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Soil phosphorus management and water quality: a UK perspective   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Abstract. An increasing proportion of P reaching surface waters appears to be derived from agricultural land; apportioning the relative contribution to particular farming systems is not straightforward. The majority of farms in the UK operate on the basis of an annual agricultural P surplus, the size of which varies across different farm types. Particularly high values (>20kg ha-1) are commonly associated with intensive-livestock production and the lower values (<10kg P ha-1) with arable farms. The geographical divide between the predominance of arable cropping in the east and livestock enterprises in the west of the UK should result in an uneven pattern to the distribution of annual P surplus. The expected cumulative effects of this surplus should be a noticeable increase in total and extractable soil P concentrations, but this is not readily apparent. While evidence from experimental plots suggests a relationship between the concentration of available soil P and that present in drainage waters, extrapolating this information so that it can be useful at the scale of a whole catchment is difficult. The loss of P from agricultural land is controlled by factors which are independent of the size of the annual P surplus. The pattern of P cycling, together with the dominant loss pathways, differ greatly between livestock and arable farming systems. Proportioning the contributions that either increased soil erosion arising from changing agricultural practices or the cumulative effect of a P surplus have had upon P loss is a necessary prerequisite to effective management.  相似文献   

基于土壤氮素平衡的氮肥推荐方法——以水稻为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宁运旺  张永春 《土壤学报》2015,52(2):281-292
基于土壤氮素平衡提出了一种新的氮肥推荐方法——氮素归还指数法,并以水稻为例介绍了其实施过程。经江苏省太湖地区和里下河地区45个水稻田块的举例推荐,用肥料效应函数法推荐的最佳经济施氮量(OENR)、氮素归还指数法推荐的氮素归还施氮量(RNR)和理论施氮量法推荐的理论施氮量(TNR)分别平均为N 246.8±42.5、216.9±27.3和176.9±22.3 kg hm-2。氮素归还指数法可不经过田间试验实现以目标产量为唯一变量的氮肥推荐,但在区域氮素净损失率能否保持相对稳定、长期实施氮素归还施氮量能否使土壤不致产生氮素盈余等方面仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

春玉米产量、氮素利用及矿质氮平衡对施氮的响应   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过在辽宁省昌图县的田间试验,研究了不同施氮水平(0、60、120、180、240和300 kg hm-2)对春玉米产量、氮素利用及农田矿质氮平衡的影响。结果表明:春玉米产量随施氮量增加而显著提高,当施氮量高于N 240 kg hm-2时,产量有减少趋势;氮素当季利用率随施氮量增加先增加后降低,在施氮量180 kg hm-2时达到最大,为27.95%。随着施氮量增加,氮肥农学利用率、氮素吸收效率和氮素偏生产力均显著降低,而氮肥生理利用率和氮肥表观残留率均先增加后降低,这与氮肥表观损失率的变化正好相反。作物吸氮量随施氮量增加而显著增加,氮盈余主要以土壤残留为主,表观损失在氮盈余中的比例虽小,但随着施氮量增加而明显增加。低量施氮(<180 kg hm-2)主要引起土壤矿质氮残留量的显著增加,而高量施氮(240 kg hm-2和300 kg hm-2)主要引起土壤氮素表观损失量的显著增加。在本试验条件下,合理施氮量应控制在180~209 kg hm-2左右。  相似文献   

节水灌溉控制排水条件下稻田水氮平衡试验与模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了揭示我国南方灌区节水灌溉控制排水条件下稻田水平衡机制及其氮素迁移转化规律,以指导稻田水肥管理,该文以2007-2008年试验区域水稻生长期田间水氮监测数据为依据,基于一阶氮素动力反应方程,耦合田间水平衡及氮素渗漏和作物吸收过程,构建了田间水氮平衡模型,模拟计算了试验区稻田日渗漏水量与各氮素迁移转化过程中的日铵态氮和硝态氮量。结果表明,试验区田间水经渗漏和排水流失占降水和灌溉水总和的54.7%,气态氮素损失(挥发和反硝化)和渗漏是稻田氮素损失的主要途径,挥发和硝化损失量分别占铵态氮和硝态氮的30.6%和36.1%。渗漏流失中硝态氮明显高于铵态氮,排水中铵态氮高于硝态氮。通过渗漏流失的总氮素量亦较大,渗漏硝态氮和铵态氮分别占其相应氮素形态的9.8%和29.5%。因此,减少氮素气态损失有利于提高节水灌溉控制排水稻田氮肥利用率  相似文献   

减量施氮与间作大豆对华南地区甜玉米农田氮平衡的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文在广东广州华南农业大学试验中心,通过大田定位试验(2015—2016年两年4季)对比了两种施氮水平[减量施氮(300 kg·hm~(-2),N1)和常规施氮(360 kg·hm~(-2),N2)]、3种种植模式[甜玉米单作(SS)、甜玉米//大豆2∶3间作(S2B3)、甜玉米//大豆2∶4间作(S2B4)]农田生态系统的氮素输入、输出和平衡状况,旨在为减少化学氮肥投入水平,提高氮素利用效率,在华南地区发展环境友好型的玉米可持续生产模式提供科学依据。结果表明:1)减量施氮与甜玉米//大豆间作降低了系统氮素总输入量,大豆固氮和秸秆还田降低了化肥氮输入的比重,与常规施氮相比,减量施氮下SS、S2B3和S2B4的化肥氮输入占年均氮素总输入的比例分别下降3.24%、3.64%和3.77%。2)间作大豆增加了系统籽粒氮素累积量,N1和N2处理甜玉米//大豆间作的年均籽粒氮素累积量分别是单作甜玉米的2.43倍和2.18倍;减量施氮与甜玉米//大豆间作能降低甜玉米农田氮素损失,N1和N2处理甜玉米//大豆间作的年均氨挥发量分别比单作甜玉米低39.02%和27.26%;间作甜玉米的氮淋溶量比单作低13.85%。3)减量施氮与间作大豆显著降低了系统氮素盈余量,S2B3-N1、S2B3-N2和S2B4-N1、S2B4-N2年均氮素盈余量分别为71.03 kg·hm~(-2)、133.7 kg·hm~(-2)和42.87 kg·hm~(-2)、100.64 kg·hm~(-2),分别比SS处理N1和N2的平均值减少81.27%、64.75%和88.69%、73.47%。因此,减量施氮甜玉米//大豆间作模式能维持系统作物产量、减少生产成本、降低环境污染风险,具有较高的经济和生态效益。  相似文献   

甘肃省农田氮磷钾养分平衡状况探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对甘肃省农田N、P、K养分平衡状况分析结果表明,甘肃省农田N、P、K养分平衡状况为N、P盈余,而K素亏损。  相似文献   

Abstract. The catchment simulated comprises 57 hectares of heavy clay soil managed as six arable fields. Mole and pipe drains carry surplus water into two ditches, one feeding into the other. Their combined flow was passed through a flume with an automatic water sampler, samples from which were analysed for nitrate. Measurements of nitrate concentration made during periods of water flow from 1990 to 1993 were simulated using a model comprising sub-models for leaching, mineralization, nitrogen uptake by crops and subsoil denitrification. The simulations were plotted against the measurements. For statistical evaluation, the correlation coefficient was used to assess the degree of association between the measurements and the simulations and the mean difference to assess the agreement. The correlation between the simulations and the measurements was significant in two of the three seasons, but the mean difference was significant in all three. However, taking all three seasons together gave a very highly significant correlation and a non-significant mean difference.  相似文献   

Abstract. The understanding of nitrogen mineralization is central to providing good advice to ensure that nitrogen (N), from whatever source, is utilized by crops as efficiently as possible to minimize pollution. We have reviewed how mineralization is accounted for in current advice. It is clear that there is at least a qualitative understanding of the effects of soil and crop management on N mineralization and N supply, which has enabled the development of Codes of Good Agricultural Practice and fertilizer recommendations systems, based on sound scientific principles. However, to refine advice there is a need for a better quantitative understanding. Although soil organic matter (SOM) is a major source of N for crops, we are unable adequately to predict fertilizer requirement as affected by mineralization of SOM. Nitrogen returns from crop residues can vary considerably between fields; the provision of better field specific advice is restricted by our inability accurately to quantify this variability. The qualitative controls on the amount and timing of N release from ploughed grass are known, but better quantification of mineralization/immobilization over both the short- and long-term and better understanding of the relationship with sward age, inputs and management are essential. Much N can also be released from pasture and lost to the environment, especially where long-term leys have been grazed and there is a need to quantify the changing balance of mineralization and immobilization with the age of sward and N input. Whilst the overall principle of cultivation affecting mineralization is well known and appreciated, little is known about the mechanisms and quantification is only possible for a comparison of such extremes as ploughing and direct drilling.  相似文献   

Abstract. A number of changes in agricultural land-management show some potential as carbon mitigation options. However, research has focused on CO2-carbon mitigation and has largely ignored potential effects of land management change on trace gas fluxes. In this paper, we attempt for the first time, to assess the impact of these changes on fluxes of the important agricultural greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide, in the UK.
The estimates presented here are based on limited evidence and have a great (unquantifiable) uncertainty associated with them, but they show that the relative importance of trace gas fluxes varies enormously among the scenarlos. In some, such as the application of sewage sludge, woodland regeneration and bioenergy production scenarios, the inclusion of estimates for trace gas fluxes makes only a small (<10%) difference to the CO2-C mitigation potential. In the animal manure and agricultural extensification scenarios, including estimates of trace gas fluxes has a large impact, increasing the CO2-C mitigation potential by up to 50%. In the no-till scenario, the carbon mitigation potential decreases significantly due to a sharp increase in N2O emissions under no-till.
When these land-management options are combined for the whole agricultural land area of the UK, including trace gases has an impact on estimated mitigation potentials, and depending upon assumptions for the animal manure scenario, the total mitigation potential either decreases by about 10% or increases by about 30%, potentially shifting the mitigation potential of the scenario closer to the EU's 8% Kyoto target for reduction of CO2-carbon emissions (12.52 Tg C yr−1 for the UK).  相似文献   

Since 1990, agriculture in the five new federal states of Germany has experienced a fundamental structural change. As much as 10 per cent of the 6·2 million ha of previously intensively farmed agricultural land were set-aside abruptly. In the spring of 1991, a lysimeter trial (filled with soils common in the catchment area of the Elbe River), was set up to investigate the impact of set-aside on the water and solute balance. The studies proved that restricting agricultural use in areas previously farmed intensively by converting them into permanent or rotation fallow will result in measurable changes in deep percolation (ground-water recharge) and water quality in less than one year. The results of the lysimeter studies were extrapolated to calculate the effects of set-aside in a catchment area (about 2 500 ha) with similar meteorological and soil conditions. The calculations showed that increasing the area under rotation fallow from 8 to 15 per cent increases the nitrogen load of the stream draining the catchment by about 5 per cent. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对农业圩区的排涝以及水环境问题,该研究以江苏里下河地区为研究对象,以满足里下河圩区设计排涝标准与水质净化要求为目标,构建农业圩区坑塘-排水沟道湿地系统最优水面率数学模型。模型以工程系统总费用现值最小为目标函数,以泵站涝水外排能力与圩内水面率、水面率上下限、水环境容量与圩内坑塘与排水沟道系统的关系(主要包括圩内坑塘沟道湿地系统对总氮、总磷以及铬的化学需氧量的去除率)等为约束条件,以圩内坑塘(湖泊)水面率、排水沟道水面率、外排涝水泵站设计排涝流量为决策变量,采用遗传算法对模型进行求解。对江苏里下河地区阜宁县渠南灌区的圩区河湖与排水工程系统进行实例优化分析可知:当采用明沟排水系统,圩内总水面率为11.35%(其中坑塘、排水沟道系统水面率分别为8.15%、3.20%)、设计排涝模数为0.86 m3/(s·km2)时,工程建设费用现值最小;此时,圩区可达到20年一遇设计排涝标准、且圩外周边水体为V类时,圩内水体可达到IV类水标准。该方法可为同类地区在国土整治、防洪排涝规划、河湖水体净化等提供参考。  相似文献   

分区平衡施肥技术对氮肥利用率和土壤养分平衡的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文的研究结果表明,分区平衡施肥技术能明显提高氮肥利用率,在小麦和玉米上分别平均提高12.7和14.2个百分点。该技术能使养分盈亏趋于合理,分区平衡施肥的氮素平衡盈余显著低于习惯施肥,有利于减少氮素损失及其对环境的污染;磷素平衡盈余则明显高于习惯施肥,有利于改善土壤磷素状况;钾素平衡存在一定程度的亏缺,需通过增加无机、有机钾源来调节土壤钾素平衡。  相似文献   

旱地土壤硝态氮与氮素平衡、氮肥利用的关系   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
利用长期肥料试验资料研究了土壤氮素平衡、氮肥利用率和土壤硝态氮之间的相互关系。结果表明,小麦不同施肥处理的氮肥利用率(NUE)为30.9%~65.8%,平均53.6%;土壤硝态氮累积率2.3%~44.1%,平均13.2%;氮素表观损失率25.0%~42.7%,平均33.2%。一般情况下,氮素盈余值与氮肥用量呈正相关,与磷肥用量呈负相关;土壤中硝态氮的数量与氮素盈余值呈正比,与氮肥利用率呈反比。黄土旱塬地区,小麦在经济合理施氮条件下,氮素盈余值为13.79 kg/hm2,硝态氮累积量为23.00 kg/hm2,说明过量施用一定数量的氮肥对保持作物生产力和土壤氮素营养是必要的。  相似文献   

农用地分等及土地开发整理成果在耕地占补平衡中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
王盼盼  宋戈  王越 《农业工程学报》2016,32(11):258-264
解决耕地占补平衡中补充耕地数量和质量不到位等问题,对保障国家的粮食安全具有重要意义。该文借助GIS的空间分析功能,以鄂尔多斯-安平-沧州输气管道工程(盂县段)项目为基础,进行微观案例分析,探索农用地分等及土地开发整理成果在耕地占补平衡中的具体应用。研究结果表明:1)基于农用地分等成果,可以准确定位被占耕地的数量及空间布局,经过计算和分析,确定被占耕地等级。2)基于农用地分等和土地开发整理成果,可以确定补充为耕地的土地利用等别、数量及空间布局,补划为基本农田的一般农田的等别、数量及空间布局;可以保证补充耕地的等级和数量不低于被占耕地的等级和数量;补划为基本农田的等级和数量不低于被占基本农田的等级和数量;补充的耕地与其他耕地集中连片。3)耕地异地占补平衡当中,交易机制不健全,耕地占补平衡指标价格区域间差异甚大,在解决耕地占补平衡指标交易问题的基础上,将补充耕地及基本农田补划的方法推广到耕地异地占补平衡中,为耕地占补平衡提供更科学的方法。  相似文献   

Abstract. Data from 143 nitrogen (N) response trials on winter cereals carried out at sites across England during the period 1981–1988 were reviewed. Linear regression models for the relationship between optimum N requirements and soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) were evaluated. Multiple regression analyses and F tests were used to determine whether separate regression lines for different combinations of soil group and N Index, substituting for cropping history, were justified, and whether the additional terms used to account for SMN in the 30–60 cm and 60–90 cm depth bands significantly improved the regression model used to fit the data. The results indicated that optimum N requirement can be predicted from SMN 0–30 cm and 30–60 cm data. However, although the slope of the regression line does not change for different combinations of soil group and N Index, the intercept does. If no allowance is made for differences between sites which alter this intercept, the amount of variation in optimum N requirement accounted for by the regression models is considerably reduced. Factors which should be considered are mineralization of previous crop residues, organic manures and indigenous organic N, and the depth to which SMN is accessible by plant roots.  相似文献   

从作物水分胁迫系数的基本概念和FAO56的相关公式出发,考虑土壤临界含水量的时间变化,推导出了一个水分胁迫系数计算公式,该公式比较全面地表达了土壤供水能力、作物潜在腾发量与作物所受水分胁迫之间的关系。将该公式和另一幂函数公式应用于山西潇河冬小麦田间水量平衡分析,两者对土壤水分的动态模拟都达到了较高的精度,水量平衡计算结果也比较合理,模型的参数基本一致。与幂函数公式建立的模型相比,新公式建立的田间水量平衡模型具有待定参数少、求解结果稳定、易于收敛的优点,同时还能得到0~1 m土壤临界含水量变化曲线。该曲线反映了作物在土壤水分消退的过程中遭受不同程度水分胁迫的可能性大小,并得出土壤临界含水量在冬小麦生长前期较小,中期最大,后期较大。在返青~收获期,0~1 m深土壤临界含水量最大为290 mm,最小为215 mm,平均值为247 mm。这些结论对于农业用水管理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

虚拟水战略下的北京市农业产业结构调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市水资源短缺,农业用水量巨大,实施虚拟水战略从外部引入虚拟水资源是优化北京市农业产业结构,实现北京市水资源优化配置的重要途径。该文计算了北京市国民经济贸易中的虚拟水量,研究了北京市虚拟水贸易的历史和发展趋势。在此基础上建立了基于虚拟水战略的水资源配置模型,并将其应用于北京市农业产业结构调整研究。结果表明,在水资源约束下北京市农业在国民经济中的比重将进一步下降,生态农业、观光农业等都市农业类型是北京市农业发展的方向。  相似文献   

试验在温室栽培条件下研究不同的水氮用量对番茄产量、品质和水肥利用的影响,以期为温室番茄的生产提供科学的水氮管理依据。结果表明:有机无机配施模式下灌水与施氮量存在一定的交互作用,对于番茄产量、氮素总含量以及水氮利用效率具有较好的拮抗作用;充足的水分供应和适宜的施氮量是保证番茄产量、提高水氮利用率的前提。在相同灌溉量不同施氮量情况下,随着施氮量的升高,番茄品质中可溶性糖、可溶性酸和Vc含量与产量先升高后降低;在相同施氮量不同灌水量情况下,节水灌溉处理的氮肥与水分利用效率明显高于传统灌溉,且比传统灌溉处理增产3. 07%和5. 40%,节水灌溉处理的农学利用效率和肥料偏生产力比传统灌溉分别提高了23. 61%~29. 58%和3. 07%~5. 49%,与传统灌溉相比,节水灌溉处理的水分利用率提高了54. 60%和58. 64%,且节水灌溉下施氮量为675 kg/hm~2的处理产量以及水氮利用率最高。在本试验中,节水灌溉条件下施氮量为675 kg/hm~2的处理W2N675为较适宜番茄生长发育的处理措施。  相似文献   

发展中国家或地区农业发展的土地限制性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展中国家或地区耕地数量和农业用地质量变化是影响农业可持续发展和粮食安全的重要因素之一。分析发展中国家或地区1993-2002年耕地数量变动.结果表明耕地总量波动但人均耕地数量减少.从区域农业自然条件禀赋差异、耕地退化弃耕与可耕地用途改变、人口数量与人口增长等方面分析耕地数量变动的原因;利用1990~2004年的人口变动资料建立二次曲线模型,预测2010年和2025年人口数量并讨论其对耕地的压力。综述发展中国家或地区农业用地质量限制性的现状,分析边地耕作、风蚀与水蚀、化学与物理性因素、有机物投入、信用限制与灌溉面积比重等因素对农业用地质量的限制以及农业用地质量退化对农业的影响。最后讨论发展中国家或地区加强农业用地管理以应对耕地数量和农业用地质量限制问题。  相似文献   

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