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Botulism was diagnosed clinically in grazing cattle on three closely sited dairy farms. The evidence suggests that the source of the toxin was poultry carcases containing types C and D Clostridium botulinum. These organism were also found in the alimentary tract of affected animals. Silage is suspected as having acted as a vehicle for the organisms and, or, toxins in cases which occurred later in housed cattle on one of the farms.  相似文献   

This study comprised 48,931 litters in 89 sow herds. During the study (1976-82) weaning age decreased from approx. 42 days to approx. 30 days. The mean incidence of post-weaning diarrhoea was 6.0% of litters weaned, with little variation by year but with considerable variation among herds. Within the individual herd increased incidence occurred over limited periods, probably associated with specific infections. Litters with diarrhoea during the suckling period had increased risk of post-weaning diarrhoea. The incidence of post-weaning diarrhoea increased with litter size at weaning. Thus, a litter of 11-12 piglets at weaning had 1.2 times higher risk than litters with 8-10 piglets. In contrast to pre-weaning diarrhoea, there was no association between parity of the sow and diarrhoea in the litter after weaning. Litters weaned below 2 weeks of age had a 2-fold risk of developing diarrhoea after weaning and a 2.4-fold higher mortality rate than did litters weaned at 6-7 weeks. Similarly, litters weaned at an individual piglet weight below 3 kg bodyweight had a 3-fold higher risk of developing diarrhoea after weaning and a 5-fold higher mortality rate than did pigs from litters weaned at a bodyweight of 7-8 kg. The incidence of post-weaning diarrhoea decreased with increasing herd size. Piglets from litters with post-weaning diarrhoea had reduced weight gains after weaning and were 2.3 days older at 25 kg bodyweight than piglets from non-diarrhoeic litters. Likewise, diarrhoea after weaning was associated with an increased incidence of diseases of the skin and respiratory tract. Thus the risk of contracting respiratory disease was 4 times greater in diarrhoeic litters.  相似文献   

The prevalence of rotavirus infection was studied in 1090 litters from 26 sow herds. Samples of normal, semifluid and watery stools were examined for rotavirus by an ELISA-test on faeces. Rotavirus was detected in 77% of the herds and in 30.5% of the litters (prevalence rates). The highest prevalence rate was seen in piglets between 21 and 41 days of age. Gilts' litters had a very high prevalence during the first week of life. Apart from this, no difference was found between litters from gilts and older sows. Rotavirus was detected more frequently in semiliquid, loose stools than in normal or watery stools, and an association between virus detection and diarrhoea could not be demonstrated. However, litters which shedded rotavirus during the suckling period had lower weight gains and higher incidence rates of respiratory diseases than virus-free litters. Litters weaned at 2 weeks in battery cages had slightly increased risk of shedding rotavirus compared to litters weaned in more traditional systems. The study revealed that rotavirus is widespread in Danish swine herds. The findings give evidence to suggest that the type of mild diarrhoea in 3-week-old piglets known as steatorrhoea or "white scours" may be associated with rotavirus infection, possibly in combination with E. coli and other agents. The high prevalence in piglets weaned at 2 weeks plus the higher morbidity and mortality among such piglets sustain the conclusion that piglets should not be weaned before 3 weeks of age or below a body weight of 6-7 kg.  相似文献   

The study comprised 70,796 litters in 104 sow herds, observed from 1976 through 1982. Weaning age decreased from approx. 42 days to approx. 30 days during the observation period. Diseases and symptoms were recorded together with production parameters (feeding, barn construction, economic returns etc.). The mean incidence rate of pre-weaning diarrhoea was 6.8% of litters, with considerable inter-herd differences (incidence rates from 0 to approx. 50%). There was a slight increase in incidence during the autumn (August through October). Incidence rates increased with litter size, with a peak incidence in litters of 11-13 piglets, and decreased with increasing parity of the sow. There was a positive association between occurrence of arthritis and pre-weaning diarrhoea in the litters, and litters from sows with post parturient disease (MMA complex) had 1.8 times higher risk of getting diarrhoea than litters from healthy sows. No important differences among breeds were found. Small herds (less than 200 farrowings per year) had higher incidence rates than large herds (400-499 farrowings per year). Herds with a gilt proportion above 30% had an incidence rate of 12.3%, i.e. nearly twice as high as the overall mean (6.8%). There was a trend towards a higher incidence rate in litters kept in traditional pens (i.e. large pens with solid floor and loose sows) than in intensive pens (i.e. small pens with slatted flooring and tethered sows). The overall pre-weaning mortality rate was 16.2% of pigs born, half of which was due to stillbirths (6.3%) and overlaid piglets (2.2%). In litters with pre-weaning diarrhoea, the mortality rate was 19%, compared to 13% in litters without occurrence of diarrhoea. This difference accounts for an excess loss of 0.6 piglets from birth to weaning in diarrhoeic vs. non-diarrhoeic litters. Piglets from litters with pre-weaning diarrhoea had reduced weight gain. Thus, on the average, they were 2.2 days older at 25 kg bodyweight and weighed 0.4 kg less at 30 days than piglets from non-diarrhoeic litters. Also, litters with pre-weaning diarrhoea had a significantly increased risk of post-weaning diarrhoea. The present information forms a basis for defining acceptable disease thresholds in suckling litters in intensively managed herds.  相似文献   

Colostrum-deprived piglets inoculated with rotavirus 24 h after birth developed a profuse diarrhoea that spread to non-inoculated, colostrum-deprived litter mates and, occassionally, to colostrum-fed piglets. Case fatality rates in these 3 categories of piglets were 63.2%, 35.7% and 8.3%, respectively. Surviving piglets recovered in 1-2 weeks, but shedded virus via the faeces for up to 3 weeks p.i. The D-xylose test revealed severe malabsorption, with extremely flat absorption curves for up to 3-4 weeks p.i. Malabsorption was more marked in piglets with a long-lasting faecal virus excretion than in piglets where virus disappeared from the faeces within 10 days p.i. Infected piglets (colostrum-fed and colostrum-deprived) had decreased weight gains and were 5 days older at a bodyweight of 25 kg than non-inoculated controls. It is concluded that rotavirus is probably of significance in diarrhoeal syndromes in suckling piglets, alone or in combination with E. coli or other pathogens.  相似文献   

Type C botulism in intensively farmed turkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Type C botulism in turkeys has been confirmed on several production sites by demonstrating the presence of toxin in sera from affected birds. Only male turkeys were affected, mortalities being up to 30 per cent. No source of toxin was found. Possible modes of intoxication are discussed.  相似文献   

In traditional cattle systems in the tropics, the milk produced is generally shared between the calf and the cattle keeper. This literature review evaluates the socio-economic aspects related to milk production and milk use in traditional cattle systems and identifies the best strategies of milk allocation in order to improve food security and maximise income. The available literature indicates that milk, in terms of economic, social and subsistence value, is more valuable than meat. Thus, under the conditions that characterise traditional cattle systems in the tropics, it is appropriate to have a higher milk offtake at the expense of calf growth. This review also found that certain management practices, such as restricted suckling, can be useful to minimise mortality of calves, while improving milk offtake for human consumption.  相似文献   

The first diagnosis of botulism in cattle in Brazil and its epizootiology are reviewed. The high prevalence of the disease raised on phosphorus deficient pastures in Savanna regions has caused severe economic losses in the past. The temperature induced microcomplement fixation test (TIMCF) confirmed the clinical-pathological diagnosis in all of the 24 cases studied by this method. The most important reason why botulism has not been controlled satisfactorily in Brazil is the lack of an available effective vaccine (type C and D). Additional prophylactic measures are phosphorus supplementation and removal of carcasses from the pasture.  相似文献   

The application of a delayed hypersensitivity test for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis was examined in a series of field experiments. The test is based on the intradermal injection of ‘Brucellin’, a lipopolysaccharide-free protein extract of Brucella abortus strain 45/20.

The Brucellin test was compared with the complement fixation (CF) test in 8656 cows of mixed age and known vaccination and herd status. An intradermal injection of 0.1 ml of the allergen was made in either the cervical region or the caudal fold. The injection site was examined 72 h after administration of Brucellin and any increase in skin thickness of 2 mm was regarded as positive.

When administered into the caudal fold site the Brucellin test had a sensitivity relative to the CF test of between 52 ± 14% and 61 ± 6%. The relative specificity of the test exceeded 99%.

Calfhood vaccination with B. abortus strain 19 did not result in positive Brucellin test results. There was no evidence that the injection of Brucellin induced a serological response.

Despite the low relative sensitivity of the Brucellin test, it is a useful low-cost tool for identifying infected herds. It is a least as effective as slaughterhouse surveillance systems.  相似文献   

Thirteen lactating dairy cows from a herd of 650 died over a 6-week period. Most animals were down in milk production at 1 milking and were found dead at the next milking. Two cows had elevated heart rate and enlarged mandibular lymph nodes. Two others had azotemia, elevated heart rate, hyperglycemia, and weight loss. Necropsy of 10 cows revealed hemorrhages on the intestinal serosa and epicardium, lymphadenopathy, interstitial nephritis, small intestinal hemorrhage, and interstitial pneumonia. Histopathology showed lymphocytic to lymphogranulomatous inflammation in the heart, spleen, kidney, lymph nodes, liver, lung, pancreas, and adrenal gland. Phlebitis was present in 2 livers. The lesions resembled those of hairy vetch toxicosis, but no vetch was being fed. Similar lesions have been reported with the feeding of citrus pulp. Citrus pulp was being fed to the lactating cows and had been added to the diet 6 weeks before the first death. The syndrome resolved with elimination of citrus pulp from the diet.  相似文献   

Dimethoate, an organophosphorus insecticide, was the suspected cause of toxicosis in a group of young cattle grazing on pasture that had been sprayed 6 weeks before the onset of clinical signs. Affected animals had primarily nicotinic signs, such as muscle twitching, stiffness, weakness and paralysis, though muscarinic signs, such as diarrhea, salivation and pollakiuria, were also observed. Whole blood acetylcholinesterase activity was depressed in 3 animals. The atypical clinical syndrome and poor response to treatment with atropine and other anticholinergics may have been due to coexistent hypomagnesemia.  相似文献   

The findings of a retrospective survey of 1393 Thoroughbred mares visiting 22 studfarms in the Newmarket region of the UK during the 1998 mating season were compared with those of a similar study undertaken in 1983. The effects of mare age and status, stallion, month of mating, application of uterine treatments and other parameters on the rates of singleton and twin conception and subsequent pregnancy losses were analysed. Mare age and status significantly affected the per cycle pregnancy rate and the incidence of pregnancy loss. Overall, the mean number of matings per oestrus was 1.12 and the mean number of times a mare was mated until diagnosed pregnant at 15 days after ovulation was 1.88. An overall mean per cycle pregnancy rate of 59.9% at 15 days after ovulation resulted in 94.8% of the mated mares being pregnant at least once at 15 days after ovulation. This high initial pregnancy rate fell to 89.7% by Day 35 and 87.5% by the time of the October pregnancy test; 82.7% of the mares surveyed gave birth to a live foal at term, which compares favourably with the proportion of mares foaling in 1983 (77%). However, despite improvements in the foaling rates over the last 15 years, the overall rate of pregnancy failure remains high and represents a major loss to the Thoroughbred breeding industry.  相似文献   

Serological diagnosis of botulism in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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