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Summary The annual weed Anoda cristata is recognized as a problem of increasing importance in soyabean crops. As seeds are the only source for the renewal of A. cristata populations, knowledge of its seedbank characteristics and seed production is useful in improving weed management decisions. There is a lack of information about the effect of the planting pattern of soyabean on weed population dynamics. The effects of 70-cm and 35-cm soyabean row spacings on A. cristata seedbank, seedling recruitment and mortality, plant biomass, seed production and seed shed were determined. Soyabean density was higher in 35-cm row spacings as an increase in planting rate in narrow-row soyabean is recommended for producers in Argentina. The different planting patterns modified A. cristata demography through changes in plant biomass and, subsequently, in seed production. Seedling emergence, plant mortality and the pattern and duration of seed shed were similar in both planting patterns and thus independent of crop spatial arrangement and density. Increments in A. cristata seedbank can be reduced by planting soyabean at narrower row spacings and by bringing forward soyabean harvest. The first practice reduces A. cristata biomass and consequently seed production, and the second practice decreases the amount of seeds contributing to the soil seedbank.  相似文献   

Anoda cristata is a troublesome annual broad-leaved weed in summer crops in the rolling Pampa in Argentina; seeds are the only source of regeneration of this species. Seed persistence or depletion is the result of survival and loss processes, including predation. The objective of this study was to determine survival at two burial depths in undisturbed soil and predation rates of A. cristata seeds in soyabean crops in different rotations and tillage systems. Survival was discontinuous and decreased to 25% after 35 months, after which no further reduction in survival was observed to the end of the experiment at 96 months. No differences in seed survival between seeds placed on the soil surface and buried 5 cm below the soil surface were found at 80 months, but at later times survival was lower for seeds placed on the soil surface. Predation rates ranged between 0.3% day−1 and 6.7% day−1. Of the models tested, a polynomial regression of the rate of predation with time gave the best representation of seed predation. From January to July, predation was higher in non-tillage plots in the wheat/soyabean rotation. There was no significant difference in predation rates between tillage systems in the soyabean monoculture and no difference between planting densities. Higher crop residue levels in non-tillage plots in the wheat/soyabean rotation was the dominant factor influencing seed predation, probably because such habitat favours the presence of seed predators.  相似文献   

Enhanced crop competition could aid in the management of annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus L.), a dominant weed of Australian cropping systems. A two‐year pot study was conducted to evaluate the effect of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) planting densities (0, 82, and 164 wheat plants/m2) on growth and seed production of glyphosate‐resistant (GR) and glyphosate‐susceptible (GS) biotypes of annual sowthistle. Without competition, both biotypes produced a similar number of leaves and biomass, but the GS biotype produced 80% more seeds (46,050 per plant) than the GR biotype. In competition with 164 wheat plants/m2, the number of leaves in the GR and GS biotypes was reduced by 62 and 61%, respectively, in comparison with the no‐competition treatment, and similarly, weed biomass was reduced by 78 and 77%, respectively. Compared to no‐competition treatment, the seed production of GR and GS biotypes was reduced by 33 and 69%, respectively, when grown with 82 wheat plants/m2, but increasing wheat density from 82 to 164 plants/m2 reduced the number of seeds only in the GS biotype (81%). Both biotypes produced greater than 6,000 seeds per plant when grown in competition with 164 plants/m2, suggesting that increased crop density should be integrated with other weed management strategies for efficient control of annual sowthistle.  相似文献   

Α three‐year, non‐irrigated field study was conducted in 1998, 1999, and 2000 at the Southern Weed Science Research Unit farm, Stoneville, MS to study the effects of rye cover crop residue, soybean planting systems, and herbicide application programs on the control, density and biomass of several weed species and soybean yield. The soybean planting systems comprised 19 cm rows with high plant density, 57 cm rows with medium plant density, and 95 cm rows with low plant density. The herbicide programs evaluated were pre‐emergence, postemergence, pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and no herbicide. Flumetsulam and metolachlor were applied pre‐emergence, and acifluorfen, bentazon, and clethodim were applied postemergence. The presence or absence of rye cover crop residue and a soybean planting system did not affect weed control of the species evaluated (browntop millet, barnyard grass, broadleaf signal grass, pitted morningglory, yellow nutsedge, Palmer amaranth and hyssop spurge), when herbicides were applied, regardless of the application program. In addition, rye cover crop residue was not an effective weed management tool when no herbicide was applied, because density and biomass of most weeds evaluated were higher than a no cover crop residue system. Among soybean planting systems, narrow with high plant density soybeans reduced density of grasses, broadleaf weeds and yellow nutsedge by 24–83% and total weed biomass by 38%, compared to wide with low plant density soybeans. Although weed pressure was reduced by narrow with high plant density soybeans, herbicide applications had the most impact on weed control, weed density and biomass. All herbicide programs controlled all weed species 81–100% at two weeks after postemergence herbicide applications, in comparison to no‐herbicide. Density of grasses and all broadleaf weeds as well as total weed biomass was lower with the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence program than these programs alone. Soybean yields were higher in the pre‐emergence followed by postemergence, and postemergence only programs than the pre‐emergence alone program. Planting crops in narrow rows is one cultural method of reducing weed pressure. However, even with the use of this cultural practice, prevalent weed pressure often requires management with herbicides.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of crop competition for better weed control and reducing herbicide rates was determined for Avena ludoviciana and Phalaris paradoxa . Four experiments, previously broadcast with seeds of the two weeds in separate plots, were sown with three wheat densities, and emerged weeds were treated with four herbicide doses (0–100% of recommended rate). The measured crop and weed traits were first analysed across experiments for treatment effects. Grain yield and weed seed production data were then analysed using cubic smoothing splines to model the response surfaces. Although herbicide rate for both weeds and crop density for P. paradoxa had significant linear effects on yield, there was a significant non-linearity of the response surface. Similarly, herbicide rate and crop density had significant linear effects on weed seed production, and there was significant non-linearity of the response surface that differed for the weed species. Maximum crop yield and reduction in seed production of P. paradoxa was achieved with approximately 80 wheat plants m−2 and weeds treated with 100% herbicide rate. For A. ludoviciana , this was 130 wheat plants m−2 applied with 75% herbicide rate. Alternatively, these benefits were achieved by increasing crop density to 150 plants m−2 applied with 50% herbicide rate. At high crop density, application of the 100% herbicide rate tended to reduce yield, particularly with the A. ludoviciana herbicide, and this impacted adversely on the suppression of weed seed production. Thus, more competitive wheat crops have the potential for improving weed control and reducing herbicide rates.  相似文献   

苍耳Xanthium strumarium和藜Chenopodium album是常见的两种阔叶杂草,其在玉米田发生严重,影响了玉米的生长和产量.本文利用整株生物测定法对我国东北及黄淮海玉米产区采集到的苍耳及藜种群对草甘膦的敏感性进行了测定.种子室内培养至5~6叶期,喷施草甘膦后14 d称量鲜重,计算抑制杂草种群50%...  相似文献   

Parietaria debilis is a dominant annual weed in many non‐tillage fallow and undisturbed areas in Argentina. Herbicides control P. debilis inconsistently. A study on the growth of P. debilis, in a fallow in a soyabean–maize rotation including glyphosate‐resistant cultivars and in an undisturbed area without crops or weed control, was conducted in the central soyabean area of Argentina. The biomass dynamics of all species in the community, as well as biomass, density and growth traits of P. debilis were assessed. Biomass of several species including P. debilis and total biomass were greater in undisturbed than in fallow plots in both years of the study. Diversity was greater in undisturbed plots in 2000, but no differences in diversity were observed in 2001. In both treatments, P. debilis emergence began in March and finished in October and density increased from March to May. High mortality occurred in June and July, particularly in undisturbed plots. In the fallow plots, no other tall weed species were present and light interception was higher in spring when fruit production was at its peak. Conversely, in the undisturbed plots, P. debilis was substantially taller and had greater leaf area due to lower light interception by the high canopy of the rest of the community. In fallow, P. debilis is favoured by single applications of glyphosate, because the herbicide eliminates competitors. Control, if applied, should be directed to both fallow and undisturbed environments, as the weed produces considerable numbers of seeds and can invade extensively managed areas.  相似文献   

在人工气候室培养空心莲子草,植株经草甘膦与乙烯利混合处理后,测定对植株的抑制作用和草甘膦的吸收与传导量。结果表明,加入乙烯利(100mg·L~(-1))后草甘膦(300mg·L~(-1))对地下根茎抑制率比对照提高了13.6个百分点。植株经乙烯利喷雾处理后,基芽、地下茎和根系中~(14)C-草甘膦含量分别是对照的3.56、1.75和2.35倍。放射性成像图显示,植株地下茎与根系中~(14)C-草甘膦传导量明显高于对照。  相似文献   

In six field experiments on post‐emergence weed harrowing in spring barley, the effects of row spacing, timing, direction and orientation on crop/weed selectivity were investigated. The efficacies of increasing intensities of harrowing generated either by increasing number of passes or increasing driving speed were also tested. Selectivity was defined as the relationship between crop burial in soil immediately after treatment and weed control. To estimate crop burial, digital image analysis was used in order to make objective estimations. The study showed that narrow row spacing decreased selectivity in a late crop growth stage, whereas row spacing in the range 5.3–24 cm had no effects at an early growth stage. Harrowing across rows decreased selectivity in one out of two experiments. Whether repeated passes with the harrow were carried out in the same orientation along the rows or in alternative orientations forth and back was unimportant. There were indications that a high harrowing intensity produced by a single pass at high speed gave a lower selectivity than a similar intensity produced by several passes at a low speed. Impacts on selectivity, however, were small and only significant at high degrees of weed control. Timing had no significant impact on selectivity.  相似文献   

Summary A field study was undertaken to examine the effect of fertiliser type and weed control system on grain yield, yield components and weed population in durum wheat ( Triticum turgidum. var. durum) grown in a 4-year rotation [bare fallow–barley ( Hordeum vulgare )–vetch ( Vicia sativa )–wheat]. Fertilisation treatments were: no fertilisation, organic fertilisation with 2500 kg ha−1 of compost (sheep manure and cereal straw) and chemical fertilisation with 100–60–60 kg ha−1 of NPK. Weed-control treatments were: no control, herbicide, harrowing with long-flex spring tines and strip sowing with inter-row hoeing. Chemical fertilisation increased grain yield with respect to the other treatments, amongst which no significant differences were noted. Weed-control systems afforded no improvement in yield compared with controls; indeed, yields obtained using inter-row hoeing were lower. The weed population consisted of a large variety of species, of which the most important were Convolvulus arvensis and Polygonum aviculare . Application of weed-control systems reduced weed density. Herbicide was the most effective, reducing weed biomass by 80%, whilst harrowing and hoeing reduced weed biomass by 40% and 52% respectively. Inter-row hoeing does not appear to be a viable alternative to herbicides, when used as the sole weed control method in a non-diverse cropping system in Mediterranean climates. The lack of response to compost suggests a need for further long-term research.  相似文献   

In Argentina, Eleusine tristachya has been recently reported as a problematic weed that can occur at high densities in spring and summer in fallows and in maize and soyabean. The reason for the increase in E. tristachya populations is that once the weed is established, it is difficult to eliminate because it produces a high number of seeds and plant regrowth occurs after herbicide treatments. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of post-emergence application of herbicides (glyphosate, haloxyfop-methyl and clethodim) at the seedling, vegetative and reproductive stages on the short-term (biomass 30 days after treatment—30 DAT) and long-term (tiller number and height and seed production—regrowth at 330 DAT) control of E. tristachya selected biotypes in outdoor pot experiments. Data fitted to a log-logistic model. For all the herbicides considered, at the seedling and vegetative stages, short-term control was achieved with low ED50 and ED90 values, whereas at the reproductive stage, ED90 values were three- to sixfold (glyphosate), six- to 52-fold (haloxyfop-methyl) and five- to 13-fold (clethodim) higher. Long-term control at the recommended dose or lower was not possible at the reproductive stage as tiller regrowth and seed production occurred with all herbicides. It is advisable to control Eleusine tristachya when plants are small at the beginning of the growing season using the recommended herbicide dose. A delayed application will produce tiller regeneration the following year, and consequently, control would only be achieved applying an overdose, which can cause risks to health and the environment. We concluded that a management programme based on the combination of glyphosate with post-emergence graminicides applied at early stages will be effective to control future infestations.  相似文献   

Long‐term research aimed to determine whether narrow row spacing and harvest weed seed destruction, in combination with herbicide use, would be sufficient to drive a Lolium rigidum population to extinction. A trial was run from 1987 to 2013, with treatments including crop row spacings of 9, 18, 27 or 36 cm and crop residue burning or retention. Herbicides were applied to reflect regional practices. The initial trial design was randomised, but treatments were maintained in each plot over the following years. Lolium rigidum seed production at harvest was assessed from 2003 to 2013. Average crop yield was higher in the unburnt plots (1638 kg ha?1) than the burnt plots (1530 kg ha?1) and greater at narrow row spacing, with an average yield of 1658, 1637, 1548 and 1492 kg ha?1 in the 9‐, 18‐, 27‐ and 36‐cm spacings. Lolium rigidum seed at harvest was reduced in the burnt plots (57 seeds m?2) compared with the unburnt plots (297 seeds m?2) and was reduced at narrow row spacing, with an average of 58, 78, 223 and 333 seeds m?2 in the 9‐, 18‐, 27‐ and 36‐cm row spacings. By 2013, L. rigidum seed production was reduced to an average of 0 seeds m?2 in the narrow row spacing, burnt plots.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In a large cropping area of northern Argentina, Sorghum halepense (Johnsongrass) has evolved towards glyphosate resistance. This study aimed to determine the molecular and biochemical basis conferring glyphosate resistance in this species. Experiments were conducted to assess target EPSPS gene sequences and 14C‐glyphosate leaf absorption and translocation to meristematic tissues. RESULTS: Individuals of all resistant (R) accessions exhibited significantly less glyphosate translocation to root (11% versus 29%) and stem (9% versus 26%) meristems when compared with susceptible (S) plants. A notably higher proportion of the applied glyphosate remained in the treated leaves of R plants (63%) than in the treated leaves of S plants (27%). In addition, individuals of S. halepense accession R2 consistently showed lower glyphosate absorption rates in both adaxial (10–20%) and abaxial (20–25%) leaf surfaces compared with S plants. No glyphosate resistance endowing mutations in the EPSPS gene at Pro‐101–106 residues were found in any of the evaluated R accessions. CONCLUSION: The results of the present investigation indicate that reduced glyphosate translocation to meristems is the primary mechanism endowing glyphosate resistance in S. halepense from cropping fields in Argentina. To a lesser extent, reduced glyphosate leaf uptake has also been shown to be involved in glyphosate‐resistant S. halepense . Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Recently, glyphosate‐resistant Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was found on rice paddy levees in a western region of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Naturalized populations of Italian ryegrass are frequently infected with fungal Epichloë endophytes. Endophytes often confer benefits to their host grasses. This study investigated the influence of five weed management treatments on glyphosate resistance and endophyte infection in Italian ryegrass that was growing on paddy levees where glyphosate‐resistant individuals were dominant. The weed management treatments were: (i) mowing once before the grass flowered; (ii) mowing once during flowering; (iii) mowing twice during flowering; (iv) glyphosate application before flowering; and (v) no treatment. The seeds were collected from the treatment plots in 2013 and 2014. The seeds were examined for endophyte infection and the seedlings that had been grown from the seeds were tested for the frequency of glyphosate resistance. The seedlings that had been derived from the glyphosate treatment showed higher frequencies of glyphosate resistance than those seedlings that had been derived from all the other treatments. Endophytes were found in all populations of the seeds from the paddy levees, with higher infection rates in the seeds that had been derived from the glyphosate treatment and the twice‐mowed treatment. There was a significant relationship between the endophyte infection frequency in the seeds and glyphosate resistance in the seedlings that had been grown from the same populations. The results indicate that where glyphosate herbicides are frequently used, selection for glyphosate‐resistant Italian ryegrass occurs, and along with this, the frequency of endophyte infection also increases.  相似文献   

Rasmussen  Rasmussen 《Weed Research》2000,40(2):219-230
Two field experiments investigated the influences of crop seed vigour on the effect of weed harrowing and crop:weed interactions in spring barley. Artificially reduced seed vigour, which was similar to the variation within commercial seed lots, caused a reduction in germination rate, delayed time of emergence and, consequently, caused reduced competitive ability against weeds. During both years, the reduced seed vigour increased the average weed biomass by 169% and 210%, and reduced the average crop yield by 16% and 21%. Without the influence of weeds, the yield reduction was estimated to be 8% and 10%. A three‐times harrowing strategy reduced the weed biomass by 75% and 72% on average. However, it also caused damage to the crop and reduced yield. There was no clear interaction between barley seed vigour and weed harrowing in the experiments but, in one year, reduced seed vigour tended to decrease the effect of weed harrowing and also increased crop damage. Results in both years, however, indicate potential possibilities for successful integrated weed control by adding the use of high seed quality to a weed harrowing strategy.  相似文献   

Glyphosate has been associated with control failures for Spermacoce verticillata in some Brazilian States. The objective of this work was to evaluate and determine the possible causes of this and propose alternative herbicides to use. Glyphosate was applied at three plant stages of development (2–4 leaves, 4–6 leaves and full bloom) where foliar absorption and translocation of glyphosate to various plants parts and time were analysed using the 14C technique. Data were submitted to nonlinear regressions and analysis of variance, where means were compared by a Tukey test at 5% probability. Plant control by the application of different herbicides (19) in the same three stages of development of weed was evaluated. Twenty‐one days after herbicide application, control was visually evaluated and data analysed and means were compared. Due to absorption and/or translocation problems, S. verticillata plants were not controlled by glyphosate. Plants with 4–6 leaves showed lower absorption and translocation of the herbicide to the leaf/root regions compared with plants at the beginning of their development. Plants at full bloom showed lower translocation of the herbicide to the root. In addition to the application of glyphosate at early stages of development, the application of paraquat, flumioxazin and mixtures of glyphosate with flumioxazin or cloransulam is recommended. Late applications could result in poor control, principally if glyphosate is used. Therefore, early applications are strongly recommended for control of this species.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which weeds compete with crop plants are poorly understood. To gain insight into these mechanisms, we characterised early physiological responses of soyabean to neighbouring weeds using a biological weedy system that generated a consistent far‐red‐enriched light environment and excluded direct resource competition. Neighbouring weeds decreased superoxide dismutase activity in unifoliate leaves. This coincided with increased hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxidized ascorbate levels, while the steady‐state level of superoxide, catalase activity and lipid peroxidation remained unchanged. These responses suggested increased leaf production of singlet oxygen (1O2), which was demonstrated by detection of increased Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green (SOSG) fluorescence within 3 h after staining of unifoliate leaves. This finding was further supported by increased ratios of the photosensitiser protochlorophyllide to both chlorophyllide a, and total chlorophyll in the dark as well as enhanced sensitivity to cell death by a 1O2‐generating compound in the light. These responses coincided with dramatic changes in photosynthesis, carbon partitioning and biomass allocation with a persistent decline in leaf sucrose level and biomass production at later growth stages. This study provides direct experimental evidence that under resource‐independent competition, far‐red‐enriched light reflected by neighbouring weeds can alter the balance between ROS production and detoxification and thereby generate an oxidative stress signal in soyabean leaves.  相似文献   

Approaches to the biological control of weeds in arable crops and integration of biological weed control with other methods of weed management are broadly discussed. Various types of integrative approaches to biological control of weeds in crops have been studied within the framework of a concerted European Research Programme (COST‐816). During the period 1994–99, some 25 institutions from 16 countries have concentrated on five target weed complexes. Some major scientific achievements of COST‐816 are: (i) combination of the pathogen Ascochyta caulina with an isolated phytotoxin produced by this fungus to control Chenopodium album in maize and sugar beet; (ii) the elaboration and preliminary field application of a system management approach using the weed:pathogen system Senecio vulgaris:Puccinia lagenophorae to reduce the competitiveness of the weed by inducing and stimulating a disease epidemic; (iii) combination of underseeded green cover with the application of spores of Stagonospora convolvuli to control Convolvulus species in maize; (iv) assessment of the response of different provenances of Amaranthus spp. to infection by Alternaria alternata and Trematophoma lignicola, the development of formulation and delivery techniques and a field survey of native insect species to control Amaranthus spp. in sugar beet and maize; (v) isolation of strains of different Fusarium spp. that infect all the economically important Orobanche spp. and development of novel, storable formulations using mycelia from liquid culture. Although no practical control has yet been reached for any of the five target weeds, potential solutions have been clearly identified. Two major routes may be followed in future work. The first is a technological approach focusing on a single, highly destructive disease cycle of the control agent and optimizing the efficacy and specificity of the agent. The second is an ecological approach based on a better understanding of the interactions among the crop, the weed, the natural antagonist and the environment, which must be managed in order to maximize the spread and impact of an indigenous antagonist on the weed.  相似文献   

The biomineralization of [14C]glyphosate, both in the free state and as 14C-residues associated with soybean cell-wall material, was studied in soil samples from four different agricultural farming systems. After 26 days, [14C]carbon dioxide production from free glyphosate accounted for 34–51% of the applied radiocarbon, and 45–55% was recovered from plant-associated residues. For three soils, the cumulative [14C]carbon dioxide production from free glyphosate was positively correlated with soil microbial biomass, determined by substrate-induced heat output measurement and by total adenylate content. The fourth soil, originating from a former hop plantation, and containing high concentrations of copper from long-term fungicide applications, did not fit this correlation but showed a significantly higher [14C]carbon dioxide production per unit of microbial biomass. Although the cumulative [14C]carbon dioxide production from plant-associated 14C-residues after 26 days was as high as from the free compound, it was not correlated with the soil microbial biomass. This indicates that the biodegradation of plant-associated herbicide residues, in contrast to that of the free compound, involves different degradation processes. These encompass either additional steps to degrade the plant matrix, presumably performed by different soil organisms, or fewer degradation steps since the plant-associated herbicide residues are likely to consist mainly of easily degradable metabolites. Moreover, the bioavailability of plant-associated pesticide residues seems to be dominated by the type and strength of their fixation in the plant matrix. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Characteristic arable weed species of dryland cereal fields have undergone significant declines, due to agricultural intensification, to the point that some of them are considered rare. Crop edges host higher abundances of arable weed species, therefore they may act as a refuge for the conservation of these rare arable species. Using mesocosms, we experimentally tested how conditions at field edges (i.e. lower sowing densities and less intensive fertiliser applications) operate on the growth (biomass and height) and reproduction (reproductive biomass and flower onset) of six rare arable species. We found the rare arable species achieved lower biomass when growing with wheat compared with growing alone, and biomass of most of species was lower under high wheat sowing density than under low sowing density. In contrast, fertiliser application affected only two of the six arable species tested, especially when they were growing alone. Although the time to flowering was not affected by the conditions tested, reproductive biomass showed the same trends as overall biomass. These results indicate that conservation of rare arable species must primarily consider reductions in crop competition to increase their biomass and reproductive ability.  相似文献   

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