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A clinical biochemistry analyser designed specifically for veterinary use was used to analyse plasma samples from 24 vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops). Two millilitres of heparinised blood was collected from each of the 24 monkeys on four occasions at intervals of one week. Plasma was separated and analysed for the concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol, total proteins, albumin, globulins, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and the activities of alkaline phosphatase (AP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and creatine kinase (CK). The tests were easy to perform, used small volumes of plasma, and yielded consistent results for most of the analytes. The activities of CK and AP, but not AST, appeared to be influenced by haemolysis, and there were significant individual variations in the activity of LDH.  相似文献   

Background— Pleural and peritoneal effusion is a common clinical finding in feline practice. Determination of fluid albumin (ALB) and globulin (GLOB) concentrations in addition to total protein (TP) concentration can be helpful in diagnosing or ruling out certain diseases in cats, especially feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Objective— The objective of this study was to compare effusion TP, ALB, and GLOB results obtained by a refractometer and a bench‐top dry chemistry analyzer with those results obtained by a reference method. Methods— Twenty‐six pleural and 14 peritoneal effusion samples were analyzed from 40 cats with various diseases. TP and ALB concentrations were determined by a reference automated wet chemistry analyzer (Kone Specific, Kone Instruments, Espoo, Finland), a bench‐top dry chemistry analyzer (Vettest 8008, IDEXX Laboratories Ltd, Chalfont St Peter, UK), and a refractometer (Atago SPR‐T2, Atago Co, Tokyo, Japan). GLOB, albumin to globulin (A/G) ratio, and globulins as a percentage of total proteins (GLOB%) were calculated. Results were analyzed by paired t tests, difference plots, and Deming's regression analysis. Results— Correlation coefficients (r) for TP with Vettest versus Kone and refractometer versus Kone methods were .97 and .94, respectively. GLOB and GLOB% values were significantly higher and A/G ratios were significantly lower with Vettest versus Kone methods. Correlation coefficients for ALB, GLOB, GLOB% and A/G ratio with Vettest versus Kone methods were .86, .93, .82, and .73, respectively. Although correlation with other methods was good, the refractometer underestimated TP concentrations in 3 samples. Conclusions— The refractometer is an acceptable method for determination of TP concentration in feline effusions. The Vettest 8008 also is an acceptable method for the determination of TP and ALB concentrations, however, calculated A/G ratios obtained with the Vettest are unacceptable.  相似文献   

A database of the clinical chemistry results from unwell animals referred to Glasgow University Veterinary School, by general practitioners, was studied. This database contains over 60,000 records, from more than 25,000 animals, obtained over a period of 18 years. A four-year period was selected during which the instruments and methods used for these analyses were unchanged. The biochemical analyses made on plasma from those dogs when first presented to the veterinary school were scrutinised in detail. These data have been summarised in a tabular form using the first, fifth, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th and 99th percentiles. The distributions of these values differ for different analytes and in particular do not conform to a normal curve. These data can be used to provide estimates of rarity to indicate the frequency with which extreme values associated with disease can be expected. Thus an individual datum can be flagged as high*, high**, high***, or high**** depending on whether it lies in the top 25 per cent, top 10 per cent, top 5 per cent or top 1 per cent, respectively, of cases in the hospital database. Low values can be flagged in the same way. This approach can complement the use of reference ranges from healthy animals to aid the interpretation of clinical biochemistry results from a new patient.  相似文献   

Lupinosis was produced in sheep in four experiments by administering a toxic extract of Phomopsis leptostromiformis by various routes and at various dose rates. The course of the intoxication was followed by plasma biochemical analyses for a number of electrolytes, metabolites and enzymes. Results from these analyses suggested that in addition to being an hepatotoxicity, lupinosis also resulted in injury to muscle, kidney and adrenal cortex. This was confirmed by microscopic examination of these tissues.  相似文献   

The interpretation of serum biochemistry tests used in the investigation of disease was reviewed. Different methods of calculating reference ranges for biochemical constituents of serum were discussed. Reference ranges in current laboratory use were analyzed statistically to produce means and coefficients of variation.  相似文献   

The background, clinical signs, blood biochemistry and management of 18 cases of equine hyperlipaemia are described. Eleven of the animals were Shetland ponies, four were Welsh mountain ponies or their crosses, one was a fell pony and two were riding ponies of mixed breeding. Their average age was nine years. Fourteen of the cases were mares, of which nine were in foal and two were lactating; the remainder were geldings. Underlying or concurrent diseases were identified in only six animals, but in one other animal the hyperlipaemia appeared to have been precipitated by stress, and in another by undernutrition to prevent laminitis. Twelve of the animals were considered obese. There was no age, seasonal, or geographic bias to the distribution of cases. Plasma triglyceride concentrations were increased by between five- and 80-fold, and ranged from 4.7 to 78.8 mmol/litre. There was biochemical evidence of hepatic damage in 17 cases, of renal insufficiency in 15, and pancreatic pathology in three cases. Four animals were euthanased without therapy. The others were treated with oral glucose solutions, which were supplemented with injections of insulin and heparin in four cases, and insulin alone in two cases. Eight of the treated animals died, to give an overall mortality of 67 per cent. The outcome of the treatment was unrelated to the degree of hypertriglyceridaemia, to the presence and severity of hepatic, renal or pancreatic pathology or to the therapeutic regimen.  相似文献   

A questionnaire on the use of clinical biochemistry in veterinary practice was circulated round the West of Scotland Division of the British Veterinary Association. The results indicated that clinical biochemistry was used in 9-6 per cent of cases, with liver and kidney function tests being the most useful performed. The analysis of samples either within a practice or by use of a central laboratory were shown to present different problems with quality control being the major problem for practice laboratories and delay in obtaining results being the major problem for central laboratories.  相似文献   

Fifty-six horses with colic were examined over a period of three months. The concentrations of glucose, lactate, sodium, potassium and chloride, and the pH of samples of blood and peritoneal fluid, were determined with a portable clinical analyser and with an in-house analyser and the results were compared. Compared with the in-house analyser, the portable analyser gave higher pH values for blood and peritoneal fluid with greater variability in the alkaline range, and lower pH values in the acidic range, lower concentrations of glucose in the range below 8.3 mmol/l, and lower concentrations of lactate in venous blood in the range below 5 mmol/l and in peritoneal fluid in the range below 2 mmol/l, with less variability. On average, the portable analyser underestimated the concentrations of lactate and glucose in peritoneal fluid in comparison with the in-house analyser. Its measurements of the concentrations of sodium and chloride in peritoneal fluid had a higher bias and were more variable than the measurements in venous blood, and its measurements of potassium in venous blood and peritoneal fluid had a smaller bias and less variability than the measurements made with the in-house analyser.  相似文献   

The effect of resection of 75% (length measurement) of the large colon in ponies was studied. Ten ponies in good physical condition were divided into two groups: group I consisted of the six experimental ponies and group II of four control ponies. Preoperatively and postoperatively for five months, ten clinicopathological parameters were determined: body weight, venous blood pH, plasma bicarbonate, total plasma protein concentration, serum electrolyte values (sodium, potassium, chloride), and fecal osmolarity. Subjective assessment of attitude and appetite revealed no difference between the groups or within groups at any time. Resection of a major portion of the large colon did not significantly influence the clinicopathological parameters evaluated. The hematocrit of the ponies in group I did decrease during the first postoperative month and this was attributed to whole blood loss associated with the resection procedures. The results of this investigation indicated that resection of 75% of the large colon in ponies is compatible with life.  相似文献   

Reference hematology and biochemistry values are presented from a mixed population of 30 silver and red foxes of both sexes, reared and living under fox-farming conditions in southern Ontario. Based on history and physical examination, the animals in this study were clinically healthy at the time of blood collection and maintained under similar husbandry practices. The observations were examined for outliers and Gaussian distribution before and after one of three transformations. Parametric analysis was used to determine lower and upper reference limits. Where observations were not Gaussian, minimum and maximum values are given. These reference values are presented as a usable first approximation of population reference values to assist clinicians and researchers in their interpretation of observations obtained from foxes of similar populations.  相似文献   

The most useful diagnostic methods in the initial evaluation of horses with colic assess the morphological and functional status of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular status. This evaluation is best achieved using a combination of clinical and laboratory data. Blood lactate concentration (BL) is one of these variables. BL rises mainly due to poor tissue perfusion and anaerobic glycolysis associated with shock, providing an indicator of both the severity of disease and its prognosis. A hand-held lactate meter, Accusport, provides a rapid (60 seconds), inexpensive dry-chemical-based determination of BL. This trial evaluated the Accusport's ability to provide BL data as an adjunct to the initial clinical evaluation of horses with colic. The accuracy of the Accusport was tested by evaluation of its interchangeability with the benchmark enzymatic kit evaluation of BL in a trial using data collected firstly from 10 clinically normal control horses and subsequently from 48 horses presented with signs of colic. The BL values were recorded together with the clinical variables of heart rate (HR), capillary refill time (CRT), haematocrit (Hct), and pain character and severity on the initial assessment of the colic horses. Information regarding choice of therapeutic management (medical or surgical) and eventual case outcome (full recovery or died/euthanased) was recorded. The Accusport was found to be interchangeable with the enzymatic kit for recording BL values in colic horses with BL < 10 mmol/l, which is within the BL range associated with survival. The interchangeability of an additional, laboratory-based wet chemical assay for BL, the Stat 7 was simultaneously evaluated for the colic and control horses. The Stat 7 was found to be interchangeable with the enzymatic kit for BL determination of colic horses. No linear associations between BL values with HR, CRT, Hct or pain assessment were observed. No relationship with either selection of therapeutic method or eventual case outcome was observed. All horses with BL >8 mmol/l died or were euthanased.  相似文献   

Human hereditary nephritis refers to familial glomerular diseases which may progress to renal failure. Samoyed hereditary glomerulopathy has been shown previously to be a model for hereditary nephritis. Clinical and laboratory studies were performed to follow progression to renal failure in 44 dogs in a family with Samoyed hereditary glomerulopathy. Affected males appeared healthy for their first three months but then became progressively wasted. Proteinuria was detected between two to three months of age; after five months, urine protein electrophoresis showed pre-albumin, albumin and alpha and beta globulin peaks. From three months onward, a reduced glomerular filtration rate was detected. Serum albumin decreased while amylase, urea, creatinine and phosphate increased from four to five months of age. Death from renal failure occurred by 15 months. Carrier females also became thinner and developed proteinuria between two and three months of age, but neither renal failure nor death ensured. Hence, SHG progressed rapidly in affected males but not in carrier females.  相似文献   

本文对CCAR25. 1457适用条款进行分析,并给出符合性验证思路和方法。  相似文献   

To assess the suitability of the i-STAT portable analyser for use by non-laboratory personnel, we measured blood gases and pH in venous blood samples from 100 dogs. Deming's regression and bias plots were used to compare i-STAT results with those obtained by laboratory professionals using two different autocalibrated benchtop analysers. Overall accuracy of the portable analyser proved excellent for pH, pO(2), and pCO(2) (r=0.978, 0.968 and 0.997, respectively), with Deming's regression slopes close to 1.00 (0.96, 0.97 and 1.08 for pH, pO(2), and pCO(2), respectively) and intercepts close to zero (0.28, 0.47 kPa and 0.46 kPa for pH, pO(2), and pCO(2), respectively). The accuracy of the i-STAT was also satisfactory for calculated parameters: bicarbonates, total CO(2), base excess and oxygen saturation. Our findings show this portable analyser to be a valid substitute for expensive benchtop analysers in situations requiring mobility, or when small numbers of tests are to be performed by users not specialized in laboratory techniques.  相似文献   

With the advent of animal-side biochemistry analysers in veterinary practice, the requirement for ready access to reliable means for interpretation of the results is of increasing importance. At the University of Glasgow Veterinary School (GUVS), a large computerised hospital database containing extensive clinical, laboratory, and pathological information has been maintained. A retrospective study was undertaken to investigate plasma biochemistry results and corresponding post mortem diagnosis data from 754 unwell cattle which had presented to GUVS over the study period. Initial analysis of the clinical biochemistry data from this unwell population revealed that the parameters did not follow a normal distribution. This finding suggested that the accepted reference range method for the interpretation of clinical biochemistry data may provide limited information about the unwell animal. By applying a combination of percentile analysis and conditional probability techniques to the hospital data, the development of a means of clinical biochemistry interpretation was developed whereby a clinician could determine whether a value was abnormal, the degree of abnormality, and the most likely associated diseases. For example, a urea value of 30 mmol/1 lay within the top 5% of results, and one of the most common diseases associated with this urea value was pyelonephritis. Furthermore, a Bayesian approach allowed the quantification of the relationship between any plasma biochemistry value and disease through the generation of a ratio termed the ‘biochemical factor’. Using the same example, given a urea value of 30 mmol/1, pyelonephritis was eight times more likely than before any biochemistry information was known. The results from the study were used to form the basis of a software system which may ultimately be used by the clinician to aid in the recognition, treatment and prevention of disease in the veterinary domain.  相似文献   

采用流式细胞仪鉴定紫花苜蓿花药愈伤组织的变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验采用流式细胞仪,对3个基因型8个继代周期的苜蓿愈伤组织DNA含量进行测定。通过DPAC软件(data pool application of cytometre)分析出细胞DNA含量变异百分率和处于S期细胞的百分率,并采用SPSS 10.0软件分析出愈伤组织继代时间与DNA含量变异率之间的关系。结果表明,本试验所采用的3个基因型8个继代周期24个紫花苜蓿愈伤组织样本DNA含量均发生了变化,且全都出现了DNA加倍的现象。在24个样本中,DNA含量变异率最大的是自选系大叶0510的愈伤组织继代15周时的样本,变异率达到了19.45%。通过SPSS 10.0软件分析,表明紫花苜蓿愈伤组织DNA含量变异细胞百分率与继代时间存在相关性,随着继代时间的延长,染色体变异率有增加的趋势,但这种趋势不是无限增大的。继代0~12周是愈伤组织DNA含量变异的集中发生期,以后随着继代次数的增加,DNA含量变异率趋向于稳定。  相似文献   

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