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In microplots of nine soils freed from volunteer potatoes and sown for four consecutive years with spring barley, the eggs of five populations of Globodera pallida and four populations of G. rostochiensis declined at annual rates of 12-8-40-5%. One population of G. rostochiensis declined faster than other populations of either species, although average rates of decline did not differ significantly between the two species of Globodera. These results are compared with earlier research and their relevance to control of the nematodes by crop rotation is discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Currently plant infectivity assays (bioassays) seem most reliable to determine viability of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G....  相似文献   

To investigate testing procedures for assessing the reproduction of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) on potato cultivars, and to minimize variation in results, trials were done jointly for 3 years at two UK National Listing test centres (DANI in Northern Ireland, DAFS in Scotland). Test clones comprised susceptible, resistant and ‘partially resistant’ cultivars. The factors under investigation included the effect of season, site, location, temperature, PCN population, inoculation method, pot size, hatch rates and methods of assessment of reproduction. Standard procedures are recommended for testing potato cultivars for resistance to PCN.  相似文献   

马铃薯孢囊线虫包括马铃薯金线虫Globodera rostochiensis和马铃薯白线虫G. pallida, 是马铃薯生产上危害最为严重的植物寄生线虫, 一般造成30%的产量损失, 在热带发病严重地区, 产量损失高达80%~90%, 甚至绝收?由于其危害严重性, 包括我国在内的100多个国家将其列为重要检疫性有害生物?我国目前尚无马铃薯金线虫和白线虫的发生报道, 但随着贸易全球化, 马铃薯孢囊线虫传入我国的风险日趋增高?本文主要对马铃薯孢囊线虫的发生分布?危害症状?经济损失?生物学特性?传入我国的潜在风险和预防控制措施进行综述, 旨在为防止马铃薯孢囊线虫入侵我国提供参考?  相似文献   

The hatching differences ofGlobodera rostochiensis andG. pallida were assessed in potato root diffusate (PRD) of cv. Bintje, cv. Elkana and clone ZB35-29.G. pallida hatched better in the PRDs thanG. rostochiensis. It was shown that the experimental test conditions strongly influenced the hatching results. The water type used in the hatching tests had a significant discriminating effect on the species;G. rostochiensis reached hatch percentages of 60 to 90% in demineralized and tap water, whereasG. pallida never exceeded the 15%. These differences were independent of the various batches that were used or the different years the tests were carried out. Silver sand percolate had a inhibiting effect on the hatching of both nematode species. Boron and a high electrical conductivity may be responsible for this. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view as well as for research consequences.  相似文献   

Two forms of Solanum nigrum subsp. nigrum, two forms of S. nigrum subsp. schultesii, S. americanum, S. chenopodioides, S. sarrachoides, S. scabrum, S. villosum subsp. villosum and S. villosum subsp. puniceum were grown in pots for over 4 months to measure their effect on numbers of potato cyst–nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida, in the soil. No Solanum tested significantly reduced numbers of G. rostochiensis or G. pallida. Solanum americanum, S. sarrachoides and S. villosum puniceum increased numbers of G. pallida slightly.  相似文献   

通过采用Fullaondo(1999)研究的特异引物检测方法,对来自英国和比利时的两个马铃薯金线虫(Globodera rostochiensis)种群和英国的一个马铃薯白线虫(G.pallida)种群的DNA进行扩增,其产物以大肠杆菌(Eschetichia coli)为受体菌,经过连接、转化和克隆纯化,筛选获得阳性克隆.经PCR鉴定和测序,英国和比利时的马铃薯金线虫种群的特异性谱带分别是357bp和350bp,而英国的马铃薯白线虫的谱带是782bp,与Fullaondo等人研究报道结果基本相符,从而鉴别出来自不同地理种群的马铃薯金线虫和白线虫.  相似文献   

The use of a plastic bag as a closed container to screen for resistance in potatoes to potato cyst nematode in a controlled environment is described. Procedures to standardize the material tested and the inoculum used are outlined and the advantages of the system are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Infestation foci of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida) in the provinces of Zeeland, Friesland, Groningen, and Drente of the Netherlands were sampled to validate a model describing infestation foci based on data from Flevoland. Eighty-two fields were presampled to locate infestation foci using a coarse sampling grid (8 x 3 m). Parts of 37 fields containing one or more foci were sampled intensively by extracting at least 1.5 kg of soil per square meter (1.33 x 0.75 m). Forty foci were analyzed for spatial distribution characteristics of cysts using multiple regression with generalized linear models and classical linear models. The results showed that the data from all investigated cropping areas fit well to an exponential model with two parameters, the length and width gradient parameters. Significant differences in these parameter values between cropping areas could not be demonstrated. As both parameters follow a normal distribution, the probability of any combination can be described by a bivariate normal distribution. Gradient parameters were correlated, but significant correlations between these parameters and certain variables such as the nematode species involved, the time interval between sampling and the last potato crop, soil type, cropping frequency, and cyst density in the focus center could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to quantify species ratios in mixed populations. The method is based on the separation of species-specific thermostable proteins by SDS-PAGE. Densitometric analyses of the 17 kD protein ofGlobodera pallida and the 18 kD protein ofG. rostochiensis revealed a high correlation (R 2=0.93) with the species ratio in the mixed samples. Within the limits of 10 to 90% of each species, one can estimate with 95% reliability the species composition with 3 to 6% deviation.Samenvatting Een methode is ontwikkeld om de samenstelling van soortenmengsels vanGlobodera rostochiensis enG. pallida te kwantificeren. Bij deze methode wordt gebruik gemaakt van de soort-specifieke thermostabiele eiwitten die met behulp van SDS-PAGE gescheiden worden. De kleurintensiteit van het 17 kD eiwit vanG. pallida en het 18 kD eiwit vanG. rostochiensis is per gel-laan bepaald m.b.v. een densitometer en heeft een lineair verband met de soortsverhouding in de mengsels (R 2=0.93). Binnen het bereik van 10 tot 90% van elke soort kan men met deze ijklijn met 95% betrouwbaarheid de soortsamenstelling bepalen op 3 tot 6% nauwkeurig.  相似文献   

Fourteen cultivars generally regarded as uniformly susceptible toGlobodera pallida Pa 2/3 were assessed in plastic closed containers for degree of susceptibility and also for root and sprouting characteristics. The material was assessed by scoring degree of sprouting before planting and number of cysts and root growth at the end of experiment at intervals from the time of initial dormancy break through to prolific sprouting. Using covariate analyses, it was found that the degree of root development, particularly in the earlier assessments, significantly influenced the degree of cyst development and so the perceived levels of susceptibility/resistance. Having taken account of root growth characters, significant differences between the cultivars with regard to nematode multiplication were still evident. The implications of the results are discussed in relation to potato breeding and nematological studies.  相似文献   

The impact of increasing temperatures on the population dynamics of the soil-dwelling nematode Globodera pallida, a persistent and economically important pest of potatoes, was investigated. The reproductive factor (final population⁄initial population) and length of life cycle were found to be temperature sensitive. Pot experiments performed over 4 months allowed comparison of the effect on development of G. pallida of two temperature regimes: an average temperature comparable to current field conditions (14.3 °C) and an average temperature above current field conditions (17.3 °C). A larger second generation of juveniles was observed at 17.3 °C compared to 14.3 °C. Multiplication of G. pallida at field sites in Shropshire and East Lothian (average soil temperatures of 15.5 and 14.1 °C, respectively, during potato cropping) was also examined. A quantitative PCR assay and visual examination of roots were used to monitor the dynamics of the G. pallida populations in both field sites at 4-weekly intervals. Four cultivars, Desirée, Cara, Maris Piper and Estima, were grown with and without nematicide treatments. Nematicide treatments suppressed population increases at both sites. Females were observed on the roots of cvs Cara and Desirée at the end of the growing season in Shropshire, but not at East Lothian, and are likely to represent a second generation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A computer program, SAMPLE, was developed to evaluate existing and create new sampling methods for the detection of infestation foci of the potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida). By combining a model for the medium-scale distribution of cysts that provides the expected population densities at each position within the focus and a model for the small-scale distribution within square meters, sampling procedures can be simulated. The importance of the parameters of the two distribution models-the length and width gradient for the medium-scale distribution and the aggregation factor k of the negative binomial distribution for the small-scale distribution-was investigated by sensitivity analysis. Parameter k proved to be less important when calculating the average detection probability of a focus than were the length and width gradient parameters. Several existing versions of the statutory sampling method used in the Netherlands were tested for their performance on a standard infestation focus with a central population density of 50 cysts per kg of soil, which is small enough to use resistant potato cultivars as a control measure without noticeable yield reductions in a 1:3 year cropping frequency with potato. These methods did not perform with the desired average detection probability, set at 90%; therefore, SAMPLE was used to develop several new sampling methods for focus detection. SAMPLE is a tool to develop sampling methods on demand for every possible combination of characteristics required for use by seed and ware potato growers (recommendations for optimum control measures leading to maximum returns and integrated pest management) and by governments (legislation, quarantine, and export protection).  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo approach was utilized to calculate the size of the demarcation unit, necessary to cover infestations with Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida (PCN), detected with the new EU-sampling method. Results from 90 sampled fields were used to obtain frequency distributions of the central population density (CPD), the length and width gradients of infestation foci and the distance between 'primary' and 'secondary' foci within one field section in the direction of cultivation. With a simulation model written in R, a free software environment for statistical computing, the dimensions of the demarcation unit were calculated, based on the dimensions of the sampling unit, the position of the 'primary' infestation within the sampling unit and the size of the infestation focus. It is concluded that a demarcation of 90% of possible foci positions and dimension, analogous to the specified detection probability of the EU sampling method, provides sufficient security to demarcate any infestation. With the preferred sampling unit of 11 m width and 300 m length (1/3 ha sampled), used in The Netherlands, only 0.61% of the cyst numbers will be situated outside the demarcated unit. These cyst numbers compare to 0.17% of total amount of cysts in the EU infestation model: 1 focus with a CPD of 100 cysts kg−1 and three foci with CPDs of 50 cysts kg−1. The required demarcation area has a width of 36 m and a (maximum) length of 402 m and covers an unit of 1.5 ha. The methodology described can be applied to all proposed sampling methods and sampling unit dimensions.  相似文献   

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