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农业科技成果转化存在的问题分析(I)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在以往研究我国农业科技成果转化现状的基础上,研究了农业科技成果转化率低的主要原因是:现有农技推广部门的运行机制与市场经济不相适应;农业科技成果与生产实际脱节;推广人员的知识结构不合理;农业教育、科研、推广三者之间缺乏良好的合作机制以及科研成果转化自身的障碍因素等问题。以便采取相应的对策措施。  相似文献   

当前信息化技术在各行业中的应用非常广泛,为促进各行业发展提供了有力支持.介绍了林草育苗栽培管理信息化建设成效,指出了存在的问题,并从坚持甘肃林草信息化发展方向、积极促成林草育苗栽培技术信息服务平台建设、提升信息技术在林草育苗栽培方面的应用深度等方面,探讨了林草育苗栽培管理信息化建设.  相似文献   

Summary Raparadish, x Brassicoraphanus, the amphidiploid hybrid between Brassica rapa (syn. B.campestris) and Raphanus sativus (fodder radish) was made by Dolstra (1982). Primary hybrid plants grew vigorously, suggesting that the amphidiploid AARR might be useful as a fodder crop. Three populations of this new material were studied, with special attention to improvement of fertility and resistance to beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii), whilst preserving genetic variability. For lack of progress one of the populations was abandoned after the fourth generation. The other two populations were observed through nine or ten generations. Apart from the last two generations mass selection for seed set was carried out on the basis of single plants. This led to a considerable increase in average seed production, without losing a wide variation for this trait. Thus more progress is being expected. Five cycles of mass selection for resistance to beet cyst nematodes led to a considerable increase of the level of resistance of both populations. The prospects of this new agricultural crop are discussed.  相似文献   

张坤 《中国农学通报》2013,29(35):107-112
从现阶段湖南和江西的实际情况出发,以叶大年院士城市对称理论为指导,研究了湘赣两省经济发展的共通性与互补性,提出两省经济合作深度发展尤其是城城合作的新模式。经分析,发现该模式能充分发挥地区优势,实现两省资源、信息、技术的优势互补,提高两省特色产业的竞争力,促进两省乃至中部地区的发展,对中部崛起战略的实施具有重大指导意义。  相似文献   

Summary The use of transgenic plants in breeding makes it possible to utilise a wide variety of novel genes from unrelated plants, microbes and animals. Because of the diversity of genes that have now become available for modifying crop plants, it is agreed internationally that there should be a risk assessment before transgenic plants are grown outside the laboratory or glasshouse. Various aspects are considered in a risk assessment including any non-target effects of the transgene, changes in plant persistence and invasiveness, and the possibility of movement of the transgenes to wild populations by cross pollination. It is generally argued that the need for risk assessment and regulation should be determined by an analysis of certain products of transformation, rather than a risk assessment being required for all plants modified by the process of transformation. A possible consequence of considering the product only, however, could be that some of the products of conventional breeding may need to be assessed by the risk assessment procedures developed for transgenic plants. There are discussions with interest groups on the use of transgenic plants in the environment and in food products. It is likely that some form of labelling will be required for certain foods containing ethically-sensitive genes. There is little doubt that transgenic plants will make a significant contribution to agriculture in the coming decades. Developments in the patenting of genes, release regulations, food labelling, consumer reaction etc., will influence the rate of progress and should be considered in the strategic planning of plant breeding programmes.  相似文献   

新世纪之初,明天种业公司还只是中国种业界刚刚诞生的一名新兵,仅仅三年的时间,明天种业以惊人的发展速度创造了一个令种业同行叹为观止的奇迹:以500万元高价拥有独家开发权的国审水稻品种,当年营销水稻种子获利超过千万元;以企业委托研究项目方式组织科技人员创造水稻高产纪录,为拥有的品种和品牌添彩增辉;大力普及新品种高产栽培技术,真正做到育、繁、推一体化;2003年明天种业公司全面通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证,并被评为南京市高新技术企业,同年进入全国种业50强.  相似文献   

Summary Crosses of a synaptic mutant (sy-2) of 2x(1EBN) S. commersonii Dun. with 2x(2EBN) S. chacoense Bitt. resulted in the production of 3x(2EBN) hybrids. Low levels of 2n egg production in these hybrids allowed subsequent crosses to be made with 4x(4EBN) cultivars, resulting in 5x(4EBN) S. commersonii-S. chacoense-Group Tuberosum hybrids. Seed set in these crosses averaged 0.22 seeds per fruit. Fifty-four unspotted seeds were produced in 1225 crosses of the 5x(4EBN) hybrids with 2x(2EBN) Group Phureja haploid extraction clones carrying dominant seed spot markers. These seeds yielded a total of 15 confirmed haploids having a diploid (2n=2x=24) or near diploid chromosome number. One haploid clone recovered displayed a synaptically abnormal phenotype similar to the original S. commersonii synaptic mutant. Preliminary test crosses of these haploids indicated that all haploids produced were 2EBN.This method for the transfer of alleles across EBN levels holds promise for the recovery of both qualitative and quantitative traits from 1EBN species. In these recovered, cross-compatible forms, clones with desired characteristics may be selected and easily incorporated into breeding programs.  相似文献   

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