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Effects of variety and fertiliser nitrogen on alcohol yield, grain yield, starch and protein content, and protein composition of winter wheat 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Daniel R. Kindred Tamara M.O. Verhoeven Richard M. Weightman J. Stuart Swanston Reginald C. Agu James M. Brosnan Roger Sylvester-Bradley 《Journal of Cereal Science》2008,48(1):46-57
The effects of nitrogen (N) fertiliser on grain size and shape, starch and protein concentration, vitreosity, storage protein composition, and alcohol yield of two winter wheat varieties contrasting in endosperm texture were studied in a field trial in Herefordshire, UK in 2004. Averaged across varieties, the alcohol yield was 439 L/tonne for grain with a protein concentration of 11.5 g/100 g. The soft endosperm wheat variety Riband produced on average 7.7 L more alcohol per tonne of grain at a given protein concentration than the hard endosperm variety, Option. At the same time, N fertiliser was shown to have significant effects on alcohol production through its major influence on grain protein concentration. Averaged over both varieties, there was a reduction in alcohol yield of 5.7 L for each 10 kg increase in protein content per tonne of grain. The starch concentration of Riband was 2.9 g/100 g higher than Option at a given grain protein concentration, supporting its higher observed alcohol yields. A low conversion of starch to alcohol in this study (6.30 L/10 kg starch) compared to the theoretical value (6.61 L/10 kg starch) indicated that there is potential for improvement of this character. The traits relating to grain size and shape were principally influenced by genotype, and were not influenced by N fertiliser. Conversely, there were only minor genotypic effects on grain protein concentration and vitreosity. An important finding was that there were no interactions between variety and N treatment for any of the variables considered, indicating that the response of the two varieties to changes in applied N was the same, resulting in consistent differences in starch concentration and alcohol yield between genotypes at different levels of grain protein. An analysis of the composition of the wheat storage proteins by size-exclusion chromatography showed that the gliadins increased on average by 0.56 g per g increase in total grain protein and were quantitatively the major protein fraction, suggesting that selection for low gliadin content may be a desirable means by which to reduce grain protein, and thereby increase alcohol yield in wheat. The relationship between alcohol yield per unit area and applied N rate was described by a quadratic function and the maximum alcohol yield per unit area was ca. 3630 L/ha. Statistical analysis suggested that the economic optimum rate of N applied for grain yield was close to the optimum N rate for maximum alcohol productivity. 相似文献
Genotypic variation in linear rate of grain growth and contribution of stem reserves to grain yield in wheat 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Grain growth in wheat depends on current photosynthesis and stem water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC). In semiarid regions with terminal drought, grain filling in wheat crops may depend more on stem WSC content than on current assimilates. Reduction in grain yield under drought is attributed to shorter duration of linear grain growth despite increased contribution of stem reserves to grain yield. The amount of stem reserves is measured either by changes in stem dry weight (indirect method) or by stem WSC content (direct method). Genotypic variation in the rate and duration of linear grain growth and in percent contribution of stem reserves to grain yield has not been evaluated in wheat. The objectives of this study were: (i) to quantify the relationship between the direct and indirect measurement of stem reserves during and across the grain-filling period and (ii) to measure the extent of genotypic variation in rate and duration of linear grain growth and in percent contribution of stem reserves to grain yield. Dry weight, WSC content and grain yield of the main stem were measured at 10-day intervals in 11 diverse wheat genotypes under well-watered and droughted-field conditions across 2 years. Drought reduced stem WSC content from 413 to 281 mg and grain yield from 4.6 to 2.5 t ha−1. Stem WSC content and dry weight were positively correlated. Genotypic differences in linear rate of grain growth were significant in well-watered (ranging from 48.9 to 72.4 mg spike−1 day−1) and in droughted-field (ranging from 33.2 to 59.9 mg spike−1 day−1) conditions. Drought, on average, reduced the linear rate and duration of grain growth by 20 and 50%, respectively. Reduction in linear rate ranged from 13 to 43%. The amount of current assimilates and stem reserves contributed to grain yield was reduced, respectively, by 54 and 11% under drought. Genotypic differences in percent contribution of stem reserves to grain yield were significant in well-watered (ranging from 19.1 to 53.6%) and in droughted-field (ranging from 36.6 to 65.4%) conditions. The wheat genotypes responded differently to drought. Main spike grain yield was reduced by 43% under drought due to 26 and 11% reduction in grain weight and number of grains, respectively. Grain yield was correlated with linear grain growth under well-watered (r = 0.96) and droughted (r = 0.83) conditions. The genotypic variation observed indicates that breeding for a higher rate of linear grain growth and greater contribution of stem reserves to grain yield should be possible in wheat to stabilize grain yield in stressful environments. 相似文献
Anette Moldestad Bernt Hoel Ulrike Böcker Shiori Koga Ellen Færgestad Mosleth Anne Kjersti Uhlen 《Journal of Cereal Science》2014
The aim of this study was to investigate effects of temperature during grain filling on gluten quality characteristics at a lower to moderate temperature range. Experiments with two wheat varieties grown in field covered by polypropylene tunnels during grain filling were performed in two seasons. Mean day temperature differences achieved within the tunnel were approximately 2–2.5 °C from the open to the closed end. There were significant effects of temperature on grain maturity time, thousand grain weight and protein content. The resistance to stretching of the gluten doughs increased with the increasing day temperatures. This was reflected in the proportion of unextractable polymeric proteins (UPP). The results suggest that increases in temperature within this temperature range affect the polymerization of polymeric proteins, giving higher molecular weights, and hence increased Rmax and stronger gluten. The two varieties differed in their response to temperature. In addition, there were seasonal variations in gluten functionality that may be associated with fluctuations in day temperatures between the seasons. 相似文献
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on grain quality of wheat 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important agricultural crops worldwide. Due to its high content of starch and unique gluten proteins, wheat grain is used for many food and non-food applications. Although grain quality is an important topic for food and feed as well as industrial processing, the consequences of future increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations on quality parameters such as nutritional and bread-making rheological properties are still unclear. Wheat productivity increases under CO2 enrichment. Concomitantly, the chemical composition of vegetative plant parts is often changed and grain quality is altered. In particular, the decrease in grain protein concentration and changes in protein composition may have serious economic and health implications. Additionally, CO2 enrichment affects amino acid composition and the concentrations of macro- and micro-elements. However, experimental results are often inconsistent. The present review summarises the results from numerous CO2 enrichment experiments using different exposure techniques in order to quantify the potential impacts of projected atmospheric CO2 levels on wheat grain yield and on aspects of grain composition relevant to processing and human nutrition. 相似文献
Grain protein concentration (GPC) affects wheat nutritional value and several critical parameters for bread and pasta quality. A gene designated Gpc-B1, which is not functional in common and durum wheat cultivars, was recently identified in Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides. The functional allele of Gpc-B1 improves nitrogen remobilization from the straw increasing GPC, but also shortens the grain filling period resulting in reduced grain weight in some genetic backgrounds. We developed isogenic lines for the Gpc-B1 introgression in six hexaploid and two tetraploid wheat genotypes to evaluate its effects on bread-making and pasta quality. In common wheat, the functional Gpc-B1 introgression was associated with significantly higher GPC, water absorption, mixing time and loaf volume, whereas in durum wheat, the introgression resulted in significant increases in GPC, wet gluten, mixing time, and spaghetti firmness, as well as a decrease in cooking loss. On the negative side, the functional Gpc-B1 introgression was associated in some varieties with a significant reduction in grain weight, test weight, and flour yield and significant increases in ash concentration. Significant gene × environment and gene × genotype interactions for most traits stress the need for evaluating the effect of this introgression in particular genotypes and environments. 相似文献
Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by Zymoseptoria tritici (Mycosphaerella graminicola) is a major disease of wheat worldwide due to significant losses in grain yield and quality. Disease tolerance is the ability to maintain yield performance in the presence of disease symptoms. Therefore, it could be a useful tool in the management of the disease. Although it is known, that there is disease tolerance to STB in some wheat cultivars, this aspect has not been studied among Argentinean cultivars. The aims of this study were to evaluate genotypic differences in tolerance to STB among Argentinean cultivars, considering the relationship between the area under disease progress curve or the green leaf area or the non-green leaf area duration with the grain yield. In addition the effect of the disease on yield, yield components, test weight, grain protein concentration, wet and dry gluten concentration and the influence of tolerance on these traits was investigated. Field experiments were carried out with ten cultivars in a split-split-plot design during 2010 and 2011. Inoculation treatments were the main plots and cultivars, the subplots. STB significantly reduced grain yield, their components, test weight and increase grain protein and gluten concentration. Cultivar Baguette 10 showed major tolerance to STB, indicated by a consistent low regression slope between the green area duration and yield, while Klein Chaja was non-tolerant due to a high regression slope. However, many cultivars such as Buck Brasil, Buck 75 Aniversario, Klein Escorpion and Klein Flecha had considerably similar regression slopes to Baguette 10, provided good levels of tolerance. Other cultivars presented no significant differences. The correlation coefficient between tolerance and grain yield potential was not significant, suggesting that tolerant high-yielding cultivars can be obtained. No relationship was found between quality group or tolerance with the increase in protein and gluten concentration due to STB either. 相似文献
小麦1BL/1RS易位系1RS分子标记位点稳定性分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为检测小麦1BL/1RS易位系1RS位点的稳定性,利用1RS上11个标记位点的PCR特异引物对21个小麦1BL/1RS易位系进行了分子检测。结果表明,21个1BL/1RS易位系中,66.7%的品种1RS的11个标记位点较为稳定,扩增出标记位点特异性带,但有33.3%的品种部分标记位点出现特异性带的丢失或添加,具有不同程度的位点变异,位点变异率最高达45.5%。对于1RS上的11种PCR特异引物,引物NOR-R1和APR1.3可稳定扩增出黑麦特异带,是在小麦遗传背景中鉴别黑麦1RS较为可靠的分子标记。 相似文献
Carpel weight, grain length and stabilized grain water content are physiological drivers of grain weight determination of wheat 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Ahmed K. Hasan Jaime HerreraCarolina Lizana Daniel F. Calderini 《Field Crops Research》2011,123(3):241-247
Among the yield components, grain weight is considered a conservative trait whose determination is still beyond our complete understanding. Crop physiology uses a whole approach to study this complex trait, which can provide helpful information to plant breeders and molecular biologists. This study emphasizes the understanding of pre- and post-anthesis determinants of final grain weight. A field experiment was carried out in two growing seasons evaluating two wheat cultivars contrasting in grain weight potential. Carpel weight at pollination, grain dimensions, grain water, dry matter and volume dynamics were assessed. Among grain dimensions, grain length was the trait, which explained final grain weight (r2 = 0.78; P < 0.01 and r2 = 0.94; P < 0.001 for the 1st and 2nd season, respectively) and it was the first trait to stabilize after anthesis. Water content of grains stabilized little later and also showed a strong association with final grain weight (r2 = 0.93; P < 0.01 and r2 = 0.98; P < 0.01 for the 1st and 2nd season respectively). Most importantly, carpel weight at pollination showed a positive and linear association with final grain weight (r2 = 0.79, P < 0.01 and r2 = 0.86 P < 0.01 for the 1st and 2nd season, respectively) irrespective of the cultivar and grain position. In addition, positive associations were also found between grain volume, water content, grain length, and carpel weight at pollination. Therefore, the associations between pre- and post-anthesis traits found in this study support the hypothesis that grain weight is determined before anthesis and fruit tissues (i.e., pericarp in cereals and sunflower) set an upper limit to grain weight. 相似文献
Straw and grain yield and water content in both grain and straw were measured during 3 years in 17 varieties of winter wheat following treatments with different fungicides. The water content of the straw varied significantly dependent on year, variety and fungicide treatment. In 1998, the water content in straw was significantly higher after the use of strobilurins compared with untreated and EBI fungicides (ergosterol biosyntesis inhibitors). On average water content in 10 varieties increased from 15% in untreated to 31% after applying two full dosages of azoxystrobin. In 1999 and 2000, lower dosages of azoxystrobin were used and water content increased only by 2–4 percentage units. The results indicate that in some years and with high doses precaution has to be taken following the use of strobilurins regarding handling and removing of the straw, which likely will include postponement of baling. Water content in grain was also increased significantly from fungicide treatments, but the increase was minor and at the maximum increase found to be 1.1% percentage unit. The effect of fungicide input on water content in grain was reduced much faster during the ripening period than for water content in straw. Fungicide treatments and varieties significantly influenced straw yields. The yield increases in straw varied between 0 and 1.0 tonnes/ha depending on year and variety, and was on average 0.42 tonnes/ha for two fungicide treatments. Two fungicide applications carried out at GS 31 and 45–55 gave only slightly higher increases compared with one application around ear emergence. Varieties showed variable increases following the use of fungicides. The variation was not influenced by the straw length (crop height). The increases in straw yield from fungicide treatments were relatively low compared to the increases in grain yield and no clear correlation was found between grain yield increases and straw yield increases. 相似文献
小麦中的1BL/1RS染色体易位 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
1BL/1RS易位在世界小麦品种中广泛分布,在世界小麦育种特别是在中国小麦育种中占有重要地位。通过种间特定的染色体易位和替换,黑麦(Secale cereale L.)染色体1R的短臂(1RS)已存在于大量普通小麦(Triticum aestivwm L)的染色体组中,许多对农艺性状具有重要作用的基因和抗性基因由此从黑麦转入小麦基因组中。1RS主要用于转移抗真菌病害的基因,尤其是抗锈病、白粉病的基因(Yr9、Lr26、Sr31、Pm8),1BL/1RS能增加小麦根系的生物量,并可提高小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质含量。然而,由于1RS替换了1BS,造成了1BS上重要基因位点Glu-3、Gli-1的丢失和1RS上Sec-1位点的引入。Sec-1编码的γ-黑麦碱、w-黑麦碱不能补偿Glu-3、Gli-1编码的低分子量麦谷蛋白和γ-醇溶蛋白、w-醇溶蛋白的品质效应,引起小麦的麦谷蛋白聚合物结构的改变和数量的减少。因此,1BL/1RS易位小麦面粉的烘烤加工品质较差,从而降低了1RS易位系小麦的利用价值。另一方面1BL/1RS易位小麦面粉的可溶性纤维含量高于一般小麦,对人体有益,因此利用不含黑麦碱的改良1BL/1RS新易位采替换中国小麦品种中普遍存在的1BL/1RS易位+既可保持1BL/1RS易位系的优点又能改善其烘烤加工品质,这为提高1BL/1RS易位小麦的品质提供了新的途径。1RS片段能与异源细胞质互作导致雄性不育,这可用于小麦的杂种优势利用。本文主要阐述1BL/IRS易位的特征、检测方法、地理分布、在小麦育种中的应用以及给小麦品质带来的影响,并探讨了解决其负面影响的策略。 相似文献
Z. J. Wang J. H. Wang L. Y. Liu W. J. Huang C. J. Zhao C. Z. Wang 《Field Crops Research》2004,90(2-3):311-321
The applicability of the hyperspectral data from the canopy to the prediction of wheat grain quality was assessed for winter wheat. A training experiment and a validation experiment with contrasting nitrogen (N) levels and different cultivars were conducted, respectively, at different locations in Beijing, China. The wheat canopy spectral reflectance over 350–2500 nm, leaf N concentration and chlorophyll (Chl) concentration were measured at different growth stages, and the grain protein content was also determined after harvest. Eight vegetation indices (VIs) were compared relating to leaf N concentration, and the result indicated that the plant pigment ratio (PPR, (R550−R450)/(R550+R450)), a Chl-based index, was most applicable to predict wheat grain protein due to its significant correlation with leaf N concentration at the post-anthesis stage. Based on the relationships among PPR, leaf Chl concentration, leaf N concentration, and grain protein content, the statistical prediction models of grain protein content for Zhongyou9507 (a hard winter wheat) and Jingdong8 (a semi-hard winter wheat) were developed. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the 18 DAA (days after anthesis) model of Zhongyou9507 was 0.175; those of the anthesis model and the 11 DAA model of Jingdong8 were 0.238 and 0.982, respectively. Taking both the precision and accuracy into account, the 18 DAA model of Zhongyou9507 and the anthesis model of Jingdong8 were recommended to predict grain protein content for each cultivar. The result demonstrated that PPR could be used to assess grain quality of winter wheat. 相似文献
In temperate cereals are commonly accepted that determination of grain number (GN) and grain weight (GW) scarcely overlap during the crop cycle. However, the assumption that GW is determined exclusively after anthesis needs to be critically reviewed in the light of reports published over the few years where temperature treatments imposed before anthesis decreased GW of bread wheat. Although these evidences suggest that both GW and GN could be affected by environmental conditions before anthesis little is known about the effect of pre-anthesis temperature on these two main yield components in wheat, barley and triticale at field conditions. In addition, the effect of temperature on GW and GN at different stages prior to anthesis has been scarcely evaluated. The objectives of the current study were: (i) to evaluate the overall response, and specific differences, of GN and GW to pre-anthesis temperature, and (ii) to study the effect of different timings of high temperature at pre-anthesis on GN and GW in wheat, barley and triticale. Three fully irrigated field experiments were carried out in three successive seasons. At each season, a wheat, barley and triticale high yielding cultivar was evaluated at three temperature regimes: control, and two timings of heating before anthesis. During the first and second seasons, the timings of heating were booting-anthesis and heading-anthesis. In the thirst season, the timings were beginning of stem elongation-booting and booting-anthesis. Plots were arranged in a split-plot design with three replicates, where the main plot was assigned to thermal regime and the sub-plots to crop species. To apply heat, transparent chambers equipped with thermostatically controlled electric heaters were used. The thermal regime was controlled by sensors connected to a temperature regulator and recorded using data loggers. Temperature within the chambers was stable across developmental stages, crops, and seasons; it averaged 5.5 °C higher than air temperature. Thermal treatments consistently reduced grain yield (p < 0.05), the magnitude of the effect ranged between 5 and 52%. The highest effect was found when temperature increased during stem elongation (yield decrease: 46%), lowest when treatments were imposed during heading-anthesis (15%) and intermediate for treatments imposed during booting-anthesis (27%). Most effects of thermal treatments on yield were due to parallel effects on GN. However, thermal treatments significantly (p < 0.05) decreased GW during the three seasons. The most effecting treatment on GW was when the crops were heated during the B-A period, i.e. GW decreased up to 23%. 相似文献
This study reports the measurement of grain density and grain volume of barley grains using a gas displacement technique. The densities of single kernels were determined and were highly correlated with measurements of larger quantities of kernels (10, 25 or 800). Grain weight and volume were significantly correlated when measuring 800 kernels (0.99, P < 0.001), 25 kernels (0.99, P < 0.001), 10 kernels (0.98, P < 0.001), and a single kernel (0.97, P < 0.001), and the standard deviations were low for the five replicate measurements.The relationship between grain density and endosperm hardness was significantly correlated (0.57, P < 0.001), as was the relationship between grain density and test weight (0.70, P < 0.001). Grain density was negatively correlated to moisture content (−0.65, P < 0.001), but not protein content. Endosperm hardness was positively correlated to protein content (0.45, P < 0.001), but not moisture content. Although grain density and endosperm hardness are interdependent physico-chemical traits, different grain components appear to interact independently. Gas displacement technique could be applied to determine the distribution of grain density within a sample. Therefore, this technique will assist breeding programs to identify genomic regions associated with these physico-chemical traits, and produce superior malting and feed quality through uniform varieties with inherently denser, plumper grain. 相似文献
M.L. Maydup M. Antonietta J.J. Guiamet C. Graciano J.R. López E.A. Tambussi 《Field Crops Research》2010
The contribution of ear photosynthesis to grain filling in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is not well known. The main objective of this work was to evaluate this contribution through three different experimental approaches: (1) ear photosynthesis was reduced by removing awns or shading the ears (in combination with a defoliation treatment), (2) grain weight per ear was compared in an ‘all shaded’ crop versus plants where only the vegetative parts were shaded (‘ear emerging’), and (3) ear photosynthesis was reduced with DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea), a specific inhibitor of photosystem II. 相似文献
Petra Högy Matthias Keck Karsten Niehaus Jürgen Franzaring Andreas Fangmeier 《Journal of Cereal Science》2010
Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown in a free-air carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment (FACE) field experiment. Grain and biomass yield and its components were determined at maturity and the grain metabolome was analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Elevated CO2 (537 versus 409 μl l−1) increased biomass production except for leaves. In total, levels of 16 grain metabolites were decreased and four were increased. CO2 enrichment resulted in significant decreases of amino acids such as o-acetyl-L-homoserine, leucine, arginine, L-homoserine and the group of ornithine, arginine and citrulline and negative trends for norleucine, L-aspartate, proline, L-cysteine and tyrosine. The amines D/L-diaminopimelate and alpha-ketoaminobutyrate and the polyamine putrescine were significantly decreased. In contrast, the polyamine spermidine tended to increase under elevated CO2. Among sugars and sugar derivatives, ribose-5-P was significantly increased, while gluconate-6-P was decreased. There were also negative CO2-induced effects on sugar alcohols: significant for glycerol-2-P (P = 0.008) and almost significant for myo-inositol-P (P = 0.066). In contrast, organic acids such as pyruvate and glucuronic acid were significantly increased. Overall, the N-rich metabolites especially were reduced. CO2 enrichment can markedly affect the physiology and metabolome of mature grains which may in turn lead to changes in nutritional status. 相似文献
Anette Moldestad Ellen Mosleth Fergestad Bernt Hoel Arne Oddvar Skjelvåg Anne Kjersti Uhlen 《Journal of Cereal Science》2011
The objective was to investigate effects of natural variation in temperature during grain filling on wheat (Triticum aestivum L) gluten quality. Seventeen field trials with four different varieties were conducted during the years 2005–2008. Temperature records were obtained from automatic weather stations located near the field trial sites. The period from heading to yellow ripeness was divided into 20 sub-phases of equal thermal time units, and a last sub-phase comprising the seven days after yellow ripeness. Partial Least Squares Regression was used to relate the temperature records of the different sub-phases to gluten quality analysed by the Kieffer Extensibility test and the SDS sedimentation test. 相似文献
为不同穗型小麦品种选择各自适宜的行距配置方式提供理论依据,在大田高产栽培条件下,研究了行距配置对两种穗型小麦品种花后籽粒蔗糖代谢和籽粒灌浆的影响。两品种在灌浆期间籽粒可溶性糖含量、蔗糖含量和蔗糖合成酶活性均呈下降趋势,淀粉含量则快速上升。在灌浆前期兰考矮早8的可溶性糖含量和蔗糖含量以窄行距处理较高,而灌浆后期则以宽行距处理较高;豫麦49在整个灌浆期可溶性糖含量和蔗糖含量均表现宽行距处理高于窄行距处理。籽粒淀粉含量两品种均呈现“S”形变化动态。兰考矮早8籽粒淀粉含量为窄行距处理高于宽行距处理,豫麦49则相反。行距对灌浆特征参数的影响因品种而异,兰考矮早8籽粒灌浆持续期、有效灌浆持续期和最大粒重以15 cm最大,豫麦49平均灌浆速率、最大灌浆速率和有效灌浆持续期的灌浆速率以及最大粒重则以20 cm最高。 相似文献
Several studies have suggested a minor role in determining grain endosperm texture for the Gsp-1 gene, although appears related with the synthesis of the arabinogalactan-peptide. The current study evaluated the allelic variability of Gsp-1 genes in five diploid species of the Aegilops genus along with the molecular characterization of the main allelic variants found in each species and their phylogenetic relationships with the polyploid wheats. There was a high level of polymorphism in Gsp-1 genes – up to 19 alleles were obtained, of which 11 were novel. The processing of Gsp-1 amino acid sequences led to two main domains: AGP (arabinogalactan peptide) and GSP-1 (grain softness protein). Several substitutions were detected in both domains with respect to the bread wheat sequences, which could modify grain hardness. The sequences obtained showed relationship with the Gsp-B1 and Gsp-D1 genes of common wheat. These results showed that diploid Aegilops species are a rich resource of novel genetic variability for the Gsp-1 gene, whose hypothetical functionality should be tested in the genetic pool of modern wheat, valuing as the true role of these genes in grain hardness and their effective role as source of the AGP, a non-starch polysaccharide with health properties. 相似文献
The effect of source reduction on yield and protein content of bread wheat under well-watered and mild drought stress condition in a semi-arid climate was studied. Field experiments were conducted at the Tehran University research farm during 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 growing seasons. Mild drought stress was imposed when plants were at the second node stage by repeatedly withholding watering and re-irrigating when they showed symptoms of wilting or leaf rolling. Partial defoliations (all leaf lamina other than flag leaves were removed) were imposed at booting and anthesis; complete defoliation was imposed at anthesis (defoliation treatments were applied to all plants of each plot). Drought stress caused a significant increase in the remobilization of pre-anthesis reserves to the grain. Defoliation did not significantly affect remobilization. Grain yield and 1000-grain weight was reduced slightly by drought stress, but in most cases it was not significantly reduced by defoliation. Significant changes were not observed for grain protein content between defoliated and control plots. The results suggested that grain yield of the cultivar used under the condition tested is more controlled by sink than source strength. 相似文献