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Sows were fed a control corn-soybean meal gestation diet to d 80 of gestation. One group of sows (n = 25) continued receiving the control diet until the end of lactation, whereas two groups were placed on other treatments. One group (n = 27) was fed a diet containing 5% added solid fat pellets from gestation d 80 through lactation, whereas another group (n = 25) was fed a diet with 10% added solid fat pellet from gestation d 100 through d 14 of lactation. Feed supply was 2.27 kg/d during gestation and to appetite during lactation. Pigs from sows fed the control diet or 5% solid fat pellet diet were weaned with an age range of 22 to 28 d and immediately allotted in a 2 x 3 factorially designed 4-wk feeding trial. Pigs from these two sow groups were fed diets 1) without fat, 2) with 4.5% choice white grease or 3) with 5% solid fat pellet. Sow weight loss, backfat change and pig weights were not different at weaning among treatments. Survival rates of all pigs to 21 d averaged 90% with no significant differences between treatments. Pigs from fat-fed sows had more (P less than .05) glycogen per gram of liver, 41% more total liver glycogen and 16% more serum glucose at birth. Weanling pigs from fat-fed sows grew slower (P less than .05) than pigs from control sows. Supplemental fat during gestation increased liver glycogen of pigs, which should help survival, but the feeding of fat throughout lactation had a negative effect on ADG during a 4-wk postweaning period.  相似文献   

高玉云 《饲料广角》2008,(20):32-36
对于锌在仔猪保育和生长肥育阶段的作用已经有大量报道.但有关不同来源锌对母猪生产性能及其所产仔猪生长性能的研究却较少。在家禽.当肉用种母鸡饲喂补充锌时.其后代的免疫力可得到增强(Kidd等,1992,1993)。Caine等(2001)报道从母猪妊娠第80d到分娩期间饲喂氨基酸锌复合物对14日龄仔猪断奶后24h的肠道发育和免疫功能有良好效果.但未对保育阶段的仔猪进行过报道。  相似文献   

The effect of feeding sows a starch diet or a diet with a high level of nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) during gestation, lactation, or both gestation and lactation during the first three parities on reproductive performance, body weight, and backfat was studied. Four-hundred and forty-four postpuberal gilts were allotted to a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial experiment. Treatments were diet composition during gestation (including the weaning-to-estrus interval; G-Starch: 274 g/kg of starch and 123 g/kg of fermentable NSP or G-NSP: 86 g/kg of starch and 300 g/kg of fermentable NSP), diet composition during lactation (L-Starch: 293 g/kg of starch and 113 g/kg of fermentable NSP or L-NSP: 189 g/kg of starch and 216 g/kg of fermentable NSP) and group-housing system during gestation (free access stalls or electronic feeding). Both gestation diets were formulated to be isoenergetic. During lactation, sows were given free access to the lactation diets from d 6 after parturition onwards. Body weight and backfat gains during gestation were lower in sows fed the G-NSP diet than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.001). The effects were more pronounced in the electronic feeding system than in the free access stalls. These results indicate an overestimation of the energy value of fermentable NSP. Body weight and backfat losses during lactation were less in sows fed the G-NSP diet during gestation than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.05),which can be explained by a 0.4 kg/d higher (P < 0.001) feed intake during lactation of the sows fed the G-NSP diet. Sows fed the L-NSP diet lost more backfat during lactation than sows fed the L-starch diet (P < 0.05). The number of total piglets born and live-born piglets was 0.5 piglet higher in sows fed the G-NSP diet than in those fed the G-starch diet (P < 0.05). Lactation diet did not affect the number of total piglets born or live-born piglets. This study shows that, although high NSP diets negatively influence body weight and backfat thickness of the sows, it is possible to feed sows a diet with a high level of fermentable NSP diet during both gestation and lactation without negative effects on reproductive performance. Under the conditions of this study, feeding sows a diet with a high level of fermentable NSP during gestation and a high level of starch during lactation seems the most favorable feeding strategy.  相似文献   

Two trials (24 and 48 pigs; 9.7 kg initial body weight) were conducted to determine the effects of dietary fiber on growth, nutrient utilization and intestinal morphology of young pigs. The four diets fed were: basal corn-soybean meal (B), 15% oat hulls (OH), 15% soybean hulls (SH), and 20% alfalfa meal (AM). Fiber source did not have major effects on performance in a 35-d feeding trial. Balance trials (7-d duration) were conducted 32 d (Trial 1) or 6 d (Trial 2) after completion of the feeding trials. Feed intakes were equalized at 8.7% (Trial 1) or 10.3% (Trial 2) of initial body weight (kg.75). All fiber sources decreased apparent digestibilities of N, energy and dry matter (P less than .05) with no effect on N retention. Apparent digestibilities of neutral and acid detergent fiber, cellulose, and hemicellulose were reduced by OH and AM (P less than .01), but not by SH. Fiber sources did not affect apparent Ca, P, Zn or Mn absorption or retention, or Mg absorption, but decrease Mg retention (P less than .05). Apparent Na absorption was decreased by OH and increased by AM (P less than .05) but was unaffected by SH. All fiber sources increased K intake, but only SH and AM increased apparent K absorption (P less than .05). Fiber sources did not affect Na or K retention. The OH increased Cu intake and balance (P less than .05). All fiber sources increased Fe intake, but only SH and AM increased (P less than .05) Fe balance. Villus shape and surface morphology in jejunum and ileum examined by scanning electron microscopy (Trial 1 only) appeared to be independent of diet. However, jejunum villus morphologies of two pigs fed AM were characterized by loss of epithelial cells and microvilli at the villus apex, and ileum villi were blunted and frequently folded in one pig fed SH. Fiber sources at the levels included in a corn-soybean meal diet fed in this study had only a minimal impact on performance and utilization of minerals and N and intestinal structure, although apparent energy utilization was decreased.  相似文献   

<正>对于保育猪和生长猪的理想氨基酸平衡的研究已经做了很多(Fuller等,1989;Chung和Baker,1992;Hahn和Baker,1995;Hahn等,1995;Tuitoek等,1997;Carter等,2000;Kim等,2001a)。生长猪日粮中添加合成氨基酸,以达到理想氨基酸模式,可以降低日粮的粗蛋白质水平,减少氮的排出(Lenis和Schutte,1990;Gatel和Grosjean,1992;Kerr和Easter,1995)。  相似文献   

母猪妊娠期和哺乳期的理想氨基酸平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1摘要 对于限饲条件下的妊娠母猪以及采食量有限的哺乳母猪来说,改善蛋白质利用效率很重要。母猪在妊娠后期维持胎儿和乳腺发育以及在哺乳期促进乳腺生长和产奶的能力不足,特别是在第一个哺乳期。进行一系列研究来测定这些营养需要量以及氨基酸的理想比率,包括:1)胎儿生长;2)妊娠期母猪乳腺生长;3)妊娠母猪母体组织增重;4)哺乳母猪的乳腺生长;5)哺乳期母猪母体组织增重。  相似文献   

妊娠和泌乳期母猪理想氨基酸平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李春红 《饲料广角》2010,(23):22-25
蛋白质是乳蛋白合成的主要原料,也是泌乳母猪日粮的主要限制性营养成分之一,因此提高妊娠母猪和泌乳母猪蛋白质的利用率尤为重要。胎儿和乳房的发育需要母猪提供大量的营养,在哺乳期特别是初产母猪的第一个哺乳期会消耗母体大量的蛋白质。多数研究表明,理想氨基酸模式对母猪的一系列生产有极为重要的意义,包括:1)胎儿的生长发育;2)妊娠母猪乳腺的发育;3)妊娠母体组织发育;4)泌乳期母猪乳腺的发育;5)泌乳期母体组织发育。妊娠母猪的氨基酸需要及理想比例随妊娠期进程而呈动态变化趋势,在各种"理想蛋白质"模式中,均以必需氨基酸与赖氨酸的比例来描述。建议配比量:妊娠0~60d和60~114d母猪回肠可消化赖氨酸需要的推荐量分别为5.57g/d和8.78g/d,其赖氨酸:苏氨酸:缬氨酸:亮氨酸分别为100:79:65:88和100:71:66:95。若母猪在21d哺乳期内体重损失是0和3.3~4.5kg,那么赖氨酸:苏氨酸:缬氨酸:亮氨酸的理想比例分别被推荐为100:59:77:115和100:69:78:123。为了使母猪对饲粮蛋白质的利用效率达到最佳,应该考虑氨基酸需要量和理想比例的动态变化情况。  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to compare dicalcium, Curacao, and soft ph sophates as supplemental feeding during gestation and lactation. In Exp eriment 1, 37 crossbred sows at 11 months of age were mated and each of 4 groups given an experimental diet. The basal diet was a 16% crude pro tein-fortified corn-soybean meal containing .34% of phosphorus and .72% of calcium. The test diets were fortified with either dicalcium, Curaca o, or soft phosphate to provide .52% of phosphorus. Limestone was given to maintain .72% of calcium. Animals were confined in a concrete feedin g area and fed 1.8 kg of diet per head per day until Day 94 of gestation . At that time the diet was increased to 2.3 kg/day. On Day 109 of gestation animals were moved to farrowing crates until 10 days postpartu m and then to wooden units until weening at 8 weeks. Sows were sacrific ed after 8 weeks lactation, or if they developed posterior paralysis. In this experiment, the different phosphate sources were without observed influence on the livability or performance of pigs up to 8 weeks of age (p less than .05). Gilts receiving no supplemental phosphorus had significantly lower bone ash and phosphorus than did those receiving either of the supplements. Posterior paralysis was observed in 5 of 9 sows fed the unsupplemented diet, in 3 of 9 fed the soft supplemented diet, and in 2 of 10 fed the Curacao phosphate supplement. None fed dicalcium phosphate developed paralysis. The paralysis usually occurred after 6 weeks of lactation and was often accompanied by a fractured femur. In Experiment 2, 70 sows were bred at 10 months of age and fed 1.8 kg of the experimental diets. During 36 days of lactation, phosphorus digestibility, retention, and balance were shown to be lower for those fed only the basal diet. Bone ash, bone phosphorus, and bone strength were lower in those fed the unsupplemented diet. Results of these studies indicate the need for supplemental phosphorus in sow feeding. When feeding dicalcium phosphate or Curacao phosphate the use of over .5% phosphorus in the sow's diet is unnecessary during gestation and lactation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this trial was to determine whether an addition of folic acid to a commercial diet would affect serum Zn, Fe and Cu status in sows between weaning and 30 d of gestation. At weaning, 162 sows were assigned randomly to six groups and housed in individual cages fitted on a slatted floor. There were six treatments according to a 2 X 3 factorial arrangement: two levels of supplementary folic acid (0 and 5 mg/kg of diet) and three treatments to stimulate ovulation (none, flushing and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin [PMSG] i.m. injection). Control groups were fed a commercial-type diet, and folic acid-treated groups were fed the same diet supplemented with 5 mg/kg of pteroylglutamic acid. All sows were mated twice within 7 d after weaning. Of the 162 animals originally selected, 123 sows were pregnant and used in this trial. Serum folates, Zn, Cu and Fe were measured at weaning, mating and 30 d of gestation. Serum Cu, Zn and folates increased between weaning and mating, and then decreased to 30 d of gestation. Supplementing the commercial diet with folic acid elevated serum folates between weaning and d 30 of gestation (P less than .001). Folic acid supplementation also was associated with a higher level of serum Zn at 30 d of gestation. Supplemental folic acid had no effect on the pattern of serum Cu and Fe throughout the experiment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of dietary fat or fructose supplementation during late gestation and lactation on sow milk production and composition and on progeny were examined. On d 88 of gestation, 24 sows were allotted by parity to three dietary treatments (eight sows/treatment). Treatments were 1) a 12.5% crude protein, corn-soybean meal control, 2) the control + 10% added fat or 3) the control + 23% high fructose corn syrup. All treatments were fed to supply 1.82 kg/d of the control diet from d 89 of gestation to parturition with sows in treatments 2 or 3 receiving .18 kg of additional fat or .53 kg of additional high fructose corn syrup, respectively. Feed was gradually increased from d 1 to 7 of lactation to 4.54 kg/d of the control diet (plus .45 kg of added fat and 1.33 kg of added fructose for treatments 2 and 3) and remained at these levels for the remainder of the 21 d lactation period. All treatments were iso-nitrogenous; treatments 2 and 3 were iso-caloric. Litter birth weights, number of pigs born alive, weaning weights and piglet survival rate were not affected by sow treatment. Stillbirths were less (P less than .05) for sows fed fat. Lipid content of milk 24 h post-farrowing was greater (P less than .05) from sows fed fat compared with sows fed fructose. Milk production estimates indicated that multiparous sows fed fat produced more (P less .05) milk than sows fed the control diet. On d 112 of gestation and d 15 of lactation, serial blood samples were drawn to monitor sow response to a glucose challenge (1 g/kg body weight).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate whether administration of recombinant porcine somatotropin (pST) to sows (Hampshire-Yorkshire) enhanced lactational performance. In Exp. 1, sows (n = 84) were fed a corn-soybean meal diet (17.8% CP), or a similar diet with 8% added fat, from d 108 of gestation to d 28 of lactation. Half of the sows fed each diet were injected with 6 mg/d of pST from d 108 of gestation to d 24 of lactation. Diets were fed at 2.27 kg/d from d 108 of gestation until farrowing and then were self-fed during lactation. By d 3 of lactation, litter size was standardized at 8 to 10 pigs per litter. Treating sows with pST resulted in a 10-fold increase (P less than .001) in serum somatotropin at 4 h postinjection. Serum glucose was increased (P less than .01) and serum triglycerides, creatinine, and urea N were decreased (P less than .01) by pST. During the summer, apparent heat stress occurred in pST-treated sows, resulting in 14 deaths. Most (10) of the deaths occurred just before, during, or shortly after farrowing. Fewer (P less than .08) deaths occurred when pST-treated sows were fed the diet with added fat. Sows treated with pST consumed less feed (P less than .10) and lost more backfat (P less than .10) during lactation than controls. Increasing the dietary fat did not prevent these changes. Weaning weights of pigs and milk yield of sows (estimated by deuterium oxide dilution) were not affected by pST treatment. In Exp. 2, sows (n = 42) were injected weekly with 0 or 70 mg of pST on d 3, 10, 17, and 24 of lactation. Litters were standardized by d 3 at 8 to 10 pigs, and sows were fed the same control (low fat) diet as in Exp. 1. Sows treated with pST consumed less feed and lost more weight and backfat during lactation than untreated sows. Litter size, average pig weaning weights, and milk yield were not influenced by pST treatment. These data indicate that a 6-mg daily injection of pST from 6 d prepartum to d 24 of lactation or a 70-mg weekly injection of pST from 3 d postpartum to d 24 of lactation does not increase milk production in lactating sows.  相似文献   

Multiparous sows (n = 307) were used to evaluate the effects of added dietary L-carnitine, 100 mg/d during gestation and 50 ppm during lactation, on sow and litter performance. Treatments were arranged as a 2 (gestation or lactation) x2 (with or without L-carnitine) factorial. Control sows were fed 1.81 kg/d of a gestation diet containing .65% total lysine. Treated sows were fed 1.59 kg/d of the control diet with a .23 kg/d topdressing of the control diet that provided 100 mg/d of added L-carnitine. Lactation diets were formulated to contain 1.0% total lysine with or without 50 ppm of added L-carnitine. Sows fed 100 mg/d of added L-carnitine had increased IGF-I concentration on d 60 (71.3 vs. 38.0 ng/mL, P<.01) and 90 of gestation (33.0 vs. 25.0 ng/mL, P = .04). Sows fed added L-carnitine had increased BW gain (55.3 vs 46.3 kg; P<.01) and last rib fat depth gain (2.6 vs. 1.6 mm; P = .04) during gestation. Feeding 100 mg/d of added L-carnitine in gestation increased both total litter (15.5 vs. 14.6 kg; P = .04) and pig (1.53 vs 1.49 kg; P<.01) birth weight. No differences were observed in pig birth weight variation. Added L-carnitine fed during gestation increased litter weaning weight (45.0 vs. 41.3 kg, P = .02); however, no effect of feeding L-carnitine during lactation was observed. No differences were observed in subsequent days to estrus or farrowing rate. Compared to the control diet, feeding added L-carnitine in either gestation, lactation, or both, increased (P<.05) the subsequent number of pigs born alive, but not total born. In conclusion, feeding L-carnitine throughout gestation increased sow body weight and last rib fat depth gain and increased litter weights at birth and weaning.  相似文献   

The effect of protein intake during gestation and lactation on the lactational performance of primiparous sows was evaluated using 35 Yorkshire x Landrace gilts, allocated to six dietary treatments in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments consisted of three protein levels during gestation, providing approximately 4, 8, and 16 g of lysine/d, and two protein levels (low [L] and high [HI), providing approximately 15 and 45 g of lysine/d, during lactation, respectively. Diets provided similar amounts of ME and all other nutrients. As dietary protein increased during gestation, sows gained more weight and tended to decrease their backfat thickness. There was no gestation x lactation treatment interaction for lactational performance of sows. Feed intake by sows during lactation was usually low but increased (P < .05) with increasing gestation and lactation protein intake and increased linearly (P < .001) as lactation progressed. This linear increase over time was greater (P < .05) in sows fed the H than in sows fed the L protein level. Increased protein intake during lactation reduced (P < .001) 21-d sow weight loss. Milk yield and pig weight gain increased as protein intake increased during gestation (P < .05) and lactation (P < .01). Milk yield did not increase as lactation progressed (P > .05). Pig weight gain increased (P < .05) from wk 1 to 2 of lactation and decreased thereafter. Simple linear regression analysis detected few important relationships between yield of milk components and metabolites or metabolic hormone concentrations. The R2 values for these relationships were < or = .30, except for some relationships between milk component yields and blood urea nitrogen (the range was between .17 and .55). Covariate adjustment for metabolite and metabolic hormone concentrations did not eliminate treatment effects in most cases. This suggests that effects of increased protein intake on milk yield are not fully mediated through metabolite and metabolic hormone concentrations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to investigate the effects of dietary resveratrol supplementation during gestation and lactation of sows on the milk composition of sows and the fat metabolism of sucking piglets. Forty sows were allotted to two experimental treatment groups that included the following: (a) control sows (CON treatment, n = 20) fed with a corn–soybean meal control diet and (b) treatment sows (RES treatment, n = 20) fed with a control diet with addition of 300 mg/kg resveratrol. The results showed that the content of lactose in the colostrum was increased (p < 0.05) and the content of fat in 21‐day milk was increased (p < 0.05) by dietary resveratrol supplementation. In the RES treatment group, the concentrations of high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol (HDL‐C), low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol (LDL‐C), lipase activity and insulin (INS) in plasma of sucking piglets were increased (p < 0.05). In the adipose tissue, the enzyme activities of hormone‐sensitive lipase (HSL), acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACC) and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) increased significantly by RES treatment (p < 0.05), and the mRNA levels of acetyl coenzyme A‐alpha (ACCα), LPL, fatty acid transport protein (FATP1) and CCAAT–enhancer‐binding protein gene (C/EBPα) were higher in the RES treatment group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, resveratrol supplementation on gestational and lactating sows improved the content of lactose in the colostrum and the content of fat in milk at day 21 of lactation. In addition, resveratrol supplementation on sows increased HDL and LDL in the plasma of piglets. In piglet adipose tissue, the enzyme activity and mRNA level related to lipolysis, fatty acid uptake from circulating triacylglycerols and lipogenesis are partially improved by resveratrol supplementation on sows. These aspects affect fat metabolism in piglets.  相似文献   

A cooperative experiment to evaluate biotin addition to sow diets was conducted at three research stations using 303 litters. Primiparous and multiparous sows (overall average parity 2.8) were fed a 14% CP corn-soybean meal diet (140 micrograms/kg biotin), with or without supplemental biotin (330 micrograms added biotin per kg feed), throughout gestation and lactation. As many sows as possible were fed their respective diets through three successive parities. During gestation, sows were given from 1.82 to 2.27 kg of feed per day, depending on environmental conditions; during lactation sows had ad libitum access to feed. Supplemental biotin had no effect (P greater than .35) on sow weights at breeding, at d 109 of gestation, at farrowing or at weaning. No differences were found in litter size at birth (P greater than .18), but at d 21 of lactation, sows fed the diet containing supplemental biotin had larger litters than sows fed the unsupplemented diet (9.4 vs 8.7 pigs, respectively; P = .01). Pig weights at birth and d 21 of lactation were not affected (P greater than .20) by dietary treatment. Biotin supplementation did not affect (P greater than .28) the length of the interval from weaning to estrus. No evidence was found that feet cracks or bruises were reduced by biotin supplementation. The results indicate that biotin supplementation of a corn-soybean meal diet during gestation and lactation increased the number of pigs at d 21 of lactation, but it did not decrease the incidence of foot lesions.  相似文献   

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