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在陕西省重点夏玉米生产县(市)选择有代表性的110块玉米田进行杂草调查,已鉴定出夏玉米田杂草29种,隶属15科。其中优势种群为马唐、狗尾草、铁苋菜,个别地方莎草相当严重,已成为玉米田内难以根除的恶性杂草。玉米播种后10~15d为出草高峰期,播后苗前施药是进行化学防除的关键时期。  相似文献   

夏玉米田杂草的发生及防除技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
淮北地区夏玉米的生育期在6~9月份,由于这一时期高温多雨,极利于田间杂草的生长,一旦错过防除适期,则很难有效控制杂草危害。为此,我们进行了淮北地区夏玉米田杂草发生及防除技术研究。  相似文献   

夏玉米播种季节(山东一般为5月20至6月15日)正逢高温、多雨季节,杂草生长迅速,加上夏收劳动力紧张,人工作业不便,极易形成草荒,因而玉米田化学除草显得尤为重要。邹平县玉米田化学除草剂的应用始于20世纪80年代中、后期,最初只用莠去津(商品名阿特拉津),到目前已经有十余种除草剂可供选择使用。笔者经过十几年的研究,在摸清夏玉米田杂草生长规律的基础上,掌握了夏玉米不同种植模式(或不同种植时间)下的化学防除方法,现介绍如下:1夏玉米田杂草主要种类和生长规律1.1杂草主要种类本县玉米田杂草种类较多,其中危害较重的有马唐犤Digitariasang…  相似文献   

6%烟嘧磺隆SC防除玉米田杂草的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用6%烟嘧磺隆SC等除草剂对上海地区玉米田杂草进行田间防除试验。结果表明,在玉米4叶期左右,6%烟嘧磺隆SC 900~1 200 g/hm2兑水45 kg进行茎叶喷雾,能有效防除玉米田马唐、牛筋草、刺苋、凹头苋、马齿苋等一年生杂草。  相似文献   

对夏玉米—冬小麦连作制度下的小麦田杂草发生动态进行监测,通过建立小麦苗后有、无草天数与小麦产量损失率之间的函数关系,探讨小麦田杂草与冬小麦的竞争临界期。结果表明,小麦田杂草发生以冬前为主,出苗量达87.62%;小麦产量损失率随着小麦苗后有草天数的增加而增大,随无草天数的增加而降低;以3%作为小麦产量损失的最大忍受限度,则小麦苗后22~87 d为杂草与小麦的竞争临界期。因此杂草防除应在11月上中旬进行,若冬前未进行除草,则应在翌年2月下旬至3月上旬小麦返青期及时进行化学防除。  相似文献   

烟嘧磺隆·莠去津防除玉米田杂草的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
85%烟嘧磺隆·莠去津可湿性粉剂对玉米田马唐、狗尾草、马齿苋、反枝苋等一年生杂草具有良好的防除效果,382.5~573.75 ga.i./hm2药后30 d鲜重总防效达到90%左右,对玉米安全。  相似文献   

室内盆栽试验表明,烟嘧黄隆的药效受要草叶龄、助主施药与降不间隔时间的影响。从玉米田马唐防除的生态经济阈值和不同叶龄防产的综合结果看,以马唐3叶期后至5叶期前喷36g/hm^2 嘧黄隆效果最好。非离子型表面活性剂吐温20、OP-10、平平加15和阴离子型表面活性剂洗衣粉都能显著提高烟嘧黄隆对马唐的防效,增效幅度在28.6-52.7%。渗透剂T和YZ-901不能显著提高烟嘧黄隆的药效。施药后与降水的间  相似文献   

夏玉米播种时气温较高,杂草生长较快,杂草发生集中且以禾本科杂草占绝对优势。我场历年用阿特拉津或拉索于播后苗前进行土壤封闭处理,取得了好的防除效果,但也带来了一些问题。本文就这些问题及夏玉米田今后的化学除草趋势进行分析探讨。 (一)筛选推广茎叶处理剂麦收后为了抢播夏玉米,常常是整地质量不及春播玉米田精细。播后苗前土壤封闭化除因垡块较大,而影响防效,同时从播种到出苗的时间较短,也容易错过防除适期,每年都出现一定面积的草荒。1987年我场在夏玉米田进行了阿特拉津不同用量、不同施药期的试验,  相似文献   

通过对40%乙(乙草胺).扑(扑草净)可湿性粉剂进行玉米田间小区试验,明确了该药剂防除玉米田杂草具有效果好,药效期长,杀草谱广,施药期宽等优点。安全适宜的用法在玉米播后苗前或移栽前进行土壤处理,用药量长江以南为150 g/667m2,对水不少于45 kg/667m2。  相似文献   

耕作方式对夏玉米地杂草关键无草期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在河北省夏玉米地调查了免耕地和常规翻耕地条件下杂草出苗和发生的情况,比较了这两种耕作方式的关键无草期。免耕地杂草出苗较常规耕地略有延后,但很快便趋于一致,两种耕作方式下杂草结束出苗的时间没有区别。耕作方式对夏玉米地关键无草期没有影响,在免耕和翻耕两种耕作方式下,玉米相对产量(RY)和苗后无草期(T)的模型为:RY=98.93×exp[-0.1439×exp(-0.04031×T)],关键无草期均为玉米苗后31d。  相似文献   

夏大豆田自然单子叶杂草的生态经济防治阈期研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本文提出了杂草生态经济防治阈期的概念。并在北京地区1984、1985和1991年三年两地试验的基础上,建立了播后放任和免除夏大豆田自然单子叶混合草被生长的相对天数与大豆相对产量的函数关系及其生态经济防治阈期的计算模型。利用此模型计算的结果表明,夏大豆田自然单子叶草被的生态经济防治阈期处在大豆生长季节的第前16.6%-30.7%天之间;若按绝对天数计算,北京地区夏大豆田该草被的生态经济防治阈期约处在大豆播后16-29天之间。此期保持无草,是生态经济地控制夏大豆整个生长季节期间前后期发生的所有草害和最大限度地发挥杂草在防止农田水、肥、土流失等方面的作用的关键时期。  相似文献   

本文用生态经济观点研究了夏花生与马唐的竞争关系,建立了夏花生田马唐的生态经济阈值模型:C×100×100/PVE F×100/PV=(?)和生态经济除草阈值模型:可为经济除草、维持生态平衡提供科学依据。  相似文献   

黄淮海地区夏玉米对干旱和涝渍的生理生态反应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用黄淮海地区多站点的夏玉米水分控制试验,探讨旱涝对夏玉米发育进程、光合能力、干物质分配、叶面积扩展、产量结构及最终产量的影响,进而分析旱涝对夏玉米生长过程的影响机制。结果表明:干旱减缓了夏玉米营养生长阶段的发育速率,但加快了生殖生长阶段的发育进程,而涝渍对夏玉米发育进程的影响较小;夏玉米全生育期土壤湿度距适宜湿度减小1%,其叶片最大光合速率将下降0.3 mol·m~(-2)·s~(-1),比叶面积上升8×10-6hm~2·kg~(-1);夏玉米全生育期土壤相对湿度下降1%,其地上总干重和穗干重均下降0.55%,而产量将减少155kg·hm~(-2);干旱不仅使玉米灌浆时间变短,而且使叶片光合能力下降;营养生长阶段干旱使干物质更多地分配向茎秆,导致叶面积扩展乏力,生殖生长阶段干旱减少干物质向贮存器官的分配而影响产量构成;尽管干旱使叶片变薄而促进其扩展,但仍不足以减缓干旱的整体负面影响,最终导致玉米减产;而涝渍主要使玉米叶片光合能力下降,并导致干物质向穗的分配减少而减产。  相似文献   

ROUCHAUD  NEUS  CALLENS  & BULCKE 《Weed Research》1998,38(5):361-371
Sulcotrione soil persistence in spring maize ( Zea mays L.) crops grown on a sandy loam soil was greater at pH 5·5 and 6·0 (soil half-life T 1/2≈58 days) than at pH 7·1 ( T 1/2 = 44 days). Sulcotrione was also applied as recommended on a summer maize crop at the five- to six-leaf growth stage, grown on a sandy loam soil. Sulcotrione soil half-life was 44 days, and the herbicide remained mainly in the 0- to 5-cm surface soil layer during the cropping period, in spite of the high water solubility and the heavy rains at the end of August; lower sulcotrione concentrations (10–18% of the total during the 2-month period after sulcotrione application) were detected in the 5- to 10-cm surface soil layer. The herbicide was applied pre-emergence to winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) at four sites that differed in their soil texture and composition: loamy sand, sandy loam, loam and clay loam. Persistence was greater in the soils containing more organic matter. In soils having similar organic matter contents, persistence was lower in the soil containing more sand relative to loam and clay. During the winter crops, sulcotrione moved down to the 10- to 15-cm soil layer, in spite of the fact that the rains were lower in winter than in summer. Sulcotrione most generally was not detected in the 15–20 cm soil layer of the maize and winter wheat crops.  相似文献   

针对晚播对夏玉米生长发育造成的不利影响,采用垄覆膜沟不覆盖(LN)、垄覆膜沟覆秸秆(LJ)和垄沟全覆膜(LM)3种垄沟种植方式,以常规播期平作不覆盖(CK1)和晚播平作不覆盖(CK2)为对照,分析了不同垄沟种植方式对晚播夏玉米农田土壤水分、土壤温度及玉米生长和产量的影响,对比不同垄沟覆盖种植方式对晚播玉米生长的补偿效应。结果表明:垄沟种植显著提升了夏玉米0~25 cm土层土壤温度,促进了晚播夏玉米生长;生育期内多雨导致各处理0~200 cm土层土壤含水率一直在18%(75%田间持水率)或更高水平,覆膜对土壤水分的影响不明显;垄沟种植夏玉米整体生长状态在8月中下旬(抽雄~灌浆阶段)与CK1处理达到相同水平;地上部干物质量在成熟期达到或超过CK1处理水平;低温多雨导致晚播夏玉米生育期延长了8~9 d;垄沟种植处理倒伏率较低,最高值仅为3%,平作处理倒伏严重,CK1和CK2处理倒伏率分别达73.1%和20.1%;CK2处理全生育期各项生长及产量指标均较低,LJ处理前期生长状态差,后期贪长,最终相对CK1处理减产7.9%;LN处理产量9 783.8 kg·hm-2,与CK1处理持平,LM处理达到最高产量11 101.7 kg·hm-2,相对CK1处理增产12.2%。综合考虑土壤水热、夏玉米生长、产量等各方面因素,多雨条件下垄沟全覆膜方式对晚播玉米生长达到了最好的补偿效果。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fusarium spp. in maize can contaminate the grain with mycotoxins if environmental conditions are favorable for fungal growth. To quantify the relationship between growth of Fusarium spp. and environmental conditions, a mathematical model was developed to simulate growth of F. graminearum and F. verticillioides on maize ears following silk inoculation in field experiments from 1992 to 1995. Each species was inoculated separately and as a mixture of the two for 3 of the 4 years on one maize hybrid. Disease progress in ears was measured by a visual rating scale that was converted to percent visual infection. Measurements were made at regular time intervals after silks were inoculated 5 days after silk emergence. Differential equations were used to relate growth rates of Fusarium spp. in maize ears to hourly air temperature and relative humidity and to daily precipitation. Integration of these equations over time produced quantitative estimates of fungal growth. Model calculations compared well with measurements (R(2) = 0.931, standard error of estimate [SEE] = 2.11%) of percent visual disease infection of maize ears over 3 years. The model was tested against a second set of data (R(2) = 0.89, SEE = 5.9%) in which silks were inoculated at nine different times after first silk emergence for each of 2 years (1994 and 1995) with the two species of fungi on the same maize hybrid. At this time, a silk function was developed to account for changes in the susceptibility of silks to disease. F. graminearum responded to wet conditions more than F. verticillioides, and for the conditions of this experiment, grew much faster than F. verticillioides when inoculated separately. When they were inoculated together, F. graminearum growth rates were much lower, indicating some interference by F. verticillioides. During 1993, weather conditions before inoculation reduced the growth of both species in silks.  相似文献   

玉米弯孢菌叶斑病传播梯度模型   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 根据植物病害流行学原理,采用人工接种方法,在田间造成玉米弯孢菌叶斑病不同的发病梯度,分析连续2年玉米弯孢菌叶斑病传播动态。利用SPSS统计软件构建了此病害的传播梯度模型,结果表明指数模型是沈阳地区玉米弯孢菌叶斑病传播梯度的最佳模型。接种2个月,掖单13玉米弯孢菌叶斑病传播梯度最佳模型是x=9.606×EXP (-0.2829×d),海试16最佳模型是x=7.154×EXP (-0.2351×d)(x:病情指数,d:距菌源中心的距离)。预测玉米弯孢菌叶斑病在2个月最远传播距离为28 m;传播速度为0.4~0.5 m/d。  相似文献   

探究不同矿化度咸淡水混合喷灌对冬小麦、夏玉米生长及产量的影响,并通过监测土壤水盐分布状况来选择适宜矿化度的咸淡水灌溉方式。在河北低平原地区开展大田灌溉试验,研究了淡水畦灌、淡水喷灌、2 g·L-1和3 g·L-1咸水与淡水混合喷灌对小麦、玉米生长及土壤水盐运移的影响。结果表明:与淡水喷灌相比,连续两年灌溉后,小麦收获时2 g·L-1和3 g·L-1矿化度咸淡混合水喷灌处理的根层(0~40 cm)土体含盐量平均分别增加了17.8%和42.7%,0~100 cm土体含盐量平均分别增加了32.9%和74.3%,玉米收获时根层土体含盐量平均分别增加了40.3%和86.9%,0~100 cm土体含盐量平均分别增加了39.0%和88.9%,且3 g·L-1矿化度咸淡混合水喷灌处理的盐分累积已超出小麦和玉米生长的盐分阈值。2 g·L-1矿化度处理的冬小麦产量较淡水喷灌处理降低了9.8%~11.4%(差异不显著),但3 g·L-1矿化度处理比淡水喷灌处理的产量显著降低了25.0%~25.9%(P<0.05);2 g·L-1矿化度处理的夏玉米单株穗粒质量和产量较淡水喷灌处理分别降低了5.1%~10.4%和6.6%~10.5%(差异不显著),3 g·L-1矿化度比淡水喷灌处理的百粒重、单株穗粒质量和产量分别降低了18.6%~22.4%、18.2%~25.9%和14.7%~15.3%(P<0.05),3 g·L-1矿化度对冬小麦和夏玉米的产量构成因素影响显著。因此,咸淡混合水矿化度不大于2 g·L-1的喷灌模式用于该地区冬小麦-夏玉米田间灌溉是可行的。  相似文献   

Summary. Studies were conducted to determine the effects of herbicide placement at different zones of maize (Zea mays L.) and pea (Pisum sativwm L.) shoots below the soil surface after emergence. Soil was removed from around the shoots and replaced with herbicide-treated soil. A wax barrier ensured separate exposure of the zones to treated soil. EPTC, chlorpropham, propham and sulfallate did not affect pea shoot growth, but in maize the shoot zone adjacent to the crown root node was extremely sensitive. Treatment in this area markedly reduced growth and severely inhibited the crown roots. The difference in susceptibility between these species may he due to the location of the growing point relative to the treated soil. Shoots of maize and pea were sensitive to diuron. In maize the shoot adjacent to the crown root node and the tissue of the first internode were the most susceptible. In pea the- uppermost shoot (beneath the soil surface) was the most sensitive. Trifluralin did not affect growth of maize and pea when placed in the shoot zone after emergence, although the crown roots of maize were severely inhibited. Naptalam, dalapon and 2,4-D did not affect growth of maize under similar conditions, and of these only 2,4-D reduced growth of pea. Zone d'abiorption des tiges pour les herbicides appliqués sur h sol  相似文献   

Echinochloa colona and Trianthema portulacastrum are weeds of maize that cause significant yield losses in the Indo‐Gangetic Plains. Field experiments were conducted in 2009 and 2010 to determine the influence of row spacing (15, 25 and 35 cm) and emergence time of E. colona and T. portulacastrum (0, 15, 25, 35, 45 and 55 days after maize emergence; DAME) on weed growth and productivity of maize. A season‐long weed‐free treatment and a weedy control were also used to estimate maize yield and weed seed production. Crop row spacing as well as weed emergence time had a significant influence on plant height, shoot biomass and seed production of both weed species and grain yield of maize in both years. Delay in emergence of weeds resulted in less plant height, shoot biomass and seed production. However, increase in productivity of maize was observed by delay in weed emergence. Likewise, growth of both weed species was less in narrow row spacing (15 cm) of maize, as compared with wider rows (25 and 35 cm). Maximum seed production of both weeds was observed in weedy control plots, where there was no competition with maize crop and weeds were in rows 35 cm apart. Nevertheless, maximum plant height, shoot biomass and seed production of both weed species were observed in 35 cm rows, when weeds emerged simultaneously with maize. Both weed species produced only 3–5 seeds per plant, when they were emerged at 55 DAME in crop rows spaced at 15 cm. Infestation of both weeds at every stage of crop led to significant crop yield loss in maize. Our results suggested that narrow row spacing and delay in weed emergence led to reduced weed growth and seed production and enhanced maize grain yield and therefore could be significant constituents of integrated weed management strategies in maize.  相似文献   

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