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工业化循环水福利养殖关键技术与智能装备的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄滨  刘滨  雷霁霖  翟介明  颜阔秋  梁友 《水产学报》2013,37(11):1750-1760
基于水产福利养殖的理念,结合封闭循环水系统养殖环境可控性高的突出特点,倡导构建适合中国国情的工业化循环水福利养殖产业模式,已成为推动我国现代渔业可持续发展的战略需求。为此,本综述从工厂化循环水鱼类养殖福利影响因子分析、集约化养殖鱼类的福利需求、工厂化循环水模式下水产福利养殖的科学评价标准制定等方面入手,开展了封闭循环水系统实施福利养殖的关键技术与智能装备集成的研究,为今后规范我国水产工业化福利养殖的生产过程管控,建立水产福利养殖保障机制,真正提高水产品质量与安全水平提供理论和技术依据。  相似文献   

近年来,在野生渔业资源持续衰退、水产 养殖规模不断扩大、人们对鱼类福利关注度不断提升等的背景下,环境丰容作为一种全新的技术手段在水产领域受到广泛关注,被认为在野化放流鱼类行为、增加养殖鱼类产量、提升圈养鱼类福利等诸多方面均具有较大的应用潜力。环境丰容是指在增养殖生产中,采用适当方式向圈养或自然水体引入新的环境刺激,提高其异质性和复杂性,从而实现提升鱼类产量、提高鱼类福利、控制鱼类行为、改善鱼类生理目标的环境优化方式。总体来看,国际上围绕环境丰容技术的相关研究结果层出不穷,理论体系不断完善,但国内水产领域的相关研究尚处于起步阶段。本文在简要介绍环境丰容概念和分类基础上,聚焦目前最受关注的物理丰容方式,评述了物理丰容对鱼类打斗行为、生理应激、代谢生长等重要性状和放流后的适应性行为、个体适合度等增殖性状的影响,重点分析了引发研究结果差异的可能原因及其潜在神经可塑性机理,最后探讨了本领域以往研究的不足及今后的研究方向,旨在为我国开展该方面研究提供借鉴,为增养殖苗种高效健康培育与放流鱼类野化训练提供参考。  相似文献   

国内渔药使用现状、问题及合理化建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
药物防治是水产动物病害控制的三大技术支柱之一,也是我国水产动物病害防治中最直接、最有效和最经济的方式,因此在我国病害防治体系中受到普遍重视。我国是世界上的水产养殖大国,养殖品种众多,养殖产量占全世界水产养殖总量的70%左右,因而我国也自然成为渔药生产、使用的大国。我国渔药的种类较多,使用范围较广。但渔药使用的不规范或滥用和错用,也带来了诸多问题:某些渔用药物在水产品内的残留,严重威胁了水产品的安全和人们的健康,影响了我国水产品的对外出口贸易;滥用渔药对环境的污染,防碍了水产养殖的持续发展。本文试图针对我国渔药使用的现状提出一些粗浅看法,旨在为水产养殖安全用药提供一些参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

水产养殖是满足人们对蛋白质需求的重要途径,减少鱼贝类捕后因鲜度下降导致的资源浪费是水产品加工领域的重要研究课题之一。横纹肌作为鱼贝类肌肉中主要的食用部位,其品质变化与肌肉能量代谢状况密不可分。本文详细综述了ATP在线粒体、肌质网和肌原纤维蛋白间的产生、转运和消耗的过程。回顾了基于横纹肌能量代谢过程所提出的一系列鱼贝类肌肉鲜度评价指标,包括ATP及其关联化合物相关的K值、Kmax值、AEC值,以及肌原纤维蛋白和肌质网的ATPase活性、线粒体结构和呼吸活性等。进一步根据消费现状综述了各鲜度指标在鱼类鲜品和贝类活品中的适用性,提出加强鱼贝类捕后初期(品质易逝期)控制的必要性和紧迫性。在众多指标中,线粒体活性可作为易逝期品质控制的有效指标,可有效开展易逝期的品质评价,减少因捕后处置不当造成的品质损失和资源浪费。  相似文献   

我国漠斑牙鮃引种概况及其产业发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水产动物引种有效地克服了品种的地域性特点,使优良的水产品种在更大范围内得到共享和利用,目前世界水产增养殖的品种主要来自引种,80%的增养殖产量是由于引种产生的。我国是水产引种工作做得最多的国家之一,已从国外引进水产品种150多种,60%以上的引进种在全国或部分地区得到推广养殖,对调整水产养殖结构,丰富水产品市场和增加渔农民收入起到了重要作用。漠斑牙鲆是近年来我国水产引种的又一颗新星,其优良的养殖性能和品质注定漠斑牙鲆在我国水产养殖业必将大有作为。漠斑牙鲆是广温广盐性鱼类,海水、淡水中均能生长。与大西洋牙鲆和白点牙…  相似文献   

疱疹病毒是双链DNA病毒家族成员之一,具有高度的传染性,严重危及人类及动物的健康;其中异疱疹病毒科各成员是引起水生动物病害的主要病原,严重制约全球水产养殖业的健康发展,尤其对我国鱼类养殖产业影响巨大.本文简要概述鱼类疱疹病毒研究发展历程、现状及进展,主要包括鲤疱疹病毒、(鮰)疱疹病毒、鲑疱疹病毒及其他鱼类疱疹病毒等,以...  相似文献   

随着人口与经济的发展,水产养殖业在世界范围内迅速兴起,集约型工厂化循环水养殖因其高密度、低污染、高效率等独特的优势,契合水产养殖业绿色发展理念,已成为水产养殖转型升级的重要方向之一。水作为循环水养殖系统中重要的环境因子,其流态能够直接影响鱼类的生长及福利,同样,鱼类存在及运动也会影响到系统流态的构建。本文综合分析了循环水养殖系统中流场条件对不同鱼类生长发育及福利的影响,鱼类及其运动行为对养殖池内水动力条件及性能的影响,以及鱼类对养殖池内流场流态、水体混合等的影响。将研究鱼类运动对流场特性的影响方法主要归纳为实测法和数值研究,通过对比分析2种方法的优点和不足之处,并结合当前循环水养殖产业系统构建中的问题提出针对性方法建议,旨在为系统中水动力条件的设计拓展思路,促进循环水养殖产业流态构建向“鱼”与“水”兼顾的方向发展。  相似文献   

随着社会生活水平的提高,人们从传统的有水产品可吃转向为吃安全、健康、营养、卫生的水产品。但是,目前不少水产养殖只注重养殖密度和产量,而忽略了水产品的品质,导致水产品出现高产量、低质量的不良现象。养殖鱼类作为水产品组成中的主要部分,所面临的问题更为严重。因此,在保证高产量的基础上提高养殖鱼的品质成为当务之急。  相似文献   

<正>虾青素作为新型高效的饲料添加剂在水产养殖业中广泛应用于水产养殖动物抗应激、提高免疫力、抗病力、产量、品质等方面。近年来,随着我国人民群众生活水平的提高,人均消耗水产品比例逐年提高,对水产品安全质量提出更高的要求,在水产养殖中,使用虾青素不仅能明显提高水产品的质量,还能大大提高水产动物的免疫力、抗病力、成活率、产量等,养殖经济效益、社会效益得到很大的提高,近年来虾青素在我国水产养殖业中应用非常广泛,尤其在虾、蟹等高附加值的养殖品种上使用很普遍。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,消费者不仅满足于水产品数量的增加,对水产品质量要求也越来越高,鱼的鲜、活度、肉质、药物残留等成为消费者关注的话题。如何为消费者提供优质、丰富的水产品,寻求并开展鱼类健康养殖,是水产养殖生产者最重视的问题,也是今后水产养殖发展的方向。实现水产品健康养殖,关键要坚持科学管理,规范化操作,全程实施质量安全监测。1选育优良的养殖品种水质是水产健康养殖的物质基础,是基本的生产资料。优良的养殖品种有较强的抗病害和抵御不良环境的能力,不仅能降低养殖风险,增加养殖效益,同时也可避免因鱼病频发,大量用药…  相似文献   


Eleven commercial processing lines for the slaughter of Atlantic salmon were evaluated to investigate the efficiency of the refrigerated seawater live chilling method with respect to stunning fish and reducing body temperature. The method is commonly used in the Norwegian salmon industry to both stun and chill fish before killing. Carbon dioxide gas was added to the live chilling tanks, or in some cases, to a subsequent carbon dioxide stunning tank. Criteria used for evaluation were water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, temperature, total ammonium, ammonia, alkalinity, color, total organic carbon, and ferric ion), fish behavior, white muscle pH, and body and core temperatures. At two processing plants, fillet quality (Roche color, texture, ultimate pH, and water content) was also determined. The results are discussed in terms of fish acclimation temperatures, water quality, welfare, handling stress, chilling efficiency, pre-live chilling factors, refrigerated seawater live chilling process parameters, and fillet quality. Even though the live chilling method can be used to minimize fish handling stress during slaughter and may serve as an efficient chilling method, it was found in most cases that under commercial conditions when large biomasses were slaughtered, both handling stress and chilling efficiency were less than optimal. However, no adverse effects on the fillet texture and color were observed as a result of fish processing.  相似文献   

水产养殖中鱼类投喂策略研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水产养殖中的饲料成本占养殖总成本的比例较大,有效的投喂策略是减少水产养殖生产成本的重要途径,投饲装备投喂过程中,既要满足鱼群生长的营养需求,也要避免过多投饲,从而降低对环境的污染。当前国内水产养殖投饲装备智能化水平较低,投饲策略主要依据人工经验定量投饲,每一次喂料的偏差累积影响整期渔获经济效益。因此,科学的投喂策略能有效减少养殖成本,提高养殖效益。重点介绍了基于人工经验及生物能流的鱼群生长摄食模型、基于机器视觉及机器声学感知鱼群摄食活动的技术手段和智能投喂控制系统的发展状况,并提出投喂策略的具体实现方法。本研究可为水产养殖投饲装备从自动化升级到智能化提供参考。  相似文献   

养殖渔业的传统技术与科技创新   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
我国养殖渔业的主体是池塘养鱼,长期的生长技术经验积累形成了一套经济合理的生态养鱼法,它与多种经营相关甚密,是农业复合生态结构中的重要组合,当前,来自资源,环境和市场需求等方面的压力对传统养殖淦业提出了挑战,节水,环保,高值水产品养殖等要求越来越迫切,随着工业化养鱼的兴起,与养殖有关的各种现代科技必须加以应用,如生物工程,微生态,动物营养及饲料,健康养殖以及病害防治等,从而使我国的养殖渔业尽快实现现代化。  相似文献   

为探索捕后初期处置对虾夷扇贝活品品质的延迟效应,将捕后虾夷扇贝分易逝期及后易逝期两个阶段进行研究,分别模拟海上及陆基两个处置环节。易逝期处置条件为冷却干露,分别设置12、24及48 h 3个处理组,即E12、E24及E48;后易逝期处置是将经易逝期的活体扇贝重新置于海水中复水24 h,分别为E12’及E24’。以失重率、存活率、闭壳肌pH、糖原、ATP关联化合物、AEC值及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性等为指标,对活品品质进行跟踪分析。结果显示:①易逝期干露处置的扇贝品质有不同程度下降,E48全部死亡;E12和E24具有100%的存活率,糖原含量在易逝期初期快速下降,由初始点的18.95降至12 h时的14.66 mg/g。②易逝期处置对后易逝期的扇贝活体有延迟效应,复水12 h内,体质量和糖原显著恢复,同时SOD活性显著下降,表明了应激状态的缓解;随着复水时间的延长,各项生化指标反映出活体再次进入应激状态时,E12’的活品货架期明显优于E24’。研究表明,扇贝从采捕至陆基暂养净化存在一个品质易逝期,易逝期处置对后易逝期的活品品质有延迟效应。经易逝期处置的扇贝可恢复,短时间12 h的易逝期处置更有助于扇贝恢复。有效控制易逝期条件参数,复水后活品可表现出很好的恢复性;易逝期胁迫程度越大,即便在易逝期结束时仍具有良好指标,但在后易逝期会呈现持续衰竭趋势,其活力、品质及活品货架期亦将会受影响。  相似文献   

我国离岸养殖工程发展策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
发展离岸养殖工程对于保障水产品供给、开发蓝色国土资源、实现海洋水域资源的合理利用与有效开发具有重大意义。本文阐述了我国网箱养殖工程发展现状和面临的主要问题,介绍了国外在深水抗风浪网箱和养殖工船方面的研发进展,指出未来离岸养殖工程发展趋势是养殖设施系统大型化、养殖环境生态化、养殖地域外向化、养殖过程低碳化,提出了我国离岸养殖工程发展战略目标是:至2020年,全面形成面向深海、合理分布于主权海域的海上水产品养殖生产与流通体系,实现海洋渔业由"捕"向"养"的根本性转变,建立领先于世界的工业化蓝色农业生产体系。  相似文献   

Welfare in farmed fish got particular attention during the last decades from both governmental and public sides. In aquaculture context, welfare concerns are mainly related to handling procedures, water quality and stoking densities. In Europe, authorities had to clarify the threshold limits of stocking densities to maintain fish good welfare, including for organics aquaculture through the EC regulation 710/2009. However, effects of stocking density on fish welfare are complex and sometimes contradictory. Moreover, there is a lack of knowledge about the impact of density on fish welfare in organic aquaculture. Thus, the aim of the study is to asses welfare state of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at two initial stocking densities (low density, LD: 12 kg/m3 and high density, HD: 17 kg/m3) fed using organic feed by combining the monitoring of growth performances, behaviour (swimming activity) and physiological indicators (i.e. cortisol, glucose, lactate, hematocrit, red blood cellule count and lysozyme). At the end of experiment, the stocking density reached 21 kg/m3 and 30 kg/m3 for the LD and HD respectively. Overall, growth performances, swimming activity and level of physiological indicators of stress and welfare were similar between HD and LD over the experiment duration. To conclude, we observed no alteration of fish welfare between the two stocking densities monitored. This study suggests that a final stocking density of 30 kg/m3 can be considered for organic aquaculture of rainbow trout respecting welfare.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the evaluation of stress, health and welfare of farm-raised fish. However, there is no scientific consensus about the methodology that is used to assess them. Sturgeon aquaculture is a recent industry with increasing interest in the production of caviar, which is characterized by high turnover and costs. To improve aquaculture efficiency, this study was conducted on routine blood samples, taken from Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), to test the robustness of using only physiological indicators to assess heat stress, health, and welfare. Sampling was performed after 1 month of prebiotic dietary supplementation followed by 4 weeks of sublethal heat stress. Data interpretation was achieved with a multivariate statistical tool. The expression of heat shock proteins (HSP) was assessed for the first time in sturgeon erythrocytes. Hsp70 and hsp90 expression was triggered by both stress and dietary supplementation. Indicators of non-specific immunity were modified mainly by stress. Complement activity increases with stress while lysozyme activity decreases, but to a lesser extent in supplemented fish. The antioxidant capacity increases with stress while oxidant metabolites decrease and overall oxidative stress was lower for fish that received dietary supplementation. The positive impact of dietary supplementation on health status was observable after a stress challenge. A principal component analysis was used to combine all the measured parameters and to observe patterns in physiological fish status. The four experimental groups of fish were clearly discriminated with this statistical tool. Physiological indicators from blood samples may enable heat stress, health, and welfare to be assessed in Siberian sturgeon.  相似文献   

多年来由于水产动物病毒病的流行,在世界范围内给水产养殖业,尤其是鱼类、对虾类和贝类养殖产业带来了严重的危害.病毒的分离纯化作为研究病毒病的必要手段,作用十分重要.因此,国内外学者对此进行了大量的研究,并取得了许多成果.本文综述了这3种水产动物病毒分离纯化的研究概况.  相似文献   

Fish telemetry in aquaculture: review and perspectives   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The assessment of the behaviour or physiology of cultured fish has always been difficult due to the timing of sampling, differences between experimental and aquaculture conditions and to methodological bias arising from repeated fish handling. The development of biotelemetry techniques offers a wide range of possibilities to improve both production and management in aquaculture through monitoring of behaviour or physiology of free-swimming fish inside their culture environment. Thus knowing how key parameters are changing can allow faster adjustment of feeding times to activity rhythms, more objective identification of the preference/tolerance margins towards environmental variables and precise assessment (from the fish's point of view) of the impact of environmental or operational stressors on fish. This paper briefly reviews the techniques that might be applied in aquaculture and focuses on relevant systems and estimators of fish activity: movements, vertical distribution, use of demand-feeders, muscular activity and heart rate. Species or size-related limitations and use of automatic monitoring stations are reviewed and evaluated. Perspectives of integrated biomonitoring in aquaculture are discussed, using telemetered fish as reliable probes in the detection of abnormal situations such as changes of water quality or altered environments.  相似文献   

The issue of animal welfare in aquaculture is of growing interest and there is an increasing consumer demand for documentation of safe and ethically defendable food production. In this context, we have looked for molecular markers among those genes whose expression is modified by the different farming conditions. We have compared gene expression of sea bass farmed at different population densities by differential display, and we have obtained six bands differentially expressed whose sequences have been deposited in the public databases; two of them were suppressed by high population density, while four were induced by the treatment. These genes can be used as biomarkers, and together with a panel of stress-related genes of sea bass (D. labrax) that we have already obtained, could allow the rapid diagnosis of the welfare status of a fish using RT-PCR. We are certain that the new molecular techniques will find their place in the everyday management of fish farming. On the other hand, we are also aware that the scarcity of genomic resources for some fish species, in spite of their economical interest, will retard the beneficial effects that modern biotechnology could bring to aquaculture industry. Therefore, an effort should be made to reduce, as far genomic resources are concerned, the gap that separates farmed species from model organisms such as Danio rerio and Fugu rubripes.  相似文献   

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