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The Eurasian woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) is a game species experiencing high hunting pressure, long-term modifications of its habitats, and with questions regarding its current conservation status. Winter is a season of highest concentration of birds and hunting pressure but woodcock precise habitat requirements are poorly known. It is crucial to assess threats and to develop sustainable management options for the conservation of woodcock populations. During three consecutive winters, we monitored 65 individual woodcocks fitted with radio-tags in Brittany, France. Habitat selection was analysed using GIS and compositional analysis, in relation to vegetation types, soil variables (humus types) and the abundance of their main prey (earthworms). Woodcocks used different habitats diurnally and nocturnally, generally preferring areas with high earthworm biomass. Diurnal habitat selection in forests was associated with humus type (preference for mulls, rich in earthworms) and dense shrub strata (better protection). Hedges with a high density of trees and shrub were also important habitat. At night, grazed meadows were the preferred habitat, containing five times higher biomass of earthworms compared to cultivated fields. Sustainable management of populations requires protection and management of habitats that incorporates food and cover. Forestry practices should preserve rich humus types and coppices by choosing tree species that ameliorate the soil and soil tilling. Changes in landscapes and intensive agricultural practices are current threats to woodcock populations: destruction of hedges, decrease of permanent grazed meadows, impoverishment of soils fauna biomasses from ploughing and chemical applications. However, woodcocks may benefit from the recent development of set-asides, grass field-borders and simplified farm practices (no-tillage and direct sowing).  相似文献   

Staphylinid beetle assemblages from coniferous foothills forest in west-central Alberta, Canada were studied via pitfall trapping to examine the effects of stand age and possible edge effects. Sites included a chronosequence of stands from 1 to 27 years post-harvest, and four types of mature forest that had not been disturbed by fire for at least 80 years. In all, 19 sites were sampled between 1989 and 1991. A total of 98 species were identified, nine of which are reported for the first time in Alberta. Staphylinids were more abundant in mature forest stands but assemblages were more diverse in regenerating stands. Thirty-four rove beetle species showed significant indicator value for particular stands or groups of stands, including mature forest, young forest, and open ground specialists. After harvesting, the catch rate of many forest species decreased dramatically, and open ground species were more commonly collected. Populations of some forest species remained active on logged sites for one or 2 years before disappearing. As stands regenerated, they were colonized by species characteristic of young stands, but true forest species were found only in older unharvested stands. The beetle assemblages from regenerating stands became more similar to those from mature stands as they aged, but still differed considerably from them 27 years after harvesting. Transects across forest-clearcut edges revealed a significant beetle response to habitat edges. Staphylinids assemblages were compared to the ground beetle (Carabidae) assemblage sampled via the same pitfall trapping regime. Mature forest specialists are threatened by fragmentation and loss of habitat. In order to conserve these beetle assemblages, forest managers should retain adequate patches of older successional stages on working landscapes.  相似文献   

Collembolans are among the most abundant microarthropods in the aboveground parts of forest ecosystems, but little is known about their life-history traits compared with those of the soil-dwelling collembolans. The life-history traits of arboreal collembolans, as well as their abundances, are expected to be influenced by the vertical structure of a forest. We analyzed the body-size distributions of dominant arboreal species in relation to the vertical structure of the forest. The small individuals of the three arboreal species that inhabit both the canopy and soil litter (Xenylla brevispina, Tomocerus cuspidatus, and Sphyrotheca multifasciata) appeared continuously from spring to autumn in the soil litter, whereas those in the canopy litter were found during a particular period, only in July. These individuals tended to be larger in the canopy litter than in the soil litter, and in particular, T. cuspidatus grew to become significantly larger in the canopy. The mean body size of the most abundant migrating species (X. brevispina) increased gradually from the soil to the upper canopy, whereas strict arboreal species (Entomobrya sp.) had no significant trend in the relationship between body size and the height above ground level. We concluded that the life-history traits of arboreal collembolans were influenced by the vertical structure of the forest.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of leaf litter from three Salix spp. on fungal growth and microbial decomposition was studied using 1-mm-mesh litter-bags, and the effect on additional soil macrofaunal activity was studied by measuring litter disappearance from 4-mm-mesh bags and under 4-mm-mesh nets. Mineral macro-elements, water-and ethanol-extractable substances, lignin, and protein-precipitating substances (astringency) in the litter were determined, taking contaminating of the litter with soil particles into account. As expected, the litter disappeared more quickly from the large-mesh bags than from the small-mesh bags, which was attributed to earthworm activity. During the 1st year, the rate of leaf disappearance from both types of bags and under the nets was much higher for S. daphnoides than for S. viminalis and S. fragilis. The lower initial astringency, related to the tannin content, of the S. daphnoides litter might account for this difference. Tannin metabolites probably hampered both microbial decomposition and earthworm acceptability for some time also after the astringency was lost. Neither the content of macronutrients nor that of the other organic fractions studied can be assumed to have had any effect on weight losses due to microbial decomposition. Although, the S. daphnoides leaves initially contained the least amount of fungal mycelium (m g-1 dry weight), the increase after contact with soil was most pronounced in this litter. The species composition of Fungi Imperfecti in the leaves of S. viminalis and S. daphnoides differed only for fresh litter, whereas the number of isolates was somewhat higher for S. daphnoides throughout the study. Similar seasonal variations in fungal composition occurred in both the S. viminalis and the S. daphnoides litter.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of red wood ants Formica polyctena s.l. Foerst. on the spatial distribution of carabids and describe mechanisms of the ant–beetle interactions at the individual level. Fifteen carabid species were found in the foraging territory of an ant colony. The difference in the numbers of carabids in ant-controlled and ant-free territories was maximal in July, when the ants were most active. Measurements of running speed, duration of stops, and individual trajectories showed significant alterations in the behaviour of beetles in the ant-controlled territory. Experiments with a binary Y-shaped labyrinth showed that different carabid species used species-specific sets of behavioural tactics for avoiding conflict with ants. Pterostichus magus and P. oblongopunctatus, which are comparable with red wood ants in body length and speed of movement, possess the most effective stereotyped tactics in combination with a flexible behaviour. Such properties allow these species to penetrate ant foraging territory and partly avoid interference competition.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to investigate the environmental requirements of Eisenia fetida (Lumbricidae) and its relation to Enchytraeus albidus (Enchytraeidae). Specimens of Eisenia fetida were cultured at two different temperatures (15°C and 25°C) and moisture conditions (50% and 80%) in presence or absence of Enchytraeus albidus. Eisenia fetida grew best at the higher temperature and amount of moisture. Enchytraeus albidus impaired the growth of Eisenia fetida at the higher temperature. When Enchytraeus albidus was present, the mortality of Eisenia fetida increased.Interaction between Eisenia fetida and Enchytraeus albidus was shown, although the mechanisms remain unclear. These species, coexisting in the same habitat (compost), appear to have slightly different niches: Eisenia fetida favours warmer, moister conditions than Enchytraeus albidus.Dedicated to the late Prof.Dr. M.S. Ghilarov  相似文献   

In a study of a 15-year-old pasture in Martinique (French West Indies), abundance and organization of microarthropod communities were correlated with the spatial distribution of the earthworm Polypheretima elongata (Megascolecidae). In patches of high earthworm density (133 individuals m–2), microarthropod density was significantly higher (80000 individuals m–2) than in patches with few earthworms (31 worms m–2 and 49000 microarthropods m 2). The diversity of microarthropod communities followed a similar pattern, the Shannon index for Collembola communities being, respectively, 3.12 and 1.82 in and outside earthworm patches. These results suggest that mesofauna abundance and diversity might be at least partly determined by the activity of larger invertebrates, as a result of the dramatic effects that the latter group exerts upon soil structure, pore distribution and food resources. Received: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

Some Arachis species are widely used as commercial plants, e.g. the groundnut A. hypogaea, an important source of good quality protein and oil, and A. pintoi and A. glabrata, that are utilized as forage species. Germplasm of most Arachis species is available in germplasm banks. However, little it is known about the genetic attributes of this germplasm, and mainly about its genetic variability, which is very important for its maintenance. In the present study RAPDs were used to assay the genetic variation within and among 48 accessions of five sections of the genus Arachis and to establish the genetic relationships among these accessions. Ten of 34 primers tested were selected for DNA amplification reactions since they yielded the largest numbers of polymorphic loci. A dendrogram was constructed based on data from the 10 primers selected. Eighty RAPD polymorphic bands were analyzed among the accessions studied. The relationships among species based on RAPDs were similar to those previously reported based on morphological, cytological and crossability data; demonstrating that RAPDs can be used to determine the genetic relationships among species of the different sections of the genus Arachis. In general, wide variation was found among accessions and low variation was found within the accessions that had two or more plants analyzed. However, higher polymorphism was found in the section Trierectoides and in one accession of A. major, indicating that generalizations should be avoided and each species should be analyzed in order to establish collection and maintenance strategies.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study focused on the metal (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, U and Zn) distribution in soils and uptake and accumulation by earthworms Nicodrilus caliginosus (Savigny) from urban, peri-urban, green-urban and non-urban zones of Siena municipality (central Italy). The main goal was to define the influence of soil properties and metal soil contents on the uptake of these contaminants by earthworms. Data indicated that Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn soil contents increased in the following order: non-urban < green-urban < peri-urban < urban soils, suggesting that vehicular traffic affects the distribution of these metals. Pb and Sb were the main soil contaminants and their highest enrichments were found in urban sites where stop-and-go traffic occurs. Concentrations of these traffic-related metals in earthworms showed a distribution pattern similar to that in soil, suggesting that soil contamination influenced the uptake of Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn by N. caliginosus. There were significant positive correlations between Cd, Pb and Sb earthworm concentrations and their soil contents. The lack of correlation for Cu and Zn could be due to the physiological regulation of these elements by earthworms. Statistical analysis pointed out that the uptake and accumulation of Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn by earthworms were affected by some soil physicochemical properties such as the organic carbon and carbonate contents that are able to rule the bioavailability of metals in soils.  相似文献   

To ascertain the reasons for poor nodulation of pigeonpea, we studied the effect of high temperature on the production of flavonoids by the pigeonpea host. A high temperature affected flavonoid production by pigeonpea and mungbean. At 37°C pigeonpea root exudates contained four flavonoids and the root extract contained five. The proportion of the second flavonoid in the pigeonpea and the mungbean was higher and the proportion of the third flavonoid was lower at 37°C compared to 30°C. At the higher temperature the flavonoids exuded from pigeonpea roots were same those in the root homogenate.  相似文献   

In recent decades, human trampling has become an important factor in the degradation of Atlantic heathlands. In a previous paper we showed that short-term responses of heathland to trampling were dependant on environmental parameters such as season and weather conditions (Gallet, S., Rozé, F., 2001b. Resistance of Atlantic Heathlands to trampling in Brittany (France): influence of vegetation type, season and weather conditions. Biological Conservation, 97, 189-198). Here, long term responses of experimental trampling, characterised by the resilience and the tolerance of communities and plants appear also dependant on these parameters. Dry and mesophilous heathlands are more tolerant to trampling in winter than in summer. In the case of mesophilous heathland, this is linked to high plant resilience, especially of Erica ciliaris. In summer, influence of meteorological conditions at the time of trampling depend on the species; indeed wet conditions lead to lower tolerance of Erica cinerea but to higher tolerance of E. ciliaris. Management of tourist pressure on natural or semi-natural sites must take visitors on the more tolerant communities, so it must take into account the variability of tolerance to trampling of the different types of vegetation present and needs to be adaptable to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Despite an increase in the understanding of the soybean isoflavones involved in root-colonizing symbioses, relatively little is known about their levels in the rhizosphere and their interactions with the soil microbial community. Based on a 13-year experiment of continuous soybean monocultures, in the present study we quantified isoflavones in the soybean rhizosphere and analyzed the soil microbial community structure by examining its phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profile. Two isoflavones, daidzein (7, 4′-dihydroxyisoflavone) and genistein (5,7,4′- trihydroxyisoflavone), were detected in the rhizosphere soil of soybean plants, with the concentrations in the field varying with duration of mono-cropping. Genistein concentrations ranged from 0.4 to 1.2 μg g−1 dry soil over different years, while daidzein concentrations rarely exceeded 0.6 μg g−1 dry soil. PLFA profiling showed that the signature lipid biomarkers of bacteria and fungi varied throughout the years of the study, particularly in mono-cropping year 2, and mono-cropping years 6-8. Principal component analysis clearly identified differences in the composition of PLFA during different years under mono-cropping. There was a positive correlation between the daidzein concentrations and soil fungi, whereas the genistein concentration showed a correlation with the total PLFA, fungi, bacteria, Gram (+) bacteria and aerobic bacteria in the soil microbial community. Both isoflavones were easily degraded in soil, resulting in short half-lives. Concentrations as small as 1 μg g−1 dry soil were sufficient to elicit changes in microbial community structure. A discriminant analysis of PLFA patterns showed that changes in microbial community structures were induced by both the addition of daidzein or genistein and incubation time. We conclude that daidzein and genistein released into the soybean rhizosphere may act as allelochemicals in the interactions between root and soil microbial community in a long-term mono-cropped soybean field.  相似文献   

(+/-)-4-Methyloctanoic acid and its ethyl ester are aggregation pheromones of many rhinoceros beetles of the genus Oryctes and are investigated for the control of these pests by olfactory trapping. A simple, economical, and high-yield (>50%) synthesis of (+/-)-4-methyloctanoic acid and its ethyl ester is presented starting from n-hexanal. The key step in this sequence is an orthoester Claisen rearrangement for the elongation of the carbon chain by two.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》1999,11(2-3):227-243
The uptake and excretion kinetics of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc were studied for Eisenia fetida exposed to mixtures of these metals in field and OECD artificial soil. Body burdens in worms exposed to all contaminated soils increased over the duration of the experiment. Highest accumulation rates were for worms exposed to the most polluted soils. Pronounced differences were found in the uptake and excretion patterns for essential and non-essential elements (particularly in field soils). For cadmium and lead (non-essential), an equilibrium plateau was not reached during the uptake study and slow excretion was found on transfer of worms to clean soil. For copper and zinc (essential), fast initial uptake was followed by equilibrium after only a few days exposure. Rapid excretion was found after transfer to clean soil, with half-lives of less than 1 day for both metals. A previous study of the effects of metals on worms exposed in OECD and field soils had indicated a higher toxicity in the artificial medium. Thus, in the present study, it was anticipated that greater toxicity would be reflected by increased body burdens for worms in OECD soil. This was, however, not the case. Explanations are given that might account for the fact that the greater toxicity in OECD soil is not invariably accompanied by higher metal burdens. These include the presence of high concentrations of very toxic and highly available ions in laboratory tests and potential differences in the importance of soluble and total metal concentration for determining toxicity and body burdens.  相似文献   

Low phosphorus (P) availability in Ferralsols of the Malagasy Highlands is a major limitation to crop growth. Direct seeding mulch-based cropping practices which were adopted in the region to improve and sustain soil fertility are known to favour earthworms’ presence. The mesocosm study aims to analyse the effect of an endogeic geophageous earthworm species on the soil P status. Total P content (P t), NaOH-extractable P content, P ions (Pi) concentration (C p) in solution and rapid and slow reactions of Pi in solution with solid phase were determined in two Malagasy Ferralsols. Both C p and reactions rates were assessed in laboratory batch experiments using 32Pi labelling and isotopic exchange kinetics (IEK). The P t values were 836 and 349 mg P g−1 in a clayey soil and a sandy–clayey soil, respectively. For both soils, NaOH-extractable organic P was significantly higher in earthworm casts than in parent soils, whereas Pt was unchanged. Also, the effect of earthworm ingestion significantly changed parameters of the IEK. In casts compared with the soil from which they were derived, the immediate isotopically exchangeable Pi (E 1 min) increased by 116%, whereas relative rates of Pi release at the solid-to-solution with time were slightly lowered. The effect of earthworm ingestion on IEK corresponded to a transfer of slowly exchangeable Pi towards quicker Pi pools of exchange. However, according to the literature, the increase in E 1 min remained below the critical level for optimal growth, stating that the soils remained P-deficient even in the presence of active and numerous earthworms.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the growth and reproduction of three deep-burrowing lumbricids, Aporrectodea longa, Lumbricus terrestris, and Octolasion cyaneum. The reproductive output was recorded as 18.8, 38.0, and 32.3 cocoons per worm per year for A. longa, L. terrestris, and O. cyaneum, respectively. For the same species, maturity was reached at a mean mass of 3.9, 5.0 and 2.4 g, within 3 months from the hatchling stage by L. terrestris and within 4 months by the other two species. The hatching success of cocoons at 15 and 20°C was within the range of 70–80% for each species, except A. longa at the higher temperature, where a viability of 47% was recorded. Twenty percent of viable O. cyaneum cocoons produced twin hatchlings, compared with only one percent for A. longa and L. terrestris. A combination of these results suggests that a complete life-cycle for each species could be achieved within 6 months (L. terrestris and A. longa) or 7–8 months (O. cyaneum). Each species has particular life-cycle strategies that would aid survival and colonisation, under field conditions, if inoculated into restored soils.  相似文献   

A study was made of the changes in the rhizosphere microflora of onion seedlings grown under controlled conditions at either 25, 18 or 16°C. In plants grown at the lower temperatures there was a very small rhizosphere effect for the bacteria compared with that for plants grown at 25°C. A series of tests on bacteria isolated from both rhizosphere and root-free soil showed the rhizosphere isolates from seedlings grown at 25°C to be more active physiologically than those from seedlings grown at the lower temperatures. In particular, the ammonifying bacteria were greatly increased in the rhizosphere of plants grown at 25°C. Numbers of rhizosphere fungi were also greater at the higher temperature but the rhizosphere effect was not as great as that for bacteria. Contrary to expectation the greatest rhizosphere effect did not occur at the optimum temperature for growth of the onions.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic trees of the 8 species of the genus Lolium and of Festuca pratensis have been derived from frequency data at 13 isozyme loci using different distance algorithms. The best tree was obtained by the distance-Wagner method with the Cavalli-Sforza and Edwards chord distance. This tree appears robust when tested by bootstrap resampling of loci. This confirmed previous knowledge on species relationships in the genus Lolium, with supplementary data on the taxonomic position of the less studied L. persicum and L. canariense. Attempts were made to hybridize 4 Lolium species and F. pratensis. True interspecific hybrids, as confirmed by isozyme markers, were obtained for L. perenne x L. temulentum, L. temulentum x L. rigidum, L. temulentum x L. canariense and L. canariense x F. pratensis. This is the first report of this new form of Festulolium, which was obtained at a fairly high frequency, giving argument to a possible genetic proximity between L. canariense, an endemic species restricted to Atlantic islands, and F. pratensis, which has a more widespread, northern distribution. However, chromosome pairing analysis at meiosis did not support this conclusion, as the F1 L. canariense x F. pratensis definitely showed a higher level of asynapsis compared to that reported for L. perenne x F. pratensis. The apparently close relation between L. canariense and F. pratensis seen on the tree is therefore postulated to be an artefact, due to the low number of loci studied.  相似文献   

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