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Since 1981 a highly contagious viral disease causing high morbidity and low mortality in racing pigeons has spread over Europe. The virus belongs to the avian paramyxovirus sero group I. Clinical signs include watery droppings, polydypsia and neurologic signs in a high proportion of infected animals.

Definitive diagnosis can be made by virus isolation in cell cultures or chicken embryos, and virus identification by haemagglutination and haemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests. The HI test, using sera from suspected animals, is a useful clinical tool to confirm the diagnosis. The most important differential diagnosis is salmonellosis. Good immunity against this disease can be acquired by subcutaneous vaccination with an inactivated oil adjuvant poultry NDV‐vaccine.

For the benefit of pigeon racing a plea is made for compulsory vaccination in countries in which the disease is endemic.  相似文献   

J Shirai  H Hihara  M Maeda 《Avian diseases》1988,32(3):544-547
The virus distribution and histopathologic changes in organs of 1-week-old chickens inoculated with three representative isolates of Newcastle disease virus isolated from racing pigeons in Japan were examined. All three isolates were recovered from various organs, including brain, for several days, but not from the blood. Results were highly correlated with their high intracerebral pathogenicity indices (ICPI), in spite of their long mean death time of minimum lethal dose (MDT/MLD).  相似文献   

A large ovarian papillary adenocarcinoma occurred in a 7-year-old female racing pigeon; a multicentric lymphosarcoma was found in the tissues of a 14-year-old female racing pigeon.  相似文献   

黄河铜 《科学养鸽》2009,(4):142-143
鸽声如潮 鸽子在求偶时发出的声音有时如波涛汹涌.有时如潺潺流水,有时又似风平浪静、温柔可亲的娓娓之声。它们在相聚中是那样渴望对方情欲的释放,它们在求爱时是那样翩翩起舞而又舞姿优美,它们在情欲的释放中又是那样穷追不舍地施爱。求得配偶的欢心并给予回应是它们生理的需求.也是它们繁殖后代的责任。情哥(鸽)能配上“西施”(美鸽)是鸽子们一生中最重要的时期.也是育种的关健时期.抓住这个时期就抓住了希望。  相似文献   

宫明 《科学养鸽》2009,(4):76-77
在赛鸽育种之路上我们鸽友不要盲目地推崇,而要注重实践。要关于积累,不断总结,才能育得精彩,赢得明白。  相似文献   

李汀 《科学养鸽》2008,(3):142-143
在每个养鸽爱好者的养鸽生涯中,由于很少有名家高手作为师父言传身教,因此,鸽刊杂志理所当然地成为了鸽友们获取知识的源泉。  相似文献   


The prevalence of S. bovis in the intestinal tract of healthy racing pigeons was determined. Crop and cloaca swab samples obtained from 810 pigeons from 14 different lofts and from 122 pigeons that were presented for routine health control were examined for the presence of S. bovis. Pooled faecal samples were also obtained from pigeons in 82 different pigeon lofts. S. bovis was isolated from crop or cloaca samples of approximately 40 % of pigeons of all ages by direct culture and from 80 % of the pooled faecal samples by enrichment culture.

In a longitudinal study, crop and cloaca samples were collected every 3 months from pigeons in seven different pigeon lofts. The prevalence of S. bovis in these pigeons ranged from 0 to 100 %. The carriage rate was not related to the season or to the age of the pigeons.

The prevalence of S. bovis in organ lesions of pigeons examined at necropsy was investigated over a 35‐month period. S. bovis was isolated from 10 % of the birds examined. The incidence of S. bovis septicaemia was significantly higher in January to August than in September to December. It was concluded that S. bovis is an opportunistic pathogenic agent in pigeons.  相似文献   

Exercise-related changes in body protein 'turnover' and in the absolute amounts of body protein were studied in racing pigeons. Whole body radioactivity was followed in racing and control (limited exercise) birds after protein labelling by the injection of 75Seselenomethionine. Because of re-utilisation of the label this does not give a true picture of body protein turnover but the comparative data suggested an increased turnover in racing compared to control birds. Carcase analysis on a group of pigeons demonstrated a water content for lean body mass of 72.7 per cent +/- 3.54. Lean body mass and exchangeable body potassium were used as indices of total body protein in a group of pigeons participating in an endurance race (15 + hours of flying). The results indicated that no body protein had been used as an energy source. These findings are compatible with the presence in pigeons of a small labile pool or pools of protein. The presence and characteristics of such pools remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ovotestes associated with male behavioral characteristics in two mature female racing pigeons (Columba livia) is recorded. An ovotestis developed in the area of the vestigial right gonad of one bird and within the functional left ovary of the second bird.  相似文献   

杨卫涛 《科学养鸽》2009,(5):107-109
初养信鸽者往往会在信鸽优劣的鉴定上下大功夫,眼砂与血统自然就成为了重点研究的对象。其实信鸽好与坏的区分是较为笼统的,是相对而言的。  相似文献   

陈正勋 《科学养鸽》2009,(2):110-111
中国台湾属于海岛性气候,多变的天气与不稳定的风向,使得中国台湾赛鸽运动形成了一种长年不变的模式。然而鸽子的天性与肢体结构决定了其不是候鸟,也不适应海面逆风或侧风长距离飞翔,因此在中国台湾举办的海翔赛归返率普遍非常低,有时“一成不到”或”唯一归返”,  相似文献   

在竞技体育运动中,大家经常会听到某项.目某某运动员获得了大满贯,这也是每位运动员在其运动生涯中奋斗的目标和获得的最大荣耀。在中国被划归为民间体育运动的赛鸽运动中也有大满贯赛鸽家的存在——我国西北部甘肃省首府兰州养鸽名家王辉先生便是其中之一。  相似文献   

A short overview about the transport of the racing pigeon from home to the place of liberation will be given. Some facts related to the transport will be explained. Facts like Number of pigeons in one crate, supplying the pigeons with water and food during transportation and at the place of liberation, the supply of the pigeons with fresh air will be explained.  相似文献   

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