident in the third cotton crop with increasing severity in later years. In the fifth year of cotton (seventh year of the study), lint yields were adversely affected by waters of salinity greater than 3,000 ppm. However, fiber quality remained unaffected at all levels of irrigation water salinity. The reductions in lint yield appeared to be a function of time and the salinity level of applied water. Shoot height and biomass were reduced by the irrigation water salinity before lint yields. Stand establishment appeared to be the most sensitive to salinity and was perhaps the main reason for yield reduction. Increase in irrigation water salinity increased Na+ content of leaf blades and petioles and decreased K+/Na+ ratio of leaf blades and petioles. The study showed that irrigation waters of up to 3,000 ppm salinity may be used for four years without any yield reductions, as long as some leaching occurs through preplant irrigations with low salinity water. Data on crop growth and development and ionic content collected over the nine year period are presented.  相似文献   

Bread-making with a composite flour (CF) consisting of 60% wheat flour (WF) and 40% hull-less barley flour, increased the total and soluble (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan and total arabinoxylan (AX) contents of dough and bread samples, but decreased the specific bread loaf volume. A xylanase insensitive to inhibition by Triticum aestivum L. xylanase inhibitor (TAXI) and xylanase inhibiting protein (XIP), increased loaf volume by 8.8 and 20.1% for WF and CF breads, respectively. Xylanase addition not only markedly improved loaf volume of CF bread, but also increased the soluble AX content of the WF and CF dough and bread samples because of conversion of water-unextractable AX into soluble AX. The xylanase had no impact on the extractability and molecular weight of (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan, but (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan was degraded during bread-making probably because of endogenous β-glucanase activity. Taken together, the results clearly show that the combined use of hull-less barley flour and a xylanase active during bread making, lead to palatable breads with high total and soluble AX and (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan contents. The sum of total AX and (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan was 1.70% for WF bread and 3.06% for CF bread, while the sum of soluble AX and (1→3,1→4)-β-D-glucan was 0.49 and 1.41% for control WF and CF xylanase supplemented breads, respectively.  相似文献   

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