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液压行走系统因其结构简单、操纵方便、转向灵活等特点已广泛在联合收割机中采用。该文分析了液压一机械式联合收割机行走系统的工作过程,并以某联合收割机为例,对液压行走系统的配置方案、液压元件的选型、液压系统主要参数的确定、液压系统的性能验算和实测等方面进行了研究。研究结果表明,此液压行走系统的设计是合理的、可行的,完全可以满足联收机实际使用条件和较恶劣的工况。这为我国联合收割机液压行走系统的设计和配置提供重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

稻田复种轮作模式的生态经济效益综合评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了筛选具有可持续性、适合鄱阳湖生态经济区的冬季绿色高效循环复合种植模式,通过2012年—2013年连续2年的田间定位试验,采用AHP法和综合指数法对鄱阳湖生态经济区5种稻田复种轮作模式(冬闲?稻?稻?冬闲?早稻?晚稻,绿肥?早稻?晚稻?油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻,油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻,蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米?蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆,蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆?绿肥?早稻?晚稻)的生态经济效益进行了综合评价。结果表明:按照晚稻价格比折算后,两年间各种植模式中蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆种植模式的作物产量最高,其次是绿肥?早稻?晚稻,蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米的作物产量最低。生态经济效益综合评价表明,2012年各系统的综合效益指数大小排序依次为:蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米绿肥?早稻?晚稻冬闲?早稻?晚稻,说明蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆种植模式"改稻为经",是能够带动稻田高产高效的种植模式,有利于农业生产的可持续发展。2013年经过稻田复种轮作后,各系统的综合效益指数表现为:绿肥?早稻?晚稻蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆油菜?玉米||大豆?晚稻蚕豆?早稻?甘薯||玉米冬闲?早稻?晚稻,表明稻田冬种紫云英模式的绿肥?早稻?晚稻种植模式能兼顾三大效益,有利于农业生产的可持续发展。从两年的综合效益结果来看,蔬菜?甘蔗|大豆→绿肥?早稻?晚稻模式能够带动稻田高产高效,能兼顾经济效益、生态效益和社会效益,可解决粮食安全和农业结构调整及农民增收等社会问题,而且对于冬季农业开发、自然资源的充分利用和农业生产的可持续发展也有极大的促进作用。综合来说,蔬菜?甘蔗||大豆→绿肥?早稻?晚稻模式是适合我国鄱阳湖生态经济区大面积推广应用的稻田冬季农业开发与复种轮作循环模式。  相似文献   

打结器驱动齿盘打结性能对比试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
驱动齿盘作为方草捆压捆机打结器的重要组成零件及总动力源,其参数特征对打结器成结率有着必然影响。目前打结器成结率受夹绳、割绳、脱扣不充分等影响严重,而驱动齿盘结构及参数对该失误影响显著,该文针对以上问题设计了分体式驱动齿盘CTRC_I和CTRC_II。其中分体式驱动齿盘CTRC_I由CTRC底盘与反"9"字型凸轮块组成,CTRC_II由CTRC底盘与圆弧切线型凸轮块组成。在相同试验条件下,通过与NewHolland驱动齿盘进行室内试验对比分析可知,CTRC_I齿盘的稳定成结率(90.0%)显著高于(P<0.05)NewHolland(83.5%)和CTRC_II齿盘(65.0%),凸轮结构对成结效果影响显著。NewHolland齿盘与剑麻绳、CTRC_I齿盘与聚丙烯绳、CTRC_I齿盘与剑麻绳等3种配合具有较好的稳定成结率,比其他配合高22.7%~53.5%。不同转速下,CTRC_II齿盘对捆绳的平均最大拉力最大,CTRC_I齿盘最小。CTRC_I齿盘所成绳结质量最高,但捆绳非有效消耗量也相对最大。最终采用层次分析法和功效系数法进行综合效益分析可知,CTRC_I和NewHolland齿盘综合性能优于CTRC_II齿盘,且CTRC_I与聚丙烯绳配合时,综合性能最好。  相似文献   

In the first part of this review article, soil-tool interactions are described at the simplest level of integration, i.e. the process level. It deals with the initial soil condition, toolshape, toolspeed and the movement of drawn and power take-off (PTO) driven implements, low and high speed soil movement, soil strength and the tool forces. At the next higher levels of integration, i.e. operation and treatment, the field performance of implements is described. The pros and cons of the various drawn and PTO driven implements for primary tillage are discussed, such as moulddoard, chisel and disc ploughs, and spading machines, including equipment for reduced and conservation tillage. Drawn and PTO powered secondary tillage tools are also discussed in some detail. Energy and labour requirements are related to seedbed quality, achieved in terms of the degree of pulverization. In conclusion, some attention is paid to the ranking and evaluation at farm level of the various implements in practical tillage and cropping systems. Long-term developments are anticipated and the future needs of sustainable agriculture described, with an indication of themes such as farming-by-soil and management of soil-ecosystems.  相似文献   

针对太阳能园艺拖拉机驱动系统的独特需求,提出了一种太阳能园艺拖拉机驱动系统匹配设计方法,包括总体方案设计和主要参数的理论计算,并提出以全天累计作业时间为太阳能拖拉机作业能力评价指标,结合南京地区气象逐时变化,预测晴朗天气下所选用的光伏电池不同季节日发电量。以所设计太阳能园艺拖拉机为例,得到不同作业工况下拖拉机行驶速度与全天累计作业时间的关系,随着作业速度的提高,全天累计作业时间呈缩短的趋势;相同工况下,夏季全天累计作业时间长于冬季;速度为3 km/h时,有太阳能时拖拉机水平割草作业与坡道割草作业的全天累计作业时间均为无太阳能时的1.5倍。研究表明光伏电池作为园艺拖拉机能源是可行的,能够满足园艺作业的需求。以上研究结果可用于太阳能园艺拖拉机驱动系统方案设计和优化,为太阳能园艺拖拉机的发展提供依据。  相似文献   

农田耗水构成、规律及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
农业用水占总用水量的70%左右, 对农田耗水规律和过程的研究对发展区域节水农业有着非常重要的作用。本文通过回顾中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站建站以来在农田水分循环和节水方面的研究进展,对长期定位试验下不同灌溉水量的耗水规律、农田耗水过程及影响农田耗水的因素进行了分析。通过利用水量平衡法和大型蒸渗仪测定等方法确定蒸散量, 用小型蒸发器测定土壤蒸发。长期定位试验的结果表明: 在该区域冬小麦-夏玉米一年两作的种植方式下, 这两种作物耗水量相似, 随着灌溉量的增加, 农田耗水有增加的趋势; 冬小麦的农田耗水量在283~493 mm 之间, 灌溉水量较小处理的变异系数较大。利用大型称重式蒸渗仪和自制的微型蒸发器(MLS)测定的冬小麦和夏玉米季的棵间蒸发均占蒸散量的1/3。因此, 在此基础上可以利用秸秆覆盖减少土壤蒸发且效果非常明显, 20 年的试验表明秸秆覆盖每年可以减少土壤蒸发40~50 mm, 冬小麦秸秆覆盖夏玉米田可以抑制棵间蒸发的58.0%, 夏玉米秸秆覆盖冬小麦田可以抑制蒸发40.4%。长期耕作的定位试验表明: 不同耕作方式下的土壤蒸发也存在明显的差异, 免耕加秸秆覆盖处理的蒸发最小, 而深耕的最大。同时, 不同灌溉制度、种植方式和冠层结构均会对农田耗水产生影响。这些研究结果为以后的节水理论和技术发展提供了依据。  相似文献   

单作与间作的棵间蒸发量差异及其主要影响因子   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在甘肃河西走廊区, 通过大田试验, 研究了不同供水水平下小麦间作玉米与单作小麦、单作玉米的耗水量和棵间蒸发量差异, 探讨了影响作物棵间蒸发量的关键因子。结果表明, 小麦间作玉米的耗水量较单作小麦、单作玉米耗水量的平均值增加了41.44%~47.15%; 间作全生育期的总棵间蒸发量显著大于单作, 但间作的日均棵间蒸发量显著低于单作玉米、高于单作小麦; 间作的棵间蒸发量占总耗水量的比重显著低于单作玉米, 说明间作可提高农田水分利用的有效性。随灌水水平的提高,间作总耗水量显著增加,单作相邻灌水处理间的差异不显著;灌水水平对单作玉米、间作棵间蒸发量的影响不显著,说明间作耗水量增加主要是由蒸腾作用造成的。作物的日均棵间蒸发量与0~30 cm的土壤含水量、0~25 cm的土壤温度、全生育期的平均叶面积指数均呈显著正相关关系。单作玉米日均棵间蒸发量较大的主要原因是0~30 cm的土壤含水量、0~25 cm的土壤温度均相对较高。小麦间作玉米可提高作物的土地利用率, 其水分利用效率较单作平均提高25%以上。  相似文献   

In the present study, three pea Greek landraces Schinousa (AUASCHIN001), Andros (AUAANDRO001), and Amorgos (AUAAMORG001), and the commercial variety Onward were grown following either conventional or organic farming practices. The main objective of the study was to assess the suitability of these three landraces for organic cultivation as compared with a standard commercial variety. The total fresh pod yield produced by AUASCHIN001 and AUAAMORG001 was significantly lower than that obtained from ‘Onward’ and AUAANDRO001. Furthermore, the three landraces exhibited a higher competition to weeds than the commercial variety. Under organic farming conditions, AUASCHIN001 and AUAAMORG001 produced appreciably less shoot biomass than ‘Onward’ and this resulted in commensurate decreases in the total amount of BNF (biological nitrogen fixation) in their plant tissues, although the percentage of nitrogen (N) fixed from the atmosphere was significantly lower in ‘Onward’. AUAANDRO001 rendered the highest amounts of BNF in the organic farming systems, which was similar to that produced by ‘Onward’ in the conventional system. These results indicate that the tested landraces and especially AUAANDRO001 are more adaptable to low soil N levels and high weed competition, and thus they are more suitable for organic cultivation than ‘Onward’ which performs best in conventional cropping systems.  相似文献   

轮耕体系对黄土台塬麦玉轮作土壤生产性能的影响   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
该研究针对黄土台塬地区长期采用单一土壤耕作制度存在的弊端,以连续免耕、连续深松和连续翻耕为对照,通过连续6年的定位试验(2007-2013年),研究免耕(NT)、深松(ST)和翻耕(PT)3种耕作法集成的6种轮耕体系(NT/ST、ST/PT、ST/NT、NT/PT/ST、NT/NT/ST和PT/PT/ST)对黄土台塬旱地冬小麦→春玉米轮作田土壤生产性能的影响。结果表明,1)在降低土壤容重、提高土壤孔隙度、改善土壤结构及增强土壤通透性方面,6种轮耕体系以ST/PT体系表现最优,其次是PT/PT/ST;2)6种轮耕体系0~40 cm土层土壤养分含量均较试验开始前显著增加,其中土壤有机质含量和全效养分含量均以NT/ST和NT/NT/ST增加较多,而土壤速效养分则以ST/PT和PT/PT/ST增加较多;3)播种和收获时0~200 cm土层土壤贮水量,均以NT/ST和NT/NT/ST较高;4)6种轮耕体系6年作物籽粒产量、水分利用效率(WUE)和经济效益整体效应,以ST/PT最高,其次是NT/ST,再次是NT/PT/ST,而NT/NT/ST体系最低,其中ST/PT作物籽粒产量较其他轮耕体系高5.4%~14.1%,且差异均达显著水平(P0.05),WUE高1.9%~14.1%,经济效益高8.2%~22.6%(P0.05)。总之,在6种轮耕体系中,以ST/PT(深松与翻耕逐年轮换)体系轮耕的土壤理化性状最佳、生产性能最优、水分利用效率最高,是黄土台塬及类似地区"冬小麦→春玉米"轮作田的最佳轮耕体系,其次是NT/ST(免耕与深松逐年轮换)体系。  相似文献   

变量喷洒喷头性能指标建立及模糊评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对全圆喷洒喷头性能评价指标不能充分反映变量喷洒喷头各参数连续变化特点的问题,该文加入了时间变量参数,初步建立了变量喷洒喷头的评价指标,主要包括:喷头射程降低系数、喷头喷洒形状系数、喷洒均匀性系数、喷洒打击强度变化系数及喷灌强度变化系数。采用模糊数学的方法,以上述5个性能评价指标,分别对BPXH20变量喷洒全射流喷头,BPY120变量喷洒摇臂式喷头和BPY220变量喷洒摇臂式喷头进行综合评价,并根据不同应用场合,探索性能指标权重值变化±20%对评价结果的影响。结果表明:喷洒均匀性系数、喷洒强度变化系数及打击强度变化系数对权重变化较为敏感,但不影响评价喷头的性能。说明权重值选取合理,可为今后其它变量喷洒喷头评价提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻联合收获机单边驱动原地转向机构的机理与性能试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为解决中国水田地块小、履带式水稻联合收获机在地头转向所耗时间占作业时间比例大、转弯所占地头长度远比旱田作业长的问题。该文对一种新型机械式单边驱动原地转向机构进行了分析与试验,旨在取代传统转向机构,提高机器作业效率。分析了系统的工作原理,进行了动力学仿真,并做了大量试验。结果显示,该系统可实现原地转向,使转向半径接近或等于零,极大地缩短了转向时间,同时得到不同地面条件、不同转向半径时的转向阻力矩,为后期研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

农田边界与生物多样性研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文综述了农田边界内涵和不同类型农田边界的特点及其生物多样性保护的关系,并依据对生物的保护功能和管理方法,可以把农田边界分成昆虫栖息地、保育边行、作物边界、休耕边界、无植被边界、开花植被边界及无作物野生生物边界。同时根据我国耕地资源和农田特点,提出研究农田边界生态学功能的必要性和进一步研究方向;即:边界生态系统与其生物多样性维持的关系,边界的植被结构与有害生物的关系,边界杂草种群和群落与节肢动物的关系,边界内生物的食物链关系,边界的管理措施。  相似文献   

自然条件的限制使得丘陵山区农产品和物资的田间转运难以实现高安全性的机械化作业。为此,该文研制了一种在丘陵山区田间道路上自主行驶的转运车及其视觉导航系统。该系统采用RTK-GNSS(real-timekinematic-global navigationsatellitesystem,实时动态-全球卫星导航系统)进行路网信息采集、实时定位和路径规划,利用机器视觉进行田间道路识别并提取路径跟踪线;田间道路非路口区域由机器视觉系统进行导航,路口区域采用RTK-GNSS实时定位进行导航。全局路径规划中对A*算法估价函数进行改进,将路口节点处的道路曲率及道路起伏信息引入代价函数。图像处理中强化道路上的阴影处理和信息融合,实现道路与背景的准确分割;然后将道路区域分块求取形心点,拟合后生成道路的虚拟中线作为局部路径的导航线。路径规划仿真表明,改进的A*算法能融合丘陵山地道路起伏变化的特征,规划的路径更合理。转运车自主行驶测试表明,在直线路径、多曲率复杂路径以及地形起伏路径3种工况下,自主行驶轨迹与实际道路中线的平均偏差分别为0.031、0.069和0.092 m,最大偏差分别为0.133、0.195和0.212 m;转运车沿道路中线自主行驶的平均相对误差分别为5.16%、11.5%和15.3%,满足田间道路转运车自主行驶的安全要求。  相似文献   

G.P. Glasby 《Geoderma》1975,13(4):363-367
Crystal field theory has previously been applied to the sorption of ions from aqueous solution by manganese oxide minerals. This paper emphasises the need to consider the overall free-energy change of the appropriate reaction and not just that relatively minor contribution arising from changes in crystal field stabilisation energy.  相似文献   

Investigations of runoff and sediment yield changes and their relationships with potential driving factors provide good insights for understanding the mechanisms of hydrological processes. This study attempted to present a comprehensive investigation on the spatiotemporal variations of sediment yield in the Loess Plateau using continuous observed data at 46 hydrological stations during 1961–2016, and its responses to changes of precipitation, land use/cover and vegetation cover were analyzed by using the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results indicated that sediment yield reduced pronouncedly during 1961–2016 in the Loess Plateau, and 77.9% of this variation was explained by the combined effects of precipitation, land-use change, vegetation dynamics and runoff reduction. Indirect effects of precipitation, land-use change, and vegetation cover on sediment yield were 0.242, ?0.528 and ?0.630 (P < 0.05), respectively, and direct effect of runoff on sediment yield was 0.833 (P < 0.05). According to the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, the strongest positive correlation existed between annual sediment yield and runoff (r = 0.88, P < 0.05), followed by vegetation cover (r = ?0.47, P < 0.05) and land-use change (i.e. forest land and grassland) suggesting their significant trapping effects on soil erosion. However, lower correlations were examined between sediment yield and precipitation indices (?0.14<r < 0.34), and a relatively higher relationship was examined between sediment yield and heavy rainfall (P25) (r = 0.34). Overall, changes in runoff and land-use/vegetation cover well explained variations in sediment yield in the Loess Plateau. The findings are expected to provide scientific and technical support for future soil and water conservation planning in the Loess Plateau, and are valuable for sustainable water resources and sediment load management in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   

The winegrape industry suffers from high incidence rates of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Pruning of dormant vines is a significant task, requiring long periods of highly repetitive and physically demanding work. The purpose of this study is to quantitatively evaluate five commonly used winegrape trellis systems with regard to the risk of developing musculoskeletal injuries to the wrist and lower back while pruning. Eleven subjects participated in this study. Subjects performed a simulated pruning task as wrist and trunk postures were gathered using electrogoniometers. The results showed significant postural differences among the trellis systems. Compared to the other systems, the VSP was determined to be the optimal system in terms of decreasing relative MSD risk. These results will assist vineyards in the selection process of suitable trellis systems that will include the worker health aspect in conjunction with other trellis-related parameters such as grape quality and productivity.  相似文献   

为评价农业机械的适用性满意度,探索基于实际生产管理需要的农业机械选型方法。以烟草种植和烟草田间作业机械为研究对象,将烟草种植流程划分为3个阶段10个环节,并设定各环节的评价指标体系,每个环节设计了作业成本、作业效率、作业效果、使用效应等4个二级指标,共44个评价指标。结合田间实地测试采集评价指标数据;依据农艺要求量化评价指标的评判基准;采用层次分析法,构建综合评价模型。以起垄环节为例评价模型的应用,共涉及7台不同类型的起垄机组(编号分别为I,II,...VII),其中,IV、V为"履带式",VII为"复合式",其余均为"手扶式"。测试过程表明,"手扶式"起垄机组工作状态易调整、作业效果好;"履带式"起垄机组整机质量较大,动力不足时容易导致作业、行进速度变缓;"复合式"起垄机组整机结构复杂,操作舒适性和安全性不高。从评价结果看,参与测试的7台起垄机组中,作业成本指标排序靠前是I、III、II号机组,评价值分别为0.91、0.89、0.85;作业效率指标排序靠前的是V、IV、II号机组,评价值分别为1、0.49、0.41;作业效果指标排序靠前的是II、V、I号机组,评价值分别为0.96、0.69、0.66;使用效应指标排序靠前的是I、II、V号机组,评价值分别为0.93、0.75、0.59;综合评价表现较佳的是II、I、V号机组,适用性满意度评分分别为0.75、0.68、0.66,选型评价结果与当地实际情况相吻合。该模型可为农业机械选型定量化的比较提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

Samples of precipitation, dry deposition and total deposition have been obtained from Tutuila Island, American Samoa, since April 1976. These collections are part of a study of global levels of pollutants. The volume of rain water collected by a HASL wet/dry collector has averaged within 4% of the volume expected based on data obtained using a standard rain gauge. The deposition of Cl?, SO 4 ?2 , NA+. Mg?2 and K+ in the total collector, which is exposed continuously to the atmosphere, is about 10% greater than the deposition in the wet plus dry sides of the HASL collector.  相似文献   



Stormwater bioretention systems are widely used to treat diffuse infiltration of runoff from paved surfaces and roofs. Substantial questions remain about the hydraulic performance and the accumulation of pollutants in systems over the long term. Data of metal accumulation of systems with operational times >10 years currently is limited. This study deals with the accumulation of metals in a variety of long-term operational bioretention systems (11–22 years) to derive further operation recommendations for the water authorities.

Materials and methods

The hydraulic conductivity of the bioretention systems in field was measured using a double ring infiltrometer. Media soil samples from 22 diverse designed systems were collected across the surface and at intervals up to a depth of 65 cm to determine the spatial accumulation of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd. Leaching experiments of selected bioretention media soils were derived to assess the metal leachability by water.

Results and discussion

The hydraulic performance of most bioretention systems still met the technical guidelines of Germany even after long-term operation. Considerable metal accumulation occurred in the topsoil (0–20 cm). Median concentrations of all metals are highest at the soil surface (0–10 cm), decreasing with increasing depth. High concentrations were determined at the inflow points of the runoff waters, whereas concentrations at more than 1.5 m distance from the inflow were only slightly increased compared to the initial soil concentrations. Leachability tests have shown that most of the metals deposited in bioretention soils are only slightly water soluble. No concentrations exceeding the threshold values of the German Soil Contamination Ordinance for the pathway soil to groundwater could be determined.


The hydraulic conductivity of the bioretention systems is given even well after long-term operation. Most of the metal accumulation is concentrated in the top 20 cm; concentrations decrease rapidly and mostly reach background/initial concentrations after depths of 30 cm. The water-soluble metals are all below the trigger values of the German Soil Act. This underlines the strong retention capacity of long-term bioretention systems after long-term operational times.

棉田盖草技术简便易行,增产效果十分显著,对改良土壤、培肥地力、提高棉花抗灾能力及改善田间小气候等均具有良好作用.  相似文献   

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