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利用高温控制害虫具有无残留、无污染的优点,高温对害虫的致死作用在害虫种群生态调控研究和保证食品安全,促进绿色农产品生产中有潜在的应用价值。本文综述了国内外影响高温对昆虫致死效应的因子和应用高温防治害虫的技术方法。影响高温致死效率的因子包括:温度的高低和处理时间的长短,不同温度的处理顺序和预适应温度等温度处理模式,缺氧等逆境胁迫,昆虫种类及其发育阶段等。利用高温防治害虫的技术包括:温室内,在生长期采用高温闷棚,在播前产后用热蒸汽处理苗床或培养土。在田间,利用对作物安全的瞬间明火烧伤害虫敏感部位;利用害虫的趋光性点明火诱杀;作物生产空闲期采取覆膜封闭,利用太阳能产生高温、缺氧条件,减少或根除土传病菌和害虫。在仓库,利用微波、无线射频或流动床产生的热空气在短时间内升温,杀死储粮害虫。在储运场所,用热水浸泡、热蒸汽熏蒸、高温结合低氧或低温以及盐水浴结合无线射频处理鲜活农产品,杀死害虫。本文最后讨论了该领域存在的问题,指出阐明高温对昆虫影响的机理,降低防治成本,减轻作物和环境损害,是高温控制害虫技术推广应用的关键。  相似文献   


The transformation of traditional agriculture to agricultural systems which foster growth and development requires the availability of improved crop production and crop protection inputs, as well as the skills to safely and effectively utilize these inputs. The typical progression of agricultural development involves an initial focus on increasing crop yields, with pest management as a secondary consideration and the safety and health aspects of agricultural practices as tertiary considerations. This common hierarchy can lead to inefficiencies because of the close interrelatedness of crop production and crop protection in determining the profitability and stability of new agricultural systems. This article outlines the advantages of simultaneous rather than sequential address of crop production, protection, and safety in agricultural development.  相似文献   

番茄潜叶蛾起源于南美洲西部的秘鲁,寄主植物达11科50种,喜食茄科植物,嗜食番茄,是世界番茄的毁灭性害虫。番茄潜叶蛾主要借助农产品(尤其是番茄果实)的贸易活动快速跨区跨境传播扩散,截至2021年该虫已在五大洲103个国家和地区发生,21个国家和地区疑似发生。我国于2017年首次在新疆发现番茄潜叶蛾为害露地番茄,2018年在云南发现其在保护地发生,截至2022年3月该虫已扩散传播至我国13个省(直辖市、自治区),对我国番茄、茄子、辣椒、马铃薯、烟草等茄科作物生产安全的潜在威胁巨大。本文概述了番茄潜叶蛾扩散分布、生物学、发生为害、经济生态影响,以及防治对策、控制技术等,以期为该虫有效防控提供参考。  相似文献   

Buffer zones can play important roles in agricultural habitats, both in the protection of off-crop habitats from pesticide and fertiliser drift and run-off, and in providing important areas of non-crop habitats. Their role in the protection of aquatic habitats from pesticide drift is a significant feature of pesticide risk management, but they are currently used only to a limited degree to protect terrestrial habitats. This paper summarises some of the evidence for the risks and impacts of pesticide drift into non-crop habitats, and the approaches taken by the nature conservation agencies in deriving buffer zones for the protection of sites that are important for nature conservation. Biodiversity objectives need to be explicitly built into ICM programmes, and buffer zones, together with appropriate application technology, can play an important part in reducing pesticide drift in ICM systems to achieve such objectives.  相似文献   

Secondary plants may be added to a cropping system for the purpose of improving pest control. In a recent article (Parolin P, Bresch C, Brun R, Bout A, Boll R, Desneux N, Poncet C (2012) Secondary plants used in biological control: a review, International Journal of Pest Management 58, 91–100) we defined different categories of secondary plants used to enhance biological control: companion, repellent, barrier, indicator, trap, insectary, and banker plants are intentionally added to agricultural systems in order to improve pest management through either top-down or bottom-up processes. In the present paper, we focus on the functional characteristics of secondary plants and on the mechanisms which contribute to reducing the presence of pests. If we understand and integrate the effects that such plants have on pests and beneficial arthropods, together with the multitrophic interactions in which these organisms are involved, the application of pesticides in crop systems can be reduced and enhanced productivity in agro-ecosystems achieved. Here, we identify the main characteristics of, and the prerequisites for, plants which can enhance crop protection in agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

黑龙江省农作物病虫测报信息管理与预测系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据黑龙江省植保工作的实际需要,同时考虑全国各地植保系统应用的通用性,利用数据库技术和专家系统技术开发了农作物病虫测报信息管理与预测系统。该系统建立了比较完善的数据管理机制,将病虫害监测数据的管理与专家系统测报的应用有机结合起来,具有较强的灵活性和通用性等特点。本文介绍了系统的设计与开发,包括系统的整体结构与功能、系统病虫害信息数据库的设计及整个系统的数据关系、各主要功能模块的设计与实现等,并就未来应用发展的可能性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Chemical irritants useful as repellents for brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) were identified. Exposure to various compounds produced a range of intensities for locomotory behavior in snakes. Essential oils comprised of 10 g liter-1 solutions of cedarwood, cinnamon, sage, juniper berry, lavender and rosemary each were potent snake irritants. Brown treesnakes exposed to a 2-s burst of aerosol of these oils exhibited prolonged, violent undirected locomotory behavior. In contrast, exposure to a 10 g liter-1 concentration of ginger oil aerosol caused snakes to locomote, but in a deliberate, directed manner. We also tested specific compounds, all derivative of food and flavor ingredients. 10 g liter-1 solutions delivered as aerosols of m-anisaldehyde, trans-anethole, cineole, cinnamaldehyde, citral, ethyl phenylacetate, eugenol, geranyl acetate or methyl salicylate all acted as potent irritants for brown treesnakes. The individual ingredients were classified using cluster analysis into groups that promoted different levels of response by snakes. This study is the first to systematically investigate the irritant potential of natural products for snakes. These data will be useful in the development of practical pest management tools for snakes.  相似文献   

玉米病虫害是影响玉米产量和品质的重要因素。本研究选择2种杀虫剂(40%氯虫苯甲酰胺·噻虫嗪WG和100 g/L顺式氯氰菊酯EC)和4种杀菌剂(18.7%丙环唑·嘧菌酯SE、250 g/L吡唑醚菌酯EC、125 g/L氟环唑SE和17%吡唑醚菌酯·氟环唑SE),通过单独或组合在玉米心叶期(V12)一次性施药,并在药后7 d接种玉米弯孢菌,随后对各处理的防治效果和经济效益进行比较分析。基于施药成本、施药后的增产效益和玉米价格,采用贝叶斯推断统计方法计算净利润的概率。在盈利平衡点(纯利润为0),通过施药获得净利润的概率变幅在0.328~0.998之间;如果要获得1 500元/hm~2的净利润,各施药处理概率的变幅为0.024~0.993,其中40%氯虫苯甲酰胺·噻虫嗪WG+18.7%丙环唑·嘧菌酯SE处理的盈利概率最高(0.986~0.993),其次18.7%丙环唑·嘧菌酯SE和40%氯虫苯甲酰胺·噻虫嗪WG+17%吡唑醚菌酯·氟环唑SE处理的盈利概率也超过0.947。本研究表明40%氯虫苯甲酰胺·噻虫嗪WG+18.7%丙环唑·嘧菌酯SE是防治当地玉米病虫害理想的杀虫剂杀菌剂施药组合。  相似文献   

Contaminant seeds in crop seed lots constitute a pathway for plant species introduction into new areas, and these non‐native weeds may be an environmental problem if they become invasive. Seed certification is a process that regulates and guarantees the quality of seed lots, including their purity. In this study, we assessed weed contamination in certified and non‐certified seed lots (n = 116) from 12 crop species commonly cultivated in the Balearic Islands. Contaminant seeds were separated using sieves, and then manually under a stereomicroscope, before they were germinated to confirm taxonomic identity. Weight, number and diversity of the contaminant seeds per kilogram of seed lot, number released per hectare according to sowing rate, and taxonomic identity and biogeographical origin of contaminant species were recorded. Although certification reduced the number of contaminant seeds in the seed lots, it did not entirely eliminate contaminants, because we found up to 2000 contaminant seeds kg?1 of certified ryegrass and sulla. Overall, contaminant seeds represented 118 taxa; of which, 82 were identified to species level, 70% of species were native, 19% were cultivated, and 11% were non‐native. Two of the identified taxa were first records for the Balearic Islands. In conclusion, contaminant seeds in imported crop seed lots represent a non‐negligible pathway for plant species introduction.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of regulatory non-target plant testing using crop species to predict the phytotoxicicity of herbicides to non-crop species was evaluated for eleven herbicides. These herbicides were representative of eight chemical classes and six modes of action. Data for non-crop plants from pre-emergence and post-emergence efficacy screening studies were compared with those for the most sensitive crop species defined by regulatory tests conducted to meet US EPA requirements. Testing under pre-emergence conditions for ten compounds indicated that for five of the compounds (K-815910, trifluralin, pyridyloxy A, pyridyloxy B and cyanazine), the most sensitive crop species was more sensitive than all the non-crop species evaluated. For metsulfuron-methyl, chlorimuron-ethyl, hexazinone and bromacil, only one of the non-crop species evaluated was more sensitive than the most sensitive crop species from regulatory tests. Data for the tenth compound, chloroacetamide, showed that four of 32 non-crop species tested in efficacy screens had at least one rate at which greater visual effects were observed than were observed for the most sensitive crop response in a regulatory test. The results of post-emergence exposure comparisons for five of the compounds (pyridyloxy A, cloransulam-methyl, chlorimuron-ethyl, cyanazine and hexazinone) indicated that the most sensitive crop species were more sensitive than all the non-crop species evaluated. Data for pyridyloxy B, metsulfuron-methyl and bromacil indicated that only one of the non-crop species evaluated was more sensitive than the most sensitive crop species. For trifluralin, three of the eight non-crop species were more sensitive than the most sensitive crop species. Data for K-815910 indicated that four of the fourteen non-crop species tested were marginally more sensitive than the most sensitive crop, but were within the same range of sensitivity. These results indicate that the current regulatory test batteries and methods using crop species effectively provide suitable sensitive indicator plants for the eleven diverse herbicides evaluated. This comparison indicates that crop species sensitivity to test substances is likely to be representative of non-crop herbaceous species response, regardless of chemical class, mode of action and magnitude or route of exposure.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic and/or hydrophilic kaolin particle film treatments to peach (Prunus persica (L) Batsch) trees were evaluated for crop and pest management capabilities in six studies from 1997 to 2000. Unsprayed control and standard treatments, the latter consisting of a commercial pesticide program, were included for comparison. Treatments in initial studies were applied via handgun, which resulted in a uniform and heavy deposit of kaolin after the first application. In contrast, treatments in subsequent studies used airblast equipment, which provided a uniform but less dense coverage, even after multiple applications. Results showed that both formulations of kaolin provided control of oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta (Busck)), plum curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst)) and Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) that was comparable with or better than the standard pesticide program. Effective management of late season catfacing insects (tarnished plant bugs Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) and stinkbugs Acrosternum hilare (Say), Euschistus servus (Say), and E tristigmus (Say)) and leafrollers (undetermined species) was also observed, although kaolin applications significantly increased phytophagous mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)) levels. In contrast to arthropod management, kaolin failed to control either peach scab (Cladosporium carpophilum (Von Thumen)) or rusty spot (Podosphaera leucotricha (Ell and Ev) ES Salmon) in any of the 4 years of the study. However, hydrophobic kaolin provided effective brown rot (Monilinia fructicola (G Winter) Honey) control when applied via handgun, and partial control when applied via airblast; hydrophilic kaolin failed to provide any control. These results suggest that hydrophobicity and deposit density may be important factors for effective disease management. The application of kaolin significantly delayed fruit maturation, increased fruit size and increased soluble solids relative to the standard. This effect, attributed to a reduction in plant stress, also resulted in increased fruit number and yield on young trees, indicating that an accentuated beneficial response from kaolin applications may be possible.  相似文献   

为有效管理和利用植物保护系统的各种病虫资料信息,应用网络脚本语言PHP、网络服务器Apache及MySQL数据库构建了一套基于网络的病虫信息管理系统。系统采用开放式的设计模式,组建了用户管理模块、动态树型菜单模块、在线建表模块、数据表管理模块、日程提醒模块、资料统计对比模块、图形显示模块等。用户可根据自己需要在线建立数据表;系统将动态树型菜单与在线建表模块相互结合,实现了对各种表格的管理,包括表格的创建、数据的查询、汇总、比较及图形化显示等功能,用户通过Internet在系统的帮助下,可建立适合本地实际、满足自己需要的病虫信息管理系统。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies were conducted on experimental cabbage plantings in 2009 and on experimental and commercial plantings in 2010, comparing farmers' current chemical standard pesticide practices with an integrated pest management (IPM) program based on the use of neem (Aza‐Direct) and DiPel (Bacillus thuringiensis). In experimental plantings, the IPM program used six or eight applications of neem and DiPel on a rotational basis. The standard‐practice treatments consisted of six or eight applications of carbaryl and malathion or control treatment. RESULTS: The IPM treatments reduced pest populations and damage, resulting in a better yield than with the standard chemical or control treatment. When IPM treatment included three applications of neem plus three applications of DiPel (on a rotational basis in experimental fields), it again reduced the pest population and damage and produced a better yield than the standard practice. The lower input costs of the IPM program resulted in better economic returns in both trials. CONCLUSIONS: The IPM components neem and DiPel are suitable for use in an IPM program for managing insect pests on cabbage (Brassica spp.). Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   



RNA interference (RNAi) technology is an environmentally friendly strategy for controlling insect pests. Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) recognizes lipopolysaccharides, which are a major outer membrane constituent of Gram-negative bacteria. We propose that the LBP gene is a potential target for termite management; however, to date, no studies have examined this gene in termites.


In this study, we cloned the LBP gene of Coptotermes formosanus (Cf) and found that the mortality rate of termite workers significantly increased, and the repellence of these workers to Gram-negative bacteria was suppressed after knockdown of CfLBP using double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) injection and feeding. Moreover, the mortality rate of termite workers fed with CfLBP dsRNA and three Gram-negative bacteria (provided separately) was over 50%, which was much higher than that of termites treated with either CfLBP dsRNA or Gram-negative bacteria. Finally, we found that CfLBP impacts the IMD pathway to regulate the immune response of C. formosanus to Gram-negative bacteria.


CfLBP plays a important role in the immune defense of termites against Gram-negative bacteria. It can be used as an immunosuppressant for RNAi-based termite management and is an ideal target for termite control based on the combined use of RNAi and pathogenic bacteria. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Weeds and weed control are major production costs in global agriculture, with increasing challenges associated with herbicide‐based management because of concerns with chemical residue and herbicide resistance. Non‐chemical weed management may address these challenges but requires the ability to differentiate weeds from crops. Harvest is an ideal opportunity for the differentiation of weeds that grow taller than the crop, however, the ability to differentiate late‐season weeds from the crop is unknown. Weed mapping enables farmers to locate weed patches, evaluate the success of previous weed management strategies, and assist with planning for future herbicide applications. The aim of this study was to determine whether weed patches could be differentiated from the crop plants, based on height differences. Field surveys were carried out before crop harvest in 2018 and 2019, where a total of 86 and 105 weedy patches were manually assessed respectively. The results of this study demonstrated that across the 191 assessed weedy patches, in 97% of patches with Avena fatua (wild oat) plants, 86% with Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish) plants and 92% with Sonchus oleraceus L. (sow thistles) plants it was possible to distinguish the weeds taller than the 95% of the crop plants. Future work should be dedicated to the assessment of the ability of remote sensing methods such as Light Detection and Ranging to detect and map late‐season weed species based on the results from this study on crop and weed height differences.  相似文献   

Rodents often damage crops throughout the growing season, from germination to harvest, thus making it difficult to understand the cumulative effects of rodent damage for crops such as rice that are able to partially compensate for damage. Compensation can make it difficult to understand the impact of variable rodent damage in terms of when the damage occurs, its severity and thus when, whether and how rodent pests should be controlled. The compensatory responses of rice to simulated rat damage carried out at different growth stages and at different spatial levels of severity showed that higher yield was recorded during the wet season in comparison to the dry season. However, yield loss was observed during all cropping stages for all levels of simulated damage for wet and dry season crops, with significant compensation noted at the transplanting [14 days after sowing (DAS)] and vegetative (45 DAS) stages. Only damage at the maturity (110 DAS) stage resulted in significant reductions in rice crop yield. Seasonal differences suggest water availability was an important factor that perhaps enhanced rice production. The ability of rice to compensate for early rodent damage could potentially reduce a farmer's perception of damage. However, failing to control rodents at these earlier crop growth stages could lead to increased rodent populations at the time of maturity when compensatory effects are limited.  相似文献   

在我国的农业现代化进程中,病害问题已经演变成为制约我国种植业可持续发展的重要因素之一,而建立在“病原学说”基础之上的病理学理论以及在其指导下形成的各类以“杀(抑)菌”为首要目标的防治措施难以应对当前病害严重发生的复杂局面。本文剖析了当前我国农业生产上病害严重发生的原因,认为主要是由于生产者在经济利益的驱动下,主观上对土、肥、水等自然资源进行掠夺性经营,实践中采取连年单一种植和化学品持续大量投入等不良栽培措施,导致农田理、化、生物学性状严重劣化和生态失衡,从而引发作物严重衰弱、“易感”和环境的极端“利病”所致。基于此,笔者倡导以重视寄主生理状态和不良环境因素的影响为重要内容的病害发生的“全面病因学说”以及以此为核心内容和基础的“植物保健医学”的发展,并对相关概念、历史和成功案例作了简介。在具体防病实践上笔者倡导以健康栽培为核心的作物病害综合治理策略及其应用,即一方面设法减少传统“病原物”的数量累积和阻断侵染,另一方面更加注重农田生态系统中理、化和生物学性状的改善,以重塑、促进和维护农田生态平衡,进而实现增强寄主抗性、促进寄主植物生长和防病治病的目标。上述观点是对传统病理学病害防治理论的补...  相似文献   

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