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它的命运是清苦的,没有高贵的花盆,缺少滋养生命的水分和养料。不曾有人欣赏,然而,又默默的绽放,给人以芳香。所以,在花的世界里,它是最美的那一株。前年的冬天,伴随着飘零的雪花,妻子破门而入,怀揣一株枯萎的花。这株花,也许它饥渴无比,也许它寒冷  相似文献   

东风化雨,彩虹满天,迎着朝阳,披着霞光,鲜艳的五星红旗在雄壮的国歌声中冉冉升起。五湖四海放声歌唱,三山五岳翩然起舞,五彩缤纷的气球飞起来,铿锵有力的锣鼓敲起来,震天撼  相似文献   

依帆坐在街边树阴下的一张白色的长椅上,恹恹地抽着烟,不知道这是他坐在这里抽的第几根烟了,在喷出的烟雾中,他茫然地看着街边来来往往的行人,似乎都带着冷漠,彼此擦肩而过,每个人都忙忙碌碌的,而这一切仿佛都与他无关。再有几个小时,他和她就要在此分手,各奔东西。抬眼望着马路对面那个欣欣宾馆,4楼的某个房间里,有他的妻。也许此刻她正在收拾着行李,依帆不想看到她面无表情的样子,所以他选择逃出来,抽烟。她,雨桐,依帆的大学同学,他的初恋,他的妻子。而从今天以后,她就不再是他的妻,不再是那个让他疼、让他气的宝贝了。  相似文献   

世界对于我们有太多的未知与不解,生命的起源,文化的发展,科技的进步以及情感的归属等等,我们想知道的事情太多太多,想知道这些,书籍无疑是最好的工具。透过它们,我们不再困惑,不再迷茫,透过它们,一切都变得清晰起来……  相似文献   

在松林里漫步,行走到大山深处的时候,身前身后都是翠绿的树木,把我围得严严实实,进退都显得有些困难。不过,它们绝对没有任何恶意,只是单纯的想呈现它们存在的姿态而已。它们就好似城市里的高楼,又似散步于天空的密集鸟群。在松林里漫步,心情是舒畅的。树叶会随风摇曳,激起阵阵松涛,如同波光闪动的湖面,如此柔软、翠绿,而且阴凉。我想,进入这样  相似文献   

树是大地的孩子,春天的时候,母亲为它们分发了合体的新衣,然后,就任它们自由地长。不像孩童,要背着书包上学,要父母接送,要在礼拜天和假期里上各种补习班。无人管束的树倒也自觉,它们不会乱跑让母亲心焦,它们不会打闹让家人担忧,它们享受着自由的乐趣,呼吸着新鲜空气,与舒缓的风玩耍,与纷飞的鸟雀嬉戏。它们喜欢在夜晚做梦,梦见小鸟在枝头说着情话,  相似文献   

这些年,爸爸老了,越来越像个孩子。他对妈妈的依赖更多一些,出门总需要妈妈的陪伴,一刻没见到妈妈,便四处寻找,焦虑不安。仿佛,妈妈只有在他的视线范围内活动,他才心安。妈妈如同他的空气,没有这空气的存在,他便有了窒息的感觉。爸爸比妈妈大十岁。年轻的时候,十岁的差距没有现在这样明显。那时候,爸爸更独立一些,是  相似文献   

在欧洲,巴洛克的审美观在不同领域肆意表达,用不同的形象,以一种不规则的充满智慧的创意,填充生活的不同角落,替代了他们所厌倦的、传统的、规则的,机械的生活选择。巴洛克,是地板,更是文化与艺术的结合,它让生活充满了想象力,凸现个人品味与风格。把享受从传统木地板形式、经验与思考方式中释放出来,让我们放弃平常的感觉去经历变化和不规则,带领我们穿越时空、地域的界限,让生活与想象无拘无束的贴近、交流。  相似文献   

精致的秋天有最怡人的风。秋风似乎是一缕一缕的,跟着人的节奏跟着人的呼吸在吹,让人感觉一种天人合一的欢畅。经过炎夏的烘烤之后,每个人都渴望一份安宁一份清爽,于是秋风便担当起在你耳边絮语的角色。风吹耳畔,有点柔,有些绵,有着秋风特有的轻,有着秋风特有的静,这种轻和静,并非空洞无物,反而内涵丰富,像是一首词句朴实的小令,表面平淡无奇,内里却热烈缠绵。秋风吹来之际,你会感觉那是逐渐走近的一位素衣女子,仙女般轻盈,狐仙般奇幻,让你的秋天像神话一样魅力无穷。  相似文献   

潘纯 《森林公安》2012,(3):40-41
张刘栋默默地忍住眼角泛起的泪花,面对众人,坚定地说出她的誓言。时隔十八年,革命烈士张永岗的女儿张刘栋已经成长为一名高三的学生,多次受到学校的表彰。在她的身后,是71名来自全国各地英烈子女的孩子,他们的父亲,有一个共同的名字——叫警察,穿着一样的制服,有着相似的经历,在祖国和人民需要的时候,挺身而出,以生命作为代价,谱写了自己的人生篇章。此  相似文献   

本文分析了CAD在设计中引起的正面和负面影响,并进行了系统的阐述,从而使设计者在应用中能够保持客观的态度。  相似文献   

森林冠层结构与功能及其时空变化研究进展*   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
林冠是森林与外界环境相互作用最直接和最活跃的界面层 ,同时 ,它本身又承载了森林生物多样性的主体部分。森林冠层研究的方法和技术在近些年取得了长足发展 ,从而促进了有关林冠结构与功能的研究。这些研究深化了人们对于林冠结构与光能截获以及群落干物质积累之间关系的认识 ,同时 ,对于森林冠层的物质循环和能量传输以及冠层内各营养级之间相互关系动态也有了更为深入的理解。考察森林冠层的结构与功能及其时空变化是深入理解整个森林生态系统的格局、过程及其运作机制的重要基础。  相似文献   

The persistence of the four herbicides atrazine, hexazinone, lenacil and linuron was studied in forest nursery soils. The adsorption capacities of the soils for the chemicals were described by the distribution coefficients kj and koc. Due to the low content of organic matter in the soils the kavalues were low, in several cases being <1 for hexazinone. Hexazinone also had the lowest k oc‐value (30) while the other substances had koc ‐values within the range 200–400. In some cases hexazinone showed great mobility under field conditions. The formula c=co‐kt1/2 was used to describe the disappearance of the herbicides from the various soils. The rate of degradation of the four herbicides correlated well with the rate of respiration in the same soils in laboratory experiments, and for linuron reasonably well also in field experiments. In the field experiments the herbicides penetrated the top soil layer. In the subsoil the risk of further transport downward to the drainage system or ground water increased, especially for hexazinone. Linuron as well as the fungicides maneb and tolylfluanid suppressed the decomposition rate of hexazinone in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

竹大片刨花板对竹材生物学特性的适应性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以云南四种典型材用丛生竹(龙竹、甜龙竹、黄竹和油勒竹)宏观构造、组织结构、主要物理力学性质和化学组份等竹材主要生物学特性的研究分析结果为依据,提出了竹大片刨花板的结构、制板工艺和设备与原料竹材生物学特性之间应有的适应性关系。继而,通过实验室系列化试验和工厂试生产,确定了竹大片刨花板的应有性能和最佳工艺条件包括竹大片刨花的最佳质量指标及其最佳制备条件。  相似文献   

野生动物所有权是所有权的一种,它与其他所有权的区别在于客体的不同。文章阐述了野生动物的内涵,分析了野生动物的分类和野生动物与野生动物资源的区别。在明确野生动物含义的基础上,提出了野生动物所有权的概念,深入论述了野生动物所有权与野生动物资源所有权的差异和联系,并对野生动物所有权的主体、客体、内容进行了分析。  相似文献   

The sawmill industry is a very important link in the Mozambique forest products value chain, but the industry is characterized by undeveloped processing technology and high-volume export of almost unrefined logs. The low volume yield of sawn timber has been identified as a critical gap in the technological development of the industry. To improve the profitability of the industry, there is thus a need to develop methods and techniques that improve the yield. In this paper, different positioning of logs prior to sawing and the possibility of increasing the volume yield of crooked logs by bucking the logs before sawing have been studied. A computer simulation was used to study the cant-sawing and through-and-through sawing of the logs to determine the volume yield of sawn timber from the jambirre (Millettia stuhlmannii Taub.) and umbila (Pterocarpus angolensis DC.) species. The optimal position, i.e. the position of the log before sawing that gives the highest volume yield of sawn timber for a given sawing pattern when the positioning parameters, offset, skew and rotation, are considered gave a considerable higher volume yield than the horns-down position. By bucking very crooked logs and using the horns-down positioning before sawing, the volume yield can be of the same magnitude as that obtained by optimal positioning on full-length (un-bucked) logs. The bucking reduces the crook of the logs and hence increases the volume yield of sawn timber.  相似文献   

The parasitoid wasp Pnigalio agraules (Wlk.) is a key natural enemy of the horsechestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimić (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). As a basis for mark-release-recapture studies, aimed at investigating the dispersal of this parasitoid in the field, adults of P. agraules were marked using a vertebrate-specific immunoglobulin (IgG). The marker was later detected by double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA). The IgG was either applied externally by spraying or internally by feeding an IgG-enriched diet. Different concentrations of the marker were used and the influence of abiotic (climatic conditions, time elapsed between marking and marker examination) and biotic factors (sex and age of the parasitoids) on the detection of the immunomarker was tested. External marking by spraying led to more homogeneous labelling than feeding the marker. Parasitoids labelled with 0.25 mg rabbit IgG per ten individuals contained enough immunomarker to be easily distinguished from unmarked ones. Neither the climatic conditions nor the sex or age of the insects had an influence on the detection of the marker. The IgG remained well detectable during the entire lifespan of the parasitoids, which was not negatively affected by the marking procedure. Serological marking can be used to investigate the dispersal behaviour of beneficial insects within mark-release-recapture studies.  相似文献   

大兴安岭森林资源变化分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
阐述了人为破坏、过度采伐和自然森林火灾是引起大兴安岭森林资源变化的重要因子;通过对建国初到2002年大兴安岭森林资源在数量上和质量上的变化分析,得出了森林资源变化趋势。森林资源数量减少,且森林质量下降,大兴安岭的森林在经历着破碎化和年轻化的过程。  相似文献   


Forest remnants in the Colombian Amazon, Andes, and Chocó are the last repositories of a highly diverse and endemic biota. Historical changes in the Colombian landscape have been dramatic, but the magnitude and rate of change has increased over the last half century, while conflict has consumed the capacity of Colombian society to respond to environmental threats. Academic experts in the study of the Colombian conflict have explored the social, political, and economic implications of the war. However, the environmental consequences of conflict are documented only when groups in conflict target salient economic resources. This paper presents the first analysis of the geographic distribution of forest remnants in relation to armed conflict in Colombia. Results show that guerrillas and/or paramilitaries range throughout areas of human encroachment into remnant forests. The policies promoted by Colombia's irregular armed forces range from “gunpoint conservation” rarely applied by guerrillas, to the rapid conversion of forests and crops to cattle ranches and coca (Erythroxylum sp.) plantations, following paramilitary occupation. Because the rates and extent of fragmentation are linked to such land use practices, armed groups may play a crucial role in determining the fate of Colombia's forests and their endemic biota.  相似文献   

湿地在我国分布比较广泛,在整个亚洲居于首位,但由于自然因素和人类的不当活动,我国的湿地面积锐减严重,且环境不断恶化。针对此种情况,本文详细论述了四川省湿地资源现状,并深入分析了造成此种情况的原因,最后给出了相应的治理对策。  相似文献   

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