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Current knowledge of leptospirosis in farmed deer in New Zealand is reviewed. Over the past 25 years, leptospirosis has been reported to occur in individual cases as well as in herd outbreaks in farmed deer and in human cases linked to farmed deer. Serological studies and evidence from bacterial culture suggest infection is widespread. Mixing of young stock from several sources appears to be a significant risk factor for outbreaks. The culture of Leptospira interrogans serovars Hardjobovis, Pomona and Copenhageni has been reported. Infection with serovar Hardjobovis had the highest prevalence, either individually or mixed with serovar Pomona. Infection with serovar Copenhageni appears uncommon and its pathogenicity in deer is unproven. Titres to serovars Australis, Ballum, Balcanica and Tarassovi have been reported. Deer appear to be maintenance hosts for serovar Hardjobovis, incidental or accidental hosts and probably a maintenance population for serovar Pomona, since some infections persist for several months, and accidental hosts for serovar Copenhageni. Serovar Pomona appears to produce clinical and probably subclinical disease, whereas serovar Hardjobovis appears to cause only subclinical disease, although the relative risk of disease causation has not been determined. Clinical disease is usually manifested by haemolysis, jaundice, renal lesions, haemoglobinuria and often by sudden death. Renal lesions are commonly observed at slaughter and many are associated with leptospiral infections. Occupationally, slaughterhouse workers appear to be at greatest risk of contracting the disease from deer. Vaccination produces serological responses, but its effectiveness in protecting against disease, and prevention or reduction of shedding in urine, has not yet been confirmed in deer. More robust knowledge of the epidemiology of leptospiral infections in deer, and the effectiveness of vaccines and vaccination regimes, is needed to assist the deer industry to develop a strategy to manage this disease.  相似文献   

AIMS: To review the number of microbiologically-confirmed cases of Johne's disease in farmed deer since 2000, and determine the prevalence of the bovine and ovine subtypes of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis (M. paratuberculosis), using a highly specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on samples from infected herds. METHODS: The number of cases of M. paratuberculosis in farmed deer identified by culture or IS900 PCR was documented. A highly specific PCR test was applied to subtype M. paratuberculosis from BACTEC 12B cultures selected on the basis of one culture per deer herd, to give a wide coverage of herds in New Zealand. RESULTS: From January 2001 to October 2005, M. paratuberculosis was isolated from 1,141 farmed deer, and has now been identified by microbiological testing in over 600 deer herds in New Zealand. The bovine subtype of M. paratuberculosis was shown by a highly specific PCR test to be present in 91/95 herds examined; the ovine subtype was found in the remaining four herds. CONCLUSIONS: Since 2000, there has been a substantial increase in both the number of microbiologically-confirmed cases of Johne's disease in farmed deer and the number of infected herds. Johne's disease is now widespread and common in deer herds throughout New Zealand. Whilst the bovine subtype of M. paratuberculosis predominates in deer herds in New Zealand in which Johne's disease has been confirmed, the occasional finding of the ovine subtype highlights the need to consider both sheep and cattle as potential sources of infection for farmed deer.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis is a chronic disease in ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Most economic losses due to MAP occur in the dairy industry. However, the infection is not restricted to cattle, but also occurs in other ruminants, such as sheep, goat, and deer. Although deer are of minimal economic importance in The Netherlands, they may constitute a source of infection for the dairy industry. This pilot study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Johne's disease in farmed red deer in The Netherlands. Serum and faecal samples were collected from 140 animals, originating from 8 different farms. Four of the farms had animals that tested positive for Johne's disease. The within-herd MAP seroprevalence varied between 4.8% and 21.2%. In conclusion, this pilot study provides evidence of MAP infection in the Dutch farmed deer population, and thus there might be a risk of MAP transmission between farmed red deer and dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Tuberculous lesions were identified over a 2-year period in 36 clinically normal red deer from a single herd. The lesions were only present in the retropharyngeal lymph nodes and lymph nodes draining the intestinal tract, indicating infection by the oral route. Mycobacterium avium was isolated from 27 of 29 lesions examined by bacterial culture. Grossly and histologically, the lesions were indistinguishable from those caused by Mycobacterium bovis. DNA restriction endonuclease analysis revealed that all the 26 M. avium isolates available for examination had identical cleavage patterns. These patterns were identical to a New Zealand M. avium serotype 2 isolate from a pig and were very similar to a reference strain of M. avium serotype 2. The DNA examinations indicated that the deer were infected from a common source that was not identified.  相似文献   

This review summarises research of management practices that potentially impact on the welfare of farmed deer. The processes of capture and initial domestication of feral deer caused many welfare problems but are now essentially complete in New Zealand. The health and production status of farmed deer, and readily visible indicators of their welfare are generally good, although preventive medicines and optimum management practices have not been universally adopted. Research into social behaviour, effects of yarding, weaning, mating, calving, shelter, shade and nutrition has identified ways of improving the welfare of farmed deer and has provided recommendations for deer industry quality assurance programmes. Research has identified transport design and practices that minimise the impact of transport on deer welfare and reduce carcass wastage caused by bruising during transport. Time in lairage prior to slaughter should be minimised and electrical stunning is a humane method of slaughter. Ongoing research is needed on management practices and farm environments to further improve the welfare of farmed deer, consistent with the goals of the New Zealand deer industry and its proactive approach to date.  相似文献   

This review summarises research of management practices that potentially impact on the welfare of farmed deer. The processes of capture and initial domestication of feral deer caused many welfare problems but are now essentially complete in New Zealand. The health and production status of farmed deer, and readily visible indicators of their welfare are generally good, although preventive medicines and optimum management practices have not been universally adopted. Research into social behaviour, effects of yarding, weaning, mating, calving, shelter, shade and nutrition has identified ways of improving the welfare of farmed deer and has provided recommendations for deer industry quality assurance programmes. Research has identified transport design and practices that minimise the impact of transport on deer welfare and reduce carcass wastage caused by bruising during transport. Time in lairage prior to slaughter should be minimised and electrical stunning is a humane method of slaughter. Ongoing research is needed on management practices and farm environments to further improve the welfare of farmed deer, consistent with the goals of the New Zealand deer industry and its proactive approach to date.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of infection due to a parapoxvirus were reported on eight New Zealand deer farms. Scabby lesions were seen variably on the muzzle, lips, face, ears and neck of red deer (Cervus elaphus) with morbidity rates reaching 100%. On three farms multifocal lesions were also present on the velvet. Deaths were reported on two properties where the lesions were extensive and secondary bacterial infections had occurred. On one of these farms multifactorial disease was suspected. Poxvirus particles were seen by negative contrast electron microscopy in scab material from all eight properties. Morphologically the deer virus resembled a parapoxvirus, but restriction endonuclease analysis showed its DNA fragment patterns were distinct from those of orf (contagious ecthyma) virus.  相似文献   

This paper reviews published data on welfare aspects of stag restraint and velvet antler removal, and prevention of antler growth. Several studies of physical restraint and handling demonstrate behavioural and physiological changes both during and after velvet antler removal. Interpretations vary as to whether the act of velvet antler removal imposes a welfare cost additional to that of handling and restraint alone. Chemical restraint presents immediate and delayed welfare risks to the animal. Surgical removal of velvet antler can be achieved without acute pain using a high dose rate of local anaesthetic applied as a ring block, rather than as regional nerve blocks, provided the wait time is adequate. However, there is evidence of less than optimum reproducibility. Lignocaine hydrochloride produces rapid analgesia of short duration, whilst bupivacaine has a delayed onset, but longer duration of analgesia. Mepivacaine has a rapid onset and intermediate duration of analgesia. Mixtures of long and short-acting local anaesthetics provide rapid onset and long duration of analgesia. Present methods for electronic analgesia are aversive and not sufficiently effective. The efficacy and possible aversiveness of compression techniques for inducing analgesia of antlers are currently under evaluation. Post-operative pain and the need for its control have been insufficiently researched. Post-operative sequelae are uncommon, but include clostridial infection. Antler growth in most stags can be prevented by rubber-band application to the growing pedicle, although behavioural changes after ring application suggest this practice may be painful. The procedures used for velvet antler removal, and whether practices are acceptable on the balance of welfare costs and benefits, should be reviewed on an ongoing basis as science, using an increasing range of techniques and measures, provides more data about the welfare implications of this practice.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine whether intra-uterine transmission of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) occurs in farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus) in New Zealand. METHODS: On four different farms, nine late-stage pregnant hinds with Johne's disease were slaughtered and samples were taken from them and their 10 fetuses. Samples of the hepatic, ileocaecal and mesenteric lymph nodes and the posterior ileum were collected from the hinds. The lung, liver, spleen, jejunum and ileum from the fetuses were sampled, as were the placentomes. Blood samples were tested using the 'Paralisa' test, a modified immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Tissue samples were cultured using the BACTEC system, and fixed samples were sectioned and histological slides examined. RESULTS: All nine hinds and 9/10 fetuses (one hind had twins) were culture-positive for Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis (M. ptb). Six hinds had gross lesions of Johne's disease, while all hinds had characteristic histopathological lesions affecting the ileum, ileocaecal valve and associated lymph nodes. The only histopathological change observed in the fetuses was some mild inflammation in the lungs of one individual. Acid fast organisms (AFOs) were seen in histological sections of the lymph nodes and ileum of six hinds, and none were seen in tissues from the fetuses. These six hinds were Paralisa-positive, whereas the remaining hinds and fetuses were serologically-negative. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm that there is a high risk of transmission of M. ptb from clinically affected hinds to their fetuses during pregnancy. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Johne's disease is an increasingly important disease responsible for deaths in young red deer. Recognising the influence of intra-uterine transmission on the spread of this disease may be an important step towards improved control of Johne's disease.  相似文献   

AIM: To survey parasite control programmes and anthelmintic usage over a 12-month period on deer farms in New Zealand. METHODS: A questionnaire of general farm data, policy and procedures for anthelmintic use, anthelmintic programmes for weaner and older deer, general information and understanding of parasite management practices was posted to 500 deer farmers in November 2004. RESULTS: Two hundred and twenty-seven (45.4%) replies were received, and 198 (39.6%) were suitable for analysis. Ninety four percent of respondents used anthelmintics at least once in the 12-month period; 53% treated all classes of deer and 22% treated only weaners. Seventy-four percent based anthelmintic dose on weight of the heaviest animal, and 36% used a weigh scale. Weaner deer (n=175 farms) were treated 1-13 (mean 3.2) times in their first 12 months, at the earliest commencing in January and at the latest in November. The mean interval between treatments ranged from 41 to 46 days. Yearling and adult hinds and stags were treated at least once (range 1-7 times) on 55-64% of farms, depending on class of animal. Moxidectin was the anthelmintic most commonly used (46-58%, depending on class of animal), followed by abamectin, eprinomectin, oxfendazole, ivermectin, albendazole, levamisole and doramectin. Perceived efficacy was the most common reason for choosing a type of anthelmintic. Weight gain and body condition were the most common measures used for monitoring parasitism in weaners and older deer, respectively, and few respondents used faecal egg and/or larval counts. Coughing and/or scouring were associated with parasitism in weaners on 13-14% of farms, and deaths associated with lungworm and gastrointestinal parasites were recorded on 5% and 3% of farms, respectively. Veterinary input to diagnosis was involved in 23% of events. Production losses and/or death of yearling and/or adult deer due to parasitism were reported by 27% of respondents. When planning anthelmintic treatment programmes, 63% of respondents followed advice from veterinarians. Thirty four percent always placed deer on clean or spelled pastures after treatment, while 32% did that often. Fifteen percent had incorporated forages and/or herbs with assumed anthelmintic properties into their parasite control programme. Forty-four percent were very confident of a return on investment when using anthelmintics for their deer. Respondents stated that their knowledge of the life cycle of the major parasites of deer was very good (8%), reasonably good (61%), poor (28%), or nil (3%). CONCLUSION: Anthelmintics are used on almost all deer farms, and practices and programmes vary considerably. Opportunities exist for veterinarians to assist deer farmer clients to improve their parasite control programmes.  相似文献   

Two studies involving 20 red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags were conducted to determine the effects of season on venison quality. In each study, five sexually mature red deer stags were slaughtered immediately preceding the rut (autumn) and five were slaughtered after the rut. Stags slaughtered postrut had lower carcass weights (25 to 30%) than those slaughtered prerut. Average bodywall thickness measurements above the 12th rib (an indicator of fat thickness) were approximately 31 mm prerut compared with 3 to 7 mm postrut. Individual muscles and retail cuts (which included subcutaneous and intermuscular fat) were heavier in prerut carcasses. There were significant decreases in intramuscular fat in both the longissimus muscle and the semimembranosus muscle. Postrut longissimus muscle steaks appeared brighter and(or) fresher than the other groups; color acceptability was negatively correlated (P less than .05) with fat content. Prerut streaks from both muscles were more tender than postrut steaks from those muscles. Overall desirability and tenderness were highly correlated (r = .94 and .82 for longissimus muscle and semimembranosus muscle, respectively).  相似文献   

A review of prevalences of paratuberculosis in farmed animals in Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prevalence estimates are used by decision makers such as policy makers and risk assessors to make choices related to certain diseases and infections. Paratuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP), is a chronic infection particularly resulting in economic losses among farmed ruminants. Therefore, this infection is of concern for many farming industry decision makers. As a result, multiple studies have been carried out to determine the within-herd and between-herd prevalence of MAP infections. The objective of the present study was to conduct a review and, if possible, compare animal and herd level prevalences of MAP among farmed animals in Europe. European data on prevalences of MAP in all farmed animal species were included from a review of literature. Information on target population and study design, tests used and apparent prevalences were recorded, and subsequently true prevalences were calculated when possible. A critical review of the included studies indicated that although a wide range of studies have been conducted, likely and comparable true prevalence estimates could rarely be calculated. Based on a few studies where the prevalences appeared to be plausible, it was concluded that prevalences of MAP would have to be guesstimates based on available data. The true prevalence among cattle appeared to be approximately 20% and was at least 3-5% in several countries. Between-herd prevalence guesstimates appeared to be >50%. No countries had published sufficient information to claim freedom from MAP or just a near-zero prevalence of MAP infections. No within-flock prevalence estimates were available for goats and sheep. The between-flock prevalence guesstimates were >20%, based only on estimates from Switzerland and Spain. Major critical issues were identified in the majority of the studies, primarily due to lack of knowledge of the test accuracy of the diagnostic test used, or due to studies where the study population did not reflect the target population. Because most of the reported studies did not yield prevalence estimates which were comparable to other studies, there is a continuing need for well-designed studies of the prevalence of MAP infections.  相似文献   

This study compares the results and suitability of serological testing, microscopic examination, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) detection, and bacterial culture for detecting Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) infection in asymptomatic farmed white-tailed deer (WTD) (Odocoileus virginianus). Deer were classified as infected if culture slants from their feces, lymph nodes, or ileum were positive, or if a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay detected Map DNA in any of its tissues. Deer identified as positive by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) testing or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) but not by bacterial culture, Ziehl-Neelsen staining, or PCR assay were classified as suspect. Culture of tissues classified 10/16 (62.5%), histopathologic examination 1/16 (6.3%), tissue smears 4/16 (25%), culture slant (CS)-PCR on feces 12/15 (80%), CS-PCR on tissue 13/16 (81.3%), and direct PCR on uncultured tissues 5/16 (31.3%) deer as infected. The ELISA classified 2/15 (13.3%) deer as positive and therefore suspect. The AGID test was negative for all deer. Fifteen of 16 deer were positive by 1 or more tests; only 1 deer was negative on all 11 assays. The CS-PCR gave superior results on antemortem fecal testing as well as postmortem tissue testing and can be recommended for improving the detection of Map in WTD at every stage of infection.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from 504 deer from 1970 to 1983. It was first isolated from feral red deer (Cervus elaphus) in New Zealand in 1970, and from farmed deer in 1978. Cervine tuberculosis has emerged as a significant problem in farmed deer and in 1983 M.bovis was found on 40 different farms. Thirty-five isolates of Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare have been cultured from deer but were associated with clinical disease in only four cases. Mycobacterium nonchromogenicum, Mycobacterium diernhoferi, Mycobacterium gastri, Mycobacterium chelonei, Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium vaccae were isolated from deer but were not considered to be pathogenic.  相似文献   

Although Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection has had its greatest effect on domestic agricultural animal species, it can also have a significant impact on wildlife species. More cases of infection are being reported, and because of its ability to elude immunologic control and to persist in the environment, M. paratuberculosis may spread within and among captive and free-ranging wildlife populations in the absence of organized control programs. Studies to improve our ability to detect the organism in biologic samples such as milk, blood, and manure through immunomagnetic separation, automated culture methods, and improved polymerase chain reaction procedures are underway in several countries. Studies of the organism's genetic components, virulence factors, and antigens support the development of new diagnostic tools and vaccines.  相似文献   

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